oh please work

Chris Nutter 2020-09-07 14:15:44 -07:00
parent e3c2d1b295
commit 18467e0fd4
142 changed files with 22252 additions and 0 deletions

.Xresources Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
!!Xft.dpi: 96
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Xft.antialias: true
Xft.hinting: true
Xft.rgba: rgb
Xft.autohint: false
Xft.hintstyle: hintslight
Xft.lcdfilter: lcddefault
XTerm*background: #222D31
XTerm*foreground: #d8d8d8
XTerm*pointerColor: #1ABB9B
XTerm*faceName: Fixed
XTerm*faceSize: 11
XTerm*reverseVideo: on
XTerm*selectToClipboard: true
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*pointerColorForeground: #16A085
!! black dark/light
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!! red dark/light
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*color9: #ab4642
!! green dark/light
*color2: #7E807E
*color10: #8D8F8D
!! yellow dark/light
*color3: #f7ca88
*color11: #f7ca88
!! blue dark/light
*color4: #7cafc2
*color12: #7cafc2
!! magenta dark/light
*color5: #ba8baf
*color13: #ba8baf
!! cyan dark/light
*color6: #1ABB9B
*color14: #1ABB9B
!! white dark/light
*color7: #d8d8d8
*color15: #f8f8f8
Xcursor.theme: Adwaita
Xcursor.size: 0
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!URxvt.font: 9x15,boxxy:size=12
URxvt.font: -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-iso10646-1
!URxvt.font: xft:TerminessTTFNerdFontMono:size=12
terminal.font: xft:TerminessTTFNerdFontMono:size=12
! alternative font settings with 'terminus':
!URxvt.font: -xos4-terminus-medium-r-normal--16-160-72-72-c-80-iso10646-1
!URxvt.bold.font: -xos4-terminus-bold-r-normal--16-160-72-72-c-80-iso10646-1
!! terminus names see end of file!
URxvt.depth: 32
URxvt.background: [100]#222D31
URxvt*scrollBar: false
URxvt*mouseWheelScrollPage: false
URxvt*cursorBlink: true
URxvt*background: black
URxvt*foreground: grey
URxvt*saveLines: 5000
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URxvt*inheritPixmap: true
URxvt*transparent: true
!URxvt*shading: 138
URxvt*shading: 23
! Normal copy-paste keybindings without perls
URxvt.iso14755: false
URxvt.keysym.Shift-Control-V: eval:paste_clipboard
URxvt.keysym.Shift-Control-C: eval:selection_to_clipboard
!Xterm escape codes, word by word movement
URxvt.keysym.Control-Left: \033[1;5D
URxvt.keysym.Shift-Control-Left: \033[1;6D
URxvt.keysym.Control-Right: \033[1;5C
URxvt.keysym.Shift-Control-Right: \033[1;6C
URxvt.keysym.Control-Up: \033[1;5A
URxvt.keysym.Shift-Control-Up: \033[1;6A
URxvt.keysym.Control-Down: \033[1;5B
URxvt.keysym.Shift-Control-Down: \033[1;6B
! Rxvt.perl-ext-common: ...,clipboard
! URxvt.keysym.M-C-c: perl:clipboard:copy
! URxvt.keysym.M-v: perl:clipboard:paste
! URxvt.keysym.M-C-v: perl:clipboard:paste_escaped
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! URxvt*color1: color
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! URxvt*color3: color
! URxvt*color4: color
! URxvt*color5: color
! URxvt*color6: color
! URxvt*color7: color
! URxvt*color8: color
! URxvt*color9: color
! URxvt*color10: color
! URxvt*color11: color
! URxvt*color12: color
! URxvt*color13: color
! URxvt*color14: color
! URxvt*color15: color
! URxvt*colorBD: color
! URxvt*colorIT: color
! URxvt*colorUL: color
! URxvt*colorRV: color
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! URxvt*scrollColor: color
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! URxvt*highlightTextColor: color
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! URxvt*pointerColor2: color
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! URxvt*boldItalicFont: fontname
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! URxvt*imFont: fontname
! URxvt*title: string
! URxvt*iconName: string
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! URxvt*pointerBlankDelay: number
! URxvt*backspacekey: string
! URxvt*deletekey: string
! URxvt*print-pipe: string
! URxvt*modifier: modifier
! URxvt*cutchars: string
! URxvt*answerbackString: string
! URxvt*secondaryScreen: boolean
! URxvt*secondaryScroll: boolean
! URxvt*perl-lib: string
! URxvt*perl-eval: perl-eval
! URxvt*perl-ext-common: string
! URxvt*perl-ext: string
! URxvt*iso14755: boolean
! URxvt*iso14755_52: boolean
! URxvt*xrm: string
! URxvt*keysym.sym: keysym
! URxvt*background.border: boolean
! URxvt*background.expr: string
! URxvt*background.interval: seconds
! URxvt*bell-command: string
! URxvt*kuake.hotkey: string
! URxvt*matcher.button: string
! URxvt*matcher.launcher: string
! URxvt*matcher.launcher.*: string
! URxvt*matcher.pattern.*: string
! URxvt*matcher.rend.*: string
! URxvt*remote-clipboard.fetch: string
! URxvt*remote-clipboard.store: string
! URxvt*searchable-scrollback: string
! URxvt*selection-autotransform.*: string
! URxvt*selection-pastebin.cmd: string
! URxvt*selection-pastebin.url: string
! URxvt*selection.pattern-0: string
! URxvt*tab-bg: colour
! URxvt*tab-fg: colour
! URxvt*tabbar-bg: colour
! URxvt*tabbar-fg: colour
! URxvt*url-launcher: string
! The Terminus font uses the following X-names:
! -xos4-terminus-medium-r-normal--12-120-72-72-c-60-iso10646-1
! -xos4-terminus-medium-r-normal--14-140-72-72-c-80-iso10646-1
! -xos4-terminus-medium-r-normal--16-160-72-72-c-80-iso10646-1
! -xos4-terminus-medium-r-normal--20-200-72-72-c-100-iso10646-1
! -xos4-terminus-medium-r-normal--22-220-72-72-c-110-iso10646-1
! -xos4-terminus-medium-r-normal--24-240-72-72-c-120-iso10646-1
! -xos4-terminus-medium-r-normal--28-280-72-72-c-140-iso10646-1
! -xos4-terminus-medium-r-normal--32-320-72-72-c-160-iso10646-1
! -xos4-terminus-bold-r-normal--12-120-72-72-c-60-iso10646-1
! -xos4-terminus-bold-r-normal--14-140-72-72-c-80-iso10646-1
! -xos4-terminus-bold-r-normal--16-160-72-72-c-80-iso10646-1
! -xos4-terminus-bold-r-normal--20-200-72-72-c-100-iso10646-1
! -xos4-terminus-bold-r-normal--24-240-72-72-c-120-iso10646-1
! -xos4-terminus-bold-r-normal--28-280-72-72-c-140-iso10646-1
! -xos4-terminus-bold-r-normal--32-320-72-72-c-160-iso10646-1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
Copyright (c) 2017 Silvestre Herrera
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
A syntax theme for [Atom Material UI](https://github.com/silvestreh/atom-material-ui). Inspired by Mattia Astorino's [SublimeText theme](https://github.com/equinusocio/material-theme).

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
@import "styles/base";
// Languages
@import (less) "styles/languages/babel";
@import (less) "styles/languages/css";
@import (less) "styles/languages/gfm";
@import (less) "styles/languages/html";
@import (less) "styles/languages/javascript";
@import (less) "styles/languages/json";
@import (less) "styles/languages/php";
@import (less) "styles/languages/python";
@import (less) "styles/languages/ruby";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
"_from": "https://www.atom.io/api/packages/atom-material-syntax/versions/1.0.8/tarball",
"_id": "atom-material-syntax@1.0.8",
"_inBundle": false,
"_integrity": "sha512-Sr9lYOlqNkLACOvVKQDgGdN8D+qRuhUjWmr9usWFNxKf/ec5WoYafUFah0M7UgdUZEa3CSbT2cBq6sK2rPX+Jw==",
"_location": "/atom-material-syntax",
"_phantomChildren": {},
"_requested": {
"type": "remote",
"raw": "https://www.atom.io/api/packages/atom-material-syntax/versions/1.0.8/tarball",
"rawSpec": "https://www.atom.io/api/packages/atom-material-syntax/versions/1.0.8/tarball",
"saveSpec": "https://www.atom.io/api/packages/atom-material-syntax/versions/1.0.8/tarball",
"fetchSpec": "https://www.atom.io/api/packages/atom-material-syntax/versions/1.0.8/tarball"
"_requiredBy": [
"_resolved": "https://www.atom.io/api/packages/atom-material-syntax/versions/1.0.8/tarball",
"_shasum": "7e8a52dc55a491cd3d4338cea7ad769fb436c13d",
"_spec": "https://www.atom.io/api/packages/atom-material-syntax/versions/1.0.8/tarball",
"_where": "/tmp/apm-install-dir-119228-2437-aocpky.gssto",
"bugs": {
"url": "https://github.com/silvestreh/atom-material-syntax/issues"
"bundleDependencies": false,
"deprecated": false,
"description": "A dark syntax theme for Atom that uses Google's Material Design color palette",
"engines": {
"atom": ">=1.13.0 <2.0.0"
"homepage": "https://github.com/silvestreh/atom-material-syntax#readme",
"keywords": [
"material design"
"license": "MIT",
"name": "atom-material-syntax",
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "git+https://github.com/silvestreh/atom-material-syntax.git"
"theme": "syntax",
"version": "1.0.8",
"_atomModuleCache": {
"version": 1,
"dependencies": [],
"extensions": {
".json": [
"folders": []

View File

@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
@import "syntax-variables";
atom-text-editor {
background-color: @syntax-background-color;
color: @syntax-text-color;
.wrap-guide {
background-color: @syntax-indent-guide-color;
.indent-guide {
color: @syntax-indent-guide-color;
.invisible-character {
color: @syntax-invisible-character-color;
.cursor-line {
background-color: fade(darken(@syntax-background-color, 20%), 20%);
.gutter {
background-color: @syntax-gutter-background-color;
color: @syntax-gutter-text-color;
.line-number {
&.cursor-line {
background-color: darken(@syntax-background-color, 2.5%);
color: @syntax-gutter-text-color-selected;
&.cursor-line-no-selection {
color: @syntax-gutter-text-color-selected;
.gutter .line-number.folded,
.gutter .line-number:after {
color: @light-gray;
.invisible {
color: @syntax-text-color;
.cursor {
color: @syntax-cursor-color;
border-width: 2px;
.selection .region {
background-color: @syntax-selection-color;
atom-text-editor .search-results .syntax--marker .region {
background-color: transparent;
border: 1px solid @syntax-result-marker-color;
atom-text-editor .search-results .syntax--marker.current-result .region {
border: 1px solid @syntax-result-marker-color-selected;
// Syntax styles
.syntax--comment {
color: @syntax-comment-color;
.syntax--keyword {
color: @purple;
&.syntax--control {
color: @purple;
&.syntax--elements {
color: @light-gray;
&.syntax--operator {
color: @cyan;
&.syntax--other.syntax--special-method {
color: @blue;
&.syntax--other.syntax--unit {
color: @orange;
.syntax--storage {
color: @purple;
.syntax--constant {
color: @red;
&.syntax--character.syntax--escape {
color: @cyan;
&.syntax--numeric {
color: @strong-orange;
&.syntax--other.syntax--color {
color: @cyan;
&.syntax--other.syntax--symbol {
color: @green;
&.syntax--language.syntax--null {
color: @pink;
.syntax--variable {
color: @very-light-gray;
&.syntax--interpolation {
color: darken(@red, 10%);
&.syntax--parameter.syntax--function {
color: @strong-orange;
&.syntax--language {
color: @pink;
&.syntax--variable {
&.syntax--object {
color: @orange;
.syntax--invalid.syntax--illegal {
background-color: @red;
color: @syntax-background-color;
.syntax--string {
color: @green;
&.syntax--regexp {
color: @cyan;
.syntax--source.syntax--ruby.syntax--embedded {
color: @orange;
&.syntax--other.syntax--link {
color: @red;
.syntax--punctuation {
&.syntax--definition {
&.syntax--comment {
color: @syntax-comment-color;
&.syntax--variable {
color: @syntax-text-color;
&.syntax--begin, &.syntax--end {
color: @cyan;
&.syntax--identity {
color: @blue;
&.syntax--bold {
color: @light-orange;
font-weight: bold;
&.syntax--italic {
color: @purple;
font-style: italic;
&.syntax--entity {
color: @cyan;
&.syntax--section {
&.syntax--array {
color: @cyan;
&.syntax--embedded {
color: @cyan;
&.syntax--separator {
&.syntax--key-value {
color: @cyan;
&.syntax--terminator {
color: @cyan;
.syntax--support {
&.syntax--class {
color: @orange;
&.syntax--function {
color: @blue;
&.syntax--any-method {
color: @blue;
&.syntax--type {
color: @orange;
&.syntax--variable {
&.syntax--dom {
color: @orange;
.syntax--entity {
&.syntax--name {
&.syntax--function {
color: @blue;
&.syntax--type {
color: @very-light-gray;
&.syntax--other {
&.syntax--inherited-class {
color: @green;
&.syntax--attribute-name {
&.syntax--pseudo-element {
color: @purple;
&.syntax--attribute {
color: @purple;
&.syntax--name.syntax--type.syntax--class {
color: @orange;
&.syntax--name.syntax--section {
color: @blue;
&.syntax--name.syntax--tag {
color: @red;
&.syntax--other.syntax--attribute-name {
color: @orange;
.syntax--meta {
&.syntax--class {
color: @light-orange;
&.syntax--delimiter {
&.syntax--period {
color: @cyan;
&.syntax--link {
color: @orange;
&.syntax--require {
color: @blue;
&.syntax--selector {
color: @purple;
&.syntax--separator {
background-color: @gray;
color: @syntax-text-color;
&.syntax--brace {
&.syntax--round, &.syntax--square {
color: @cyan;
.syntax--none {
color: @syntax-text-color;
.syntax--markup {
&.syntax--bold {
color: @orange;
font-weight: bold;
&.syntax--changed {
color: @purple;
&.syntax--deleted {
color: @red;
&.syntax--italic {
color: @purple;
font-style: italic;
&.syntax--heading .syntax--punctuation.syntax--definition.syntax--heading {
color: @blue;
&.syntax--inserted {
color: @green;
&.syntax--list {
color: @red;
&.syntax--quote {
color: @orange;
&.syntax--raw.syntax--inline {
color: @green;
.syntax--source.syntax--gfm .syntax--markup {
-webkit-font-smoothing: auto;
&.syntax--heading {
color: @green;
// Mini editor
atom-text-editor[mini] .scroll-view {
padding-left: 1px;
// Bracket Matcher
atom-text-editor {
.highlight .region.bracket-matcher {
z-index: inherit;
.bracket-matcher .region {
border-bottom: 1px solid @syntax-cursor-color;
box-sizing: border-box;
background-color: fade(@syntax-text-color, 10%);
box-shadow: inset 0 -1px 0 @syntax-cursor-color;
// Misspelled word
atom-text-editor .spell-check-misspelling .region {
z-index: auto;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
// These colors are specific to the theme. Do not use in a package!
@very-light-gray: #EEFFFF;
@light-gray: #B2CCD6;
@gray: #373b41;
@dark-gray: #282a2e;
@very-dark-gray: #263238;
@green: #C3E88D;
@teal: #009688;
@light-teal: #73d1c8;
@cyan: #89DDF3;
@blue: #82AAFF;
@indigo: #7986CB;
@purple: #C792EA;
@pink: #FF5370;
@red: #F07178;
@strong-orange: #F78C6A;
@orange: #FFCB6B;
@light-orange: #FFE082;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
.syntax--jsx {
&.syntax--component {
color: @red;
atom-text-editor {
// Over-nesting to override `language-babel` default styles.
.syntax--source.syntax--js.syntax--jsx {
.syntax--jsx {
.syntax--entity.syntax--other.syntax--attribute-name {
font-style: normal;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
.syntax--css {
.syntax--support {
&.syntax--constant {
color: @cyan;
&.syntax--property-name {
color: @light-teal;
.syntax--keyword {
&.syntax--unit {
color: @strong-orange;
.syntax--constant {
&.syntax--numeric {
color: @light-orange;
&.syntax--color {
color: @light-orange;
.syntax--punctuation {
color: currentColor;
.syntax--entity {
&.syntax--tag {
color: @light-gray;
&.syntax--id {
color: @purple;
.syntax--punctuation {
&.syntax--delimiter {
color: @cyan;
+ .syntax--constant.syntax--numeric:not(.syntax--color) {
color: @strong-orange;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
[data-grammar*="gfm"] {
.syntax--markup.syntax--underline.syntax--link {
color: lighten(@pink, 10%);
span.syntax--punctuation {
color: @pink;
.syntax--markup.syntax--strike {
position: relative;
color: fade(@syntax-text-color, 50%);
&::after {
content: "";
position: absolute;
top: calc(50% + 4px);
left: 0;
right: 0;
height: 1px;
background-color: fade(@syntax-text-color, 50%);
.syntax--table .syntax--border {
color: fade(@syntax-text-color, 50%);
.syntax--markup.syntax--heading {
color: @blue;
.syntax--punctuation.syntax--definition.syntax--end {
color: @blue;
.syntax--punctuation.syntax--definition.syntax--begin + span:not(.syntax--function.syntax--parameter) {
color: lighten(@blue, 5%);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
.syntax--html, .syntax--jsx {
.syntax--meta {
&.syntax--tag {
&.syntax--doctype {
color: @purple;
.syntax--punctuation {
&.syntax--tag {
color: @cyan;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
.syntax--js {
&.syntax--constant {
color: @very-light-gray;
&.syntax--support {
&.syntax--variable {
&.syntax--property {
color: @very-light-gray;
&.syntax--property.syntax--dom {
color: @blue;
&.syntax--entity {
&.syntax--name {
&.syntax--type {
color: @orange;
&.syntax--variable {
&.syntax--property {
color: @blue;
&.syntax--other.syntax--object {
color: @very-light-gray;
&.syntax--other.syntax--object.syntax--property {
color: @blue;
&.syntax--string.syntax--quoted.syntax--template {
.syntax--other.syntax--object.syntax--property {
color: @green;
&.syntax--constant {
&.syntax--numeric {
color: @strong-orange;
&.syntax--boolean {
color: @red;
&.syntax--brace.syntax--curly {
color: @cyan;
.syntax--comment & {
color: @syntax-comment-color;
&.syntax--export .syntax--variable.syntax--default {
color: @purple;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
.syntax--json {
.syntax--meta {
&.syntax--array.syntax--structure .syntax--string.syntax--quoted.syntax--double {
color: @green;
> * {
color: currentColor;
&.syntax--punctuation {
&.syntax--begin, &.syntax--end {
color: @cyan;
.syntax--punctuation.syntax--separator.syntax--key-value + .syntax--string.syntax--quoted {
color: @green;
* {
color: currentColor;
&.syntax--punctuation {
&.syntax--begin, &.syntax--end {
color: @cyan;
&.syntax--structure.syntax--dictionary .syntax--string.syntax--quoted {
color: @purple;
.syntax--punctuation.syntax--string {
color: currentColor;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
.syntax--php {
&.syntax--keyword {
&.syntax--operator {
&.syntax--assignment {
color: @purple;
&.syntax--meta {
&.syntax--object {
color: @blue;
&.syntax--arguments {
color: @purple;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
.syntax--python {
.syntax--meta {
&.syntax--function-call {
color: @blue;
.syntax--punctuation {
color: @cyan;
.syntax--arguments {
color: @indigo;
&.syntax--punctuation {
color: @cyan;
.syntax--variable {
&.syntax--self {
color: @pink;
.syntax--meta {
.syntax--punctuation {
&.syntax--inheritance, &.syntax--section {
color: @cyan;
.syntax--variable {
&.syntax--parameter {
color: @cyan;
.syntax--keyword {
&.syntax--operator {
color: @purple;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
.syntax--ruby {
.syntax--punctuation {
&.syntax--separator {
color: @cyan;
.syntax--variable {
&.syntax--block {
color: @red;
&.syntax--instance {
color: @red;
.syntax--punctuation {
color: currentColor;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
@import "colors";
// This defines all syntax variables that syntax themes must implement when they
// include a syntax-variables.less file.
// General colors
@syntax-text-color: @very-light-gray;
@syntax-cursor-color: @teal;
@syntax-selection-color: lighten(@syntax-background-color, 10%);
@syntax-background-color: @very-dark-gray;
@syntax-comment-color: lighten(@very-dark-gray, 20%);
// Guide colors
@syntax-wrap-guide-color: @dark-gray;
@syntax-indent-guide-color: lighten(@syntax-background-color, 2.5%);
@syntax-invisible-character-color: @gray;
// For find and replace markers
@syntax-result-marker-color: @light-gray;
@syntax-result-marker-color-selected: white;
// Gutter colors
@syntax-gutter-text-color: fade(@syntax-text-color, 20%);
@syntax-gutter-text-color-selected: @syntax-gutter-text-color;
@syntax-gutter-background-color: @syntax-background-color;
@syntax-gutter-background-color-selected: darken(@syntax-background-color, 5%);
// For git diff info. i.e. in the gutter
@syntax-color-renamed: @blue;
@syntax-color-added: @green;
@syntax-color-modified: @orange;
@syntax-color-removed: @red;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
root = true
indent_style = space
indent_size = 4
end_of_line = lf
charset = utf-8
trim_trailing_whitespace = true
insert_final_newline = true
trim_trailing_whitespace = false
indent_size = 2

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
module.exports = {
root: true,
parser: 'babel-eslint',
parserOptions: {
sourceType: 'module',
extends: 'airbnb',
env: {
browser: true,
jasmine: true,
globals: {
atom: false,
Color: false,
waitsForPromise: false,
rules: {
indent: ['error', 4],

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
# Contributing to Atom Material UI
Some of this content comes from Atom's Contributing guidelines. Please, don't be intimidated, this is just a *guideline*. All bug reports, feature requests, and questions are **always** welcome.
## Code contributions
If you want to get your hands dirty and contribute with some code, you should fork this repository, make your changes, and then send in a pull request.
git clone <your_forked_repo>
cd atom-material-ui/
apm link -d && npm install
atom -d .
I recommend installing the package [editorconfig](https://atom.io/packages/editorconfig) so you don't have to change your global settings for indentation.
### Stylesheets
Use four spaces per indent and leave an empty line between a selector's properties and a nested selector. Also leave a empty line between selectors. The white space helps with readability:
.selector {
property: value;
.nested {
property: value;
.another-selector {
property: value;
Don't abuse nesting or we'll all regret it in the future. Having `!important` flags all over to fight specificity is nasty. Try using three levels at the most. `!important` is only allowed if you need to override a package's inline styles.
Don't be afraid to include another level if you want to target a `&.className`:
.selector {
property: value;
&.className {
property: value;
Using BEM(ish) syntax nesting is OK:
.block {
&__element {
&__sub-element {
&--modifier {
property: value;
That unholy pyramid doesn't look great, but the output CSS isn't that hard to override.
### JavaScript
In a nutshell, we're following Airbnb's JavaScript style guide, except we use four spaces per indent. Make sure to check the [style guide](https://github.com/airbnb/javascript). Also, we have ESLint to catch bugs and style errors, so make sure to install it along with `linter` and `linter-eslint`.
## Trying new features
### Getting the development version
If you'd like to test new features and hunt bugs, follow these simple steps to get the latest (development) version.
git clone git@github.com:silvestreh/atom-material-ui.git
cd atom-material-ui/
apm link -d && npm install
You'll have to run Atom in *developer mode* to test the theme. To do so, open a terminal and run:
atom -d .
This way both, the APM published version and the development version, can coexist.
### Reporting a bug
Before opening an issue please search through the existing ones, even those that are marked as closed. Also, please take these into account before submitting an issue:
- **Which version of Atom are you using?** You can get the exact version by running `atom -v` in your terminal, or by starting Atom and running the Application: About command from the Command Palette.
- **What's the name and version of the OS you're using?**
- **Which packages do you have installed?** You can get that list by running `apm list --installed` in a terminal.
- **Are you using local styles in your user stylesheets?** If so, provide its contents, preferably in a code block or with a link to a gist.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
Have you read Atom's Code of Conduct? By filing an Issue, you are expected to comply with it, including treating everyone with respect: https://github.com/atom/atom/blob/master/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md
[Short description of problem here]
**Reproduction Steps:**
1. [First Step]
2. [Second Step]
3. [Other Steps...]
**Expected behavior:**
[Describe expected behavior here]
**Observed behavior:**
[Describe observed behavior here]
**Screenshots and GIFs**
![Screenshots and GIFs which follow reproduction steps to demonstrate the problem](url)
**Atom version:** [Enter Atom version here]
**OS and version:** [Enter OS name and version here]
**Installed packages:**
[List of installed packages here]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
Copyright (c) 2017 Silvestre Herrera.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
### Requirements
* Filling out the template is required. Any pull request that does not include enough information to be reviewed in a timely manner may be closed at the maintainers' discretion.
* All new code requires tests to ensure against regressions
### Description of the Change
We must be able to understand the design of your change from this description. If we can't get a good idea of what the code will be doing from the description here, the pull request may be closed at the maintainers' discretion.
### Benefits
<!-- What benefits will be realized by the code change? -->
### Possible Drawbacks
<!-- What are the possible side-effects or negative impacts of the code change? -->
### Applicable Issues
<!-- Enter any applicable Issues here -->

View File

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
[![Build Status](https://img.shields.io/travis/atom-material/atom-material-ui.svg?style=flat-square)](https://travis-ci.org/atom-material/atom-material-ui)
[![Support AMU](https://img.shields.io/badge/donate-on%20pledgie-green.svg?style=flat-square)](https://pledgie.com/campaigns/29552)
A dynamic UI theme for Atom that (kinda) follows Google's Material Design Guidelines. Best with [Atom Material Syntax](https://github.com/atom-material/atom-material-syntax).
Inspired by Mattia Astorino's [SublimeText theme](https://github.com/equinusocio/material-theme).
# Installation
Fire up a console and type:
apm install atom-material-ui
Or, inside Atom's settings select Install and then search for this package.
# Configuration
Atom Material UI supports different accent colors. To change it, go to Settings > Themes and click the cog icon next to the theme selector.
You'll find the color picker there.
# Screenshots
Here's the obligatory screenshot.
### With [Atom Material Syntax](https://atom.io/packages/atom-material-syntax)
apm install atom-material-syntax
### With [Light syntax](https://atom.io/packages/atom-material-syntax-light) theme variant
apm install atom-material-syntax-light
### With [Dark syntax](https://atom.io/packages/atom-material-syntax-dark) theme variant
apm install atom-material-syntax-dark
# Contributing
Please check the [CONTRIBUTING.md](https://github.com/atom-material/atom-material-ui/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) file.
# Extra
You can download the redesigned icon from [dropbox](https://www.dropbox.com/s/8gyn40sw95626dx/Atom-MD-Icon.zip?dl=0). It's a ZIP file containing multiple resolution PNGs, ICNS and ICO formats. Windows ICO converted by Akshit Tripathi.
# License
Atom Material UI is licensed under MIT.
View the license file [here](https://github.com/atom-material/atom-material-ui/blob/master/LICENSE.md)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
<svg enable-background="new 0 0 24 24" id="Layer_1" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 24 24" x="0px" xml:space="preserve" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" y="0px">
<path d="M7,10l5,5l5-5H7z" fill="#FFFFFF" opacity="0.5"/>
<path d="M0,0h24v24H0V0z" fill="none"/>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 315 B

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
<svg enable-background="new 0 0 24 24" id="Layer_1" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 24 24" x="0px" xml:space="preserve" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" y="0px">
<path d="M7,10l5,5l5-5H7z" opacity="0.25"/>
<path d="M0,0h24v24H0V0z" fill="none"/>


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 301 B

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
// Atom Material UI theme
@import "styles/ui-variables";
@import "styles/ui-mixins";
@import "styles/alert";
@import "styles/atom";
@import "styles/autocomplete";
@import "styles/background-tips";
@import "styles/buttons";
@import "styles/dock";
@import "styles/editor";
@import "styles/fuzzy-finder";
@import "styles/git";
@import "styles/github-panel";
@import "styles/incompatible-packages";
@import "styles/lists";
@import "styles/messages";
@import "styles/nav";
@import "styles/notifications";
@import "styles/overlays";
@import "styles/panels";
@import "styles/panes";
@import "styles/progress";
@import "styles/search-replace";
@import "styles/sites";
@import "styles/spinner";
@import "styles/tabs";
@import "styles/text";
@import "styles/title-bar";
@import "styles/tooltips";
@import "styles/tree-view";
@import "styles/utilities";
@import "styles/settings/main";
@import "styles/packages/main";
:root {
font-size: @font-size;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
"amber": {
"base": "#FFD54F",
"accent": "#A28832"
"blue": {
"base": "#2196F3",
"accent": "#FFFFFF"
"blueGrey": {
"base": "#607D8B",
"accent": "#FFFFFF"
"brown": {
"base": "#795548",
"accent": "#FFFFFF"
"cyan": {
"base": "#80DEEA",
"accent": "#528C94"
"green": {
"base": "#AAD875",
"accent": "#6F8853"
"grey": {
"base": "#7E7E7E",
"accent": "#FFFFFF"
"indigo": {
"base": "#5C6BC0",
"accent": "#FFFFFF"
"lime": {
"base": "#CDDC39",
"accent": "#737F10"
"orange": {
"base": "#FFA726",
"accent": "#9F6918"
"pink": {
"base": "#EC407A",
"accent": "#46FFC1"
"purple": {
"base": "#7E57C2",
"accent": "#B0E457"
"red": {
"base": "#EF5350",
"accent": "#59FCFF"
"teal": {
"base": "#009688",
"accent": "#FFFFFF"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
'use babel';
import tinycolor from 'tinycolor2';
export default function buildColorSettings(baseColor = '#009688', accentColor = '#FFFFFF') {
const newAccent = (typeof accentColor === 'object') ?
accentColor.toHexString() :
const newBase = (typeof baseColor === 'object') ?
baseColor.toHexString() :
const luminance = tinycolor(newBase).getLuminance();
let accentTextColor = '#666';
if (luminance <= 0.3 && luminance > 0.22) {
accentTextColor = 'rgba(255,255,255,0.9)';
} else if (luminance <= 0.22) {
accentTextColor = 'rgba(255,255,255,0.8)';
} else if (luminance > 0.3) {
accentTextColor = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.6)';
return `
@accent-color: ${newAccent};
@accent-text-color: ${accentTextColor};
@base-color: ${newBase};

View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
'use babel';
import tinycolor from 'tinycolor2';
import writeConfigFile from '../helper/write-config-file';
import toggleClassName from '../helper/toggle-class-name';
import toCamelCase from '../helper/to-camel-case';
import colorTemplates from '../color-templates.json';
import buildColorSettings from './build-color-settings';
atom.config.onDidChange('atom-material-ui.colors.abaseColor', ({ newValue }) => {
if (atom.config.get('atom-material-ui.colors.genAccent')) {
const accentColor = tinycolor(newValue.toHexString())
return atom.config.set('atom-material-ui.colors.accentColor', accentColor.toRgbString());
return writeConfigFile(
newValue, atom.config.get('atom-material-ui.colors.accentColor'),
atom.config.onDidChange('atom-material-ui.colors.predefinedColor', (value) => {
const newValue = toCamelCase(value.newValue);
atom.config.set('atom-material-ui.colors.abaseColor', colorTemplates[newValue].base);
atom.config.set('atom-material-ui.colors.accentColor', colorTemplates[newValue].accent);
atom.config.onDidChange('atom-material-ui.colors.accentColor', ({ newValue }) => (
atom.config.get('atom-material-ui.colors.abaseColor'), newValue,
atom.config.observe('atom-material-ui.colors.paintCursor', value => toggleClassName('amu-paint-cursor', value));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
'use babel';
import setFontSize from './set-font-size';
atom.config.observe('atom-material-ui.fonts.fontSize', size => setFontSize(size));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
'use babel';
export default function setFontSize(size) {
const fontSize = size ? `${size}px` : null;
document.documentElement.style.fontSize = fontSize;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
'use babel';
export default function toCamelCase(str) {
return str
.replace(/-/g, ' ')
.replace(/_/g, ' ')
.replace(/\s(.)/g, $1 => $1.toUpperCase())
.replace(/\s/g, '')
.replace(/^(.)/, $1 => $1.toLowerCase());

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
'use babel';
export default function toggleClassName(className, mustAddClass) {
const root = document.documentElement;
if (mustAddClass) {
} else {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
'use babel';
import fs from 'fs';
function writeConfigFile(content, reload = false) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (!content) return reject({ success: false, error: 'No content given' });
fs.writeFile(`${__dirname}/../../styles/user-settings.less`, content, 'utf8', (error) => {
if (error) return reject({ success: false, error: 'Failed to write settings file' });
if (reload) {
const amuPackage = atom.packages.getLoadedPackage('atom-material-ui');
if (amuPackage) {
setImmediate(() => amuPackage.activate());
return resolve({ success: true, error: null });
return resolve({ success: true, error: null });
export default writeConfigFile;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
'use babel';
import setFontSize from './fonts/set-font-size';
import toggleClassName from './helper/toggle-class-name';
import './colors';
import './fonts';
import './tab-bar';
import './user-interface';
const classNames = {
// Fonts
'amu-paint-cursor': atom.config.get('atom-material-ui.colors.paintCursor'),
// Tabs settings
'amu-compact-tab-bar': atom.config.get('atom-material-ui.tabs.compactTabs'),
'amu-no-tab-min-width': atom.config.get('atom-material-ui.tabs.noTabMinWidth'),
'amu-tinted-tab-bar': atom.config.get('atom-material-ui.tabs.tintedTabBar'),
'amu-stretched-tabs': atom.config.get('atom-material-ui.tabs.stretchedTabs'),
// General UI settings
'amu-use-animations': atom.config.get('atom-material-ui.ui.useAnimations'),
'amu-panel-contrast': atom.config.get('atom-material-ui.ui.panelContrast'),
'amu-panel-shadows': atom.config.get('atom-material-ui.ui.panelShadows'),
export default {
activate() {
Object.keys(classNames).forEach(className => (
toggleClassName(className, classNames[className])),
deactivate() {
// Reset all the things!
Object.keys(classNames).forEach(className => toggleClassName(className, false));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
'use babel';
import toggleClassName from '../helper/toggle-class-name';
atom.config.observe('atom-material-ui.tabs.tintedTabBar', (value) => {
toggleClassName('amu-tinted-tab-bar', value);
atom.config.observe('atom-material-ui.tabs.compactTabs', (value) => {
toggleClassName('amu-compact-tab-bar', value);
atom.config.observe('atom-material-ui.tabs.noTabMinWidth', (value) => {
toggleClassName('amu-no-tab-min-width', value);
atom.config.observe('atom-material-ui.tabs.stretchedTabs', (value) => {
toggleClassName('amu-stretched-tabs', value);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
'use babel';
import toggleClassName from '../helper/toggle-class-name';
atom.config.observe('atom-material-ui.ui.panelShadows', (value) => {
toggleClassName('amu-panel-shadows', value);
atom.config.observe('atom-material-ui.ui.panelContrast', (value) => {
toggleClassName('amu-panel-contrast', value);
atom.config.observe('atom-material-ui.ui.useAnimations', (value) => {
toggleClassName('amu-use-animations', value);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
language: node_js
- "0.11"
- npm install -g grunt-cli
- grunt default --verbose

View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
module.exports = function(grunt) {
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
meta: {
banner: '// TinyColor v<%= pkg.version %>\n' +
'// https://github.com/bgrins/TinyColor\n' +
'// <%= grunt.template.today("yyyy-mm-dd") %>, Brian Grinstead, MIT License\n'
uglify: {
options: {
mangle: false,
banner: '<%= meta.banner %>'
dist: {
files: {
'dist/tinycolor-min.js': ['tinycolor.js']
qunit: {
all: ['test/index.html']
jshint: {
options: {
browser: true,
sub: true,
globals: {
jQuery: true
all: ['tinycolor.js']
docco: {
debug: {
src: ['tinycolor.js'],
options: {
output: 'docs/'
grunt.registerTask('default', ['jshint', 'qunit']);
grunt.registerTask('version-bump', ['jshint', 'qunit', 'uglify', 'docco']);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
Copyright (c), Brian Grinstead, http://briangrinstead.com
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
# TinyColor
## JavaScript color tooling
TinyColor is a small, fast library for color manipulation and conversion in JavaScript. It allows many forms of input, while providing color conversions and other color utility functions. It has no dependencies.
[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/bgrins/TinyColor.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/bgrins/TinyColor)
## Including in a browser
Download [tinycolor.js](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bgrins/TinyColor/master/tinycolor.js) or install it with bower:
bower install tinycolor
Then just include it in the page in a `script` tag:
<script type='text/javascript' src='tinycolor.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var color = tinycolor("red");
## Including in node
`tinycolor` may also be included as a [node](http://nodejs.org/) module like so:
npm install tinycolor2
Then it can be used in your script like so:
var tinycolor = require("tinycolor2");
var color = tinycolor("red");
## Usage
Call `tinycolor(input)` or `new tinycolor(input)`, and you will have an object with the following properties. See Accepted String Input and Accepted Object Input below for more information about what is accepted.
## Accepted String Input
The string parsing is very permissive. It is meant to make typing a color as input as easy as possible. All commas, percentages, parenthesis are optional, and most input allow either 0-1, 0%-100%, or 0-n (where n is either 100, 255, or 360 depending on the value).
HSL and HSV both require either 0%-100% or 0-1 for the `S`/`L`/`V` properties. The `H` (hue) can have values between 0%-100% or 0-360.
RGB input requires either 0-255 or 0%-100%.
If you call `tinycolor.fromRatio`, RGB and Hue input can also accept 0-1.
Here are some examples of string input:
### Hex, 8-digit (ARGB) Hex
tinycolor("rgb (255, 0, 0)");
tinycolor("rgb 255 0 0");
tinycolor("rgba (255, 0, 0, .5)");
tinycolor({ r: 255, g: 0, b: 0 });
tinycolor.fromRatio({ r: 1, g: 0, b: 0 });
tinycolor.fromRatio({ r: .5, g: .5, b: .5 });
tinycolor("hsl(0, 100%, 50%)");
tinycolor("hsla(0, 100%, 50%, .5)");
tinycolor("hsl(0, 100%, 50%)");
tinycolor("hsl 0 1.0 0.5");
tinycolor({ h: 0, s: 1, l: .5 });
tinycolor.fromRatio({ h: 1, s: 0, l: 0 });
tinycolor.fromRatio({ h: .5, s: .5, l: .5 });
tinycolor("hsv(0, 100%, 100%)");
tinycolor("hsva(0, 100%, 100%, .5)");
tinycolor("hsv (0 100% 100%)");
tinycolor("hsv 0 1 1");
tinycolor({ h: 0, s: 100, v: 100 });
tinycolor.fromRatio({ h: 1, s: 0, v: 0 });
tinycolor.fromRatio({ h: .5, s: .5, v: .5 });
### Named
### Accepted Object Input
If you are calling this from code, you may want to use object input. Here are some examples of the different types of accepted object inputs:
{ r: 255, g: 0, b: 0 }
{ r: 255, g: 0, b: 0, a: .5 }
{ h: 0, s: 100, l: 50 }
{ h: 0, s: 100, v: 100 }
## Methods
### getFormat
Returns the format used to create the tinycolor instance
var color = tinycolor("red");
color.getFormat(); // "name"
color = tinycolor({r:255, g:255, b:255});
color.getFormat(); // "rgb"
### getOriginalInput
Returns the input passed into the constructer used to create the tinycolor instance
var color = tinycolor("red");
color.getOriginalInput(); // "red"
color = tinycolor({r:255, g:255, b:255});
color.getOriginalInput(); // "{r: 255, g: 255, b: 255}"
### isValid
Return a boolean indicating whether the color was successfully parsed. Note: if the color is not valid then it will act like `black` when being used with other methods.
var color1 = tinycolor("red");
color1.isValid(); // true
color1.toHexString(); // "#ff0000"
var color2 = tinycolor("not a color");
color2.isValid(); // false
color2.toString(); // "#000000"
### getBrightness
Returns the perceived brightness of a color, from `0-255`, as defined by [Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (Version 1.0)](http://www.w3.org/TR/AERT#color-contrast).
var color1 = tinycolor("#fff");
color1.getBrightness(); // 255
var color2 = tinycolor("#000");
color2.getBrightness(); // 0
### isLight
Return a boolean indicating whether the color's perceived brightness is light.
var color1 = tinycolor("#fff");
color1.isLight(); // true
var color2 = tinycolor("#000");
color2.isLight(); // false
### isDark
Return a boolean indicating whether the color's perceived brightness is dark.
var color1 = tinycolor("#fff");
color1.isDark(); // false
var color2 = tinycolor("#000");
color2.isDark(); // true
### getLuminance
Returns the perceived luminance of a color, from `0-1` as defined by [Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (Version 2.0).](http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-WCAG20-20081211/#contrast-ratiodef)
var color1 = tinycolor("#fff");
color1.getLuminance(); // 1
var color2 = tinycolor("#000");
color2.getLuminance(); // 0
### getAlpha
Returns the alpha value of a color, from `0-1`.
var color1 = tinycolor("rgba(255, 0, 0, .5)");
color1.getAlpha(); // 0.5
var color2 = tinycolor("rgb(255, 0, 0)");
color2.getAlpha(); // 1
var color3 = tinycolor("transparent");
color3.getAlpha(); // 0
### setAlpha
Sets the alpha value on a current color. Accepted range is in between `0-1`.
var color = tinycolor("red");
color.getAlpha(); // 1
color.getAlpha(); // .5
color.toRgbString(); // "rgba(255, 0, 0, .5)"
### String Representations
The following methods will return a property for the `alpha` value, which can be ignored: `toHsv`, `toHsl`, `toRgb`
### toHsv
var color = tinycolor("red");
color.toHsv(); // { h: 0, s: 1, v: 1, a: 1 }
### toHsvString
var color = tinycolor("red");
color.toHsvString(); // "hsv(0, 100%, 100%)"
color.toHsvString(); // "hsva(0, 100%, 100%, 0.5)"
### toHsl
var color = tinycolor("red");
color.toHsl(); // { h: 0, s: 1, l: 0.5, a: 1 }
### toHslString
var color = tinycolor("red");
color.toHslString(); // "hsl(0, 100%, 50%)"
color.toHslString(); // "hsla(0, 100%, 50%, 0.5)"
### toHex
var color = tinycolor("red");
color.toHex(); // "ff0000"
### toHexString
var color = tinycolor("red");
color.toHexString(); // "#ff0000"
### toHex8
var color = tinycolor("red");
color.toHex8(); // "ffff0000"
### toHex8String
var color = tinycolor("red");
color.toHex8String(); // "#ffff0000"
### toRgb
var color = tinycolor("red");
color.toRgb(); // { r: 255, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1 }
### toRgbString
var color = tinycolor("red");
color.toRgbString(); // "rgb(255, 0, 0)"
color.toRgbString(); // "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)"
### toPercentageRgb
var color = tinycolor("red");
color.toPercentageRgb() // { r: "100%", g: "0%", b: "0%", a: 1 }
### toPercentageRgbString
var color = tinycolor("red");
color.toPercentageRgbString(); // "rgb(100%, 0%, 0%)"
color.toPercentageRgbString(); // "rgba(100%, 0%, 0%, 0.5)"
### toName
var color = tinycolor("red");
color.toName(); // "red"
### toFilter
var color = tinycolor("red");
color.toFilter(); // "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#ffff0000,endColorstr=#ffff0000)"
### toString
Print to a string, depending on the input format. You can also override this by passing one of `"rgb", "prgb", "hex6", "hex3", "hex8", "name", "hsl", "hsv"` into the function.
var color1 = tinycolor("red");
color1.toString(); // "red"
color1.toString("hsv"); // "hsv(0, 100%, 100%)"
var color2 = tinycolor("rgb(255, 0, 0)");
color2.toString(); // "rgb(255, 0, 0)"
color2.toString(); // "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)"
### Color Modification
These methods manipulate the current color, and return it for chaining. For instance:
tinycolor("red").lighten().desaturate().toHexString() // "#f53d3d"
### lighten
`lighten: function(amount = 10) -> TinyColor`. Lighten the color a given amount, from 0 to 100. Providing 100 will always return white.
tinycolor("#f00").lighten().toString(); // "#ff3333"
tinycolor("#f00").lighten(100).toString(); // "#ffffff"
### brighten
`brighten: function(amount = 10) -> TinyColor`. Brighten the color a given amount, from 0 to 100.
tinycolor("#f00").brighten().toString(); // "#ff1919"
### darken
`darken: function(amount = 10) -> TinyColor`. Darken the color a given amount, from 0 to 100. Providing 100 will always return black.
tinycolor("#f00").darken().toString(); // "#cc0000"
tinycolor("#f00").darken(100).toString(); // "#000000"
### desaturate
`desaturate: function(amount = 10) -> TinyColor`. Desaturate the color a given amount, from 0 to 100. Providing 100 will is the same as calling `greyscale`.
tinycolor("#f00").desaturate().toString(); // "#f20d0d"
tinycolor("#f00").desaturate(100).toString(); // "#808080"
### saturate
`saturate: function(amount = 10) -> TinyColor`. Saturate the color a given amount, from 0 to 100.
tinycolor("hsl(0, 10%, 50%)").saturate().toString(); // "hsl(0, 20%, 50%)"
### greyscale
`greyscale: function() -> TinyColor`. Completely desaturates a color into greyscale. Same as calling `desaturate(100)`.
tinycolor("#f00").greyscale().toString(); // "#808080"
### spin
`spin: function(amount = 0) -> TinyColor`. Spin the hue a given amount, from -360 to 360. Calling with 0, 360, or -360 will do nothing (since it sets the hue back to what it was before).
tinycolor("#f00").spin(180).toString(); // "#00ffff"
tinycolor("#f00").spin(-90).toString(); // "#7f00ff"
tinycolor("#f00").spin(90).toString(); // "#80ff00"
// spin(0) and spin(360) do nothing
tinycolor("#f00").spin(0).toString(); // "#ff0000"
tinycolor("#f00").spin(360).toString(); // "#ff0000"
### Color Combinations
Combination functions return an array of TinyColor objects unless otherwise noted.
### analogous
`analogous: function(, results = 6, slices = 30) -> array<TinyColor>`.
var colors = tinycolor("#f00").analogous();
colors.map(function(t) { return t.toHexString(); }); // [ "#ff0000", "#ff0066", "#ff0033", "#ff0000", "#ff3300", "#ff6600" ]
### monochromatic
`monochromatic: function(, results = 6) -> array<TinyColor>`.
var colors = tinycolor("#f00").monochromatic();
colors.map(function(t) { return t.toHexString(); }); // [ "#ff0000", "#2a0000", "#550000", "#800000", "#aa0000", "#d40000" ]
### splitcomplement
`splitcomplement: function() -> array<TinyColor>`.
var colors = tinycolor("#f00").splitcomplement();
colors.map(function(t) { return t.toHexString(); }); // [ "#ff0000", "#ccff00", "#0066ff" ]
### triad
`triad: function() -> array<TinyColor>`.
var colors = tinycolor("#f00").triad();
colors.map(function(t) { return t.toHexString(); }); // [ "#ff0000", "#00ff00", "#0000ff" ]
### tetrad
`tetrad: function() -> array<TinyColor>`.
var colors = tinycolor("#f00").tetrad();
colors.map(function(t) { return t.toHexString(); }); // [ "#ff0000", "#80ff00", "#00ffff", "#7f00ff" ]
### complement
`complement: function() -> TinyColor`.
tinycolor("#f00").complement().toHexString(); // "#00ffff"
## Color Utilities
tinycolor.equals(color1, color2)
tinycolor.mix(color1, color2, amount = 50)
### random
Returns a random color.
var color = tinycolor.random();
color.toRgb(); // "{r: 145, g: 40, b: 198, a: 1}"
### Readability
TinyColor assesses readability based on the [Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (Version 2.0)](http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-WCAG20-20081211/#contrast-ratiodef).
#### readability
`readability: function(TinyColor, TinyColor) -> Object`.
Returns the contrast ratio between two colors.
tinycolor.readability("#000", "#000"); // 1
tinycolor.readability("#000", "#111"); // 1.1121078324840545
tinycolor.readability("#000", "#fff"); // 21
Use the values in your own calculations, or use one of the convenience functions below.
#### isReadable
`isReadable: function(TinyColor, TinyColor, Object) -> Boolean`. Ensure that foreground and background color combinations meet WCAG guidelines. `Object` is optional, defaulting to `{level: "AA",size: "small"}`. `level` can be `"AA"` or "AAA" and `size` can be `"small"` or `"large"`.
Here are links to read more about the [AA](http://www.w3.org/TR/UNDERSTANDING-WCAG20/visual-audio-contrast-contrast.html) and [AAA](http://www.w3.org/TR/UNDERSTANDING-WCAG20/visual-audio-contrast7.html) requirements.
tinycolor.isReadable("#000", "#111", {}); // false
tinycolor.isReadable("#ff0088", "#5c1a72",{level:"AA",size:"small"}); //false
tinycolor.isReadable("#ff0088", "#5c1a72",{level:"AA",size:"large"}), //true
#### mostReadable
`mostReadable: function(TinyColor, [TinyColor, Tinycolor ...], Object) -> Boolean`.
Given a base color and a list of possible foreground or background colors for that base, returns the most readable color.
If none of the colors in the list is readable, `mostReadable` will return the better of black or white if `includeFallbackColors:true`.
tinycolor.mostReadable("#000", ["#f00", "#0f0", "#00f"]).toHexString(); // "#00ff00"
tinycolor.mostReadable(tinycolor.mostReadable("#123", ["#124", "#125"],{includeFallbackColors:false}).toHexString(); // "#112255"
tinycolor.mostReadable(tinycolor.mostReadable("#123", ["#124", "#125"],{includeFallbackColors:true}).toHexString(); // "#ffffff"
tinycolor.mostReadable("#ff0088", ["#2e0c3a"],{includeFallbackColors:true,level:"AAA",size:"large"}).toHexString() // "#2e0c3a",
tinycolor.mostReadable("#ff0088", ["#2e0c3a"],{includeFallbackColors:true,level:"AAA",size:"small"}).toHexString() // "#000000",
See [index.html](https://github.com/bgrins/TinyColor/blob/master/index.html) in the project for a demo.
## Common operations
### clone
`clone: function() -> TinyColor`.
Instantiate a new TinyColor object with the same color. Any changes to the new one won't affect the old one.
var color1 = tinycolor("#F00");
var color2 = color1.clone();
color1.toString(); // "#ff0000"
color2.toString(); // "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
"name": "tinycolor",
"repository": "bgrins/TinyColor",
"version": "1.3.0",
"main": "tinycolor.js",
"scripts": ["tinycolor.js"],
"license": "MIT",
"ignore": ["test"]

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@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset='utf-8'>
<title>TinyColor - Fast, small color manipulation in JavaScript</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="demo/demo.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
<script type='text/javascript' src='demo/jquery-1.9.1.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src='tinycolor.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript'>
function colorChange(color) {
var tiny = tinycolor(color);
var output = [
"hex:\t" + tiny.toHexString(),
"hex8:\t" + tiny.toHex8String(),
"rgb:\t" + tiny.toRgbString(),
"hsl:\t" + tiny.toHslString(),
"hsv:\t" + tiny.toHsvString(),
"name:\t" + (tiny.toName() || "none"),
"format:\t" + (tiny.getFormat()),
"format string:\t" + tiny.toString(),
$("#code-output").text(output).css("border-color", tiny.toHexString());
var filters = $("#filter-output").toggleClass("invisible", !tiny.isValid());
var allColors = [];
for (var i in tinycolor.names) {
var mostReadable = tinycolor.mostReadable(color, allColors);
var combines = $("#combine-output").toggleClass("invisible", !tiny.isValid());
function colorArrayToHTML(arr) {
return $.map(arr, function(e) {
return '<span style="background:'+e.toHexString()+'"></span>'
var triad = tiny.triad();
console.log(triad.map(function(f) {return f.toHexString();}));
var tetrad = tiny.tetrad();
var mono = tiny.monochromatic();
var analogous = tiny.analogous();
var splitcomplement = tiny.splitcomplement();
$(function() {
$("#color").bind("keyup change", function() {
colorChange({r: 150, g: 0, b: 100});
$("#inputter a").click(function() {
return false;
<div id="container">
<h2>Fast, small color manipulation and conversion for JavaScript</h2>
<a href="https://github.com/bgrins/TinyColor">TinyColor</a> is a micro framework for inputting colors and outputting colors as different formats.
Input is meant to be as permissive as possible.
<h3>Usage Documentation</h3>
<p>Read all the documentation on the <a href='https://github.com/bgrins/TinyColor'>TinyColor project page</a> on github.</p>
<p><a href='docs/tinycolor.html'>View the annotated source code</a> or <a href='https://github.com/bgrins/TinyColor/blob/master/tinycolor.js'>see the full source on github</a>.</p>
<p><a href='test/'>View the QUnit Tests</a>.</p>
<div id='demo'>
<div id='inputter'>
Enter a color: <input type="text" placeholder="any color." id='color' />
Or try these:
<a href="#">red</a>
<a href="#">0f0</a>
<a href="#">rgb 255 128 128</a>
<a href='#'>hsl(0, 100%, 50%)</a>
<a href='#'>hsv 0, 100%, 50%</a>
<p>And I'll tell you what I know about it:</p>
<pre id='code-output'></pre>
<div id='filter-output'>
<td><div class='lighten'></div></td>
<td><div class='darken'></div></td>
<td><div class='saturate'></div></td>
<td><div class='desaturate'></div></td>
<td><div class='greyscale'></div></td>
<td><div class='brighten'></div></td>
<th>Most Readable</th>
<td><div id='mostReadable'></div></td>
<div id='combine-output'>
<th>Triad</th> <td><div class='triad'></div></td>
<th>Tetrad</th> <td><div class='tetrad'></div></td>
<th>Monochromatic</th> <td><div class='mono'></div></td>
<th>Analogous</th> <td><div class='analogous'></div></td>
<th>Split Complements</th> <td><div class='sc'></div></td>
Developed by <a href='http://briangrinstead.com'>Brian Grinstead</a>. Big thanks to the following places:
<li><a href='https://github.com/cloudhead/less.js/blob/master/lib/less/functions.js'>less.js</a> for some of the modification functions</li>
<li><a href='https://github.com/infusion/jQuery-xcolor/blob/master/jquery.xcolor.js'>jQuery xColor</a> for some of the combination functions</li>
<li><a href='http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-color/#svg-color'>w3.org</a> for the color list and parsing rules</li>
<li><a href='http://mjijackson.com/2008/02/rgb-to-hsl-and-rgb-to-hsv-color-model-conversion-algorithms-in-javascript'>mjijackson.com</a> for the first stab at RGB / HSL / HSV converters</li>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
"_from": "tinycolor2@1.3.0",
"_id": "tinycolor2@1.3.0",
"_inBundle": false,
"_integrity": "sha1-PzjmQk3kVmEi1VDrGsyAytN6cYQ=",
"_location": "/atom-material-ui/tinycolor2",
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"registry": true,
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"_spec": "tinycolor2@1.3.0",
"_where": "/tmp/apm-install-dir-119228-12619-1cn8am1.8d7s/node_modules/atom-material-ui",
"author": {
"name": "Brian Grinstead",
"email": "briangrinstead@gmail.com",
"url": "http://briangrinstead.com"
"bundleDependencies": false,
"contributors": [],
"deprecated": false,
"description": "Fast Color Parsing and Manipulation",
"devDependencies": {
"grunt": "~0.4.1",
"grunt-contrib-concat": "~0.1.3",
"grunt-contrib-jshint": "~0.1.1",
"grunt-contrib-qunit": "^0.7.0",
"grunt-contrib-uglify": "~0.2.0",
"grunt-docco": "~0.2.0"
"directories": {},
"engines": {
"node": "*"
"keywords": [
"license": "MIT",
"main": "./tinycolor.js",
"name": "tinycolor2",
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "https://bgrins.github.com/TinyColor"
"url": "http://bgrins.github.com/TinyColor",
"version": "1.3.0"

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test("TinyColor initialization", function() {
ok (typeof tinycolor != "undefined", "tinycolor is initialized on the page");
ok (typeof tinycolor("red") == "object", "tinycolor is able to be instantiated");
var r = tinycolor("red");
ok (tinycolor(r) === r, "when given a tinycolor instance, tinycolor() returns it");
ok (new tinycolor(r) === r, "when given a tinycolor instance, new tinycolor() returns it");
equal (tinycolor("red", { format: "hex" }).toString(), "#ff0000", "tinycolor options are being parsed");
equal (tinycolor.fromRatio({r: 1, g: 0, b: 0 }, { format: "hex" }).toString(), "#ff0000", "tinycolor options are being parsed");
test("Original input", function() {
var colorRgbUp = "RGB(39, 39, 39)",
colorRgbLow = "rgb(39, 39, 39)",
colorRgbMix = "RgB(39, 39, 39)",
tinycolorObj = tinycolor(colorRgbMix),
inputObj = {r:100,g:100,b:100};
var r = tinycolor("red");
ok (tinycolor(colorRgbLow).getOriginalInput() === colorRgbLow, "original lowercase input is returned");
ok (tinycolor(colorRgbUp).getOriginalInput() === colorRgbUp, "original uppercase input is returned");
ok (tinycolor(colorRgbMix).getOriginalInput() === colorRgbMix, "original mixed input is returned");
ok (tinycolor(tinycolorObj).getOriginalInput() === colorRgbMix, "when given a tinycolor instance, the color string is returned");
ok (tinycolor(inputObj).getOriginalInput() === inputObj, "when given an object, the object is returned");
ok (new tinycolor("").getOriginalInput() === "", "when given an empty string, an empty string is returned");
ok (new tinycolor(null).getOriginalInput() === "", "when given a null value, an empty string is returned");
test("Cloning color", function() {
var originalColor = tinycolor("red");
var originalColorRgbString = originalColor.toRgbString();
var clonedColor = originalColor.clone();
ok (clonedColor.toRgbString() === originalColor.toRgbString(), "cloned color is identical");
ok (clonedColor.toRgbString() !== originalColor.toRgbString(), "cloned color is changing independently from original color");
ok (originalColorRgbString === originalColor.toRgbString(), "original color was not changed by cloned color change");
// Taken from convertWikipediaColors.html
var conversions = [
module("Color translations");
test("Color Equality", function() {
for (var i = 0; i < conversions.length; i++) {
var c = conversions[i];
var tiny = tinycolor(c.hex);
ok (true, tiny.isValid());
ok (true,
"Testing " + c.hex + ": " + tiny.toRgbString() + " " + tiny.toPercentageRgbString() + " " + tiny.toHsvString() + " " + tiny.toHslString() + " " + tiny.toHexString() +
"Original: " + JSON.stringify(c.rgb) + " " + JSON.stringify(c.hsv) + " " + JSON.stringify(c.hsl)
ok (tinycolor.equals(c.rgb, c.hex), "RGB equals hex " + c.hex);
ok (tinycolor.equals(c.rgb, c.hex8), "RGB equals hex " + c.hex);
ok (tinycolor.equals(c.rgb, c.hsl), "RGB equals HSL " + c.hex);
ok (tinycolor.equals(c.rgb, c.hsv), "RGB equals HSV " + c.hex);
ok (tinycolor.equals(c.rgb, c.rgb), "RGB equals RGB " + c.hex);
ok (tinycolor.equals(c.hex, c.hex), "hex equals hex " + c.hex);
ok (tinycolor.equals(c.hex, c.hex8), "hex equals hex8 " + c.hex);
ok (tinycolor.equals(c.hex, c.hsl), "hex equals HSL " + c.hex);
ok (tinycolor.equals(c.hex, c.hsv), "hex equals HSV " + c.hex);
ok (tinycolor.equals(c.hsl, c.hsv), "HSL equals HSV " + c.hex);
module("Ratio Parsing");
test("With Ratio", function() {
equal (tinycolor.fromRatio({r: 1, g: 1, b: 1}).toHexString(), "#ffffff", "white");
equal (tinycolor.fromRatio({r: 1, g: 0, b: 0, a: .5 }).toRgbString(), "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)", "alpha works when ratio is parsed");
equal (tinycolor.fromRatio({r: 1, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1 }).toRgbString(), "rgb(255, 0, 0)", "alpha = 1 works when ratio is parsed");
equal (tinycolor.fromRatio({r: 1, g: 0, b: 0, a: 10 }).toRgbString(), "rgb(255, 0, 0)", "alpha > 1 works when ratio is parsed");
equal (tinycolor.fromRatio({r: 1, g: 0, b: 0, a: -1 }).toRgbString(), "rgb(255, 0, 0)", "alpha < 1 works when ratio is parsed");
test("Without Ratio", function() {
equal (tinycolor({r: 1, g: 1, b: 1}).toHexString(), "#010101", "010101");
equal (tinycolor({r: .1, g: .1, b: .1}).toHexString(), "#000000", "000000");
equal (tinycolor("rgb .1 .1 .1").toHexString(), "#000000", "000000");
module("String Parsing");
test("RGB Text Parsing", function() {
equal (tinycolor("rgb 255 0 0").toHexString(), "#ff0000", "spaced input");
equal (tinycolor("rgb(255, 0, 0)").toHexString(), "#ff0000", "parenthesized input");
equal (tinycolor("rgb (255, 0, 0)").toHexString(), "#ff0000", "parenthesized spaced input");
equal (tinycolor({ r: 255, g: 0, b: 0 }).toHexString(), "#ff0000", "object input");
deepEqual (tinycolor({ r: 255, g: 0, b: 0 }).toRgb(), { r: 255, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1 }, "object input and compare");
ok (tinycolor.equals({r:200, g: 100, b: 0 }, "rgb(200, 100, 0)"));
ok (tinycolor.equals({r:200, g: 100, b: 0 }, "rgb 200 100 0"));
ok (tinycolor.equals({r:200, g: 100, b: 0 }, "rgb 200 100 0"));
ok (tinycolor.equals({r:200, g: 100, b: 0, a: .4 }, "rgba 200 100 0 .4"));
ok (!tinycolor.equals({r:199, g: 100, b: 0 }, "rgba 200 100 0 1"));
ok (!tinycolor.equals({r:199, g: 100, b: 0 }, "rgb(200, 100, 0)"));
ok (!tinycolor.equals({r:199, g: 100, b: 0 }, "rgb 200 100 0"));
ok (!tinycolor.equals({r:199, g: 100, b: 0 }, "rgb 200 100 0"));
ok (tinycolor.equals(tinycolor({r:200, g: 100, b: 0 }), "rgb(200, 100, 0)"));
ok (tinycolor.equals(tinycolor({r:200, g: 100, b: 0 }), "rgb 200 100 0"));
ok (tinycolor.equals(tinycolor({r:200, g: 100, b: 0 }), "rgb 200 100 0"));
test("Percentage RGB Text Parsing", function() {
equal (tinycolor("rgb 100% 0% 0%").toHexString(), "#ff0000", "spaced input");
equal (tinycolor("rgb(100%, 0%, 0%)").toHexString(), "#ff0000", "parenthesized input");
equal (tinycolor("rgb (100%, 0%, 0%)").toHexString(), "#ff0000", "parenthesized spaced input");
equal (tinycolor({ r: "100%", g: "0%", b: "0%" }).toHexString(), "#ff0000", "object input");
deepEqual (tinycolor({ r: "100%", g: "0%", b: "0%" }).toRgb(), { r: 255, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1 }, "object input and compare");
ok (tinycolor.equals({r:"90%", g: "45%", b: "0%" }, "rgb(90%, 45%, 0%)"));
ok (tinycolor.equals({r:"90%", g: "45%", b: "0%" }, "rgb 90% 45% 0%"));
ok (tinycolor.equals({r:"90%", g: "45%", b: "0%" }, "rgb 90% 45% 0%"));
ok (tinycolor.equals({r:"90%", g: "45%", b: "0%", a: .4 }, "rgba 90% 45% 0% .4"));
ok (!tinycolor.equals({r:"89%", g: "45%", b: "0%" }, "rgba 90% 45% 0% 1"));
ok (!tinycolor.equals({r:"89%", g: "45%", b: "0%" }, "rgb(90%, 45%, 0%)"));
ok (!tinycolor.equals({r:"89%", g: "45%", b: "0%" }, "rgb 90% 45% 0%"));
ok (!tinycolor.equals({r:"89%", g: "45%", b: "0%" }, "rgb 90% 45% 0%"));
ok (tinycolor.equals(tinycolor({r:"90%", g: "45%", b: "0%" }), "rgb(90%, 45%, 0%)"));
ok (tinycolor.equals(tinycolor({r:"90%", g: "45%", b: "0%" }), "rgb 90% 45% 0%"));
ok (tinycolor.equals(tinycolor({r:"90%", g: "45%", b: "0%" }), "rgb 90% 45% 0%"));
test("HSL parsing", function() {
equal (tinycolor({ h: 251, s: 100, l: .38 }).toHexString(), "#2400c2", "to hex");
equal (tinycolor({ h: 251, s: 100, l: .38 }).toRgbString(), "rgb(36, 0, 194)", "to rgb");
equal (tinycolor({ h: 251, s: 100, l: .38 }).toHslString(), "hsl(251, 100%, 38%)", "to hsl");
equal (tinycolor("hsl(251, 100, 38)").toHexString(), "#2400c2", "to hex");
equal (tinycolor("hsl(251, 100%, 38%)").toRgbString(), "rgb(36, 0, 194)", "to rgb");
equal (tinycolor("hsl(251, 100%, 38%)").toHslString(), "hsl(251, 100%, 38%)", "to hsl");
equal (tinycolor("hsl 100 20 10").toHslString(), "hsl(100, 20%, 10%)", "problematic hsl");
test("Hex Parsing", function() {
equal (tinycolor("rgb 255 0 0").toHexString(), "#ff0000");
equal (tinycolor("rgb 255 0 0").toHexString(true), "#f00");
equal (tinycolor("rgba 255 0 0 0.5").toHex8String(), "#80ff0000");
equal (tinycolor("rgb 255 0 0").toHex(), "ff0000");
equal (tinycolor("rgb 255 0 0").toHex(true), "f00");
equal (tinycolor("rgba 255 0 0 0.5").toHex8(), "80ff0000");
test("HSV Parsing", function() {
equal (tinycolor("hsv 251.1 0.887 .918").toHsvString(), "hsv(251, 89%, 92%)");
equal (tinycolor("hsv 251.1 0.887 0.918").toHsvString(), "hsv(251, 89%, 92%)");
equal (tinycolor("hsva 251.1 0.887 0.918 0.5").toHsvString(), "hsva(251, 89%, 92%, 0.5)");
test("Invalid Parsing", function() {
var invalidColor = tinycolor("this is not a color");
equal (invalidColor.toHexString(), "#000000");
equal (false, invalidColor.isValid());
invalidColor = tinycolor("#red");
equal (invalidColor.toHexString(), "#000000");
equal (false, invalidColor.isValid());
invalidColor = tinycolor(" #red");
equal (invalidColor.toHexString(), "#000000");
equal (false, invalidColor.isValid());
invalidColor = tinycolor("##123456");
equal (invalidColor.toHexString(), "#000000");
equal (false, invalidColor.isValid());
invalidColor = tinycolor(" ##123456");
equal (invalidColor.toHexString(), "#000000");
equal (false, invalidColor.isValid());
test("Named colors", function() {
equal (tinycolor("aliceblue").toHex(), "f0f8ff");
equal (tinycolor("antiquewhite").toHex(), "faebd7");
equal (tinycolor("aqua").toHex(), "00ffff");
equal (tinycolor("aquamarine").toHex(), "7fffd4");
equal (tinycolor("azure").toHex(), "f0ffff");
equal (tinycolor("beige").toHex(), "f5f5dc");
equal (tinycolor("bisque").toHex(), "ffe4c4");
equal (tinycolor("black").toHex(), "000000");
equal (tinycolor("blanchedalmond").toHex(), "ffebcd");
equal (tinycolor("blue").toHex(), "0000ff");
equal (tinycolor("blueviolet").toHex(), "8a2be2");
equal (tinycolor("brown").toHex(), "a52a2a");
equal (tinycolor("burlywood").toHex(), "deb887");
equal (tinycolor("cadetblue").toHex(), "5f9ea0");
equal (tinycolor("chartreuse").toHex(), "7fff00");
equal (tinycolor("chocolate").toHex(), "d2691e");
equal (tinycolor("coral").toHex(), "ff7f50");
equal (tinycolor("cornflowerblue").toHex(), "6495ed");
equal (tinycolor("cornsilk").toHex(), "fff8dc");
equal (tinycolor("crimson").toHex(), "dc143c");
equal (tinycolor("cyan").toHex(), "00ffff");
equal (tinycolor("darkblue").toHex(), "00008b");
equal (tinycolor("darkcyan").toHex(), "008b8b");
equal (tinycolor("darkgoldenrod").toHex(), "b8860b");
equal (tinycolor("darkgray").toHex(), "a9a9a9");
equal (tinycolor("darkgreen").toHex(), "006400");
equal (tinycolor("darkkhaki").toHex(), "bdb76b");
equal (tinycolor("darkmagenta").toHex(), "8b008b");
equal (tinycolor("darkolivegreen").toHex(), "556b2f");
equal (tinycolor("darkorange").toHex(), "ff8c00");
equal (tinycolor("darkorchid").toHex(), "9932cc");
equal (tinycolor("darkred").toHex(), "8b0000");
equal (tinycolor("darksalmon").toHex(), "e9967a");
equal (tinycolor("darkseagreen").toHex(), "8fbc8f");
equal (tinycolor("darkslateblue").toHex(), "483d8b");
equal (tinycolor("darkslategray").toHex(), "2f4f4f");
equal (tinycolor("darkturquoise").toHex(), "00ced1");
equal (tinycolor("darkviolet").toHex(), "9400d3");
equal (tinycolor("deeppink").toHex(), "ff1493");
equal (tinycolor("deepskyblue").toHex(), "00bfff");
equal (tinycolor("dimgray").toHex(), "696969");
equal (tinycolor("dodgerblue").toHex(), "1e90ff");
equal (tinycolor("firebrick").toHex(), "b22222");
equal (tinycolor("floralwhite").toHex(), "fffaf0");
equal (tinycolor("forestgreen").toHex(), "228b22");
equal (tinycolor("fuchsia").toHex(), "ff00ff");
equal (tinycolor("gainsboro").toHex(), "dcdcdc");
equal (tinycolor("ghostwhite").toHex(), "f8f8ff");
equal (tinycolor("gold").toHex(), "ffd700");
equal (tinycolor("goldenrod").toHex(), "daa520");
equal (tinycolor("gray").toHex(), "808080");
equal (tinycolor("grey").toHex(), "808080");
equal (tinycolor("green").toHex(), "008000");
equal (tinycolor("greenyellow").toHex(), "adff2f");
equal (tinycolor("honeydew").toHex(), "f0fff0");
equal (tinycolor("hotpink").toHex(), "ff69b4");
equal (tinycolor("indianred ").toHex(), "cd5c5c");
equal (tinycolor("indigo ").toHex(), "4b0082");
equal (tinycolor("ivory").toHex(), "fffff0");
equal (tinycolor("khaki").toHex(), "f0e68c");
equal (tinycolor("lavender").toHex(), "e6e6fa");
equal (tinycolor("lavenderblush").toHex(), "fff0f5");
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equal (tinycolor("mediumorchid").toHex(), "ba55d3");
equal (tinycolor("mediumpurple").toHex(), "9370db");
equal (tinycolor("mediumseagreen").toHex(), "3cb371");
equal (tinycolor("mediumslateblue").toHex(), "7b68ee");
equal (tinycolor("mediumspringgreen").toHex(), "00fa9a");
equal (tinycolor("mediumturquoise").toHex(), "48d1cc");
equal (tinycolor("mediumvioletred").toHex(), "c71585");
equal (tinycolor("midnightblue").toHex(), "191970");
equal (tinycolor("mintcream").toHex(), "f5fffa");
equal (tinycolor("mistyrose").toHex(), "ffe4e1");
equal (tinycolor("moccasin").toHex(), "ffe4b5");
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equal (tinycolor("oldlace").toHex(), "fdf5e6");
equal (tinycolor("olive").toHex(), "808000");
equal (tinycolor("olivedrab").toHex(), "6b8e23");
equal (tinycolor("orange").toHex(), "ffa500");
equal (tinycolor("orangered").toHex(), "ff4500");
equal (tinycolor("orchid").toHex(), "da70d6");
equal (tinycolor("palegoldenrod").toHex(), "eee8aa");
equal (tinycolor("palegreen").toHex(), "98fb98");
equal (tinycolor("paleturquoise").toHex(), "afeeee");
equal (tinycolor("palevioletred").toHex(), "db7093");
equal (tinycolor("papayawhip").toHex(), "ffefd5");
equal (tinycolor("peachpuff").toHex(), "ffdab9");
equal (tinycolor("peru").toHex(), "cd853f");
equal (tinycolor("pink").toHex(), "ffc0cb");
equal (tinycolor("plum").toHex(), "dda0dd");
equal (tinycolor("powderblue").toHex(), "b0e0e6");
equal (tinycolor("purple").toHex(), "800080");
equal (tinycolor("rebeccapurple").toHex(), "663399");
equal (tinycolor("red").toHex(), "ff0000");
equal (tinycolor("rosybrown").toHex(), "bc8f8f");
equal (tinycolor("royalblue").toHex(), "4169e1");
equal (tinycolor("saddlebrown").toHex(), "8b4513");
equal (tinycolor("salmon").toHex(), "fa8072");
equal (tinycolor("sandybrown").toHex(), "f4a460");
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equal (tinycolor("seashell").toHex(), "fff5ee");
equal (tinycolor("sienna").toHex(), "a0522d");
equal (tinycolor("silver").toHex(), "c0c0c0");
equal (tinycolor("skyblue").toHex(), "87ceeb");
equal (tinycolor("slateblue").toHex(), "6a5acd");
equal (tinycolor("slategray").toHex(), "708090");
equal (tinycolor("snow").toHex(), "fffafa");
equal (tinycolor("springgreen").toHex(), "00ff7f");
equal (tinycolor("steelblue").toHex(), "4682b4");
equal (tinycolor("tan").toHex(), "d2b48c");
equal (tinycolor("teal").toHex(), "008080");
equal (tinycolor("thistle").toHex(), "d8bfd8");
equal (tinycolor("tomato").toHex(), "ff6347");
equal (tinycolor("turquoise").toHex(), "40e0d0");
equal (tinycolor("violet").toHex(), "ee82ee");
equal (tinycolor("wheat").toHex(), "f5deb3");
equal (tinycolor("white").toHex(), "ffffff");
equal (tinycolor("whitesmoke").toHex(), "f5f5f5");
equal (tinycolor("yellow").toHex(), "ffff00");
equal (tinycolor("yellowgreen").toHex(), "9acd32");
equal (tinycolor("#f00").toName(), "red");
equal (tinycolor("#fa0a0a").toName(), false);
module("Alpha handling");
test("Invalid alpha should normalize to 1", function() {
equal (tinycolor({r:255,g:20,b:10,a: -1}).toRgbString(), "rgb(255, 20, 10)", "Negative value");
equal (tinycolor({r:255,g:20,b:10,a: -0}).toRgbString(), "rgba(255, 20, 10, 0)", "Negative 0");
equal (tinycolor({r:255,g:20,b:10,a: 0}).toRgbString(), "rgba(255, 20, 10, 0)", "0");
equal (tinycolor({r:255,g:20,b:10,a: .5}).toRgbString(), "rgba(255, 20, 10, 0.5)", ".5");
equal (tinycolor({r:255,g:20,b:10,a: 1}).toRgbString(), "rgb(255, 20, 10)", "1");
equal (tinycolor({r:255,g:20,b:10,a: 100}).toRgbString(), "rgb(255, 20, 10)", "Greater than 1");
equal (tinycolor({r:255,g:20,b:10,a: "asdfasd"}).toRgbString(), "rgb(255, 20, 10)", "Non Numeric");
equal (tinycolor("#fff").toRgbString(), "rgb(255, 255, 255)", "Hex should be 1");
equal (tinycolor("rgba 255 0 0 100").toRgbString(), "rgb(255, 0, 0)", "Greater than 1 in string parsing");
test("toString() with alpha set", function() {
var redNamed = tinycolor.fromRatio({ r: 255, g: 0, b: 0, a: .5}, {format: "name"});
var transparentNamed = tinycolor.fromRatio({ r: 255, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0 }, {format: "name"});
var redHex = tinycolor.fromRatio({ r: 255, g: 0, b: 0, a: .5}, {format: "hex"});
equal(redNamed.getFormat(), "name", "getFormat() is correct");
equal(redHex.getFormat(), "hex", "getFormat() is correct");
equal (redNamed.toString(), "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)", "Names should default to rgba if alpha is < 1");
equal (redHex.toString(), "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)", "Hex should default to rgba if alpha is < 1");
equal (redNamed.toString("hex"), "#ff0000", "Names should not be returned as rgba if format is specified");
equal (redNamed.toString("hex6"), "#ff0000", "Names should not be returned as rgba if format is specified");
equal (redNamed.toString("hex3"), "#f00", "Names should not be returned as rgba if format is specified");
equal (redNamed.toString("name"), "#ff0000", "Semi transparent names should return hex in toString() if name format is specified");
equal (redNamed.toName(), false, "Semi transparent names should be false in toName()");
equal (redHex.toString(), "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)", "Hex should default to rgba if alpha is < 1");
equal (transparentNamed.toString(), "transparent", "Named color should equal transparent if alpha == 0");
equal (redHex.toString(), "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0)", "Hex should default to rgba if alpha is = 0");
test("setting alpha", function() {
var hexSetter = tinycolor("rgba(255, 0, 0, 1)");
equal (hexSetter.getAlpha(), 1, "Alpha should start as 1");
var returnedFromSetAlpha = hexSetter.setAlpha(.9);
equal (returnedFromSetAlpha, hexSetter, "setAlpha return value should be the color.");
equal (hexSetter.getAlpha(), .9, "setAlpha should change alpha value");
equal (hexSetter.getAlpha(), .5, "setAlpha should change alpha value");
equal (hexSetter.getAlpha(), 0, "setAlpha should change alpha value");
equal (hexSetter.getAlpha(), 1, "setAlpha with value < 0 should be bound to 1");
equal (hexSetter.getAlpha(), 1, "setAlpha with value > 1 should be bound to 1");
equal (hexSetter.getAlpha(), 1, "setAlpha with invalid value should be bound to 1");
equal (hexSetter.getAlpha(), 1, "setAlpha with invalid value should be bound to 1");
equal (hexSetter.getAlpha(), 1, "setAlpha with invalid value should be bound to 1");
test("Alpha = 0 should act differently on toName()", function() {
equal (tinycolor({r:255,g:20,b:10,a: 0}).toName(), "transparent", "0");
equal (tinycolor("transparent").toString(), "transparent", "toString when passed");
equal (tinycolor("transparent").toHex(), "000000", "toHex");
module("Brightness handling");
test("getBrightness", function() {
equal(tinycolor('#000').getBrightness(), 0, 'returns 0 for #000');
equal(tinycolor('#fff').getBrightness(), 255, 'returns 255 for #fff');
test("getLuminance", function() {
equal(tinycolor('#000').getLuminance(), 0, 'returns 0 for #000');
equal(tinycolor('#fff').getLuminance(), 1, 'returns 1 for #fff');
test("isDark returns true/false for dark/light colors", function() {
equal(tinycolor('#000').isDark(), true, '#000 is dark');
equal(tinycolor('#111').isDark(), true, '#111 is dark');
equal(tinycolor('#222').isDark(), true, '#222 is dark');
equal(tinycolor('#333').isDark(), true, '#333 is dark');
equal(tinycolor('#444').isDark(), true, '#444 is dark');
equal(tinycolor('#555').isDark(), true, '#555 is dark');
equal(tinycolor('#666').isDark(), true, '#666 is dark');
equal(tinycolor('#777').isDark(), true, '#777 is dark');
equal(tinycolor('#888').isDark(), false, '#888 is not dark');
equal(tinycolor('#999').isDark(), false, '#999 is not dark');
equal(tinycolor('#aaa').isDark(), false, '#aaa is not dark');
equal(tinycolor('#bbb').isDark(), false, '#bbb is not dark');
equal(tinycolor('#ccc').isDark(), false, '#ccc is not dark');
equal(tinycolor('#ddd').isDark(), false, '#ddd is not dark');
equal(tinycolor('#eee').isDark(), false, '#eee is not dark');
equal(tinycolor('#fff').isDark(), false, '#fff is not dark');
test("isLight returns true/false for light/dark colors", function() {
equal(tinycolor('#000').isLight(), false, '#000 is not light');
equal(tinycolor('#111').isLight(), false, '#111 is not light');
equal(tinycolor('#222').isLight(), false, '#222 is not light');
equal(tinycolor('#333').isLight(), false, '#333 is not light');
equal(tinycolor('#444').isLight(), false, '#444 is not light');
equal(tinycolor('#555').isLight(), false, '#555 is not light');
equal(tinycolor('#666').isLight(), false, '#666 is not light');
equal(tinycolor('#777').isLight(), false, '#777 is not light');
equal(tinycolor('#888').isLight(), true, '#888 is light');
equal(tinycolor('#999').isLight(), true, '#999 is light');
equal(tinycolor('#aaa').isLight(), true, '#aaa is light');
equal(tinycolor('#bbb').isLight(), true, '#bbb is light');
equal(tinycolor('#ccc').isLight(), true, '#ccc is light');
equal(tinycolor('#ddd').isLight(), true, '#ddd is light');
equal(tinycolor('#eee').isLight(), true, '#eee is light');
equal(tinycolor('#fff').isLight(), true, '#fff is light');
module("Initialization from tinycolor output");
test("HSL Object", function() {
for (var i = 0; i < conversions.length; i++) {
var c = conversions[i];
var tiny = tinycolor(c.hex);
equal (tiny.toHexString(), tinycolor(tiny.toHsl()).toHexString(), "HSL Object");
test("HSL String", function() {
for (var i = 0; i < conversions.length; i++) {
var c = conversions[i];
var tiny = tinycolor(c.hex);
var input = tiny.toRgb();
var output = tinycolor(tiny.toHslString()).toRgb();
var maxDiff = 2;
equal (Math.abs(input.r - output.r) <= maxDiff, true, "toHslString red value difference <= " + maxDiff);
equal (Math.abs(input.g - output.g) <= maxDiff, true, "toHslString green value difference <= " + maxDiff);
equal (Math.abs(input.b - output.b) <= maxDiff, true, "toHslString blue value difference <= " + maxDiff);
test("HSV String", function() {
for (var i = 0; i < conversions.length; i++) {
var c = conversions[i];
var tiny = tinycolor(c.hex);
var input = tiny.toRgb();
var output = tinycolor(tiny.toHsvString()).toRgb();
var maxDiff = 2;
equal (Math.abs(input.r - output.r) <= maxDiff, true, "toHsvString red value difference <= " + maxDiff);
equal (Math.abs(input.g - output.g) <= maxDiff, true, "toHsvString green value difference <= " + maxDiff);
equal (Math.abs(input.b - output.b) <= maxDiff, true, "toHsvString blue value difference <= " + maxDiff);
test("HSV Object", function() {
for (var i = 0; i < conversions.length; i++) {
var c = conversions[i];
var tiny = tinycolor(c.hex);
equal (tiny.toHexString(), tinycolor(tiny.toHsv()).toHexString(), "HSV Object");
test("RGB Object", function() {
for (var i = 0; i < conversions.length; i++) {
var c = conversions[i];
var tiny = tinycolor(c.hex);
equal (tiny.toHexString(), tinycolor(tiny.toRgb()).toHexString(), "RGB Object");
test("RGB String", function() {
for (var i = 0; i < conversions.length; i++) {
var c = conversions[i];
var tiny = tinycolor(c.hex);
equal (tiny.toHexString(), tinycolor(tiny.toRgbString()).toHexString(), "RGB String");
test("PRGB Object", function() {
for (var i = 0; i < conversions.length; i++) {
var c = conversions[i];
var tiny = tinycolor(c.hex);
var input = tiny.toRgb();
var output = tinycolor(tiny.toPercentageRgb()).toRgb();
var maxDiff = 2;
equal (Math.abs(input.r - output.r) <= maxDiff, true, "Red value difference <= " + maxDiff);
equal (Math.abs(input.g - output.g) <= maxDiff, true, "Green value difference <= " + maxDiff);
equal (Math.abs(input.b - output.b) <= maxDiff, true, "Blue value difference <= " + maxDiff);
test("PRGB String", function() {
for (var i = 0; i < conversions.length; i++) {
var c = conversions[i];
var tiny = tinycolor(c.hex);
var input = tiny.toRgb();
var output = tinycolor(tiny.toPercentageRgbString()).toRgb();
var maxDiff = 2;
equal (Math.abs(input.r - output.r) <= maxDiff, true, "Red value difference <= " + maxDiff);
equal (Math.abs(input.g - output.g) <= maxDiff, true, "Green value difference <= " + maxDiff);
equal (Math.abs(input.b - output.b) <= maxDiff, true, "Blue value difference <= " + maxDiff);
test("Object", function() {
for (var i = 0; i < conversions.length; i++) {
var c = conversions[i];
var tiny = tinycolor(c.hex);
equal (tiny.toHexString(), tinycolor(tiny).toHexString(), "Object");
test("Color equality", function() {
ok (tinycolor.equals("#ff0000", "#ff0000"), "Same hex");
ok (tinycolor.equals("#ff0000", "rgb(255, 0, 0)"), "Same alphas");
ok (!tinycolor.equals("#ff0000", "rgba(255, 0, 0, .1)"), "Different alphas");
ok (tinycolor.equals("ff0000", "#ff0000"), "Same hex");
ok (tinycolor.equals("#f00", "#ff0000"), "Same hex");
ok (tinycolor.equals("f00", "#ff0000"), "Same hex");
equal (tinycolor("010101").toHexString(), "#010101");
ok (!tinycolor.equals("#ff0000", "#00ff00"), "Different hex");
ok (tinycolor.equals("#ff8000", "rgb(100%, 50%, 0%)"), "Percentage bounds checking");
test("isReadable", function() {
// "#ff0088", "#8822aa" (values used in old WCAG1 tests)
ok (tinycolor.isReadable("#000000", "#ffffff",{level:"AA",size:"small"}), "white/black is readable");
ok (!tinycolor.isReadable("#ff0088", "#5c1a72",{}), "not readable - empty wcag2 object");
ok (!tinycolor.isReadable("#ff0088", "#8822aa",{level:"AA",size:"small"}), "not readable - AA small");
ok (!tinycolor.isReadable("#ff0088", "#8822aa",{level:"AA",size:"large"}), "not readable - AA large");
ok (!tinycolor.isReadable("#ff0088", "#8822aa",{level:"AAA",size:"small"}), "not readable - AAA small");
ok (!tinycolor.isReadable("#ff0088", "#8822aa",{level:"AAA",size:"large"}), "not readable - AAA large");
// values derived from and validated using the calculators at http://www.dasplankton.de/ContrastA/
// and http://webaim.org/resources/contrastchecker/
// "#ff0088", "#5c1a72": contrast ratio 3.04
ok (!tinycolor.isReadable("#ff0088", "#5c1a72",{level:"AA",size:"small"}), "not readable - AA small");
ok (tinycolor.isReadable("#ff0088", "#5c1a72",{level:"AA",size:"large"}), "readable - AA large");
ok (!tinycolor.isReadable("#ff0088", "#5c1a72",{level:"AAA",size:"small"}), "not readable - AAA small");
ok (!tinycolor.isReadable("#ff0088", "#5c1a72",{level:"AAA",size:"large"}), "not readable - AAA large");
// "#ff0088", "#2e0c3a": contrast ratio 4.56
ok (tinycolor.isReadable("#ff0088", "#2e0c3a",{level:"AA",size:"small"}), "readable - AA small");
ok (tinycolor.isReadable("#ff0088", "#2e0c3a",{level:"AA",size:"large"}), "readable - AA large");
ok (!tinycolor.isReadable("#ff0088", "#2e0c3a",{level:"AAA",size:"small"}), "not readable - AAA small");
ok (tinycolor.isReadable("#ff0088", "#2e0c3a",{level:"AAA",size:"large"}), "readable - AAA large");
// "#db91b8", "#2e0c3a": contrast ratio 7.12
ok (tinycolor.isReadable("#db91b8", "#2e0c3a",{level:"AA",size:"small"}), "readable - AA small");
ok (tinycolor.isReadable("#db91b8", "#2e0c3a",{level:"AA",size:"large"}), "readable - AA large");
ok (tinycolor.isReadable("#db91b8", "#2e0c3a",{level:"AAA",size:"small"}), "readable - AAA small");
ok (tinycolor.isReadable("#db91b8", "#2e0c3a",{level:"AAA",size:"large"}), "readable - AAA large");
test("readability", function() {
// check return values from readability function. See isReadable above for standards tests.
equal(tinycolor.readability("#000", "#000"), 1, "Readability function test 0");
deepEqual(tinycolor.readability("#000", "#111"), 1.1121078324840545, "Readability function test 1");
deepEqual(tinycolor.readability("#000", "#fff"), 21, "Readability function test 2");
test("mostReadable", function () {
equal (tinycolor.mostReadable("#000", ["#111", "#222",{wcag2:{}}]).toHexString(), "#222222", "readable color present");
equal (tinycolor.mostReadable("#f00", ["#d00", "#0d0"],{wcag2:{}}).toHexString(), "#00dd00", "readable color present");
equal (tinycolor.mostReadable("#fff", ["#fff", "#fff"],{wcag2:{}}).toHexString(), "#ffffff", "no different color in list");
equal (tinycolor.mostReadable("#fff", ["#fff", "#fff"],{includeFallbackColors:true}).toHexString(), "#000000", "no different color in list");
equal (tinycolor.mostReadable("#123", ["#124", "#125"],{includeFallbackColors:false}).toHexString(), "#112255", "no readable color in list");
equal (tinycolor.mostReadable("#123", ["#000", "#fff"],{includeFallbackColors:false}).toHexString(), "#ffffff", "verify assumption");
equal (tinycolor.mostReadable("#123", ["#124", "#125"],{includeFallbackColors:true}).toHexString(), "#ffffff", "no readable color in list");
equal (tinycolor.mostReadable("#ff0088", ["#000", "#fff"],{includeFallbackColors:false}).toHexString(), "#000000", "verify assumption");
equal (tinycolor.mostReadable("#ff0088", ["#2e0c3a"],{includeFallbackColors:true,level:"AAA",size:"large"}).toHexString(), "#2e0c3a", "readable color present");
equal (tinycolor.mostReadable("#ff0088", ["#2e0c3a"],{includeFallbackColors:true,level:"AAA",size:"small"}).toHexString(), "#000000", "no readable color in list");
equal (tinycolor.mostReadable("#371b2c", ["#000", "#fff"],{includeFallbackColors:false}).toHexString(), "#ffffff", "verify assumption");
equal (tinycolor.mostReadable("#371b2c", ["#a9acb6"],{includeFallbackColors:true,level:"AAA",size:"large"}).toHexString(), "#a9acb6", "readable color present");
equal (tinycolor.mostReadable("#371b2c", ["#a9acb6"],{includeFallbackColors:true,level:"AAA",size:"small"}).toHexString(), "#ffffff", "no readable color in list");
test("Filters", function () {
equal (tinycolor("red").toFilter(), "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#ffff0000,endColorstr=#ffff0000)");
equal (tinycolor("red").toFilter("blue"), "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#ffff0000,endColorstr=#ff0000ff)");
equal (tinycolor("transparent").toFilter(), "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#00000000,endColorstr=#00000000)");
equal (tinycolor("transparent").toFilter("red"), "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#00000000,endColorstr=#ffff0000)");
equal (tinycolor("#ddf0f0f0").toFilter(), "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#ddf0f0f0,endColorstr=#ddf0f0f0)");
equal (tinycolor("rgba(0, 0, 255, .5").toFilter(), "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#800000ff,endColorstr=#800000ff)");
/* Originally generated with:
var results = [];
for (var i = 0; i <= 100; i++) results.push( tinycolor.saturate("red", i).toHex() )
var DESATURATIONS = ["ff0000","fe0101","fc0303","fb0404","fa0505","f90606","f70808","f60909","f50a0a","f40b0b","f20d0d","f10e0e","f00f0f","ee1111","ed1212","ec1313","eb1414","e91616","e81717","e71818","e61919","e41b1b","e31c1c","e21d1d","e01f1f","df2020","de2121","dd2222","db2424","da2525","d92626","d72828","d62929","d52a2a","d42b2b","d22d2d","d12e2e","d02f2f","cf3030","cd3232","cc3333","cb3434","c93636","c83737","c73838","c63939","c43b3b","c33c3c","c23d3d","c13e3e","bf4040","be4141","bd4242","bb4444","ba4545","b94646","b84747","b64949","b54a4a","b44b4b","b34d4d","b14e4e","b04f4f","af5050","ad5252","ac5353","ab5454","aa5555","a85757","a75858","a65959","a45b5b","a35c5c","a25d5d","a15e5e","9f6060","9e6161","9d6262","9c6363","9a6565","996666","986767","966969","956a6a","946b6b","936c6c","916e6e","906f6f","8f7070","8e7171","8c7373","8b7474","8a7575","887777","877878","867979","857a7a","837c7c","827d7d","817e7e","808080"];
var SATURATIONS = ["ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000","ff0000"];
var LIGHTENS = ["ff0000","ff0505","ff0a0a","ff0f0f","ff1414","ff1a1a","ff1f1f","ff2424","ff2929","ff2e2e","ff3333","ff3838","ff3d3d","ff4242","ff4747","ff4d4d","ff5252","ff5757","ff5c5c","ff6161","ff6666","ff6b6b","ff7070","ff7575","ff7a7a","ff8080","ff8585","ff8a8a","ff8f8f","ff9494","ff9999","ff9e9e","ffa3a3","ffa8a8","ffadad","ffb3b3","ffb8b8","ffbdbd","ffc2c2","ffc7c7","ffcccc","ffd1d1","ffd6d6","ffdbdb","ffe0e0","ffe5e5","ffebeb","fff0f0","fff5f5","fffafa","ffffff","ffffff","ffffff","ffffff","ffffff","ffffff","ffffff","ffffff","ffffff","ffffff","ffffff","ffffff","ffffff","ffffff","ffffff","ffffff","ffffff","ffffff","ffffff","ffffff","ffffff","ffffff","ffffff","ffffff","ffffff","ffffff","ffffff","ffffff","ffffff","ffffff","ffffff","ffffff","ffffff","ffffff","ffffff","ffffff","ffffff","ffffff","ffffff","ffffff","ffffff","ffffff","ffffff","ffffff","ffffff","ffffff","ffffff","ffffff","ffffff","ffffff","ffffff"];
var BRIGHTENS = ["ff0000","ff0303","ff0505","ff0808","ff0a0a","ff0d0d","ff0f0f","ff1212","ff1414","ff1717","ff1919","ff1c1c","ff1f1f","ff2121","ff2424","ff2626","ff2929","ff2b2b","ff2e2e","ff3030","ff3333","ff3636","ff3838","ff3b3b","ff3d3d","ff4040","ff4242","ff4545","ff4747","ff4a4a","ff4c4c","ff4f4f","ff5252","ff5454","ff5757","ff5959","ff5c5c","ff5e5e","ff6161","ff6363","ff6666","ff6969","ff6b6b","ff6e6e","ff7070","ff7373","ff7575","ff7878","ff7a7a","ff7d7d","ff7f7f","ff8282","ff8585","ff8787","ff8a8a","ff8c8c","ff8f8f","ff9191","ff9494","ff9696","ff9999","ff9c9c","ff9e9e","ffa1a1","ffa3a3","ffa6a6","ffa8a8","ffabab","ffadad","ffb0b0","ffb2b2","ffb5b5","ffb8b8","ffbaba","ffbdbd","ffbfbf","ffc2c2","ffc4c4","ffc7c7","ffc9c9","ffcccc","ffcfcf","ffd1d1","ffd4d4","ffd6d6","ffd9d9","ffdbdb","ffdede","ffe0e0","ffe3e3","ffe5e5","ffe8e8","ffebeb","ffeded","fff0f0","fff2f2","fff5f5","fff7f7","fffafa","fffcfc","ffffff"];
var DARKENS = ["ff0000","fa0000","f50000","f00000","eb0000","e60000","e00000","db0000","d60000","d10000","cc0000","c70000","c20000","bd0000","b80000","b30000","ad0000","a80000","a30000","9e0000","990000","940000","8f0000","8a0000","850000","800000","7a0000","750000","700000","6b0000","660000","610000","5c0000","570000","520000","4d0000","470000","420000","3d0000","380000","330000","2e0000","290000","240000","1f0000","190000","140000","0f0000","0a0000","050000","000000","000000","000000","000000","000000","000000","000000","000000","000000","000000","000000","000000","000000","000000","000000","000000","000000","000000","000000","000000","000000","000000","000000","000000","000000","000000","000000","000000","000000","000000","000000","000000","000000","000000","000000","000000","000000","000000","000000","000000","000000","000000","000000","000000","000000","000000","000000","000000","000000","000000","000000"];
test("Modifications", function () {
for (var i = 0; i <= 100; i++) {
equal (tinycolor("red").desaturate(i).toHex(), DESATURATIONS[i], "Desaturation " + i + " works");
for (var i = 0; i <= 100; i++) {
equal (tinycolor("red").saturate(i).toHex(), SATURATIONS[i], "Saturation " + i + " works");
for (var i = 0; i <= 100; i++) {
equal (tinycolor("red").lighten(i).toHex(), LIGHTENS[i], "Lighten " + i + " works");
for (var i = 0; i <= 100; i++) {
equal (tinycolor("red").brighten(i).toHex(), BRIGHTENS[i], "Brighter " + i + " works");
for (var i = 0; i <= 100; i++) {
equal (tinycolor("red").darken(i).toHex(), DARKENS[i], "Darken " + i + " works");
equal (tinycolor("red").greyscale().toHex(), "808080", "Greyscale works");
test("Spin", function () {
equal (Math.round(tinycolor("#f00").spin(-1234).toHsl().h), 206, "Spinning -1234 works");
equal (Math.round(tinycolor("#f00").spin(-360).toHsl().h), 0, "Spinning -360 works");
equal (Math.round(tinycolor("#f00").spin(-120).toHsl().h), 240, "Spinning -120 works");
equal (Math.round(tinycolor("#f00").spin(0).toHsl().h), 0, "Spinning 0 works");
equal (Math.round(tinycolor("#f00").spin(10).toHsl().h), 10, "Spinning 10 works");
equal (Math.round(tinycolor("#f00").spin(360).toHsl().h), 0, "Spinning 360 works");
equal (Math.round(tinycolor("#f00").spin(2345).toHsl().h), 185, "Spinning 2345 works");
test("Mix", function () {
// amount 0 or none
equal(tinycolor.mix('#000', '#fff').toHsl().l, 0.5, "Mixing without amount works");
equal(tinycolor.mix('#f00', '#000', 0).toHex(), 'ff0000', "Mixing with 0 amount works");
// black and white
for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
equal(Math.round(tinycolor.mix('#000', '#fff', i).toHsl().l * 100) / 100, i / 100, "Mixing black and white with " + i + " amount works");
// with colors
for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
var new_hex = Math.round(255 * (1 - (i / 100))).toString(16);
if (new_hex.length === 1) {
new_hex = '0' + new_hex;
equal(tinycolor.mix('#f00', '#000', i).toHex(), new_hex + '0000', "Mixing " + i + " (red channel)");
equal(tinycolor.mix('#0f0', '#000', i).toHex(), '00' + new_hex + '00', "Mixing " + i + " (green channel)");
equal(tinycolor.mix('#00f', '#000', i).toHex(), '0000' + new_hex, "Mixing " + i + " (blue channel)");
equal(tinycolor.mix(tinycolor('transparent'), '#000', i).toRgb().a, i / 100, "Mixing " + i + " (alpha channel)");
// The combination tests need to be expanded further
function colorsToHexString(colors) {
return colors.map(function(c) {
return c.toHex();
test("complement", function() {
var complementDoesntModifyInstance = tinycolor("red");
equal (complementDoesntModifyInstance.complement().toHex(), "00ffff", "Complement works");
equal (complementDoesntModifyInstance.toHex(), "ff0000", "Complement did not modify this color");
test("analogous", function() {
var combination = tinycolor("red").analogous();
equal(colorsToHexString(combination), "ff0000,ff0066,ff0033,ff0000,ff3300,ff6600", "Correct Combination");
test("monochromatic", function() {
var combination = tinycolor("red").monochromatic();
equal(colorsToHexString(combination), "ff0000,2a0000,550000,800000,aa0000,d40000", "Correct Combination");
test("splitcomplement", function() {
var combination = tinycolor("red").splitcomplement();
equal(colorsToHexString(combination), "ff0000,ccff00,0066ff", "Correct Combination");
test("triad", function() {
var combination = tinycolor("red").triad();
equal(colorsToHexString(combination), "ff0000,00ff00,0000ff", "Correct Combination");
test("tetrad", function() {
var combination = tinycolor("red").tetrad();
equal(colorsToHexString(combination), "ff0000,80ff00,00ffff,7f00ff", "Correct Combination");

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
"_from": "https://www.atom.io/api/packages/atom-material-ui/versions/2.1.3/tarball",
"_id": "atom-material-ui@2.1.3",
"_inBundle": false,
"_integrity": "sha512-vTD4R1nOFN9j5CzpZy3Pn0Gbdgct1v9nvF6iLWiaSaEDAnqjuUHDDpQImpM5znNcqk+uS6/9nGxjrYe53Ex5eg==",
"_location": "/atom-material-ui",
"_phantomChildren": {},
"_requested": {
"type": "remote",
"raw": "https://www.atom.io/api/packages/atom-material-ui/versions/2.1.3/tarball",
"rawSpec": "https://www.atom.io/api/packages/atom-material-ui/versions/2.1.3/tarball",
"saveSpec": "https://www.atom.io/api/packages/atom-material-ui/versions/2.1.3/tarball",
"fetchSpec": "https://www.atom.io/api/packages/atom-material-ui/versions/2.1.3/tarball"
"_requiredBy": [
"_resolved": "https://www.atom.io/api/packages/atom-material-ui/versions/2.1.3/tarball",
"_shasum": "f7c5a9f837d2ff5ccdb95d8e0a69589e01b57aa9",
"_spec": "https://www.atom.io/api/packages/atom-material-ui/versions/2.1.3/tarball",
"_where": "/tmp/apm-install-dir-119228-12619-1cn8am1.8d7s",
"bugs": {
"url": "https://github.com/atom-material/atom-material-ui/issues"
"bundleDependencies": false,
"configSchema": {
"colors": {
"order": 1,
"type": "object",
"title": "Colors",
"properties": {
"abaseColor": {
"title": "Primary color",
"description": "Changes the main theme color.",
"type": "color",
"default": "#009688"
"accentColor": {
"title": "Secondary color",
"description": "This color is used as an accent to the Primary Color.",
"type": "color",
"default": "#FFFFFF"
"genAccent": {
"title": "Generate complementary secondary color",
"description": "Generates a complementary color based on your selected Primary Color.",
"type": "boolean",
"default": false
"predefinedColor": {
"title": "Predefined colors",
"description": "Pick a predefined color from the Material Design palette. If you change the Primary Color it will override this settings.",
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Blue Grey",
"default": "Teal"
"paintCursor": {
"title": "Paint text editor's cursor",
"description": "Overrides the syntax theme's cursor color with the selected Primary Color.",
"type": "boolean",
"default": false
"ui": {
"order": 2,
"type": "object",
"title": "User Interface",
"properties": {
"useAnimations": {
"title": "Use animations",
"description": "Enables animations for clicked tabs and other UI elements.",
"type": "boolean",
"default": true
"panelContrast": {
"title": "Contrasting panels",
"description": "Adds a little contrast between panels to differentiate where one starts and the other ends.",
"type": "boolean",
"default": false
"panelShadows": {
"title": "Panels cast shadows",
"description": "Adds depth to the user interface by using shadows.",
"type": "boolean",
"default": false
"tabs": {
"order": 3,
"type": "object",
"title": "Tabs",
"properties": {
"compactTabs": {
"title": "Compact tab bar",
"description": "Reduces line height so the tab bar won't be too tall.",
"type": "boolean",
"default": false
"tintedTabBar": {
"title": "Tinted tab bar",
"description": "Paints the tab bar with the chosen primary color.",
"type": "boolean",
"default": false
"noTabMinWidth": {
"title": "No minimum width for tabs",
"description": "Prevents tabs from overflowing off the tab bar.",
"type": "boolean",
"default": false
"stretchedTabs": {
"title": "Stretched tabs",
"description": "Stretch tabs to full available width of the tab bar.",
"type": "boolean",
"default": false
"fonts": {
"order": 5,
"type": "object",
"title": "Fonts",
"properties": {
"fontSize": {
"title": "User interface font size",
"description": "Scales the entire UI based on this value.",
"type": "number",
"default": 16,
"minimum": 10,
"maximum": 32
"dependencies": {
"tinycolor2": "1.3.0"
"deprecated": false,
"description": "A dynamic UI theme for Atom that follows Google's Material Design Guidelines",
"devDependencies": {
"babel-eslint": "^7.1.1",
"eslint": "^3.17.1",
"eslint-config-airbnb": "^14.1.0",
"eslint-plugin-import": "^2.2.0",
"eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y": "^4.0.0",
"eslint-plugin-react": "^6.10.0"
"engines": {
"atom": ">=1.17.0 <2.0.0"
"homepage": "https://github.com/atom-material/atom-material-ui#readme",
"keywords": [
"adapt to syntax",
"material design"
"license": "MIT",
"main": "./lib/main",
"name": "atom-material-ui",
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "git+https://github.com/atom-material/atom-material-ui.git"
"theme": "ui",
"version": "2.1.3",
"_atomModuleCache": {
"version": 1,
"dependencies": [
"name": "tinycolor2",
"version": "1.3.0",
"path": "node_modules/tinycolor2/tinycolor.js"
"extensions": {
".js": [
".json": [
"folders": [
"paths": [
"dependencies": {
"tinycolor2": "1.3.0"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
'use babel';
import buildColorSettings from '../../lib/colors/build-color-settings';
describe('Settings string', () => {
it('should return default values when no arguments are given', () => {
const defaultSettings = buildColorSettings();
expect(typeof defaultSettings).toBe('string');
expect(defaultSettings.indexOf('@base-color: #009688'))
expect(defaultSettings.indexOf('@accent-color: #FFFFFF'))
expect(defaultSettings.indexOf('@accent-text-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.9)'))
it('should return the selected @base-color', () => {
expect(buildColorSettings('#FF0000').indexOf('@base-color: #FF0000'))
it('should return the selected @base-color and @accent-color', () => {
const customSettings = buildColorSettings('#FF0000', '#FAFAFA');
expect(customSettings.indexOf('@base-color: #FF0000'))
expect(customSettings.indexOf('@accent-color: #FAFAFA'))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
'use babel';
import setFontSize from '../../lib/fonts/set-font-size';
describe('Font size setter', () => {
const root = document.documentElement;
it('should be able to change root element\'s font-size', () => {
it('should be able to unset root element\'s font-size', () => {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
'use babel';
import toCamelCase from '../../lib/helper/to-camel-case';
describe('camelCaseHelper', () => {
it('should convert spaces to camelCase', () => {
expect(toCamelCase('hello world')).toEqual('helloWorld');
it('should convert lisp-case to camelCase', () => {
it('should convert snake_case to camelCase', () => {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
'use babel';
import toggleClassName from '../../lib/helper/toggle-class-name';
describe('className toggle helper', () => {
const root = document.documentElement;
it('should add a className to the root element', () => {
toggleClassName('testClass', true);
it('should remove a className from the root element', () => {
toggleClassName('testClass', false);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
.alert, .settings-view .alert {
&-info, &-warning,
&-error, &-success,
&-danger {
border-color: fade(@text-color, 5%);
background-color: fade(@text-color, 2%);
&-info {
color: @text-color-info;
&-warning {
color: @text-color-warning;
&-error, &-danger {
color: @text-color-error;
&-success {
color: @text-color-success;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
* {
box-sizing: border-box;
atom-workspace {
background-color: @app-background-color;
font-size: .75rem;
.scrollbars-visible-always {
::-webkit-scrollbar {
width: 8px;
height: 8px;
::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
background: transparent;
::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
background: @scrollbar-color;
border-radius: 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
autocomplete-suggestion-list {
&.select-list.popover-list {
background: lighten(@app-background-color, 1.5%);
.suggestion-description {
background: darken(@app-background-color, 2.5%);
span, a {
font-size: 0.8rem;
a {
color: @base-color;
.suggestion-list-scroller {
background: none;
ol li {
background: none;
position: relative;
&::before {
display: none;
&.selected {
background: @base-color;
color: @accent-text-color;
.word-container span {
color: @accent-text-color;
.left-label {
color: darken(@accent-text-color, 15%);
.icon-container {
i.icon {
background: @accent-text-color;
color: @base-color;
.right-label {
color: darken(@accent-text-color, 15%);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
background-tips {
ul.background-message {
color: fade(@text-color, 20%);
font-weight: 200;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
.btn-background (@color, @hover-color, @selected-color, @text-color) {
color: @text-color;
background: none;
&:focus {
color: @text-color;
&:hover {
color: @text-color-highlight;
background: none;
&:active, &:focus:active {
outline: none;
&.selected:hover {
color: @accent-text-color;
background-color: @base-color;
.btn-variant (@color) {
@bg: darken(@color, 10%);
@hover: @color;
@selected: @color;
.btn-background(@bg, @hover, @selected, @text-color-highlight);
.btn {
outline: none;
transition: box-shadow 250ms;
will-change: box-shadow;
.btn-background(@button-background-color, @button-background-color-hover, @button-background-color-selected, @text-color);
&:focus, &:active {
outline: none;
.btn-group & {
box-shadow: none;
height: 100%;
.btn-group {
align-items: center;
.btn.btn-primary {
.btn.btn-info {
.btn.btn-success {
.btn.btn-warning {
.btn.btn-error {
.caret {
border-top: 5px solid #fff;
margin-top: -1px;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
atom-dock {
.amu-panel-shadows & {
&.left, &.right {
.item-views::after {
content: '';
height: 100%;
pointer-events: none;
position: absolute;
opacity: .05;
top: 0;
width: .25rem;
z-index: 5;
&.left .item-views::after {
background: linear-gradient(to left, black, transparent);
right: 0;
&.right .item-views::after {
background: linear-gradient(to right, black, transparent);
left: 0;
.atom-dock {
&-inner {
position: relative;
&.bottom {
.tab-bar:empty {
display: none;
&-resize-handle {
position: absolute;
z-index: 10;
&.left, &.right {
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
&.left {
right: 0;
&.right {
left: 0;
&.top, &.bottom {
left: 0;
right: 0;
&.top {
bottom: 0;
&.bottom {
top: 0;
&-toggle-button {
.atom-dock-toggle-button-inner {
background-color: @base-color;
color: @accent-text-color;
.amu-use-animations & {
&-mask:not(:active) {
height 250ms @md-timing-function,
width 250ms @md-timing-function;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
.dropdown-menu {
background-color: @overlay-background-color;
border-radius: 0;
border: 1px solid @base-border-color;
padding: 0;
> li > a {
> li > a:hover {
background-color: @background-color-highlight;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
atom-text-editor[mini] {
position: relative;
color: @text-color-highlight;
background-color: transparent;
line-height: @component-line-height + @component-padding;
max-height: none;
box-shadow: inset 0 -1px 0 fade(@text-color, 5%);
.amu-paint-cursor & {
.cursor {
border-color: @base-color;
atom-text-editor {
.amu-paint-cursor & {
.cursor {
border-color: @base-color;
.gutter .cursor-line {
color: @accent-color;
.gutter .cursor-line-no-selection {
color: @base-color;
.bracket-matcher .region {
border-color: @base-color;
box-shadow: inset 0 -1px 0 @base-color;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
// Thin
@font-face {
font-family: 'Roboto';
src: url('atom://atom-material-ui/assets/fonts/Roboto/roboto-thin-webfont.woff2') format('woff2');
font-weight: 200;
font-style: normal;
@font-face {
font-family: 'Roboto';
src: url('atom://atom-material-ui/assets/fonts/Roboto/roboto-thinitalic-webfont.woff2') format('woff2');
font-weight: 200;
font-style: italic;
// Light
@font-face {
font-family: 'Roboto';
src: url('atom://atom-material-ui/assets/fonts/Roboto/roboto-light-webfont.woff2') format('woff2');
font-weight: 300;
font-style: normal;
@font-face {
font-family: 'Roboto';
src: url('atom://atom-material-ui/assets/fonts/Roboto/roboto-lightitalic-webfont.woff2') format('woff2');
font-weight: 300;
font-style: italic;
// Regular
@font-face {
font-family: 'Roboto';
src: url('atom://atom-material-ui/assets/fonts/Roboto/roboto-regular-webfont.woff2') format('woff2');
font-weight: 500;
font-style: normal;
@font-face {
font-family: 'Roboto';
src: url('atom://atom-material-ui/assets/fonts/Roboto/roboto-italic-webfont.woff2') format('woff2');
font-weight: 500;
font-style: italic;
// Medium
@font-face {
font-family: 'Roboto';
src: url('atom://atom-material-ui/assets/fonts/Roboto/roboto-medium-webfont.woff2') format('woff2');
font-weight: 600;
font-style: normal;
@font-face {
font-family: 'Roboto';
src: url('atom://atom-material-ui/assets/fonts/Roboto/roboto-mediumitalic-webfont.woff2') format('woff2');
font-weight: 600;
font-style: italic;
// Bold
@font-face {
font-family: 'Roboto';
src: url('atom://atom-material-ui/assets/fonts/Roboto/roboto-bold-webfont.woff2') format('woff2');
font-weight: 700;
font-style: normal;
@font-face {
font-family: 'Roboto';
src: url('atom://atom-material-ui/assets/fonts/Roboto/roboto-bolditalic-webfont.woff2') format('woff2');
font-weight: 700;
font-style: italic;
// Black
@font-face {
font-family: 'Roboto';
src: url('atom://atom-material-ui/assets/fonts/Roboto/roboto-black-webfont.woff2') format('woff2');
font-weight: 900;
font-style: normal;
@font-face {
font-family: 'Roboto';
src: url('atom://atom-material-ui/assets/fonts/Roboto/roboto-blackitalic-webfont.woff2') format('woff2');
font-weight: 900;
font-style: italic;
// Condensed Light
@font-face {
font-family: 'roboto_condensedlight';
src: url('atom://atom-material-ui/assets/fonts/Roboto/robotocondensed-light-webfont.woff2') format('woff2');
font-weight: 300;
font-style: normal;
font-stretch: condensed;
@font-face {
font-family: 'roboto_condensedlight_italic';
src: url('atom://atom-material-ui/assets/fonts/Roboto/robotocondensed-lightitalic-webfont.woff2') format('woff2');
font-weight: 300;
font-style: italic;
font-stretch: condensed;
// Condensed Regular
@font-face {
font-family: 'roboto_condenseditalic';
src: url('atom://atom-material-ui/assets/fonts/Roboto/robotocondensed-italic-webfont.woff2') format('woff2');
font-weight: 500;
font-style: italic;
font-stretch: condensed;
@font-face {
font-family: 'roboto_condensedregular';
src: url('atom://atom-material-ui/assets/fonts/Roboto/robotocondensed-regular-webfont.woff2') format('woff2');
font-weight: 500;
font-style: normal;
font-stretch: condensed;
// Condensed Bold
@font-face {
font-family: 'roboto_condensedbold';
src: url('atom://atom-material-ui/assets/fonts/Roboto/robotocondensed-bold-webfont.woff2') format('woff2');
font-weight: 700;
font-style: normal;
font-stretch: condensed;
@font-face {
font-family: 'roboto_condensedbold_italic';
src: url('atom://atom-material-ui/assets/fonts/Roboto/robotocondensed-bolditalic-webfont.woff2') format('woff2');
font-weight: 700;
font-style: italic;
font-stretch: condensed;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
.fuzzy-finder, .command-palette {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
.status { .text(normal); }
.status-added { .text(success); }
.status-ignored { .text(subtle); }
.status-modified { .text(warning); }
.status-removed { .text(error); }
.status-renamed { .text(info); }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
.github-Panel {
.github-CommitView, .github-CommitView > *,
.github-CommitView atom-text-editor {
background: darken(@app-background-color, 1.5%);
.github-CommitView-button {
background-color: @base-color;
color: @accent-text-color;
&[disabled] {
background-color: transparent;
color: @text-color;
&[disabled]:hover {
box-shadow: none;
color: inherit;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
.incompatible-packages {
padding: 1rem;
.alert {
display: flex;
.btn.pull-right {
float: none !important;
margin-left: auto;
.incompatible-package {
padding: 1rem;
border: none;
border-radius: 0.125rem;
background: lighten(@app-background-color, 5%);
margin: 1rem 0;
.heading {
margin-bottom: 0;
color: @text-color;
font-size: 1.5rem;
font-weight: 200;
line-height: 2rem;
.btn, button {
margin: 0;
box-shadow: none;
background: none;
&:hover {
ul {
line-height: 2.5rem;
margin: 1rem 0 0;
padding: 0 0 0 0.5rem;
.icon {
span {
font-weight: 300;
&::before {
margin-right: 1rem;
pre {
background: lighten(@app-background-color, 3%);
border-radius: 0;
margin: 1rem -1rem -1rem;
width: ~"calc(100% + 2rem)";
color: @text-color;
padding: 1rem;
border: none;
.badge {
margin: 0 0 0 1rem;
top: 0.3rem;
padding: .25rem 1rem .25rem .5rem;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
font-size: .75rem;
&::before {
margin-right: .5em;
&.badge-info {
background-color: @text-color-info;
padding-right: 1rem;
&::before {
-webkit-animation: spin 1s linear infinite;
content: '\f087';
&.badge-success {
background-color: @text-color-success;
&.badge-error {
background-color: @text-color-error;
&.badge-warning {
background-color: @text-color-warning;
color: darken(@text-color-warning, 30%);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
@import "octicon-mixins.less"; // https://github.com/atom/atom/blob/master/static/variables/octicon-mixins.less
.generate-list-item-text-color(@class) {
li.list-nested-item.text-@{class} > .list-item {
.generate-list-item-status-color(@color, @status) {
li.list-nested-item.status-@{status} > .list-item {
color: @color;
li.list-nested-item.selected.status-@{status} > .list-item {
color: @color;
.list-group, .list-tree {
li.list-nested-item > .list-item {
.icon::before {
font-size: 1.35em;
margin-right: 1em;
.generate-list-item-status-color(@text-color-subtle, ignored);
.generate-list-item-status-color(@text-color-added, added);
.generate-list-item-status-color(@text-color-renamed, renamed);
.generate-list-item-status-color(@text-color-modified, modified);
.generate-list-item-status-color(@text-color-removed, removed);
li.list-nested-item.selected > .list-item {
&:not(.header)::before {
background: fade(@text-color, 5%);
:focus & {
color: @accent-text-color;
&::before {
background: @base-color;
&.status-modified {
color: darken(@text-color-modified, 30%);
&::before {
background: @text-color-modified;
&.status-added {
color: darken(@text-color-success, 30%);
&::before {
background: @text-color-success;
.character-match {
color: @accent-text-color;
.select-list ol.list-group,
&.select-list ol.list-group {
li.two-lines {
.secondary-line { color: @text-color-subtle; }
&.selected .secondary-line {
color: fade(@accent-text-color, 50%);
text-shadow: none;
// We want to highlight the background of the list items because we dont
// know their size.
li.selected {
background-color: @base-color;
color: @accent-text-color;
&::before {
display: none;
@active-icon-size: 14px;
// pad in front of the text where the icon would be We'll pad the non-
// active items with a 'fake' icon so other classes can pad the item
// without worrying about the icon padding.
li::before {
content: '';
background-color: transparent;
position: static;
display: inline-block;
left: auto; right: auto;
height: @active-icon-size;
width: @active-icon-size;
> li:not(.active)::before {
margin-right: @component-icon-padding;
li.active {
.octicon(check, @active-icon-size);
&::before {
margin-right: @component-icon-padding;
color: @text-color-success;
.list-group .selected::before, .list-tree .selected::before {
background-color: fade(@text-color, 5%);
.focus & {
background-color: @base-color;
.select-list.popover-list {
background-color: @overlay-background-color;
box-shadow: 0 0 10px @base-border-color;
padding: @component-padding/2;
border-radius: @component-border-radius;
border: 1px solid @overlay-border-color;
atom-text-editor {
margin-bottom: @component-padding/2;
.list-group li {
padding-left: @component-padding/2;
.ui-sortable {
li {
line-height: 2.5;
// For sortable lists in the settings view
li.ui-sortable-placeholder {
visibility: visible !important;
background-color: darken(@pane-item-background-color, 10%);
li.ui-draggable-dragging, li.ui-sortable-helper {
line-height: @component-line-height;
height: @component-line-height;
border: 0;
border-radius: 0;
list-style: none;
padding: 0 @component-padding;
background: @background-color-highlight;
box-shadow: 0 0 1px @base-border-color;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
// Google Material Design colors
// Red
@md-red-50: #FFEBEE;
@md-red-100: #FFCDD2;
@md-red-200: #EF9A9A;
@md-red-300: #E57373;
@md-red-400: #EF5350;
@md-red-500: #F44336;
@md-red-600: #E53935;
@md-red-700: #D32F2F;
@md-red-800: #C62828;
@md-red-900: #B71C1C;
@md-red-A100: #FF8A80;
@md-red-A200: #FF5252;
@md-red-A400: #FF1744;
@md-red-A700: #D50000;
// Pink
@md-pink-50: #FCE4EC;
@md-pink-100: #F8BBD0;
@md-pink-200: #F48FB1;
@md-pink-300: #F06292;
@md-pink-400: #EC407A;
@md-pink-500: #E91E63;
@md-pink-600: #D81B60;
@md-pink-700: #C2185B;
@md-pink-800: #AD1457;
@md-pink-900: #880E4F;
@md-pink-A100: #FF80AB;
@md-pink-A200: #FF4081;
@md-pink-A400: #F50057;
@md-pink-A700: #C51162;
// Purple
@md-purple-50: #F3E5F5;
@md-purple-100: #E1BEE7;
@md-purple-200: #CE93D8;
@md-purple-300: #BA68C8;
@md-purple-400: #AB47BC;
@md-purple-500: #9C27B0;
@md-purple-600: #8E24AA;
@md-purple-700: #7B1FA2;
@md-purple-800: #6A1B9A;
@md-purple-900: #4A148C;
@md-purple-A100: #EA80FC;
@md-purple-A200: #E040FB;
@md-purple-A400: #D500F9;
@md-purple-A700: #AA00FF;
// Deep Purple
@md-deep-purple-50: #EDE7F6;
@md-deep-purple-100: #D1C4E9;
@md-deep-purple-200: #B39DDB;
@md-deep-purple-300: #9575CD;
@md-deep-purple-400: #7E57C2;
@md-deep-purple-500: #673AB7;
@md-deep-purple-600: #5E35B1;
@md-deep-purple-700: #512DA8;
@md-deep-purple-800: #4527A0;
@md-deep-purple-900: #311B92;
@md-deep-purple-A100: #B388FF;
@md-deep-purple-A200: #7C4DFF;
@md-deep-purple-A400: #651FFF;
@md-deep-purple-A700: #6200EA;
// Indigo
@md-indigo-50: #E8EAF6;
@md-indigo-100: #C5CAE9;
@md-indigo-200: #9FA8DA;
@md-indigo-300: #7986CB;
@md-indigo-400: #5C6BC0;
@md-indigo-500: #3F51B5;
@md-indigo-600: #3949AB;
@md-indigo-700: #303F9F;
@md-indigo-800: #283593;
@md-indigo-900: #1A237E;
@md-indigo-A100: #8C9EFF;
@md-indigo-A200: #536DFE;
@md-indigo-A400: #3D5AFE;
@md-indigo-A700: #304FFE;
// Blue
@md-blue-50: #E3F2FD;
@md-blue-100: #BBDEFB;
@md-blue-200: #90CAF9;
@md-blue-300: #64B5F6;
@md-blue-400: #42A5F5;
@md-blue-500: #2196F3;
@md-blue-600: #1E88E5;
@md-blue-700: #1976D2;
@md-blue-800: #1565C0;
@md-blue-900: #0D47A1;
@md-blue-A100: #82B1FF;
@md-blue-A200: #448AFF;
@md-blue-A400: #2979FF;
@md-blue-A700: #2962FF;
// Light Blue
@md-light-blue-50: #E1F5FE;
@md-light-blue-100: #B3E5FC;
@md-light-blue-200: #81D4FA;
@md-light-blue-300: #4FC3F7;
@md-light-blue-400: #29B6F6;
@md-light-blue-500: #03A9F4;
@md-light-blue-600: #039BE5;
@md-light-blue-700: #0288D1;
@md-light-blue-800: #0277BD;
@md-light-blue-900: #01579B;
@md-light-blue-A100: #80D8FF;
@md-light-blue-A200: #40C4FF;
@md-light-blue-A400: #00B0FF;
@md-light-blue-A700: #0091EA;
// Cyan
@md-cyan-50: #E0F7FA;
@md-cyan-100: #B2EBF2;
@md-cyan-200: #80DEEA;
@md-cyan-300: #4DD0E1;
@md-cyan-400: #26C6DA;
@md-cyan-500: #00BCD4;
@md-cyan-600: #00ACC1;
@md-cyan-700: #0097A7;
@md-cyan-800: #00838F;
@md-cyan-900: #006064;
@md-cyan-A100: #84FFFF;
@md-cyan-A200: #18FFFF;
@md-cyan-A400: #00E5FF;
@md-cyan-A700: #00B8D4;
// Teal
@md-teal-50: #E0F2F1;
@md-teal-100: #B2DFDB;
@md-teal-200: #80CBC4;
@md-teal-300: #4DB6AC;
@md-teal-400: #26A69A;
@md-teal-500: #009688;
@md-teal-600: #00897B;
@md-teal-700: #00796B;
@md-teal-800: #00695C;
@md-teal-900: #004D40;
@md-teal-A100: #A7FFEB;
@md-teal-A200: #64FFDA;
@md-teal-A400: #1DE9B6;
@md-teal-A700: #00BFA5;
// Green
@md-green-50: #E8F5E9;
@md-green-100: #C8E6C9;
@md-green-200: #A5D6A7;
@md-green-300: #81C784;
@md-green-400: #66BB6A;
@md-green-500: #4CAF50;
@md-green-600: #43A047;
@md-green-700: #388E3C;
@md-green-800: #2E7D32;
@md-green-900: #1B5E20;
@md-green-A100: #B9F6CA;
@md-green-A200: #69F0AE;
@md-green-A400: #00E676;
@md-green-A700: #00C853;
// Light Green
@md-light-green-50: #F1F8E9;
@md-light-green-100: #DCEDC8;
@md-light-green-200: #C5E1A5;
@md-light-green-300: #AED581;
@md-light-green-400: #9CCC65;
@md-light-green-500: #8BC34A;
@md-light-green-600: #7CB342;
@md-light-green-700: #689F38;
@md-light-green-800: #558B2F;
@md-light-green-900: #33691E;
@md-light-green-A100: #CCFF90;
@md-light-green-A200: #B2FF59;
@md-light-green-A400: #76FF03;
@md-light-green-A700: #64DD17;
// Lime
@md-lime-50: #F9FBE7;
@md-lime-100: #F0F4C3;
@md-lime-200: #E6EE9C;
@md-lime-300: #DCE775;
@md-lime-400: #D4E157;
@md-lime-500: #CDDC39;
@md-lime-600: #C0CA33;
@md-lime-700: #AFB42B;
@md-lime-800: #9E9D24;
@md-lime-900: #827717;
@md-lime-A100: #F4FF81;
@md-lime-A200: #EEFF41;
@md-lime-A400: #C6FF00;
@md-lime-A700: #AEEA00;
// Yellow
@md-yellow-50: #FFFDE7;
@md-yellow-100: #FFF9C4;
@md-yellow-200: #FFF59D;
@md-yellow-300: #FFF176;
@md-yellow-400: #FFEE58;
@md-yellow-500: #FFEB3B;
@md-yellow-600: #FDD835;
@md-yellow-700: #FBC02D;
@md-yellow-800: #F9A825;
@md-yellow-900: #F57F17;
@md-yellow-A100: #FFFF8D;
@md-yellow-A200: #FFFF00;
@md-yellow-A400: #FFEA00;
@md-yellow-A700: #FFD600;
// Amber
@md-amber-50: #FFF8E1;
@md-amber-100: #FFECB3;
@md-amber-200: #FFE082;
@md-amber-300: #FFD54F;
@md-amber-400: #FFCA28;
@md-amber-500: #FFC107;
@md-amber-600: #FFB300;
@md-amber-700: #FFA000;
@md-amber-800: #FF8F00;
@md-amber-900: #FF6F00;
@md-amber-A100: #FFE57F;
@md-amber-A200: #FFD740;
@md-amber-A400: #FFC400;
@md-amber-A700: #FFAB00;
// Orange
@md-orange-50: #FFF3E0;
@md-orange-100: #FFE0B2;
@md-orange-200: #FFCC80;
@md-orange-300: #FFB74D;
@md-orange-400: #FFA726;
@md-orange-500: #FF9800;
@md-orange-600: #FB8C00;
@md-orange-700: #F57C00;
@md-orange-800: #EF6C00;
@md-orange-900: #E65100;
@md-orange-A100: #FFD180;
@md-orange-A200: #FFAB40;
@md-orange-A400: #FF9100;
@md-orange-A700: #FF6D00;
// Deep Orange
@md-deep-orange-50: #FBE9E7;
@md-deep-orange-100: #FFCCBC;
@md-deep-orange-200: #FFAB91;
@md-deep-orange-300: #FF8A65;
@md-deep-orange-400: #FF7043;
@md-deep-orange-500: #FF5722;
@md-deep-orange-600: #F4511E;
@md-deep-orange-700: #E64A19;
@md-deep-orange-800: #D84315;
@md-deep-orange-900: #BF360C;
@md-deep-orange-A100: #FF9E80;
@md-deep-orange-A200: #FF6E40;
@md-deep-orange-A400: #FF3D00;
@md-deep-orange-A700: #DD2C00;
// Brown
@md-brown-50: #EFEBE9;
@md-brown-100: #D7CCC8;
@md-brown-200: #BCAAA4;
@md-brown-300: #A1887F;
@md-brown-400: #8D6E63;
@md-brown-500: #795548;
@md-brown-600: #6D4C41;
@md-brown-700: #5D4037;
@md-brown-800: #4E342E;
@md-brown-900: #3E2723;
// Grey
@md-grey-50: #FAFAFA;
@md-grey-100: #F5F5F5;
@md-grey-200: #EEEEEE;
@md-grey-300: #E0E0E0;
@md-grey-400: #BDBDBD;
@md-grey-500: #9E9E9E;
@md-grey-600: #757575;
@md-grey-700: #616161;
@md-grey-800: #424242;
@md-grey-900: #212121;
// Blue Grey
@md-blue-grey-50: #ECEFF1;
@md-blue-grey-100: #CFD8DC;
@md-blue-grey-200: #B0BEC5;
@md-blue-grey-300: #90A4AE;
@md-blue-grey-400: #78909C;
@md-blue-grey-500: #607D8B;
@md-blue-grey-600: #546E7A;
@md-blue-grey-700: #455A64;
@md-blue-grey-800: #37474F;
@md-blue-grey-900: #263238;
// Alpha values for grey text, icons, and divider
// White
@md-white-lighter: rgba(255,255,255,.12); // Dividers
@md-white-light: rgba(255,255,255,.30); // Disabled / Hint Text
@md-white-dark: rgba(255,255,255,.70); // Secondary Text
@md-white-darker: rgba(255,255,255, 1); // Text / Icons
// Black
@md-black-lighter: rgba(0,0,0,.12); // Dividers
@md-black-light: rgba(0,0,0,.26); // Disabled / Hint Text
@md-black-dark: rgba(0,0,0,.54); // Secondary text / Icons
@md-black-darker: rgba(0,0,0,.87); // Text

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
ul.background-message {
font-weight: bold;
color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .2);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
.nav-tabs {
border-bottom: 1px solid @base-border-color;
li {
&.active a,
a {
border: none;
margin-right: 0;
margin-bottom: 1px;
&.active a,
&.active a:hover,
a:hover {
background-color: @background-color-highlight;
border: none;
color: @text-color-selected;
border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
&.active a {
background-color: @tab-background-color-active;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
atom-notifications {
display: flex;
align-items: flex-end;
flex-flow: column-reverse;
padding: 2rem 0.5rem;
z-index: 9999;
atom-notification {
padding: 0 !important;
border-radius: 0 0.125rem 0.125rem 0;
.content {
border-radius: 0.125rem;
width: 100%;
> div {
padding: 1.25rem 2rem;
line-height: 2;
.message + .detail {
padding-top: 0;
.detail + .meta {
padding-top: 0;
.btn-toolbar {
line-height: 3rem;
.btn {
margin-right: 2rem;
.btn-copy-report {
color: @text-color;
line-height: 1;
position: relative;
top: -0.25rem;
.detail {
background: none;
.item {
border: none;
.close-all.btn {
height: 1.75rem !important;
line-height: 1.75rem !important;
border: none !important;
color: @text-color !important;
padding: 0 0.5rem !important;
&.icon::before {
display: none;
.close, .close:hover {
color: @text-color !important;
opacity: 1;
&.success, &.error, &.info, &.warning, &.fatal {
border-left: 0.125rem solid transparent;
.content {
background-color: darken(@app-background-color, 5%) !important;
color: @text-color !important;
.close-all.btn, .close-all.btn:hover {
border-color: transparent;
color: fade(@text-color, 50%);
box-shadow: none;
line-height: 1.65rem;
&:hover {
code {
background-color: lighten(@text-color-error, 5%);
color: #FFF;
font-size: 0.75rem;
.btn {
max-width: 18rem;
overflow: hidden;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
color: @text-color;
&-success, &-primary {
color: #FFF;
&.success {
border-color: @text-color-success;
a {
color: @text-color-success;
&.error, &.fatal {
border-color: @text-color-error;
a {
color: @text-color-error;
&.info {
border-color: @text-color-info;
a {
color: @text-color-info;
&.warning {
border-color: @text-color-warning;
a {
color: @text-color-warning;
&.has-close {
.content > div {
padding-right: 4rem;
&:only-child {
.content > div {
padding-right: 4rem;
&:first-child:not(:only-child) {
.content > div:first-child {
padding-top: 3rem;
padding-right: 2rem;
&.has-stack .stack-toggle {
color: @text-color-error;
.icon {
position: relative;
top: 1px;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
atom-panel.modal {
color: @text-color;
background-color: @overlay-background-color;
font-size: @font-size;
padding: @component-padding;
box-shadow: 0 0 10px @base-border-color;
border-radius: @component-border-radius;
overflow: hidden;
atom-text-editor[mini] {
margin-bottom: @component-padding;
&.select-list ol.list-group,
.select-list ol.list-group {
margin: 0 -@component-padding -@component-padding;
li {
padding: @component-padding;
border-bottom: 1px solid fade(@text-color, 2.5%);
&.two-lines {
padding: @component-padding/2 @component-padding;
.status.icon {
float: right;
margin-left: @component-icon-padding;
&::before {
margin-right: 0;
&.selected {
.status.icon {
color: @text-color-selected;
&:last-child {
border-bottom: none;

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More