import { CommonAnim } from "./battle-anims"; import { CommonAnimPhase, DamagePhase, MessagePhase, MovePhase } from "./battle-phases"; import { getPokemonMessage } from "./messages"; import Pokemon from "./pokemon"; import { Stat } from "./pokemon-stat"; import * as Utils from "./utils"; export enum BattleTagType { NONE, FLINCHED, CONFUSED, FRENZY, FLYING, UNDERGROUND, IGNORE_FLYING } export enum BattleTagLapseType { FAINT, MOVE, MOVE_EFFECT, TURN_END, CUSTOM } export class BattleTag { public tagType: BattleTagType; public lapseType: BattleTagLapseType; public turnCount: integer; constructor(tagType: BattleTagType, lapseType: BattleTagLapseType, turnCount: integer) { this.tagType = tagType; this.lapseType = lapseType; this.turnCount = turnCount; } onAdd(pokemon: Pokemon): void { } onRemove(pokemon: Pokemon): void { } onOverlap(pokemon: Pokemon): void { } lapse(pokemon: Pokemon): boolean { return --this.turnCount > 0; } } export class FlinchedTag extends BattleTag { constructor() { super(BattleTagType.FLINCHED, BattleTagLapseType.MOVE, 1); } lapse(pokemon: Pokemon): boolean { super.lapse(pokemon); (pokemon.scene.getCurrentPhase() as MovePhase).cancel(); pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(new MessagePhase(pokemon.scene, getPokemonMessage(pokemon, ' flinched!'))); return true; } } export class PseudoStatusTag extends BattleTag { constructor(tagType: BattleTagType, turnCount: integer) { super(tagType, BattleTagLapseType.MOVE, turnCount); } } export class ConfusedTag extends PseudoStatusTag { constructor(tagType: BattleTagType, turnCount: integer) { super(tagType, turnCount); } onAdd(pokemon: Pokemon): void { super.onAdd(pokemon); pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(new CommonAnimPhase(pokemon.scene, pokemon.isPlayer(), CommonAnim.CONFUSION)); pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(new MessagePhase(pokemon.scene, getPokemonMessage(pokemon, ' became\nconfused!'))); } onRemove(pokemon: Pokemon): void { super.onRemove(pokemon); pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(new MessagePhase(pokemon.scene, getPokemonMessage(pokemon, ' snapped\nout of confusion!'))); } onOverlap(pokemon: Pokemon): void { super.onOverlap(pokemon); pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(new MessagePhase(pokemon.scene, getPokemonMessage(pokemon, ' is\nalready confused!'))); } lapse(pokemon: Pokemon): boolean { const ret = super.lapse(pokemon); if (ret) { pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(new MessagePhase(pokemon.scene, getPokemonMessage(pokemon, ' is\nconfused!'))); pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(new CommonAnimPhase(pokemon.scene, pokemon.isPlayer(), CommonAnim.CONFUSION)); if (Utils.randInt(2)) { const atk = pokemon.getBattleStat(Stat.ATK); const def = pokemon.getBattleStat(Stat.DEF); const damage = Math.ceil(((((2 * pokemon.level / 5 + 2) * 40 * atk / def) / 50) + 2) * ((Utils.randInt(15) + 85) / 100)); pokemon.hp = Math.max(pokemon.hp - damage, 0); pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(new MessagePhase(pokemon.scene, 'It hurt itself in its\nconfusion!')); pokemon.scene.unshiftPhase(new DamagePhase(pokemon.scene, pokemon.isPlayer(), damage)); (pokemon.scene.getCurrentPhase() as MovePhase).cancel(); } } return ret; } } export class HideSpriteTag extends BattleTag { constructor(tagType: BattleTagType, turnCount: integer) { super(tagType, BattleTagLapseType.MOVE_EFFECT, turnCount); } onAdd(pokemon: Pokemon): void { super.onAdd(pokemon); pokemon.setVisible(false); } onRemove(pokemon: Pokemon): void { // Wait 2 frames before setting visible for battle animations that don't immediately show the sprite invisible pokemon.scene.tweens.addCounter({ duration: 2, useFrames: true, onComplete: () => pokemon.setVisible(true) }); } } export function getBattleTag(tagType: BattleTagType, turnCount: integer): BattleTag { switch (tagType) { case BattleTagType.FLINCHED: return new FlinchedTag(); break; case BattleTagType.CONFUSED: return new ConfusedTag(tagType, turnCount); case BattleTagType.FLYING: case BattleTagType.UNDERGROUND: return new HideSpriteTag(tagType, turnCount); case BattleTagType.IGNORE_FLYING: return new BattleTag(tagType, BattleTagLapseType.TURN_END, turnCount); default: return new BattleTag(tagType, BattleTagLapseType.CUSTOM, turnCount); } }