window.GreenShellC = function(item, scene) { var t = this; this.canBeHeld = true; this.canBeDropped = true; this.isDestructive = true; this.angle = 0; this.speed = 6; //base speed + kart speed this.sound = null; this.soundCooldown = 0; item.colRadius = 3; var minimumMove = 0.17; this.gravity = [0, -0.17, 0]; //100% confirmed by me messing around with the gravity value in mkds this.collideKart = collideKart; this.update = update; this.release = release; this.onDie = onDie; this.colResponse = colResponse; function release(forward) { t.sound = nitroAudio.playSound(215, {volume: 1.5}, 0, item); t.speed = 6; t.angle = item.owner.physicalDir; if (forward < 0) { t.angle += Math.PI; t.angle %= Math.PI*2; } else { t.speed += item.owner.speed; } } function onDie(final) { if (!final) { nitroAudio.playSound(214, {volume: 2}, 0, item); } if (t.sound) { nitroAudio.instaKill(t.sound); t.sound = null; } } function collideKart(kart) { item.deadTimer = 1; kart.damage(MKDSCONST.DAMAGE_FLIP); } function update(scene) { item.vel = [Math.sin(t.angle)*t.speed, item.vel[1], -Math.cos(t.angle)*t.speed] vec3.add(item.vel, item.vel, t.gravity); if (this.soundCooldown > 0) this.soundCooldown--; } function colResponse(pos, pvel, dat, ignoreList) { var plane = dat.plane; var colType = (plane.CollisionType>>8)&31; vec3.add(pos, pos, vec3.scale(vec3.create(), pvel, dat.t)); var n = dat.normal; vec3.normalize(n, n); var gravS = Math.sqrt(, t.gravity)); var angle = Math.acos(, t.gravity, -1/gravS), n)); var adjustPos = true if (MKDS_COLTYPE.GROUP_WALL.indexOf(colType) != -1) { //wall //shell reflection code - slide y vel across plane, bounce on xz if (this.soundCooldown <= 0) { nitroAudio.playSound(213, {volume: 2.5}, 0, item); this.soundCooldown = 30; } vec3.add(item.vel, vec3.scale(vec3.create(), n, -2*(, n)/,n))), item.vel); item.vel[1] = 0; var v = item.vel; t.angle = Math.atan2(v[0], -v[2]); } else if (colType == MKDS_COLTYPE.OOB || colType == MKDS_COLTYPE.FALL) { if (item.deadTimer == 0) item.deadTimer++; } else if (MKDS_COLTYPE.GROUP_ROAD.indexOf(colType) != -1) { //sliding plane var proj =, n); vec3.sub(item.vel, item.vel, vec3.scale(vec3.create(), n, proj)); item.stuckTo = dat.object; } else { adjustPos = false; ignoreList.push(plane); } var rVelMag = Math.sqrt(, item.vel)); vec3.scale(item.vel, item.vel, t.speed/rVelMag); //force speed to shell speed for green shells. if (adjustPos) { //move back from plane slightly vec3.add(pos, pos, vec3.scale(vec3.create(), n, minimumMove)); } } } window.RedShellC = function(item, scene) { this.canBeHeld = true; this.canBeDropped = true; this.isDestructive = true; } window.ShellGroupC = function(item, scene, type) { var t = this; this.canBeHeld = "func"; this.canBeDropped = "func"; this.rotationPeriod = 45; item.colRadius = -Infinity; this.draw = draw; this.update = update; this.release = release; this.onDie = onDie; this.children = []; var itemType = "koura_g"; var itemCount = 3; if (type.length > 0) { var typeParse = type.split("-"); if (typeParse.length == 1) { itemType = type; } else if (typeParse.length == 2 && !isNaN(typeParse[1]-0)) { itemType = typeParse[0]; itemCount = typeParse[1]-0; } } this.phase = 0; var spinDist = 6; init(); function init() { t.remaining = itemCount; item.holdPos = [0, 0, 0]; //create children for (var i=0; i 0) { t.children[i] = null; t.remaining--; continue; } var angle = ((i / itemCount + t.phase / t.rotationPeriod) * Math.PI * 2); var rad = item.owner.params.colRadius; var dist = spinDist + rad; child.holdPos = [-Math.sin(angle) * dist, -item.owner.params.colRadius, Math.cos(angle) * dist]; } t.phase++; t.phase %= t.rotationPeriod; } function release(forward) { //forward the release to our last child var toUse; for (var i=0; i 0) { t.children[i] = null; t.remaining--; continue; } toUse = child; t.children[i] = null; t.remaining--; break; } if (toUse != null) { toUse.release(forward); } if (t.remaining == 0) { item.finalize(); } } function draw(mvMatrix, pMatrix) { //the group itself is invisible - the shells draw individually } } window.BlueShellC = null;