Add cross gen baby evolution starters

Flashfyre 2024-02-25 15:57:03 -05:00
parent 80373e2dd1
commit 8d0f79c6c3
2 changed files with 18 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -1324,7 +1324,7 @@ export const pokemonEvolutions: PokemonEvolutions = {
new SpeciesEvolution(Species.SUDOWOODO, 1, null, new SpeciesEvolutionCondition(p => p.moveset.filter(m => m.moveId === Moves.MIMIC).length > 0), SpeciesWildEvolutionDelay.MEDIUM)
[Species.MIME_JR]: [
new SpeciesEvolution(Species.GALAR_MR_MIME, 1, null, new SpeciesEvolutionCondition(p => p.moveset.filter(m => m.moveId === Moves.MIMIC).length > 0 && p.scene.arena.biomeType === Biome.RUINS), SpeciesWildEvolutionDelay.MEDIUM),
new SpeciesEvolution(Species.GALAR_MR_MIME, 1, null, new SpeciesEvolutionCondition(p => p.moveset.filter(m => m.moveId === Moves.MIMIC).length > 0 && (p.scene.arena.biomeType === Biome.ICE_CAVE || p.scene.arena.biomeType === Biome.SNOWY_FOREST)), SpeciesWildEvolutionDelay.MEDIUM),
new SpeciesEvolution(Species.MR_MIME, 1, null, new SpeciesEvolutionCondition(p => p.moveset.filter(m => m.moveId === Moves.MIMIC).length > 0), SpeciesWildEvolutionDelay.MEDIUM)
[Species.MANTYKE]: [

View File

@ -2333,7 +2333,9 @@ export const speciesStarters = {
[Species.SANDSHREW]: 2,
[Species.NIDORAN_F]: 3,
[Species.NIDORAN_M]: 3,
[Species.CLEFAIRY]: 4,
[Species.VULPIX]: 3,
[Species.JIGGLYPUFF]: 4,
[Species.ZUBAT]: 2,
[Species.ODDISH]: 2,
[Species.PARAS]: 1,
@ -2364,15 +2366,22 @@ export const speciesStarters = {
[Species.VOLTORB]: 2,
[Species.EXEGGCUTE]: 4,
[Species.CUBONE]: 3,
[Species.HITMONLEE]: 5,
[Species.HITMONCHAN]: 5,
[Species.LICKITUNG]: 5,
[Species.KOFFING]: 3,
[Species.RHYHORN]: 3,
[Species.CHANSEY]: 5,
[Species.TANGELA]: 3,
[Species.KANGASKHAN]: 5,
[Species.HORSEA]: 4,
[Species.GOLDEEN]: 3,
[Species.STARYU]: 4,
[Species.MR_MIME]: 4,
[Species.SCYTHER]: 5,
[Species.JYNX]: 4,
[Species.ELECTABUZZ]: 5,
[Species.MAGMAR]: 5,
[Species.PINSIR]: 4,
[Species.TAUROS]: 5,
[Species.MAGIKARP]: 3,
@ -2383,6 +2392,7 @@ export const speciesStarters = {
[Species.OMANYTE]: 3,
[Species.KABUTO]: 3,
[Species.AERODACTYL]: 5,
[Species.SNORLAX]: 5,
[Species.ARTICUNO]: 6,
[Species.ZAPDOS]: 6,
[Species.MOLTRES]: 6,
@ -2405,6 +2415,7 @@ export const speciesStarters = {
[Species.NATU]: 2,
[Species.MAREEP]: 3,
[Species.MARILL]: 4,
[Species.SUDOWOODO]: 5,
[Species.HOPPIP]: 1,
[Species.AIPOM]: 3,
[Species.SUNKERN]: 1,
@ -2413,6 +2424,7 @@ export const speciesStarters = {
[Species.MURKROW]: 4,
[Species.MISDREAVUS]: 3,
[Species.UNOWN]: 1,
[Species.WOBBUFFET]: 4,
[Species.GIRAFARIG]: 4,
[Species.PINECO]: 2,
[Species.DUNSPARCE]: 4,
@ -2428,6 +2440,7 @@ export const speciesStarters = {
[Species.CORSOLA]: 3,
[Species.REMORAID]: 3,
[Species.DELIBIRD]: 3,
[Species.MANTINE]: 4,
[Species.SKARMORY]: 5,
[Species.HOUNDOUR]: 4,
[Species.PHANPY]: 3,
@ -2475,6 +2488,7 @@ export const speciesStarters = {
[Species.MINUN]: 2,
[Species.VOLBEAT]: 2,
[Species.ILLUMISE]: 2,
[Species.ROSELIA]: 4,
[Species.GULPIN]: 3,
[Species.CARVANHA]: 3,
[Species.WAILMER]: 3,
@ -2500,6 +2514,7 @@ export const speciesStarters = {
[Species.SHUPPET]: 3,
[Species.DUSKULL]: 3,
[Species.TROPIUS]: 5,
[Species.CHIMECHO]: 4,
[Species.ABSOL]: 5,
[Species.WYNAUT]: 3,
[Species.SNORUNT]: 3,
@ -2542,7 +2557,7 @@ export const speciesStarters = {
[Species.CHINGLING]: 3,
[Species.STUNKY]: 3,
[Species.BRONZOR]: 3,
[Species.BONSLY]: 3,
[Species.BONSLY]: 4,
[Species.MIME_JR]: 3,
[Species.HAPPINY]: 4,
[Species.CHATOT]: 4,
@ -2814,6 +2829,7 @@ export const speciesStarters = {
[Species.GALAR_DARUMAKA]: 4,
[Species.GALAR_YAMASK]: 3,
[Species.GALAR_STUNFISK]: 4,
[Species.GALAR_MR_MIME]: 5,
[Species.GALAR_ARTICUNO]: 6,
[Species.GALAR_ZAPDOS]: 6,
[Species.GALAR_MOLTRES]: 6,