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Chris Nutter 2020-12-04 20:02:43 -08:00
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41 changed files with 1328 additions and 0 deletions

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\title{CPSC 315 - Homework \#2}
\author{Chris Nutter\thanks{Dedicated to @QuesoGrande a.k.a. Jared D.}}
% --> Here we go, satellite radio, y'all get hit with a...
{\textbf{\LARGE CPSC 315 - Homework \#2}
\vskip 6pt
\large Chris Nutter}
\section{Chapter 2 Summary}
\indent Ethics are one of (if not) the most important concepts in the business field. The chapter talks a lot about different ethical point of views, where they come from, and how they are important in defining morality or what is right and wrong to each person.\\
\indent Ethical relativism is the theory that there is no moral right and wrong and that it is dependent on the person themselves; subjective relativism is that each person has decides what is right and wrong themselves. Cultural relativism is the theory of what is truly right and what is truly wrong rests on society itself and that no individual decides it on their own. Divine command theory is decided around good actions within God's parameters. Of course this more is reliant on religious affiliation (possibly God as the concept of a greater person than thyself). Ethical egoism is focusing on on each person's self-interest rather than other (egotistical complex). Kantianism is the thought that people's actions should be guided by moral laws which are universal laws (similar to the 10 Commandments). Act Utilitarianism is contradictory to Kantianism in that if the benefits exceed the harms it's a good action. Rule Utilitarianism is the theory that we should try to strive to make everyone happy whether that be making sacrifices or not. Social contract theory is the idea that everyone in a civilized society exists if the establishment of rules is in place and a government is capable of enforcing the rules. This concept is very important because it has been adopted by the United States during the creation of the nation. Rawl's theory of justice dictates that competition, if done properly, can help benefit production in social aspects.\\
\indent These various aspects of ethics can be appropriately adapted towards the betterment of not just businesses but life as a whole. We adopt many theories dating back to the Renaissance to this day because of how accurately they can and have been portrayed Understanding ethics and ethical dilemmas allows proper ideas to flourish and business connections to be made.

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\title{Chapter \#3 Summary\\\Large+\\ Review Questions \#1-15}
\author{Chris Nutter\thanks{Dedicated to @QuesoGrande a.k.a. Jared D.}}
\date{CPSC 315}
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\normalsize\textbf{10/08/2020 - 01:58:55 PM}\\
% --> First Chapter
\indent The Internet being relatively new has changed the way we view humanity and the world as a whole. The Internet provides us with information in milliseconds which has helped countless people win arguments with people when they did not have the answer. The Internet is also the scariest invention since the Atomic Bomb as it has a huge potential to be the largest anti-privacy hotspot. Billion's of indexed pages allow for people to view information very quickly which is very useful because preserving facts is very important to maintaining a presence in society. The information is very easily manipulated however (especially on Wikipedia) which is easily edited to be stripped of "controversial information". Preserving information of all types is also something that is important as it prevents censorship in a world of progressive censorship being a problem. The book labels the Internet as "the best and worst of humanity" which is very, \emph{very} accurate; however, that can be labeled about most of the world in ways. The internet can be dark and twisted but also holds some of the greatest attributes of modern life. The worst of the Internet isn't even the "dark web", it's social media.\\
\indent Social media is becoming the biggest red flag of society as of lately. Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin all use your information and sell them for use in many activities that you may not was be apart of. Often times too it's people under the age of 18 which is \emph{really} scary. Social media in closed conditions however (IRC, Direct message through secure SSL encrypted lines) is still a viable option.\\
\indent Censorship is a very important novelty that is considered by many a human right. The Internet is the \#1 hotspot for preventing censorship. Anyone can create a website and make whatever they want for content and it'd be completely fine (assuming no illegal content is hosted). One problem with this is companies like Facebook who censor what you want to say on their platform that doesn't fit their narrative.\\
\indent While we get closer to a completely technological age, life is breaching a very important stage of what we should the Internet be capable of and the limits we set upon it. Whether it be watching videos or reading articles, the Internet is something that will not go away and that is not a bad thing; we, however, need to acknowledge its faults and learn to improve it over time.
\item Spam is very popular for a multitude of reasons. Sending an email in batch (around 100,000 emails) can only up to 10 minutes which is faster than sending physical mail. Someone can spend that time hoping to achieve a couple of innocent people's information, or whatever they plan on achieving, just by sending an email.
\item Spam is on the decline as people are finally starting to understand what spam looks like especially with spam filters. Google, despite being \emph{Google}, has created many magnificent algorithms including their spam filter. Their spam filter works 99\% of the time which is very impressive. Typically scams happen with advertisements on websites versus spam anymore.
\item A good chunk of web browsing is done on mobile devices right now as it's quicker and easier to load a webpage on your phone on the go versus pulling out a laptop to look something up. My personal website is currently getting optimized for mobile layouts so it is very important to setup a mobile and base website layout. With apps, it's easier to view clean UI on an app versus just a plain webpage (especially) on mobile. People will take ease of capability nowadays so UI so becoming more important by the day.
\item Texting is sent through radio towers while instant messaging is sent through the internet. Both have the ability to be encrypted which is good for the end users, but both have vulnerabilities. Instant messaging can still be tampered with by many people while texting is also a clean hotspot for spam messages.
\item Facebook is a prime example of how social media has messed with news as they censor news outlets that do not fall under their agenda (typically conservative-based news outlets).
\item The Internet is faster and easier than conventional newspapers. Pretty simple answer. However newspapers are still safer in a lot of ways being more of a public medium.
\item Censorship is a person, company, outlet, etc. who silences a person for their point-of-view on topics whether that be physically silence or remove messages and anywhere in-between.
\item The Internet is open to \emph{anybody}. Any human can buy a domain, host a server, and output whatever they want on the Internet. You cannot censor someone's website unless the government seizes your website for illegal content. News outlets, on the other hand, can cut off feed while you are talking.
\item Broadcasters cannot say whatever they want because they are given a script to read from and if they deviate then they're finding a new job. Book publishers can make a story and send it out to anyone and that's out there for life.
\item Sexting is very difficult to combat because with how encrypting is being done nowadays, lots people cannot tamper feeds as easily. At this point, it's up to the parents to teach their kids how to be responsible.
\item The leading form of identity theft is probably done through social security. Your social security number is like a lock that is in your brain. If you give someone the lock, they will create duplicates and it's out there and you can never get a new one lock on your door.
\item College students are fresh meat for identity theft because they are just starting life and they are able to use your information to affect the early stages of your employment.
\item High-tech methods of identity theft:
\item Hacking into a bank account database.
\item Creating a website that looks like you are selling a product but you are just stealing their credit card information.
Low-tech methods of identity theft:
\item Robbing someone blindly.
\item TeamViewer into someone's computer and pretending to be tech support.
\item Cyberbullying is the concept of harassing an individual physically or mentally but using a technological product to aid.
\item Technology releases dopamine similarly to pornography. Each click and sound you hear, your brain addresses and releases that dopamine which keeps you wanting to do it more and more. The more you do it the more your body gets inclined and hard to quick. It's very similar to nicotine or drugs.
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\title{Chapter 4 Summary \& Review Questions}
\author{Chris Nutter\thanks{Dedicated to @QuesoGrande a.k.a. Jared D.}}
\date{CPSC 315}
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\section{Chapter 4 Summary}
\indent Intellectual property is a very controversial topic when involving a community of people. What each person creates and delivers to the community has the potential to be stolen by other people which is a problem. Intellectual property is also a power often abused by people who believe they own a specific word or brand when they really do not. Fair use is the concept that a product or service is a common good rather than an individuals creation.\\
\indent With the evolution of technology, the Internet is something that is very widespread that it has caused problems for companies. Patents are a great way to protect against stealing of a product by publicly announcing and showcasing the design of the product or service at hand. It is very important to get a proper patent if a product is reaching headway and you are afraid of people stealing it. Every company has a problem with competition. If one person creates a product better than another, it could be game over for a company. That is why it is important to protect the property you have. The other side of the issue how companies could abuse a copyright system by copyrighting something they shouldn't or try to own a product that is something outside of the norm. For example, the YouTube channel "React" tried to copyright the word react and charge people money for the use of the concept which was a huge red flag and luckily they retracted.\\
\indent When understanding property, people tend to think you have to have a physical product in hand which is not true. Intellectual property is just as important if not more because and idea someone has or concept, is still their property as long as they can document it. While it's true multiple companies can create similar products, property is the underlying concept that an idea or physical product is yours and no one can take that idea and use it. Copyright law is a very interesting subject for a lot of people as it what stops anyone from being able to get a movie or show for free legally. Obviously there are ways around copyright law but the concept still is in effect where we are not allowed to download a movie without paying. Piracy is still very rampant in society as it has been very easily replicated compared to the past.
\section{Review Questions}
\item Intellectual property is hard to protect because of the word itself "intellectual". Meaning any person can claim they had thought of an idea before someone steals it. Physical property is something someone physically has in hand which is a lot easier to prove.
\item Locke's natural right says we cannot steal property which is definitely important for physical and intellectual property but the problem with intellectual property is it's hard to prove that it is not stolen from someone else.
\item People are able to protect their intellectual property through patents or copyrights which are in place to protect things like intellectual property and physical property.
\item Patents are publicly announced to the world so in theory if a company were to patent a product, everyone knows about it and how it functions while a trade secret is something the public does not know but it can "in theory" be stolen because it was not publicly shown through a patent.
\item Option 3: Rajiv should have obviously talked with the team about their design because that is his time to tell them what he likes and doesn't like about the design. I guess he is trustworthy in his developers but he still should talk to them.\\Option 4: While he's finally talking to the team, he's forcing the team to use something they probably aren't familiar with.
\item Fair use is the concept that a piece of work is able to be criticized and reviewed by the public while using the footage. Fair use is allowed to use the product at hand without providing the product through piracy means.
\item YouTube is a prime example of how easy it is for people to violate copyright law because it's very easy to upload a video with content they shouldn't share.
\item Fair use has so often been thrown away (especially on YouTube) because copyright holders are so protective of their product and YouTube rather than dealing with everything case by case, they just allow they companies to claim a video and move one.
\item BitTorrent is easily used because it's the link between each peer-to-peer that was harder to find beforehand.
\item This definitely is a case-by-case basis so it's hard to come to a solid conclusion but from what I'm understanding, the court's lack of understanding peer-to-peer system led to them concluding what peer-to-peer networks really are not, piracy.
\item The most significant changes in the last 15 years was definitely the switch from physical to digital media. Sites like Napster put a damper on how we receive music and it's very different. Nowadays it's pretty standard to use a streaming service which is legal.
\item If company A wants to create a product similar to company B, as long as they do not reference company B AND they do NOT use any code, it will not be violating copyrights.
\item Closed source is the concept of a product being not open to the public so people cannot view the workings or code of a project.
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\title{Chapter 5 Summary \& Review Questions}
\author{Chris Nutter\thanks{Dedicated to @QuesoGrande a.k.a. Jared D.}}
\date{CPSC 315}
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\section{Chapter 5 Summary}
\indent Privacy is one of the essential human rights and it's something that makes each human feel safe and secure. Each day we progress, our society and government want to invade our privacy more and more in order to make money to people who want the information. Daily people are stripped of their social security, medical information, and phone numbers and sold to corrupt government agents or worse, China.\\
\indent Modern technology makes it very easy for people to be susceptible to bad privacy standards. Facebook is a prime example of a company who makes a living off of its users giving as much information as possible. It's a scary fact that everyday people are losing social security numbers just because their credit card got "hacked" and the person didn't know better so they give up vital information. We live in a society nowadays where it is so easy to lose a huge chunk of your life.\\
\indent Many organizations collect information on individuals and plan on selling to third-parties for profit. Any program or social media that they market as "free" will often use each individual as the product and sell the information. Facebook is insanely bad when it comes to their privacy aspects and have been shown to sell information to other people.\\
\indent This last paragraph will summarize what to do to not get your information sold. Do NOT use social media. Every social media uses your information as a source of payment for the company. Do. Not. Use. Social. Media. Also do not give up your information to anyone. Use safe services to pay people (i.e. Paypal). Lastly, do not go online. That's obviously impossible so here are some nice things that can help you feel safer.
\item Get an Android phone and install a custom ROM with microG. It's a variant of Google Play Services that doesn't use Google and doesn't send traffic. You can block location, market, everything Google related. Very awesome. (Also it's really good on battery).
\item Use an iPod for music. No Wifi/Ethernet means it cannot get hacked.
\item USE A VPN. USE A VPN. USE A VPN!!! I recommend Private Internet Access or Mullvad.
\item Use LastPass to randomly generate passwords.
\item Do not give up any personal information to anyone. At all. Ever.
\section{Review Questions}
\item Being alone is the concept of no interaction with the people around you. Privacy is still being able to be around other people however they don't know things you do not want them to know. I prefer privacy but being alone is nice sometimes too.
\item Excess privacy can lead to bad people running bad practices underneath the knowledge of the government (sex trafficking, looting, etc) while not enough privacy can lead to the knowledge of everyone around us and lead to a very insecure and pressuring society.
\item Privacy is a prudential right as the philosophy stands that each human has an inherent right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Liberty = privacy.
\item Privacy is a positive right meaning that it's a good thing to have. I firmly believe that privacy should be expressed making it a positive right.
\item Some information should be made public limited to criminal records so we understand our community and can act accordingly.
\item One example of where a person has to disclose personal information would be applying for a credit card because your social security is linked to your own credit and using another SS is considered fraud.
\item Retailers use loyalty cards to improve sales because the cards are to be paid to the companies and loyalty cards on their end add to a credit service.
\item Personally I see NO benefit of public medical records because that's something I believe no one should disclose unless appropriate. The risks are far and wide. Disclosing medical records could lead to "leaking" of them to companies and targeted ads towards the person with specific diseases. If I get ads based around my medical records, I won't be happy.
\item Cookies from a web site can be stored and saved on the websites side and could potentially be sold to other companies.
\item Data mining is the concept of a company taking information from a source while collaborative filtering is the effort of a group getting disclosed information and grabbing the information it needs.
\item Opt-in policy is where the person MUST say yes or no to a policy at hand while opt-out policy they are AUTOMATICALLY said yes and have to remove themselves.
\item Be safe on the internet is the real lesson. If you're information is online it's there forever. Be careful. Don't get worried however if you find your email somewhere. If it were really bad, you'd know.
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\title{Chapter 6 Summary \& Review Questions}
\author{Chris Nutter\thanks{Dedicated to @QuesoGrande a.k.a. Jared D.}}
\date{CPSC 315}
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% --> First Chapter
\section{Chapter 6 Summary}
\indent Cyber Security is very important to maintaining and preserving our information. The government is in place to protect and serve its citizens to the best of their ability. However the government also makes a living off of its people and will tend to put policies in place to keep citizens in order. This is where governments will try to obtain information on people in order to "protect" other people. Government systems on all level have their benefits and disadvantages. The federal government is in charge of all states and puts nationwide policies into effect while the state government governs just the people within each state. Why this is important is due to how cyber security practices go per state.\\
\indent Personally the federal government shouldn't have a lot of power because this allows too much constriction to rules. If a policy is put into place in a state and I don't agree with it, I can branch away from that state while federal policies are nationwide. Security practices that are federally run ted to be very unsafe towards the community. Acts like the Patriot Act that allows surveillance to be done in order to protect foreign attacks. While the meaning is good, the execution is very unsafe towards its citizens.\\
\indent 9/11 was a major hit towards the United States and it brought on this new idea of are we really safe. Physically and technology-wise. Many federal agencies were caught illegally obtaining information in order to better "understand 9/11 and why it happened." (This is not a direct quote but more of an exaggeration of what I presume their intentions were)
\section{Review Questions}
\item Privacy is considered by these men to be a human right. They all each have very similar ideas of everyone else and yourself. Privacy being how much everyone knows about me.
\item Wiretapping was a felony case in 1879 but was used by the NYC police until 1920. After World War II, FBI director J. Edgar Hoover pressed to have the ban on wiretapping withdrawn. The NSA were also caught wiretapping after 9/11 trying to obtain information about al-Qaeda.
\item COPPA is a huge benefit for children as it protects children online who aren't old enough to understand. California's Reader Privacy Act was passed in 2011 which prohibits commercial provider of book service to disclose information from subjects. Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act protects patients from unwanted information to be sold about medical records.
\item The US Census is important as it gives our government a way to understand how things should be put into effect. Voting is a huge achievement as it allows our country to speak about who they want in charge.
\item Three examples of government agencies illegally obtaining information is NSA wiretapping phones post-9/11, the NYC police wiretapping even after being placed as a felony.
\item Telephony metadata is the collection of cellphone records done by the government as a way to keep tabs on its citizens post-9/11. Once the NSA were caught obtaining information, people were not happy to learn about the government spying on them.
\item All operations involved the tampering and wiretapping of information from third-parties. Not all these were successful however as some were done illegally (i.e NSA wiretapping).
\item They let their ISP handle their emails but they're also able to investigate the email as well giving them control over your information which could be done in bad practice.
\item The use of National Security Letters can raise privacy concerns as it gives the government a way to spy on its citizens.
\item The five tenets are:
\item No secret information.
\item Citizens must know what information they are storing.
\item People can opt-out of information if they choose to.
\item People can change any errors written.
\item Make sure the information is secure.
\item The Privacy Act didn't particularly help anything as it just allowed the government to keep the tabs on people not the organizations.
\item Only certain information is kept for a certain amount of time. Which can allow companies to make judgements.
\item The government can collect our information like medical records for example and use that to send us ads for government-based healthcare plans, different tax brackets, or even avoid us from being able to do things other people can (i.e driving a car).
\item You only have one social security number linked to a person so it shouldn't be used everyone and for everything.
\item National identification card allows people to distinguish who they are and it also lets people use something that isn't hugely private. The problem however is this ID can be stolen or worse even used against you in identity fraud.
\item The government has mandated how companies can collect information especially websites requiring user verification. The government has helped the illegal use of your information by making it required where your information is used. The government has made it a felony to invade people's privacy and illegally obtain their information.
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\title{CPSC 335 | Lecture \#4}
\author{Chris Nutter\thanks{Dedicated to @QuesoGrande a.k.a. Jared D.}}
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\begin{center}\textbf{09/21/2020 - 07:27:25 PM}\end{center}
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\caption{Knapsack Problem}
\caption{Knapsack Problem (\emph{cont.})}
\caption{Triangle Numbers Problem}
\caption{Depth First Search | Fig. 3.10}
\caption{Breadth First Search}
\caption{Review Pt. 1}

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\title{Chapter 4 \& 5 Summary}
\author{Chris Nutter\thanks{Dedicated to @QuesoGrande a.k.a. Jared D.}}
\date{CPSC 362}
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\normalsize\textbf{10/08/2020 - 01:58:55 PM}\\
Figures of each model are at the end of the document.
% --> First Chapter
\section{Chapter 4}
\emph{Prescriptive Process Model} is about constructing the order of software development where each task is set in order with specified guidelines.
\emph{The Waterfall Model} sets a sequential method to development with no traversal to earlier or later stages (similar to a waterfall that goes straight down and not back up again).
\emph{Incremental Process Model} relies on both linear and parallel processing directions to be applied; linear being the sequence of events while jumping around through increments \#n.
\emph{Evolutionary Process Model} is very iterative which constantly improves upon over time before reaching the final product. It keeps adding to the itself which makes the project bigger and closer to the final product.
\emph{Prototyping} is an important step to test your project and practically mandatory for releasing a product. Prototyping is often sent out to testers as a way of getting accurate reception of a product without in-house teams to influence judgement. For example a team creates a math game for 1st graders. The team will give the product to 1st graders to see how they like the product.
\emph{The Spiral Model} is a combination of prototyping with the Waterfall Model method which is very useful for fast development of versions for teams that are stuck in a time constraint.
\emph{Concurrent Model or sometimes concurrent engineering} is the repetitive nature of any process model mentioned.
\emph{Specialized Process Models} take one or more attributes of other models into one model.
\emph{Component-Based Development} is a special model that has many Spiral Model features with pre-packaged software components. There are 5 stages to the component-based development model.
\item Available component-based products are researched and evaluated for
the application domain in question.
\item Component integration issues are considered.
\item A software architecture is designed to accommodate the components.
\item Components are integrated into the architecture.
\item Comprehensive testing is conducted to ensure proper functionality.
\emph{Aspect-Oriented Software Development} is the process and methodological way of defining, specifying, designing, and constructing \emph{aspects}.
\emph{Aspects} are ways of sub-routing and localizing the expression of crosscutting concerns.
\emph{Concerns} are the required parameters of a customer.
Putting it all together, \emph{crosscutting concerns} are concerns that are cut across various functions, features, and information bases.
\emph{Unified Process} recognises importance with customer communication towards the end goal.
\item \emph{Inception} or communication and planning
\item \emph{Elaboration} or planning and modelling
\item \emph{Construction}
\item \emph{Transition} or construction to deployment
\item \emph{Production} or software implement
\emph{Personal Software Process} is similar to unified process but for personal development.
\item \emph{Planning} requires isolation of requirements
\item \emph{High-level design} requires component construction and design
\item \emph{High-level design review} requires verification methods to find error
\item \emph{Development} is for design refining.
\item \emph{Postmortem} is the collected measure of each stage to analyse effectiveness.
\emph{Team Software Process} is similar to PSP but requires a further team-based curriculum to tackle. Various team building suggestions include moral boosting seminars, planning goals accordingly, accelerate process by coaching, providing guidance in a respectable manner, and facilitate university teaching.
\section{Chapter 5}
\emph{Agility} is very important and widely spread across software engineering. Ivar Jacobson says "Everyone is agile. An agile team is a nimble team able to appropriately respond to changes." Agility involves the philosophy of team structures and team attitudes being used among the members including technicians, programmers, design, everyone. Agility should be applied to any software process but it is essential to understand how agility is adapted to various different processes' tasks. Agile development processes lowers the development cost compared to conventional software processes and also increases development schedule processes.\\
Agile software process is mentioned as the manner of addressing a number of assumption about the majority of software projects. Agility principles are important for understanding and working towards and agile software process.
\item Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software.
\item Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer's competitive advantage.
\item Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference to the shorter timescale.
\item Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project.
\item Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done.
\item The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation.
\item Working software is the primary measure of progress.
\item Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely.
\item Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility.
\item Simplicity—the art of maximizing the amount of work not done—is essential.
\item The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self organizing teams.
\item At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly.
The agile software process is very important to a proper work ethic that is fast and efficient for all parties.\\
\emph{The XP Process} is the object-oriented approach as a preferred development paradigm. It is labeled as the Extreme Programming for a reason. Planning the process requires listening to the people and technical members. Design which requires rigorous principles to follow by which are \textbf{keeping it simple}. Coding which is expanitory which is preliminary design implemented over time. It's not immediately ported over and needs tweaking and subtle improvements/adjustments over time. Lastly, testing which is crucial to a healthy design. Many errors will be made so adjusting and finding acceptable levels is appropriate at this step.
\emph{Scrum} is a development method that are consistent with the agile "manifesto" and are framed into 5 basic activities.
\item Requirements
\item Analysis
\item Design
\item Evolution
\item Delivery.
Each framework allocates different important step to an appropriate manifesto.
\emph{Agile Unified Process} adopts a "serial in the large" and "iterative in the small" philosophy. Adopting the previous iteration's activities and working upon them in this one is essential and allows for updated output.\\
A proper agile philosophy permits a proper engineering ethic for everyone. These tools help facilitate a proper agile working habit for all members which is important for succeeding in the engineering field. Ever since the dawn of humans, we have been all been collaborating using different strengths to solve the same problems.
\caption{Waterfall Model}
\caption{Incremental Model}
\caption{Spiral Model}
\caption{Unified Model}

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@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
\usepackage[a4paper, total={6in, 10in}]{geometry}
\graphicspath{ {./images/} }
\setlength{\parskip}{3mm} % Add space between paragraphs.
\fancyhead[L]{November 14th, 2020}
\pretitle{\begin{center} \LARGE \textbf}
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\title{Chapter 8 \& 9 Summary}
\author{Chris Nutter\thanks{Dedicated to @QuesoGrande a.k.a. Jared D.}}
\date{CPSC 315}
% --> Here we go, satellite radio, y'all get hit with a...
%\begin{center} \vspace{-4ex}|\vspace{-3ex} \end{center}
\normalsize\textbf{10/08/2020 - 01:58:55 PM}\\
Figures of each model are at the end of the document.
% --> First Chapter
\section{Chapter 8 Summary}
\indent Having software requirements is a main staple for a good engineering ethic. If you do not have a proper set of requirements for engineers to implement, there is no purpose or drive to products and they are created on a whim (which isn't necessarily bad but it isn't proper). Requirements are designed to be showcased before starting and demonstrate a foundation for a project.
% Possibly Important LaTeX Functions %
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% \begin{figure}[hbtp]
% \centering
% \fbox{\includegraphics[width=13.8cm]{big_o.png}}
% \caption{Big(O) Notation}
% \end{figure}
% \begin{lstlisting}[language=Python]
% print('hello world')
% \end{lstlisting}

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@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
Chris Nutter
At Startup:
The program loads to a login screen or it auto logins.
N U M B E R L A N D text appears at top.
Colorful program appears.
The program will show a picture and 5 buttons, "Time Attack", "Quiz", "Practice Mode", "Calculator", and "Exit".
Time Attack
Once "Time Attack" is clicked a button is prompted to say "Ready to play?" and once clicked the game will start.
The game generates random algorithmic math to be displayed in stdout.
A countdown timer will also begin.
The user will fill out answers at their pace.
Once answered, it will immediately give response whether correct or incorrect.
If timer goes out, stdin will stop and it will be left with "Game Over" text.
A "+" button will appear to let the user increase time if desired to encourage critical thinking.
The game keeps going until timer goes out or if stopped.
Practice Mode
This will prompt the user with "Ready to play?" and once clicked the game will start.
This is almost verbatim quiz but will NOT UPDATE POINTS OR HISTORY.
Before playing there is an extra button to display previous ranked games called "History"
Almost a carbon copy of "Practice Mode" except that there is a max time that cannot change.
There also is no immediate feedback.
Once over, the game will give a report of what was correct and incorrect.
Will give a PDF of all your previous games and date.
Not a button.
Text will appear at the top that gives the total rank in an algorithmic way.
No more than 10 score. No smaller than 0.
Will create a calculator prompt at time but will auto-close during quiz.
Buttons 0-9 and mathmatical symbols.
Returns 0 and ends program
This is all I can think of at the moment. Login will use mySQL and is still being considered.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
get userID();
get userAge();
set time=userInputTimer();
if (time >0)
A = randomA();
B = randomB();
answerC = A+B;
D= randomD();
if D=== C then randomD();
else displayD();
If user click on answerC then add ++ correctCounter;
else set A=randomA(); set B=randomA();
</font></font></font><font color="#000000"> else save correctCounter to log;
print &ldquo; Retry?&rdquo; or &ldquo; exit&rdquo;
if user click retry, get userInputTimer();
if user click exit, return to main menu;
setArrayASize = question;
setArrayBSize= question;
setArrayCsize= question;
for( i =0; i&lt; question;i++)
arrayA[i]= random();
arrayB[i] = random();
print arrayA[i] &ldquo; + &ldquo; print arrayB[i] &ldquo; = &ldquo;
arrayD[i]= userInput();
if (arrayC[i]= arrayD[i] )
display correct and wrong to screen;
display arrayA[i]&ldquo;+&rdquo; ArrayB[i] &ldquo;= &ldquo; arrayC[i] &ldquo;your Answer&rdquo; arrayD[i];
ask user to continue quiz or exit to main screen
if (continue = yes)
A= randomNumber();
B= randomNumber();
C= A+B;
display A &ldquo;+ &ldquo; B &ldquo;=&ldquo; then get userInput();
compare to C to userInput();
get userInputContinue();
exit to main menu
display calculator

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@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
\cocoatextscaling0\cocoaplatform0{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;}
\f0\fs24 \cf0 starting screen:\
get userID();\
get userAge();\
set time=userInputTimer();\
if (time >0)\
A = randomA();\
B = randomB();\
answerC = A+B;\
D= randomD();\
if D=== C then randomD();\
else displayD();\
If user click on answerC then add ++ correctCounter;\
else set A=randomA(); set B=randomA(); \
\cf0 else save correctCounter to log;\
print \'93 Retry?\'94 or \'93 exit\'94\
if user click retry, get userInputTimer();\
if user click exit, return to main menu;\
setArrayASize = question;\
setArrayBSize= question;\
setArrayCsize= question;\
for( i =0; i< question;i++)\
arrayA[i]= random();\
arrayB[i] = random();\
print arrayA[i] \'93 + \'93 print arrayB[i] \'93 = \'93\
arrayD[i]= userInput(); \
if (arrayC[i]= arrayD[i] )\
wrong++; \
display correct and wrong to screen;\
display arrayA[i]\'93+\'94 ArrayB[i] \'93= \'93 arrayC[i] \'93your Answer\'94 arrayD[i];\
ask user to continue quiz or exit to main screen\
if (continue = yes)\
\{ \
A= randomNumber();\
B= randomNumber();\
C= A+B;\
display A \'93+ \'93 B \'93=\'93 then get userInput();\
compare to C to userInput();\
get userInputContinue();\
\} \
else \
exit to main menu\
display calculator\

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@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
\usepackage[a4paper, total={6in, 10in}]{geometry}
% --> Here we go, satellite radio, y'all get hit with a...
\title{Group \#9 | Pseudocode}
\author{Chris Nutter\and Michael Nguyen\and Loc Nguyen}
-> user opened exec
buttons for gamemodes
_time, _rank, _practice, _calc
text for points
title text
text for button labels
hover over options for instructions (??)
while (user not exit) {
CaseA = time_mode()
CaseB = rank_mode()
CaseC = practice_mode()
CaseD = calculator()
if (user picks "time_mode()")
display time_mode()
if (user picks "rank_mode")
display rank_mode()
if (user picks "practice_mode")
display practice_mode()
if (user picks "calculator"
display calculator()
close program
\section{time\_mode() + \_start$\rightarrow$time\_mode()}
-> user clicked _time button
buttons for _start and _back
text for instructions & "ready to start"
while (user not _back) {
if (user picks "_start")
_start->time_mode() // starting screen for time_mode()
-> user clicked _start->time_mode()
one question
input answer
button for submit
variation 1:
print question
while (time is not 0) {
while (user inputs answer) {
if (answer correct)
if (user has answered all questions)
print congrats!
return to main()
print nice! next problem...
print try again... clock is ticking
variation 2:
print ALL questions
if (user does not input all answers)
print "you didn't answer all questions"
if (user is done)
check answers
if (incorrect answers)
print incorrect answers
print congrats you got all them correct!
return to main()
\section{quiz\_mode() + \_start\_quiz\_mode()}
--> user clicked quiz_mode()
buttons for _start and _back AND _print_sheet
text for instructions & "ready to start" & print pdf sheet
if (user print pdf sheet)
if (user hasn't taken test)
print u have not taken test
pdf testsheet.pdf
while (user not _back) {
if (user picks _start)
--> user clicked _start->quiz_mode()
all questions in a grid form
text with the problems
input for the answers
if (user does not input all answers)
print "you didn't answer all questions"
if (user is done)
check for answers
if (incorrect answers)
print incorrect answers
print congrats!
save answers to log
update rank points
return to main()
\section{practice\_mode() + \_start\_practice\_mode()}
--> user clicked practice_mode()
buttons for _start and _back
text for instructions & "ready to start"
while (user not _back) {
if (user picks _start)
--> user clicked _start->practice_mode()
all questions in a grid form
text with the problems
input for the answers
if (user does not input all answers)
print "you didn't answer all questions"
if (user is done)
check for answers
if (incorrect answers)
print incorrect answers
print congrats!
return to main()
--> user clicked calculator()
new window w/ either...
windows: built in calculator
mac: built in calculator
linux: made from scratch calculator (so we actually code something)
while (user did not close calc) {
do anything user wants with buttons on calculator
close calculator

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\title{Notes \#1 | CS 332 Databases}
\author{Jared Dyreson (CWID EXT: 6529)\\
California State University, Fullerton}
\usepackage [english]{babel}
\usepackage [autostyle, english = american]{csquotes}
{0pt}{5.5ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{4.3ex plus .2ex}
{0pt}{5.5ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{4.3ex plus .2ex}
\section{Relational Algebra}
RD: $\leftarrow \sigma_{\textrm{DNAME='research'}}$(DEPARTMENT) \\ \vspace{5px}
Result: $\leftarrow \pi_{\textrm{FNAME, LNAME, ADDRESS}}$ (EMPLOYEE $\bowtie_{\textrm{DNO=DNUMBER}}$RD)

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@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
\usepackage[a4paper, total={6in, 10in}]{geometry}
\graphicspath{ {./images/} }
\setlength{\parskip}{3mm} % Add space between paragraphs.
\fancyhead[L]{October 10th, 2020}
\pretitle{\begin{center} \LARGE \textbf}
\posttitle{\end{center} \vspace{-3ex}}
\preauthor{\begin{center} \large}
\postauthor{\end{center} \vspace{-3ex}}
\predate{\begin{center} \small \emph}
\postdate{\end{center} \vspace{-3ex}}
\title{Chapter 4 \& 5 Summary}
\author{Chris Nutter\thanks{Dedicated to @QuesoGrande a.k.a. Jared D.}}
\date{CPSC 362}
% --> Here we go, satellite radio, y'all get hit with a...
\begin{center} \vspace{-4ex}|\vspace{-3ex} \end{center}
\normalsize\textbf{10/08/2020 - 01:58:55 PM}\\
Figures of each model are at the end of the document.
% --> First Chapter
\section{Lorem ipsum}
% Possibly Important LaTeX Functions %
% ================================== %
% \begin{figure}[hbtp]
% \centering
% \fbox{\includegraphics[width=13.8cm]{big_o.png}}
% \caption{Big(O) Notation}
% \end{figure}
% \begin{lstlisting}[language=Python]
% print('hello world')
% \end{lstlisting}