2019-05-28 17:08:48 -07:00
// ingameRes.js
// Provides access to general ingame resources.
// by RHY3756547
window . IngameRes = function ( rom ) {
var r = this ;
this . kartPhys = new kartphysicalparam ( rom . getFile ( "/data/KartModelMenu/kartphysicalparam.bin" ) ) ;
this . kartOff = new kartoffsetdata ( rom . getFile ( "/data/KartModelMenu/kartoffsetdata.bin" ) ) ;
this . MapObj = new narc ( lz77 . decompress ( rom . getFile ( "/data/Main/MapObj.carc" ) ) ) ; //contains generic map obj, look in here when mapobj res is missing from course. (itembox etc)
this . MainRace = new narc ( lz77 . decompress ( rom . getFile ( "/data/MainRace.carc" ) ) ) ; //contains item models.
this . MainEffect = new narc ( lz77 . decompress ( rom . getFile ( "/data/MainEffect.carc" ) ) ) ; //contains particles.
this . Main2D = new narc ( lz77 . decompress ( rom . getFile ( "/data/Main2D.carc" ) ) ) ;
this . KartModelSub = new narc ( lz77 . decompress ( rom . getFile ( "/data/KartModelSub.carc" ) ) ) ; //contains characters + animations
this . Race = new narc ( lz77 . decompress ( rom . getFile ( "/data/Scene/Race.carc" ) ) ) ; //contains lakitu, count, various graphics
this . RaceLoc = new narc ( lz77 . decompress ( rom . getFile ( "/data/Scene/Race_us.carc" ) ) ) ; //contains lakitu lap signs, START, YOU WIN etc. some of these will be replaced by hi res graphics by default.
this . RaceEffect = new spa ( r . MainEffect . getFile ( "RaceEffect.spa" ) ) ;
this . MainFont = new nftr ( r . Main2D . getFile ( "marioFont.NFTR" ) ) ;
this . getChar = getChar ;
this . getKart = getKart ;
var itemNames = [
"banana" , "bomb" , "gesso" /*squid*/ , "kinoko" /*mushroom*/ , "kinoko_p" /*queen shroom*/ , "koura_g" /*green shell*/ , "koura_r" /*red shell*/ , "star" , "teresa" /*boo*/ , "thunder" ,
"koura_w" /*blue shell item rep*/ , "f_box" , "killer" /*bullet bill*/
//donkey, toad, bowser?, luigi, mario, peach, wario, yoshi, daisy, waluigi, dry bones (karon), robo, heyho
var toSoundOff = [
4 , 0 , 1 , 2 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 3 , 10 , 8 , 9 , 11 , 12
] ;
var charNames = [
"mario" , "donkey" , "kinopio" , "koopa" , "peach" , "wario" , "yoshi" , "luigi" , "karon" , "daisy" , "waluigi" , "robo" , "heyho"
] ;
var charAbbrv = [
"MR" , "DK" , "KO" , "KP" , "PC" , "WR" , "YS" , "LG" , "KA" , "DS" , "WL" , "RB" , "HH"
] ;
var tireName = [ "kart_tire_L" , "kart_tire_M" , "kart_tire_S" ] ;
var characters = [ ] ;
var karts = [ ] ;
loadItems ( ) ;
loadTires ( ) ;
function loadItems ( ) { //loads physical representations of items
var t = { }
for ( var i = 0 ; i < itemNames . length ; i ++ ) {
var n = itemNames [ i ] ;
t [ n ] = new nitroModel ( new nsbmd ( r . MainRace . getFile ( "/Item/it_" + n + ".nsbmd" ) ) ) ;
t . blueShell = new nitroModel ( new nsbmd ( r . MainRace . getFile ( "/Item/koura_w.nsbmd" ) ) ) ;
t . splat = new nitroModel ( new nsbmd ( r . MainRace . getFile ( "/Item/geso_sumi.nsbmd" ) ) ) ;
t . fakeBox = new nitroModel ( new nsbmd ( r . MainRace . getFile ( "/MapObj/box.nsbmd" ) ) ) ;
r . items = t ;
function loadTires ( ) {
var path = "/data/KartModelMenu/kart/tire/" ;
var tires = { } ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < tireName . length ; i ++ ) tires [ tireName [ i ] ] = new nitroModel ( new nsbmd ( rom . getFile ( path + tireName [ i ] + ".nsbmd" ) ) , new nsbtx ( rom . getFile ( path + tireName [ i ] + ".nsbtx" ) ) ) ;
r . tireRes = tires ;
function getChar ( ind ) {
if ( characters [ ind ] != null ) return characters [ ind ] ;
var base = "/character/" + charNames [ ind ] + "/P_" + charAbbrv [ ind ] ;
var obj = {
model : new nitroModel ( new nsbmd ( r . KartModelSub . getFile ( base + ".nsbmd" ) ) , new nsbtx ( r . KartModelSub . getFile ( base + ".nsbtx" ) ) , { tex : { 1 : 2 } , pal : { 1 : 2 } } ) ,
driveA : new nsbca ( r . KartModelSub . getFile ( base + "_drive.nsbca" ) ) ,
loseA : new nsbca ( r . KartModelSub . getFile ( base + "_lose.nsbca" ) ) ,
spinA : new nsbca ( r . KartModelSub . getFile ( base + "_spin.nsbca" ) ) ,
winA : new nsbca ( r . KartModelSub . getFile ( base + "_win.nsbca" ) ) ,
sndOff : toSoundOff [ ind ] * 14 ,
characters [ ind ] = obj ;
return characters [ ind ] ;
var letters = [ "a" , "b" , "c" ]
function getKart ( ind ) { //returns a nitroModel, but also includes a property "shadVol" containing the kart's shadow volume.
if ( karts [ ind ] != null ) return karts [ ind ] ;
var c = Math . floor ( ind / 3 ) ;
var t = ind % 3 ;
if ( t == 0 ) c = 0 ; //only mario has standard kart
var name = charAbbrv [ c ] + "_" + letters [ t ] ;
var path = "/data/KartModelMenu/kart/" + charNames [ c ] + "/kart_" + name ;
var model = new nitroModel ( new nsbmd ( rom . getFile ( path + ".nsbmd" ) ) , new nsbtx ( rom . getFile ( path + ".nsbtx" ) ) ) ;
model . shadVol = new nitroModel ( new nsbmd ( rom . getFile ( "/data/KartModelMenu/kart/shadow/sh_" + name + ".nsbmd" ) ) ) ;
//todo, assign special pallete for A karts
karts [ ind ] = model ;
return karts [ ind ] ;
2017-09-08 09:24:16 -07:00