Disguise fix and changes
- Added `abilityTriggered` to pokemon battle data to not depend on hit counters. - Ability and form change checks now depend on `abilityTriggered`. - Instead of reducing move damage, damage is now directly modified and set to 1. - All hits but failed and non effective are set as just effective. - Made it so confusion damage also triggers Disguise. - Added both ability's messages. With these changes, for the correct functioning of the ability should be the substute interaction.pull/205/head
@ -304,19 +304,28 @@ export class ReceivedTypeDamageMultiplierAbAttr extends ReceivedMoveDamageMultip
export class PreDefendMovePowerToOneAbAttr extends ReceivedMoveDamageMultiplierAbAttr {
export class PreDefendReceivedMoveNullifierAbAttr extends PreDefendAbAttr {
protected condition: PokemonDefendCondition;
constructor(condition: PokemonDefendCondition) {
super(condition, 1);
this.condition = condition;
applyPreDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean {
if (this.condition(pokemon, attacker, move.getMove())) {
if (this.condition(pokemon, attacker, move.getMove()) && (args[1] as Utils.NumberHolder).value != HitResult.NO_EFFECT && (args[1] as Utils.NumberHolder).value != HitResult.FAIL) {
(args[0] as Utils.NumberHolder).value = 1;
(args[1] as Utils.NumberHolder).value = HitResult.EFFECTIVE;
return true;
return false;
getTriggerMessage(pokemon: Pokemon, abilityName: string, ...args: any[]): string {
return `Its disguise served it as a decoy!`;
export class TypeImmunityAbAttr extends PreDefendAbAttr {
@ -445,19 +454,27 @@ export class PostDefendAbAttr extends AbAttr {
export class PostDefendDisguiseAbAttr extends PostDefendAbAttr {
protected condition: PokemonDefendCondition;
constructor(condition: PokemonDefendCondition) {
this.condition = condition;
applyPostDefend(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, attacker: Pokemon, move: PokemonMove, hitResult: HitResult, args: any[]): boolean {
if (pokemon.formIndex == 0 && pokemon.battleData.hitCount != 0 && (move.getMove().category == MoveCategory.SPECIAL || move.getMove().category == MoveCategory.PHYSICAL)) {
const recoilDamage = Math.ceil((pokemon.getMaxHp() / 8) - attacker.turnData.damageDealt);
if (this.condition(pokemon, attacker, move.getMove()) && (hitResult == HitResult.EFFECTIVE)) {
const damageDealt = attacker.turnData.damageDealt;
let recoilDamage = Math.round(pokemon.getMaxHp() / 8 - damageDealt);
if (!recoilDamage)
return false;
return false;
pokemon.damageAndUpdate(recoilDamage, HitResult.OTHER);
pokemon.battleData.abilityTriggered = true;
pokemon.turnData.damageTaken += recoilDamage;
pokemon.scene.queueMessage(getPokemonMessage(pokemon, '\'s disguise was busted!'));
return true;
return false;
@ -1666,6 +1683,25 @@ export class BlockNonDirectDamageAbAttr extends AbAttr {
export class DisguiseConfusionDamageInteractionAbAttr extends AbAttr {
apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean {
if(pokemon.battleData.abilityTriggered == true)
return false;
cancelled.value = true;
pokemon.damageAndUpdate(Math.round(pokemon.getMaxHp() / 8), HitResult.OTHER);
pokemon.battleData.abilityTriggered = true;
pokemon.scene.triggerPokemonFormChange(pokemon, SpeciesFormChangeManualTrigger, false);
pokemon.scene.queueMessage(`Its disguise served it as a decoy!`);
return true;
getTriggerMessage(pokemon: Pokemon, abilityName: string, ...args: any[]): string {
return `${pokemon.name}\'s disguise was busted!`;
export class BlockOneHitKOAbAttr extends AbAttr {
apply(pokemon: Pokemon, passive: boolean, cancelled: Utils.BooleanHolder, args: any[]): boolean {
cancelled.value = true;
@ -3143,12 +3179,13 @@ export function initAbilities() {
new Ability(Abilities.DISGUISE, 7)
.attr(PreDefendMovePowerToOneAbAttr, (target, user, move) => target.formIndex == 0 && target.getAttackTypeEffectiveness(move.type) > 0)
.attr(PostSummonFormChangeAbAttr, p => p.battleData.hitCount === 0 ? 0 : 1)
.attr(PostBattleInitFormChangeAbAttr, p => p.battleData.hitCount === 0 ? 0 : 1)
.attr(PostDefendFormChangeAbAttr, p => p.battleData.hitCount === 0 ? 0 : 1)
.attr(PreDefendFormChangeAbAttr, p => p.battleData.hitCount === 0 ? 0 : 1)
.attr(PreDefendReceivedMoveNullifierAbAttr, (target, user, move) => target.battleData.abilityTriggered == false)
.attr(PostDefendDisguiseAbAttr, (target, user, move) => target.battleData.abilityTriggered == false)
.attr(PreDefendFormChangeAbAttr, p => p.battleData.abilityTriggered == false ? 0 : 1)
.attr(PostSummonFormChangeAbAttr, p => p.battleData.abilityTriggered == false ? 0 : 1)
.attr(PostBattleInitFormChangeAbAttr, p => p.battleData.abilityTriggered == false ? 0 : 1)
.attr(PostDefendFormChangeAbAttr, p => p.battleData.abilityTriggered == false ? 0 : 1)
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import * as Utils from "../utils";
import { Moves } from "./enums/moves";
import { ChargeAttr, MoveFlags, allMoves } from "./move";
import { Type } from "./type";
import { BlockNonDirectDamageAbAttr, FlinchEffectAbAttr, ReverseDrainAbAttr, applyAbAttrs } from "./ability";
import { BlockNonDirectDamageAbAttr, FlinchEffectAbAttr, ReverseDrainAbAttr, applyAbAttrs, DisguiseConfusionDamageInteractionAbAttr } from "./ability";
import { Abilities } from "./enums/abilities";
import { BattlerTagType } from "./enums/battler-tag-type";
import { TerrainType } from "./terrain";
@ -226,8 +226,15 @@ export class ConfusedTag extends BattlerTag {
const def = pokemon.getBattleStat(Stat.DEF);
const damage = Math.ceil(((((2 * pokemon.level / 5 + 2) * 40 * atk / def) / 50) + 2) * (pokemon.randSeedInt(15, 85) / 100));
pokemon.scene.queueMessage('It hurt itself in its\nconfusion!');
const cancelled = new Utils.BooleanHolder(false);
applyAbAttrs(DisguiseConfusionDamageInteractionAbAttr, pokemon, cancelled);
if (!cancelled.value) {
(pokemon.scene.getCurrentPhase() as MovePhase).cancel();
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import { TempBattleStat } from '../data/temp-battle-stat';
import { ArenaTagSide, WeakenMoveScreenTag, WeakenMoveTypeTag } from '../data/arena-tag';
import { ArenaTagType } from "../data/enums/arena-tag-type";
import { Biome } from "../data/enums/biome";
import { Ability, AbAttr, BattleStatMultiplierAbAttr, BlockCritAbAttr, BonusCritAbAttr, BypassBurnDamageReductionAbAttr, FieldPriorityMoveImmunityAbAttr, FieldVariableMovePowerAbAttr, IgnoreOpponentStatChangesAbAttr, MoveImmunityAbAttr, MoveTypeChangeAttr, NonSuperEffectiveImmunityAbAttr, PreApplyBattlerTagAbAttr, PreDefendFullHpEndureAbAttr, ReceivedMoveDamageMultiplierAbAttr, ReduceStatusEffectDurationAbAttr, StabBoostAbAttr, StatusEffectImmunityAbAttr, TypeImmunityAbAttr, VariableMovePowerAbAttr, VariableMoveTypeAbAttr, WeightMultiplierAbAttr, allAbilities, applyAbAttrs, applyBattleStatMultiplierAbAttrs, applyPostDefendAbAttrs, applyPreApplyBattlerTagAbAttrs, applyPreAttackAbAttrs, applyPreDefendAbAttrs, applyPreSetStatusAbAttrs, UnsuppressableAbilityAbAttr, SuppressFieldAbilitiesAbAttr, NoFusionAbilityAbAttr, MultCritAbAttr } from '../data/ability';
import { Ability, AbAttr, BattleStatMultiplierAbAttr, BlockCritAbAttr, BonusCritAbAttr, BypassBurnDamageReductionAbAttr, FieldPriorityMoveImmunityAbAttr, FieldVariableMovePowerAbAttr, IgnoreOpponentStatChangesAbAttr, MoveImmunityAbAttr, MoveTypeChangeAttr, NonSuperEffectiveImmunityAbAttr, PreApplyBattlerTagAbAttr, PreDefendFullHpEndureAbAttr, PreDefendReceivedMoveNullifierAbAttr, ReceivedMoveDamageMultiplierAbAttr, ReduceStatusEffectDurationAbAttr, StabBoostAbAttr, StatusEffectImmunityAbAttr, TypeImmunityAbAttr, VariableMovePowerAbAttr, VariableMoveTypeAbAttr, WeightMultiplierAbAttr, allAbilities, applyAbAttrs, applyBattleStatMultiplierAbAttrs, applyPostDefendAbAttrs, applyPreApplyBattlerTagAbAttrs, applyPreAttackAbAttrs, applyPreDefendAbAttrs, applyPreSetStatusAbAttrs, UnsuppressableAbilityAbAttr, SuppressFieldAbilitiesAbAttr, NoFusionAbilityAbAttr, MultCritAbAttr } from '../data/ability';
import { Abilities } from "#app/data/enums/abilities";
import PokemonData from '../system/pokemon-data';
import Battle, { BattlerIndex } from '../battle';
@ -1412,6 +1412,10 @@ export default abstract class Pokemon extends Phaser.GameObjects.Container {
damage.value = 0;
let preResult = new Utils.NumberHolder(result);
applyPreDefendAbAttrs(PreDefendReceivedMoveNullifierAbAttr, this, source, battlerMove, cancelled, damage , preResult);
result = (preResult as Utils.NumberHolder).value;
console.log('damage', damage.value, move.name, power.value, sourceAtk, targetDef);
if (damage.value) {
@ -3054,6 +3058,7 @@ export class PokemonBattleData {
public hitCount: integer = 0;
public endured: boolean = false;
public berriesEaten: BerryType[] = [];
public abilityTriggered: boolean = false;
export class PokemonBattleSummonData {
Reference in New Issue