import Phaser from 'phaser'; import BattleScene from './battle-scene'; import BattleInfo, { PlayerBattleInfo, EnemyBattleInfo } from './ui/battle-info'; import Move, { StatChangeAttr, HighCritAttr, HitsTagAttr, applyMoveAttrs, FixedDamageAttr, VariablePowerAttr, Moves, allMoves, MoveCategory } from "./data/move"; import { pokemonLevelMoves } from './data/pokemon-level-moves'; import { default as PokemonSpecies, PokemonSpeciesForm, getPokemonSpecies } from './data/pokemon-species'; import * as Utils from './utils'; import { Type, getTypeDamageMultiplier } from './data/type'; import { getLevelTotalExp } from './data/exp'; import { Stat } from './data/pokemon-stat'; import { AttackTypeBoosterModifier, PokemonBaseStatModifier, ShinyRateBoosterModifier, TempBattleStatBoosterModifier } from './modifier/modifier'; import { PokeballType } from './data/pokeball'; import { Gender } from './data/gender'; import { initMoveAnim, loadMoveAnimAssets } from './data/battle-anims'; import { Status, StatusEffect } from './data/status-effect'; import { tmSpecies } from './data/tms'; import { pokemonEvolutions, pokemonPrevolutions, SpeciesEvolution, SpeciesEvolutionCondition } from './data/pokemon-evolutions'; import { DamagePhase, FaintPhase } from './battle-phases'; import { BattleStat } from './data/battle-stat'; import { BattlerTag, BattlerTagLapseType, BattlerTagType, getBattlerTag } from './data/battler-tag'; import { Species } from './data/species'; import { WeatherType } from './data/weather'; import { TempBattleStat } from './data/temp-battle-stat'; import { WeakenTypeTag as WeakenMoveTypeTag } from './data/arena-tag'; import { Biome } from './data/biome'; export default abstract class Pokemon extends Phaser.GameObjects.Container { public id: integer; public name: string; public species: PokemonSpecies; public formIndex: integer; public abilityIndex: integer; public shiny: boolean; public pokeball: PokeballType; protected battleInfo: BattleInfo; public level: integer; public exp: integer; public levelExp: integer; public gender: Gender; public hp: integer; public stats: integer[]; public ivs: integer[]; public moveset: PokemonMove[]; public status: Status; public winCount: integer; public summonData: PokemonSummonData; public battleSummonData: PokemonBattleSummonData; public turnData: PokemonTurnData; public maskEnabled: boolean; public maskSprite: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite; private shinySparkle: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite; constructor(scene: BattleScene, x: number, y: number, species: PokemonSpecies, level: integer, abilityIndex?: integer, formIndex?: integer, gender?: Gender, shiny?: boolean, dataSource?: Pokemon) { super(scene, x, y); = Utils.toPokemonUpperCase(; this.species = species; this.battleInfo = this.isPlayer() ? new PlayerBattleInfo(scene) : new EnemyBattleInfo(scene); this.pokeball = dataSource?.pokeball || PokeballType.POKEBALL; this.level = level; this.abilityIndex = abilityIndex || (species.ability2 ? Utils.randInt(2) : 0); this.formIndex = formIndex || 0; if (gender !== undefined) this.gender = gender; if (shiny !== undefined) this.shiny = shiny; this.exp = dataSource?.exp || getLevelTotalExp(this.level, species.growthRate); this.levelExp = dataSource?.levelExp || 0; if (dataSource) { =; this.hp = dataSource.hp; this.stats = dataSource.stats; this.ivs = dataSource.ivs; this.moveset = dataSource.moveset; this.status = dataSource.status; this.winCount = dataSource.winCount; } else { this.generateAndPopulateMoveset(); = Utils.randInt(4294967295); this.ivs = [ Utils.binToDec(Utils.decToBin(, 5)), Utils.binToDec(Utils.decToBin(, 10)), Utils.binToDec(Utils.decToBin(, 15)), Utils.binToDec(Utils.decToBin(, 20)), Utils.binToDec(Utils.decToBin(, 25)), Utils.binToDec(Utils.decToBin(, 30)) ]; //} else // = parseInt(Utils.decToBin(this.ivs[Stat.HP]) + Utils.decToBin(this.ivs[Stat.ATK]) + Utils.decToBin(this.ivs[Stat.DEF]) + Utils.decToBin(this.ivs[Stat.SPATK]) + Utils.decToBin(this.ivs[Stat.SPDEF]) + Utils.decToBin(this.ivs[Stat.SPD]) +; if (this.gender === undefined) { if (this.getSpeciesForm().malePercent === null) this.gender = Gender.GENDERLESS; else { const genderChance = ( % 256) * 0.390625; if (genderChance < this.getSpeciesForm().malePercent) this.gender = Gender.MALE; else this.gender = Gender.FEMALE; } } const rand1 = Utils.binToDec(Utils.decToBin(, 16)); const rand2 = Utils.binToDec(Utils.decToBin(, 32)); const E = this.scene.gameData.trainerId ^ this.scene.gameData.secretId; const F = rand1 ^ rand2; if (this.shiny === undefined) { let shinyThreshold = new Utils.IntegerHolder(32); this.scene.applyModifiers(ShinyRateBoosterModifier, true, shinyThreshold); console.log(shinyThreshold.value); this.shiny = (E ^ F) < shinyThreshold.value; if ((E ^ F) < 32) console.log('REAL SHINY!!'); if (this.shiny) console.log((E ^ F), shinyThreshold.value); /*else this.shiny = Utils.randInt(16) === 0;*/ } this.winCount = 0; } //this.setPipeline(this.scene).spritePipeline); this.calculateStats(); scene.fieldUI.addAt(this.battleInfo, 0); this.battleInfo.initInfo(this); const getSprite = () => { const ret = this.scene.add.sprite(0, 0, `pkmn__${this.isPlayer() ? 'back__' : ''}sub`); ret.setOrigin(0.5, 1); return ret; }; const sprite = getSprite(); const tintSprite = getSprite(); const zoomSprite = getSprite(); tintSprite.setVisible(false); zoomSprite.setAlpha(0.5); this.add(sprite); this.add(tintSprite); this.add(zoomSprite); this.getSpeciesForm().generateIconAnim(scene, this.gender === Gender.FEMALE, formIndex); if (this.shiny) { const shinySparkle = this.scene.add.sprite(0, 0, 'shiny'); shinySparkle.setVisible(false); shinySparkle.setOrigin(0.5, 1); const frameNames = this.scene.anims.generateFrameNames('shiny', { suffix: '.png', end: 34 }); this.scene.anims.create({ key: 'sparkle', frames: frameNames, frameRate: 32, showOnStart: true, hideOnComplete: true, }); this.add(shinySparkle); this.shinySparkle = shinySparkle; } } abstract isPlayer(): boolean; loadAssets(): Promise { return new Promise(resolve => { const moveIds = => m.getMove().id); Promise.allSettled( => initMoveAnim(m))) .then(() => { loadMoveAnimAssets(this.scene, moveIds); this.getSpeciesForm().loadAssets(this.scene, this.gender === Gender.FEMALE, this.formIndex, this.shiny); if (this.isPlayer()) this.scene.loadAtlas(this.getBattleSpriteKey(), 'pokemon', this.getBattleSpriteAtlasPath()); this.scene.load.once(Phaser.Loader.Events.COMPLETE, () => { if (this.isPlayer()) { const originalWarn = console.warn; // Ignore warnings for missing frames, because there will be a lot console.warn = () => {}; const battleFrameNames = this.scene.anims.generateFrameNames(this.getBattleSpriteKey(), { zeroPad: 4, suffix: ".png", start: 1, end: 256 }); console.warn = originalWarn; if (this.isPlayer()) { this.scene.anims.create({ key: this.getBattleSpriteKey(), frames: battleFrameNames, frameRate: 12, repeat: -1 }); } } this.playAnim(); resolve(); }); if (!this.scene.load.isLoading()) this.scene.load.start(); }); }); } getSpriteAtlasPath(): string { return this.getSpriteId().replace(/\_{2}/g, '/'); } getBattleSpriteAtlasPath(): string { return this.getBattleSpriteId().replace(/\_{2}/g, '/'); } getSpriteId(): string { return this.getSpeciesForm().getSpriteId(this.gender === Gender.FEMALE, this.formIndex, this.shiny); } getBattleSpriteId(): string { return `${this.isPlayer() ? 'back__' : ''}${this.getSpriteId()}`; } getSpriteKey(): string { return this.getSpeciesForm().getSpriteKey(this.gender === Gender.FEMALE, this.formIndex, this.shiny); } getBattleSpriteKey(): string { return `pkmn__${this.getBattleSpriteId()}`; } getIconId(): string { return this.getSpeciesForm().getIconId(this.gender === Gender.FEMALE, this.formIndex); } getIconKey(): string { return `pkmn_icon__${this.getIconId()}`; } getSpeciesForm(): PokemonSpeciesForm { if (!this.species.forms?.length) return this.species; return this.species.forms[this.formIndex]; } getSprite(): Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite { return this.getAt(0) as Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite; } getTintSprite(): Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite { return !this.maskEnabled ? this.getAt(1) as Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite : this.maskSprite; } getZoomSprite(): Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite { return this.getAt(!this.maskEnabled ? 2 : 1) as Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite; } playAnim(): void{ this.getSprite().play(this.getBattleSpriteKey()); this.getTintSprite().play(this.getBattleSpriteKey()); this.getZoomSprite().play(this.getBattleSpriteKey()); } getBattleStat(stat: Stat): integer { if (stat === Stat.HP) return this.stats[Stat.HP]; const battleStat = (stat - 1) as BattleStat; const statLevel = new Utils.IntegerHolder(this.summonData.battleStats[battleStat]); if (this.isPlayer()) this.scene.applyModifiers(TempBattleStatBoosterModifier, this.isPlayer(), battleStat as integer as TempBattleStat, statLevel); let ret = this.stats[stat] * (Math.max(2, 2 + statLevel.value) / Math.max(2, 2 - statLevel.value)); if (stat === Stat.SPDEF && === WeatherType.SANDSTORM) ret *= 1.5; if (stat === Stat.SPD && this.status && this.status.effect === StatusEffect.PARALYSIS) ret >>= 2; return ret; } calculateStats(): void { if (!this.stats) this.stats = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]; const baseStats = this.getSpeciesForm().baseStats.slice(0); this.scene.applyModifiers(PokemonBaseStatModifier, this.isPlayer(), this, baseStats); const stats = Utils.getEnumValues(Stat); for (let s of stats) { const isHp = s === Stat.HP; let baseStat = baseStats[s]; let value = Math.floor(((2 * baseStat + this.ivs[s] + (0 / 4)) * this.level) * 0.01); if (isHp) { value = Math.min(value + this.level + 10, 99999); if (this.hp > value || this.hp === undefined) this.hp = value; else { const lastMaxHp = this.getMaxHp(); if (lastMaxHp && value > lastMaxHp) this.hp += value - lastMaxHp; } } else value = Math.min(value + 5, 99999); this.stats[s] = value; } } getMaxHp(): integer { return this.stats[Stat.HP]; } getInverseHp(): integer { return this.getMaxHp() - this.hp; } getHpRatio(): number { return Math.floor((this.hp / this.getMaxHp()) * 100) / 100; } getTypes(): Type[] { const types = []; if (this.summonData.types) this.summonData.types.forEach(t => types.push(t)); else { const speciesForm = this.getSpeciesForm(); types.push(speciesForm.type1); if (speciesForm.type2 !== null) types.push(speciesForm.type1); } if (this.getTag(BattlerTagType.IGNORE_FLYING)) { const flyingIndex = types.indexOf(Type.FLYING); if (flyingIndex > -1) types.splice(flyingIndex, 1); } if (!types.length) types.push(Type.NORMAL); return types; } isOfType(type: Type) { return this.getTypes().indexOf(type) > -1; } getEvolution(): SpeciesEvolution { if (!pokemonEvolutions.hasOwnProperty(this.species.speciesId)) return null; const evolutions = pokemonEvolutions[this.species.speciesId]; for (let e of evolutions) { if (!e.item && this.level >= e.level) { if (e.condition === null || (e.condition as SpeciesEvolutionCondition).predicate(this)) return e; } } return null; } getLevelMoves(startingLevel?: integer): Moves[] { const ret: Moves[] = []; const levelMoves = pokemonLevelMoves[this.species.speciesId]; if (levelMoves) { if (!startingLevel) startingLevel = this.level; for (let lm of levelMoves) { const level = lm[0]; if (level < startingLevel) continue; else if (level > this.level) break; ret.push(lm[1]); } } return ret; } generateAndPopulateMoveset(): void { this.moveset = []; const movePool = []; const allLevelMoves = pokemonLevelMoves[this.species.speciesId]; if (!allLevelMoves) { console.log(this.species.speciesId, 'ERROR') return; } for (let m = 0; m < allLevelMoves.length; m++) { const levelMove = allLevelMoves[m]; if (this.level < levelMove[0]) break; if (movePool.indexOf(levelMove[1]) === -1) movePool.push(levelMove[1]); } const attackMovePool = movePool.filter(m => { const move = allMoves[m]; return move.category !== MoveCategory.STATUS; }); if (attackMovePool.length) { const moveIndex = Utils.randInt(attackMovePool.length); this.moveset.push(new PokemonMove(attackMovePool[moveIndex], 0, 0)); console.log(allMoves[attackMovePool[moveIndex]]); movePool.splice(movePool.findIndex(m => m === attackMovePool[moveIndex]), 1); } while (movePool.length && this.moveset.length < 4) { const moveIndex = Utils.randInt(movePool.length); this.moveset.push(new PokemonMove(movePool[moveIndex], 0, 0)); console.log(allMoves[movePool[moveIndex]]); movePool.splice(moveIndex, 1); } } trySelectMove(moveIndex: integer): boolean { const move = this.moveset.length > moveIndex ? this.moveset[moveIndex] : null; return move?.isUsable(); } showInfo() { if (!this.battleInfo.visible) { this.battleInfo.setX(this.battleInfo.x + (this.isPlayer() ? 150 : -150)); this.battleInfo.setVisible(true); this.scene.tweens.add({ targets: this.battleInfo, x: this.isPlayer() ? '-=150' : '+=150', duration: 1000, ease: 'Sine.easeOut' }); } } hideInfo(): Promise { return new Promise(resolve => { if (this.battleInfo.visible) { this.scene.tweens.add({ targets: this.battleInfo, x: this.isPlayer() ? '+=150' : '-=150', duration: 500, ease: 'Sine.easeIn', onComplete: () => { this.battleInfo.setVisible(false); this.battleInfo.setX(this.battleInfo.x - (this.isPlayer() ? 150 : -150)); resolve(); } }); } else resolve(); }); } updateInfo(instant?: boolean): Promise { return this.battleInfo.updateInfo(this, instant); } addExp(exp: integer) { this.exp += exp; while (this.exp >= getLevelTotalExp(this.level + 1, this.getSpeciesForm().growthRate)) this.level++; this.levelExp = this.exp - getLevelTotalExp(this.level, this.getSpeciesForm().growthRate); } apply(source: Pokemon, battlerMove: PokemonMove): MoveResult { let result: MoveResult; const move = battlerMove.getMove(); const moveCategory = move.category; let damage = 0; switch (moveCategory) { case MoveCategory.PHYSICAL: case MoveCategory.SPECIAL: const isPhysical = moveCategory === MoveCategory.PHYSICAL; const power = new Utils.NumberHolder(move.power); const typeMultiplier = getTypeDamageMultiplier(move.type, this.getSpeciesForm().type1) * (this.getSpeciesForm().type2 !== null ? getTypeDamageMultiplier(move.type, this.getSpeciesForm().type2) : 1); const weatherTypeMultiplier = this.scene.arena.getAttackTypeMultiplier(move.type); applyMoveAttrs(VariablePowerAttr, source, this, move, power); this.scene.arena.applyTags(WeakenMoveTypeTag, move.type, power); this.scene.applyModifiers(AttackTypeBoosterModifier, source.isPlayer(), source, power); const critLevel = new Utils.IntegerHolder(0); applyMoveAttrs(HighCritAttr, source, this, move, critLevel); this.scene.applyModifiers(TempBattleStatBoosterModifier, source.isPlayer(), TempBattleStat.CRIT, critLevel); const critChance = Math.ceil(16 / Math.pow(2, critLevel.value)); let isCritical = !source.getTag(BattlerTagType.NO_CRIT) && (critChance === 1 || !Utils.randInt(critChance)); const sourceAtk = source.getBattleStat(isPhysical ? Stat.ATK : Stat.SPATK); const targetDef = this.getBattleStat(isPhysical ? Stat.DEF : Stat.SPDEF); const stabMultiplier = source.species.type1 === move.type || (source.species.type2 !== null && source.species.type2 === move.type) ? 1.5 : 1; const criticalMultiplier = isCritical ? 2 : 1; damage = Math.ceil(((((2 * source.level / 5 + 2) * power.value * sourceAtk / targetDef) / 50) + 2) * stabMultiplier * typeMultiplier * weatherTypeMultiplier * ((Utils.randInt(15) + 85) / 100)) * criticalMultiplier; if (isPhysical && source.status && source.status.effect === StatusEffect.BURN) damage = Math.floor(damage / 2); move.getAttrs(HitsTagAttr).map(hta => hta as HitsTagAttr).filter(hta => hta.doubleDamage).forEach(hta => { if (this.getTag(hta.tagType)) damage *= 2; }); const fixedDamage = new Utils.IntegerHolder(0); applyMoveAttrs(FixedDamageAttr, source, this, move, fixedDamage); if (damage && fixedDamage.value) { damage = fixedDamage.value; isCritical = false; result = MoveResult.EFFECTIVE; } console.log('damage', damage,, move.power, sourceAtk, targetDef); if (!result) { if (typeMultiplier >= 2) result = MoveResult.SUPER_EFFECTIVE; else if (typeMultiplier >= 1) result = MoveResult.EFFECTIVE; else if (typeMultiplier > 0) result = MoveResult.NOT_VERY_EFFECTIVE; else result = MoveResult.NO_EFFECT; } if (damage) { this.damage(damage); source.turnData.damageDealt += damage; this.scene.unshiftPhase(new DamagePhase(this.scene, this.isPlayer(), result as DamageResult)) if (isCritical) this.scene.queueMessage('A critical hit!'); } switch (result) { case MoveResult.SUPER_EFFECTIVE: this.scene.queueMessage('It\'s super effective!'); break; case MoveResult.NOT_VERY_EFFECTIVE: this.scene.queueMessage('It\'s not very effective!'); break; case MoveResult.NO_EFFECT: this.scene.queueMessage(`It doesn\'t affect ${}!`); break; } break; case MoveCategory.STATUS: result = MoveResult.STATUS; break; } return result; } damage(damage: integer): void { if (!this.hp) return; this.hp = Math.max(this.hp - damage, 0); if (!this.hp) { this.scene.pushPhase(new FaintPhase(this.scene, this.isPlayer())); this.resetSummonData(); (this.isPlayer() ? this.scene.getEnemyPokemon() : this.scene.getPlayerPokemon()).resetBattleSummonData(); } } addTag(tagType: BattlerTagType, turnCount?: integer, sourceId?: integer, sourceMove?: Moves): boolean { const existingTag = this.getTag(tagType); if (existingTag) { existingTag.onOverlap(this); return false; } const newTag = getBattlerTag(tagType, turnCount || 0, sourceId, sourceMove); if (newTag.canAdd(this)) { this.summonData.tags.push(newTag); newTag.onAdd(this); return true; } return false; } getTag(tagType: BattlerTagType | { new(...args: any[]): BattlerTag }): BattlerTag { return typeof(tagType) === 'number' ? this.summonData.tags.find(t => t.tagType === tagType) : this.summonData.tags.find(t => t instanceof tagType); } findTag(tagFilter: ((tag: BattlerTag) => boolean)) { return this.summonData.tags.find(t => tagFilter(t)); } getTags(tagType: BattlerTagType | { new(...args: any[]): BattlerTag }): BattlerTag[] { return typeof(tagType) === 'number' ? this.summonData.tags.filter(t => t.tagType === tagType) : this.summonData.tags.filter(t => t instanceof tagType); } findTags(tagFilter: ((tag: BattlerTag) => boolean)) { return this.summonData.tags.filter(t => tagFilter(t)); } lapseTag(tagType: BattlerTagType): boolean { const tags = this.summonData.tags; const tag = tags.find(t => t.tagType === tagType); if (tag && !(tag.lapse(this, BattlerTagLapseType.CUSTOM))) { tag.onRemove(this); tags.splice(tags.indexOf(tag), 1); } return !!tag; } lapseTags(lapseType: BattlerTagLapseType): void { const tags = this.summonData.tags; tags.filter(t => lapseType === BattlerTagLapseType.FAINT || ((t.lapseType === lapseType) && !(t.lapse(this, lapseType))) || (lapseType === BattlerTagLapseType.TURN_END && t.turnCount < 1)).forEach(t => { t.onRemove(this); tags.splice(tags.indexOf(t), 1); }); } removeTagsBySourceId(sourceId: integer): void { const tags = this.summonData.tags; tags.filter(t => t.sourceId === sourceId).forEach(t => { t.onRemove(this); tags.splice(tags.indexOf(t), 1); }); } getMoveHistory(): TurnMove[] { return this.summonData.moveHistory; } getLastXMoves(turnCount?: integer): TurnMove[] { const moveHistory = this.getMoveHistory(); return moveHistory.slice(turnCount >= 0 ? Math.max(moveHistory.length - (turnCount || 1), 0) : 0, moveHistory.length).reverse(); } getMoveQueue(): QueuedMove[] { return this.summonData.moveQueue; } cry(soundConfig?: Phaser.Types.Sound.SoundConfig): integer { return this.getSpeciesForm().cry(this.scene, soundConfig); } faintCry(callback: Function) { const key = this.species.speciesId.toString(); let i = 0; let rate = 0.85;, { rate: rate }); const sprite = this.getSprite(); const tintSprite = this.getTintSprite(); const zoomSprite = this.getZoomSprite(); const delay = Math.max(this.scene.sound.get(key).totalDuration * 50, 25); let frameProgress = 0; let frameThreshold: number; sprite.anims.pause(); tintSprite.anims.pause(); zoomSprite.anims.pause(); let faintCryTimer = this.scene.time.addEvent({ delay: delay, repeat: -1, callback: () => { ++i; frameThreshold = sprite.anims.msPerFrame / rate; frameProgress += delay; while (frameProgress > frameThreshold) { if (sprite.anims.duration) { sprite.anims.nextFrame(); tintSprite.anims.nextFrame(); zoomSprite.anims.nextFrame(); } frameProgress -= frameThreshold; } const crySound = this.scene.sound.get(key); if (crySound) { rate *= 0.99;{ rate: rate, seek: (i * delay * 0.001) * rate }); } else { faintCryTimer.destroy(); faintCryTimer = null; if (callback) callback(); } } }); // Failsafe this.scene.time.delayedCall(3000, () => { if (!faintCryTimer || !this.scene) return; const crySound = this.scene.sound.get(key); if (crySound?.isPlaying) crySound.stop(); faintCryTimer.destroy(); if (callback) callback(); }); } trySetStatus(effect: StatusEffect): boolean { if (this.status) return false; switch (effect) { case StatusEffect.POISON: case StatusEffect.TOXIC: if (this.isOfType(Type.POISON) || this.isOfType(Type.STEEL)) return false; break; case StatusEffect.FREEZE: if (this.isOfType(Type.ICE)) return false; break; case StatusEffect.BURN: if (this.isOfType(Type.FIRE)) return false; break; } this.status = new Status(effect); return true; } resetStatus(): void { const lastStatus = this.status.effect; this.status = undefined; if (lastStatus === StatusEffect.SLEEP) { if (this.getTag(BattlerTagType.NIGHTMARE)) this.lapseTag(BattlerTagType.NIGHTMARE); } } resetSummonData(): void { this.summonData = new PokemonSummonData(); this.resetBattleSummonData(); } resetBattleSummonData(): void { this.battleSummonData = new PokemonBattleSummonData(); if (this.getTag(BattlerTagType.SEEDED)) this.lapseTag(BattlerTagType.SEEDED); } resetTurnData(): void { this.turnData = new PokemonTurnData(); } getExpValue(): integer { // Logic to factor in victor level has been removed for balancing purposes, so the player doesn't have to focus on EXP maxxing return (this.getSpeciesForm().baseExp * this.level) / 5 + 1; } tint(color: number, alpha?: number, duration?: integer, ease?: string) { const tintSprite = this.getTintSprite(); tintSprite.setTintFill(color); tintSprite.setVisible(true); if (duration) { tintSprite.setAlpha(0); this.scene.tweens.add({ targets: tintSprite, alpha: alpha || 1, duration: duration, ease: ease || 'Linear' }); } else tintSprite.setAlpha(alpha); } untint(duration: integer, ease?: string) { const tintSprite = this.getTintSprite(); if (duration) { this.scene.tweens.add({ targets: tintSprite, alpha: 0, duration: duration, ease: ease || 'Linear', onComplete: () => { tintSprite.setVisible(false); tintSprite.setAlpha(1); } }); } else { tintSprite.setVisible(false); tintSprite.setAlpha(1); } } enableMask() { if (!this.maskEnabled) { this.maskSprite = this.getTintSprite(); this.maskSprite.setVisible(true); this.maskSprite.setPosition(this.x * 6, this.y * 6); this.maskSprite.setScale(6); this.maskEnabled = true; } } disableMask() { if (this.maskEnabled) { this.maskSprite.setVisible(false); this.maskSprite.setPosition(0, 0); this.maskSprite.setScale(1); this.maskSprite = null; this.maskEnabled = false; } } sparkle(): void { if (this.shinySparkle) {'sparkle');'sparkle'); } } destroy(): void { this.battleInfo.destroy(); super.destroy(); } } export default interface Pokemon { scene: BattleScene } export class PlayerPokemon extends Pokemon { public metBiome: Biome; public metLevel: integer; public compatibleTms: Moves[]; constructor(scene: BattleScene, species: PokemonSpecies, level: integer, abilityIndex: integer, formIndex: integer, gender?: Gender, shiny?: boolean, dataSource?: Pokemon) { super(scene, 106, 148, species, level, abilityIndex, formIndex, gender, shiny, dataSource); this.metBiome = scene.arena.biomeType; this.metLevel = level; this.generateCompatibleTms(); } isPlayer(): boolean { return true; } generateCompatibleTms(): void { this.compatibleTms = []; const tms = Object.keys(tmSpecies); for (let tm of tms) { const moveId = parseInt(tm) as Moves; for (let p of tmSpecies[tm]) { if (Array.isArray(p)) { if (p[0] === this.species.speciesId) { this.compatibleTms.push(moveId); break; } } else if (p === this.species.speciesId) { this.compatibleTms.push(moveId); break; } } } } evolve(evolution: SpeciesEvolution): Promise { return new Promise(resolve => { this.handleSpecialEvolutions(evolution); this.species = getPokemonSpecies(evolution.speciesId); =; this.getSpeciesForm().generateIconAnim(this.scene, this.gender === Gender.FEMALE, this.formIndex); this.compatibleTms.splice(0, this.compatibleTms.length); this.generateCompatibleTms(); this.scene.gameData.setPokemonSeen(this); this.scene.gameData.setPokemonCaught(this); this.loadAssets().then(() => { this.calculateStats(); this.updateInfo().then(() => resolve()); }); }); } private handleSpecialEvolutions(evolution: SpeciesEvolution) { if (this.species.speciesId === Species.NINCADA && evolution.speciesId === Species.NINJASK) { const newEvolution = pokemonEvolutions[this.species.speciesId][1]; if (newEvolution.condition.predicate(this)) { const newPokemon = new PlayerPokemon(this.scene, this.species, this.level, this.abilityIndex, this.formIndex, this.gender, this.shiny); this.scene.getParty().push(newPokemon); newPokemon.evolve(newEvolution); } } } } export class EnemyPokemon extends Pokemon { public aiType: AiType; constructor(scene: BattleScene, species: PokemonSpecies, level: integer) { super(scene, -66, 84, species, level, scene.arena.getFormIndex(species)); let prevolution: Species; let speciesId = species.speciesId; while ((prevolution = pokemonPrevolutions[speciesId])) { const evolution = pokemonEvolutions[prevolution].find(pe => pe.speciesId === speciesId); if (evolution.condition?.enforceFunc) evolution.condition.enforceFunc(this); speciesId = prevolution; } this.aiType = AiType.SMART_RANDOM; } getNextMove(): PokemonMove { const queuedMove = this.getMoveQueue().length ? this.moveset.find(m => m.moveId === this.getMoveQueue()[0].move) : null; if (queuedMove) { if (queuedMove.isUsable(this.getMoveQueue()[0].ignorePP)) return queuedMove; else { this.getMoveQueue().shift(); return this.getNextMove(); } } const movePool = this.moveset.filter(m => m.isUsable()); if (movePool.length) { if (movePool.length === 1) return movePool[0]; switch (this.aiType) { case AiType.RANDOM: return movePool[Utils.randInt(movePool.length)]; case AiType.SMART_RANDOM: case AiType.SMART: const target = this.scene.getPlayerPokemon(); const moveScores = => 0); for (let m in movePool) { const pokemonMove = movePool[m]; const move = pokemonMove.getMove(); let moveScore = moveScores[m]; if (move.category === MoveCategory.STATUS) moveScore++; else { const targetTypes = target.getTypes(); const effectiveness = getTypeDamageMultiplier(move.type, targetTypes[0]) * (targetTypes.length > 1 ? getTypeDamageMultiplier(move.type, targetTypes[1]) : 1); moveScore = Math.pow(effectiveness - 1, 2) * effectiveness < 1 ? -2 : 2; if (moveScore) { if (move.category === MoveCategory.PHYSICAL) { if (this.getBattleStat(Stat.ATK) > this.getBattleStat(Stat.SPATK)) { const statRatio = this.getBattleStat(Stat.SPATK) / this.getBattleStat(Stat.ATK); if (statRatio <= 0.75) moveScore *= 2; else if (statRatio <= 0.875) moveScore *= 1.5; } } else { if (this.getBattleStat(Stat.SPATK) > this.getBattleStat(Stat.ATK)) { const statRatio = this.getBattleStat(Stat.ATK) / this.getBattleStat(Stat.SPATK); if (statRatio <= 0.75) moveScore *= 2; else if (statRatio <= 0.875) moveScore *= 1.5; } } moveScore += Math.floor(move.power / 5); } } const statChangeAttrs = move.getAttrs(StatChangeAttr) as StatChangeAttr[]; for (let sc of statChangeAttrs) { moveScore += ((sc.levels >= 1) === sc.selfTarget ? -2 : 2) + sc.levels * (sc.selfTarget ? 4 : -4); // TODO: Add awareness of current levels } // could make smarter by checking opponent def/spdef moveScores[m] = moveScore; } console.log(moveScores); const sortedMovePool = movePool.slice(0); sortedMovePool.sort((a, b) => { const scoreA = moveScores[movePool.indexOf(a)]; const scoreB = moveScores[movePool.indexOf(b)]; return scoreA < scoreB ? 1 : scoreA > scoreB ? -1 : 0; }); let r = 0; if (this.aiType === AiType.SMART_RANDOM) { while (r < sortedMovePool.length - 1 && Utils.randInt(8) >= 5) r++; } console.log( => m.getName()), moveScores, r, => m.getName())); return sortedMovePool[r]; } } return new PokemonMove(Moves.STRUGGLE, 0, 0); } isPlayer() { return false; } addToParty() { const party = this.scene.getParty(); let ret: PlayerPokemon = null; if (party.length < 6) { const newPokemon = new PlayerPokemon(this.scene, this.species, this.level, this.abilityIndex, this.formIndex, this.gender, this.shiny, this); party.push(newPokemon); ret = newPokemon; } return ret; } } export interface TurnMove { move: Moves; result: MoveResult; virtual?: boolean; } export interface QueuedMove { move: Moves; ignorePP?: boolean; } export class PokemonSummonData { public battleStats: integer[] = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]; public moveHistory: TurnMove[] = []; public moveQueue: QueuedMove[] = []; public tags: BattlerTag[] = []; public types: Type[]; } export class PokemonBattleSummonData { public turnCount: integer = 1; } export class PokemonTurnData { public flinched: boolean; public hitCount: integer; public hitsLeft: integer; public hitsTotal: integer; public damageDealt: integer = 0; } export enum AiType { RANDOM, SMART_RANDOM, SMART }; export enum MoveResult { EFFECTIVE = 1, SUPER_EFFECTIVE, NOT_VERY_EFFECTIVE, NO_EFFECT, STATUS, FAILED, MISSED, OTHER }; export type DamageResult = MoveResult.EFFECTIVE | MoveResult.SUPER_EFFECTIVE | MoveResult.NOT_VERY_EFFECTIVE | MoveResult.OTHER; export class PokemonMove { public moveId: Moves; public ppUsed: integer; public ppUp: integer; public virtual: boolean; public disableTurns: integer; constructor(moveId: Moves, ppUsed?: integer, ppUp?: integer, virtual?: boolean) { this.moveId = moveId; this.ppUsed = ppUsed || 0; this.ppUp = ppUp || 0; this.virtual = !!virtual; this.disableTurns = 0; } isUsable(ignorePp?: boolean): boolean { if (this.isDisabled()) return false; return ignorePp || this.ppUsed < this.getMove().pp + this.ppUp || this.getMove().pp === -1; } isDisabled(): boolean { return !!this.disableTurns; } getMove(): Move { return allMoves[this.moveId]; } getName(): string { return this.getMove().name; } }