import {SimpleTranslationEntries} from "#app/plugins/i18n"; // Titles of special trainers like gym leaders, elite four, and the champion export const titles: SimpleTranslationEntries = { "elite_four": "Conseil 4", "gym_leader": "Champion d’Arène", "gym_leader_female": "Championne d’Arène", "champion": "Maitre·esse", //Written in gender-inclusive language in wait of a potential split of the entry "rival": "Rival·e", //Written in gender-inclusive language in wait of a potential split of the entry "professor": "Professeur·e", //Written in gender-inclusive language in wait of a potential split of the entry "frontier_brain": "Meneur·euse de Zone", //Written in gender-inclusive language in wait of a potential split of the entry // Maybe if we add the evil teams we can add "Team Rocket" and "Team Aqua" etc. here as well as "Team Rocket Boss" and "Team Aqua Admin" etc. } as const; // Titles of trainers like "Youngster" or "Lass" export const trainerClasses: SimpleTranslationEntries = { "ace_trainer": "Topdresseur", "ace_trainer_female": "Topdresseuse", "artist": "Artiste", "artist_female": "Artiste", "backers": "Pompom Girls", "backpacker": "Randonneur", "backpacker_female": "Randonneuse", "baker": "Boulangère", "battle_girl": "Combattante", "beauty": "Canon", "biker": "Motard", "black_belt": "Karatéka", "breeder": "Éleveur", "breeder_female": "Éleveuse", "clerk": "Employé", "clerk_female": "Employée", "cyclist": "Cycliste", "cyclist_female": "Cycliste", "dancer": "Danseur", "dancer_female": "Danseuse", "depot_agent": "Cheminot", "doctor": "Docteur", "doctor_female": "Docteure", "fishermen": "Pêcheur", "fishermen_female": "Pêcheuse", "guitarist": "Guitariste", "guitarist_female": "Guitariste", "harlequin": "Clown", "hiker": "Montagnard", "hooligans": "Loubards", "hoopster": "Basketteur", "infielder": "Baseballeur", "janitor": "Nettoyeur", "lady": "Mademoiselle", "lass": "Fillette", "linebacker": "Quaterback", "maid": "Gouvernante", "madame": "Mondaine", "musican": "Musicien", "hex_maniac": "Hex Maniac", "nurse": " Infirmière", "nursery_aide": "Institutrice", "officer": "Policier", "parasol_lady": "Sœur Parasol", "pilot": "Pilote", "pokefan": "Pokéfan", "preschooler": "Petit", "preschooler_female": "Petite", "psychic": "Kinésiste", "psychic_female": "Kinésiste", "ranger": "Ranger", "rich": "Gentleman", // Gentleman is the english name but the trainerType is rich "rich_kid": "Richard", "roughneck": "Loubard", "scientist": "Scientifique", "scientist_female": "Scientifique", "smasher": "Tenniswoman", "snow_worker": "Ouvrier Alpin", "snow_worker_female": "Ouvrière Alpine", "striker": "Footballeur", "school_kid": "Élève", "school_kid_female": "Élève", "swimmer": "Nageur", "swimmer_female": "Nageuse", "twins": "Jumelles", "veteran": "Vénérable", "veteran_female": "Vénérable", "waiter": "Serveur", "waitress": "Serveuse", "worker": "Ouvrier", "worker_female": "Ouvrière", "youngster": "Gamin" } as const; // Names of special trainers like gym leaders, elite four, and the champion export const trainerNames: SimpleTranslationEntries = { "brock": "Pierre", "misty": "Ondine", "lt_surge": "Major Bob", "erika": "Erika", "janine": "Jeannine", "sabrina": "Morgane", "blaine": "Auguste", "giovanni": "Giovanni", "falkner": "Albert", "bugsy": "Hector", "whitney": "Blanche", "morty": "Mortimer", "chuck": "Chuck", "jasmine": "Jasmine", "pryce": "Frédo", "clair": "Sandra", "roxanne": "Roxanne", "brawly": "Bastien", "wattson": "Voltère", "flannery": "Adriane", "norman": "Norman", "winona": "Alizée", "tate": "Lévy", "liza": "Tatia", "juan": "Juan", "roark": "Pierrick", "gardenia": "Flo", "maylene": "Mélina", "crasher_wake": "Lovis", "fantina": "Kiméra", "byron": "Charles", "candice": "Gladys", "volkner": "Tanguy", "cilan": "Rachid", "chili": "Armando", "cress": "Noa", "cheren": "Tcheren", "lenora": "Aloé", "roxie": "Strykna", "burgh": "Artie", "elesa": "Inezia", "clay": "Bardane", "skyla": "Carolina", "brycen": "Zhu", "drayden": "Watson", "marlon": "Amana", "viola": "Violette", "grant": "Lino", "korrina": "Cornélia", "ramos": "Amaro", "clemont": "Lem", "valerie": "Valériane", "olympia": "Astera", "wulfric": "Urup", "milo": "Percy", "nessa": "Donna", "kabu": "Kabu", "bea": "Faïza", "allister": "Alistair", "opal": "Sally", "bede": "Travis", "gordie": "Chaz", "melony": "Lona", "piers": "Peterson", "marnie": "Rosemary", "raihan": "Roy", "katy": "Éra", "brassius": "Colza", "iono": "Mashynn", "kofu": "Kombu", "larry": "Okuba", "ryme": "Laïm", "tulip": "Tully", "grusha": "Grusha", "lorelei": "Olga", "bruno": "Aldo", "agatha": "Agatha", "lance": "Peter", "will": "Clément", "koga": "Koga", "karen": "Marion", "sidney": "Damien", "phoebe": "Spectra", "glacia": "Glacia", "drake": "Aragon", "aaron": "Aaron", "bertha": "Terry", "flint": "Adrien", "lucian": "Lucio", "shauntal": "Anis", "marshal": "Kunz", "grimsley": "Pieris", "caitlin": "Percila", "malva": "Malva", "siebold": "Narcisse", "wikstrom": "Tileo", "drasna": "Dracéna", "hala": "Pectorius", "molayne": "Molène", "olivia": "Alyxia", "acerola": "Margie", "kahili": "Kahili", "rika": "Cayenn", "poppy": "Popi", "larry_elite": "Okuba", // Does this really need to be an extra entry? (it is in trainer-type.ts so I added it here) "hassel": "Hassa", "crispin": "Rubépin", "amarys": "Nérine", "lacey": "Taro", "drayton": "Irido", "blue": "Blue", "red": "Red", "lance_champion": "Peter", // Does this really need to be an extra entry? (it is in trainer-type.ts so I added it here) "steven": "Pierre Rochard", "wallace": "Marc", "cynthia": "Cynthia", "alder": "Goyah", "iris": "Iris", "diantha": "Dianthéa", "hau": "Tili", "geeta": "Alisma", "nemona": "Menzi", "kieran": "Kass", "leon": "Tarak", "rival": "Gwenaël", //Male breton name, a celtic language spoken in Brittany (France) and related to the word for "white" (gwenn). Finn meaning is also "white" in irish/goidelic which are also celtic languages. "rival_female": "Papina", //Litteral translation of ivy, also used as Female name in a North-American indigenous language } as const;