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931 lines
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* Copyright (C) 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* This document is the property of Apple Inc.
* It is considered confidential and proprietary.
* This document may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form,
* in whole or in part, without the express written permission of
* Apple Inc.
# $Copyright:
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# This confidential and proprietary software may be used only as
# authorized by a licensing agreement from Samsung Limited
# (C) COPYRIGHT 1999,2001,2002 Samsung Limited
# The entire notice above must be reproduced on all authorized
# copies and copies may only be made to the extent permitted
# by a licensing agreement from Samsung Limited.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# File: DevPke_R2modM.s
# Tornado2 File: tor_cal_R2modM.s
# Revision: 1.0
# 2004.05.18. V1.0
# - Calculate R^2 modM value
# 2005.01.12 V1.1
# - ARM/Thumb interworking enabled in ARMv4(SC100)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Assembler Tornado device driver
# adapted for as(1); comments are bumped to the next line.
#include <platform/soc/hwregbase.h>
.globl _L_TCR_BASE
.globl _L_SEG_BASE
# TORNADO2 control area 0x3D000000
# Segment base address 0x3D000800
_L_SEG_BASE: .long PKE_BASE_ADDR+0x0800
# segment ids used for calculation depending on segment size
.set SEG_4, 04
.set SEG_5, 05
.set SEG_6, 06
.set SEG_12, 12
.set SEG_13, 13
.set SEG_14, 14
.set SEG_27, 27
.set SEG_28, 28
.set SEG_29, 29
L_00000040: .long 0x00000040
L_00004000: .long 0x00004000
L_20000000: .long 0x20000000
# segment operand operation config
L_04040006: .long 0x04040006
L_05050004: .long 0x05050004
L_05050006: .long 0x05050006
L_06060005: .long 0x06060005
L_0C0C000E: .long 0x0C0C000E
L_0D0D000C: .long 0x0D0D000C
L_0D0D000E: .long 0x0D0D000E
L_0E0E000D: .long 0x0E0E000D
L_1B1B001D: .long 0x1B1B001D
L_1C1C001D: .long 0x1C1C001D
L_1C1C001b: .long 0x1C1C001b
L_1D1D001C: .long 0x1D1D001C
# bit test mask
L_80000000: .long 0x80000000
# BIT_LEN is programmer defined real key size.
#### NAME : PkeCalR2modM ####
#### Tornado NAME : tor_cal_R2modM ####
.globl _PkeCalR2modM
# Name : PkeCalR2modM(int BIT_LEN)
# Tornado Name : tor_cal_R2modM(int BIT_LEN)
# Function : 1. Clear the last 3 segment area
# 2. Calculate R*2^((C/16)+1) modM value
# 3. Calculate R*RmodM by using TORNADO
# and save this value in Seg6 or Seg14 or Seg29.
# 4. Clear temp segment area.
# Requisite : Modulus value must be copied from memory to Seg0
# before using this function.
# Argument
# int BIT_LEN : real Key size
stmfd sp!, {r1-r12,lr}
# reserved register values
# r0 = BIT_LEN
# r12= Loop_count(hw_size/32)
# Clear CryptoRAM area (Seg4 ~ Seg6) when SEG_SIZE=0
# read SEG_SIZE
ldr r1, _L_TCR_BASE
ldr r2, [r1,$0x14]
and r2, r2, $0xC0
mov r2, r2, LSR #6
cmp r2, #1
bhi clr_64
# 1 segment = 64byte
blt clr_256
# 1 segment = 256byte
## else 1 segment =128byte
ldr r1, =SEG_12
# Start position
ldr r2,_L_SEG_BASE
orr r1,r2,r1, lsl #7
ldr r2, =96
b start_clr
ldr r1, =SEG_27
# Start position
ldr r2,_L_SEG_BASE
orr r1,r2,r1, lsl #6
ldr r2, =48
b start_clr
ldr r1, =SEG_4
# Start position
ldr r2,_L_SEG_BASE
orr r1,r2,r1, lsl #8
ldr r2, =192
mov r3,#0
mov r4,r3
mov r5,r3
mov r6,r3
mov r7,r3
mov r8,r3
mov r9,r3
mov r10,r3
stmia r1!, {r3-r10}
subs r2,r2,#8
bne clear_loop_cal
# Calculate Montgomery constant
# 1. Calculate R0=R*2^((c/16)+1)modM
# 2. Calculate R1,R2, .. Rn
# R[i]=(R[i-1]^2)*R^(-1)modM
# n such that 2^n=p*16 (p=1 ==> n=4 # ... P=4 ==> n=6)
# 3. If final output is neg, change it to pos one
mov r1,r0
# save BIT_LEN in r1
# Calculate R0=R*2^((c/16)+1)modM
# cal power=(p*(c+16)+(c/16)+1)
ldr r0, _L_TCR_BASE
ldr r0,[r0]
and r2,r0,#0x03
add r2,r2,#1
# p value
and r3,r0,#0x78
add r3,r3,#0x08
mov r3,r3, lsl #2
# c value
mul r12,r2,r3
mov r12,r12,LSR #5
# r12= Loop_count(hw_size/32)
add r4,r3,#16
mul r6,r4,r2
# r6=p*(c+16)
mov r5,r3, LSR #4
add r5,r5,#1
# r5=(c/16)+1
mov r0, #3
mov r3,r5
cmp r2, #3
muleq r5,r3,r0
# precision = 0x10 case
add r2,r6,r5
# store power in r2
# calculate b value
ldr r0, _L_SEG_BASE
add r3,r1,#31
mov r3,r3,LSR #5
# r3= (BIT_LEN+31)/32
mov r3,r3,lsl #2
sub r3,r3,#4
add r0,r0,r3
# r0 = MSW address of Modulus
mov r7,r1
# r7= BIT_LEN
add r7,r7,#0x1F
mov r7,r7,LSR #5
mov r7,r7,lsl #5
# r7=(r7+31)/32*32
# Searching MSW
cmp r7,#0
beq end_tor_calR2
## if r2=0 then goto end_...
ldr r4,[r0],#-4
cmp r4,#0
subeq r7,r7,#32
beq next_MSW
ldr r5,L_80000000
ands r6,r4,r5
subeq r7,r7,#1
mov r5,r5,LSR #1
beq next_MSB
# b = r7
sub r3,r2,r7
# r3=power - b
# b is real bit size of Modulus
# cal a=8-(power-b)%8 (1<= a <=8)
cmp r3,#8
blt cal_a
sub r3,r3,#8
b mod8_loop
rsb r3,r3,#8
# r3=a
# read SEG_SIZE
ldr r4, _L_TCR_BASE
ldr r8, [r4,#0x14]
and r8, r8, #0xC0
mov r8, r8, LSR #6
cmp r8, #1
bhi cal_64
# 1 segment = 64byte
blt cal_256
# 1 segment = 256byte
## else 1 segment =128byte
ldr r4, =SEG_12
# Start position
ldr r8,_L_SEG_BASE
orr r4,r8,r4, lsl #7
b cal_segset_endup
ldr r4, =SEG_28
# Start position
ldr r8,_L_SEG_BASE
orr r4,r8,r4, lsl #6
b cal_segset_endup
ldr r4, =SEG_5
# Start position
ldr r8,_L_SEG_BASE
orr r4,r8,r4, lsl #8
sub r5,r7,r3
mov r6,r5, LSR #5
add r4,r4,r6, lsl #2
# r4=SEG_4+((b-a)/32)*4
cmp r5,#32
blt load_power
sub r5,r5,#32
# r5=(b-a)%32
b mod32_loop
mov r6,#0x01
mov r6,r6, lsl r5
str r6,[r4]
# (0x01<<(BIT_LEN-a)%32)
#loop round value < ((power-b+a)/8)
sub r2,r2,r7
add r2,r2,r3
mov r0,r2,LSR #3
# r0=(power-b+a)/8
# reserved reg : r0, r1=BIT_LEN, r12=hw_size/32
# available reg :r2-11
stmfd sp!, {r0}
# available reg :r0,r2-r12 r1=store r12 value while shift_block
# Start div_byte
mov r3,#9
# 9=8 count value +1
stmfd sp!,{r3}
# !!tor_dev_byte 8 count value is saved in stack!!
mov r1,r12
# read SEG_SIZE
ldr r0, _L_TCR_BASE
ldr r2, [r0,#0x14]
and r2, r2, #0xC0
mov r2, r2, LSR #6
cmp r2, #1
bhi reload_64
# 1 segment = 64byte
blt reload_256
# 1 segment = 256byte
## else 1 segment =128byte
ldr r0, =SEG_12
# Start position
ldr r2,_L_SEG_BASE
orr r0,r2,r0, lsl #7
b reload_segset_endup
ldr r0, =SEG_28
# Start position
ldr r2,_L_SEG_BASE
orr r0,r2,r0, lsl #6
b reload_segset_endup
ldr r0, =SEG_5
# Start position
ldr r2,_L_SEG_BASE
orr r0,r2,r0, lsl #8
mov r3,#0
# clr r3
mov r12,r1
ldmfd sp!,{r5}
subs r5,r5,#1
stmfd sp!,{r5}
beq end_div_byte
cmp r12,#8
blt shift_one
# Start shift left operation
# r0=address,r3=carry1,r2=carry2
# r4-r11=working reg,r12=shift loop counter
#ldm r0, {r4-r11}
ldmia r0, {r4,r5,r6,r7,r8,r9,r10,r11}
mov r2,r4, LSR #31
# save carry
add r4,r3,r4, lsl #1
# shift
mov r3,r5, LSR #31
# save carry
add r5,r2,r5, lsl #1
# shift
mov r2,r6, LSR #31
# save carry
add r6,r3,r6, lsl #1
# shift
mov r3,r7, LSR #31
# save carry
add r7,r2,r7, lsl #1
# shift
mov r2,r8, LSR #31
# save carry
add r8,r3,r8, lsl #1
# shift
mov r3,r9, LSR #31
# save carry
add r9,r2,r9, lsl #1
# shift
mov r2,r10, LSR #31
# save carry
add r10,r3,r10, lsl #1
# shift
mov r3,r11, LSR #31
# save carry
add r11,r2,r11, lsl #1
# shift
stmia r0!,{r4-r11}
sub r12,r12,#8
cmp r12,#8
bge shift_block
cmp r12,#0
beq cmp_carry1
ldr r4,[r0]
mov r2,r4, LSR #31
add r4,r3,r4, lsl #1
mov r3,r2
str r4,[r0],#4
sub r12,r12,#1
b shift_one
# Start compare operation
cmp r3,#0
bne tor_sub
# available reg:r2-r12
sub r0,r0 ,#4
# MSW address of power(0xE04XX)
ldr r2, _L_SEG_BASE
# Modulus pointer value
and r3,r0,#0xFF
add r2,r2,r3
# MSW address of Modulus(0xE00XX)
ldr r3,[r0],#-4
# r3=power value
ldr r4,[r2],#-4
# r2=Modulus value
cmp r3,r4
beq test_loop
bhi tor_sub
# pow>Mod
# pow <Mod
mov r3,#0
# clr carry1 for shift_block
mov r12,r1
# reload hw_size/32 (word count value)
b reload_shift
# Do Power - Modulus
# read SEG_SIZE
ldr r0, _L_TCR_BASE
ldr r3, [r0,#0x14]
and r3, r3, #0xC0
mov r3, r3, LSR #6
cmp r3, #1
bhi sub_64
# 1 segment = 64byte
blt sub_256
# 1 segment = 256byte
## else 1 segment =128byte
ldr r0, =SEG_12
# Start position
cmp r0, #0
# !! Set carry for sub !!
ldr r3,_L_SEG_BASE
orr r0,r3,r0, lsl #7
b sub_segset_endup
ldr r0, =SEG_28
# Start position
cmp r0, #0
# !! Set carry for sub !!
ldr r3,_L_SEG_BASE
orr r0,r3,r0, lsl #6
b sub_segset_endup
ldr r0, =SEG_5
# Start position
cmp r0, #0
# !! Set carry for sub !!
ldr r3,_L_SEG_BASE
orr r0,r3,r0, lsl #8
mov r12,r1
# reload hw_size/32 (word count value)
mov r2,#0
# clear r2
and r4,r12,#0x07
# check multiple of 8
teq r4,#0
beq multy_sub
ldr r5,[r0]
# load power
ldr r6,[r3],#4
# load M
sbcs r5,r5,r6
str r5,[r0],#4
sub r12,r12,#1
sub r4,r4,#1
teq r4,#0
bne single_sub
teq r12,#0
beq sub_end
#r4,r5,r6,....r11 available
ldmia r0, {r4-r7}
# load power
ldmia r3!, {r8-r11}
# load M
sbcs r4, r4, r8
sbcs r5, r5, r9
sbcs r6, r6, r10
sbcs r7, r7, r11
stmia r0!, {r4-r7}
ldmia r0, {r4-r7}
# load power
ldmia r3!, {r8-r11}
# load M
sbcs r4, r4, r8
sbcs r5, r5, r9
sbcs r6, r6, r10
sbcs r7, r7, r11
stmia r0!, {r4-r7}
sub r12, r12, #8
# don't change carry
teq r12, #0
# don't change carry
bne multy_sub
b reload_shift
# End div_byte
mov r12,r1
ldmfd sp!,{r4,r5}
# r4 = 8 counter, r5=(pwr-b+a)/8
subs r5,r5,#1
stmfd sp!,{r5}
bne start_div_byte
# restart tor_div_byte
ldmfd sp!,{r5}
# release SP (stack pointer)
# Calculate R1 to Rn
ldr r0, _L_TCR_BASE
mov r2,#0x01
ldr r3,[r0]
ldr r5,[r0,#0x14]
and r5, r5, #0xC0
mov r5, r5, LSR #6
# SEG_SIZE value
and r4,r3,#0x03
# r4=precision
cmp r4,#1
bhi mon_mul_6
beq mon_mul_5
# run 1
ldr r3, L_1C1C001D
# Seg29=Seg28*Seg28
cmp r5,#0
ldreq r3, L_05050006
# Seg6=Seg5 * Seg5
cmp r5,#1
ldreq r3, L_0C0C000E
# Seg14=Seg12*Seg12
mov r4,#0x09
# run TORNADO with preload
str r3,[r0,#0xC]
# write TCR_1
str r4,[r0,#8]
# write CTR2
## !!! S/W Pooling !!!
bl sw_polling_loop
# run 2
ldr r3, L_1D1D001C
# Seg28=Seg29*Seg29
cmp r5,#0
ldreq r3, L_06060005
# Seg5=Seg6 * Seg6
cmp r5,#1
ldreq r3, L_0E0E000D
# Seg13=Seg14*Seg14
bl start_tor_cal
# run 3
ldr r3, L_1C1C001b
# Seg27=Seg28*Seg28
cmp r5,#0
ldreq r3, L_05050004
# Seg4=Seg5 * Seg5
cmp r5,#1
ldreq r3, L_0D0D000C
# Seg12=Seg13*Seg13
bl start_tor_cal
# run 4
ldr r3, L_1B1B001D
# Seg29=Seg27*Seg27
ldr r6, L_20000000
# check SEG_SIGN of Seg29
cmp r5,#0
ldreq r3, L_04040006
# Seg6=Seg4 * Seg4
ldreq r6, L_00000040
# check SEG_SIGN of Seg6
cmp r5,#1
ldreq r3, L_0C0C000E
# Seg14=Seg12*Seg12
ldreq r6, L_00004000
# check SEG_SIGN of Seg14
bl start_tor_cal
ldr r5,[r0,#0x10]
ands r5,r5,r6
# read SOS bit
bne add_modulus
b clear_end
# run 1
ldr r3, L_1C1C001D
# Seg29=Seg28*Seg28
cmp r5,#0
ldreq r3, L_05050006
# Seg6=Seg5 * Seg5
cmp r5,#1
ldreq r3, L_0C0C000E
# Seg14=Seg12*Seg12
mov r4,#0x09
# run TORNADO with preload
str r3,[r0,#0xC]
# write CTR1
str r4,[r0,#8]
# write CTR2
## !!! S/W Pooling !!!
bl sw_polling_loop
# run 2
ldr r3, L_1D1D001C
# Seg28=Seg29*Seg29
cmp r5,#0
ldreq r3, L_06060005
# Seg5=Seg6 * Seg6
cmp r5,#1
ldreq r3, L_0E0E000D
# Seg13=Seg14*Seg14
bl start_tor_cal
# run 3
ldr r3, L_1C1C001D
# Seg29=Seg28*Seg28
cmp r5,#0
ldreq r3, L_05050006
# Seg6=Seg5 * Seg5
cmp r5,#1
ldreq r3, L_0D0D000E
# Seg14=Seg13*Seg13
bl start_tor_cal
# run 4
ldr r3, L_1D1D001C
# Seg28=Seg29*Seg29
cmp r5,#0
ldreq r3, L_06060005
# Seg5=Seg6 * Seg6
cmp r5,#1
ldreq r3, L_0E0E000D
# Seg13=Seg14*Seg14
bl start_tor_cal
# run 5
ldr r3, L_1C1C001D
# Seg29=Seg28*Seg28
ldr r6, L_20000000
# check SEG_SIGN of Seg29
cmp r5,#0
ldreq r3, L_05050006
# Seg6=Seg5 * Seg5
ldreq r6, L_00000040
# check SEG_SIGN of Seg6
cmp r5,#1
ldreq r3, L_0D0D000E
# Seg14=Seg13*Seg13
ldreq r6, L_00004000
# check SEG_SIGN of Seg14
bl start_tor_cal
ldr r5,[r0,#0x10]
ands r5,r5,r6
# read SOS bit
bne add_modulus
b clear_end
cmp r4,#0x02
# In case of precision=3
beq mon_mul_4
# run 1
ldr r3, L_1C1C001D
# Seg29=Seg28*Seg28
cmp r5,#0
ldreq r3, L_05050006
# Seg6=Seg5 * Seg5
cmp r5,#1
ldreq r3, L_0C0C000E
# Seg14=Seg12*Seg12
mov r4,#0x09
# run TORNADO with preload
str r3,[r0,#0xC]
# write CTR1
str r4,[r0,#8]
# write CTR2
## !!! S/W Pooling !!!
bl sw_polling_loop
# run 2
ldr r3, L_1D1D001C
# Seg28=Seg29*Seg29
cmp r5,#0
ldreq r3, L_06060005
# Seg5=Seg6 * Seg6
cmp r5,#1
ldreq r3, L_0E0E000D
# Seg13=Seg14*Seg14
bl start_tor_cal
# run 3
ldr r3, L_1C1C001D
# Seg29=Seg28*Seg28
cmp r5,#0
ldreq r3, L_05050006
# Seg6=Seg5 * Seg5
cmp r5,#1
ldreq r3, L_0D0D000E
# Seg14=Seg13*Seg13
bl start_tor_cal
# run 4
ldr r3, L_1D1D001C
# Seg28=Seg29*Seg29
cmp r5,#0
ldreq r3, L_06060005
# Seg5=Seg6 * Seg6
cmp r5,#1
ldreq r3, L_0E0E000D
# Seg13=Seg14*Seg14
bl start_tor_cal
# run 5
ldr r3, L_1C1C001b
# Seg27=Seg28*Seg28
cmp r5,#0
ldreq r3, L_05050004
# Seg4=Seg5 * Seg5
cmp r5,#1
ldreq r3, L_0D0D000C
# Seg12=Seg13*Seg13
bl start_tor_cal
# run 6
ldr r3, L_1B1B001D
# Seg29=Seg27*Seg27
ldr r6, L_20000000
# check SEG_SIGN of Seg29
cmp r5,#0
ldreq r3, L_04040006
# Seg6=Seg4 * Seg4
ldreq r6, L_00000040
# check SEG_SIGN of Seg6
cmp r5,#1
ldreq r3, L_0C0C000E
# Seg14=Seg12*Seg12
ldreq r6, L_00004000
# check SEG_SIGN of Seg14
bl start_tor_cal
ldr r5,[r0,#0x10]
ands r5,r5,r6
# read SOS bit
bne add_modulus
b clear_end
str r3,[r0,#0xC]
# write TCR_3
str r2,[r0,#8]
# write TCR_2
## sw polling for FPGA and CO-Working processor setting
ldr r4,[r0,#0x08]
ands r4,r4,#0x01
bne sw_polling_loop
mov pc,lr
# read SEG_SIZE
ldr r0, _L_TCR_BASE
ldr r1, [r0,#0x14]
and r1, r1, #0xC0
mov r1, r1, LSR #6
cmp r1, #1
bhi add_64
# 1 segment = 64byte
blt add_256
# 1 segment = 256byte
## else 1 segment =128byte
ldr r0, =SEG_14
# Start position
ldr r1,_L_SEG_BASE
orr r0,r1,r0, lsl #7
b add_segset_endup
ldr r0, =SEG_29
# Start position
ldr r1,_L_SEG_BASE
orr r0,r1,r0, lsl #6
b add_segset_endup
ldr r0, =SEG_6
# Start position
ldr r1,_L_SEG_BASE
orr r0,r1,r0, lsl #8
movs r2,r2, LSR #2
# clear Carry
and r4,r12,#0x03
# check multiple of 4
teq r4,#0
beq multy_add
ldr r5,[r0]
ldr r6,[r1],#4
adcs r5,r5,r6
str r5,[r0],#4
sub r12,r12,#1
sub r4,r4,#1
teq r4,#0
bne single_add
teq r12,#0
beq clear_end
ldmia r0, {r3-r6}
# load Source data
ldmia r1!, {r7-r10}
# load M
adcs r3, r3, r7
adcs r4, r4, r8
adcs r5, r5, r9
adcs r6, r6, r10
stmia r0!, {r3-r6}
sub r12,r12, #4
teq r12,#0
bne multy_add
# clear used temp area
# read SEG_SIZE
ldr r0, _L_TCR_BASE
ldr r0,[r0,#0x14]
and r1,r0,#0xC0
mov r1, r1, LSR #6
cmp r1, #1
bhi clear_64
# 1 segment = 64byte
blt clear_256
# 1 segment = 256byte
## else 1 segment =128byte
ldr r0, =SEG_12
# Start position
ldr r1,_L_SEG_BASE
orr r0,r1,r0, lsl #7
ldr r1, =64
b start_clear
ldr r0, =SEG_27
# Start position
ldr r1,_L_SEG_BASE
orr r0,r1,r0, lsl #6
ldr r1, =32
b start_clear
ldr r0, =SEG_4
# Start position
ldr r1,_L_SEG_BASE
orr r0,r1,r0, lsl #8
ldr r1, =128
# clear 2 segment
mov r2,#0
mov r3,r2
mov r4,r2
mov r5,r2
mov r6,r2
mov r7,r2
mov r8,r2
mov r9,r2
mov r10,r2
stmia r0!, {r3-r10}
subs r1,r1,#8
bne clear_temp
# clear the last segment sign value
# read SEG_SIZE
ldr r0, _L_TCR_BASE
ldr r1, [r0,#0x14]
and r1, r1, #0xC0
mov r1, r1, LSR #6
mov r0, #6
cmp r1, #1
moveq r0, #14
# r0 = the last segment Num
movhi r0, #29
mov r1, #0x01
mov r2,r1, lsl r0
ldr r3, _L_TCR_BASE
add r3,r3,#0x10
ldr r4,[r3]
bic r4,r4,r2
str r4,[r3]
ldmfd sp!, {r1-r12,r14}
# END PkeCalR2modM
bx r14