import {InterfaceConfig} from "../inputs-controller"; import {Button} from "#app/enums/buttons"; // Given a button index from an input event, return its naming from the mapping config export function getKeyFromInputIndex(config: InterfaceConfig, index: number): String | null { for (const key of Object.keys(config.gamepadMapping)) { if (config.gamepadMapping[key] === index) return key; } return null; } export function getKeyFromKeyboardKey(config: InterfaceConfig, key): String | null { for (const _key of Object.keys(config.gamepadMapping)) { if (config.gamepadMapping[_key] === key) return _key; } return null; } // Given a setting name, return the key assigned to it from the config file export function getKeyForSettingName(config: InterfaceConfig, settingName: string): String | null { for (const key of Object.keys(config.setting)) { if (config.setting[key] === settingName) return key; } return null; } // Given a Button, return the custom key assigned to it from the config file export function getCurrenlyAssignedKeyToAction(config: InterfaceConfig, action: Button): String | null { for (const key of Object.keys(config.custom)) { if (config.custom[key] === action) return key; } return null; } // Given a setting name, return the custom key for the default action from the config file export function getCurrentlyAssignedToSettingName(config: InterfaceConfig, settingName: string): String { const oldKey = getKeyForSettingName(config, settingName) const action = config.default[oldKey]; const key = getCurrenlyAssignedKeyToAction(config, action); return key; } // Given a button index from an input event, return its icon from the config file export function getCurrenlyAssignedIconFromInputIndex(config: InterfaceConfig, index: number): String { const key = getKeyFromInputIndex(config, index); return config.icons[key]; } export function getCurrenlyAssignedIconFromKeyboardKey(config: InterfaceConfig, key): String { const _key = getKeyFromKeyboardKey(config, key); return config.icons[_key]; } // Given a setting name, return the icon currently assigned to this setting name export function getCurrentlyAssignedIconToSettingName(config: InterfaceConfig, settingName: string): string { const key = getCurrentlyAssignedToSettingName(config, settingName); return config.icons[key]; }