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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2011 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
# This document is the property of Apple Inc.
# It is considered confidential and proprietary.
# This document may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form,
# in whole or in part, without the express written permission of
# Apple Inc.
import os
import sys
import linecache
import cgi
import operator
import xml.sax.saxutils as saxutils
analyzer-report build_output_dir suppressfile
ignored_hashes = None
def get_source_line(filename, linenum):
return linecache.getline(filename, int(linenum)).strip();
def process_report_file(filename):
def populate(comment_name, friendly_name, line):
if friendly_name not in buginfo and comment_name in line:
front_slice = len("<!-- %s " % comment_name)
end_slice = len(" -->")
buginfo[friendly_name] = line[front_slice:-end_slice].strip()
return True;
return False;
actions = { "*****Not a filename*******": "report_file", "BUGDESC": "description", "BUGTYPE": "type",
"BUGCATEGORY": "category", "BUGFILE": "source_file",
"BUGLINE": "line_num"}
buginfo['report_file'] = filename
with open(filename) as f:
for line in f:
for (cn, fn) in actions.items():
if populate(cn, fn, line): raise ValueError, "Continue"
except ValueError: continue # Lazy hack. Nothing in here uses ValueError.
if set(actions.values()) == set(buginfo.keys()):
buginfo["source_line"] = get_source_line(buginfo['source_file'], buginfo['line_num']);
return buginfo
return None
Turns a buginfo dict into a "stable" bug hash. This is meant to be used to
mark problems as ignored.
def bughash(buginfo):
return "[%s # %s # %s]" % (buginfo['description'], buginfo['source_line'], os.path.basename(buginfo['source_file']))
def generate_report_file(buginfos, misc, outfile):
with(open(outfile, "w")) as out:
print >>out, "<html><head><title>Clang analyzer report for %s</title></head>" % sys.argv[1]
print >>out, "<table border=1><tr><th>Source file<th>Bug description</th><th>bughash</th>"
for bug in sorted(buginfos, key=operator.itemgetter('source_file', 'description')):
if is_ignored(bughash(bug)): continue
print >>out, " <tr>\n"
print >>out, " <td><a href={}>{}</a></td>\n".format(saxutils.quoteattr(bug['report_file']), saxutils.escape(bug['source_file']))
print >>out, " <td>{}</td>\n".format(saxutils.escape(bug['description']))
print >>out, " <td><input size=30 readonly=\"true\" value={}></input></td>\n".format(saxutils.quoteattr(bughash(bug)))
print >>out, " </tr>\n"
print >>out, "</table><hr><pre>%s</pre></html>" % saxutils.escape(misc)
def is_ignored(i):
global ignored_hashes
if ignored_hashes is None:
ignored_hashes = set()
for line in open(ignorefile):
if line.strip() and not line.startswith("#"):
return i in ignored_hashes
def run_misc(buginfos):
import cStringIO
s = cStringIO.StringIO()
ignored = [bughash(i) for i in buginfos if is_ignored(bughash(i))]
not_ignored = [bughash(i) for i in buginfos if not is_ignored(bughash(i))]
print >>s, "Ignored %d bug(s) because of suppress file" % len(ignored)
if ignored_hashes:
for h in ignored_hashes:
if h not in ignored:
print >>s, "Warning: Possible stale bughash in suppress file: %s" % h
return s.getvalue()
ignorefile = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[2])
for folder, subs, files in os.walk("."):
for fn in files:
if fn.endswith(".html"):
buginfo = process_report_file(os.path.join(folder,fn))
generate_report_file(buginfos, run_misc(buginfos), "index.html")