
277 lines
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// nsbtx.js
// Reads NSBTX files (or TEX0 sections) and provides canvases containing decoded texture data.
// by RHY3756547
// includes: gl-matrix.js (glMatrix 2.0)
// /formats/nitro.js
window.nsbtx = function(input, tex0) {
var texDataSize, texInfoOff, texOffset, compTexSize, compTexInfoOff,
compTexOffset, compTexInfoDataOff /*wtf*/, palSize, palInfoOff,
palOffset, mainOff
var textureInfo, paletteInfo, palData, texData, compData, compInfoData, colourBuffer
var thisObj = this;
var bitDepths = [0, 8, 2, 4, 8, 2, 8, 16]
if (input != null) {
load(input, tex0);
this.load = load;
this.readTexWithPal = readTexWithPal;
this.cache = {}; //textures for btx are cached in this object.
this.scopeEval = function(code) {return eval(code)} //for debug purposes
function load(input, tex0) {
colourBuffer = new Uint32Array(4);
var view = new DataView(input);
var header = null;
var offset = 0;
if (!tex0) { //nitro 3d header
header = nitro.readHeader(view);
if (header.stamp != "BTX0") throw "nsbtx invalid. Expected BTX0, found "+header.stamp;
if (header.numSections > 1) throw "NSBTX invalid. Too many sections - should only have one.";
offset = header.sectionOffsets[0];
mainOff = offset;
var stamp = readChar(view, offset+0x0)+readChar(view, offset+0x1)+readChar(view, offset+0x2)+readChar(view, offset+0x3);
if (stamp != "TEX0") throw "NSBTX invalid. Expected TEX0, found "+stamp;
var size = view.getUint32(offset+0x04, true);
texDataSize = view.getUint16(offset+0x0C, true)<<3;
texInfoOff = view.getUint16(offset+0x0E, true);
texOffset = view.getUint16(offset+0x14, true);
compTexSize = view.getUint16(offset+0x1C, true)<<3;
compTexInfoOff = view.getUint16(offset+0x1E, true);
compTexOffset = view.getUint32(offset+0x24, true);
compTexInfoDataOff = view.getUint32(offset+0x28, true);
palSize = view.getUint32(offset+0x30, true)<<3;
palInfoOff = view.getUint32(offset+0x34, true);
palOffset = view.getUint32(offset+0x38, true);
//read palletes, then textures.
var po = mainOff + palOffset;
palData = input.slice(po, po+palSize);
var to = mainOff + texOffset;
texData = input.slice(to, to+texDataSize);
var co = mainOff + compTexOffset;
compData = input.slice(co, co+compTexSize); //pixel information for compression. 2bpp, 16 pixels, so per 4x4 block takes up 4 bytes
var cio = mainOff + compTexInfoDataOff;
compInfoData = input.slice(cio, cio+compTexSize/2); //each 4x4 block has a 16bit information uint. 2 bytes per block, thus half the size of above.
paletteInfo = nitro.read3dInfo(view, mainOff + palInfoOff, palInfoHandler);
textureInfo = nitro.read3dInfo(view, mainOff + texInfoOff, texInfoHandler);
thisObj.paletteInfo = paletteInfo;
thisObj.textureInfo = textureInfo;
function readTexWithPal(textureId, palId) {
var tex = textureInfo.objectData[textureId];
var pal = paletteInfo.objectData[palId];
var format = tex.format;
var trans = tex.pal0trans;
if (format == 5) return readCompressedTex(tex, pal); //compressed 4x4 texture, different processing entirely
var off = tex.texOffset;
var palView = new DataView(palData);
var texView = new DataView(texData);
var palOff = pal.palOffset;
var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.width = tex.width;
canvas.height = tex.height;
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
var img = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, tex.width, tex.height);
var total = tex.width*tex.height;
var databuf;
for (var i=0; i<total; i++) {
var col;
if (format == 1) { //A3I5 encoding. 3 bits alpha 5 bits pal index
var dat = texView.getUint8(off++)
col = readPalColour(palView, palOff, dat&31, trans);
col[3] = (dat>>5)*(255/7);
} else if (format == 2) { //2 bit pal
if (i%4 == 0) databuf = texView.getUint8(off++);
col = readPalColour(palView, palOff, (databuf>>((i%4)*2))&3, trans)
} else if (format == 3) { //4 bit pal
if (i%2 == 0) {
databuf = texView.getUint8(off++);
col = readPalColour(palView, palOff, databuf&15, trans)
} else {
col = readPalColour(palView, palOff, databuf>>4, trans)
} else if (format == 4) { //8 bit pal
col = readPalColour(palView, palOff, texView.getUint8(off++), trans)
} else if (format == 6) { //A5I3 encoding. 5 bits alpha 3 bits pal index
var dat = texView.getUint8(off++)
col = readPalColour(palView, palOff, dat&7, trans);
col[3] = (dat>>3)*(255/31);
} else if (format == 7) { //raw color data
col = texView.getUint16(off, true);
colourBuffer[0] = Math.round(((col&31)/31)*255)
colourBuffer[1] = Math.round((((col>>5)&31)/31)*255)
colourBuffer[2] = Math.round((((col>>10)&31)/31)*255)
colourBuffer[3] = Math.round((col>>15)*255);
col = colourBuffer;
off += 2;
} else {
console.log("texture format is none, ignoring")
return canvas;
}, i*4);
ctx.putImageData(img, 0, 0)
return canvas;
function readCompressedTex(tex, pal) { //format 5, 4x4 texels. I'll keep this well documented so it's easy to understand.
var off = tex.texOffset;
var texView = new DataView(compData); //real texture data - 32 bits per 4x4 block (one byte per 4px horizontal line, each descending 1px)
var compView = new DataView(compInfoData); //view into compression info - informs of pallete and parameters.
var palView = new DataView(palData); //view into the texture pallete
var compOff = off/2; //info is 2 bytes per block, so the offset is half that of the tex offset.
var palOff = pal.palOffset;
var transColor = new Uint8Array([0, 0, 0, 0]); //transparent black
var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.width = tex.width;
canvas.height = tex.height;
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
var img = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, tex.width, tex.height);
var w = tex.width>>2; //iterate over blocks, block w and h is /4.
var h = tex.height>>2;
for (var y=0; y<h; y++) {
for (var x=0; x<w; x++) {
//inside block
var bInfo = compView.getUint16(compOff, true); //block info
var addr = (bInfo & 0x3fff); //offset to relevant pallete
var mode = ((bInfo >> 14) & 3);
var finalPo = palOff+addr*4;
var imgoff = x*4+(y*w*16);
for (var iy=0; iy<4; iy++) {
var dat = texView.getUint8(off++);
for (var ix=0; ix<4; ix++) { //iterate over horiz lines
var part = (dat>>(ix*2))&3;
var col;
switch (mode) {
case 0: //value 3 is transparent, otherwise pal colour
if (part == 3) col = transColor;
else col = readPalColour(palView, finalPo, part);
case 1: //average mode - colour 2 is average of 1st two, 3 is transparent. 0&1 are normal.
if (part == 3) col = transColor;
else if (part == 2) col = readFractionalPal(palView, finalPo, 0.5);
else col = readPalColour(palView, finalPo, part);
case 2: //pal colour
col = readPalColour(palView, finalPo, part);
case 3: //5/8 3/8 mode - colour 2 is 5/8 of col0 plus 3/8 of col1, 3 is 3/8 of col0 plus 5/8 of col1. 0&1 are normal.
if (part == 3) col = readFractionalPal(palView, finalPo, 3/8);
else if (part == 2) col = readFractionalPal(palView, finalPo, 5/8);
else col = readPalColour(palView, finalPo, part);
}, (imgoff++)*4)
imgoff += tex.width-4;
compOff += 2; //align off to next block
ctx.putImageData(img, 0, 0)
return canvas;
function readPalColour(view, palOff, ind, pal0trans) {
var col = view.getUint16(palOff+ind*2, true);
var f = 255/31;
colourBuffer[0] = Math.round((col&31)*f)
colourBuffer[1] = Math.round(((col>>5)&31)*f)
colourBuffer[2] = Math.round(((col>>10)&31)*f)
colourBuffer[3] = (pal0trans && ind == 0)?0:255;
return colourBuffer;
function readFractionalPal(view, palOff, i) {
var col = view.getUint16(palOff, true);
var col2 = view.getUint16(palOff+2, true);
var ni = 1-i;
var f = 255/31;
colourBuffer[0] = Math.round((col&31)*f*i + (col2&31)*f*ni)
colourBuffer[1] = Math.round(((col>>5)&31)*f*i + ((col2>>5)&31)*f*ni)
colourBuffer[2] = Math.round(((col>>10)&31)*f*i + ((col2>>10)&31)*f*ni)
colourBuffer[3] = 255;
return colourBuffer;
function palInfoHandler(view, offset) {
var palOffset = view.getUint16(offset, true)<<3;
var unknown = view.getUint16(offset+2, true);
return {
palOffset: palOffset,
unknown: unknown,
nextoff: offset+4
function texInfoHandler(view, offset) {
var texOffset = view.getUint16(offset, true)<<3;
var flags = view.getUint16(offset+2, true);
var width2 = view.getUint8(offset+4, true);
var unknown = view.getUint8(offset+5, true);
var height2 = view.getUint8(offset+6, true);
var unknown2 = view.getUint8(offset+7, true);
return {
texOffset: texOffset,
pal0trans: (flags>>13)&1, //two top flags are texture matrix modes. not sure if it really matters (except for nsbta animation maybe, but 0 = no transform and things that have tex animations are set to 0 anyways).
format: ((flags>>10)&7),
height: 8 << ((flags>>7)&7),
width: 8 << ((flags>>4)&7),
repeatX: flags&1,
repeatY: (flags>>1)&1,
flipX: (flags>>2)&1,
flipY: (flags>>3)&1,
unkWidth: width2,
unk1: unknown,
unkHeight: height2,
unk2: unknown2,
nextoff: offset+8
function readChar(view, offset) {
return String.fromCharCode(view.getUint8(offset));