Added Italian translations for ability.ts and other element (#471)

Alessandro Bruzzese 2024-05-05 04:00:28 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent 18a1c152c0
commit 41f9420c90
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B5690EEEBB952194
11 changed files with 6269 additions and 94 deletions

src/locales/it/ability.ts Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -1,52 +1,52 @@
import { SimpleTranslationEntries } from "#app/plugins/i18n";
export const battle: SimpleTranslationEntries = {
"bossAppeared": "{{bossName}} appeared.",
"trainerAppeared": "{{trainerName}}\nwould like to battle!",
"singleWildAppeared": "A wild {{pokemonName}} appeared!",
"multiWildAppeared": "A wild {{pokemonName1}}\nand {{pokemonName2}} appeared!",
"playerComeBack": "Come back, {{pokemonName}}!",
"trainerComeBack": "{{trainerName}} withdrew {{pokemonName}}!",
"playerGo": "Go! {{pokemonName}}!",
"trainerGo": "{{trainerName}} sent out {{pokemonName}}!",
"switchQuestion": "Will you switch\n{{pokemonName}}?",
"trainerDefeated": `You defeated\n{{trainerName}}!`,
"pokemonCaught": "{{pokemonName}} was caught!",
"bossAppeared": "{{bossName}} è apparso.",
"trainerAppeared": "{{trainerName}}\nvuole combattere!",
"singleWildAppeared": "Appare {{pokemonName}} selvatico!",
"multiWildAppeared": "Appaiono {{pokemonName1}}\ne {{pokemonName2}} salvatici!",
"playerComeBack": "Rientra, {{pokemonName}}!",
"trainerComeBack": "{{trainerName}} ha ritirato {{pokemonName}}!",
"playerGo": "Vai! {{pokemonName}}!",
"trainerGo": "{{trainerName}} manda in campo {{pokemonName}}!",
"switchQuestion": "Vuoi cambiare\n{{pokemonName}}?",
"trainerDefeated": `Hai sconfitto\n{{trainerName}}!`,
"pokemonCaught": "{{pokemonName}} è stato catturato!",
"pokemon": "Pokémon",
"sendOutPokemon": "Go! {{pokemonName}}!",
"hitResultCriticalHit": "A critical hit!",
"hitResultSuperEffective": "It's super effective!",
"hitResultNotVeryEffective": "It's not very effective…",
"hitResultNoEffect": "It doesn't affect {{pokemonName}}!",
"hitResultOneHitKO": "It's a one-hit KO!",
"attackFailed": "But it failed!",
"attackHitsCount": `Hit {{count}} time(s)!`,
"expGain": "{{pokemonName}} gained\n{{exp}} EXP. Points!",
"levelUp": "{{pokemonName}} grew to\nLv. {{level}}!",
"learnMove": "{{pokemonName}} learned\n{{moveName}}!",
"learnMovePrompt": "{{pokemonName}} wants to learn the\nmove {{moveName}}.",
"learnMoveLimitReached": "However, {{pokemonName}} already\nknows four moves.",
"learnMoveReplaceQuestion": "Should a move be forgotten and\nreplaced with {{moveName}}?",
"learnMoveStopTeaching": "Stop trying to teach\n{{moveName}}?",
"learnMoveNotLearned": "{{pokemonName}} did not learn the\nmove {{moveName}}.",
"learnMoveForgetQuestion": "Which move should be forgotten?",
"learnMoveForgetSuccess": "{{pokemonName}} forgot how to\nuse {{moveName}}.",
"levelCapUp": "The level cap\nhas increased to {{levelCap}}!",
"moveNotImplemented": "{{moveName}} is not yet implemented and cannot be selected.",
"moveDisabled": "{{moveName}} is disabled!",
"noPokeballForce": "An unseen force\nprevents using Poké Balls.",
"noPokeballTrainer": "You can't catch\nanother trainer's Pokémon!",
"noPokeballMulti": "You can only throw a Poké Ball\nwhen there is one Pokémon remaining!",
"noPokeballStrong": "The target Pokémon is too strong to be caught!\nYou need to weaken it first!",
"noEscapeForce": "An unseen force\nprevents escape.",
"noEscapeTrainer": "You can't run\nfrom a trainer battle!",
"noEscapePokemon": "{{pokemonName}}'s {{moveName}}\nprevents {{escapeVerb}}!",
"runAwaySuccess": "You got away safely!",
"runAwayCannotEscape": 'You can\'t escape!',
"escapeVerbSwitch": "switching",
"escapeVerbFlee": "fleeing",
"notDisabled": "{{moveName}} is disabled\nno more!",
"skipItemQuestion": "Are you sure you want to skip taking an item?",
"sendOutPokemon": "Vai! {{pokemonName}}!",
"hitResultCriticalHit": "Brutto colpo!",
"hitResultSuperEffective": "È superefficace!",
"hitResultNotVeryEffective": "Non è molto efficace…",
"hitResultNoEffect": "Non ha effetto su {{pokemonName}}!",
"hitResultOneHitKO": "È KO con un colpo solo!",
"attackFailed": "Ma ha fallito!",
"attackHitsCount": `Colpito {{count}} volta/e!`,
"expGain": "{{pokemonName}} ha guadagnato\n{{exp}} Punti Esperienza!",
"levelUp": "{{pokemonName}} è salito al \nLivello {{level}}!",
"learnMove": "{{pokemonName}} impara \n{{moveName}}!",
"learnMovePrompt": "{{pokemonName}} vorrebbe imparare \l{{moveName}}.",
"learnMoveLimitReached": "Tuttavia, {{pokemonName}} \nconosce già quattro mosse.",
"learnMoveReplaceQuestion": "Vuoi che ne dimentichi una e al suo \nposto la sostituisca con {{moveName}}?",
"learnMoveStopTeaching": "Vuoi smettere di fargli imparare \n{{moveName}}?",
"learnMoveNotLearned": "{{pokemonName}} non ha imparato\n{{moveName}}.",
"learnMoveForgetQuestion": "Quale mossa deve dimenticare?",
"learnMoveForgetSuccess": "{{pokemonName}} ha dimenticato la mossa\n{{moveName}}.",
"levelCapUp": "Il livello massimo\nè aumentato a {{levelCap}}!",
"moveNotImplemented": "{{moveName}} non è ancora implementata e non può essere selezionata.",
"moveDisabled": "{{moveName}} è disabilitata!",
"noPokeballForce": "Una forza misteriosa\nimpedisce l'uso dell Poké Ball.",
"noPokeballTrainer": "Non puoi catturare\nPokémon di altri allenatori!",
"noPokeballMulti": "Puoi lanciare una Poké Ball\nquando rimane un solo Pokémon!",
"noPokeballStrong": "Il Pokémon avversario è troppo forte per essere catturato!\nDevi prima indebolirlo!",
"noEscapeForce": "Una forza misteriosa\nimpedisce la fuga.",
"noEscapeTrainer": "Non puoi fuggire\nda una battaglia contro un'allenatore!",
"noEscapePokemon": "{{moveName}} di {{pokemonName}}\npreviene la {{escapeVerb}}!",
"runAwaySuccess": "Sei riuscito a fuggire!",
"runAwayCannotEscape": 'Non puoi fuggire!',
"escapeVerbSwitch": "cambiando",
"escapeVerbFlee": "fuggendo",
"notDisabled": "{{moveName}} non è più\ndisabilitata!",
"skipItemQuestion": "Sei sicuro di non voler prendere nessun oggetto?",
"eggHatching": "Oh?",
"ivScannerUseQuestion": "Use IV Scanner on {{pokemonName}}?"
"ivScannerUseQuestion": "Vuoi usare lo scanner di IV su {{pokemonName}}?"
} as const;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
import { SimpleTranslationEntries } from "#app/plugins/i18n";
export const commandUiHandler: SimpleTranslationEntries = {
"fight": "Lotta",
"ball": "Borsa",
"pokemon": "Pokémon",
"run": "Fuga",
"actionMessage": "Cosa deve fare {{pokemonName}}?",
} as const;

View File

@ -2,5 +2,5 @@ import { SimpleTranslationEntries } from "#app/plugins/i18n";
export const fightUiHandler: SimpleTranslationEntries = {
"pp": "PP",
"power": "POWER",
"power": "POTENZA",
} as const;

View File

@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
import { SimpleTranslationEntries } from "#app/plugins/i18n";
export const menuUiHandler: SimpleTranslationEntries = {
"GAME_SETTINGS": 'Game Settings',
"ACHIEVEMENTS": "Achievements",
"STATS": "Stats",
"VOUCHERS": "Vouchers",
"EGG_LIST": "Egg List",
"EGG_GACHA": "Egg Gacha",
"MANAGE_DATA": "Manage Data",
"GAME_SETTINGS": 'Impostazioni',
"ACHIEVEMENTS": "Risultati",
"STATS": "Statistiche",
"VOUCHERS": "Biglietti",
"EGG_LIST": "Lista Uova",
"EGG_GACHA": "Gacha Uova",
"MANAGE_DATA": "Gestisci Dati",
"COMMUNITY": "Community",
"RETURN_TO_TITLE": "Return To Title",
"LOG_OUT": "Log Out",
"RETURN_TO_TITLE": "Ritorna al Titolo",
"LOG_OUT": "Disconnettiti",
"slot": "Slot {{slotNumber}}",
"importSession": "Import Session",
"importSlotSelect": "Select a slot to import to.",
"exportSession": "Export Session",
"exportSlotSelect": "Select a slot to export from.",
"importData": "Import Data",
"exportData": "Export Data",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"losingProgressionWarning": "You will lose any progress since the beginning of the battle. Proceed?"
"importSession": "Importa Sessione",
"importSlotSelect": "Seleziona uno slot in cui importare.",
"exportSession": "Esporta Sessione",
"exportSlotSelect": "Seleziona uno slot da cui esportare.",
"importData": "Importa Dati",
"exportData": "Esporta Dati",
"cancel": "Annulla",
"losingProgressionWarning": "Perderai tutti i progressi dall'inizio della battaglia. Procedere?"
} as const;

View File

@ -12,36 +12,36 @@ export const menu: SimpleTranslationEntries = {
"loadGame": "Carica Partita",
"dailyRun": "Corsa Giornaliera (Beta)",
"selectGameMode": "Seleziona una modalità di gioco.",
"logInOrCreateAccount": "Log in or create an account to start. No email required!",
"username": "Username",
"logInOrCreateAccount": "Accedi o crea un nuovo account per iniziare. Non è richiesta un'email!",
"username": "Nome Utente",
"password": "Password",
"login": "Login",
"register": "Register",
"emptyUsername": "Username must not be empty",
"invalidLoginUsername": "The provided username is invalid",
"invalidRegisterUsername": "Username must only contain letters, numbers, or underscores",
"invalidLoginPassword": "The provided password is invalid",
"invalidRegisterPassword": "Password must be 6 characters or longer",
"usernameAlreadyUsed": "The provided username is already in use",
"accountNonExistent": "The provided user does not exist",
"unmatchingPassword": "The provided password does not match",
"passwordNotMatchingConfirmPassword": "Password must match confirm password",
"confirmPassword": "Confirm Password",
"registrationAgeWarning": "By registering, you confirm you are of 13 years of age or older.",
"backToLogin": "Back to Login",
"failedToLoadSaveData": "Failed to load save data. Please reload the page.\nIf this continues, please contact the administrator.",
"sessionSuccess": "Session loaded successfully.",
"failedToLoadSession": "Your session data could not be loaded.\nIt may be corrupted.",
"boyOrGirl": "Are you a boy or a girl?",
"boy": "Boy",
"girl": "Girl",
"dailyRankings": "Daily Rankings",
"weeklyRankings": "Weekly Rankings",
"noRankings": "No Rankings",
"loading": "Loading…",
"playersOnline": "Players Online",
"login": "Accedi",
"register": "Registrati",
"emptyUsername": "Nome utente mancante!",
"invalidLoginUsername": "Nome utente non valido!",
"invalidRegisterUsername": "Il nome utente può contenere solo lettere, numeri o trattini bassi",
"invalidLoginPassword": "Password non valida!",
"invalidRegisterPassword": "La password deve contenere almeno 6 caratteri",
"usernameAlreadyUsed": "Il nome utente inserito è stato già utilizzato!",
"accountNonExistent": "Account inesistente!",
"unmatchingPassword": "La password inserita non è corretta!",
"passwordNotMatchingConfirmPassword": "La password deve essere uguale alla conferma password!",
"confirmPassword": "Conferma Password",
"registrationAgeWarning": "Registrandoti confermi di avere 13 anni o più.",
"backToLogin": "Torna all'accesso",
"failedToLoadSaveData": "Impossibile caricare i dati di salvataggio. Ricarica la pagina.\nSe il problema persiste, contatta l'amministratore.",
"sessionSuccess": "Sessione caricata correttamente.",
"failedToLoadSession": "Impossibile caricare i dati della sessione.\nPotrebbero essere danneggiati.",
"boyOrGirl": "Sei un ragazzo o una ragazza?",
"boy": "Ragazzo",
"girl": "Ragazza",
"dailyRankings": "Classifica Giornaliera",
"weeklyRankings": "Classifica Settimanale",
"noRankings": "Nessuna Classifica",
"loading": "Caricamento…",
"playersOnline": "Giocatori Online",
"confirmStartTeam":'Begin with these Pokémon?',
"confirmStartTeam":'Vuoi iniziare con questi Pokémon?',
} as const;

src/locales/it/move.ts Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
import { SimpleTranslationEntries } from "#app/plugins/i18n";
export const pokeball: SimpleTranslationEntries = {
"pokeBall": "Poké Ball",
"greatBall": "Mega Ball",
"ultraBall": "Ultra Ball",
"rogueBall": "Rogue Ball",
"masterBall": "Master Ball",
"luxuryBall": "Chich Ball",
} as const;

src/locales/it/pokemon.ts Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -21,21 +21,25 @@ import { battle as deBattle } from '../locales/de/battle';
import { move as enMove } from '../locales/en/move';
import { move as esMove } from '../locales/es/move';
import { move as itMove } from '../locales/it/move';
import { move as frMove } from '../locales/fr/move';
import { move as deMove } from '../locales/de/move';
import { ability as enAbility } from '../locales/en/ability';
import { ability as esAbility } from '../locales/es/ability';
import { ability as itAbility } from '../locales/it/ability';
import { ability as frAbility } from '../locales/fr/ability';
import { ability as deAbility } from '../locales/de/ability';
import { pokeball as enPokeball } from '../locales/en/pokeball';
import { pokeball as esPokeball } from '../locales/es/pokeball';
import { pokeball as itPokeball } from '../locales/it/pokeball';
import { pokeball as frPokeball } from '../locales/fr/pokeball';
import { pokeball as dePokeball } from '../locales/de/pokeball';
import { pokemon as enPokemon } from '../locales/en/pokemon';
import { pokemon as esPokemon } from '../locales/es/pokemon';
import { pokemon as itPokemon } from '../locales/it/pokemon';
import { pokemon as frPokemon } from '../locales/fr/pokemon';
import { pokemon as dePokemon } from '../locales/de/pokemon';
@ -47,6 +51,7 @@ import { pokemonStat as dePokemonStat } from '../locales/de/pokemon-stat';
import { commandUiHandler as enCommandUiHandler } from '../locales/en/command-ui-handler';
import { commandUiHandler as esCommandUiHandler } from '../locales/es/command-ui-handler';
import { commandUiHandler as itCommandUiHandler } from '../locales/it/command-ui-handler';
import { commandUiHandler as frCommandUiHandler } from '../locales/fr/command-ui-handler';
import { commandUiHandler as deCommandUiHandler } from '../locales/de/command-ui-handler';
@ -162,7 +167,12 @@ export function initI18n(): void {
menu: itMenu,
menuUiHandler: itMenuUiHandler,
battle: itBattle,
move: itMove,
ability: itAbility,
pokeball: itPokeball,
pokemon: itPokemon,
pokemonStat: itPokemonStat,
commandUiHandler: itCommandUiHandler,
fightUiHandler: itFightUiHandler,
tutorial: itTutorial,

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@ -180,6 +180,10 @@ export function setSetting(scene: BattleScene, setting: Setting, value: integer)
label: 'Spanish',
handler: () => changeLocaleHandler('es')
label: 'Italian',
handler: () => changeLocaleHandler('it')
label: 'French',
handler: () => changeLocaleHandler('fr')