import { Biome } from "./biome"; import { getPokemonMessage } from "../messages"; import Pokemon from "../pokemon"; import { Type } from "./type"; import Move, { AttackMove } from "./move"; import * as Utils from "../utils"; import BattleScene from "../battle-scene"; import { SuppressWeatherEffectAbAttr, applyPreWeatherEffectAbAttrs } from "./ability"; export enum WeatherType { NONE, SUNNY, RAIN, SANDSTORM, HAIL, FOG, HEAVY_RAIN, HARSH_SUN, STRONG_WINDS } export class Weather { public weatherType: WeatherType; public turnsLeft: integer; constructor(weatherType: WeatherType, turnsLeft?: integer) { this.weatherType = weatherType; this.turnsLeft = turnsLeft || 0; } lapse(): boolean { if (this.turnsLeft) return !!--this.turnsLeft; return true; } isImmutable(): boolean { switch (this.weatherType) { case WeatherType.HEAVY_RAIN: case WeatherType.HARSH_SUN: case WeatherType.STRONG_WINDS: return true; } return false; } isDamaging(): boolean { switch (this.weatherType) { case WeatherType.SANDSTORM: case WeatherType.HAIL: return true; } return false; } isTypeDamageImmune(type: Type): boolean { switch (this.weatherType) { case WeatherType.SANDSTORM: return type === Type.GROUND || type === Type.ROCK || type === Type.STEEL; case WeatherType.HAIL: return type === Type.ICE; } return false; } getAttackTypeMultiplier(attackType: Type): number { switch (this.weatherType) { case WeatherType.SUNNY: case WeatherType.HARSH_SUN: if (attackType === Type.FIRE) return 1.5; if (attackType === Type.WATER) return 0.5; break; case WeatherType.RAIN: case WeatherType.HEAVY_RAIN: if (attackType === Type.FIRE) return 0.5; if (attackType === Type.WATER) return 1.5; break; } return 1; } isMoveWeatherCancelled(move: Move): boolean { switch (this.weatherType) { case WeatherType.HARSH_SUN: return move instanceof AttackMove && move.type === Type.WATER; case WeatherType.HEAVY_RAIN: return move instanceof AttackMove && move.type === Type.FIRE; } return false; } isEffectSuppressed(scene: BattleScene): boolean { const field = scene.getField().filter(p => p); for (let pokemon of field) { const suppressWeatherEffectAbAttr = pokemon.getAbility().getAttrs(SuppressWeatherEffectAbAttr).find(() => true) as SuppressWeatherEffectAbAttr; if (suppressWeatherEffectAbAttr && (!this.isImmutable() || suppressWeatherEffectAbAttr.affectsImmutable)) return true; } return false; } } export function getWeatherStartMessage(weatherType: WeatherType) { switch (weatherType) { case WeatherType.SUNNY: return 'The sunlight got bright!'; case WeatherType.RAIN: return 'A downpour started!'; case WeatherType.SANDSTORM: return 'A sandstorm brewed!'; case WeatherType.HAIL: return 'It started to hail!'; case WeatherType.FOG: return 'A thick fog emerged!' case WeatherType.HEAVY_RAIN: return 'A heavy downpour started!' case WeatherType.HARSH_SUN: return 'The sunlight got hot!' case WeatherType.STRONG_WINDS: return 'A heavy wind began!'; } return null; } export function getWeatherLapseMessage(weatherType: WeatherType) { switch (weatherType) { case WeatherType.SUNNY: return 'The sunlight is strong.'; case WeatherType.RAIN: return 'The downpour continues.'; case WeatherType.SANDSTORM: return 'The sandstorm rages.'; case WeatherType.HAIL: return 'Hail continues to fall.'; case WeatherType.FOG: return 'The fog continues.'; case WeatherType.HEAVY_RAIN: return 'The heavy downpour continues.' case WeatherType.HARSH_SUN: return 'The sun is scorching hot.' case WeatherType.STRONG_WINDS: return 'The wind blows intensely.'; } return null; } export function getWeatherDamageMessage(weatherType: WeatherType, pokemon: Pokemon) { switch (weatherType) { case WeatherType.SANDSTORM: return getPokemonMessage(pokemon, ' is buffeted\nby the sandstorm!'); case WeatherType.HAIL: return getPokemonMessage(pokemon, ' is pelted\nby the hail!'); } return null; } export function getWeatherClearMessage(weatherType: WeatherType) { switch (weatherType) { case WeatherType.SUNNY: return 'The sunlight faded.'; case WeatherType.RAIN: return 'The rain stopped.'; case WeatherType.SANDSTORM: return 'The sandstorm subsided.'; case WeatherType.HAIL: return 'The hail stopped.'; case WeatherType.FOG: return 'The fog disappeared.' case WeatherType.HEAVY_RAIN: return 'The heavy rain stopped.' case WeatherType.HARSH_SUN: return 'The harsh sunlight faded.' case WeatherType.STRONG_WINDS: return 'The heavy wind stopped.'; } return null; } interface WeatherPoolEntry { weatherType: WeatherType; weight: integer; } export function getRandomWeatherType(biome: Biome): WeatherType { let weatherPool: WeatherPoolEntry[] = []; switch (biome) { case Biome.GRASS: weatherPool = [ { weatherType: WeatherType.NONE, weight: 7 }, { weatherType: WeatherType.SUNNY, weight: 3 } ]; break; case Biome.TALL_GRASS: weatherPool = [ { weatherType: WeatherType.SUNNY, weight: 8 }, { weatherType: WeatherType.RAIN, weight: 5 }, { weatherType: WeatherType.FOG, weight: 2 } ]; break; case Biome.FOREST: weatherPool = [ { weatherType: WeatherType.NONE, weight: 8 }, { weatherType: WeatherType.RAIN, weight: 5 }, { weatherType: WeatherType.HEAVY_RAIN, weight: 2 } ]; break; case Biome.SEA: weatherPool = [ { weatherType: WeatherType.NONE, weight: 3 }, { weatherType: WeatherType.RAIN, weight: 7 }, { weatherType: WeatherType.HEAVY_RAIN, weight: 5 } ]; break; case Biome.SWAMP: weatherPool = [ { weatherType: WeatherType.NONE, weight: 2 }, { weatherType: WeatherType.RAIN, weight: 5 }, { weatherType: WeatherType.FOG, weight: 8 } ]; break; case Biome.BEACH: weatherPool = [ { weatherType: WeatherType.NONE, weight: 5 }, { weatherType: WeatherType.SUNNY, weight: 8 }, { weatherType: WeatherType.RAIN, weight: 2 } ]; break; case Biome.LAKE: weatherPool = [ { weatherType: WeatherType.NONE, weight: 10 }, { weatherType: WeatherType.RAIN, weight: 5 }, { weatherType: WeatherType.FOG, weight: 3 }, { weatherType: WeatherType.HEAVY_RAIN, weight: 2 } ]; break; case Biome.SEABED: weatherPool = [ { weatherType: WeatherType.HEAVY_RAIN, weight: 1 } ]; break; case Biome.MOUNTAIN: weatherPool = [ { weatherType: WeatherType.STRONG_WINDS, weight: 1 } ]; break; case Biome.BADLANDS: weatherPool = [ { weatherType: WeatherType.NONE, weight: 8 }, { weatherType: WeatherType.SUNNY, weight: 3 }, { weatherType: WeatherType.SANDSTORM, weight: 2 }, { weatherType: WeatherType.HARSH_SUN, weight: 5 } ]; break; case Biome.DESERT: weatherPool = [ { weatherType: WeatherType.SANDSTORM, weight: 1 }, { weatherType: WeatherType.HARSH_SUN, weight: 1 } ]; break; case Biome.ICE_CAVE: weatherPool = [ { weatherType: WeatherType.HAIL, weight: 1 } ]; break; case Biome.MEADOW: weatherPool = [ { weatherType: WeatherType.SUNNY, weight: 1 } ]; case Biome.VOLCANO: weatherPool = [ { weatherType: WeatherType.HARSH_SUN, weight: 1 } ]; break; case Biome.GRAVEYARD: weatherPool = [ { weatherType: WeatherType.FOG, weight: 1 } ]; break; case Biome.RUINS: weatherPool = [ { weatherType: WeatherType.NONE, weight: 4 }, { weatherType: WeatherType.FOG, weight: 1 } ]; break; case Biome.WASTELAND: weatherPool = [ { weatherType: WeatherType.NONE, weight: 4 }, { weatherType: WeatherType.FOG, weight: 1 } ]; break; case Biome.ABYSS: weatherPool = [ { weatherType: WeatherType.NONE, weight: 4 }, { weatherType: WeatherType.FOG, weight: 1 } ]; break; } if (weatherPool.length > 1) { let totalWeight = 0; weatherPool.forEach(w => totalWeight += w.weight); const rand = Utils.randSeedInt(totalWeight); let w = 0; for (let weather of weatherPool) { w += weather.weight; if (rand < w) return weather.weatherType; } } return weatherPool.length ? weatherPool[0].weatherType : WeatherType.NONE; }