okay fixed weird bug

Chris Nutter 2020-09-10 22:10:08 -07:00
parent f998c153f0
commit 09327b855f
29 changed files with 101142 additions and 557 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
% --> Declare packages / paths
\graphicspath{ {../imgs/} }
% --> Basic overlaying information
\title{Project \#1 - Standup Report \#1}
\author{Chris Nutter | Estrella Mejia | Kenneth Doan}
% --> Begin document information
\section{Chris Nutter}
1. Currently I'm working on getting the grid organized and properly formatted towards Professor Siska's recommendations.
I have created the grid 41x41 and properly spaced out the grid itself. I have also hosted the P5 grid on my website
for our groupmates to look over live.
2. Next I plan to fix a bug where mouse cursor mapping is off but that shouldn't be too hard.
3. I'm still familiarizing with JS and P5 so adjusting to that is an annoying hurdle but it's helpful for
me to learn this for my own means. Professor Siska's comments on \emph{cs-sketches.js} help me
figure out what each thing does.
\section{Estrella Mejia}
1. I'm working on getting the ant to start at the center.
2. I plan to get the ant to move right on red or blue and left on black or green.
3. I am trying to get the color properly
\section{Kenneth Doan}
1. I am trying to find the decimal color values for Black, Red, Yellow, Blue, and Green.
I am also trying to figure out how to turn the ant into a triangle in the meantime.
2. Next I'll learn how to make the Ant start moving North at the start of the load.
3. Implementing the triangle shape and the colours are some challenges
I am facing because this is the second class I have taken that is using HTML5.

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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
// Draw stuff, with P5 // CF p5js.org/reference
// Time-stamp: <2020-02-02 14:46:00 Chuck Siska>
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// ===================================================== draw_grid ====
// Draw a fancy grid with major & minor lines
// & major row/col numbers.
function draw_grid( rminor, rmajor, rstroke, rfill )
stroke( rstroke );
fill( rfill );;
let sz = g_canvas.cell_size;
let width = g_canvas.wid*sz;
let height = g_canvas.hgt*sz
for ( var ix = 0; ix < width; ix += rminor )
let big_linep = (ix % rmajor == 0);
let line_wgt = 1;
if (big_linep) line_wgt = 2;
strokeWeight( line_wgt );
line( ix, 0, ix, height );
strokeWeight( 1 );
if ( ix % rmajor == 0 ) { text( ix, ix, 10 ); }
for ( var iy = 0; iy < height; iy += rminor )
let big_linep = (iy % rmajor == 0);
let line_wgt = 1;
if (big_linep) line_wgt = 2;
strokeWeight( line_wgt );
line( 0, iy, width, iy );
strokeWeight( 1 );
if ( iy % rmajor == 0 ) { text( iy, 0, iy + 10 ); }

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body {
text-align: center;
font-family: sans-serif;
canvas {
background-color: black;

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@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
// cs-sketch.js; P5 key animation fcns. // CF p5js.org/reference
// Time-stamp: <2020-02-02 15:58:23 Chuck Siska>
// Make global g_canvas JS 'object': a key-value 'dictionary'.
var g_canvas = { cell_size:25, wid:41, hgt:41 }; // JS Global var, w canvas size info.
//var g_canvas = { cell_size:10, wid:64, hgt:48 }; // JS Global var, w canvas size info.
var g_frame_cnt = 0; // Setup a P5 display-frame counter, to do anim
var g_frame_mod = 24; // Update ever 'mod' frames.
var g_stop = 0; // Go by default.
function setup() // P5 Setup Fcn
let sz = g_canvas.cell_size;
let width = sz * g_canvas.wid; // Our 'canvas' uses cells of given size, not 1x1 pixels.
let height = sz * g_canvas.hgt;
createCanvas( width, height ); // Make a P5 canvas.
draw_grid( 25, 41, 'white', 'yellow' );
var g_bot = { dir:3, x:20, y:20, color:100 }; // Dir is 0..7 clock, w 0 up.
var g_box = { t:1, hgt:47, l:1, wid:63 }; // Box in which bot can move.
function move_bot( )
let dir = (round (8 * random( ))) // Change direction at random; brownian motion.
let dx = 0;
let dy = 0;
switch (dir) { // Convert dir to x,y deltas: dir = clock w 0=Up,2=Rt,4=Dn,6=Left.
case 0 : { dy = -1; break; }
case 1 : { dx = 1; dy = -1; break; }
case 2 : { dx = 1; break; }
case 3 : { dx = 1; dy = 1; break; }
case 4 : { dy = 1; break; }
case 5 : { dx = -1; dy = 1; break; }
case 6 : { dx = -1; break; }
case 7 : { dx = -1; dy = -1; break; }
let x = (dx + g_bot.x + g_box.wid) % g_box.wid; // Move-x. Ensure positive b4 mod.
let y = (dy + g_bot.y + g_box.hgt) % g_box.hgt; // Ditto y.
let color = 100 + (1 + g_bot.color) % 156; // Incr color in nice range.
g_bot.x = x; // Update bot x.
g_bot.y = y;
g_bot.dir = dir;
g_bot.color = color;
//console.log( "bot x,y,dir,clr = " + x + "," + y + "," + dir + "," + color );
function draw_bot( ) // Convert bot pox to grid pos & draw bot.
let sz = g_canvas.cell_size;
let sz2 = sz / 2;
let x = 1+ g_bot.x*sz; // Set x one pixel inside the sz-by-sz cell.
let y = 1+ g_bot.y*sz;
let big = sz -2; // Stay inside cell walls.
// Fill 'color': its a keystring, or a hexstring like "#5F", etc. See P5 docs.
fill( "#" + g_bot.color ); // Concat string, auto-convert the number to string.
//console.log( "x,y,big = " + x + "," + y + "," + big );
let acolors = get( x + sz2, y + sz2 ); // Get cell interior pixel color [RGBA] array.
let pix = acolors[ 0 ] + acolors[ 1 ] + acolors[ 2 ];
//console.log( "acolors,pix = " + acolors + ", " + pix );
// (*) Here is how to detect what's at the pixel location. See P5 docs for fancier...
if (0 != pix) { fill( 0 ); stroke( 0 ); } // Turn off color of prior bot-visited cell.
else { stroke( 'white' ); } // Else Bot visiting this cell, so color it.
// Paint the cell.
rect( x, y, big, big );
function draw_update() // Update our display.
//console.log( "g_frame_cnt = " + g_frame_cnt );
move_bot( );
draw_bot( );
function draw() // P5 Frame Re-draw Fcn, Called for Every Frame.
if (0 == g_frame_cnt % g_frame_mod)
if (!g_stop) draw_update();
function keyPressed( )
g_stop = ! g_stop;
function mousePressed( )
let x = mouseX;
let y = mouseY;
//console.log( "mouse x,y = " + x + "," + y );
let sz = g_canvas.cell_size;
let gridx = round( (x-0.5) / sz );
let gridy = round( (y-0.5) / sz );
//console.log( "grid x,y = " + gridx + "," + gridy );
//console.log( "box wid,hgt = " + g_box.wid + "," + g_box.hgt );
g_bot.x = gridx + g_box.wid; // Ensure its positive.
//console.log( "bot x = " + g_bot.x );
g_bot.x %= g_box.wid; // Wrap to fit box.
g_bot.y = gridy + g_box.hgt;
//console.log( "bot y = " + g_bot.y );
g_bot.y %= g_box.hgt;
//console.log( "bot x,y = " + g_bot.x + "," + g_bot.y );
draw_bot( );

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@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
// cs-sketch.js; P5 key animation fcns. // CF p5js.org/reference
// Time-stamp: <2020-02-02 15:58:23 Chuck Siska>
// Make global g_canvas JS 'object': a key-value 'dictionary'.
Documentation marks are as followed.
1. Chris Nutter
2. Estrella Mejia
3. Kenneth Doan
Group Name: 4head
// 1. I increased the size of cell_size for easily legibility on high-dpi displays
// 09/06/2020 01:20:02 PM
// !! BUG FOUND !! - Mouse input is skewed. Needs fixing.
var g_canvas = { cell_size:20, wid:41, hgt:41 }; // JS Global var, w canvas size info.
// 1. cell_size of 20 is a good size for 1440p displays, might be oversized for 1080p
// 09/07/2020 - 05:30:52 PM
var g_frame_cnt = 0; // Setup a P5 display-frame counter, to do anim
var g_frame_mod = 24; // Update ever 'mod' frames.
var g_stop = 0; // Go by default.
function setup() // P5 Setup Fcn
let sz = g_canvas.cell_size;
let width = sz * g_canvas.wid; // Our 'canvas' uses cells of given size, not 1x1 pixels.
let height = sz * g_canvas.hgt;
createCanvas( width, height ); // Make a P5 canvas.
// 1. Modifying the first and second variable allows for the grid to be matched to proper canvas size.
// 09/08/2020 - 07:15:16 PM
draw_grid( 20, 41, 'white', 'yellow' );
var g_bot = { dir:3, x:20, y:20, color:100 }; // Dir is 0..7 clock, w 0 up.
var g_box = { t:1, hgt:47, l:1, wid:63 }; // Box in which bot can move.
// 1. Kenneth's code will be below here and will be really good I bet.
// 09/08/2020 - 07:38:44 PM
function move_bot( )
let dir = (round (8 * random( ))) // Change direction at random; brownian motion.
let dx = 0;
let dy = 0;
switch (dir) { // Convert dir to x,y deltas: dir = clock w 0=Up,2=Rt,4=Dn,6=Left.
case 0 : { dy = -1; break; }
case 1 : { dx = 1; dy = -1; break; }
case 2 : { dx = 1; break; }
case 3 : { dx = 1; dy = 1; break; }
case 4 : { dy = 1; break; }
case 5 : { dx = -1; dy = 1; break; }
case 6 : { dx = -1; break; }
case 7 : { dx = -1; dy = -1; break; }
let x = (dx + g_bot.x + g_box.wid) % g_box.wid; // Move-x. Ensure positive b4 mod.
let y = (dy + g_bot.y + g_box.hgt) % g_box.hgt; // Ditto y.
let color = 100 + (1 + g_bot.color) % 156; // Incr color in nice range.
g_bot.x = x; // Update bot x.
g_bot.y = y;
g_bot.dir = dir;
g_bot.color = color;
//console.log( "bot x,y,dir,clr = " + x + "," + y + "," + dir + "," + color );
function draw_bot( ) // Convert bot pox to grid pos & draw bot.
let sz = g_canvas.cell_size;
let sz2 = sz / 2;
let x = 1+ g_bot.x*sz; // Set x one pixel inside the sz-by-sz cell.
let y = 1+ g_bot.y*sz;
let big = sz -2; // Stay inside cell walls.
// Fill 'color': its a keystring, or a hexstring like "#5F", etc. See P5 docs.
fill( "#" + g_bot.color ); // Concat string, auto-convert the number to string.
//console.log( "x,y,big = " + x + "," + y + "," + big );
let acolors = get( x + sz2, y + sz2 ); // Get cell interior pixel color [RGBA] array.
let pix = acolors[ 0 ] + acolors[ 1 ] + acolors[ 2 ];
//console.log( "acolors,pix = " + acolors + ", " + pix );
// (*) Here is how to detect what's at the pixel location. See P5 docs for fancier...
if (0 != pix) { fill( 0 ); stroke( 0 ); } // Turn off color of prior bot-visited cell.
else { stroke( 'white' ); } // Else Bot visiting this cell, so color it.
// Paint the cell.
rect( x, y, big, big );
function draw_update() // Update our display.
//console.log( "g_frame_cnt = " + g_frame_cnt );
move_bot( );
draw_bot( );
function draw() // P5 Frame Re-draw Fcn, Called for Every Frame.
if (0 == g_frame_cnt % g_frame_mod)
if (!g_stop) draw_update();
function keyPressed( )
g_stop = ! g_stop;
function mousePressed( )
let x = mouseX;
let y = mouseY;
//console.log( "mouse x,y = " + x + "," + y );
let sz = g_canvas.cell_size;
let gridx = round( (x-0.5) / sz );
let gridy = round( (y-0.5) / sz );
//console.log( "grid x,y = " + gridx + "," + gridy );
//console.log( "box wid,hgt = " + g_box.wid + "," + g_box.hgt );
g_bot.x = gridx + g_box.wid; // Ensure its positive.
//console.log( "bot x = " + g_bot.x );
g_bot.x %= g_box.wid; // Wrap to fit box.
g_bot.y = gridy + g_box.hgt;
//console.log( "bot y = " + g_bot.y );
g_bot.y %= g_box.hgt;
//console.log( "bot x,y = " + g_bot.x + "," + g_bot.y );
draw_bot( );

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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
<!DOCTYPE html> <!-- this is a JS comment --> <!-- -->
<html lang=""> <!-- HTML page begs/ends w 'html' tag -->
<head> <!-- HTML page has 'head'section and 'body' section -->
<meta foo="Time-stamp: <2020-02-02 17:14:59 Chuck Siska>">
<!-- a JS comment.-->
Some code, mod'd, from "Introducing JavaScript Game Development" by Stuart.
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>P5-JS-HTML</title> <!-- Browser or tab title -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/styles.css"> <!-- Tiny CSS style file -->
<style> body {padding: 0; margin: 0;} </style> <!-- Bit of in-line CSS -->
<script src="p5.js"></script> <!-- Load P5.JS, one file -->
<!-- For more P5.JS, CF https://github.com/processing/p5.js/wiki -->
<script src="cs-sketch.js"></script> <!-- Load my setup+draw P5-req'd fcns -->
<body> <!-- HTML page body, where raw text gets displayed on the page -->
<h1>Playing the HTML canvas w P5</h1> <!-- Text in a high priority heading -->
<canvas id="cs-canvas" width="400" height="400"></canvas>
<p> <!-- A paragraph 'break', to start a new paragraph -->
Now is the time for all good squid to come to the aid of their waters.
</body> <!-- HTML display page ends here -->
<script src="assets/draw-stuff.js"></script> <!-- Load some JS fcns in a file -->
<!-- <script src="../assets/tools.js"></script> Load more JS fcns -->
<script> <!-- And run some JS code if needed; but better in sketch.js. -->
<!-- F12 on keyboard opens Console+Inspector+Debugger window on most Browsers. -->
<!-- F12 Debugger window > Watch+Breakpoint pane > 2-vertical-bars icon stops anim. -->
<!-- In JS, outputting alert/message popup, also pauses anim (with your msg). -->
<!-- In JS, outputting pgm state info to console can help w debugging. -->
<!-- Add a P5 keyPressed( ) fcn to toggle a Stop global var if you like. -->

cpsc335/proj1/group-work/p5.js Executable file

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@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
Readme for js-p5-example
Time-stamp: <2020-09-02 14:11:19 Chuck Siska>
This example draws a grid and runs an invisible bot from cell to cell
on the grid changing its colors. You can stop/restart the bot with
any keypress. You can move the bot to any cell with a mouse-click.
This is an example project using HTML, Javascript (JS), and P5.js
which is a JS-adapted version of the Processing Language. CF HTML and
JS on the web (eg, Wikipedia). More on P5 is at
p5js.org/reference.and at github.com/processing/p5.js/wiki.
P5 provides sutomated animation (via a user-built "draw" function),
and GUI manipulation functions that are simpler than JS.
Zip Contents
File readme.txt. This file.
File pix-js-p5-example-1.JPG. A snapshot of the example webpage.
File pix-js-p5-example2-F12-Console.JPG A webpage + F12 Console.
Shows entering some global var names to see their current values.
File index-js-p5-example.html. Drag and drop this into a browser to
run the example.
Click to set new loc for drunk-bot (via mousePressed).
Hit (almost) any key to toggle bot on or off (via keyPressed).
File p5.js. This is the P5 package. It is loaded inside the html.
File cs-sketch.js; This contains several P5 user-defined linkage functions
(setup, draw, keyPressed, and mousePressed), as well as example
support functions. P5's setup() is run once before page display.
P5's draw() is run once per display frame, so you can do animation.
File assets/styles.css. This is an extra-small example of controlling
webpage styling. // Loaded inside the html.
File assets/draw-stuff.js. This is an example to show loading a JS
script file from a folder other than the index HTML file's
folder location. It also includes the utility draw_grid function
written in P5+JS. // Loaded inside the html.
Installation & Running
1. Extract the .zip file into a folder.
2. Drag the index HTML file, index-js-p5-example.html, into a browser
window. The example P5 program should start immediately. You
should see a 640x480 grid (white lines on black background) with
row/column headers and some of the grid cells colored. See the
picture pix-js-p5-example-1.JPG.
Known Bugs
o- Bot cell drawing over-writes a pixels-worth of the cell's grid lines.
o- Clicking outside the grid wraps the mouse x.y back into the grid --
maybe at a weird-looking spot. Enjoy.
o- Testing was light. Didn't try all key or mouse combos.
o- Following installation instruction, above, watched it run, and
tryed a few keypresses and mouse clicks. Looks okay to ship.
Some code was borrowed and modified from Stuart's book.
Introducing JavaScript Game Development: Build a 2D Game from the
Ground Up, by Graeme Stuart, 2018, 209 pages.
And, of course, thanks to the HTML and P5.js developers.

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! Missing number, treated as zero.
<to be read again>
l.17 \begin{document}
? r
OK, entering \nonstopmode...
! Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted).
<to be read again>
l.17 \begin{document}
Dimensions can be in units of em, ex, in, pt, pc,
cm, mm, dd, cc, nd, nc, bp, or sp; but yours is a new one!
I'll assume that you meant to say pt, for printer's points.
To recover gracefully from this error, it's best to
delete the erroneous units; e.g., type `2' to delete
two letters. (See Chapter 27 of The TeXbook.)
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{/var/lib/texmf/fonts/map/pdftex/updmap/pdftex.map}] (./lecture-09102020.toc)
! Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted).
<to be read again>
l.57 [1]
An FSM is defined by a list of its states, its initial state, a...
Dimensions can be in units of em, ex, in, pt, pc,
cm, mm, dd, cc, nd, nc, bp, or sp; but yours is a new one!
I'll assume that you meant to say pt, for printer's points.
To recover gracefully from this error, it's best to
delete the erroneous units; e.g., type `2' to delete
two letters. (See Chapter 27 of The TeXbook.)
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e 66.
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line 68.
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<./images/fsm.png>] [4 <./images/example-fsm-problem.png> <./images/implementa
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[]\OT1/cmr/bx/n/17.28 Chapter 2.3 - Non-Deterministic FSM (NFSM)
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[5 <./images/implementation-dfsm-w-code.png> <./images/nfsm.png>] [6 <./images/
ex1-nfsm.png> <./images/nfsm-epsilon.png>] [7 <./images/ex2-nfsm.png>]
Package atveryend Info: Empty hook `BeforeClearDocument' on input line 83.
Package atveryend Info: Empty hook `AfterLastShipout' on input line 83.
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(rerunfilecheck) Checksum: 8669FA14B25189E277C8629BE7640E41;189.
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\title{CPSC 362 Lecture}
\author{Chris Nutter\thanks{Dedicated to @QuesoGrande}}
% --> Kachow
{07:38:48 PM}\\
Okay so he's talking mainly about the project and how far along people are.
People tend to not be incredibly far only a handful of people have created an FSM.
He said he is considering adjusting the project depending on our
position and understanding of the project.
07:48:16 PM\\
Now he is going back to talking about how to implement a DFSM into code.
He's sorta doing psuedo-code mentioned below. \emph{Figure 4}
08:06:36 PM\\
Taking a break then going to go over non-deterministic FSM (and NFAs).
08:13:54 PM\\
You can get 90\% on the project if you document a FSM and diagram it without code. FYI.
Basically 90\% for desired output, 100\% for intended FSM.
08:48:38 PM\\
Basically he's been making corrolations between video game idles and NFSM. He also mentioned
that this will be useful for regexp next week.
09:11:51 PM\\
Next time, we are converting NFSM to DFSM. So make sure to understand FSM. lol
\section{FSM Recap}
A finite-state machine (FSM) or finite-state automaton (FSA, plural: automata),
finite automaton, or simply a state machine, is a mathematical model of computation.
It is an abstract machine that can be in exactly one of a finite number of states at
any given time. The FSM can change from one state to another in response to some inputs;
the change from one state to another is called a transition.\\\\
[1] An FSM is defined by a list of its states, its initial state, and the inputs that trigger each transition.
Finite-state machines are of two types—deterministic finite-state machines and non-deterministic finite-state machines.\\\\
A deterministic finite-state machine can be constructed equivalent to any non-deterministic one.
\section{Chapter 2.2 - Deterministic FSM}
\section{Chapter 2.3 - Non-Deterministic FSM (NFSM)}