Fix mold breaker + implement neutralising gas

Xavion3 2024-04-18 15:44:03 +10:00 committed by Samuel H
parent 3a64a8390a
commit 453c5644aa
4 changed files with 67 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -2034,13 +2034,35 @@ export class SyncEncounterNatureAbAttr extends AbAttr {
export class MoveAbilityBypassAbAttr extends AbAttr {
private moveIgnoreFunc: (pokemon: Pokemon, move: Move) => boolean;
constructor(moveIgnoreFunc?: (pokemon: Pokemon, move: Move) => boolean) {
this.moveIgnoreFunc = moveIgnoreFunc || ((pokemon, move) => true);
apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean {
if (this.moveIgnoreFunc(pokemon, (args[0] as Move))) {
cancelled.value = true;
return true;
return false;
export class SuppressFieldAbilitiesAbAttr extends AbAttr {
constructor() {
apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean {
cancelled.value = true;
return true;
const ability = (args[0] as Ability);
if (!ability.hasAttr(UnsuppressableAbilityAbAttr) && !ability.hasAttr(SuppressFieldAbilitiesAbAttr)) {
cancelled.value = true;
return true;
return false;
@ -2912,7 +2934,8 @@ export function initAbilities() {
new Ability(Abilities.GORILLA_TACTICS, "Gorilla Tactics (N)", "Boosts the Pokémon's Attack stat but only allows the use of the first selected move.", 8),
new Ability(Abilities.NEUTRALIZING_GAS, "Neutralizing Gas (N)", "If the Pokémon with Neutralizing Gas is in the battle, the effects of all Pokémon's Abilities will be nullified or will not be triggered.", 8)
new Ability(Abilities.NEUTRALIZING_GAS, "Neutralizing Gas (P)", "If the Pokémon with Neutralizing Gas is in the battle, the effects of all Pokémon's Abilities will be nullified or will not be triggered.", 8)
@ -3028,7 +3051,8 @@ export function initAbilities() {
new Ability(Abilities.EARTH_EATER, "Earth Eater", "If hit by a Ground-type move, the Pokémon has its HP restored instead of taking damage.", 9)
.attr(TypeImmunityHealAbAttr, Type.GROUND)
new Ability(Abilities.MYCELIUM_MIGHT, "Mycelium Might (N)", "The Pokémon will always act more slowly when using status moves, but these moves will be unimpeded by the Ability of the target.", 9),
new Ability(Abilities.MYCELIUM_MIGHT, "Mycelium Might (P)", "The Pokémon will always act more slowly when using status moves, but these moves will be unimpeded by the Ability of the target.", 9)
.attr(MoveAbilityBypassAbAttr, (pokemon, move: Move) => move.category === MoveCategory.STATUS),
new Ability(Abilities.MINDS_EYE, "Mind's Eye (N)", "The Pokémon ignores changes to opponents' evasiveness, its accuracy can't be lowered, and it can hit Ghost types with Normal- and Fighting-type moves.", 9)
new Ability(Abilities.SUPERSWEET_SYRUP, "Supersweet Syrup (N)", "A sickly sweet scent spreads across the field the first time the Pokémon enters a battle, lowering the evasiveness of opposing Pokémon.", 9),

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import * as Utils from "../utils";
import { WeatherType } from "./weather";
import { ArenaTagSide, ArenaTrapTag } from "./arena-tag";
import { ArenaTagType } from "./enums/arena-tag-type";
import { UnswappableAbilityAbAttr, UncopiableAbilityAbAttr, UnsuppressableAbilityAbAttr, NoTransformAbilityAbAttr, BlockRecoilDamageAttr, BlockOneHitKOAbAttr, IgnoreContactAbAttr, MaxMultiHitAbAttr, applyAbAttrs, BlockNonDirectDamageAbAttr, applyPreSwitchOutAbAttrs, PreSwitchOutAbAttr, applyPostDefendAbAttrs, PostDefendContactApplyStatusEffectAbAttr } from "./ability";
import { UnswappableAbilityAbAttr, UncopiableAbilityAbAttr, UnsuppressableAbilityAbAttr, NoTransformAbilityAbAttr, BlockRecoilDamageAttr, BlockOneHitKOAbAttr, IgnoreContactAbAttr, MaxMultiHitAbAttr, applyAbAttrs, BlockNonDirectDamageAbAttr, applyPreSwitchOutAbAttrs, PreSwitchOutAbAttr, applyPostDefendAbAttrs, PostDefendContactApplyStatusEffectAbAttr, MoveAbilityBypassAbAttr } from "./ability";
import { Abilities } from "./enums/abilities";
import { allAbilities } from './ability';
import { PokemonHeldItemModifier } from "../modifier/modifier";
@ -68,7 +68,8 @@ export enum MoveFlags {
DANCE_MOVE = 4096,
WIND_MOVE = 8192,
TRIAGE_MOVE = 16384,
type MoveConditionFunc = (user: Pokemon, target: Pokemon, move: Move) => boolean;
@ -286,12 +287,24 @@ export default class Move {
return this;
ignoresAbilities(ignoresAbilities?: boolean): this {
this.setFlag(MoveFlags.IGNORE_ABILITIES, ignoresAbilities);
return this;
checkFlag(flag: MoveFlags, user: Pokemon, target: Pokemon): boolean {
switch (flag) {
case MoveFlags.MAKES_CONTACT:
if (user.hasAbilityWithAttr(IgnoreContactAbAttr))
return false;
if (user.hasAbilityWithAttr(MoveAbilityBypassAbAttr)) {
const abilityEffectsIgnored = new Utils.BooleanHolder(false);
applyAbAttrs(MoveAbilityBypassAbAttr, user, abilityEffectsIgnored, this);
if (abilityEffectsIgnored.value)
return true;
return !!(this.flags & flag);
@ -5405,8 +5418,10 @@ export function initMoves() {
new AttackMove(Moves.SPECTRAL_THIEF, Type.GHOST, MoveCategory.PHYSICAL, 90, 100, 10, -1, 0, 7)
new AttackMove(Moves.SUNSTEEL_STRIKE, Type.STEEL, MoveCategory.PHYSICAL, 100, 100, 5, -1, 0, 7)
new AttackMove(Moves.MOONGEIST_BEAM, Type.GHOST, MoveCategory.SPECIAL, 100, 100, 5, -1, 0, 7)
new StatusMove(Moves.TEARFUL_LOOK, Type.NORMAL, -1, 20, 100, 0, 7)
.attr(StatChangeAttr, BattleStat.ATK, -1)
@ -5429,15 +5444,16 @@ export function initMoves() {
new AttackMove(Moves.PHOTON_GEYSER, Type.PSYCHIC, MoveCategory.SPECIAL, 100, 100, 5, -1, 0, 7)
/* Unused */
new AttackMove(Moves.LIGHT_THAT_BURNS_THE_SKY, Type.PSYCHIC, MoveCategory.SPECIAL, 200, -1, 1, -1, 0, 7)
new AttackMove(Moves.SEARING_SUNRAZE_SMASH, Type.STEEL, MoveCategory.PHYSICAL, 200, -1, 1, -1, 0, 7)
new AttackMove(Moves.MENACING_MOONRAZE_MAELSTROM, Type.GHOST, MoveCategory.SPECIAL, 200, -1, 1, -1, 0, 7)
new AttackMove(Moves.LETS_SNUGGLE_FOREVER, Type.FAIRY, MoveCategory.PHYSICAL, 190, -1, 1, -1, 0, 7)
new AttackMove(Moves.SPLINTERED_STORMSHARDS, Type.ROCK, MoveCategory.PHYSICAL, 190, -1, 1, -1, 0, 7)

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@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import { TempBattleStat } from '../data/temp-battle-stat';
import { ArenaTagSide, WeakenMoveScreenTag, WeakenMoveTypeTag } from '../data/arena-tag';
import { ArenaTagType } from "../data/enums/arena-tag-type";
import { Biome } from "../data/enums/biome";
import { Ability, AbAttr, BattleStatMultiplierAbAttr, BlockCritAbAttr, BonusCritAbAttr, BypassBurnDamageReductionAbAttr, FieldPriorityMoveImmunityAbAttr, FieldVariableMovePowerAbAttr, IgnoreOpponentStatChangesAbAttr, MoveImmunityAbAttr, MoveTypeChangeAttr, NonSuperEffectiveImmunityAbAttr, PreApplyBattlerTagAbAttr, PreDefendFullHpEndureAbAttr, ReceivedMoveDamageMultiplierAbAttr, ReduceStatusEffectDurationAbAttr, StabBoostAbAttr, StatusEffectImmunityAbAttr, TypeImmunityAbAttr, VariableMovePowerAbAttr, VariableMoveTypeAbAttr, WeightMultiplierAbAttr, allAbilities, applyAbAttrs, applyBattleStatMultiplierAbAttrs, applyPostDefendAbAttrs, applyPreApplyBattlerTagAbAttrs, applyPreAttackAbAttrs, applyPreDefendAbAttrs, applyPreSetStatusAbAttrs } from '../data/ability';
import { Ability, AbAttr, BattleStatMultiplierAbAttr, BlockCritAbAttr, BonusCritAbAttr, BypassBurnDamageReductionAbAttr, FieldPriorityMoveImmunityAbAttr, FieldVariableMovePowerAbAttr, IgnoreOpponentStatChangesAbAttr, MoveImmunityAbAttr, MoveTypeChangeAttr, NonSuperEffectiveImmunityAbAttr, PreApplyBattlerTagAbAttr, PreDefendFullHpEndureAbAttr, ReceivedMoveDamageMultiplierAbAttr, ReduceStatusEffectDurationAbAttr, StabBoostAbAttr, StatusEffectImmunityAbAttr, TypeImmunityAbAttr, VariableMovePowerAbAttr, VariableMoveTypeAbAttr, WeightMultiplierAbAttr, allAbilities, applyAbAttrs, applyBattleStatMultiplierAbAttrs, applyPostDefendAbAttrs, applyPreApplyBattlerTagAbAttrs, applyPreAttackAbAttrs, applyPreDefendAbAttrs, applyPreSetStatusAbAttrs, UnsuppressableAbilityAbAttr, SuppressFieldAbilitiesAbAttr } from '../data/ability';
import { Abilities } from "#app/data/enums/abilities";
import PokemonData from '../system/pokemon-data';
import Battle, { BattlerIndex } from '../battle';
@ -740,8 +740,21 @@ export default abstract class Pokemon extends Phaser.GameObjects.Container {
if (passive && !this.hasPassive())
return false;
const ability = (!passive ? this.getAbility() : this.getPassiveAbility());
if (ability.isIgnorable && this.scene.arena.ignoreAbilities)
if (this.scene?.arena.ignoreAbilities && ability.isIgnorable)
return false;
if (this.summonData?.abilitySuppressed && !ability.hasAttr(UnsuppressableAbilityAbAttr))
return false;
if (this.isOnField() && !ability.hasAttr(SuppressFieldAbilitiesAbAttr)) {
const suppressed = new Utils.BooleanHolder(false);
this.scene.getField(true).map(p => {
if (p.getAbility().hasAttr(SuppressFieldAbilitiesAbAttr) && p.canApplyAbility())
p.getAbility().getAttrs(SuppressFieldAbilitiesAbAttr).map(a => a.apply(this, false, suppressed, [ability]));
if (p.getPassiveAbility().hasAttr(SuppressFieldAbilitiesAbAttr) && p.canApplyAbility(true))
p.getPassiveAbility().getAttrs(SuppressFieldAbilitiesAbAttr).map(a => a.apply(this, true, suppressed, [ability]));
if (suppressed.value)
return false;
return (this.hp || ability.isBypassFaint) && !ability.conditions.find(condition => !condition(this));
@ -2829,6 +2842,7 @@ export class PokemonSummonData {
public disabledMove: Moves = Moves.NONE;
public disabledTurns: integer = 0;
public tags: BattlerTag[] = [];
public abilitySuppressed: boolean = false;
public speciesForm: PokemonSpeciesForm;
public fusionSpeciesForm: PokemonSpeciesForm;

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@ -2141,10 +2141,8 @@ export class MovePhase extends BattlePhase {
if (!this.followUp) {
const abilityEffectsIgnored = new Utils.BooleanHolder(false);
this.scene.getField(true).map(p => applyAbAttrs(MoveAbilityBypassAbAttr, p, abilityEffectsIgnored));
if (abilityEffectsIgnored.value)
if (this.move.getMove().checkFlag(MoveFlags.IGNORE_ABILITIES, this.pokemon, null))
} else {
this.pokemon.turnData.hitsLeft = undefined;
this.pokemon.turnData.hitCount = undefined;