# Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Apple, Inc. All rights reserved. # # This document is the property of Apple Computer, Inc. # It is considered confidential and proprietary. # # This document may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, # in whole or in part, without the express written permission of # Apple, Inc. # ######################################## # List of MIB subsystems and nodes # defined. Keep sorted alphabetically. ######################################## subsystem Build ######################################## node Banner node Style node Tag subsystem Platform ######################################## node CacheLineSize node EntropyRatio node ImageFormat node SDRAMBaseAddress node SDRAMSize node PageSize subsystem System ######################################## node BootTime node IdleTime node Uptime subsystem Target ######################################## node AcceptGlobalTicket node ApplicationProduct node Backlight0I2CAddress node Backlight1I2CAddress node Backlight0I2CBus node Backlight1I2CBus node BacklightAutoFreqThresh node DefaultDeviceTreeAddress node DefaultDeviceTreeSize node DefaultFreeAddress node DefaultLoadAddress node DefaultLoadSize node DefaultKernelAddress node DefaultKernelSize node DefaultRamdiskAddress node DefaultRamdiskSize node DisplayBaseAddress node DisplayCMEngammaTablePtr node DisplayCMEngammaTableCount node DisplayCMDegammaTablePtr node DisplayCMDegammaTableCount node DisplayCMMatrixTablePtr node DisplayCMMatrixTableCount node DisplayGammaTablePtr node DisplayGammaTableCount node MinimumHeapSizeForSlide node NvramNorBankCount node NvramNorBankSize node NvramNorOffset node OsPictureScale node PanicBufferAddress node PanicBufferSize node PanicOnUnknownDclrVersion node PictureRotate node PictureScale node RandomHeapCookie node WithHwAsp node WithEffaceable node WithFileSystem node WithHwFlashNand node WithHwFlashNor node WithHwNvme node WithLegacyPanicLogs