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File: AudioUnitProperties_AE2.h
Contains: Property constants for AudioUnits, stripped down for AE2
Copyright: (c) 2010 by Apple, Inc., all rights reserved.
#include "CoreAudioTypes_AE2.h"
#include "AUComponent_AE2.h"
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Core Implementation
#pragma mark -
@enum Audio Unit scope types
@abstract The scope IDs for audio units define basic roles and contexts for an audio unit's state.
@discussion Each scope is a discrete context. Apple reserves scope IDs from 0 through 1024.
@constant kAudioUnitScope_Global The context for audio unit characteristics that apply to the audio unit as a
@constant kAudioUnitScope_Input The context for audio data coming into an audio unit
@constant kAudioUnitScope_Output The context for audio data leaving an audio unit
@constant kAudioUnitScope_Group A context specific to the control scope of parameters (for instance,
MIDI Channels is an example of this scope)
@constant kAudioUnitScope_Part A distinct rendering context. For instance a single timbre in a multi-timbral
instrument, a single loop in a multi looping capable looper unit, etc.
@constant kAudioUnitScope_Layer A context which functions as a layer within a part and allows
grouped control of Cell-scope parameters.
An example is the percussive attack layer for an electric organ instrument
@constant kAudioUnitScope_Note A scope that can be used to apply changes to an individual note. The
elementID used with this scope is the unique note ID returned from
a started note (see MusicDeviceStartNote)
@constant kAudioUnitScope_Cell A scope which represents the finest level of granularity within an AU.
The individual sample zones and envelope generators within a synth are an
example of this.
enum {
kAudioUnitScope_Global = 0,
kAudioUnitScope_Input = 1,
kAudioUnitScope_Output = 2
#pragma mark - Parameter Definitions
// assume kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Generic if not found in this enum
@enum AudioUnitParameterUnit
@constant kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Generic
untyped value generally between 0.0 and 1.0
@constant kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Indexed
takes an integer value (good for menu selections)
@constant kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Boolean
0.0 means FALSE, non-zero means TRUE
@constant kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Percent
usually from 0 -> 100, sometimes -50 -> +50
@constant kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Seconds
absolute or relative time
@constant kAudioUnitParameterUnit_SampleFrames
one sample frame equals (1.0/sampleRate) seconds
@constant kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Phase
-180 to 180 degrees
@constant kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Rate
rate multiplier, for playback speed, etc. (e.g. 2.0 == twice as fast)
@constant kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Hertz
absolute frequency/pitch in cycles/second
@constant kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Cents
unit of relative pitch
@constant kAudioUnitParameterUnit_RelativeSemiTones
useful for coarse detuning
@constant kAudioUnitParameterUnit_MIDINoteNumber
absolute pitch as defined in the MIDI spec (exact freq may depend on tuning table)
@constant kAudioUnitParameterUnit_MIDIController
a generic MIDI controller value from 0 -> 127
@constant kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Decibels
logarithmic relative gain
@constant kAudioUnitParameterUnit_LinearGain
linear relative gain
@constant kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Degrees
-180 to 180 degrees, similar to phase but more general (good for 3D coord system)
@constant kAudioUnitParameterUnit_EqualPowerCrossfade
0 -> 100, crossfade mix two sources according to sqrt(x) and sqrt(1.0 - x)
@constant kAudioUnitParameterUnit_MixerFaderCurve1
0.0 -> 1.0, pow(x, 3.0) -> linear gain to simulate a reasonable mixer channel fader response
@constant kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Pan
standard left to right mixer pan
@constant kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Meters
distance measured in meters
@constant kAudioUnitParameterUnit_AbsoluteCents
absolute frequency measurement :
if f is freq in hertz then absoluteCents = 1200 * log2(f / 440) + 6900
@constant kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Octaves
octaves in relative pitch where a value of 1 is equal to 1200 cents
@constant kAudioUnitParameterUnit_BPM
beats per minute, ie tempo
@constant kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Beats
time relative to tempo, i.e., 1.0 at 120 BPM would equal 1/2 a second
@constant kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Milliseconds
parameter is expressed in milliseconds
@constant kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Ratio
for compression, expansion ratio, etc.
@constant kAudioUnitParameterUnit_CustomUnit
this is the parameter unit type for parameters that present a custom unit name
kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Generic = 0,
kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Indexed = 1,
kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Boolean = 2,
kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Percent = 3,
kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Seconds = 4,
kAudioUnitParameterUnit_SampleFrames = 5,
kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Phase = 6,
kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Rate = 7,
kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Hertz = 8,
kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Cents = 9,
kAudioUnitParameterUnit_RelativeSemiTones = 10,
kAudioUnitParameterUnit_MIDINoteNumber = 11,
kAudioUnitParameterUnit_MIDIController = 12,
kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Decibels = 13,
kAudioUnitParameterUnit_LinearGain = 14,
kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Degrees = 15,
kAudioUnitParameterUnit_EqualPowerCrossfade = 16,
kAudioUnitParameterUnit_MixerFaderCurve1 = 17,
kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Pan = 18,
kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Meters = 19,
kAudioUnitParameterUnit_AbsoluteCents = 20,
kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Octaves = 21,
kAudioUnitParameterUnit_BPM = 22,
kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Beats = 23,
kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Milliseconds = 24,
kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Ratio = 25,
kAudioUnitParameterUnit_CustomUnit = 26
@typedef AudioUnitParameterUnit
typedef UInt32 AudioUnitParameterUnit;
@struct AudioUnitParameterInfo
@field name
UNUSED - set to zero - UTF8 encoded C string (originally).
@field unitName
only valid if kAudioUnitParameterUnit_CustomUnit is set. If kAudioUnitParameterUnit_CustomUnit
is set, this field must contain a valid CFString.
@field clumpID
only valid if kAudioUnitParameterFlag_HasClump
@field cfNameString
only valid if kAudioUnitParameterFlag_HasCFNameString
@field unit
if the "unit" field contains a value not in the enum above, then assume
@field minValue
@field maxValue
@field defaultValue
@field flags
Due to some vagaries about the ways in which Parameter's CFNames have been described, it was
necessary to add a flag: kAudioUnitParameterFlag_CFNameRelease
In normal usage a parameter name is essentially a static object, but sometimes an audio unit will
generate parameter names dynamically.. As these are expected to be CFStrings, in that case
the host should release those names when it is finished with them, but there was no way
to communicate this distinction in behavior.
Thus, if an audio unit will (or could) generate a name dynamically, it should set this flag in
the parameter's info. The host should check for this flag, and if present, release the parameter
name when it is finished with it.
typedef struct AudioUnitParameterInfo
//char name[52];
//CFStringRef unitName;
UInt32 clumpID;
//CFStringRef cfNameString;
AudioUnitParameterUnit unit;
AudioUnitParameterValue minValue;
AudioUnitParameterValue maxValue;
AudioUnitParameterValue defaultValue;
UInt32 flags;
} AudioUnitParameterInfo;
@enum Audio Unit Parameter Flags
@discussion Bit positions 18, 17, and 16 are set aside for display scales. Bit 19 is reserved.
@constant kAudioUnitParameterFlag_CFNameRelease
@constant kAudioUnitParameterFlag_MeterReadOnly
@constant kAudioUnitParameterFlag_DisplayMask
@constant kAudioUnitParameterFlag_DisplaySquareRoot
@constant kAudioUnitParameterFlag_DisplaySquared
@constant kAudioUnitParameterFlag_DisplayCubed
@constant kAudioUnitParameterFlag_DisplayCubeRoot
@constant kAudioUnitParameterFlag_DisplayExponential
@constant kAudioUnitParameterFlag_HasClump
@constant kAudioUnitParameterFlag_ValuesHaveStrings
@constant kAudioUnitParameterFlag_DisplayLogarithmic
@constant kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsHighResolution
@constant kAudioUnitParameterFlag_NonRealTime
@constant kAudioUnitParameterFlag_CanRamp
@constant kAudioUnitParameterFlag_ExpertMode
@constant kAudioUnitParameterFlag_HasCFNameString
@constant kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsGlobalMeta
@constant kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsElementMeta
@constant kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsReadable
@constant kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsWritable
kAudioUnitParameterFlag_CFNameRelease = (1L << 4),
kAudioUnitParameterFlag_MeterReadOnly = (1L << 15),
// bit positions 18,17,16 are set aside for display scales. bit 19 is reserved.
kAudioUnitParameterFlag_DisplayMask = (7L << 16) | (1L << 22),
kAudioUnitParameterFlag_DisplaySquareRoot = (1L << 16),
kAudioUnitParameterFlag_DisplaySquared = (2L << 16),
kAudioUnitParameterFlag_DisplayCubed = (3L << 16),
kAudioUnitParameterFlag_DisplayCubeRoot = (4L << 16),
kAudioUnitParameterFlag_DisplayExponential = (5L << 16),
kAudioUnitParameterFlag_HasClump = (1L << 20),
kAudioUnitParameterFlag_ValuesHaveStrings = (1L << 21),
kAudioUnitParameterFlag_DisplayLogarithmic = (1L << 22),
kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsHighResolution = (1L << 23),
kAudioUnitParameterFlag_NonRealTime = (1L << 24),
kAudioUnitParameterFlag_CanRamp = (1L << 25),
kAudioUnitParameterFlag_ExpertMode = (1L << 26),
kAudioUnitParameterFlag_HasCFNameString = (1L << 27),
kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsGlobalMeta = (1L << 28),
kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsElementMeta = (1L << 29),
kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsReadable = (1L << 30),
kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsWritable = (1L << 31)
typedef struct AUChannelInfo {
SInt16 inChannels;
SInt16 outChannels;
} AUChannelInfo;
@constant kAUSongbird_SidetoneEQBlockData
@discussion Scope: Global
Value Type: blob
Access: read/write
A property to get/set the biquad coefficients of the AE2 SidetoneEQ block as an
array of AU_BiquadFilterDescription, sized to be the number of stages.
enum {
kAUSongbird_SidetoneEQBlockData = 10000,
kAUSongbird_SidetoneState = 10001
@struct AU_BiquadFilter
@field mBypass
Boolean to indicate if biquad is bypassed;
@field b0
@field b1
@field b2
@field a1
@field a2
Fields for biquad coefficients values;
typedef struct AU_BiquadFilter {
UInt32 mBypass;
Float64 b0, b1, b2, a1, a2;
} AU_BiquadFilter;
@struct AU_BiquadFilterDescription
kAUSongbird_SidetoneEQBlockData data structure
@field mBypass
Boolean to indicate if all biquads are bypassed;
@field mNumberFilters
Number of active filters in the sidetone eq;
@field mFilters
variable length sized as mNumberFilters AU_BiquadFilter structures;
typedef struct AU_BiquadFilterDescription {
UInt32 mBypass;
UInt32 mNumberFilters;
AU_BiquadFilter mFilters[1]; // this is a variable length array of mNumberFilters elements
} AU_BiquadFilterDescription;
@struct AU_SidetoneState
kAUSongbird_SidetoneState data structure
@field mVolume
Gain for Sidetone;
@field mFilterDescription
Filter description for sidetone;
typedef struct AU_SidetoneState {
bool mBypass;
Float32 mVolume;
AU_BiquadFilterDescription mFilterDescription;
} AU_SidetoneState;