#!/usr/bin/python2.7 import optparse import os import plistlib import textwrap import shutil import subprocess import sys import time import hashlib import binascii # ECID: This is the value passed on the personalize_img4 -e option. kDefaultEcid = 0x000012345678abcd # BNCN: This is the value passed on the personalize_img4 -r option. kDefaultApNonce = 0x12345678aabbccdd # Old fashioned terminal size. kLogWidth = 78 kOutputDirPrefix = 'test.' kLogFileName = 'README.txt' kDefaultPlatform = 't8002' kDefaultChipId = 0x8002 kDefaultBoardId = 0x3f kDefaultBlinkyGPIOReg = '0x47500000' kDefaultBlinkyGPIOValue = '0x70203' kDefaultDFUGPIOReg = '0x47500220' kDefaultDFUGPIOValue = '0x00478283' kBoardIdStrapBits = 4 kSecurityDomainDarwin = 1 # The following calculates the nonce hash and formats it correctly so that a # person doesn't have to deal with generating the a hash, truncating it, and # getting the endian-ness right. kDefaultApNonceHashTruncatedSize = 256 kDefaultApNonceByteArray = bytearray.fromhex(hex(kDefaultApNonce)[2:]) kDefaultApNonceString = binascii.hexlify(kDefaultApNonceByteArray) kDefaultApNonceLittleEndian = int("".join(reversed([kDefaultApNonceString[i:i+2] for i in range(0, len(kDefaultApNonceString), 2)])), 16) kDefaultApNonceHash384 = hashlib.sha384(kDefaultApNonceByteArray).hexdigest() kDefaultApNonceHash = int(kDefaultApNonceHash384[:kDefaultApNonceHashTruncatedSize/4], 16) kDefaultSepNonceHash = 0x1234567823456789345678904567890156789012 # certificate epoch for server signing fixed at 1 kDefaultEpochForServerSigning = 1 # Supported platforms kSupported_platforms = ['t8002'] # Image sources kImageSourceDfu = 1 kImageSourceNand = 2 kImageSourceNor = 3 # Outcomes kOutcomeBlinky = 1 kOutcomeDfu = 2 kOutcomeBlinkyVcoOverride = 3 kOutcomeBlinkyVcoDefault = 4 # Can be overidden by command line options. kImg4DecodeTestTool = 'xcrun -sdk iphoneos.internal -run img4decodetest' kPersonalizeImg4Tool = 'xcrun -sdk iphoneos.internal -run personalize_img4' kBfnMaker = 'xcrun -sdk iphoneos.internal -run bfn_maker' kBfnMakerPageSize = 8224 kBfnMakerFormat = 'h6' def ErrorText(text): RedColor = '\033[91m' NormalColor = '\033[0m' return RedColor + text + NormalColor def WarningText(text): YellowColor = '\033[93m' NormalColor = '\033[0m' return YellowColor + text + NormalColor def PassText(text): GreenColor = '\033[92m' NormalColor = '\033[0m' return GreenColor + text + NormalColor def ByteSwap(value, bits): assert (bits % 8) == 0 result = 0 for i in xrange(0, bits / 8): result <<= 8 result |= value & 0xff value >>= 8 return result class LogSettings: def __init__(self): self._all_settings = [] def Append(self, text, settings): self._all_settings.append((text, settings)) def Log(self, log): # Get a format string which aligns everything. longest_entry = 0 for settings in self._all_settings: for s in settings[1]: if len(s[0]) > longest_entry: longest_entry = len(s[0]) format = ' %%-%ds %%s\n' % longest_entry # Dump all settings. for settings in self._all_settings: log.write(settings[0] + ':\n') for s in settings[1]: if (type(s[1]) == int) or (type(s[1]) == long): if s[1] < 16: out = format % (s[0], '%d' % s[1]) else: out = format % (s[0], '0x%x' % s[1]) else: out = format % (s[0], str(s[1])) log.write(out) log.write('\n') class PersonalizeImg4: def __init__(self, description = None, manifest = True, platform = kDefaultPlatform, options = None, log = None, test_number = None, outcome = None, image_source = None, fuse_production_status = None, fuse_security_mode = None, fuse_security_domain = kSecurityDomainDarwin, fuse_epoch = None, fuse_ecid = kDefaultEcid, fuse_cfg_fuse9 = None, boot_device = None, test_mode = False, boot_device_empty = False, epoch = kDefaultEpochForServerSigning, chip_id = None, board_id = None, force_dfu = 0, ecid = None, production_status = None, security_mode = None, security_domain = kSecurityDomainDarwin, allow_mix_and_match = None, ap_boot_nonce_hash = None, sep_boot_nonce_hash = None, enable_keys = None, encryption = None, crypto_hash_method = 'sha2-384', restore_info_nonce = None, demote_production = None, demote_secure = None, lock_fuses = None, ): # Validate required arguments. assert options is not None assert log is not None assert type(test_number) == int assert outcome in [kOutcomeBlinky, kOutcomeDfu, kOutcomeBlinkyVcoOverride, kOutcomeBlinkyVcoDefault] assert image_source in [kImageSourceDfu, kImageSourceNand, kImageSourceNor] assert boot_device is not None assert type(boot_device_empty) == bool assert type(fuse_production_status) == bool assert type(fuse_security_mode) == bool assert ((type(fuse_security_domain) == int) and (fuse_security_domain >= 0) and (fuse_security_domain <= 3)) assert ((type(fuse_epoch) == int) and (fuse_epoch >= 0) and (fuse_epoch <= 0x7f)) assert ((fuse_ecid is not None) and (fuse_ecid >= 0) and (fuse_ecid < (1 << 64))) if manifest: assert ((type(epoch) == int) and (epoch >= 0) and (epoch <= 0x7f)) assert ((type(chip_id) == int) and (chip_id >= 0) and (chip_id < (1 << 16))) assert ((type(board_id) == int) and (board_id >= 0) and (board_id < (1 << 8))) assert (ecid is not None) and (ecid >= 0) and (ecid < (1 << 64)) assert type(production_status) == bool assert type(security_mode) == bool assert ((type(security_domain) == int) and (security_domain >= 0) and (security_domain <= 3)) assert type(allow_mix_and_match) == bool assert type(enable_keys) == bool assert type(encryption) == bool if sep_boot_nonce_hash is None: sep_boot_nonce_hash = kDefaultSepNonceHash # Set members. self._description = description self._manifest = manifest self._platform = platform self._images_dir = 'images_{}'.format(platform) self._options = options self._log = log self._test_number = test_number self._outcome = outcome self._image_source = image_source self._fuse_production_status = fuse_production_status self._fuse_security_mode = fuse_security_mode self._fuse_security_domain = fuse_security_domain self._fuse_epoch = fuse_epoch self._fuse_ecid = fuse_ecid if fuse_cfg_fuse9 is None: self._fuse_cfg_fuse9 = '0x00000000' else: assert (type(fuse_cfg_fuse9) == int) self._fuse_cfg_fuse9 = '0x%08x' % fuse_cfg_fuse9 self._epoch = epoch self._chip_id = chip_id self._board_id = board_id self._boot_device = boot_device self._test_mode = test_mode self._boot_device_empty = boot_device_empty self._force_dfu = force_dfu self._ecid = ecid self._production_status = production_status self._security_mode = security_mode self._security_domain = security_domain self._allow_mix_and_match = allow_mix_and_match self._ap_boot_nonce_hash = ap_boot_nonce_hash self._sep_boot_nonce_hash = sep_boot_nonce_hash self._enable_keys = enable_keys self._encryption = encryption self._crypto_hash_method = crypto_hash_method self._restore_info_nonce = restore_info_nonce self._demote_production = demote_production self._demote_secure = demote_secure self._lock_fuses = lock_fuses def Personalize(self, im4p, output_dir): # Form args. if self._options.personalize_img4: args = self._options.personalize_img4.split(' ') else: args = kPersonalizeImg4Tool.split(' ') args += ['-i', im4p, '-o', output_dir] if not self._manifest: args += ['-O'] else: if self._chip_id is not None: args += ['-c', '0x%04x' % self._chip_id] if self._board_id is not None: args += ['-b', '0x%x' % self._board_id] if self._ecid is not None: args += ['-e', '0x%x' % self._ecid] if self._production_status: args += ['-p'] if self._security_mode: args += ['-m'] args += ['-W'] if self._security_domain is not None: args += ['-d', '%d' % self._security_domain] if self._allow_mix_and_match: args += ['-a'] if self._ap_boot_nonce_hash is not None: args += ['-n', '0x%x' % self._ap_boot_nonce_hash] if self._sep_boot_nonce_hash is not None: args += ['-s', '0x%x' % self._sep_boot_nonce_hash] if self._crypto_hash_method == 'sha2-384': args += ['-g 384'] # disabling keys or demotions require a plist file with Trusted, EPRO, and ESEC defined if (not self._enable_keys) or (self._demote_production) or (self._demote_secure): object_properties = {'Trusted': self._enable_keys} if self._demote_production is not None: object_properties['DPRO'] = True if self._demote_production: assert self._production_status == True object_properties['EPRO'] = False else: object_properties['EPRO'] = self._production_status if self._demote_secure: assert self._security_mode == True object_properties['ESEC'] = False else: object_properties['ESEC'] = self._security_mode all_properties = {'OBJP': object_properties} plist_str = plistlib.writePlistToString(all_properties) plist_file = '/tmp/personalize-{}.plist'.format(self._test_number) f = open(plist_file, 'w') f.write(plist_str) f.close() args += ['-f', plist_file] # personalize_img4 tool expects RestoreInfo nonce in big endian (only for LLB) if (im4p.find('ibss') == -1) and self._restore_info_nonce is not None: args += ['-r', '0x%x' % ByteSwap(self._restore_info_nonce, 64)] args += ['-X'] # Convert args to an shell string. invoke_string = ' '.join(args) # Execute personalize_img4 utility. print('Invoking: %s' % invoke_string) pipe = subprocess.Popen(invoke_string, shell=True) if pipe.wait() == 0: return True else: self._log.write('Invocation of personalize_img4 failed\n') sys.stderr.write(ErrorText('Test %d: Invocation of personalize_img4 failed\n' % self._test_number)) return False def DecodeTest(self, img4): if self._options.img4decodetest: args = self._options.img4decodetest.split(' ') else: args = kImg4DecodeTestTool.split(' ') args += ['-c', '-i', img4] if self._crypto_hash_method == 'sha2-384': args += ['-n'] invoke_string = ' '.join(args) print('Invoking: %s' % invoke_string) pipe = subprocess.Popen(invoke_string, shell=True) if pipe.wait() == 0: return True else: self._log.write('Invocation of img4decodetest failed\n') sys.stderr.write(ErrorText('Test %d: Invocation of img4decodetest failed\n' % self._test_number)) return False def BfnMaker(self, input, output): if self._options.bfn_maker: args = self._options.bfn_maker.split(' ') else: args = kBfnMaker.split(' ') args += ['--pageSize', str(kBfnMakerPageSize)] args += ['--format', str(kBfnMakerFormat)] args += [input, output] invoke_string = ' '.join(args) pipe = subprocess.Popen(invoke_string, shell=True) if pipe.wait() == 0: return True else: self._log.write('Invocation of bfn_maker failed\n') sys.stderr.write(ErrorText('Test %d: Invocation of bfn_maker failed\n' % self._test_number)) return False def Execute(self): # Log header. self._log.write('-' * kLogWidth + '\n') self._log.write('Test %d\n' % self._test_number) self._log.write(textwrap.fill(self._description, width=kLogWidth) + '\n\n') # Figure out the input file variant. image_type, location = {kImageSourceDfu: ('ibss', 'DFU'), kImageSourceNand: ('illb', 'NAND'), kImageSourceNor: ('illb', 'NOR')}[self._image_source] # FAST_NOR boot device is currenly only supported for test mode if self._boot_device in ['FAST_NOR', 'SLOW_NOR']: if self._test_mode == False: self._log.write(' Skipping: FAST_NOR/SLOW_NOR boot device requires test mode\n\n') sys.stderr.write(WarningText('Test %d: FAST_NOR/SLOW_NOR boot device requires test mode\n' % self._test_number)) return False if self._boot_device == 'NOR': self._boot_config = '0x%x' % (0 + (1 if self._test_mode else 0)) elif self._boot_device == 'NAND': self._boot_config = '0x%x' % (2 + (1 if self._test_mode else 0)) elif self._boot_device == 'SLOW_NOR': self._boot_config = '0x6' elif self._boot_device == 'FAST_NOR': self._boot_config = '0x7' else: assert 0, '_boot_device ' + self._boot_device + ' is unsupported' if self._encryption: encryption_name = 'encrypted' else: encryption_name = 'unencrypted' im4p_basename = 'rom_test_%s_%s' % (image_type, encryption_name) im4p_filename = im4p_basename + '.im4p' im4p_path = os.path.join(self._images_dir, im4p_filename) # If valid image in boot device, but force_dfu is set, we also need ibss if self._force_dfu and self._boot_device_empty == False: dfu_im4p_basename = 'rom_test_ibss_%s' % encryption_name dfu_im4p_filename = dfu_im4p_basename + '.im4p' dfu_im4p_path = os.path.join(self._images_dir, dfu_im4p_filename) # Output filename. output_dir = kOutputDirPrefix + self._platform pretty_filename_base = 'test_%d_%s_%s' % ( self._test_number, image_type, encryption_name) pretty_filename_img4 = pretty_filename_base + '.img4' pretty_path_base = os.path.join(output_dir, pretty_filename_base) pretty_path_img4 = pretty_path_base + '.img4' # If valid image in boot device, but force_dfu is set, we also need ibss if self._force_dfu and self._boot_device_empty == False: pretty_dfu_filename_base = 'test_%d_ibss_%s' % ( self._test_number, encryption_name) pretty_dfu_filename_img4 = pretty_dfu_filename_base + '.img4' pretty_dfu_path_base = os.path.join(output_dir, pretty_dfu_filename_base) pretty_dfu_path_img4 = pretty_dfu_path_base + '.img4' # Remove old output file if it exists. img4 = os.path.join(output_dir, im4p_basename + '.img4') if self._force_dfu and self._boot_device_empty == False: dfu_img4 = os.path.join(output_dir, dfu_im4p_basename + '.img4') try: os.unlink(img4) if dfu_img4 is not None: os.unlink(dfu_img4) except: pass # Personalize this case. print('Personalize %s -> %s' % (im4p_filename, img4)) if not self.Personalize(im4p_path, output_dir): sys.stderr.write(ErrorText('Test %d failed to generate\n' % self._test_number)) # Log failure self._log.write(' Failed to generate!\n\n') return False # Now, if force_dfu is set, personalize the 2nd image if self._force_dfu and self._boot_device_empty == False: print('Personalize %s -> %s' % (dfu_im4p_filename, dfu_img4)) if not self.Personalize(dfu_im4p_path, output_dir): sys.stderr.write(ErrorText('Test %d failed to generate\n' % self._test_number)) # Log failure self._log.write(' Failed to generate!\n\n') return False # Rename the output file to the path we want for this test case. os.rename(img4, pretty_path_img4) print('Test %d generated %s' % (self._test_number, pretty_filename_img4)) if self._force_dfu and self._boot_device_empty == False: os.rename(dfu_img4, pretty_dfu_path_img4) print('Test %d generated %s' % (self._test_number, pretty_dfu_filename_img4)) # Test that there isn't a certificate vs manifest problem, because # it's not worth burning a huge amount of DV time running it. if self._manifest: if not self.DecodeTest(pretty_path_img4): self._log.write(' Failed decode test!\n') self._log.write(' Check manifest vs cert is compatible\n\n') sys.stderr.write(ErrorText('Test %d: Failed decode test\n' % self._test_number)) return False if self._force_dfu and self._boot_device_empty == False: if not self.DecodeTest(pretty_dfu_path_img4): self._log.write(' Failed decode test!\n') self._log.write(' Check manifest vs cert is compatible\n\n') sys.stderr.write(ErrorText('Test %d: Failed decode test\n' % self._test_number)) return False # If the source is NAND, we need to pass it through bfn_maker if self._image_source == kImageSourceNand: nand_filename = pretty_filename_base + '.nand' nand_path = os.path.join(output_dir, nand_filename) if not self.BfnMaker(pretty_path_img4, nand_path): self._log.write(' Failed to create NAND image\n') sys.stderr.write(ErrorText('Test %d: Failed to create NAND image\n' % self._test_number)) return False pretty_filename = nand_filename else: pretty_filename = pretty_filename_img4 # Log success. settings = LogSettings() settings.Append( 'Fuses', [('Production Status', int(self._fuse_production_status)), ('Security Mode', int(self._fuse_security_mode)), ('Security Domain', self._fuse_security_domain), ('Board ID', '0x%x' % ((self._board_id or kDefaultBoardId) >> kBoardIdStrapBits)), ('Epoch', self._fuse_epoch), ('SE Required', 0), ('ECID_LO', '0x%08x' % (kDefaultEcid & 0xffffffff)), ('ECID_HI', '0x%08x' % ((kDefaultEcid >> 32) & 0xffffffff)), ('CFG_FUSE9', self._fuse_cfg_fuse9), ]) settings.Append( 'Straps', [('Boot-device', self._boot_device), ('Test mode', self._test_mode), ('Boot-config', self._boot_config), ('Board-id', (self._board_id or kDefaultBoardId) & ((1 << kBoardIdStrapBits) - 1)), ('Force-dfu', self._force_dfu), ('Boot Device Empty', self._boot_device_empty), ]) if self._force_dfu and self._boot_device_empty == False: pretty_dfu_filename = pretty_dfu_filename_img4 else: pretty_dfu_filename = '' settings.Append( 'Images', [(pretty_filename, ''), (pretty_dfu_filename, ''), ]) outcome_string = {kOutcomeBlinky: 'Blinky - AP writes {} to {}'.format(kDefaultBlinkyGPIOValue, kDefaultBlinkyGPIOReg), kOutcomeDfu: 'DFU - AP writes {} to {}'.format(kDefaultDFUGPIOValue, kDefaultDFUGPIOReg), kOutcomeBlinkyVcoOverride: 'Blinky: SecureROM PLLs (4, CPU) VCO_RCTRL_OW & VCO_RCTRL_SEL overridden', kOutcomeBlinkyVcoDefault: 'Blinky: SecureROM PLLs (4, CPU) VCO_RCTRL_OW & VCO_RCTRL_SEL default values', }[self._outcome] if self._outcome == kOutcomeDfu: check_usb_clk = 'USB clock frequency' check_usbotg = 'USB20PHY_CFG0/USB20PHY_CFG1' check_usbotg_text = 'set to tunables values for Device mode' else: check_usb_clk = '' check_usbotg = '' check_usbotg_text = '' # JTAG gets enabled on a production part if it is demoted. if self._fuse_production_status == True and self._demote_production == True and self._outcome == kOutcomeBlinky: check_jtag = 'JTAG' check_jtag_text = 'Starts disabled before test, but enabled after test' else: check_jtag = '' check_jtag_text = '' keys_state = {True: 'Enabled', False: 'Disabled', None: 'Disabled'}[self._enable_keys] if self._outcome == kOutcomeDfu: fuses_locked_default = 'Unlocked (CFG_FUSE1.AP_LOCK = 0)' else: fuses_locked_default = 'Locked (CFG_FUSE1.AP_LOCK = 1)' fuses_locked_state = {True: 'Locked (CFG_FUSE1.AP_LOCK = 1)', False: 'Unlocked (CFG_FUSE1.AP_LOCK = 0)', None: fuses_locked_default}[self._lock_fuses] # For LLB boot, boot nonce pre-set to 0xdeadbeefdeadbeef. For iBSS boot, set to 0xddccbbaa78563412 if pretty_filename.find('llb') != -1 and self._force_dfu == 0: boot_nonce = 0xdeadbeefdeadbeef else: if self._restore_info_nonce is not None: boot_nonce = self._restore_info_nonce else: boot_nonce = kDefaultApNonceLittleEndian if self._force_dfu and self._outcome == kOutcomeBlinky: outcome_string += ' via iBSS in DFU mode' rom_state = {True: 'r/w access enabled', False: 'r/w access disabled'}[self._outcome == kOutcomeDfu] settings.Append( 'Boot Nonce in PMGR Scratch Registers', [('PMGR_SCRATCH_10', '0x%x' % (boot_nonce & 0xffffffff)), ('PMGR_SCRATCH_11', '0x%x' % ((boot_nonce >> 32) & 0xffffffff)), ]) settings.Append( 'PASS', [('Outcome', outcome_string), ('ROM', rom_state), ('Keys - UID and GIDs', keys_state), ('Fuses', fuses_locked_state), (check_usb_clk, ''), (check_usbotg, check_usbotg_text), (check_jtag, check_jtag_text), ]) settings.Append( 'FAIL', [('All PASS conditions not met', ''), ]) if self._manifest: settings.Append( '(Informational only - Image4 Personalization Settings Used)', [('Encryption', self._encryption), ('Crypto Hash Method', self._crypto_hash_method), ('Epoch', self._epoch), ('Chip ID', self._chip_id), ('Board ID', self._board_id), ('ECID', self._ecid), ('Production Status', self._production_status), ('Security Mode', self._security_mode), ('Enable Keys', self._enable_keys), ('DPRO', self._demote_production), ('DSEC', self._demote_secure), ('Security Domain', self._security_domain), ('Allow Mix and Match', self._allow_mix_and_match), ('AP Boot Nonce Hash', self._ap_boot_nonce_hash), ('Restore Info Nonce', self._restore_info_nonce), ('SEP Boot Nonce Hash', self._sep_boot_nonce_hash), ]) settings.Log(self._log) return True def main(): help_str = ('Use the source.\n') class MyParser(optparse.OptionParser): def format_epilog(self, formatter): return self.epilog parser = MyParser(epilog=help_str) parser.add_option( '--platform', help='Override the default platform value of ' + kDefaultPlatform) parser.add_option( '--personalize_img4', help='Override path to personalize_img4 tool') parser.add_option( '--img4decodetest', help='Override path to img4decodetest tool') parser.add_option( '--bfn_maker', help='Override path to bfn_maker tool') (options, args) = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) if args: sys.stderr.write(ErrorText('Unused trailing options: ' + ' '.join(args) + '\n')) return 1 thisPlat = options.platform if thisPlat is None: thisPlat = kDefaultPlatform output_dir = kOutputDirPrefix + str(thisPlat) # Determine the chip_id and board_id based on the platform if thisPlat not in kSupported_platforms: sys.stderr.write(ErrorText('Only the following platforms are supported by this script: ' + str(kSupported_platforms))) return 1 elif thisPlat == kDefaultPlatform: thisChip_id = kDefaultChipId thisBoard_id = kDefaultBoardId else: assert false, "Unknown platform" # Prune any existing output and re-create the directory. shutil.rmtree(output_dir, ignore_errors=True) os.makedirs(output_dir) log = open(os.path.join(output_dir, kLogFileName), 'w') log.write('This file generated by iBoot/apps/SecureROM/test_generator_img4\n') log.write('Generated on: %s GMT\n\n' % time.asctime(time.gmtime())) # Result code rc = True # Test 1: # Boot from SPI NOR without a manifest in testmode. This facility is sometimes used in the factory # environment and the test is to ensure that we can successfully # boot in this environment. This is booting a non-secure image on a # non-secure part in testmode. rc &= PersonalizeImg4(manifest = False, platform = thisPlat, options = options, log = log, test_number = 1, outcome = kOutcomeBlinky, image_source = kImageSourceNor, fuse_production_status = False, fuse_security_mode = False, fuse_epoch = 0, boot_device = 'NOR', test_mode = True, description = ('Boot image without manifest in testmode with SPI NOR') ).Execute() # Test 2: # Boot from SPI NOR with manifest that disables keys. This is booting a non-secure # image on a non-secure part. rc &= PersonalizeImg4(platform = thisPlat, options = options, log = log, test_number = 2, outcome = kOutcomeBlinky, image_source = kImageSourceNor, fuse_production_status = False, fuse_security_mode = False, fuse_epoch = 0, production_status = False, security_mode = False, boot_device = 'NOR', chip_id = thisChip_id, board_id = thisBoard_id, ecid = kDefaultEcid, allow_mix_and_match = True, ap_boot_nonce_hash = kDefaultApNonceHash, enable_keys = False, encryption = False, restore_info_nonce = kDefaultApNonceLittleEndian, description = ('Boot image with manifest that disables keys on an insecure part') ).Execute() # Test 3: # Fail to boot a non-production image on a Production part in test mode. rc &= PersonalizeImg4(platform = thisPlat, options = options, log = log, test_number = 3, outcome = kOutcomeDfu, image_source = kImageSourceNor, fuse_production_status = True, fuse_security_mode = True, fuse_epoch = 0, production_status = False, security_mode = True, boot_device = 'NOR', test_mode = True, chip_id = thisChip_id, board_id = thisBoard_id, ecid = kDefaultEcid, allow_mix_and_match = False, ap_boot_nonce_hash = kDefaultApNonceHash, enable_keys = True, encryption = False, restore_info_nonce = kDefaultApNonceLittleEndian, description = ('Fail to boot a non-production image on a Production part in test mode') ).Execute() # Test 4: # Boot a development image on a development part. rc &= PersonalizeImg4(platform = thisPlat, options = options, log = log, test_number = 4, outcome = kOutcomeBlinky, image_source = kImageSourceNand, fuse_production_status = False, fuse_security_mode = True, fuse_epoch = 0, production_status = False, security_mode = True, boot_device = 'NAND', chip_id = thisChip_id, board_id = thisBoard_id, ecid = kDefaultEcid, allow_mix_and_match = False, ap_boot_nonce_hash = kDefaultApNonceHash, enable_keys = True, encryption = False, restore_info_nonce = kDefaultApNonceLittleEndian, description = ('Boot a development image on a development part') ).Execute() # Test 5: # Boot a production image on a production part. rc &= PersonalizeImg4(platform = thisPlat, options = options, log = log, test_number = 5, outcome = kOutcomeBlinky, image_source = kImageSourceNor, fuse_production_status = True, fuse_security_mode = True, fuse_epoch = 1, production_status = True, security_mode = True, epoch = kDefaultEpochForServerSigning, boot_device = 'NOR', chip_id = thisChip_id, board_id = thisBoard_id, ecid = kDefaultEcid, allow_mix_and_match = False, ap_boot_nonce_hash = kDefaultApNonceHash, enable_keys = True, encryption = True, restore_info_nonce = kDefaultApNonceLittleEndian, description = ('Boot a production image on a production part') ).Execute() # Test 6: # Test Epoch changes by having a chip epoch greater then the # certificate epoch, and verifying that the object is rejected. rc &= PersonalizeImg4(platform = thisPlat, options = options, log = log, test_number = 6, outcome = kOutcomeDfu, image_source = kImageSourceNor, fuse_production_status = False, fuse_security_mode = True, fuse_epoch = 2, production_status = False, security_mode = True, boot_device = 'NOR', chip_id = thisChip_id, board_id = thisBoard_id, ecid = kDefaultEcid, allow_mix_and_match = False, ap_boot_nonce_hash = kDefaultApNonceHash, enable_keys = True, encryption = False, restore_info_nonce = kDefaultApNonceLittleEndian, description = ('Fail to boot an image with epoch less than chip epoch') ).Execute() # Test 7: # Test USB DFU mode on a development device. rc &= PersonalizeImg4(platform = thisPlat, options = options, log = log, test_number = 7, outcome = kOutcomeBlinky, image_source = kImageSourceDfu, fuse_production_status = False, fuse_security_mode = True, fuse_epoch = 0, production_status = False, security_mode = True, boot_device = 'NOR', boot_device_empty = True, chip_id = thisChip_id, board_id = thisBoard_id, ecid = kDefaultEcid, allow_mix_and_match = False, ap_boot_nonce_hash = kDefaultApNonceHash, enable_keys = True, encryption = False, description = ('Boot from USB in DFU mode with boot device set to NOR, but NOR is empty') ).Execute() # Test 8: # Test Force DFU when a valid image is in NOR. i.e. ignore valid NOR image rc &= PersonalizeImg4(platform = thisPlat, options = options, log = log, test_number = 8, outcome = kOutcomeBlinky, image_source = kImageSourceNor, fuse_production_status = False, fuse_security_mode = True, fuse_epoch = 0, production_status = False, security_mode = True, boot_device = 'NOR', chip_id = thisChip_id, board_id = thisBoard_id, force_dfu = 1, ecid = kDefaultEcid, allow_mix_and_match = False, ap_boot_nonce_hash = kDefaultApNonceHash, enable_keys = True, encryption = False, restore_info_nonce = kDefaultApNonceLittleEndian, description = ('Boot from USB in DFU mode with boot device set to NOR, and valid image in NOR, but force dfu set') ).Execute() # Test 9: # Boot an image in development mode on a production part (Demotion) rc &= PersonalizeImg4(platform = thisPlat, options = options, log = log, test_number = 9, outcome = kOutcomeBlinky, image_source = kImageSourceNor, fuse_production_status = True, fuse_security_mode = True, fuse_epoch = 0, production_status = True, security_mode = True, epoch = kDefaultEpochForServerSigning, boot_device = 'NOR', chip_id = thisChip_id, board_id = thisBoard_id, ecid = kDefaultEcid, allow_mix_and_match = False, ap_boot_nonce_hash = kDefaultApNonceHash, enable_keys = True, encryption = True, demote_production = True, restore_info_nonce = kDefaultApNonceLittleEndian, description = ('Boot an image in development mode on a production part (Demotion)') ).Execute() # Test 10: # Boot from NOR (slow mode) a development image on a development part. rc &= PersonalizeImg4(platform = thisPlat, options = options, log = log, test_number = 10, outcome = kOutcomeBlinky, image_source = kImageSourceNor, fuse_production_status = False, fuse_security_mode = True, fuse_epoch = 0, production_status = False, security_mode = True, boot_device = 'SLOW_NOR', test_mode = True, chip_id = thisChip_id, board_id = thisBoard_id, ecid = kDefaultEcid, allow_mix_and_match = False, ap_boot_nonce_hash = kDefaultApNonceHash, enable_keys = True, encryption = False, restore_info_nonce = kDefaultApNonceLittleEndian, description = ('Boot from SPI NOR in slow mode a development image on a development part') ).Execute() log.write("In addition, provide a clock-tree dump (including spare clocks). Please pick a test from 1 to 10 for this dump.\n") log.close() if rc: sys.stdout.write(PassText('\nSuccess\n')) return 0 else: sys.stderr.write(ErrorText('\nTest plan contains errors\n')) return 1 if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())