Readme for js-p5-example Time-stamp: <2020-09-02 14:11:19 Chuck Siska> ------------------------------------------------------------ Intro This example draws a grid and runs an invisible bot from cell to cell on the grid changing its colors. You can stop/restart the bot with any keypress. You can move the bot to any cell with a mouse-click. This is an example project using HTML, Javascript (JS), and P5.js which is a JS-adapted version of the Processing Language. CF HTML and JS on the web (eg, Wikipedia). More on P5 is at at P5 provides sutomated animation (via a user-built "draw" function), and GUI manipulation functions that are simpler than JS. Zip Contents File readme.txt. This file. File pix-js-p5-example-1.JPG. A snapshot of the example webpage. File pix-js-p5-example2-F12-Console.JPG A webpage + F12 Console. Shows entering some global var names to see their current values. File index-js-p5-example.html. Drag and drop this into a browser to run the example. Click to set new loc for drunk-bot (via mousePressed). Hit (almost) any key to toggle bot on or off (via keyPressed). File p5.js. This is the P5 package. It is loaded inside the html. File cs-sketch.js; This contains several P5 user-defined linkage functions (setup, draw, keyPressed, and mousePressed), as well as example support functions. P5's setup() is run once before page display. P5's draw() is run once per display frame, so you can do animation. File assets/styles.css. This is an extra-small example of controlling webpage styling. // Loaded inside the html. File assets/draw-stuff.js. This is an example to show loading a JS script file from a folder other than the index HTML file's folder location. It also includes the utility draw_grid function written in P5+JS. // Loaded inside the html. Installation & Running 1. Extract the .zip file into a folder. 2. Drag the index HTML file, index-js-p5-example.html, into a browser window. The example P5 program should start immediately. You should see a 640x480 grid (white lines on black background) with row/column headers and some of the grid cells colored. See the picture pix-js-p5-example-1.JPG. Known Bugs o- Bot cell drawing over-writes a pixels-worth of the cell's grid lines. Warnings o- Clicking outside the grid wraps the mouse x.y back into the grid -- maybe at a weird-looking spot. Enjoy. o- Testing was light. Didn't try all key or mouse combos. Testing o- Following installation instruction, above, watched it run, and tryed a few keypresses and mouse clicks. Looks okay to ship. Credits Some code was borrowed and modified from Stuart's book. Introducing JavaScript Game Development: Build a 2D Game from the Ground Up, by Graeme Stuart, 2018, 209 pages. And, of course, thanks to the HTML and P5.js developers.