798 lines
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798 lines
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// nitroRender.js
// Provides an interface with which NSBMD models can be drawn to a fst canvas.
// by RHY3756547
// includes: gl-matrix.js (glMatrix 2.0)
// /formats/nitro.js --passive requirement from other nitro formats
// /formats/nsbmd.js
// /formats/nsbta.js
// /formats/nsbtx.js
window.nitroRender = new function() {
var gl, frag, vert, nitroShader;
var cVec, color, texCoord, norm;
var vecMode, vecPos, vecNorm, vecTx, vecCol, vecNum, vecMat, curMat;
var texWidth, texHeight, alphaMul = 1;
this.cullModes = [];
this.billboardID = 0; //incrememts every time billboards need to be updated. cycles &0xFFFFFF to avoid issues
this.lastMatStack = null; //used to check if we need to send the matStack again. will be used with a versioning system in future.
this.last = {}; //obj: the last vertex buffers drawn
var optimiseTriangles = true; //improves draw performance by >10x on most models.
var modelBuffer;
var shaders = [];
this.renderDispList = renderDispList;
this.setAlpha = setAlpha;
this.getViewWidth = getViewWidth;
this.getViewHeight = getViewHeight;
this.flagShadow = false;
var parameters = {
0: 0,
0x10:1, 0x11:0, 0x12:1, 0x13:1, 0x14:1, 0x15:0, 0x16:16, 0x17:12, 0x18:16, 0x19:12, 0x1A:9, 0x1B:3, 0x1C:3, //matrix commands
0x20:1, 0x21:1, 0x22:1, 0x23:2, 0x24:1, 0x25:1, 0x26:1, 0x27:1, 0x28:1, 0x29:1, 0x2A:1, 0x2B:1, //vertex commands
0x30:1, 0x31:1, 0x32:1, 0x33:1, 0x34:32, //material param
0x40:1, 0x41:0, //begin or end vertices
0x50:1, //swap buffers
0x60:1, //viewport
0x70:3, 0x71:2, 0x72:1 //tests
var instructions = {};
instructions[0x14] = function(view, off) { //restore to matrix, used constantly for bone transforms
curMat = view.getUint8(off);
instructions[0x20] = function(view, off) { //color
var dat = view.getUint16(off,true);
color[0] = (dat&31)/31;
color[1] = ((dat>>5)&31)/31;
color[2] = ((dat>>10)&31)/31;
instructions[0x21] = function(view, off) { //normal
var dat = view.getUint32(off, true);
norm[0] = tenBitSign(dat);
norm[1] = tenBitSign(dat>>10);
norm[2] = tenBitSign(dat>>20);
instructions[0x22] = function(view, off) { //texcoord
texCoord[0] = (view.getInt16(off, true)/16)/texWidth;
texCoord[1] = (view.getInt16(off+2, true)/16)/texHeight;
instructions[0x23] = function(view, off) { //xyz 16 bit
cVec[0] = view.getInt16(off, true)/4096;
cVec[1] = view.getInt16(off+2, true)/4096;
cVec[2] = view.getInt16(off+4, true)/4096;
instructions[0x24] = function(view, off) { //xyz 10 bit
var dat = view.getUint32(off, true);
cVec[0] = tenBitSign(dat);
cVec[1] = tenBitSign(dat>>10);
cVec[2] = tenBitSign(dat>>20);
instructions[0x25] = function(view, off) { //xy 16 bit
cVec[0] = view.getInt16(off, true)/4096;
cVec[1] = view.getInt16(off+2, true)/4096;
instructions[0x26] = function(view, off) { //xz 16 bit
cVec[0] = view.getInt16(off, true)/4096;
cVec[2] = view.getInt16(off+2, true)/4096;
instructions[0x27] = function(view, off) { //yz 16 bit
cVec[1] = view.getInt16(off, true)/4096;
cVec[2] = view.getInt16(off+2, true)/4096;
instructions[0x28] = function(view, off) { //xyz 10 bit relative
var dat = view.getUint32(off, true);
cVec[0] += relativeSign(dat);
cVec[1] += relativeSign(dat>>10);
cVec[2] += relativeSign(dat>>20);
instructions[0x40] = function(view, off) { //begin vtx
var dat = view.getUint32(off, true);
vecMode = dat;
if (!optimiseTriangles) {
vecPos = [];
vecNorm = [];
vecTx = [];
vecCol = [];
vecMat = [];
vecNum = 0;
instructions[0x41] = function(view, off) { //end vtx
if (!optimiseTriangles) pushStrip();
function setAlpha(alpha) { //for fading specific things out or whatever
alphaMul = alpha;
function getViewWidth(){
return gl.viewportWidth;
function getViewHeight() {
return gl.viewportHeight;
function pushStrip() { //push the last group of triangles to the buffer. Should do this on matrix change... details fourthcoming
var pos = gl.createBuffer();
var col = gl.createBuffer();
var tx = gl.createBuffer();
var mat = gl.createBuffer();
var norm = gl.createBuffer();
var posArray = new Float32Array(vecPos);
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, pos);
gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, posArray, gl.STATIC_DRAW);
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, tx);
gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array(vecTx), gl.STATIC_DRAW);
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, col);
gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array(vecCol), gl.STATIC_DRAW);
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, mat);
gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array(vecMat), gl.STATIC_DRAW);
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, norm);
gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array(vecNorm), gl.STATIC_DRAW);
posArray: posArray,
vPos: pos,
vTx: tx,
vCol: col,
vMat: mat,
vNorm: norm,
verts: vecPos.length/3,
mode: modes[vecMode]
function pushVector() {
if (vecMode == 1 && vecNum%4 == 3) { //quads - special case
vecPos = vecPos.concat(vecPos.slice(vecPos.length-9, vecPos.length-6)).concat(vecPos.slice(vecPos.length-3));
vecNorm = vecNorm.concat(vecNorm.slice(vecNorm.length-9, vecNorm.length-6)).concat(vecNorm.slice(vecNorm.length-3));
vecTx = vecTx.concat(vecTx.slice(vecTx.length-6, vecTx.length-4)).concat(vecTx.slice(vecTx.length-2));
vecCol = vecCol.concat(vecCol.slice(vecCol.length-12, vecCol.length-8)).concat(vecCol.slice(vecCol.length-4));
vecMat = vecMat.concat(vecMat.slice(vecMat.length-3, vecMat.length-2)).concat(vecMat.slice(vecMat.length-1));
if (optimiseTriangles && (vecMode > 1) && (vecNum > 2)) { //convert tri strips to individual triangles so we get one buffer per polygon
vecPos = vecPos.concat(vecPos.slice(vecPos.length-6));
vecNorm = vecNorm.concat(vecNorm.slice(vecNorm.length-6));
vecTx = vecTx.concat(vecTx.slice(vecTx.length-4));
vecCol = vecCol.concat(vecCol.slice(vecCol.length-8));
vecMat = vecMat.concat(vecMat.slice(vecMat.length-2));
vecPos = vecPos.concat(cVec);
vecTx = vecTx.concat(texCoord);
vecCol = vecCol.concat(color);
vecNorm = vecNorm.concat(norm);
function tenBitSign(val) {
val &= 1023;
if (val & 512) return (val-1024)/64;
else return val/64;
function relativeSign(val) {
val &= 1023;
if (val & 512) return (val-1024)/4096;
else return val/4096;
this.init = function(ctx) {
gl = ctx;
this.gl = gl;
shaders = nitroShaders.compileShaders(gl);
this.nitroShader = shaders[0];
this.cullModes = [gl.FRONT_AND_BACK, gl.FRONT, gl.BACK];
this.prepareShader = function() {
//prepares the shader so no redundant calls have to be made. Should be called upon every program change.
gl.blendFunc(gl.SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
this.last = {};
gl.uniform1i(this.nitroShader.samplerUniform, 0);
this.setShadowMode = function(sTex, fsTex, sMat, fsMat) {
this.nitroShader = shaders[1];
var shader = shaders[1];
gl.uniformMatrix4fv(shader.shadowMatUniform, false, sMat);
gl.uniformMatrix4fv(shader.farShadowMatUniform, false, fsMat);
gl.uniform1f(shader.lightIntensityUniform, 0.3);
gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, sTex);
gl.uniform1i(shader.lightSamplerUniform, 1);
gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, fsTex);
gl.uniform1i(shader.farLightSamplerUniform, 2);
this.setColMult([1, 1, 1, 1]);
this.resetShadOff = function() {
var shader = shaders[1];
gl.uniform1f(shader.shadOffUniform, 0.00005+((mobile)?0.0005:0));
gl.uniform1f(shader.farShadOffUniform, 0.0005);
this.unsetShadowMode = function() {
this.nitroShader = shaders[0];
this.setColMult([1, 1, 1, 1]);
var paused = false;
this.pauseShadowMode = function() {
this.nitroShader = shaders[0];
if (this.nitroShader == shaders[1]) paused = true;
this.setColMult([1, 1, 1, 1]);
this.unpauseShadowMode = function() {
if (!paused) return;
this.nitroShader = shaders[1];
this.setColMult([1, 1, 1, 1]);
this.setColMult = function(color) {
gl.uniform4fv(this.nitroShader.colMultUniform, color);
this.updateBillboards = function(view) {
this.billboardID = (this.billboardID+1)%0xFFFFFF;
var nv = mat4.clone(view);
nv[12] = 0;
nv[13] = 0;
nv[14] = 0; //nullify translation
var nv2 = mat4.clone(nv);
this.billboardMat = mat4.invert(nv, nv);
nv2[4] = 0;
nv2[5] = 1; //do not invert y axis view
nv2[6] = 0;
this.yBillboardMat = mat4.invert(nv2, nv2);
function renderDispList(disp, tex, startStack) { //renders the display list to a form of vertex buffer. The idea is that NSBTA and NSBCA can still be applied to the buffer at little performance cost. (rather than recompiling the model)
modelBuffer = {
strips: []
/* strip entry format:
vPos: glBuffer,
vTx: glBuffer,
vCol: glBuffer,
verts: int count of vertices,
mat: transformation matrix to apply. unused atm as matrix functions are unimplemented
} //the nitroModel will store this and use it for rendering instead of the display list in future.
curMat = startStack; //start on root bone
var shader = nitroRender.nitroShader;
var gl = nitroRender.gl;
var off=0;
var view = new DataView(disp);
texWidth = tex.width;
texHeight = tex.height;
cVec = [0,0,0];
norm = [0,1,0];
texCoord = [0,0];
color = [1,1,1,alphaMul]; //todo: polygon attributes
vecMode = 0;
vecNum = 0;
vecPos = [];
vecNorm = [];
vecTx = [];
vecCol = [];
vecMat = [];
while (off < disp.byteLength) {
var ioff = off;
off += 4;
for (var i=0; i<4; i++) {
var inst = view.getUint8(ioff++);
if (instructions[inst] != null) {
instructions[inst](view, off);
} else {
if (inst != 0) alert("invalid instruction 0x"+(inst.toString(16)));
var temp = parameters[inst];
off += (temp == null)?0:temp*4;
if (optimiseTriangles) pushStrip();
return modelBuffer;
function nitroModel(bmd, btx, remap) {
var bmd = bmd;
this.bmd = bmd;
var thisObj = this;
var loadedTex;
var texCanvas;
var tex;
var texAnim;
var texPAnim;
var texFrame;
var modelBuffers;
var collisionModel = [];
var matBufEmpty = new Float32Array(31*16);
var temp = mat4.create();
var off=0;
for (var i=0; i<31; i++) {
matBufEmpty.set(temp, off);
off += 16;
temp = null;
var texMap = { tex:{}, pal:{} };
//var matStack;
this.draw = draw;
this.drawPoly = externDrawPoly;
this.drawModel = externDrawModel;
this.getCollisionModel = getCollisionModel;
modelBuffers = []
this.modelBuffers = modelBuffers;
var matBuf = [];
for (var i=0; i<bmd.modelData.objectData.length; i++) {
modelBuffers.push(new Array(bmd.modelData.objectData[i].polys.objectData.length));
matBuf.push({built: false, dat: new Float32Array(31*16)});
if (remap != null) {
if (btx != null) {
} else if (bmd.tex != null) {
} else {
function loadWhiteTex(btx) { //examines the materials in the loaded model and generates textures for each.
var gl = nitroRender.gl; //get gl object from nitro render singleton
loadedTex = btx;
texCanvas = [];
tex = [];
var models = bmd.modelData.objectData;
for (var j=0; j<models.length; j++) {
var model = models[j];
var mat = model.materials.objectData
for (var i=0; i<mat.length; i++) {
var m = mat[i];
var fC = document.createElement("canvas");
fC.width = 2;
fC.height = 2;
var ctx = fC.getContext("2d")
ctx.fillStyle = "black";
var t = loadTex(fC, gl, !m.repeatX, !m.repeatY);
t.realWidth = 2;
t.realHeight = 2;
function loadTexture(btx) { //examines the materials in the loaded model and generates textures for each.
var gl = nitroRender.gl; //get gl object from nitro render singleton
loadedTex = btx;
texCanvas = [];
tex = [];
var models = bmd.modelData.objectData;
for (var j=0; j<models.length; j++) {
var model = models[j];
var mat = model.materials.objectData
for (var i=0; i<mat.length; i++) {
var m = mat[i];
var texI = mat[i].tex;
var palI = mat[i].pal;
//remap below
var nTex = texMap.tex[texI];
var nPal = texMap.pal[palI];
if ((texI == null && nTex == null) || (palI == null && nPal == null)) {
console.warn("WARNING: material "+i+" in model could not be assigned a texture.")
var fC = document.createElement("canvas");
fC.width = 2;
fC.height = 2;
var ctx = fC.getContext("2d")
ctx.fillStyle = "white";
var t = loadTex(fC, gl, !m.repeatX, !m.repeatY);
t.realWidth = 2;
t.realHeight = 2;
var truetex = (nTex==null)?texI:nTex;
var truepal = (nPal==null)?palI:nPal;
var cacheID = truetex+":"+truepal;
var cached = btx.cache[cacheID];
tex.push(cacheTex(btx, truetex, truepal, m));
function cacheTex(btx, truetex, truepal, m) {
var cacheID = truetex+":"+truepal;
var cached = btx.cache[cacheID];
if (cached == null) {
var canvas = btx.readTexWithPal(truetex, truepal);
if (m.flipX || m.flipY) {
var fC = document.createElement("canvas");
var ctx = fC.getContext("2d");
fC.width = (m.flipX)?canvas.width*2:canvas.width;
fC.height = (m.flipY)?canvas.height*2:canvas.height;
ctx.drawImage(canvas, 0, 0);
if (m.flipX) {
ctx.translate(2*canvas.width, 0);
ctx.scale(-1, 1);
ctx.drawImage(canvas, 0, 0);
if (m.flipY) {
ctx.translate(0, 2*canvas.height);
ctx.scale(1, -1);
ctx.drawImage(fC, 0, 0);
var t = loadTex(fC, gl, !m.repeatX, !m.repeatY);
t.realWidth = canvas.width;
t.realHeight = canvas.height;
btx.cache[cacheID] = t;
return t;
} else {
var t = loadTex(canvas, gl, !m.repeatX, !m.repeatY);
t.realWidth = canvas.width;
t.realHeight = canvas.height;
btx.cache[cacheID] = t;
return t;
} else {
return cached;
function setTextureRemap(remap) {
texMap = remap;
if (loadedTex != null) loadTexture(loadedTex)
this.loadTexAnim = function(bta) {
texAnim = bta;
texFrame = 0;
this.loadTexPAnim = function(btp) {
texPAnim = btp;
this.setFrame = function(frame) {
texFrame = frame;
function externDrawModel(mv, project, mdl) {
var models = bmd.modelData.objectData;
drawModel(models[mdl], mv, project, mdl);
function externDrawPoly(mv, project, modelind, poly, matStack) {
var models = bmd.modelData.objectData;
var model = models[modelind];
var polys = model.polys.objectData;
var matStack = matStack;
if (matStack == null) {
matStack = matBuf[modelind];
if (((thisObj.billboardID != nitroRender.billboardID) && bmd.hasBillboards) || (!matStack.built)) {
nitroRender.lastMatStack = null;
generateMatrixStack(model, matStack.dat);
matStack.built = true;
thisObj.billboardID = nitroRender.billboardID;
var shader = nitroRender.nitroShader;
var mv = mat4.scale([], mv, [model.head.scale, model.head.scale, model.head.scale]);
gl.uniformMatrix4fv(shader.mvMatrixUniform, false, mv);
gl.uniformMatrix4fv(shader.pMatrixUniform, false, project);
if (matStack != nitroRender.lastMatStack) {
gl.uniformMatrix4fv(shader.matStackUniform, false, matStack.dat);
nitroRender.lastMatStack = matStack;
drawPoly(polys[poly], modelind, poly);
function draw(mv, project, matStack) {
var models = bmd.modelData.objectData;
for (var j=0; j<models.length; j++) {
drawModel(models[j], mv, project, j, matStack);
function getCollisionModel(modelind, polyind) { //simple func to get collision model for a model. used when I'm too lazy to define my own... REQUIRES TRI MODE ACTIVE!
if (collisionModel[modelind] == null) collisionModel[modelind] = [];
if (collisionModel[modelind][polyind] != null) return collisionModel[modelind][polyind];
var model = bmd.modelData.objectData[modelind];
var poly = model.polys.objectData[polyind];
if (modelBuffers[modelind][polyind] == null) modelBuffers[modelind][polyind] = nitroRender.renderDispList(poly.disp, tex[poly.mat], (poly.stackID == null)?model.lastStackID:poly.stackID);
var tris = modelBuffers[modelind][polyind].strips[0].posArray;
var out = [];
var tC = tris.length/9;
var off = 0;
for (var i=0; i<tC; i++) {
var t = {}
t.Vertex1 = [tris[off++], tris[off++], tris[off++]];
t.Vertex2 = [tris[off++], tris[off++], tris[off++]];
t.Vertex3 = [tris[off++], tris[off++], tris[off++]];
//calculate normal
var v = vec3.sub([], t.Vertex2, t.Vertex1);
var w = vec3.sub([], t.Vertex3, t.Vertex1);
t.Normal = vec3.cross([], v, w)
vec3.normalize(t.Normal, t.Normal);
collisionModel[modelind][polyind] = {dat:out, scale:model.head.scale};
return collisionModel[modelind][polyind];
function drawModel(model, mv, project, modelind, matStack) {
var polys = model.polys.objectData;
var matStack = matStack;
if (matStack == null) {
matStack = matBuf[modelind];
if (((thisObj.billboardID != nitroRender.billboardID) && bmd.hasBillboards) || (!matStack.built)) {
nitroRender.lastMatStack = null;
generateMatrixStack(model, matStack.dat);
matStack.built = true;
thisObj.billboardID = nitroRender.billboardID;
var shader = nitroRender.nitroShader;
var mv = mat4.scale([], mv, [model.head.scale, model.head.scale, model.head.scale]);
gl.uniformMatrix4fv(shader.mvMatrixUniform, false, mv);
gl.uniformMatrix4fv(shader.pMatrixUniform, false, project);
if (matStack != nitroRender.lastMatStack) {
gl.uniformMatrix4fv(shader.matStackUniform, false, matStack.dat);
nitroRender.lastMatStack = matStack;
for (var i=0; i<polys.length; i++) {
drawPoly(polys[i], modelind, i);
function drawPoly(poly, modelind, polyind) {
var shader = nitroRender.nitroShader;
var model = bmd.modelData.objectData[modelind];
var gl = nitroRender.gl;
//texture 0 SHOULD be bound, assuming the nitrorender program has been prepared
var pmat = poly.mat;
var matname = model.materials.names[pmat]; //attach tex anim to mat with same name
if (texPAnim != null) {
var info = texPAnim.animData.objectData[modelind];
var anims = texPAnim.animData.objectData[modelind].data;
var animNum = anims.names.indexOf(matname);
if (animNum != -1) {
var offFrame = texFrame % info.duration;
//we got a match! it's wonderful :')
var anim = anims.objectData[animNum];
//look thru frames for the approprate point in the animation
for (var i=0; i<anim.frames.length; i++) {
if (offFrame >= anim.frames[i].time) {
tex[pmat] = cacheTex(btx == null ? bmd.tex : btx, anim.frames[i].tex, anim.frames[i].mat, model.materials.objectData[pmat]);
if (nitroRender.last.tex != tex[pmat]) {
gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, tex[pmat]); //load up material texture
nitroRender.last.tex = tex[pmat];
var material = model.materials.objectData[pmat];
if (texAnim != null) {
//generate and send texture matrix from data
var matname = model.materials.names[pmat]; //attach tex anim to mat with same name
var anims = texAnim.animData.objectData[modelind].data;
var animNum = anims.names.indexOf(matname);
if (animNum != -1) {
//we got a match! it's wonderful :')
var anim = anims.objectData[animNum];
var mat = mat3.create(); //material texture mat is ignored
mat3.scale(mat, mat, [anim.scaleS[(texFrame>>anim.frameStep.scaleS)%anim.scaleS.length], anim.scaleT[(texFrame>>anim.frameStep.scaleT)%anim.scaleT.length]]);
mat3.translate(mat, mat, [-anim.translateS[(texFrame>>anim.frameStep.translateS)%anim.translateS.length], anim.translateT[(texFrame>>anim.frameStep.translateT)%anim.translateT.length]]) //for some mystery reason I need to negate the S translation
gl.uniformMatrix3fv(shader.texMatrixUniform, false, mat);
} else {
gl.uniformMatrix3fv(shader.texMatrixUniform, false, material.texMat);
} else gl.uniformMatrix3fv(shader.texMatrixUniform, false, material.texMat);
if (modelBuffers[modelind][polyind] == null) modelBuffers[modelind][polyind] = nitroRender.renderDispList(poly.disp, tex[poly.mat], (poly.stackID == null)?model.lastStackID:poly.stackID);
drawModelBuffer(modelBuffers[modelind][polyind], gl, shader);
function generateMatrixStack(model, targ) { //this generates a matrix stack with the default bones. use nitroAnimator to pass custom matrix stacks using nsbca animations.
var matrices = [];
var objs = model.objects.objectData;
var cmds = model.commands;
var curMat = mat4.create();
var lastStackID = 0;
for (var i=0; i<cmds.length; i++) {
var cmd = cmds[i];
if (cmd.restoreID != null) curMat = mat4.clone(matrices[cmd.restoreID]);
var o = objs[cmd.obj];
mat4.multiply(curMat, curMat, o.mat);
if (o.billboardMode == 1) mat4.multiply(curMat, curMat, nitroRender.billboardMat);
if (o.billboardMode == 2) mat4.multiply(curMat, curMat, nitroRender.yBillboardMat);
if (cmd.stackID != null) {
matrices[cmd.stackID] = mat4.clone(curMat);
lastStackID = cmd.stackID;
} else {
matrices[lastStackID] = mat4.clone(curMat);
model.lastStackID = lastStackID;
var off=0;
for (var i=0; i<31; i++) {
if (matrices[i] != null) targ.set(matrices[i], off);
off += 16;
return targ;
function drawModelBuffer(buf, gl, shader) {
for (var i=0; i<buf.strips.length; i++) {
var obj = buf.strips[i];
if (obj != nitroRender.last.obj) {
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, obj.vPos);
gl.vertexAttribPointer(shader.vertexPositionAttribute, 3, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, obj.vTx);
gl.vertexAttribPointer(shader.textureCoordAttribute, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, obj.vCol);
gl.vertexAttribPointer(shader.colorAttribute, 4, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, obj.vMat);
gl.vertexAttribPointer(shader.matAttribute, 1, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, obj.vNorm);
gl.vertexAttribPointer(shader.normAttribute, 3, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);
nitroRender.last.obj = obj;
gl.drawArrays(obj.mode, 0, obj.verts);
function loadTex(img, gl, clampx, clampy) { //general purpose function for loading an image into a texture.
var texture = gl.createTexture();
gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture);
gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, img);
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.LINEAR);
gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.NEAREST);
if (clampx) gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
if (clampy) gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
texture.width = img.width;
texture.height = img.height;
gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, null);
return texture;
} |