#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- # # A report generator for gcov 3.4 # # This routine generates a format that is similar to the format generated # by the Python coverage.py module. This code is similar to the # data processing performed by lcov's geninfo command. However, we # don't worry about parsing the *.gcna files, and backwards compatibility for # older versions of gcov is not supported. # # Outstanding issues # - verify that gcov 3.4 or newer is being used # - verify support for symbolic links # # gcovr is a FAST project. For documentation, bug reporting, and # updates, see https://software.sandia.gov/trac/fast/wiki/gcovr # # _________________________________________________________________________ # # Gcovr: A parsing and reporting tool for gcov # Copyright (c) 2013 Sandia Corporation. # This software is distributed under the BSD License. # Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, # the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. # For more information, see the README.md file. # _________________________________________________________________________ # # $Revision$ # $Date$ # try: import html except: import cgi as html import copy import os import re import subprocess import sys import time import xml.dom.minidom import datetime import posixpath from optparse import OptionParser from string import Template from os.path import normpath medium_coverage = 75.0 high_coverage = 90.0 low_color = "LightPink" medium_color = "#FFFF55" high_color = "LightGreen" covered_color = "LightGreen" uncovered_color = "LightPink" __version__ = "3.3-prerelease" src_revision = "$Revision$" output_re = re.compile("[Cc]reating [`'](.*)'$") source_re = re.compile("[Cc]annot open (source|graph) file") starting_dir = os.getcwd() exclude_line_flag = "_EXCL_" exclude_line_pattern = re.compile('([GL]COVR?)_EXCL_(LINE|START|STOP)') c_style_comment_pattern = re.compile('/\*.*?\*/') cpp_style_comment_pattern = re.compile('//.*?$') def version_str(): ans = __version__ m = re.match('\$Revision:\s*(\S+)\s*\$', src_revision) if m: ans = ans + " (r%s)" % (m.group(1)) return ans # # Container object for coverage statistics # class CoverageData(object): def __init__( self, fname, uncovered, uncovered_exceptional, covered, branches, noncode): self.fname = fname # Shallow copies are cheap & "safe" because the caller will # throw away their copies of covered & uncovered after calling # us exactly *once* self.uncovered = copy.copy(uncovered) self.uncovered_exceptional = copy.copy(uncovered_exceptional) self.covered = copy.copy(covered) self.noncode = copy.copy(noncode) # But, a deep copy is required here self.all_lines = copy.deepcopy(uncovered) self.all_lines.update(uncovered_exceptional) self.all_lines.update(covered.keys()) self.branches = copy.deepcopy(branches) def update( self, uncovered, uncovered_exceptional, covered, branches, noncode): self.all_lines.update(uncovered) self.all_lines.update(uncovered_exceptional) self.all_lines.update(covered.keys()) self.uncovered.update(uncovered) self.uncovered_exceptional.update(uncovered_exceptional) self.noncode.intersection_update(noncode) for k in covered.keys(): self.covered[k] = self.covered.get(k, 0) + covered[k] for k in branches.keys(): for b in branches[k]: d = self.branches.setdefault(k, {}) d[b] = d.get(b, 0) + branches[k][b] self.uncovered.difference_update(self.covered.keys()) self.uncovered_exceptional.difference_update(self.covered.keys()) def uncovered_str(self, exceptional): if options.show_branch: # # Don't do any aggregation on branch results # tmp = [] for line in self.branches.keys(): for branch in self.branches[line]: if self.branches[line][branch] == 0: tmp.append(line) break tmp.sort() return ",".join([str(x) for x in tmp]) or "" if exceptional: tmp = list(self.uncovered_exceptional) else: tmp = list(self.uncovered) if len(tmp) == 0: return "" # # Walk through the uncovered lines in sorted order. # Find blocks of consecutive uncovered lines, and return # a string with that information. # tmp.sort() first = None last = None ranges = [] for item in tmp: if last is None: first = item last = item elif item == (last + 1): last = item else: # # Should we include noncode lines in the range of lines # to be covered??? This simplifies the ranges summary, but it # provides a counterintuitive listing. # #if len(self.noncode.intersection(range(last+1,item))) \ # == item - last - 1: # last = item # continue # if first == last: ranges.append(str(first)) else: ranges.append(str(first) + "-" + str(last)) first = item last = item if first == last: ranges.append(str(first)) else: ranges.append(str(first) + "-" + str(last)) return ",".join(ranges) def coverage(self): if options.show_branch: total = 0 cover = 0 for line in self.branches.keys(): for branch in self.branches[line].keys(): total += 1 cover += self.branches[line][branch] > 0 and 1 or 0 else: total = len(self.all_lines) cover = len(self.covered) percent = total and str(int(100.0 * cover / total)) or "--" return (total, cover, percent) def summary(self): tmp = options.root_filter.sub('', self.fname) if not self.fname.endswith(tmp): # Do no truncation if the filter does not start matching at # the beginning of the string tmp = self.fname tmp = tmp.ljust(40) if len(tmp) > 40: tmp = tmp + "\n" + " " * 40 (total, cover, percent) = self.coverage() uncovered_lines = self.uncovered_str(False) if not options.show_branch: t = self.uncovered_str(True) if len(t): uncovered_lines += " [* " + t + "]" return (total, cover, tmp + str(total).rjust(8) + str(cover).rjust(8) + percent.rjust(6) + "% " + uncovered_lines) def resolve_symlinks(orig_path): """ Return the normalized absolute path name with all symbolic links resolved """ return os.path.realpath(orig_path) # WEH - why doesn't os.path.realpath() suffice here? # drive, tmp = os.path.splitdrive(os.path.abspath(orig_path)) if not drive: drive = os.path.sep parts = tmp.split(os.path.sep) actual_path = [drive] while parts: actual_path.append(parts.pop(0)) if not os.path.islink(os.path.join(*actual_path)): continue actual_path[-1] = os.readlink(os.path.join(*actual_path)) tmp_drive, tmp_path = os.path.splitdrive( resolve_symlinks(os.path.join(*actual_path))) if tmp_drive: drive = tmp_drive actual_path = [drive] + tmp_path.split(os.path.sep) return os.path.join(*actual_path) # # Class that creates path aliases # class PathAliaser(object): def __init__(self): self.aliases = {} self.master_targets = set() self.preferred_name = {} def path_startswith(self, path, base): return path.startswith(base) and ( len(base) == len(path) or path[len(base)] == os.path.sep) def master_path(self, path): match_found = False while True: for base, alias in self.aliases.items(): if self.path_startswith(path, base): path = alias + path[len(base):] match_found = True break for master_base in self.master_targets: if self.path_startswith(path, master_base): return path, master_base, True if match_found: sys.stderr.write( "(ERROR) violating fundamental assumption while walking " "directory tree.\n\tPlease report this to the gcovr " "developers.\n") return path, None, match_found def unalias_path(self, path): path = resolve_symlinks(path) path, master_base, known_path = self.master_path(path) if not known_path: return path # Try and resolve the preferred name for this location if master_base in self.preferred_name: return self.preferred_name[master_base] + path[len(master_base):] return path def add_master_target(self, master): self.master_targets.add(master) def add_alias(self, target, master): self.aliases[target] = master def set_preferred(self, master, preferred): self.preferred_name[master] = preferred aliases = PathAliaser() # This is UGLY. Here's why: UNIX resolves symbolic links by walking the # entire directory structure. What that means is that relative links # are always relative to the actual directory inode, and not the # "virtual" path that the user might have traversed (over symlinks) on # the way to that directory. Here's the canonical example: # # a / b / c / testfile # a / d / e --> ../../a/b # m / n --> /a # x / y / z --> /m/n/d # # If we start in "y", we will see the following directory structure: # y # |-- z # |-- e # |-- c # |-- testfile # # The problem is that using a simple traversal based on the Python # documentation: # # (os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path), os.readlink(result))) # # will not work: we will see a link to /m/n/d from /x/y, but completely # miss the fact that n is itself a link. If we then naively attempt to # apply the "c" relative link, we get an intermediate path that looks # like "/m/n/d/e/../../a/b", which would get normalized to "/m/n/a/b"; a # nonexistant path. The solution is that we need to walk the original # path, along with the full path of all links 1 directory at a time and # check for embedded symlinks. # # # NB: Users have complained that this code causes a performance issue. # I have replaced this logic with os.walk(), which works for Python >= 2.6 # def link_walker(path): if sys.version_info >= (2, 6): for root, dirs, files in os.walk( os.path.abspath(path), followlinks=True ): yield (os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(root)), dirs, files) else: targets = [os.path.abspath(path)] while targets: target_dir = targets.pop(0) actual_dir = resolve_symlinks(target_dir) #print "target dir: %s (%s)" % (target_dir, actual_dir) master_name, master_base, visited = aliases.master_path(actual_dir) if visited: #print " ...root already visited as %s" % master_name aliases.add_alias(target_dir, master_name) continue if master_name != target_dir: aliases.set_preferred(master_name, target_dir) aliases.add_alias(target_dir, master_name) aliases.add_master_target(master_name) #print " ...master name = %s" % master_name #print " ...walking %s" % target_dir for root, dirs, files in os.walk(target_dir, topdown=True): #print " ...reading %s" % root for d in dirs: tmp = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(root, d)) #print " ...checking %s" % tmp if os.path.islink(tmp): #print " ...buffering link %s" % tmp targets.append(tmp) yield (root, dirs, files) def search_file(expr, path): """ Given a search path, recursively descend to find files that match a regular expression. """ ans = [] pattern = re.compile(expr) if path is None or path == ".": path = os.getcwd() elif not os.path.exists(path): raise IOError("Unknown directory '" + path + "'") for root, dirs, files in link_walker(path): for name in files: if pattern.match(name): name = os.path.join(root, name) if os.path.islink(name): ans.append(os.path.abspath(os.readlink(name))) else: ans.append(os.path.abspath(name)) return ans # # Get the list of datafiles in the directories specified by the user # def get_datafiles(flist, options): allfiles = set() for dir_ in flist: if options.gcov_files: if options.verbose: sys.stdout.write( "Scanning directory %s for gcov files...\n" % (dir_, ) ) files = search_file(".*\.gcov$", dir_) gcov_files = [file for file in files if file.endswith('gcov')] if options.verbose: sys.stdout.write( "Found %d files (and will process %d)\n" % (len(files), len(gcov_files)) ) allfiles.update(gcov_files) else: if options.verbose: sys.stdout.write( "Scanning directory %s for gcda/gcno files...\n" % (dir_, ) ) files = search_file(".*\.gc(da|no)$", dir_) # gcno files will *only* produce uncovered results; however, # that is useful information for the case where a compilation # unit is never actually exercised by the test code. So, we # will process gcno files, but ONLY if there is no corresponding # gcda file. gcda_files = [ filenm for filenm in files if filenm.endswith('gcda') ] tmp = set(gcda_files) gcno_files = [ filenm for filenm in files if filenm.endswith('gcno') and filenm[:-2] + 'da' not in tmp ] if options.verbose: sys.stdout.write( "Found %d files (and will process %d)\n" % (len(files), len(gcda_files) + len(gcno_files))) allfiles.update(gcda_files) allfiles.update(gcno_files) return allfiles # # Process a single gcov datafile # def process_gcov_data(data_fname, covdata, options): INPUT = open(data_fname, "r") # # Get the filename # line = INPUT.readline() segments = line.split(':', 3) if len(segments) != 4 or not \ segments[2].lower().strip().endswith('source'): raise RuntimeError( 'Fatal error parsing gcov file, line 1: \n\t"%s"' % line.rstrip() ) currdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(starting_dir) if sys.version_info >= (2, 6): fname = os.path.abspath((segments[-1]).strip()) else: fname = aliases.unalias_path(os.path.abspath((segments[-1]).strip())) os.chdir(currdir) if options.verbose: sys.stdout.write("Parsing coverage data for file %s\n" % fname) # # Return if the filename does not match the filter # filtered_fname = None for i in range(0, len(options.filter)): if options.filter[i].match(fname): filtered_fname = options.root_filter.sub('', fname) break if filtered_fname is None: if options.verbose: sys.stdout.write(" Filtering coverage data for file %s\n" % fname) return # # Return if the filename matches the exclude pattern # for exc in options.exclude: if (filtered_fname is not None and exc.match(filtered_fname)) or \ exc.match(fname) or \ exc.match(os.path.abspath(fname)): if options.verbose: sys.stdout.write( " Excluding coverage data for file %s\n" % fname ) return # # Parse each line, and record the lines # that are uncovered # excluding = [] noncode = set() uncovered = set() uncovered_exceptional = set() covered = {} branches = {} #first_record=True lineno = 0 last_code_line = "" last_code_lineno = 0 last_code_line_excluded = False for line in INPUT: segments = line.split(":", 2) #print "\t","Y", segments tmp = segments[0].strip() if len(segments) > 1: try: lineno = int(segments[1].strip()) except: pass # keep previous line number! if exclude_line_flag in line: excl_line = False for header, flag in exclude_line_pattern.findall(line): if flag == 'START': excluding.append((header, lineno)) elif flag == 'STOP': if excluding: _header, _line = excluding.pop() if _header != header: sys.stderr.write( "(WARNING) %s_EXCL_START found on line %s " "was terminated by %s_EXCL_STOP on line %s, " "when processing %s\n" % (_header, _line, header, lineno, fname) ) else: sys.stderr.write( "(WARNING) mismatched coverage exclusion flags.\n" "\t%s_EXCL_STOP found on line %s without " "corresponding %s_EXCL_START, when processing %s\n" % (header, lineno, header, fname) ) elif flag == 'LINE': # We buffer the line exclusion so that it is always # the last thing added to the exclusion list (and so # only ONE is ever added to the list). This guards # against cases where puts a _LINE and _START (or # _STOP) on the same line... it also guards against # duplicate _LINE flags. excl_line = True if excl_line: excluding.append(False) is_code_statement = False if tmp[0] == '-' or (excluding and tmp[0] in "#=0123456789"): is_code_statement = True code = segments[2].strip() # remember certain non-executed lines if excluding or len(code) == 0 or code == "{" or code == "}" or \ code.startswith("//") or code == 'else': noncode.add(lineno) elif tmp[0] == '#': is_code_statement = True uncovered.add(lineno) elif tmp[0] == '=': is_code_statement = True uncovered_exceptional.add(lineno) elif tmp[0] in "0123456789": is_code_statement = True covered[lineno] = int(segments[0].strip()) elif tmp.startswith('branch'): exclude_branch = False if options.exclude_unreachable_branches and \ lineno == last_code_lineno: if last_code_line_excluded: exclude_branch = True exclude_reason = "marked with exclude pattern" else: code = last_code_line code = re.sub(cpp_style_comment_pattern, '', code) code = re.sub(c_style_comment_pattern, '', code) code = code.strip() code_nospace = code.replace(' ', '') exclude_branch = \ code in ['', '{', '}'] or code_nospace == '{}' exclude_reason = "detected as compiler-generated code" if exclude_branch: if options.verbose: sys.stdout.write( "Excluding unreachable branch on line %d " "in file %s (%s).\n" % (lineno, fname, exclude_reason) ) else: fields = line.split() try: count = int(fields[3]) except: count = 0 branches.setdefault(lineno, {})[int(fields[1])] = count elif tmp.startswith('call'): pass elif tmp.startswith('function'): pass elif tmp[0] == 'f': pass #if first_record: #first_record=False #uncovered.add(prev) #if prev in uncovered: #tokens=re.split('[ \t]+',tmp) #if tokens[3] != "0": #uncovered.remove(prev) #prev = int(segments[1].strip()) #first_record=True else: sys.stderr.write( "(WARNING) Unrecognized GCOV output: '%s'\n" "\tThis is indicitive of a gcov output parse error.\n" "\tPlease report this to the gcovr developers." % tmp ) # save the code line to use it later with branches if is_code_statement: last_code_line = "".join(segments[2:]) last_code_lineno = lineno last_code_line_excluded = False if excluding: last_code_line_excluded = True # clear the excluding flag for single-line excludes if excluding and not excluding[-1]: excluding.pop() ##print 'uncovered',uncovered ##print 'covered',covered ##print 'branches',branches ##print 'noncode',noncode # # If the file is already in covdata, then we # remove lines that are covered here. Otherwise, # initialize covdata # if not fname in covdata: covdata[fname] = CoverageData( fname, uncovered, uncovered_exceptional, covered, branches, noncode ) else: covdata[fname].update( uncovered, uncovered_exceptional, covered, branches, noncode ) INPUT.close() for header, line in excluding: sys.stderr.write("(WARNING) The coverage exclusion region start flag " "%s_EXCL_START\n\ton line %d did not have " "corresponding %s_EXCL_STOP flag\n\t in file %s.\n" % (header, line, header, fname)) # # Process a datafile (generated by running the instrumented application) # and run gcov with the corresponding arguments # # This is trickier than it sounds: The gcda/gcno files are stored in the # same directory as the object files; however, gcov must be run from the # same directory where gcc/g++ was run. Normally, the user would know # where gcc/g++ was invoked from and could tell gcov the path to the # object (and gcda) files with the --object-directory command. # Unfortunately, we do everything backwards: gcovr looks for the gcda # files and then has to infer the original gcc working directory. # # In general, (but not always) we can assume that the gcda file is in a # subdirectory of the original gcc working directory, so we will first # try ".", and on error, move up the directory tree looking for the # correct working directory (letting gcov's own error codes dictate when # we hit the right directory). This covers 90+% of the "normal" cases. # The exception to this is if gcc was invoked with "-o ../[...]" (i.e., # the object directory was a peer (not a parent/child) of the cwd. In # this case, things are really tough. We accept an argument # (--object-directory) that SHOULD BE THE SAME as the one povided to # gcc. We will then walk that path (backwards) in the hopes of # identifying the original gcc working directory (there is a bit of # trial-and-error here) # def process_datafile(filename, covdata, options): #print "" #print "PROCESS",filename # # Launch gcov # abs_filename = os.path.abspath(filename) dirname, fname = os.path.split(abs_filename) #(name,ext) = os.path.splitext(base) potential_wd = [] errors = [] Done = False if options.objdir: #print "X - objdir" src_components = abs_filename.split(os.sep) components = normpath(options.objdir).split(os.sep) idx = 1 while idx <= len(components): if idx > len(src_components): break if components[-1 * idx] != src_components[-1 * idx]: break idx += 1 if idx > len(components): pass # a parent dir; the normal process will find it elif components[-1 * idx] == '..': # NB: os.path.join does not re-add leading '/' characters!?! dirs = [ os.path.sep.join(src_components[:len(src_components) - idx]) ] while idx <= len(components) and components[-1 * idx] == '..': tmp = [] for d in dirs: for f in os.listdir(d): x = os.path.join(d, f) if os.path.isdir(x): tmp.append(x) dirs = tmp idx += 1 potential_wd = dirs else: if components[0] == '': # absolute path tmp = [options.objdir] else: # relative path: check relative to both the cwd and the # gcda file tmp = [ os.path.join(x, options.objdir) for x in [os.path.dirname(abs_filename), os.getcwd()] ] potential_wd = [ testdir for testdir in tmp if os.path.isdir(testdir) ] if len(potential_wd) == 0: errors.append("ERROR: cannot identify the location where GCC " "was run using --object-directory=%s\n" % options.objdir) # Revert to the normal #sys.exit(1) # no objdir was specified (or it was a parent dir); walk up the dir tree if len(potential_wd) == 0: potential_wd.append(root_dir) #print "X - potential_wd", root_dir wd = os.path.split(abs_filename)[0] while True: potential_wd.append(wd) wd = os.path.split(wd)[0] if wd == potential_wd[-1]: # # Stop at the root of the file system # break cmd = [ options.gcov_cmd, abs_filename, "--branch-counts", "--branch-probabilities", "--preserve-paths", '--object-directory', dirname ] # NB: Currently, we will only parse English output env = dict(os.environ) env['LC_ALL'] = 'en_US' #print "HERE", potential_wd while len(potential_wd) > 0 and not Done: # NB: either len(potential_wd) == 1, or all entires are absolute # paths, so we don't have to chdir(starting_dir) at every # iteration. # # Iterate from the end of the potential_wd list, which is the root # directory # dir_ = potential_wd.pop(0) #print "X DIR:", dir_ os.chdir(dir_) if options.verbose: sys.stdout.write( "Running gcov: '%s' in '%s'\n" % (' '.join(cmd), os.getcwd()) ) out, err = subprocess.Popen( cmd, env=env, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate() out = out.decode('utf-8') err = err.decode('utf-8') # find the files that gcov created gcov_files = {'active' : [], 'filter' : [], 'exclude' : []} for line in out.splitlines(): found = output_re.search(line.strip()) if found is not None: fname = found.group(1) if not options.gcov_filter.match(fname): if options.verbose: sys.stdout.write("Filtering gcov file %s\n" % fname) gcov_files['filter'].append(fname) continue exclude = False for exc in options.gcov_exclude: if exc.match(options.gcov_filter.sub('', fname)) or \ exc.match(fname) or \ exc.match(os.path.abspath(fname)): exclude = True break if not exclude: gcov_files['active'].append(fname) elif options.verbose: sys.stdout.write("Excluding gcov file %s\n" % fname) gcov_files['exclude'].append(fname) #print "HERE", err, "XXX", source_re.search(err) if source_re.search(err): # # gcov tossed errors: try the next potential_wd # errors.append(err) else: # # Process *.gcov files # for fname in gcov_files['active']: process_gcov_data(fname, covdata, options) Done = True if not options.keep: for group in gcov_files.values(): for fname in group: if os.path.exists(fname): # Only remove files that actually exist. os.remove(fname) os.chdir(starting_dir) if options.delete: if not abs_filename.endswith('gcno'): os.remove(abs_filename) if not Done: sys.stderr.write( "(WARNING) GCOV produced the following errors processing %s:\n" "\t %s" "\t(gcovr could not infer a working directory that resolved it.)\n" % (filename, "\t ".join(errors)) ) # # Process Already existing gcov files # def process_existing_gcov_file(filename, covdata, options): if not options.gcov_filter.match(filename): if options.verbose: sys.stdout.write("Filtering gcov file %s\n" % filename) return for exc in options.gcov_exclude: if exc.match(options.gcov_filter.sub('', filename)) or \ exc.match(filename) or \ exc.match(os.path.abspath(filename)): if options.verbose: sys.stdout.write("Excluding gcov file %s\n" % filename) return process_gcov_data(filename, covdata, options) if not options.keep: if os.path.exists(filename): # Only remove files that actually exist. os.remove(filename) # # Produce the classic gcovr text report # def print_text_report(covdata): def _num_uncovered(key): (total, covered, percent) = covdata[key].coverage() return total - covered def _percent_uncovered(key): (total, covered, percent) = covdata[key].coverage() if covered: return -1.0 * covered / total else: return total or 1e6 def _alpha(key): return key if options.output: OUTPUT = open(options.output, 'w') else: OUTPUT = sys.stdout total_lines = 0 total_covered = 0 # Header OUTPUT.write("-" * 78 + '\n') OUTPUT.write(" " * 27 + "GCC Code Coverage Report\n") OUTPUT.write("Directory: " + options.root + "\n") OUTPUT.write("-" * 78 + '\n') a = options.show_branch and "Branches" or "Lines" b = options.show_branch and "Taken" or "Exec" c = "Missing" OUTPUT.write( "File".ljust(40) + a.rjust(8) + b.rjust(8) + " Cover " + c + "\n" ) OUTPUT.write("-" * 78 + '\n') # Data keys = list(covdata.keys()) keys.sort( key=options.sort_uncovered and _num_uncovered or options.sort_percent and _percent_uncovered or _alpha ) for key in keys: (t, n, txt) = covdata[key].summary() total_lines += t total_covered += n OUTPUT.write(txt + '\n') # Footer & summary OUTPUT.write("-" * 78 + '\n') percent = total_lines and str(int(100.0 * total_covered / total_lines)) \ or "--" OUTPUT.write( "TOTAL".ljust(40) + str(total_lines).rjust(8) + str(total_covered).rjust(8) + str(percent).rjust(6) + "%" + '\n' ) OUTPUT.write("-" * 78 + '\n') # Close logfile if options.output: OUTPUT.close() # # Prints a small report to the standard output # def print_summary(covdata): lines_total = 0 lines_covered = 0 branches_total = 0 branches_covered = 0 keys = list(covdata.keys()) for key in keys: options.show_branch = False (t, n, txt) = covdata[key].coverage() lines_total += t lines_covered += n options.show_branch = True (t, n, txt) = covdata[key].coverage() branches_total += t branches_covered += n percent = lines_total and (100.0 * lines_covered / lines_total) percent_branches = branches_total and \ (100.0 * branches_covered / branches_total) lines_out = "lines: %0.1f%% (%s out of %s)\n" % ( percent, lines_covered, lines_total ) branches_out = "branches: %0.1f%% (%s out of %s)\n" % ( percent_branches, branches_covered, branches_total ) sys.stdout.write(lines_out) sys.stdout.write(branches_out) # # CSS declarations for the HTML output # css = Template(''' body { color: #000000; background-color: #FFFFFF; } /* Link formats: use maroon w/underlines */ a:link { color: navy; text-decoration: underline; } a:visited { color: maroon; text-decoration: underline; } a:active { color: navy; text-decoration: underline; } /*** TD formats ***/ td { font-family: sans-serif; } td.title { text-align: center; padding-bottom: 10px; font-size: 20pt; font-weight: bold; } /* TD Header Information */ td.headerName { text-align: right; color: black; padding-right: 6px; font-weight: bold; vertical-align: top; white-space: nowrap; } td.headerValue { text-align: left; color: blue; font-weight: bold; white-space: nowrap; } td.headerTableEntry { text-align: right; color: black; font-weight: bold; white-space: nowrap; padding-left: 12px; padding-right: 4px; background-color: LightBlue; } td.headerValueLeg { text-align: left; color: black; font-size: 80%; white-space: nowrap; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px; padding-top: 2px; } /* Color of horizontal ruler */ td.hr { background-color: navy; height:3px; } /* Footer format */ td.footer { text-align: center; padding-top: 3px; font-family: sans-serif; } /* Coverage Table */ td.coverTableHead { text-align: center; color: white; background-color: SteelBlue; font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 120%; white-space: nowrap; padding-left: 4px; padding-right: 4px; } td.coverFile { text-align: left; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 20px; color: black; background-color: LightBlue; font-family: monospace; font-weight: bold; font-size: 110%; } td.coverBar { padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px; background-color: LightBlue; } td.coverBarOutline { background-color: white; } td.coverValue { padding-top: 2px; text-align: right; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px; font-family: sans-serif; white-space: nowrap; font-weight: bold; } /* Link Details */ a.detail:link { color: #B8D0FF; font-size:80%; } a.detail:visited { color: #B8D0FF; font-size:80%; } a.detail:active { color: #FFFFFF; font-size:80%; } .graphcont{ color:#000; font-weight:700; float:left } .graph{ float:left; background-color: white; position:relative; width:280px; padding:0 } .graph .bar{ display:block; position:relative; border:black 1px solid; text-align:center; color:#fff; height:10px; font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size:12px; line-height:1.9em } .graph .bar span{ position:absolute; left:1em } td.coveredLine, span.coveredLine { background-color: ${covered_color}!important; } td.uncoveredLine, span.uncoveredLine { background-color: ${uncovered_color}!important; } .linecount { border-right: 1px gray solid; background-color: lightgray; } .src { padding-left: 12px; } .srcHeader { font-family: monospace; font-weight: bold; } pre { height : 15px; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; } .lineno { background-color: #EFE383; border-right: 1px solid #BBB15F; } ''') # # A string template for the root HTML output # root_page = Template(''' ${HEAD}
GCC Code Coverage Report
Directory: ${DIRECTORY} Exec Total Coverage
Legend: low: < ${COVERAGE_MED} % medium: >= ${COVERAGE_MED} % high: >= ${COVERAGE_HIGH} % Branches: ${BRANCHES_EXEC} ${BRANCHES_TOTAL} ${BRANCHES_COVERAGE} %

File Lines Branches

''') # # A string template for the source file HTML output # source_page = Template(''' ${HEAD}
GCC Code Coverage Report
Directory: ${DIRECTORY} Exec Total Coverage

Line Exec Source

''') # # Produce an HTML report # def print_html_report(covdata, details): def _num_uncovered(key): (total, covered, percent) = covdata[key].coverage() return total - covered def _percent_uncovered(key): (total, covered, percent) = covdata[key].coverage() if covered: return -1.0 * covered / total else: return total or 1e6 def _alpha(key): return key if options.output is None: details = False data = {} data['HEAD'] = "Head" data['VERSION'] = version_str() data['TIME'] = str(int(time.time())) data['DATE'] = datetime.date.today().isoformat() data['ROWS'] = [] data['low_color'] = low_color data['medium_color'] = medium_color data['high_color'] = high_color data['COVERAGE_MED'] = medium_coverage data['COVERAGE_HIGH'] = high_coverage data['CSS'] = css.substitute( low_color=low_color, medium_color=medium_color, high_color=high_color, covered_color=covered_color, uncovered_color=uncovered_color ) data['DIRECTORY'] = '' branchTotal = 0 branchCovered = 0 options.show_branch = True for key in covdata.keys(): (total, covered, percent) = covdata[key].coverage() branchTotal += total branchCovered += covered data['BRANCHES_EXEC'] = str(branchCovered) data['BRANCHES_TOTAL'] = str(branchTotal) coverage = 0.0 if branchTotal == 0 else \ round(100.0 * branchCovered / branchTotal, 1) data['BRANCHES_COVERAGE'] = str(coverage) if coverage < medium_coverage: data['BRANCHES_COLOR'] = low_color elif coverage < high_coverage: data['BRANCHES_COLOR'] = medium_color else: data['BRANCHES_COLOR'] = high_color lineTotal = 0 lineCovered = 0 options.show_branch = False for key in covdata.keys(): (total, covered, percent) = covdata[key].coverage() lineTotal += total lineCovered += covered data['LINES_EXEC'] = str(lineCovered) data['LINES_TOTAL'] = str(lineTotal) coverage = 0.0 if lineTotal == 0 else \ round(100.0 * lineCovered / lineTotal, 1) data['LINES_COVERAGE'] = str(coverage) if coverage < medium_coverage: data['LINES_COLOR'] = low_color elif coverage < high_coverage: data['LINES_COLOR'] = medium_color else: data['LINES_COLOR'] = high_color # Generate the coverage output (on a per-package basis) #source_dirs = set() files = [] filtered_fname = '' keys = list(covdata.keys()) keys.sort( key=options.sort_uncovered and _num_uncovered or options.sort_percent and _percent_uncovered or _alpha ) for f in keys: cdata = covdata[f] filtered_fname = options.root_filter.sub('', f) files.append(filtered_fname) cdata._filename = filtered_fname ttmp = os.path.abspath(options.output).split('.') if len(ttmp) > 1: cdata._sourcefile = \ '.'.join(ttmp[:-1]) + \ '.' + cdata._filename.replace('/', '_') + \ '.' + ttmp[-1] else: cdata._sourcefile = \ ttmp[0] + '.' + cdata._filename.replace('/', '_') + '.html' # Define the common root directory, which may differ from options.root # when source files share a common prefix. if len(files) > 1: commondir = posixpath.commonprefix(files) if commondir != '': data['DIRECTORY'] = commondir else: dir_, file_ = os.path.split(filtered_fname) if dir_ != '': data['DIRECTORY'] = dir_ + os.sep for f in keys: cdata = covdata[f] class_lines = 0 class_hits = 0 class_branches = 0 class_branch_hits = 0 for line in cdata.all_lines: hits = cdata.covered.get(line, 0) class_lines += 1 if hits > 0: class_hits += 1 branches = cdata.branches.get(line) if branches is None: pass else: b_hits = 0 for v in branches.values(): if v > 0: b_hits += 1 coverage = 100 * b_hits / len(branches) class_branch_hits += b_hits class_branches += len(branches) lines_covered = 100.0 if class_lines == 0 else \ 100.0 * class_hits / class_lines branches_covered = 100.0 if class_branches == 0 else \ 100.0 * class_branch_hits / class_branches data['ROWS'].append(html_row( details, cdata._sourcefile, directory=data['DIRECTORY'], filename=cdata._filename, LinesExec=class_hits, LinesTotal=class_lines, LinesCoverage=lines_covered, BranchesExec=class_branch_hits, BranchesTotal=class_branches, BranchesCoverage=branches_covered )) data['ROWS'] = '\n'.join(data['ROWS']) if data['DIRECTORY'] == '': data['DIRECTORY'] = "." htmlString = root_page.substitute(**data) if options.output is None: sys.stdout.write(htmlString + '\n') else: OUTPUT = open(options.output, 'w') OUTPUT.write(htmlString + '\n') OUTPUT.close() # Return, if no details are requested if not details: return # # Generate an HTML file for every source file # for f in keys: cdata = covdata[f] data['FILENAME'] = cdata._filename data['ROWS'] = '' options.show_branch = True branchTotal, branchCovered, tmp = cdata.coverage() data['BRANCHES_EXEC'] = str(branchCovered) data['BRANCHES_TOTAL'] = str(branchTotal) coverage = 0.0 if branchTotal == 0 else \ round(100.0 * branchCovered / branchTotal, 1) data['BRANCHES_COVERAGE'] = str(coverage) if coverage < medium_coverage: data['BRANCHES_COLOR'] = low_color elif coverage < high_coverage: data['BRANCHES_COLOR'] = medium_color else: data['BRANCHES_COLOR'] = high_color options.show_branch = False lineTotal, lineCovered, tmp = cdata.coverage() data['LINES_EXEC'] = str(lineCovered) data['LINES_TOTAL'] = str(lineTotal) coverage = 0.0 if lineTotal == 0 else \ round(100.0 * lineCovered / lineTotal, 1) data['LINES_COVERAGE'] = str(coverage) if coverage < medium_coverage: data['LINES_COLOR'] = low_color elif coverage < high_coverage: data['LINES_COLOR'] = medium_color else: data['LINES_COLOR'] = high_color data['ROWS'] = [] currdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(root_dir) INPUT = open(data['FILENAME'], 'r') ctr = 1 for line in INPUT: data['ROWS'].append( source_row(ctr, line.rstrip(), cdata) ) ctr += 1 INPUT.close() os.chdir(currdir) data['ROWS'] = '\n'.join(data['ROWS']) htmlString = source_page.substitute(**data) OUTPUT = open(cdata._sourcefile, 'w') OUTPUT.write(htmlString + '\n') OUTPUT.close() def source_row(lineno, source, cdata): rowstr = Template('''
''') kwargs = {} kwargs['lineno'] = str(lineno) if lineno in cdata.covered: kwargs['covclass'] = 'coveredLine' kwargs['linecount'] = str(cdata.covered.get(lineno, 0)) elif lineno in cdata.uncovered: kwargs['covclass'] = 'uncoveredLine' kwargs['linecount'] = '' else: kwargs['covclass'] = '' kwargs['linecount'] = '' kwargs['source'] = html.escape(source) return rowstr.substitute(**kwargs) # # Generate the table row for a single file # nrows = 0 def html_row(details, sourcefile, **kwargs): if options.relative_anchors: sourcefile = os.path.basename(sourcefile) rowstr = Template(''' ${filename}
${LinesCoverage} % ${LinesExec} / ${LinesTotal} ${BranchesCoverage} % ${BranchesExec} / ${BranchesTotal} ''') global nrows nrows += 1 if nrows % 2 == 0: kwargs['altstyle'] = 'style="background-color:LightSteelBlue"' else: kwargs['altstyle'] = '' if details: kwargs['filename'] = '%s' % ( sourcefile, kwargs['filename'][len(kwargs['directory']):] ) else: kwargs['filename'] = kwargs['filename'][len(kwargs['directory']):] kwargs['LinesCoverage'] = round(kwargs['LinesCoverage'], 1) # Disable the border if the bar is too short to see the color if kwargs['LinesCoverage'] < 1e-7: kwargs['BarBorder'] = "border:white; " else: kwargs['BarBorder'] = "" if kwargs['LinesCoverage'] < medium_coverage: kwargs['LinesColor'] = low_color kwargs['LinesBar'] = 'red' elif kwargs['LinesCoverage'] < high_coverage: kwargs['LinesColor'] = medium_color kwargs['LinesBar'] = 'yellow' else: kwargs['LinesColor'] = high_color kwargs['LinesBar'] = 'green' kwargs['BranchesCoverage'] = round(kwargs['BranchesCoverage'], 1) if kwargs['BranchesCoverage'] < medium_coverage: kwargs['BranchesColor'] = low_color kwargs['BranchesBar'] = 'red' elif kwargs['BranchesCoverage'] < high_coverage: kwargs['BranchesColor'] = medium_color kwargs['BranchesBar'] = 'yellow' else: kwargs['BranchesColor'] = high_color kwargs['BranchesBar'] = 'green' return rowstr.substitute(**kwargs) # # Produce an XML report in the Cobertura format # def print_xml_report(covdata): branchTotal = 0 branchCovered = 0 lineTotal = 0 lineCovered = 0 options.show_branch = True for key in covdata.keys(): (total, covered, percent) = covdata[key].coverage() branchTotal += total branchCovered += covered options.show_branch = False for key in covdata.keys(): (total, covered, percent) = covdata[key].coverage() lineTotal += total lineCovered += covered impl = xml.dom.minidom.getDOMImplementation() docType = impl.createDocumentType( "coverage", None, "http://cobertura.sourceforge.net/xml/coverage-03.dtd" ) doc = impl.createDocument(None, "coverage", docType) root = doc.documentElement root.setAttribute( "line-rate", lineTotal == 0 and '0.0' or str(float(lineCovered) / lineTotal) ) root.setAttribute( "branch-rate", branchTotal == 0 and '0.0' or str(float(branchCovered) / branchTotal) ) root.setAttribute( "timestamp", str(int(time.time())) ) root.setAttribute( "version", "gcovr %s" % (version_str(),) ) # Generate the element: this is either the root directory # (specified by --root), or the CWD. sources = doc.createElement("sources") root.appendChild(sources) # Generate the coverage output (on a per-package basis) packageXml = doc.createElement("packages") root.appendChild(packageXml) packages = {} source_dirs = set() keys = list(covdata.keys()) keys.sort() for f in keys: data = covdata[f] directory = options.root_filter.sub('', f) if f.endswith(directory): src_path = f[:-1 * len(directory)] if len(src_path) > 0: while directory.startswith(os.path.sep): src_path += os.path.sep directory = directory[len(os.path.sep):] source_dirs.add(src_path) else: # Do no truncation if the filter does not start matching at # the beginning of the string directory = f directory, fname = os.path.split(directory) package = packages.setdefault( directory, [doc.createElement("package"), {}, 0, 0, 0, 0] ) c = doc.createElement("class") # The Cobertura DTD requires a methods section, which isn't # trivial to get from gcov (so we will leave it blank) c.appendChild(doc.createElement("methods")) lines = doc.createElement("lines") c.appendChild(lines) class_lines = 0 class_hits = 0 class_branches = 0 class_branch_hits = 0 for line in data.all_lines: hits = data.covered.get(line, 0) class_lines += 1 if hits > 0: class_hits += 1 l = doc.createElement("line") l.setAttribute("number", str(line)) l.setAttribute("hits", str(hits)) branches = data.branches.get(line) if branches is None: l.setAttribute("branch", "false") else: b_hits = 0 for v in branches.values(): if v > 0: b_hits += 1 coverage = 100 * b_hits / len(branches) l.setAttribute("branch", "true") l.setAttribute( "condition-coverage", "%i%% (%i/%i)" % (coverage, b_hits, len(branches)) ) cond = doc.createElement('condition') cond.setAttribute("number", "0") cond.setAttribute("type", "jump") cond.setAttribute("coverage", "%i%%" % (coverage)) class_branch_hits += b_hits class_branches += float(len(branches)) conditions = doc.createElement("conditions") conditions.appendChild(cond) l.appendChild(conditions) lines.appendChild(l) className = fname.replace('.', '_') c.setAttribute("name", className) c.setAttribute("filename", os.path.join(directory, fname)) c.setAttribute( "line-rate", str(class_hits / (1.0 * class_lines or 1.0)) ) c.setAttribute( "branch-rate", str(class_branch_hits / (1.0 * class_branches or 1.0)) ) c.setAttribute("complexity", "0.0") package[1][className] = c package[2] += class_hits package[3] += class_lines package[4] += class_branch_hits package[5] += class_branches keys = list(packages.keys()) keys.sort() for packageName in keys: packageData = packages[packageName] package = packageData[0] packageXml.appendChild(package) classes = doc.createElement("classes") package.appendChild(classes) classNames = list(packageData[1].keys()) classNames.sort() for className in classNames: classes.appendChild(packageData[1][className]) package.setAttribute("name", packageName.replace(os.sep, '.')) package.setAttribute( "line-rate", str(packageData[2] / (1.0 * packageData[3] or 1.0)) ) package.setAttribute( "branch-rate", str(packageData[4] / (1.0 * packageData[5] or 1.0)) ) package.setAttribute("complexity", "0.0") # Populate the element: this is either the root directory # (specified by --root), or relative directories based # on the filter, or the CWD if options.root is not None: source = doc.createElement("source") source.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(options.root.strip())) sources.appendChild(source) elif len(source_dirs) > 0: cwd = os.getcwd() for d in source_dirs: source = doc.createElement("source") if d.startswith(cwd): reldir = d[len(cwd):].lstrip(os.path.sep) elif cwd.startswith(d): i = 1 while normpath(d) != \ normpath(os.path.join(*tuple([cwd] + ['..'] * i))): i += 1 reldir = os.path.join(*tuple(['..'] * i)) else: reldir = d source.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(reldir.strip())) sources.appendChild(source) else: source = doc.createElement("source") source.appendChild(doc.createTextNode('.')) sources.appendChild(source) if options.prettyxml: import textwrap lines = doc.toprettyxml(" ").split('\n') for i in xrange(len(lines)): n = 0 while n < len(lines[i]) and lines[i][n] == " ": n += 1 lines[i] = "\n".join(textwrap.wrap( lines[i], 78, break_long_words=False, break_on_hyphens=False, subsequent_indent=" " + n * " " )) xmlString = "\n".join(lines) #print textwrap.wrap(doc.toprettyxml(" "), 80) else: xmlString = doc.toprettyxml(indent="") if options.output is None: sys.stdout.write(xmlString + '\n') else: OUTPUT = open(options.output, 'w') OUTPUT.write(xmlString + '\n') OUTPUT.close() ## ## MAIN ## # # Create option parser # parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option( "--version", help="Print the version number, then exit", action="store_true", dest="version", default=False ) parser.add_option( "-v", "--verbose", help="Print progress messages", action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False ) parser.add_option( '--object-directory', help="Specify the directory that contains the gcov data files. gcovr " "must be able to identify the path between the *.gcda files and the " "directory where gcc was originally run. Normally, gcovr can guess " "correctly. This option overrides gcovr's normal path detection and " "can specify either the path from gcc to the gcda file (i.e. what " "was passed to gcc's '-o' option), or the path from the gcda file to " "gcc's original working directory.", action="store", dest="objdir", default=None ) parser.add_option( "-o", "--output", help="Print output to this filename", action="store", dest="output", default=None ) parser.add_option( "-k", "--keep", help="Keep the temporary *.gcov files generated by gcov. " "By default, these are deleted.", action="store_true", dest="keep", default=False ) parser.add_option( "-d", "--delete", help="Delete the coverage files after they are processed. " "These are generated by the users's program, and by default gcovr " "does not remove these files.", action="store_true", dest="delete", default=False ) parser.add_option( "-f", "--filter", help="Keep only the data files that match this regular expression", action="append", dest="filter", default=[] ) parser.add_option( "-e", "--exclude", help="Exclude data files that match this regular expression", action="append", dest="exclude", default=[] ) parser.add_option( "--gcov-filter", help="Keep only gcov data files that match this regular expression", action="store", dest="gcov_filter", default=None ) parser.add_option( "--gcov-exclude", help="Exclude gcov data files that match this regular expression", action="append", dest="gcov_exclude", default=[] ) parser.add_option( "-r", "--root", help="Defines the root directory for source files. " "This is also used to filter the files, and to standardize " "the output.", action="store", dest="root", default=None ) parser.add_option( "-x", "--xml", help="Generate XML instead of the normal tabular output.", action="store_true", dest="xml", default=False ) parser.add_option( "--xml-pretty", help="Generate pretty XML instead of the normal dense format.", action="store_true", dest="prettyxml", default=False ) parser.add_option( "--html", help="Generate HTML instead of the normal tabular output.", action="store_true", dest="html", default=False ) parser.add_option( "--html-details", help="Generate HTML output for source file coverage.", action="store_true", dest="html_details", default=False ) parser.add_option( "--html-absolute-paths", help="Set the paths in the HTML report to be absolute instead of relative", action="store_false", dest="relative_anchors", default=True ) parser.add_option( "-b", "--branches", help="Tabulate the branch coverage instead of the line coverage.", action="store_true", dest="show_branch", default=None ) parser.add_option( "-u", "--sort-uncovered", help="Sort entries by increasing number of uncovered lines.", action="store_true", dest="sort_uncovered", default=None ) parser.add_option( "-p", "--sort-percentage", help="Sort entries by decreasing percentage of covered lines.", action="store_true", dest="sort_percent", default=None ) parser.add_option( "--gcov-executable", help="Defines the name/path to the gcov executable [defaults to the " "GCOV environment variable, if present; else 'gcov'].", action="store", dest="gcov_cmd", default=os.environ.get('GCOV', 'gcov') ) parser.add_option( "--exclude-unreachable-branches", help="Exclude from coverage branches which are marked to be excluded by " "LCOV/GCOV markers or are determined to be from lines containing " "only compiler-generated \"dead\" code.", action="store_true", dest="exclude_unreachable_branches", default=False ) parser.add_option( "-g", "--use-gcov-files", help="Use preprocessed gcov files for analysis.", action="store_true", dest="gcov_files", default=False ) parser.add_option( "-s", "--print-summary", help="Prints a small report to stdout with line & branch " "percentage coverage", action="store_true", dest="print_summary", default=False ) parser.usage = "gcovr [options]" parser.description = \ "A utility to run gcov and generate a simple report that summarizes " \ "the coverage" # # Process options # options, args = parser.parse_args(args=sys.argv) if options.version: sys.stdout.write( "gcovr %s\n" "\n" "Copyright (2013) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract\n" "DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government\n" "retains certain rights in this software.\n" % (version_str(), ) ) sys.exit(0) if options.objdir: tmp = options.objdir.replace('/', os.sep).replace('\\', os.sep) while os.sep + os.sep in tmp: tmp = tmp.replace(os.sep + os.sep, os.sep) if normpath(options.objdir) != tmp: sys.stderr.write( "(WARNING) relative referencing in --object-directory.\n" "\tthis could cause strange errors when gcovr attempts to\n" "\tidentify the original gcc working directory.\n") if not os.path.exists(normpath(options.objdir)): sys.stderr.write( "(ERROR) Bad --object-directory option.\n" "\tThe specified directory does not exist.\n") sys.exit(1) # # Setup filters # for i in range(0, len(options.exclude)): options.exclude[i] = re.compile(options.exclude[i]) if options.root is not None: if not options.root: sys.stderr.write( "(ERROR) empty --root option.\n" "\tRoot specifies the path to the root " "directory of your project.\n" "\tThis option cannot be an empty string.\n" ) sys.exit(1) root_dir = os.path.abspath(options.root) options.root_filter = re.compile(re.escape(root_dir + os.sep)) else: options.root_filter = re.compile('') root_dir = starting_dir for i in range(0, len(options.filter)): options.filter[i] = re.compile(options.filter[i]) if len(options.filter) == 0: options.filter.append(options.root_filter) for i in range(0, len(options.gcov_exclude)): options.gcov_exclude[i] = re.compile(options.gcov_exclude[i]) if options.gcov_filter is not None: options.gcov_filter = re.compile(options.gcov_filter) else: options.gcov_filter = re.compile('') # # Get data files # if len(args) == 1: if options.root is None: datafiles = get_datafiles(["."], options) else: datafiles = get_datafiles([options.root], options) else: datafiles = get_datafiles(args[1:], options) # # Get coverage data # covdata = {} for file_ in datafiles: if options.gcov_files: process_existing_gcov_file(file_, covdata, options) else: process_datafile(file_, covdata, options) if options.verbose: sys.stdout.write( "Gathered coveraged data for " + str(len(covdata)) + " files\n" ) # # Print report # if options.xml or options.prettyxml: print_xml_report(covdata) elif options.html: print_html_report(covdata, options.html_details) else: print_text_report(covdata) if options.print_summary: print_summary(covdata)