// // kcl.js //-------------------- // Loads kcl files and provides a variety of functions for accessing and using the data. // by RHY3756547 // // includes: gl-matrix.js (glMatrix 2.0) // window.kcl = function(input, mkwii) { //todo, support versions for other games (MKWii etc) this.load = load; this.getPlanesAt = getPlanesAt; var vertexOffset, normalOffset, planeOffset, octreeOffset, unknown1, topLeftVec, xMask, yMask, zMask, coordShift, yShift, zShift, unknown2, trisMapped = 0, //decoded data planes, octree, end, mkwiiMode //little endian for ds, big endian for wii var sf, mouseX = 0, mouseY = 0, offx, offz, loaded = false //for testing var Fixed32Point = 4096; if (input != null) { //handle input, load kcl from data if (typeof input == "string") { var xml = new XMLHttpRequest(); xml.responseType = "arraybuffer"; xml.open("GET", input, true); xml.onload = function() { load(xml.response); } xml.send(); } else { load(input, mkwii); } } window.onmousemove = function(evt) { mouseX = evt.pageX; mouseY = evt.pageY; } this.scopeEval = function(code) {return eval(code)} //for debug purposes //canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"); //ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); //setInterval(render, 16); function readBigDec(view, off, mkwii) { if (mkwii) return view.getFloat32(off); else return view.getInt32(off, end)/Fixed32Point; } function load(buffer, mkwii) { var mkwii = mkwii; if (mkwii == null) mkwii = false; end = !mkwii; mkwiiMode = mkwii; var time = Date.now(); //loads kcl from an array buffer. var view = new DataView(buffer); vertexOffset = view.getUint32(0x00, end); normalOffset = view.getUint32(0x04, end); planeOffset = view.getUint32(0x08, end); octreeOffset = view.getUint32(0x0C, end); unknown1 = readBigDec(view, 0x10, mkwii); var vec = vec3.create(); vec[0] = readBigDec(view, 0x14, mkwii); vec[1] = readBigDec(view, 0x18, mkwii); vec[2] = readBigDec(view, 0x1C, mkwii); topLeftVec = vec; xMask = view.getUint32(0x20, end); yMask = view.getUint32(0x24, end); zMask = view.getUint32(0x28, end); coordShift = view.getUint32(0x2C, end); yShift = view.getUint32(0x30, end); zShift = view.getUint32(0x34, end); unknown2 = readBigDec(view, 0x38, mkwii); //read planes, there should be as many as there is 16 byte spaces between planeOffset+0x10 and octreeOffset offset = planeOffset+0x10; planes = [null]; //0 index is empty var minx=0, maxx=0, minz=0, maxz=0; while (offset < octreeOffset) { planes.push(new Plane(view, offset)); offset += 0x10; var vert = planes[planes.length-1].Vertex1; if (vert[0] < minx) minx=vert[0]; if (vert[0] > maxx) maxx=vert[0]; if (vert[2] < minz) minz=vert[2]; if (vert[2] > maxz) maxz=vert[2]; } console.log("minx: "+minx+" maxx: "+maxx+" minz: "+minz+" maxz: "+maxz) //var sfx = canvas.width/(maxx-minx); //var sfy = canvas.height/(maxz-minz); //offx = -((minx+maxx)/2); //offz = -((minz+maxz)/2); //sf = Math.min(sfx, sfy)*0.8; octree = [] var rootNodes = ((~xMask >> coordShift) + 1) * ((~yMask >> coordShift) + 1) * ((~zMask >> coordShift) + 1); for (var i=0; i> coordShift) + 1); x++) { for (var z=0; z<((~zMask >> coordShift) + 1); z++) { ctx.strokeRect(topLeftVec[0]+size*x, topLeftVec[2]+size*z, size, size); } } } function testDrawPlanes(planes) { for (var i=1; i0 || (y&yMask)>0 || (z&zMask)>0) return []; //no collision var index = (x>>coordShift)|((y>>coordShift)<>coordShift)<>shift)&1)|(((y>>shift)&1)<<1)|(((z>>shift)&1)<<2); return traverseOctree(node.items[index], x, y, z, shift-1); } function decodeCube(baseoff, off, view) { var data = view.getUint32(off, end); var off2 = baseoff+(data&0x7FFFFFFF); if (off2 >= view.byteLength) { return { leaf: true, tris: [], realTris: [] } } if (data&0x80000000) { //is a leaf. off2 += 2; var tris = []; var realTris = []; while (true) { var read = view.getUint16(off2, end); if (read == 0) break; //zero terminated tris.push(read); realTris.push(planes[read]); trisMapped += 1; off2 += 2; } return { leaf: true, tris: tris, realTris: realTris } } else { //contains 8 more cubes var cubes = []; var boff = off2; for (var i=0; i<8; i++) { cubes.push(decodeCube(boff, off2, view)); off2 += 4; } return { leaf: false, items: cubes } } } function Plane(view, offset) { this.Len = readBigDec(view, offset, mkwiiMode); this.Vertex1 = readVert(view.getUint16(offset+0x4, end), view); this.Normal = readNormal(view.getUint16(offset+0x6, end), view); this.NormalA = readNormal(view.getUint16(offset+0x8, end), view); this.NormalB = readNormal(view.getUint16(offset+0xA, end), view); this.NormalC = readNormal(view.getUint16(offset+0xC, end), view); this.CollisionType = view.getUint16(offset+0xE, end); var crossA = vec3.cross(vec3.create(), this.NormalA, this.Normal); var crossB = vec3.cross(vec3.create(), this.NormalB, this.Normal); this.Vertex2 = vec3.scaleAndAdd(vec3.create(), this.Vertex1, crossB, (this.Len/vec3.dot(crossB, this.NormalC))); this.Vertex3 = vec3.scaleAndAdd(vec3.create(), this.Vertex1, crossA, (this.Len/vec3.dot(crossA, this.NormalC))); } function readVert(num, view) { var vec = vec3.create(); var loc = vertexOffset+num*0xC; vec[0] = readBigDec(view, loc, mkwiiMode); vec[1] = readBigDec(view, loc+0x4, mkwiiMode); vec[2] = readBigDec(view, loc+0x8, mkwiiMode); return vec; } function readNormal(num, view) { var mkwii = mkwiiMode; var vec = vec3.create(); if (mkwii) { var loc = normalOffset+num*0xC; vec[0] = view.getFloat32(loc); vec[1] = view.getFloat32(loc+0x4); vec[2] = view.getFloat32(loc+0x8); } else { var loc = normalOffset+num*0x6; vec[0] = view.getInt16(loc, end)/4096; //fixed point vec[1] = view.getInt16(loc+0x2, end)/4096; vec[2] = view.getInt16(loc+0x4, end)/4096; } return vec; } }