
548 lines
23 KiB

// spa.js
// Reads spa files. Based off of code from MJDS Course Modifier, which was very incomplete but at least got the textures.
// Reverse engineered most of the emitter stuff.
// by RHY3756547
// = function(input) {
var t = this;
this.load = load;
this.getTexture = getTexture;
var colourBuffer;
function load(input) {
colourBuffer = new Uint32Array(4);
var view = new DataView(input);
var header = null;
var offset = 0;
var stamp = readChar(view, 0x0)+readChar(view, 0x1)+readChar(view, 0x2)+readChar(view, 0x3);
if (stamp != " APS") throw "SPA invalid. Expected ' APS', found "+stamp;
offset += 4;
var version = readChar(view, offset)+readChar(view, offset+1)+readChar(view, offset+2)+readChar(view, offset+3);
offset += 4;
var particleCount = view.getUint16(offset, true);
var particleTexCount = view.getUint16(offset+2, true);
var unknown = view.getUint32(offset+4, true);
var unknown2 = view.getUint32(offset+8, true);
var unknown3 = view.getUint32(offset+12, true);
var firstTexOffset = view.getUint32(offset+16, true);
var pad = view.getUint32(offset+20, true);
offset += 24;
if (version == "12_1") {
t.particles = [];
for (var i=0; i<particleCount; i++) {
t.particles[i] = readParticle(view, offset);
t.particles[i].parent = t;
offset = t.particles[i].nextOff;
offset = firstTexOffset;
t.particleTextures = [];
for (var i=0; i<particleTexCount; i++) {
t.particleTextures[i] = readParticleTexture(view, offset);
offset = t.particleTextures[i].nextOff;
//window.debugParticle = true;
if (window.debugParticle) {
for (var i=0; i<particleCount; i++) {
var text = document.createElement("textarea");
var p = t.particles[i];
p.parent = null;
text.value = JSON.stringify(p, true, 4);
p.parent = t; = 500; = 200;
var obj = t.particleTextures[p.textureId];
if (p.texAnim) obj = t.particleTextures[p.texAnim.textures[0]];
if (obj == null) {
var test = readTexWithPal(, obj);
function getTexture(id, gl) {
var t = this;
var obj = t.particleTextures[id];
if (obj == null) {
return null;
if (obj.glTex == null) {
var canvas = readTexWithPal(, obj);
var m =;
if (m.flipX || m.flipY) {
var fC = document.createElement("canvas");
var ctx = fC.getContext("2d");
fC.width = (m.flipX)?canvas.width*2:canvas.width;
fC.height = (m.flipY)?canvas.height*2:canvas.height;
ctx.drawImage(canvas, 0, 0);;
if (m.flipX) {
ctx.translate(2*canvas.width, 0);
ctx.scale(-1, 1);
ctx.drawImage(canvas, 0, 0);
if (m.flipY) {
ctx.translate(0, 2*canvas.height);
ctx.scale(1, -1);
ctx.drawImage(fC, 0, 0);
var t = loadTex(fC, gl, !m.repeatX, !m.repeatY);
t.realWidth = canvas.width;
t.realHeight = canvas.height;
obj.glTex = t;
} else {
var t = loadTex(canvas, gl, !m.repeatX, !m.repeatY);
t.realWidth = canvas.width;
t.realHeight = canvas.height;
obj.glTex = t;
return obj.glTex;
function loadTex(img, gl, clampx, clampy) { //general purpose function for loading an image into a texture.
var texture = gl.createTexture();
gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture);
gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, img);
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.NEAREST);
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.NEAREST);
if (clampx) gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
if (clampy) gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
texture.width = img.width;
texture.height = img.height;
gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, null);
return texture;
function readParticle(view, off) {
var obj = {};
var ParticleFlags =
Type0: 0,
//1: random sphere
//2: random ground
//3: rotation invariant
//4+: unpredictable past here
Type1: 0x10, //spark type
Type2: 0x20, //3d, makes rotation around billboard axis
Type3: 0x30, //spark 3d
Type4: 0x40, //billboard
Type5: 0x80, //billboard but ignores ground setting? maybe 2d
ScaleAnim: 0x100,
ColorAnimation: 0x200,
OpacityAnimation: 0x400,
TextureAnimation: 0x800,
Unknown: 0x1000,
RandomDirection: 0x2000,
CrashGame: 0x4000,
AttachedToEmitter: 0x8000,
Bit16: 0x10000,
Bit21: 0x200000,
Bit22: 0x400000,
Bit23: 0x800000,
Gravity: 0x1000000,
Bit25: 0x2000000, //balloon? perhaps sine rotation (as it flies away)
Bit26: 0x4000000,
Bit27: 0x8000000,
Bit28: 0x10000000,
Bit29: 0x20000000
obj.ParticleFlags = ParticleFlags;
obj.flag = view.getUint32(off, true);
obj.position = [view.getInt32(off+0x4, true)/4096, view.getInt32(off+0x8, true)/4096, view.getInt32(off+0xC, true)/4096];
//this is just hilarious at this point
//the best approach here is to look at each particle on a case by case basis, seeing how each particle behaves ingame
obj.particleChance = view.getInt32(off+0x10, true)/4096; //if less than 1, pct chance a particle will appear on that frame. >1 means more than one particle will appear.
obj.areaSpread = view.getInt32(off+0x14, true)/4096; //x and z
//^ particle count?
obj.unknown3 = view.getInt32(off+0x18, true)/4096; //unknown (does not change anything for grass)
//not sure what this vector is for. grass it's (0, 1, 0), smoke it's (-0.706787109375, 0, -0.707275390625) billboard alignment vector? (it's a bit crazy for powerslide)
obj.vector = [view.getInt16(off+0x1C, true)/4096, view.getInt16(off+0x1E, true)/4096, view.getInt16(off+0x20, true)/4096];
obj.color = view.getUint16(off+0x22, true); //15 bit, usually 32767 for white.
obj.randomxz = view.getUint32(off+0x24, true)/4096; //random xz velocity intensity
obj.velocity = view.getUint32(off+0x28, true)/4096; //initial velocity related (along predefined vector)
obj.size = view.getUint32(off+0x2C, true)/4096; //size
obj.aspect = view.getUint16(off+0x30, true) / 4096; //aspect
//frame delay before activation (x2)
//rotational velocity from (x2)
//rotational velocity to (x2)
obj.delay = view.getUint16(off+0x32, true);
obj.rotVelFrom = view.getInt16(off+0x34, true);
obj.rotVelTo = view.getInt16(off+0x36, true);
obj.scX = view.getInt16(off+0x38, true)/0x8000; //??? (0) //scale center offset?
obj.scY = view.getInt16(off+0x3A, true)/0x8000; //??? (4B) //scale center offset?
obj.emitterLifetime = view.getUint16(off+0x3C, true); //stop emitting particles after this many frames
obj.duration = view.getUint16(off+0x3E, true);
obj.varScale = view.getUint8(off+0x40, true);
obj.varDuration = view.getUint8(off+0x42, true);
obj.varUnk1 = view.getUint8(off+0x44, true); //usually like 1-8
obj.varUnk2 = view.getUint8(off+0x46, true); //usually like 128 (hahaa)
obj.frequency = view.getUint8(off+0x44, true); //create particle every n frames
obj.opacity = view.getUint8(off+0x45, true); //opacity (0-1F)
obj.yOffIntensity = view.getUint8(off+0x46, true); //y offset intensity (seems to include updraft and gravity. 124 for smoke, 120 for grass. 128 is probably 1x)
obj.textureId = view.getUint8(off+0x47, true);
obj.unknown21 = view.getUint32(off+0x48, true); //negative number makes grass disappear (1 for grass, smoke)
obj.unknown22 = view.getUint32(off+0x4C, true); //some numbers make grass disappear (0x458d00 for grass, 0x74725f60 for smoke)
obj.xScaleDelta = view.getInt16(off+0x50, true)/4096; //x scale delta for some reason. usually 0
obj.yScaleDelta = view.getInt16(off+0x52, true)/4096; //y scale delta for some reason. usually 0
obj.unknown25 = view.getUint32(off+0x54, true); //FFFFFFFF makes run at half framerate. idk? usually 0
off += 0x58;
if ((obj.flag & ParticleFlags.ScaleAnim) != 0)
obj.scaleAnim = [];
//1.000 (doesn't seem to do anything important, but occasionally is between start and end)
//start scale
//end scale
//???? (seems to affect the interpolation. cubic params?)
//flags (1: random scale for one frame? everything above it might be cubic params)
//???? (0x4B)
obj.scaleAnim = {
unkBase: view.getUint16(off, true)/4096,
scaleFrom: view.getUint16(off+2, true)/4096,
scaleTo: view.getUint16(off+4, true)/4096,
fromZeroTime: view.getUint8(off+6, true)/0xFF, //time to dedicate to an animation from zero size
holdTime: view.getUint8(off+7, true)/0xFF, //time to dedicate to holding state at the end.
flagParam: view.getUint16(off+8, true),
unk4b: view.getUint16(off+10, true),
off += 12;
if ((obj.flag & ParticleFlags.ColorAnimation) != 0)
obj.colorAnim = {
colorFrom: view.getUint16(off, true), //color from
colorTo: view.getUint16(off+2, true), //color to (seems to be same as base color)
framePct: view.getUint16(off+4, true), //frame pct to become color to (FFFF means always from, 8000 is about the middle)
unknown: view.getUint16(off+6, true), //unknown, 00FF for fire?
flags: view.getUint32(off+8, true), //flags (1: binary select color, 4: smooth blend)
off += 12;
if ((obj.flag & ParticleFlags.OpacityAnimation) != 0)
//intensity x2 (0FFF to 0000. smoke is 0bff. 1000 breaks it, i'm assuming it pushes opacity from 1f to 20 (overflow to 0))
//random flicker
//unknown (negative byte breaks it)
//startfade x2
//cubic param? x2
obj.opacityAnim = {
intensity: view.getUint16(off, true),
random: view.getUint8(off+2, true),
unk: view.getUint8(off+3, true),
startFade: view.getUint16(off+4, true), //0-FFFF. seems to be the pct of duration where the anim starts.
param: view.getUint16(off+6, true),
off += 8;
if ((obj.flag & ParticleFlags.TextureAnimation) != 0)
var textures = [];
for (var i=0; i<8; i++) textures[i] = view.getUint8(off+i);
obj.texAnim = {
textures: textures,
frames: view.getUint8(off+8),
unknown1: view.getUint8(off+9), //128 - duration of particle. 37 - blue spark? (7 frames for 7 duration effect)
unknown2: view.getUint16(off+10, true), //1 - random frame?
off += 12;
if ((obj.flag & ParticleFlags.Bit16) != 0)
obj.Bit16 = [];
for (var i=0; i<20; i++) obj.Bit16[i] = view.getUint8(off+i);
off += 20;
if ((obj.flag & ParticleFlags.Gravity) != 0)
//x wind
//gravity (signed 16, -1 is down, leaves are FFEA (-22/4096))
//z wind
obj.gravity = [
view.getInt16(off, true)/4096,
view.getInt16(off+2, true)/4096,
view.getInt16(off+4, true)/4096,
view.getInt16(off+6, true)/4096, //pad, should be ignored by vec3 ops
off += 8;
if ((obj.flag & ParticleFlags.Bit25) != 0)
//seems to be 4 int 16s typically in some kind of pattern.
obj.Bit25 = [];
for (var i=0; i<8; i++) obj.Bit25[i] = view.getUint8(off+i);
off += 8;
if ((obj.flag & ParticleFlags.Bit26) != 0)
obj.Bit26 = [];
for (var i=0; i<16; i++) obj.Bit26[i] = view.getUint8(off+i);
off += 16;
if ((obj.flag & ParticleFlags.Bit27) != 0)
obj.Bit27 = [];
for (var i=0; i<4; i++) obj.Bit27[i] = view.getUint8(off+i);
off += 4;
if ((obj.flag & ParticleFlags.Bit28) != 0)
obj.Bit28 = [];
for (var i=0; i<8; i++) obj.Bit28[i] = view.getUint8(off+i);
off += 8;
if ((obj.flag & ParticleFlags.Bit29) != 0)
obj.Bit29 = [];
for (var i=0; i<16; i++) obj.Bit29[i] = view.getUint8(off+i);
off += 16;
obj.nextOff = off;
return obj;
function readParticleTexture(view, off) {
var obj = {};
obj.stamp = readChar(view, off+0x0)+readChar(view, off+0x1)+readChar(view, off+0x2)+readChar(view, off+0x3);
if (obj.stamp != " TPS") throw "SPT invalid (particle texture in SPA). Expected ' TPS', found "+obj.stamp;
var flags = view.getUint16(off+4, true); = {
pal0trans: true,//z(flags>>3)&1, //weirdly different format
format: ((flags)&7),
height: 8 << ((flags>>8)&0xF),
width: 8 << ((flags>>4)&0xF),
repeatX: (flags>>12)&1,
repeatY: (flags>>13)&1,
flipX: (flags>>14)&1,
flipY: (flags>>15)&1,
obj.flags = flags;
obj.unknown = view.getUint16(off+6, true);
obj.texDataLength = view.getUint32(off+8, true);
obj.palOff = view.getUint32(off+0xC, true);
obj.palDataLength = view.getUint32(off+0x10, true);
obj.unknown2 = view.getUint32(off+0x14, true);
obj.unknown3 = view.getUint32(off+0x18, true);
obj.unknown4 = view.getUint32(off+0x1C, true);
obj.texData = view.buffer.slice(off+32, off+32+obj.texDataLength);
off += 32+obj.texDataLength;
obj.palData = view.buffer.slice(off, off+obj.palDataLength);
obj.nextOff = off+obj.palDataLength;
//var test = readTexWithPal(, obj);
return obj;
//modified from NSBTX.js - should probably refactor to use be generic between both
function readTexWithPal(tex, data) {
var format = tex.format;
var trans = tex.pal0trans;
if (format == 5) return readCompressedTex(tex, data); //compressed 4x4 texture, different processing entirely
var off = 0;//tex.texOffset;
var palView = new DataView(data.palData);
var texView = new DataView(data.texData);
var palOff = 0;//pal.palOffset;
var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.width = tex.width;
canvas.height = tex.height;
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
var img = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, tex.width, tex.height);
var total = tex.width*tex.height;
var databuf;
for (var i=0; i<total; i++) {
var col;
if (format == 1) { //A3I5 encoding. 3 bits alpha 5 bits pal index
var dat = texView.getUint8(off++)
col = readPalColour(palView, palOff, dat&31, trans);
col[3] = (dat>>5)*(255/7);
} else if (format == 2) { //2 bit pal
if (i%4 == 0) databuf = texView.getUint8(off++);
col = readPalColour(palView, palOff, (databuf>>((i%4)*2))&3, trans)
} else if (format == 3) { //4 bit pal
if (i%2 == 0) {
databuf = texView.getUint8(off++);
col = readPalColour(palView, palOff, databuf&15, trans)
} else {
col = readPalColour(palView, palOff, databuf>>4, trans)
} else if (format == 4) { //8 bit pal
col = readPalColour(palView, palOff, texView.getUint8(off++), trans)
} else if (format == 6) { //A5I3 encoding. 5 bits alpha 3 bits pal index
var dat = texView.getUint8(off++)
col = readPalColour(palView, palOff, dat&7, trans);
col[3] = (dat>>3)*(255/31);
} else if (format == 7) { //raw color data
col = texView.getUint16(off, true);
colourBuffer[0] = Math.round(((col&31)/31)*255)
colourBuffer[1] = Math.round((((col>>5)&31)/31)*255)
colourBuffer[2] = Math.round((((col>>10)&31)/31)*255)
colourBuffer[3] = Math.round((col>>15)*255);
col = colourBuffer;
off += 2;
} else {
console.log("texture format is none, ignoring")
return canvas;
}, i*4);
ctx.putImageData(img, 0, 0)
return canvas;
function readCompressedTex(tex) { //format 5, 4x4 texels. I'll keep this well documented so it's easy to understand.
throw "compressed tex not supported for particles! (unknowns for tex data offsets and lengths?)";
var off = 0;//tex.texOffset;
var texView = new DataView(compData); //real texture data - 32 bits per 4x4 block (one byte per 4px horizontal line, each descending 1px)
var compView = new DataView(compInfoData); //view into compression info - informs of pallete and parameters.
var palView = new DataView(data.palData); //view into the texture pallete
var compOff = off/2; //info is 2 bytes per block, so the offset is half that of the tex offset.
var palOff = 0;//pal.palOffset;
var transColor = new Uint8Array([0, 0, 0, 0]); //transparent black
var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.width = tex.width;
canvas.height = tex.height;
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
var img = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, tex.width, tex.height);
var w = tex.width>>2; //iterate over blocks, block w and h is /4.
var h = tex.height>>2;
for (var y=0; y<h; y++) {
for (var x=0; x<w; x++) {
//inside block
var bInfo = compView.getUint16(compOff, true); //block info
var addr = (bInfo & 0x3fff); //offset to relevant pallete
var mode = ((bInfo >> 14) & 3);
var finalPo = palOff+addr*4;
var imgoff = x*4+(y*w*16);
for (var iy=0; iy<4; iy++) {
var dat = texView.getUint8(off++);
for (var ix=0; ix<4; ix++) { //iterate over horiz lines
var part = (dat>>(ix*2))&3;
var col;
switch (mode) {
case 0: //value 3 is transparent, otherwise pal colour
if (part == 3) col = transColor;
else col = readPalColour(palView, finalPo, part);
case 1: //average mode - colour 2 is average of 1st two, 3 is transparent. 0&1 are normal.
if (part == 3) col = transColor;
else if (part == 2) col = readFractionalPal(palView, finalPo, 0.5);
else col = readPalColour(palView, finalPo, part);
case 2: //pal colour
col = readPalColour(palView, finalPo, part);
case 3: //5/8 3/8 mode - colour 2 is 5/8 of col0 plus 3/8 of col1, 3 is 3/8 of col0 plus 5/8 of col1. 0&1 are normal.
if (part == 3) col = readFractionalPal(palView, finalPo, 3/8);
else if (part == 2) col = readFractionalPal(palView, finalPo, 5/8);
else col = readPalColour(palView, finalPo, part);
}, (imgoff++)*4)
imgoff += tex.width-4;
compOff += 2; //align off to next block
ctx.putImageData(img, 0, 0)
return canvas;
function readPalColour(view, palOff, ind, pal0trans) {
var col = view.getUint16(palOff+ind*2, true);
var f = 255/31;
colourBuffer[0] = Math.round((col&31)*f)
colourBuffer[1] = Math.round(((col>>5)&31)*f)
colourBuffer[2] = Math.round(((col>>10)&31)*f)
colourBuffer[3] = (pal0trans && ind == 0)?0:255;
return colourBuffer;
function readFractionalPal(view, palOff, i) {
var col = view.getUint16(palOff, true);
var col2 = view.getUint16(palOff+2, true);
var ni = 1-i;
var f = 255/31;
colourBuffer[0] = Math.round((col&31)*f*i + (col2&31)*f*ni)
colourBuffer[1] = Math.round(((col>>5)&31)*f*i + ((col2>>5)&31)*f*ni)
colourBuffer[2] = Math.round(((col>>10)&31)*f*i + ((col2>>10)&31)*f*ni)
colourBuffer[3] = 255;
return colourBuffer;
//end NSBTX
function readChar(view, offset) {
return String.fromCharCode(view.getUint8(offset));
if (input != null) {