import { CommandPhase } from "../battle-phases"; import BattleScene, { Button } from "../battle-scene"; import { PlayerPokemon } from "../pokemon"; import { addTextObject, TextStyle } from "../text"; import { Command } from "./command-ui-handler"; import MessageUiHandler from "./message-ui-handler"; import { Mode } from "./ui"; import * as Utils from "../utils"; const defaultMessage = 'Choose a Pokémon.'; export enum PartyUiMode { SWITCH, FAINT_SWITCH, POST_BATTLE_SWITCH, MODIFIER, RELEASE } export enum PartyOption { SHIFT, SEND_OUT, APPLY, SUMMARY, RELEASE, CANCEL } export default class PartyUiHandler extends MessageUiHandler { private partyUiMode: PartyUiMode; private partyContainer: Phaser.GameObjects.Container; private partySlotsContainer: Phaser.GameObjects.Container; private partySlots: PartySlot[]; private partyCancelButton: PartyCancelButton; private partyMessageBox: Phaser.GameObjects.Image; private optionsMode: boolean; private optionsCursor: integer; private optionsContainer: Phaser.GameObjects.Container; private optionsCursorObj: Phaser.GameObjects.Image; private options: integer[]; private lastCursor: integer = 0; private selectCallback: Function; private selectFilter: Function; private static FilterAll = (_pokemon: PlayerPokemon) => null; public static FilterNonFainted = (pokemon: PlayerPokemon) => { if (!pokemon.hp) return `${} has no energy\nleft to battle!`; return null; }; public static NoEffectMessage = 'It won\'t have any effect.'; constructor(scene: BattleScene) { super(scene, Mode.PARTY); } setup() { const ui = this.getUi(); const partyContainer = this.scene.add.container(0, 0); partyContainer.setVisible(false); ui.add(partyContainer); this.partyContainer = partyContainer; const partyBg = this.scene.add.image(0, 0, 'party_bg'); partyContainer.add(partyBg); partyBg.setOrigin(0, 1); const partySlotsContainer = this.scene.add.container(0, 0); partyContainer.add(partySlotsContainer); this.partySlotsContainer = partySlotsContainer; const partyMessageBoxContainer = this.scene.add.container(0, -32); partyContainer.add(partyMessageBoxContainer); const partyMessageBox = this.scene.add.image(1, 31, 'party_message'); partyMessageBox.setOrigin(0, 1); partyMessageBoxContainer.add(partyMessageBox); this.partyMessageBox = partyMessageBox; const partyMessageText = addTextObject(this.scene, 8, 10, defaultMessage, TextStyle.WINDOW, { maxLines: 2 }); partyMessageText.setOrigin(0, 0); partyMessageBoxContainer.add(partyMessageText); this.message = partyMessageText; const partyCancelButton = new PartyCancelButton(this.scene, 291, -16); partyContainer.add(partyCancelButton); this.partyCancelButton = partyCancelButton; this.optionsContainer = this.scene.add.container(( / 6) - 1, -1); partyContainer.add(this.optionsContainer); this.options = []; this.partySlots = []; } show(args: any[]) { if (!args.length || return;; this.partyUiMode = args[0] as PartyUiMode; this.partyContainer.setVisible(true); this.populatePartySlots(); this.setCursor(this.cursor < 6 ? this.cursor : 0); if (args.length > 1 && args[1] instanceof Function) this.selectCallback = args[1]; this.selectFilter = args.length > 2 && args[2] instanceof Function ? args[2] : PartyUiHandler.FilterAll; } processInput(button: Button) { const ui = this.getUi(); if (this.pendingPrompt) return; if (this.awaitingActionInput) { if (button === Button.ACTION || button === Button.CANCEL) { if (this.onActionInput) { ui.playSelect(); const originalOnActionInput = this.onActionInput; this.onActionInput = null; originalOnActionInput(); this.awaitingActionInput = false; } } return; } let success = false; if (this.optionsMode) { if (button === Button.ACTION) { const option = this.options[this.optionsCursor]; const pokemon = this.scene.getParty()[this.cursor]; if (option === PartyOption.SHIFT || option === PartyOption.SEND_OUT || option === PartyOption.APPLY || (this.partyUiMode === PartyUiMode.RELEASE && option === PartyOption.RELEASE)) { let filterResult: string = this.selectFilter(pokemon); if (filterResult === null) { this.clearOptions(); if (this.selectCallback) { if (option === PartyOption.RELEASE) this.doRelease(this.cursor); else { const selectCallback = this.selectCallback; this.selectCallback = null; selectCallback(this.cursor); } } else if (this.cursor) (this.scene.getCurrentPhase() as CommandPhase).handleCommand(Command.POKEMON, this.cursor); if (this.partyUiMode !== PartyUiMode.MODIFIER) ui.playSelect(); return; } else { this.clearOptions(); this.partyMessageBox.setTexture('party_message_large'); this.message.y -= 15; this.showText(filterResult as string, null, () => { this.partyMessageBox.setTexture('party_message'); this.message.setText(defaultMessage); this.message.y += 15; }, null, true); } } else if (option === PartyOption.SUMMARY) { ui.playSelect(); ui.setModeWithoutClear(Mode.SUMMARY, pokemon).then(() => this.clearOptions()); } else if (option === PartyOption.RELEASE) { this.clearOptions(); ui.playSelect(); if (this.cursor) { this.showText(`Do you really want to release ${}?`, null, () => { ui.setModeWithoutClear(Mode.CONFIRM, () => { ui.setMode(Mode.PARTY); this.doRelease(this.cursor); }, () => { ui.setMode(Mode.PARTY); this.message.setText(defaultMessage); }); }); } else this.showText('You can\'t release a POKéMON that\'s in battle!', null, () => this.message.setText(defaultMessage), null, true); } else if (option === PartyOption.CANCEL) this.processInput(Button.CANCEL); } else if (button === Button.CANCEL) { this.clearOptions(); ui.playSelect(); } else { switch (button) { case Button.UP: success = this.setCursor(this.optionsCursor ? this.optionsCursor - 1 : this.options.length - 1); break; case Button.DOWN: success = this.setCursor(this.optionsCursor < this.options.length - 1 ? this.optionsCursor + 1 : 0); break; } } } else { if (button === Button.ACTION) { if (this.cursor < 6) { this.showOptions(); ui.playSelect(); } else if (this.partyUiMode === PartyUiMode.FAINT_SWITCH) ui.playError(); else this.processInput(Button.CANCEL); return; } else if (button === Button.CANCEL) { if (this.partyUiMode !== PartyUiMode.FAINT_SWITCH) { if (this.selectCallback) { const selectCallback = this.selectCallback; this.selectCallback = null; selectCallback(6); ui.playSelect(); } else { ui.setMode(Mode.COMMAND); ui.playSelect(); } } return; } const slotCount = this.partySlots.length; switch (button) { case Button.UP: success = this.setCursor(this.cursor ? this.cursor < 6 ? this.cursor - 1 : slotCount - 1 : 6); break; case Button.DOWN: success = this.setCursor(this.cursor < 6 ? this.cursor < slotCount - 1 ? this.cursor + 1 : 6 : 0); break; case Button.LEFT: if (this.cursor && this.cursor < 6) success = this.setCursor(0); break; case Button.RIGHT: if (!this.cursor) success = this.setCursor(this.lastCursor < 6 ? this.lastCursor || 1 : 1); break; } } if (success) ui.playSelect(); } populatePartySlots() { const party = (this.scene as BattleScene).getParty(); if (this.cursor < 6 && this.cursor >= party.length) this.cursor = party.length - 1; else if (this.cursor === 6); for (let p in party) { const slotIndex = parseInt(p); const partySlot = new PartySlot(this.scene as BattleScene, slotIndex, party[p]); this.scene.add.existing(partySlot); this.partySlotsContainer.add(partySlot); this.partySlots.push(partySlot); if (this.cursor === slotIndex); } } setCursor(cursor: integer): boolean { let changed: boolean; if (this.optionsMode) { changed = this.optionsCursor !== cursor; this.optionsCursor = cursor; if (!this.optionsCursorObj) { this.optionsCursorObj = this.scene.add.image(0, 0, 'cursor'); this.optionsCursorObj.setOrigin(0, 0); this.optionsContainer.add(this.optionsCursorObj); } this.optionsCursorObj.setPosition(-86, -19 - (16 * ((this.options.length - 1) - this.optionsCursor))); } else { changed = this.cursor !== cursor; if (changed) { this.lastCursor = this.cursor; this.cursor = cursor; if (this.lastCursor < 6) this.partySlots[this.lastCursor].deselect(); else if (this.lastCursor === 6) this.partyCancelButton.deselect(); if (cursor < 6) this.partySlots[cursor].select(); else if (cursor === 6); } } return changed; } showOptions() { if (this.cursor === 6) return; this.optionsMode = true; this.partyMessageBox.setTexture('party_message_options'); this.message.setText('Do what with this Pokémon?'); const optionsBottom = this.scene.add.image(0, 0, 'party_options_bottom'); optionsBottom.setOrigin(1, 1); this.optionsContainer.add(optionsBottom); switch (this.partyUiMode) { case PartyUiMode.SWITCH: if (this.cursor) this.options.push(PartyOption.SHIFT); break; case PartyUiMode.FAINT_SWITCH: case PartyUiMode.POST_BATTLE_SWITCH: if (this.cursor) this.options.push(PartyOption.SEND_OUT); break; case PartyUiMode.MODIFIER: this.options.push(PartyOption.APPLY); break; case PartyUiMode.RELEASE: this.options.push(PartyOption.RELEASE); break; } this.options.push(PartyOption.SUMMARY); if (this.partyUiMode === PartyUiMode.SWITCH) this.options.push(PartyOption.RELEASE); this.options.push(PartyOption.CANCEL); for (let o = 0; o < this.options.length; o++) { const yCoord = -6 - 16 * o; const optionBg = this.scene.add.image(0, yCoord, 'party_options_center'); const optionText = addTextObject(this.scene, -79, yCoord - 16, PartyOption[this.options[this.options.length - (o + 1)]].replace(/\_/g, ' '), TextStyle.WINDOW); optionBg.setOrigin(1, 1); optionText.setOrigin(0, 0); this.optionsContainer.add(optionBg); this.optionsContainer.add(optionText); } const optionsTop = this.scene.add.image(0, -6 - 16 * this.options.length, 'party_options_top'); optionsTop.setOrigin(1, 1); this.optionsContainer.add(optionsTop); this.setCursor(0); } doRelease(slotIndex: integer): void { this.showText(this.getReleaseMessage(this.scene.getParty()[slotIndex].name), null, () => { this.clearPartySlots(); this.scene.removePartyMemberModifiers(slotIndex); this.scene.getParty().splice(slotIndex, 1); this.populatePartySlots(); if (this.cursor >= this.scene.getParty().length) this.setCursor(this.cursor - 1); if (this.partyUiMode === PartyUiMode.RELEASE) { const selectCallback = this.selectCallback; this.selectCallback = null; selectCallback(this.cursor); } else this.message.setText(defaultMessage); }, null, true); } getReleaseMessage(pokemonName: string): string { const rand = Utils.randInt(128); if (rand < 20) return `Goodbye, ${pokemonName}!`; else if (rand < 40) return `Byebye, ${pokemonName}!`; else if (rand < 60) return `Farewell, ${pokemonName}!`; else if (rand < 80) return `So long, ${pokemonName}!`; else if (rand < 100) return `This is where we part, ${pokemonName}!`; else if (rand < 108) return `I'll miss you, ${pokemonName}!`; else if (rand < 116) return `I'll never forget you, ${pokemonName}!`; else if (rand < 124) return `Until we meet again, ${pokemonName}!`; else if (rand < 127) return `Sayonara, ${pokemonName}!` else return `Smell ya later, ${pokemonName}!`; } clearOptions() { this.optionsMode = false; this.options.splice(0, this.options.length); this.optionsContainer.removeAll(true); this.eraseOptionsCursor(); this.partyMessageBox.setTexture('party_message'); this.message.setText(defaultMessage); } eraseOptionsCursor() { if (this.optionsCursorObj) this.optionsCursorObj.destroy(); this.optionsCursorObj = null; } clear() { super.clear(); this.partyContainer.setVisible(false); this.clearPartySlots(); } clearPartySlots() { this.partySlots.splice(0, this.partySlots.length); this.partySlotsContainer.removeAll(true); } } class PartySlot extends Phaser.GameObjects.Container { private selected: boolean; private slotIndex: integer; private pokemon: PlayerPokemon; private slotBg: Phaser.GameObjects.Image; private slotPb: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite; private slotPokemonIcon: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite; private slotHpOverlay: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite; constructor(scene: BattleScene, slotIndex: integer, pokemon: PlayerPokemon) { super(scene, slotIndex ? 230.5 : 64, slotIndex ? -184 + 28 * slotIndex : -124); this.slotIndex = slotIndex; this.pokemon = pokemon; this.setup(); } setup() { const slotKey = `party_slot${this.slotIndex ? '' : '_main'}`; const slotBg = this.scene.add.sprite(0, 0, slotKey, `${slotKey}${this.pokemon.hp ? '' : '_fnt'}`); this.slotBg = slotBg; this.add(slotBg); const slotPb = this.scene.add.sprite(this.slotIndex ? -85.5 : -51, this.slotIndex ? 0 : -20.5, 'party_pb'); this.slotPb = slotPb; this.add(slotPb); const pokemonIcon = this.scene.add.sprite(slotPb.x, slotPb.y, this.pokemon.species.getIconAtlasKey()); console.log(pokemonIcon); this.slotPokemonIcon = pokemonIcon; this.add(pokemonIcon); const slotInfoContainer = this.scene.add.container(0, 0); this.add(slotInfoContainer); const slotName = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0,, TextStyle.PARTY); slotName.setPositionRelative(slotBg, this.slotIndex ? 21 : 24, this.slotIndex ? 3 : 10); slotName.setOrigin(0, 0); const slotLevelLabel = this.scene.add.image(0, 0, 'party_slot_overlay_lv'); slotLevelLabel.setPositionRelative(slotName, 8, 12); slotLevelLabel.setOrigin(0, 0); const slotLevelText = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, this.pokemon.level.toString(), TextStyle.PARTY); slotLevelText.setPositionRelative(slotLevelLabel, 9, 0); slotLevelText.setOrigin(0, 0.25); const slotHpBar = this.scene.add.image(0, 0, 'party_slot_hp_bar'); slotHpBar.setPositionRelative(slotBg, this.slotIndex ? 72 : 8, this.slotIndex ? 7 : 31); slotHpBar.setOrigin(0, 0); const hpRatio = this.pokemon.getHpRatio(); const slotHpOverlay = this.scene.add.sprite(0, 0, 'party_slot_hp_overlay', hpRatio > 0.5 ? 'high' : hpRatio > 0.25 ? 'medium' : 'low'); slotHpOverlay.setPositionRelative(slotHpBar, 16, 2); slotHpOverlay.setOrigin(0, 0); slotHpOverlay.setScale(hpRatio, 1); const slotHpText = addTextObject(this.scene, 0, 0, `${this.pokemon.hp}/${this.pokemon.getMaxHp()}`, TextStyle.PARTY); slotHpText.setPositionRelative(slotHpBar, slotHpBar.width - 3, slotHpBar.height - 2); slotHpText.setOrigin(1, 0); slotInfoContainer.add([ slotName, slotLevelLabel, slotLevelText, slotHpBar, slotHpOverlay, slotHpText ]); this.slotHpOverlay = slotHpOverlay; } select() { if (this.selected) return; this.selected = true; this.slotBg.setTexture(`party_slot${this.slotIndex ? '' : '_main'}`, `party_slot${this.slotIndex ? '' : '_main'}${this.pokemon.hp ? '' : '_fnt'}_sel`); this.slotPb.setFrame('party_pb_sel'); } deselect() { if (!this.selected) return; this.selected = false; this.slotBg.setTexture(`party_slot${this.slotIndex ? '' : '_main'}`, `party_slot${this.slotIndex ? '' : '_main'}${this.pokemon.hp ? '' : '_fnt'}`); this.slotPb.setFrame('party_pb'); } } class PartyCancelButton extends Phaser.GameObjects.Container { private selected: boolean; private partyCancelBg: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite; private partyCancelPb: Phaser.GameObjects.Sprite; constructor(scene: BattleScene, x: number, y: number) { super(scene, x, y); this.setup(); } setup() { const partyCancelBg = this.scene.add.sprite(0, 0, 'party_cancel'); this.add(partyCancelBg); this.partyCancelBg = partyCancelBg; const partyCancelPb = this.scene.add.sprite(-17, 0, 'party_pb'); this.add(partyCancelPb); this.partyCancelPb = partyCancelPb; const partyCancelText = addTextObject(this.scene, -7, -6, 'CANCEL', TextStyle.PARTY); this.add(partyCancelText); } select() { if (this.selected) return; this.selected = true; this.partyCancelBg.setFrame(`party_cancel_sel`); this.partyCancelPb.setFrame('party_pb_sel'); } deselect() { if (!this.selected) return; this.selected = false; this.partyCancelBg.setFrame('party_cancel'); this.partyCancelPb.setFrame('party_pb'); } }