2024-05-11 13:24:15 -07:00
import {SimpleTranslationEntries} from "#app/plugins/i18n";
// Titles of special trainers like gym leaders, elite four, and the champion
export const titles: SimpleTranslationEntries = {
"elite_four": "Top Vier",
"gym_leader": "Arenaleiter",
"gym_leader_female": "Arenaleiterin",
"champion": "Champion",
"rival": "Rivale",
"professor": "Professor",
"frontier_brain": "Kampfkoryphäen",
// Maybe if we add the evil teams we can add "Team Rocket" and "Team Aqua" etc. here as well as "Team Rocket Boss" and "Team Aqua Admin" etc.
} as const;
// Titles of trainers like "Youngster" or "Lass"
export const trainerClasses: SimpleTranslationEntries = {
"ace_trainer": "Ass-Trainer",
"ace_trainer_female": "Ass-Trainerin",
"artist": "Künstler",
"artist_female": "Künstlerin",
"backers": "Anhänger",
"backpacker": "Backpacker",
"backpacker_female": "Backpackerin",
"baker": "Bäckerin",
"battle_girl": "Kämpferin",
"beauty": "Schönheit",
"biker": "Rowdy",
"black_belt": "Schwarzgurt",
"breeder": "Pokémon Züchter",
"breeder_female": "Pokémon Züchterin",
"clerk": "Angestellter",
"clerk_female": "Angestellte",
"cyclist": "Biker",
"cyclist_female": "Bikerin",
"dancer": "Tänzer",
"dancer_female": "Tänzerin",
"depot_agent": "Bahnangestellter",
"doctor": "Arzt",
"doctor_female": "Ärztin",
"fishermen": "Angler",
"fishermen_female": "Angler", // Seems to be the same in german but exists in other languages like italian
"guitarist": "Gitarrist",
"guitarist_female": "Gitarristin",
"harlequin": "Kasper",
"hiker": "Wanderer",
"hooligans": "Rabauken",
"hoopster": "Basketballer",
"infielder": "Baseballer",
"janitor": "Hausmeister",
"lady": "Lady",
"lass": "Göre",
"linebacker": "Footballer",
"maid": "Zofe",
"madame": "Madam",
"musican": "Musiker",
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"hex_maniac": "Hexe",
2024-05-11 13:24:15 -07:00
"nurse": "Pflegerin",
"nursery_aide": "Erzieherin",
"officer": "Polizist",
"parasol_lady": "Schirmdame",
"pilot": "Pilot",
"pokefan": "Pokéfan",
"preschooler": "Vorschüler",
"preschooler_female": "Vorschülerin",
"psychic": "Seher",
"psychic_female": "Seherin",
"ranger": "Ranger",
"rich": "Gentleman", // Gentleman is the english name but the trainerType is rich
"rich_kid": "Schnösel",
"roughneck": "Raufbold",
"scientist": "Forscher",
"scientist_female": "Forscherin",
"smasher": "Tennis-Ass",
"snow_worker": "Schneearbeiter", // There is a trainer type for this but no actual trainer class? They seem to be just workers but dressed differently
"snow_worker_female": "Schneearbeiterin",
"striker": "Fußballer",
"school_kid": "Schulkind",
"school_kid_female": "Schulkind", // Same in german but different in italian
"swimmer": "Schwimmer",
"swimmer_female": "Schwimmerin",
"twins": "Zwillinge",
"veteran": "Veteran",
"veteran_female": "Veteran", // same in german, different in other languages
"waiter": "Servierer",
"waitress": "Serviererin",
"worker": "Arbeiter",
"worker_female": "Arbeiterin",
"youngster": "Knirps"
} as const;
// Names of special trainers like gym leaders, elite four, and the champion
export const trainerNames: SimpleTranslationEntries = {
"brock": "Rocko",
"misty": "Misty",
"lt_surge": "Major Bob",
"erika": "Erika",
"janine": "Janina",
"sabrina": "Sabrina",
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"blaine": "Pyro",
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"giovanni": "Giovanni",
"falkner": "Falk",
"bugsy": "Kai",
"whitney": "Bianka",
"morty": "Jens",
"chuck": "Hartwig",
"jasmine": "Jasmin",
"pryce": "Norbert",
"clair": "Sandra",
"roxanne": "Felizia",
"brawly": "Kamillo",
"wattson": "Walter",
"flannery": "Flavia",
"norman": "Norman",
"winona": "Wibke",
"tate": "Ben",
"liza": "Svenja",
"juan": "Juan",
"roark": "Veit",
"gardenia": "Silvana",
"maylene": "Hilda",
"crasher_wake": "Wellenbrecher Marinus",
"fantina": "Lamina",
"byron": "Adam",
"candice": "Frida",
"volkner": "Volkner",
"cilan": "Benny",
"chili": "Maik",
"cress": "Colin",
"cheren": "Cheren",
"lenora": "Aloe",
"roxie": "Mica",
"burgh": "Artie",
"elesa": "Kamilla",
"clay": "Turner",
"skyla": "Géraldine",
"brycen": "Sandro",
"drayden": "Lysander",
"marlon": "Benson",
"viola": "Viola",
"grant": "Lino",
"korrina": "Connie",
"ramos": "Amaro",
"clemont": "Citro",
"valerie": "Valerie",
"olympia": "Astrid",
"wulfric": "Galantho",
"milo": "Yarro",
"nessa": "Kate",
"kabu": "Kabu",
"bea": "Saida",
"allister": "Nio",
"opal": "Papella",
"bede": "Betys",
"gordie": "Mac",
"melony": "Mel",
"piers": "Nezz",
"marnie": "Mary",
"raihan": "Roy",
"katy": "Ronah",
"brassius": "Colzo",
"iono": "Enigmara",
"kofu": "Kombu",
"larry": "Aoki",
"ryme": "Etta",
"tulip": "Tulia",
"grusha": "Grusha",
"lorelei": "Lorelei",
"bruno": "Bruno",
"agatha": "Agathe",
"lance": "Siegfried",
"will": "Willi",
"koga": "Koga",
"karen": "Melanie",
"sidney": "Ulrich",
"phoebe": "Antonia",
"glacia": "Frosina",
"drake": "Dragan",
"aaron": "Herbaro",
"bertha": "Teresa",
"flint": "Ignaz",
"lucian": "Lucian",
"shauntal": "Anissa",
"marshal": "Eugen",
"grimsley": "Astor",
"caitlin": "Kattlea",
"malva": "Pachira",
"siebold": "Narcisse",
"wikstrom": "Thymelot",
"drasna": "Dracena",
"hala": "Hala",
"molayne": "Marlon",
"olivia": "Mayla",
"acerola": "Lola",
"kahili": "Kahili",
"rika": "Cay",
"poppy": "Poppy",
"larry_elite": "Aoki", // Does this really need to be an extra entry? (it is in trainer-type.ts so I added it here)
"hassel": "Sinius",
"crispin": "Matt",
"amarys": "Erin",
"lacey": "Tara",
"drayton": "Levy",
"blue": "Blau",
"red": "Rot",
"lance_champion": "Siegfried", // Does this really need to be an extra entry? (it is in trainer-type.ts so I added it here)
"steven": "Troy",
"wallace": "Wassili",
"cynthia": "Cynthia",
"alder": "Lauro",
"iris": "Lilia",
"diantha": "Diantha",
"hau": "Tali",
"geeta": "Sagaria",
"nemona": "Nemila",
"kieran": "Jo",
"leon": "Delion",
"rival": "Finn",
"rival_female": "Ivy",
} as const;