finished the refactor to use abstract-settings-ui-handler

Greenlamp 2024-05-13 01:37:33 +02:00
parent f3d5a2a84e
commit 43b459aba1
4 changed files with 366 additions and 580 deletions

View File

@ -391,6 +391,8 @@ export class InputsController {
* @param value The intensity or value of the button press, if applicable.
gamepadButtonDown(pad: Phaser.Input.Gamepad.Gamepad, button: Phaser.Input.Gamepad.Button, value: number): void {
if (!this.keyboardConfigs[this.chosenKeyboard]?.padID)
if (!pad) return;
if (!this.chosenGamepad)

View File

@ -2,6 +2,10 @@ import UiHandler from "#app/ui/ui-handler";
import BattleScene from "#app/battle-scene";
import {Mode} from "#app/ui/ui";
import {GamepadConfig} from "#app/inputs-controller";
import {addWindow} from "#app/ui/ui-theme";
import {addTextObject, TextStyle} from "#app/ui/text";
import {getCurrentlyAssignedIconToSettingName, getKeyForSettingName} from "#app/configs/gamepad-utils";
import {Button} from "#app/enums/buttons";
export interface InputsIcons {
[key: string]: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite;
@ -40,10 +44,211 @@ export default abstract class AbstractSettingsUiUiHandler extends UiHandler {
// Store the specific settings related to key bindings for the current gamepad configuration.
protected bindingSettings: Array<String>;
protected settingDevice;
protected settingDeviceDefaults;
protected settingDeviceOptions;
protected configs;
protected commonSettingsCount;
protected textureOverride;
protected titleSelected;
protected localStoragePropertyName;
abstract getLocalStorageSetting(): object;
abstract navigateMenuLeft(): boolean;
abstract navigateMenuRight(): boolean;
abstract saveSettingToLocalStorage(setting, cursor): void;
abstract getActiveConfig(): void;
constructor(scene: BattleScene, mode?: Mode) {
super(scene, mode);
setup() {
const ui = this.getUi();
this.settingsContainer = this.scene.add.container(1, -( / 6) + 1);
this.settingsContainer.setInteractive(new Phaser.Geom.Rectangle(0, 0, / 6, / 6), Phaser.Geom.Rectangle.Contains);
const headerBg = addWindow(this.scene, 0, 0, ( / 6) - 2, 24);
headerBg.setOrigin(0, 0);
const headerText = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, 'General', TextStyle.SETTINGS_LABEL);
headerText.setOrigin(0, 0);
headerText.setPositionRelative(headerBg, 8, 4);
const gamepadText = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, 'Gamepad', this.titleSelected === 'Gamepad' ? TextStyle.SETTINGS_SELECTED : TextStyle.SETTINGS_LABEL);
gamepadText.setOrigin(0, 0);
gamepadText.setPositionRelative(headerBg, 50, 4);
const keyboardText = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, 'Keyboard', this.titleSelected === 'Keyboard' ? TextStyle.SETTINGS_SELECTED : TextStyle.SETTINGS_LABEL);
keyboardText.setOrigin(0, 0);
keyboardText.setPositionRelative(headerBg, 97, 4);
this.optionsBg = addWindow(this.scene, 0, headerBg.height, ( / 6) - 2, ( / 6) - headerBg.height - 2);
this.optionsBg.setOrigin(0, 0);
/// Initialize a new configuration "screen" for each type of gamepad.
for (const config of this.configs) {
// Create a map to store layout settings based on the pad type.
this.layout[config.padType] = new Map();
// Create a container for gamepad options in the scene, initially hidden.
const optionsContainer = this.scene.add.container(0, 0);
// Gather all gamepad binding settings from the configuration.
const bindingSettings = Object.keys(config.setting).map(k => config.setting[k]);
// Array to hold labels for different settings such as 'Default Controller', 'Gamepad Support', etc.
const settingLabels: Phaser.GameObjects.Text[] = [];
// Array to hold options for each setting, e.g., 'Auto', 'Disabled'.
const optionValueLabels: Phaser.GameObjects.Text[][] = [];
// Object to store sprites for each button configuration.
const inputsIcons: InputsIcons = {};
// Fetch common setting keys such as 'Default Controller' and 'Gamepad Support' from gamepad settings.
const commonSettingKeys = Object.keys(this.settingDevice).slice(0, this.commonSettingsCount).map(key => this.settingDevice[key]);
// Combine common and specific bindings into a single array.
const specificBindingKeys = [...commonSettingKeys, ...Object.keys(config.setting).map(k => config.setting[k])];
// Fetch default values for these settings and prepare to highlight selected options.
const optionCursors = Object.values(Object.keys(this.settingDeviceDefaults).filter(s => specificBindingKeys.includes(s)).map(k => this.settingDeviceDefaults[k]));
// Filter out settings that are not relevant to the current gamepad configuration.
const settingFiltered = Object.keys(this.settingDevice).filter(_key => specificBindingKeys.includes(this.settingDevice[_key]));
// Loop through the filtered settings to manage display and options.
settingFiltered.forEach((setting, s) => {
// Convert the setting key from format 'Key_Name' to 'Key name' for display.
let settingName = setting.replace(/\_/g, ' ');
// Create and add a text object for the setting name to the scene.
settingLabels[s] = addTextObject(this.scene, 8, 28 + s * 16, settingName, TextStyle.SETTINGS_LABEL);
settingLabels[s].setOrigin(0, 0);
// Initialize an array to store the option labels for this setting.
const valueLabels: Phaser.GameObjects.Text[] = []
// Process each option for the current setting.
for (const [o, option] of this.settingDeviceOptions[this.settingDevice[setting]].entries()) {
// Check if the current setting is for binding keys.
if (bindingSettings.includes(this.settingDevice[setting])) {
// Create a label for non-null options, typically indicating actionable options like 'change'.
if (o) {
const valueLabel = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, option, TextStyle.WINDOW);
valueLabel.setOrigin(0, 0);
// For null options, add an icon for the key.
const key = getKeyForSettingName(config as GamepadConfig, this.settingDevice[setting]);
const icon = this.scene.add.sprite(0, 0, this.textureOverride ? this.textureOverride : config.padType);
icon.setOrigin(0, -0.1);
inputsIcons[key] = icon;
// For regular settings like 'Gamepad support', create a label and determine if it is selected.
const valueLabel = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, option, this.settingDeviceDefaults[this.settingDevice[setting]] === o ? TextStyle.SETTINGS_SELECTED : TextStyle.WINDOW);
valueLabel.setOrigin(0, 0);
//if a setting has 2 options, valueLabels will be an array of 2 elements
// Collect all option labels for this setting into the main array.
// Calculate the total width of all option labels within a specific setting
// This is achieved by summing the width of each option label
const totalWidth = optionValueLabels[s].map(o => o.width).reduce((total, width) => total += width, 0);
// Define the minimum width for a label, ensuring it's at least 78 pixels wide or the width of the setting label plus some padding
const labelWidth = Math.max(78, settingLabels[s].displayWidth + 8);
// Calculate the total available space for placing option labels next to their setting label
// We reserve space for the setting label and then distribute the remaining space evenly
const totalSpace = (300 - labelWidth) - totalWidth / 6;
// Calculate the spacing between options based on the available space divided by the number of gaps between labels
const optionSpacing = Math.floor(totalSpace / (optionValueLabels[s].length - 1));
// Initialize xOffset to zero, which will be used to position each option label horizontally
let xOffset = 0;
// Start positioning each option label one by one
for (let value of optionValueLabels[s]) {
// Set the option label's position right next to the setting label, adjusted by xOffset
value.setPositionRelative(settingLabels[s], labelWidth + xOffset, 0);
// Move the xOffset to the right for the next label, ensuring each label is spaced evenly
xOffset += value.width / 6 + optionSpacing;
// Assigning the newly created components to the layout map under the specific gamepad type.
this.layout[config.padType].optionsContainer = optionsContainer; // Container for this pad's options.
this.layout[config.padType].inputsIcons = inputsIcons; // Icons for each input specific to this pad.
this.layout[config.padType].settingLabels = settingLabels; // Text labels for each setting available on this pad.
this.layout[config.padType].optionValueLabels = optionValueLabels; // Labels for values corresponding to each setting.
this.layout[config.padType].optionCursors = optionCursors; // Cursors to navigate through the options.
this.layout[config.padType].keys = specificBindingKeys; // Keys that identify each setting specifically bound to this pad.
this.layout[config.padType].bindingSettings = bindingSettings; // Settings that define how the keys are bound.
// Add the options container to the overall settings container to be displayed in the UI.
// Add the settings container to the UI.
// Initially hide the settings container until needed (e.g., when a gamepad is connected or a button is pressed).
updateBindings(): void {
// Hide the options container for all layouts to reset the UI visibility.
Object.keys(this.layout).forEach((key) => this.layout[key].optionsContainer.setVisible(false));
// Fetch the active gamepad configuration from the input controller.
const activeConfig = this.getActiveConfig();
// Set the UI layout for the active configuration. If unsuccessful, exit the function early.
if (!this.setLayout(activeConfig)) return;
// Retrieve the gamepad settings from local storage or use an empty object if none exist.
const settings: object = this.getLocalStorageSetting();
// Update the cursor for each key based on the stored settings or default cursors.
this.keys.forEach((key, index) => {
this.setOptionCursor(index, settings.hasOwnProperty(key) ? settings[key] : this.optionCursors[index])
// If the active configuration has no custom bindings set, exit the function early.
// by default, if custom does not exists, a default is assigned to it
// it only means the gamepad is not yet initalized
if (!activeConfig.custom) return;
// For each element in the binding settings, update the icon according to the current assignment.
for (const elm of this.bindingSettings) {
const key = getKeyForSettingName(activeConfig, elm); // Get the key for the setting name.
const icon = getCurrentlyAssignedIconToSettingName(activeConfig, elm); // Fetch the currently assigned icon for the setting.
this.inputsIcons[key].setFrame(icon); // Set the icon frame to the inputs icon object.
// Set the cursor and scroll cursor to their initial positions.
show(args: any[]): boolean {;
@ -100,6 +305,79 @@ export default abstract class AbstractSettingsUiUiHandler extends UiHandler {
return true;
processInput(button: Button): boolean {
const ui = this.getUi();
// Defines the maximum number of rows that can be displayed on the screen.
const rowsToDisplay = 9;
let success = false;
// Handle the input based on the button pressed.
if (button === Button.CANCEL) {
// Handle cancel button press, reverting UI mode to previous state.
success = true;
} else {
const cursor = this.cursor + this.scrollCursor; // Calculate the absolute cursor position.
switch (button) {
case Button.UP: // Move up in the menu.
if (!this.optionValueLabels) return false;
if (cursor) { // If not at the top, move the cursor up.
if (this.cursor)
success = this.setCursor(this.cursor - 1);
else // If at the top of the visible items, scroll up.
success = this.setScrollCursor(this.scrollCursor - 1);
} else {
// When at the top of the menu and pressing UP, move to the bottommost item.
// First, set the cursor to the last visible element, preparing for the scroll to the end.
const successA = this.setCursor(rowsToDisplay - 1);
// Then, adjust the scroll to display the bottommost elements of the menu.
const successB = this.setScrollCursor(this.optionValueLabels.length - rowsToDisplay);
success = successA && successB; // success is just there to play the little validation sound effect
case Button.DOWN: // Move down in the menu.
if (!this.optionValueLabels) return false;
if (cursor < this.optionValueLabels.length - 1) {
if (this.cursor < rowsToDisplay - 1)
success = this.setCursor(this.cursor + 1);
else if (this.scrollCursor < this.optionValueLabels.length - rowsToDisplay)
success = this.setScrollCursor(this.scrollCursor + 1);
} else {
// When at the bottom of the menu and pressing DOWN, move to the topmost item.
// First, set the cursor to the first visible element, resetting the scroll to the top.
const successA = this.setCursor(0);
// Then, reset the scroll to start from the first element of the menu.
const successB = this.setScrollCursor(0);
success = successA && successB; // Indicates a successful cursor and scroll adjustment.
case Button.LEFT: // Move selection left within the current option set.
if (!this.optionCursors || !this.optionValueLabels) return;
if (this.optionCursors[cursor])
success = this.setOptionCursor(cursor, this.optionCursors[cursor] - 1, true);
case Button.RIGHT: // Move selection right within the current option set.
if (!this.optionCursors || !this.optionValueLabels) return;
if (this.optionCursors[cursor] < this.optionValueLabels[cursor].length - 1)
success = this.setOptionCursor(cursor, this.optionCursors[cursor] + 1, true);
case Button.CYCLE_FORM:
success = this.navigateMenuLeft();
case Button.CYCLE_SHINY:
success = this.navigateMenuRight();
// If a change occurred, play the selection sound.
if (success)
return success; // Return whether the input resulted in a successful action.
setCursor(cursor: integer): boolean {
const ret = super.setCursor(cursor);
// If the optionsContainer is not initialized, return the result from the parent class directly.
@ -135,6 +413,37 @@ export default abstract class AbstractSettingsUiUiHandler extends UiHandler {
return true; // Return true to indicate the scroll cursor was successfully updated.
setOptionCursor(settingIndex: integer, cursor: integer, save?: boolean): boolean {
// Retrieve the specific setting using the settingIndex from the settingDevice enumeration.
const setting = this.settingDevice[Object.keys(this.settingDevice)[settingIndex]];
// Get the current cursor position for this setting.
const lastCursor = this.optionCursors[settingIndex];
// Check if the setting is not part of the bindings (i.e., it's a regular setting).
if (!this.bindingSettings.includes(setting) && !setting.includes('BUTTON_')) {
// Get the label of the last selected option and revert its color to the default.
const lastValueLabel = this.optionValueLabels[settingIndex][lastCursor];
lastValueLabel.setShadowColor(this.getTextColor(TextStyle.WINDOW, true));
// Update the cursor for the setting to the new position.
this.optionCursors[settingIndex] = cursor;
// Change the color of the new selected option to indicate it's selected.
const newValueLabel = this.optionValueLabels[settingIndex][cursor];
newValueLabel.setShadowColor(this.getTextColor(TextStyle.SETTINGS_SELECTED, true));
// If the save flag is set and the setting is not the default controller setting, save the setting to local storage
if (save) {
this.saveSettingToLocalStorage(setting, cursor);
return true; // Return true to indicate the cursor was successfully updated.
updateSettingsScroll(): void {
// Return immediately if the options container is not initialized.
if (!this.optionsContainer) return;
@ -154,7 +463,6 @@ export default abstract class AbstractSettingsUiUiHandler extends UiHandler {
clear(): void {

View File

@ -1,169 +1,29 @@
import BattleScene from "../../battle-scene";
import {addTextObject, TextStyle} from "../text";
import {Mode} from "../ui";
import {addWindow} from "../ui-theme";
import {Button} from "../../enums/buttons";
import {SettingGamepad, settingGamepadDefaults, settingGamepadOptions} from "../../system/settings-gamepad";
import {truncateString} from "../../utils";
import {getCurrentlyAssignedIconToSettingName, getKeyForSettingName} from "#app/configs/gamepad-utils";
import pad_xbox360 from "#app/configs/pad_xbox360";
import pad_dualshock from "#app/configs/pad_dualshock";
import pad_unlicensedSNES from "#app/configs/pad_unlicensedSNES";
import {GamepadConfig} from "#app/inputs-controller";
import AbstractSettingsUiUiHandler, {InputsIcons} from "#app/ui/settings/abstract-settings-ui-handler";
import AbstractSettingsUiUiHandler from "#app/ui/settings/abstract-settings-ui-handler";
export default class SettingsGamepadUiHandler extends AbstractSettingsUiUiHandler {
constructor(scene: BattleScene, mode?: Mode) {
super(scene, mode);
this.titleSelected = 'Gamepad';
this.settingDevice = SettingGamepad;
this.settingDeviceDefaults = settingGamepadDefaults;
this.settingDeviceOptions = settingGamepadOptions;
this.configs = [pad_xbox360, pad_dualshock, pad_unlicensedSNES]
this.commonSettingsCount = 2;
this.localStoragePropertyName = 'settingsGamepad';
setup() {
const ui = this.getUi();
this.settingsContainer = this.scene.add.container(1, -( / 6) + 1);
this.settingsContainer.setInteractive(new Phaser.Geom.Rectangle(0, 0, / 6, / 6), Phaser.Geom.Rectangle.Contains);
const headerBg = addWindow(this.scene, 0, 0, ( / 6) - 2, 24);
headerBg.setOrigin(0, 0);
const headerText = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, 'General', TextStyle.SETTINGS_LABEL);
headerText.setOrigin(0, 0);
headerText.setPositionRelative(headerBg, 8, 4);
const gamepadText = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, 'Gamepad', TextStyle.SETTINGS_SELECTED);
gamepadText.setOrigin(0, 0);
gamepadText.setPositionRelative(headerBg, 50, 4);
const keyboardText = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, 'Keyboard', TextStyle.SETTINGS_LABEL);
keyboardText.setOrigin(0, 0);
keyboardText.setPositionRelative(headerBg, 97, 4);
this.optionsBg = addWindow(this.scene, 0, headerBg.height, ( / 6) - 2, ( / 6) - headerBg.height - 2);
this.optionsBg.setOrigin(0, 0);
/// Initialize a new configuration "screen" for each type of gamepad.
for (const config of [pad_xbox360, pad_dualshock, pad_unlicensedSNES]) {
// Create a map to store layout settings based on the pad type.
this.layout[config.padType] = new Map();
// Create a container for gamepad options in the scene, initially hidden.
const optionsContainer = this.scene.add.container(0, 0);
// Gather all gamepad binding settings from the configuration.
const bindingSettings = Object.keys(config.setting).map(k => config.setting[k]);
// Array to hold labels for different settings such as 'Default Controller', 'Gamepad Support', etc.
const settingLabels: Phaser.GameObjects.Text[] = [];
// Array to hold options for each setting, e.g., 'Auto', 'Disabled'.
const optionValueLabels: Phaser.GameObjects.Text[][] = [];
// Object to store sprites for each button configuration.
const inputsIcons: InputsIcons = {};
// Fetch common setting keys such as 'Default Controller' and 'Gamepad Support' from gamepad settings.
const commonSettingKeys = Object.keys(SettingGamepad).slice(0, 2).map(key => SettingGamepad[key]);
// Combine common and specific bindings into a single array.
const specificBindingKeys = [...commonSettingKeys, ...Object.keys(config.setting).map(k => config.setting[k])];
// Fetch default values for these settings and prepare to highlight selected options.
const optionCursors = Object.values(Object.keys(settingGamepadDefaults).filter(s => specificBindingKeys.includes(s)).map(k => settingGamepadDefaults[k]));
// Filter out settings that are not relevant to the current gamepad configuration.
const settingGamepadFiltered = Object.keys(SettingGamepad).filter(_key => specificBindingKeys.includes(SettingGamepad[_key]));
// Loop through the filtered settings to manage display and options.
settingGamepadFiltered.forEach((setting, s) => {
// Convert the setting key from format 'Key_Name' to 'Key name' for display.
let settingName = setting.replace(/\_/g, ' ');
// Create and add a text object for the setting name to the scene.
settingLabels[s] = addTextObject(this.scene, 8, 28 + s * 16, settingName, TextStyle.SETTINGS_LABEL);
settingLabels[s].setOrigin(0, 0);
// Initialize an array to store the option labels for this setting.
const valueLabels: Phaser.GameObjects.Text[] = []
// Process each option for the current setting.
for (const [o, option] of settingGamepadOptions[SettingGamepad[setting]].entries()) {
// Check if the current setting is for binding keys.
if (bindingSettings.includes(SettingGamepad[setting])) {
// Create a label for non-null options, typically indicating actionable options like 'change'.
if (o) {
const valueLabel = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, option, TextStyle.WINDOW);
valueLabel.setOrigin(0, 0);
// For null options, add an icon for the key.
const key = getKeyForSettingName(config as GamepadConfig, SettingGamepad[setting]);
const icon = this.scene.add.sprite(0, 0, config.padType);
icon.setOrigin(0, -0.1);
inputsIcons[key] = icon;
// For regular settings like 'Gamepad support', create a label and determine if it is selected.
const valueLabel = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, option, settingGamepadDefaults[SettingGamepad[setting]] === o ? TextStyle.SETTINGS_SELECTED : TextStyle.WINDOW);
valueLabel.setOrigin(0, 0);
//if a setting has 2 options, valueLabels will be an array of 2 elements
// Collect all option labels for this setting into the main array.
// Calculate the total width of all option labels within a specific setting
// This is achieved by summing the width of each option label
const totalWidth = optionValueLabels[s].map(o => o.width).reduce((total, width) => total += width, 0);
// Define the minimum width for a label, ensuring it's at least 78 pixels wide or the width of the setting label plus some padding
const labelWidth = Math.max(78, settingLabels[s].displayWidth + 8);
// Calculate the total available space for placing option labels next to their setting label
// We reserve space for the setting label and then distribute the remaining space evenly
const totalSpace = (300 - labelWidth) - totalWidth / 6;
// Calculate the spacing between options based on the available space divided by the number of gaps between labels
const optionSpacing = Math.floor(totalSpace / (optionValueLabels[s].length - 1));
// Initialize xOffset to zero, which will be used to position each option label horizontally
let xOffset = 0;
// Start positioning each option label one by one
for (let value of optionValueLabels[s]) {
// Set the option label's position right next to the setting label, adjusted by xOffset
value.setPositionRelative(settingLabels[s], labelWidth + xOffset, 0);
// Move the xOffset to the right for the next label, ensuring each label is spaced evenly
xOffset += value.width / 6 + optionSpacing;
// Assigning the newly created components to the layout map under the specific gamepad type.
this.layout[config.padType].optionsContainer = optionsContainer; // Container for this pad's options.
this.layout[config.padType].inputsIcons = inputsIcons; // Icons for each input specific to this pad.
this.layout[config.padType].settingLabels = settingLabels; // Text labels for each setting available on this pad.
this.layout[config.padType].optionValueLabels = optionValueLabels; // Labels for values corresponding to each setting.
this.layout[config.padType].optionCursors = optionCursors; // Cursors to navigate through the options.
this.layout[config.padType].keys = specificBindingKeys; // Keys that identify each setting specifically bound to this pad.
this.layout[config.padType].bindingSettings = bindingSettings; // Settings that define how the keys are bound.
// Add the options container to the overall settings container to be displayed in the UI.
// If no gamepads are detected, set up a default UI prompt in the settings container.
this.layout['noGamepads'] = new Map();
const optionsContainer = this.scene.add.container(0, 0);
@ -176,45 +36,16 @@ export default class SettingsGamepadUiHandler extends AbstractSettingsUiUiHandle
// Map the 'noGamepads' layout options for easy access.
this.layout['noGamepads'].optionsContainer = optionsContainer;
this.layout['noGamepads'].label = label;
// Add the settings container to the UI.
// Initially hide the settings container until needed (e.g., when a gamepad is connected or a button is pressed).
updateBindings(): void {
// Hide the options container for all layouts to reset the UI visibility.
Object.keys(this.layout).forEach((key) => this.layout[key].optionsContainer.setVisible(false));
// Fetch the active gamepad configuration from the input controller.
const activeConfig = this.scene.inputController.getActiveConfig();
// Set the UI layout for the active configuration. If unsuccessful, exit the function early.
if (!this.setLayout(activeConfig)) return;
getActiveConfig() {
return this.scene.inputController.getActiveConfig();
getLocalStorageSetting(): object {
// Retrieve the gamepad settings from local storage or use an empty object if none exist.
const settings: object = localStorage.hasOwnProperty('settingsGamepad') ? JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('settingsGamepad')) : {};
// Update the cursor for each key based on the stored settings or default cursors.
this.keys.forEach((key, index) => {
this.setOptionCursor(index, settings.hasOwnProperty(key) ? settings[key] : this.optionCursors[index])
// If the active configuration has no custom bindings set, exit the function early.
// by default, if custom does not exists, a default is assigned to it
// it only means the gamepad is not yet initalized
if (!activeConfig.custom) return;
// For each element in the binding settings, update the icon according to the current assignment.
for (const elm of this.bindingSettings) {
const key = getKeyForSettingName(activeConfig, elm); // Get the key for the setting name.
const icon = getCurrentlyAssignedIconToSettingName(activeConfig, elm); // Fetch the currently assigned icon for the setting.
this.inputsIcons[key].setFrame(icon); // Set the icon frame to the inputs icon object.
// Set the cursor and scroll cursor to their initial positions.
return settings;
setLayout(activeConfig: GamepadConfig): boolean {
@ -231,91 +62,27 @@ export default class SettingsGamepadUiHandler extends AbstractSettingsUiUiHandle
return super.setLayout(activeConfig);
processInput(button: Button): boolean {
const ui = this.getUi();
// Defines the maximum number of rows that can be displayed on the screen.
const rowsToDisplay = 9;
let success = false;
navigateMenuLeft(): boolean {
return true;
// Handle the input based on the button pressed.
if (button === Button.CANCEL) {
// Handle cancel button press, reverting UI mode to previous state.
success = true;
} else {
const cursor = this.cursor + this.scrollCursor; // Calculate the absolute cursor position.
switch (button) {
case Button.UP: // Move up in the menu.
if (!this.optionValueLabels) return false;
if (cursor) { // If not at the top, move the cursor up.
if (this.cursor)
success = this.setCursor(this.cursor - 1);
else // If at the top of the visible items, scroll up.
success = this.setScrollCursor(this.scrollCursor - 1);
} else {
// When at the top of the menu and pressing UP, move to the bottommost item.
// First, set the cursor to the last visible element, preparing for the scroll to the end.
const successA = this.setCursor(rowsToDisplay - 1);
// Then, adjust the scroll to display the bottommost elements of the menu.
const successB = this.setScrollCursor(this.optionValueLabels.length - rowsToDisplay);
success = successA && successB; // success is just there to play the little validation sound effect
case Button.DOWN: // Move down in the menu.
if (!this.optionValueLabels) return false;
if (cursor < this.optionValueLabels.length - 1) {
if (this.cursor < rowsToDisplay - 1)
success = this.setCursor(this.cursor + 1);
else if (this.scrollCursor < this.optionValueLabels.length - rowsToDisplay)
success = this.setScrollCursor(this.scrollCursor + 1);
} else {
// When at the bottom of the menu and pressing DOWN, move to the topmost item.
// First, set the cursor to the first visible element, resetting the scroll to the top.
const successA = this.setCursor(0);
// Then, reset the scroll to start from the first element of the menu.
const successB = this.setScrollCursor(0);
success = successA && successB; // Indicates a successful cursor and scroll adjustment.
case Button.LEFT: // Move selection left within the current option set.
if (!this.optionCursors || !this.optionValueLabels) return;
if (this.optionCursors[cursor])
success = this.setOptionCursor(cursor, this.optionCursors[cursor] - 1, true);
case Button.RIGHT: // Move selection right within the current option set.
if (!this.optionCursors || !this.optionValueLabels) return;
if (this.optionCursors[cursor] < this.optionValueLabels[cursor].length - 1)
success = this.setOptionCursor(cursor, this.optionCursors[cursor] + 1, true);
case Button.CYCLE_FORM: // Change the UI mode to SETTINGS mode.
success = true;
case Button.CYCLE_SHINY:
success = true;
// If a change occurred, play the selection sound.
if (success)
return success; // Return whether the input resulted in a successful action.
navigateMenuRight(): boolean {
return true;
updateChosenGamepadDisplay(): void {
// Update any bindings that might have changed since the last update.
// Iterate over the keys in the SettingGamepad enumeration.
for (const [index, key] of Object.keys(SettingGamepad).entries()) {
const setting = SettingGamepad[key] // Get the actual setting value using the key.
// Iterate over the keys in the settingDevice enumeration.
for (const [index, key] of Object.keys(this.settingDevice).entries()) {
const setting = this.settingDevice[key] // Get the actual setting value using the key.
// Check if the current setting corresponds to the default controller setting.
if (setting === SettingGamepad.Default_Controller) {
if (setting === this.settingDevice.Default_Controller) {
// Iterate over all layouts excluding the 'noGamepads' special case.
for (const _key of Object.keys(this.layout)) {
if (_key === 'noGamepads') continue; // Skip updating the no gamepad layout.
@ -328,36 +95,8 @@ export default class SettingsGamepadUiHandler extends AbstractSettingsUiUiHandle
setOptionCursor(settingIndex: integer, cursor: integer, save?: boolean): boolean {
// Retrieve the specific setting using the settingIndex from the SettingGamepad enumeration.
const setting = SettingGamepad[Object.keys(SettingGamepad)[settingIndex]];
// Get the current cursor position for this setting.
const lastCursor = this.optionCursors[settingIndex];
// Check if the setting is not part of the bindings (i.e., it's a regular setting).
if (!this.bindingSettings.includes(setting) && !setting.includes('BUTTON_')) {
// Get the label of the last selected option and revert its color to the default.
const lastValueLabel = this.optionValueLabels[settingIndex][lastCursor];
lastValueLabel.setShadowColor(this.getTextColor(TextStyle.WINDOW, true));
// Update the cursor for the setting to the new position.
this.optionCursors[settingIndex] = cursor;
// Change the color of the new selected option to indicate it's selected.
const newValueLabel = this.optionValueLabels[settingIndex][cursor];
newValueLabel.setShadowColor(this.getTextColor(TextStyle.SETTINGS_SELECTED, true));
// If the save flag is set and the setting is not the default controller setting, save the setting to local storage
if (save) {
if (SettingGamepad[setting] !== SettingGamepad.Default_Controller)
this.scene.gameData.saveGamepadSetting(setting, cursor)
return true; // Return true to indicate the cursor was successfully updated.
saveSettingToLocalStorage(setting, cursor): void {
if (this.settingDevice[setting] !== this.settingDevice.Default_Controller)
this.scene.gameData.saveGamepadSetting(setting, cursor)

View File

@ -1,289 +1,54 @@
import BattleScene from "../../battle-scene";
import {Mode} from "../ui";
import {Button} from "../../enums/buttons";
import {addWindow} from "#app/ui/ui-theme";
import {addTextObject, TextStyle} from "#app/ui/text";
import cfg_keyboard_azerty from "#app/configs/cfg_keyboard_azerty";
import {SettingKeyboard, settingKeyboardDefaults, settingKeyboardOptions} from "#app/system/settings-keyboard";
import {getCurrentlyAssignedIconToSettingName, getKeyForSettingName} from "#app/configs/gamepad-utils";
import {GamepadConfig} from "#app/inputs-controller";
import {truncateString} from "#app/utils";
import AbstractSettingsUiUiHandler, {InputsIcons} from "#app/ui/settings/abstract-settings-ui-handler";
import AbstractSettingsUiUiHandler from "#app/ui/settings/abstract-settings-ui-handler";
export default class SettingsKeyboardUiHandler extends AbstractSettingsUiUiHandler {
constructor(scene: BattleScene, mode?: Mode) {
super(scene, mode);
this.titleSelected = 'Keyboard';
this.settingDevice = SettingKeyboard;
this.settingDeviceDefaults = settingKeyboardDefaults;
this.settingDeviceOptions = settingKeyboardOptions;
this.configs = [cfg_keyboard_azerty];
this.commonSettingsCount = 1;
this.textureOverride = 'keyboard';
this.localStoragePropertyName = 'settingsKeyboard';
setup() {
const ui = this.getUi();
this.settingsContainer = this.scene.add.container(1, -( / 6) + 1);
this.settingsContainer.setInteractive(new Phaser.Geom.Rectangle(0, 0, / 6, / 6), Phaser.Geom.Rectangle.Contains);
const headerBg = addWindow(this.scene, 0, 0, ( / 6) - 2, 24);
headerBg.setOrigin(0, 0);
const headerText = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, 'General', TextStyle.SETTINGS_LABEL);
headerText.setOrigin(0, 0);
headerText.setPositionRelative(headerBg, 8, 4);
const gamepadText = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, 'Gamepad', TextStyle.SETTINGS_LABEL);
gamepadText.setOrigin(0, 0);
gamepadText.setPositionRelative(headerBg, 50, 4);
const keyboardText = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, 'Keyboard', TextStyle.SETTINGS_SELECTED);
keyboardText.setOrigin(0, 0);
keyboardText.setPositionRelative(headerBg, 97, 4);
this.optionsBg = addWindow(this.scene, 0, headerBg.height, ( / 6) - 2, ( / 6) - headerBg.height - 2);
this.optionsBg.setOrigin(0, 0);
for (const config of [cfg_keyboard_azerty]) {
// Create a map to store layout settings based on the pad type.
this.layout[config.padType] = new Map();
// Create a container for gamepad options in the scene, initially hidden.
const optionsContainer = this.scene.add.container(0, 0);
// Gather all gamepad binding settings from the configuration.
const bindingSettings = Object.keys(config.setting).map(k => config.setting[k]);
// Array to hold labels for different settings such as 'Default Controller', 'Gamepad Support', etc.
const settingLabels: Phaser.GameObjects.Text[] = [];
// Array to hold options for each setting, e.g., 'Auto', 'Disabled'.
const optionValueLabels: Phaser.GameObjects.Text[][] = [];
// Object to store sprites for each button configuration.
const inputsIcons: InputsIcons = {};
// Fetch common setting keys such as 'Default Controller' and 'Gamepad Support' from gamepad settings.
const commonSettingKeys = Object.keys(SettingKeyboard).slice(0, 1).map(key => SettingKeyboard[key]);
// Combine common and specific bindings into a single array.
const specificBindingKeys = [...commonSettingKeys, ...Object.keys(config.setting).map(k => config.setting[k])];
// Fetch default values for these settings and prepare to highlight selected options.
const optionCursors = Object.values(Object.keys(settingKeyboardDefaults).filter(s => specificBindingKeys.includes(s)).map(k => settingKeyboardDefaults[k]));
// Filter out settings that are not relevant to the current gamepad configuration.
const SettingKeyboardFiltered = Object.keys(SettingKeyboard).filter(_key => specificBindingKeys.includes(SettingKeyboard[_key]));
// Loop through the filtered settings to manage display and options.
SettingKeyboardFiltered.forEach((setting, s) => {
// Convert the setting key from format 'Key_Name' to 'Key name' for display.
let settingName = setting.replace(/\_/g, ' ');
// Create and add a text object for the setting name to the scene.
settingLabels[s] = addTextObject(this.scene, 8, 28 + s * 16, settingName, TextStyle.SETTINGS_LABEL);
settingLabels[s].setOrigin(0, 0);
// Initialize an array to store the option labels for this setting.
const valueLabels: Phaser.GameObjects.Text[] = []
// Process each option for the current setting.
for (const [o, option] of settingKeyboardOptions[SettingKeyboard[setting]].entries()) {
// Check if the current setting is for binding keys.
if (bindingSettings.includes(SettingKeyboard[setting])) {
// Create a label for non-null options, typically indicating actionable options like 'change'.
if (o) {
const valueLabel = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, option, TextStyle.WINDOW);
valueLabel.setOrigin(0, 0);
// For null options, add an icon for the key.
const key = getKeyForSettingName(config as GamepadConfig, SettingKeyboard[setting]);
const icon = this.scene.add.sprite(0, 0, 'keyboard');
icon.setOrigin(0, -0.1);
inputsIcons[key] = icon;
// For regular settings like 'Gamepad support', create a label and determine if it is selected.
const valueLabel = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, option, settingKeyboardDefaults[SettingKeyboard[setting]] === o ? TextStyle.SETTINGS_SELECTED : TextStyle.WINDOW);
valueLabel.setOrigin(0, 0);
//if a setting has 2 options, valueLabels will be an array of 2 elements
// Collect all option labels for this setting into the main array.
// Calculate the total width of all option labels within a specific setting
// This is achieved by summing the width of each option label
const totalWidth = optionValueLabels[s].map(o => o.width).reduce((total, width) => total += width, 0);
// Define the minimum width for a label, ensuring it's at least 78 pixels wide or the width of the setting label plus some padding
const labelWidth = Math.max(78, settingLabels[s].displayWidth + 8);
// Calculate the total available space for placing option labels next to their setting label
// We reserve space for the setting label and then distribute the remaining space evenly
const totalSpace = (300 - labelWidth) - totalWidth / 6;
// Calculate the spacing between options based on the available space divided by the number of gaps between labels
const optionSpacing = Math.floor(totalSpace / (optionValueLabels[s].length - 1));
// Initialize xOffset to zero, which will be used to position each option label horizontally
let xOffset = 0;
// Start positioning each option label one by one
for (let value of optionValueLabels[s]) {
// Set the option label's position right next to the setting label, adjusted by xOffset
value.setPositionRelative(settingLabels[s], labelWidth + xOffset, 0);
// Move the xOffset to the right for the next label, ensuring each label is spaced evenly
xOffset += value.width / 6 + optionSpacing;
// Assigning the newly created components to the layout map under the specific gamepad type.
this.layout[config.padType].optionsContainer = optionsContainer; // Container for this pad's options.
this.layout[config.padType].inputsIcons = inputsIcons; // Icons for each input specific to this pad.
this.layout[config.padType].settingLabels = settingLabels; // Text labels for each setting available on this pad.
this.layout[config.padType].optionValueLabels = optionValueLabels; // Labels for values corresponding to each setting.
this.layout[config.padType].optionCursors = optionCursors; // Cursors to navigate through the options.
this.layout[config.padType].keys = specificBindingKeys; // Keys that identify each setting specifically bound to this pad.
this.layout[config.padType].bindingSettings = bindingSettings; // Settings that define how the keys are bound.
// Add the options container to the overall settings container to be displayed in the UI.
// Add the settings container to the UI.
// Initially hide the settings container until needed (e.g., when a gamepad is connected or a button is pressed).
getActiveConfig() {
return this.scene.inputController.getActiveKeyboardConfig();
updateBindings(): void {
// Hide the options container for all layouts to reset the UI visibility.
Object.keys(this.layout).forEach((key) => this.layout[key].optionsContainer.setVisible(false));
// Fetch the active gamepad configuration from the input controller.
const activeConfig = this.scene.inputController.getActiveKeyboardConfig();
// Set the UI layout for the active configuration. If unsuccessful, exit the function early.
if (!this.setLayout(activeConfig)) return;
getLocalStorageSetting(): object {
// Retrieve the gamepad settings from local storage or use an empty object if none exist.
const settings: object = localStorage.hasOwnProperty('settingsKeyboard') ? JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('settingsKeyboard')) : {};
// Update the cursor for each key based on the stored settings or default cursors.
this.keys.forEach((key, index) => {
this.setOptionCursor(index, settings.hasOwnProperty(key) ? settings[key] : this.optionCursors[index])
// If the active configuration has no custom bindings set, exit the function early.
// by default, if custom does not exists, a default is assigned to it
// it only means the gamepad is not yet initalized
if (!activeConfig.custom) return;
// For each element in the binding settings, update the icon according to the current assignment.
for (const elm of this.bindingSettings) {
const key = getKeyForSettingName(activeConfig, elm); // Get the key for the setting name.
const icon = getCurrentlyAssignedIconToSettingName(activeConfig, elm); // Fetch the currently assigned icon for the setting.
this.inputsIcons[key].setFrame(icon); // Set the icon frame to the inputs icon object.
// Set the cursor and scroll cursor to their initial positions.
return settings;
processInput(button: Button): boolean {
const ui = this.getUi();
// Defines the maximum number of rows that can be displayed on the screen.
const rowsToDisplay = 9;
navigateMenuLeft(): boolean {
return true;
let success = false;
// Handle the input based on the button pressed.
if (button === Button.CANCEL) {
// Handle cancel button press, reverting UI mode to previous state.
success = true;
} else {
const cursor = this.cursor + this.scrollCursor; // Calculate the absolute cursor position.
switch (button) {
case Button.UP: // Move up in the menu.
if (cursor) { // If not at the top, move the cursor up.
if (this.cursor)
success = this.setCursor(this.cursor - 1);
else // If at the top of the visible items, scroll up.
success = this.setScrollCursor(this.scrollCursor - 1);
} else {
// When at the top of the menu and pressing UP, move to the bottommost item.
// First, set the cursor to the last visible element, preparing for the scroll to the end.
const successA = this.setCursor(rowsToDisplay - 1);
// Then, adjust the scroll to display the bottommost elements of the menu.
const successB = this.setScrollCursor(this.optionValueLabels.length - rowsToDisplay);
success = successA && successB; // success is just there to play the little validation sound effect
case Button.DOWN: // Move down in the menu.
if (cursor < this.optionValueLabels.length - 1) {
if (this.cursor < rowsToDisplay - 1)
success = this.setCursor(this.cursor + 1);
else if (this.scrollCursor < this.optionValueLabels.length - rowsToDisplay)
success = this.setScrollCursor(this.scrollCursor + 1);
} else {
// When at the bottom of the menu and pressing DOWN, move to the topmost item.
// First, set the cursor to the first visible element, resetting the scroll to the top.
const successA = this.setCursor(0);
// Then, reset the scroll to start from the first element of the menu.
const successB = this.setScrollCursor(0);
success = successA && successB; // Indicates a successful cursor and scroll adjustment.
case Button.LEFT: // Move selection left within the current option set.
if (!this.optionCursors) return;
if (this.optionCursors[cursor])
success = this.setOptionCursor(cursor, this.optionCursors[cursor] - 1, true);
case Button.RIGHT: // Move selection right within the current option set.
if (!this.optionCursors) return;
if (this.optionCursors[cursor] < this.optionValueLabels[cursor].length - 1)
success = this.setOptionCursor(cursor, this.optionCursors[cursor] + 1, true);
case Button.CYCLE_FORM: // Change the UI mode to SETTINGS mode.
success = true;
case Button.CYCLE_SHINY:
success = true;
// If a change occurred, play the selection sound.
if (success)
return success; // Return whether the input resulted in a successful action.
navigateMenuRight(): boolean {
return true;
updateChosenKeyboardDisplay(): void {
// Update any bindings that might have changed since the last update.
// Iterate over the keys in the SettingKeyboard enumeration.
for (const [index, key] of Object.keys(SettingKeyboard).entries()) {
const setting = SettingKeyboard[key] // Get the actual setting value using the key.
// Iterate over the keys in the settingDevice enumeration.
for (const [index, key] of Object.keys(this.settingDevice).entries()) {
const setting = this.settingDevice[key] // Get the actual setting value using the key.
// Check if the current setting corresponds to the default controller setting.
if (setting === SettingKeyboard.Default_Layout) {
if (setting === this.settingDevice.Default_Layout) {
// Iterate over all layouts excluding the 'noGamepads' special case.
for (const _key of Object.keys(this.layout)) {
// Update the text of the first option label under the current setting to the name of the chosen gamepad,
@ -295,36 +60,8 @@ export default class SettingsKeyboardUiHandler extends AbstractSettingsUiUiHandl
setOptionCursor(settingIndex: integer, cursor: integer, save?: boolean): boolean {
// Retrieve the specific setting using the settingIndex from the SettingKeyboard enumeration.
const setting = SettingKeyboard[Object.keys(SettingKeyboard)[settingIndex]];
// Get the current cursor position for this setting.
const lastCursor = this.optionCursors[settingIndex];
// Check if the setting is not part of the bindings (i.e., it's a regular setting).
if (!this.bindingSettings.includes(setting) && !setting.includes('BUTTON_')) {
// Get the label of the last selected option and revert its color to the default.
const lastValueLabel = this.optionValueLabels[settingIndex][lastCursor];
lastValueLabel.setShadowColor(this.getTextColor(TextStyle.WINDOW, true));
// Update the cursor for the setting to the new position.
this.optionCursors[settingIndex] = cursor;
// Change the color of the new selected option to indicate it's selected.
const newValueLabel = this.optionValueLabels[settingIndex][cursor];
newValueLabel.setShadowColor(this.getTextColor(TextStyle.SETTINGS_SELECTED, true));
// If the save flag is set and the setting is not the default controller setting, save the setting to local storage
if (save) {
if (SettingKeyboard[setting] !== SettingKeyboard.Default_Layout)
this.scene.gameData.saveKeyboardSetting(setting, cursor)
return true; // Return true to indicate the cursor was successfully updated.
saveSettingToLocalStorage(setting, cursor): void {
if (this.settingDevice[setting] !== this.settingDevice.Default_Layout)
this.scene.gameData.saveKeyboardSetting(setting, cursor)