
468 lines
15 KiB

// nsbmd.js
// Reads NSBMD models and any texture data within them.
// by RHY3756547
// includes: gl-matrix.js (glMatrix 2.0)
// /formats/nitro.js
// /formats/nsbtx.js
window.nsbmd = function(input) {
var mainOff, modelData, texPalOff, materials;
var mainObj = this;
if (input != null) {
this.load = load;
function load(input) {
mainObj.hasBillboards = false;
var view = new DataView(input);
var header = null;
var offset = 0;
var tex;
//nitro 3d header
header = nitro.readHeader(view);
if (header.stamp != "BMD0") throw "NSBMD invalid. Expected BMD0, found "+header.stamp;
if (header.numSections > 2) throw "NSBMD invalid. Too many sections - should have 2 maximum.";
if (header.numSections == 2) tex = new nsbtx(input.slice(header.sectionOffsets[1]), true, true);
offset = header.sectionOffsets[0];
//end nitro
mainOff = offset;
var stamp = readChar(view, offset+0x0)+readChar(view, offset+0x1)+readChar(view, offset+0x2)+readChar(view, offset+0x3);
if (stamp != "MDL0") throw "NSBMD invalid. Expected MDL0, found "+stamp;
mainObj.tex = tex;
modelData = nitro.read3dInfo(view, mainOff+8, modelInfoHandler);
mainObj.modelData = modelData;
function modelInfoHandler(view, offset) {
var mdlOff = view.getUint32(offset, true);
var off = mainOff+mdlOff;
var obj = readModelData(view, off);
obj.nextoff = offset+4;
return obj;
function readModelData(view, offset) {
var head = {}
head.blockSize = view.getUint32(offset, true);
head.bonesOffset = offset+view.getUint32(offset+4, true);
head.materialsOffset = offset+view.getUint32(offset+8, true);
head.polyStartOffset = offset+view.getUint32(offset+0xC, true);
head.polyEndOffset = offset+view.getUint32(offset+0x10, true);
head.numObjects = view.getUint8(offset+0x17);
head.numMaterials = view.getUint8(offset+0x18);
head.numPolys = view.getUint8(offset+0x19);
head.maxStack = view.getUint8(offset+0x1A);
head.scale = view.getInt32(offset+0x1C, true)/4096;
head.downScale = view.getInt32(offset+0x20, true)/4096; //usually inverse of the above
head.numVerts = view.getUint16(offset+0x24, true);
head.numSurfaces = view.getUint16(offset+0x26, true);
head.numTriangles = view.getUint16(offset+0x28, true);
head.numQuads = view.getUint16(offset+0x2A, true);
head.bboxX = view.getInt16(offset+0x2C, true)/4096;
head.bboxY = view.getInt16(offset+0x2E, true)/4096;
head.bboxZ = view.getInt16(offset+0x30, true)/4096;
head.bboxWidth = view.getInt16(offset+0x32, true)/4096;
head.bboxHeight = view.getInt16(offset+0x34, true)/4096;
head.bboxDepth = view.getInt16(offset+0x36, true)/4096;
//head.runtimeData = view.getUint64(offset+0x38, true);
texPalOff = head.materialsOffset; //leak into local scope so it can be used by tex and pal bindings
var objects = nitro.read3dInfo(view, offset+0x40, objInfoHandler);
var polys = nitro.read3dInfo(view, head.polyStartOffset, polyInfoHandler);
materials = nitro.read3dInfo(view, head.materialsOffset+4, matInfoHandler);
var tex = nitro.read3dInfo(view, head.materialsOffset+view.getUint16(head.materialsOffset, true), texInfoHandler);
var palt = nitro.read3dInfo(view, head.materialsOffset+view.getUint16(head.materialsOffset+2, true), palInfoHandler);
//bind tex and palt names to their materials
for (var i=0; i<materials.objectData.length; i++) {
materials.objectData[i].texName = tex.names[materials.objectData[i].tex];
materials.objectData[i].palName = palt.names[materials.objectData[i].pal];
var commands = parseBones(head.bonesOffset, view, polys, materials, objects, head.maxStack);
return {head: head, objects: objects, polys: polys, materials: materials, tex:tex, palt:palt, commands:commands}
function parseBones(offset, view, polys, materials, objects, maxStack) {
var last;
var commands = [];
var debug = true;
if (debug) console.log("== Begin Parse Bones ==");
var freeStack = maxStack;
var forceID=null;
var lastMat = null;
var bound = [];
var matMap = [];
while (offset<texPalOff) { //bones
last = view.getUint8(offset++);
switch (last) {
case 0x06: //bind object transforms to parent. bone exists but is not placed in the stack
var obj = view.getUint8(offset++);
var parent = view.getUint8(offset++);
var zero = view.getUint8(offset++);
var object = objects.objectData[obj];
object.parent = parent;
if (debug) console.log("[0x"+last.toString(16)+"] Multiply stack with object " + obj + " bound to parent " + parent);
commands.push({obj:obj, parent:parent, stackID:freeStack++});
case 0x26:
case 0x46: //placed in the stack at stack id
case 0x66:
var obj = view.getUint8(offset++);
var parent = view.getUint8(offset++);
var zero = view.getUint8(offset++);
var stackID = view.getUint8(offset++);
var restoreID = null;
if (last == 0x66) restoreID = view.getUint8(offset++);
if (last == 0x46) {
restoreID = stackID;
stackID = freeStack++;
var object = objects.objectData[obj];
object.parent = parent;
if (debug) {
var debugMessage = "[0x"+last.toString(16)+"] ";
if (restoreID != null) debugMessage += "Restore matrix at " + stackID + ", ";
debugMessage += "Multiply stack with object " + obj + " bound to parent " + parent;
if (stackID != null) debugMessage += ", store in " + stackID;
var item = {obj:obj, parent:parent, stackID:stackID, restoreID:restoreID};
if (bound[stackID]) {
//we're updating a matrix that is already bound...
//we must move copy the old value of the matrix to another place, and update the polys that point to it to the new location.
//(does not play well with skinned meshes (they don't do this anyways), but fixes lots of "multiple object" meshes.)
console.log("!! Already bound !! Moving old matrix at " + stackID + " to " + freeStack);
var poly = polys.objectData;
for (var i=0; i<poly.length; i++) {
if (poly[i].stackID == stackID) poly[i].stackID = freeStack;
commands.push({copy: stackID, dest: freeStack++})
case 0x66: //has ability to restore to another stack id. no idea how this works
var obj = view.getUint8(offset++);
var parent = view.getUint8(offset++);
var zero = view.getUint8(offset++);
var stackID = view.getUint8(offset++);
var restoreID = view.getUint8(offset++);
var object = objects.objectData[obj];
object.parent = parent;
if (debug) console.log("[0x"+last.toString(16)+"] Restore matrix at " + restoreID + ", multiply stack with object " + obj + " bound to parent " + parent + ", store in " + stackID);
commands.push({obj:obj, parent:parent, stackID:stackID, restoreID:restoreID});
case 0x04:
case 0x24:
case 0x44: //bind material to polygon: matID, 5, polyID
var mat = view.getUint8(offset++);
lastMat = mat;
var five = view.getUint8(offset++); //???
var poly = view.getUint8(offset++);
var bindID = (forceID == null)?(commands[commands.length-1].stackID):forceID;
bound[bindID] = true;
polys.objectData[poly].stackID = bindID;
polys.objectData[poly].mat = mat;
if (debug) console.log("[0x"+last.toString(16)+"] Bind material " + mat + " to poly " + poly + " (with stack id " + polys.objectData[poly].stackID + ")");
case 1:
//end of all
if (debug) console.log("[0x"+last.toString(16)+"] END OF BONES");
case 2: //node visibility (maybe to implement this set matrix to 0)
var node = view.getUint8(offset++);
var vis = view.getUint8(offset++);
objects.objectData[node].vis = vis;
if (debug) console.log("[0x"+last.toString(16)+"] Set object " + node + " visibility: " + vis);
if (node > 10) debugger;
case 3: //stack id for poly (wit)
forceID = view.getUint8(offset++);
if (debug) console.log("[0x"+last.toString(16)+"] Force stack id to " + forceID);
case 0:
case 5: //"draw a mesh" supposedly. might require getting a snapshot of the matrices at this point
var poly = view.getUint8(offset++);
var bindID = (forceID == null)?(commands[commands.length-1].stackID):forceID;
bound[bindID] = true;
polys.objectData[poly].stackID = bindID;
polys.objectData[poly].mat = lastMat;
if (debug) console.log("[0x"+last.toString(16)+"] Draw " + poly + "(stack id " + polys.objectData[poly].stackID + ")");
case 7:
//sets object to be billboard
var obj = view.getUint8(offset++);
objects.objectData[obj].billboardMode = 1;
if (debug) console.log("[0x"+last.toString(16)+"] Object " + obj + " set to full billboard mode.");
mainObj.hasBillboards = true;
case 8:
//sets object to be billboard around only y axis. (xz remain unchanged)
var obj = view.getUint8(offset++);
objects.objectData[obj].billboardMode = 2;
if (debug) console.log("[0x"+last.toString(16)+"] Object " + obj + " set to Y billboard mode.");
mainObj.hasBillboards = true;
case 9: //skinning equ. not used?
if (debug) console.log("[0x"+last.toString(16)+"] Skinning Equation (UNIMPLEMENTED)");
case 0x0b:
if (debug) console.log("[0x"+last.toString(16)+"] BEGIN PAIRING.");
break; //begin polygon material paring (scale up? using scale value in model..)
case 0x2b:
if (debug) console.log("[0x"+last.toString(16)+"] END PAIRING.");
break; //end polygon material pairing (scale down? using scale(down) value in model..)
console.log("bone transform unknown: 0x"+last.toString(16));
if (debug) console.log("== End Parse Bones ==");
return commands;
function matInfoHandler(view, off, base) {
var offset = texPalOff + view.getUint32(off, true);
var rel = 0;
/*while (rel < 40) {
var flags = view.getUint16(offset+rel, true);
if ((flags&15)==15) console.log("rel at "+rel);
rel += 2;
var polyAttrib = view.getUint16(offset+12, true);
var flags = view.getUint16(offset+22, true); //other info in here is specular data etc.
//scale starts at 44;
var mat;
offset += 44;
switch ((flags>>14) & 0x03) { //texture scaling mode
case 0:
mat = mat3.create(); //no scale
case 1:
mat = mat3.create();
mat3.scale(mat, mat, [view.getInt32(offset, true)/4096, view.getInt32(offset+4, true)/4096]);
//mat3.translate(mat, mat, [-anim.translateS[(texFrame>>anim.frameStep.translateS)%anim.translateS.length], anim.translateT[(texFrame>>anim.frameStep.translateT)%anim.translateT.length]]) //for some mystery reason I need to negate the S translation
case 2:
case 3:
mat = mat3.create(); //custom tex mat
for (var i=0; i<16; i++) {
mat[i] = view.getInt32(offset, true)/4096;
offset += 4;
var cullMode = ((polyAttrib>>6)&3);
var alpha = ((polyAttrib>>16)&31)/31;
if (alpha == 0) alpha = 1;
return {
height: 8 << ((flags>>7)&7),
width: 8 << ((flags>>4)&7),
repeatX: flags&1,
repeatY: (flags>>1)&1,
flipX: (flags>>2)&1,
flipY: (flags>>3)&1,
texMat: mat,
alpha: alpha,
cullMode: cullMode,
nextoff: off + 4
function texInfoHandler(view, off, base, ind) {
var oDat = texPalOff+view.getUint16(off, true); //contains offset to array of materials to bind to
var num = view.getUint8(off+2, true);
var mats = [];
for (var i=0; i<num; i++) {
var mat = view.getUint8(oDat++);
materials.objectData[mat].tex = ind; //bind to this material
return {
mats: mats,
nextoff: off + 4
function palInfoHandler(view, off, base, ind) {
var oDat = texPalOff+view.getUint16(off, true); //contains offset to array of materials to bind to
var num = view.getUint8(off+2, true);
var mats = [];
for (var i=0; i<num; i++) {
var mat = view.getUint8(oDat++);
materials.objectData[mat].pal = ind; //bind to this material
return {
mats: mats,
nextoff: off + 4
function polyInfoHandler(view, off, base) {
var offset = base + view.getUint32(off, true);
var dlStart = offset+view.getUint32(offset+8, true);
var displayList = view.buffer.slice(dlStart, dlStart+view.getUint32(offset+0xC, true))
return {
nextoff: off + 4,
disp: displayList
function objInfoHandler(view, off, base) {
var offset = base + view.getUint32(off, true);
var flag = view.getUint16(offset, true); //flag format nnnn psrt
var rotTerm1 = view.getInt16(offset+0x2, true)/4096; //first term of rotate mat if present
var translate = vec3.create();
if (!(flag&1)) { //translate (t) flag is 0
translate[0] = view.getInt32(offset+0x4, true)/4096;
translate[1] = view.getInt32(offset+0x8, true)/4096;
translate[2] = view.getInt32(offset+0xC, true)/4096;
offset += 0xC;
var pivot;
var A, B, neg, mode;
if (flag&8) { //pivot exists
pivot = new Float32Array([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]);
mode = (flag>>4)&15;
neg = (flag>>8)&15;
A = view.getInt16(offset+0x4, true)/4096;
B = view.getInt16(offset+0x6, true)/4096;
pivot[mode] = (neg&1)?-1:1;
var horiz = mode%3;
var vert = Math.floor(mode/3)
var left = (horiz==0)?1:0; var top = ((vert==0)?1:0)*3;
var right = (horiz==2)?1:2; var btm = ((vert==2)?1:2)*3;
pivot[left+top] = A;
pivot[right+top] = B;
pivot[left+btm] = (neg&2)?-B:B;
pivot[right+btm] = (neg&4)?-A:A;
offset += 4;
} else {
pivot = mat3.create()
var scale = vec3.create();
if (!(flag&4)) {
scale[0] = view.getInt32(offset+0x4, true)/4096;
scale[1] = view.getInt32(offset+0x8, true)/4096;
scale[2] = view.getInt32(offset+0xC, true)/4096;
offset += 0xC;
} else {
scale[0] = 1;
scale[1] = 1;
scale[2] = 1;
if ((!(flag&8)) && (!(flag&2))) { //rotate matrix, replaces pivot
pivot[0] = rotTerm1;
pivot[1] = view.getInt16(offset+0x4, true)/4096;
pivot[2] = view.getInt16(offset+0x6, true)/4096;
pivot[3] = view.getInt16(offset+0x8, true)/4096;
pivot[4] = view.getInt16(offset+0xA, true)/4096;
pivot[5] = view.getInt16(offset+0xC, true)/4096;
pivot[6] = view.getInt16(offset+0xE, true)/4096;
pivot[7] = view.getInt16(offset+0x10, true)/4096;
pivot[8] = view.getInt16(offset+0x12, true)/4096;
offset += 16;
var mat = mat4.create();
mat4.translate(mat, mat, translate);
mat4.multiply(mat, mat, mat4FromMat3(pivot));
mat4.scale(mat, mat, scale);
return {
translate: translate,
pivot: pivot,
pA: A,
pB: B,
pMode: mode,
pNeg: neg,
scale: scale,
flag: flag,
mat: mat,
billboardMode: 0,
nextoff: off + 4
function mat4FromMat3(mat) {
dest = mat4.create();
dest[0] = mat[0];
dest[1] = mat[1];
dest[2] = mat[2];
dest[3] = 0;
dest[4] = mat[3];
dest[5] = mat[4];
dest[6] = mat[5];
dest[7] = 0;
dest[8] = mat[6];
dest[9] = mat[7];
dest[10] = mat[8];
dest[11] = 0;
dest[12] = 0;
dest[13] = 0;
dest[14] = 0;
dest[15] = 1;
return dest;
function readChar(view, offset) {
return String.fromCharCode(view.getUint8(offset));