658 lines
26 KiB
658 lines
26 KiB
import { MainClient, NamedAPIResource } from 'pokenode-ts';
import { MoveTarget, allMoves } from './move';
import * as Utils from '../utils';
import fs from 'vite-plugin-fs/browser';
import PokemonSpecies, { PokemonForm, SpeciesFormKey, allSpecies } from './pokemon-species';
import { GrowthRate } from './exp';
import { Type } from './type';
import { allAbilities } from './ability';
import { Abilities } from "./enums/abilities";
import { Species } from './enums/species';
import { pokemonFormLevelMoves } from './pokemon-level-moves';
import { tmSpecies } from './tms';
import { Moves } from './enums/moves';
const targetMap = {
'specific-move': MoveTarget.ATTACKER,
'selected-pokemon-me-first': MoveTarget.NEAR_ENEMY,
'ally': MoveTarget.NEAR_ALLY,
'users-field': MoveTarget.USER_SIDE,
'user-or-ally': MoveTarget.USER_OR_NEAR_ALLY,
'opponents-field': MoveTarget.ENEMY_SIDE,
'user': MoveTarget.USER,
'random-opponent': MoveTarget.RANDOM_NEAR_ENEMY,
'all-other-pokemon': MoveTarget.ALL_NEAR_OTHERS,
'selected-pokemon': MoveTarget.NEAR_OTHER,
'all-opponents': MoveTarget.ALL_NEAR_ENEMIES,
'entire-field': MoveTarget.BOTH_SIDES,
'user-and-allies': MoveTarget.USER_AND_ALLIES,
'all-pokemon': MoveTarget.ALL,
'all-allies': MoveTarget.NEAR_ALLY,
'fainting-pokemon': MoveTarget.NEAR_OTHER
const generationMap = {
'generation-i': 1,
'generation-ii': 2,
'generation-iii': 3,
'generation-iv': 4,
'generation-v': 5,
'generation-vi': 6,
'generation-vii': 7,
'generation-viii': 8,
'generation-ix': 9
const growthRateMap = {
'slow-then-very-fast': GrowthRate.ERRATIC,
'fast': GrowthRate.FAST,
'medium': GrowthRate.MEDIUM_FAST,
'medium-slow': GrowthRate.MEDIUM_SLOW,
'slow': GrowthRate.SLOW,
'fast-then-very-slow': GrowthRate.FLUCTUATING
const regionalForms = [ 'alola', 'galar', 'hisui', 'paldea' ];
const ignoredForms = [ 'gmax', 'totem', 'cap', 'starter' ];
const generationDexNumbers = {
1: 151,
2: 251,
3: 386,
4: 494,
5: 649,
6: 721,
7: 809,
8: 905,
9: 1010
const versions = [ 'scarlet-violet', 'sword-shield', 'sun-moon' ];
type LevelMove = [level: integer, moveId: integer];
interface SpeciesLevelMoves {
[key: string]: LevelMove[]
interface FormLevelMoves {
[key: integer]: LevelMove[]
interface SpeciesFormLevelMoves {
[key: string]: FormLevelMoves
interface TmSpecies {
[key: string]: Array<string | string[]>
export async function printPokemon() {
const api = new MainClient();
const useExistingTmList = true;
let enumStr = `export enum Species {\n`;
let pokemonSpeciesStr = `\tallSpecies.push(\n`;
const speciesLevelMoves: SpeciesLevelMoves = {};
const speciesFormLevelMoves: SpeciesFormLevelMoves = {};
const moveTmSpecies: TmSpecies = {};
let pokemonArr: NamedAPIResource[] = [];
let offset = 0;
let pokemonResponse = await api.pokemon.listPokemons(offset, 2000)
pokemonArr = pokemonResponse.results;
const types = Utils.getEnumKeys(Type).map(t => t.toLowerCase());
const abilities = Utils.getEnumKeys(Abilities).map(a => a.toLowerCase().replace(/\_/g, '-'));
const pokemonSpeciesList: PokemonSpecies[] = [];
for (let p of pokemonArr) {
const pokemon = await api.pokemon.getPokemonByName(p.name);
let region: string = '';
if (pokemon.id > 10000) {
const dexIdMatch = /\/(\d+)\//.exec(pokemon.species.url);
if (!dexIdMatch)
const matchingSpecies = pokemonSpeciesList[parseInt(dexIdMatch[1]) - 1];
if (!matchingSpecies)
const speciesKey = (matchingSpecies as any).key as string;
const formName = pokemon.name.slice(speciesKey.length + 1);
if (ignoredForms.filter(f => formName.indexOf(f) > -1).length)
let shortFormName = formName.indexOf('-') > -1
? formName.slice(0, formName.indexOf('-'))
: formName;
if (regionalForms.indexOf(shortFormName) > -1)
region = shortFormName.toUpperCase();
else {
const formBaseStats: integer[] = [];
let formBaseTotal = 0;
// Assume correct stat order in API result
for (let stat of pokemon.stats) {
formBaseTotal += stat.base_stat;
const [ formType1, formType2 ] = [ types.indexOf(pokemon.types.find(t => t.slot === 1).type.name), types.indexOf(pokemon.types.find(t => t.slot === 2)?.type.name) ];
const [ formAbility1, formAbility2, formAbilityHidden ] = [
Math.max(abilities.indexOf(pokemon.abilities.find(a => a.slot === 1)?.ability.name), 0),
Math.max(abilities.indexOf(pokemon.abilities.find(a => a.slot === 2)?.ability.name), 0),
Math.max(abilities.indexOf(pokemon.abilities.find(a => a.slot === 3)?.ability.name), 0)
const pokemonForm = new PokemonForm(formName, formName, formType1 as Type, formType2 > -1 ? formType2 as Type : null, pokemon.height / 10, pokemon.weight / 10,
formAbility1 as Abilities, formAbility2 as Abilities, formAbilityHidden as Abilities, formBaseTotal, formBaseStats[0], formBaseStats[1], formBaseStats[2], formBaseStats[3], formBaseStats[4], formBaseStats[5],
matchingSpecies.catchRate, matchingSpecies.baseFriendship, matchingSpecies.baseExp, matchingSpecies.genderDiffs);
pokemonForm.speciesId = matchingSpecies.speciesId;
pokemonForm.formIndex = matchingSpecies.forms.length;
pokemonForm.generation = matchingSpecies.generation;
let moveVer: string;
if (!speciesFormLevelMoves.hasOwnProperty(speciesKey))
speciesFormLevelMoves[speciesKey] = [];
speciesFormLevelMoves[speciesKey][pokemonForm.formIndex] = [];
for (let version of versions) {
if (pokemon.moves.find(m => m.version_group_details.find(v => v.version_group.name === version && v.move_learn_method.name === 'level-up'))) {
moveVer = version;
if (moveVer) {
pokemon.moves.forEach(moveData => {
moveData.version_group_details.filter(v => versions.indexOf(v.version_group.name) > -1).forEach(verData => {
const isMoveVer = verData.version_group.name === moveVer;
const moveName = moveData.move.name.toUpperCase().replace(/\_/g, '').replace(/\-/g, '_');
const moveId = Math.max(Utils.getEnumKeys(Moves).indexOf(moveName), 0);
const learnMethod = verData.move_learn_method.name;
if (isMoveVer && learnMethod === 'level-up')
speciesFormLevelMoves[speciesKey][pokemonForm.formIndex].push([ verData.level_learned_at, moveId ]);
if ([ 'machine', 'tutor' ].indexOf(learnMethod) > -1 || (useExistingTmList && tmSpecies.hasOwnProperty(moveId as Moves) && learnMethod === 'level-up')) {
if (!moveTmSpecies.hasOwnProperty(moveId))
moveTmSpecies[moveId] = [];
const speciesIndex = moveTmSpecies[moveId].findIndex(s => s[0] === speciesKey);
if (speciesIndex === -1)
moveTmSpecies[moveId].push([ speciesKey, formName ]);
(moveTmSpecies[moveId][speciesIndex] as string[]).push(formName);
if (JSON.stringify(speciesLevelMoves[speciesKey]) === JSON.stringify(speciesFormLevelMoves[speciesKey][pokemonForm.formIndex])) {
delete speciesFormLevelMoves[speciesKey][pokemonForm.formIndex];
if (!Object.keys(speciesFormLevelMoves[speciesKey]).length)
delete speciesFormLevelMoves[speciesKey];
const species = await api.pokemon.getPokemonSpeciesByName(pokemon.species.name);
let speciesKey = species.name.toUpperCase().replace(/\-/g, '_');
const matchingExistingSpecies = allSpecies.find(s => Species[s.speciesId] === speciesKey);
let dexId = species.id;
if (region) {
dexId += (regionalForms.indexOf(region.toLowerCase()) + 1) * 2000;
speciesKey = `${region}_${speciesKey}`;
let generationIndex = 0;
if (!region)
while (++generationIndex < 9 && dexId > generationDexNumbers[generationIndex]);
generationIndex = regionalForms.indexOf(region.toLowerCase()) + 6;
const baseStats: integer[] = [];
let baseTotal = 0;
// Assume correct stat order in API result
for (let stat of pokemon.stats) {
baseTotal += stat.base_stat;
const [ type1, type2 ] = [ types.indexOf(pokemon.types.find(t => t.slot === 1).type.name), types.indexOf(pokemon.types.find(t => t.slot === 2)?.type.name) ];
const [ ability1, ability2, abilityHidden ] = [
Math.max(abilities.indexOf(pokemon.abilities.find(a => a.slot === 1)?.ability.name), 0),
Math.max(abilities.indexOf(pokemon.abilities.find(a => a.slot === 2)?.ability.name), 0),
Math.max(abilities.indexOf(pokemon.abilities.find(a => a.slot === 3)?.ability.name), 0)
const pokemonSpecies = new PokemonSpecies(dexId, generationIndex, species.is_legendary && baseTotal < 660, species.is_legendary && baseTotal >= 660, species.is_mythical,
species.genera.find(g => g.language.name === 'en')?.genus, type1 as Type, type2 > -1 ? type2 as Type : null, pokemon.height / 10, pokemon.weight / 10, ability1 as Abilities, ability2 as Abilities, abilityHidden as Abilities,
baseTotal, baseStats[0], baseStats[1], baseStats[2], baseStats[3], baseStats[4], baseStats[5], species.capture_rate, species.base_happiness, pokemon.base_experience, growthRateMap[species.growth_rate.name],
species.gender_rate < 9 ? 100 - (species.gender_rate * 12.5) : null, species.has_gender_differences, species.forms_switchable);
(pokemonSpecies as any).key = speciesKey;
let moveVer: string;
speciesLevelMoves[speciesKey] = [];
for (let version of versions) {
if (pokemon.moves.find(m => m.version_group_details.find(v => v.version_group.name === version && v.move_learn_method.name === 'level-up'))) {
moveVer = version;
const speciesTmMoves: integer[] = [];
if (moveVer) {
pokemon.moves.forEach(moveData => {
const verData = moveData.version_group_details.find(v => v.version_group.name === moveVer);
if (!verData)
const moveName = moveData.move.name.toUpperCase().replace(/\_/g, '').replace(/\-/g, '_');
const moveId = Math.max(Utils.getEnumKeys(Moves).indexOf(moveName), 0);
switch (verData.move_learn_method.name) {
case 'level-up':
speciesLevelMoves[speciesKey].push([ verData.level_learned_at, moveId ]);
case 'machine':
case 'tutor':
if (moveId > 0) {
if (!moveTmSpecies.hasOwnProperty(moveId))
moveTmSpecies[moveId] = [];
if (moveTmSpecies[moveId].indexOf(speciesKey) === -1)
for (let f of pokemon.forms) {
const form = await api.pokemon.getPokemonFormByName(f.name);
const formIndex = pokemonSpecies.forms.length;
const matchingForm = matchingExistingSpecies && matchingExistingSpecies.forms.length > formIndex
? matchingExistingSpecies.forms.find(f2 => f2.formKey === form.form_name || f2.formName === form.form_name) || matchingExistingSpecies.forms[formIndex]
: null;
const formName = matchingForm
? matchingForm.formName
: form.form_names.find(fn => fn.language.name === 'en')?.name || form.form_name;
const formKey = matchingForm
? matchingForm.formKey
: form.form_name;
const [ formType1, formType2 ] = [ types.indexOf(form.types.find(t => t.slot === 1).type.name), types.indexOf(form.types.find(t => t.slot === 2)?.type.name) ];
const pokemonForm = new PokemonForm(formName, formKey, formType1 as Type, formType2 > -1 ? formType2 as Type : null,
pokemonSpecies.height, pokemonSpecies.weight, pokemonSpecies.ability1, pokemonSpecies.ability2, pokemonSpecies.abilityHidden, baseTotal, baseStats[0], baseStats[1], baseStats[2], baseStats[3], baseStats[4], baseStats[5],
pokemonSpecies.catchRate, pokemonSpecies.baseFriendship, pokemonSpecies.baseExp, pokemonSpecies.genderDiffs);
pokemonForm.speciesId = pokemonSpecies.speciesId;
pokemonForm.formIndex = formIndex;
pokemonForm.generation = pokemonSpecies.generation;
if (!pokemonForm.formIndex && speciesTmMoves.length) {
for (let moveId of speciesTmMoves) {
const speciesIndex = moveTmSpecies[moveId].findIndex(s => s === speciesKey);
moveTmSpecies[moveId][speciesIndex] = [
console.log(pokemonSpecies.name, pokemonSpecies);
for (let pokemonSpecies of pokemonSpeciesList) {
const speciesKey = (pokemonSpecies as any).key as string;
enumStr += ` ${speciesKey}${pokemonSpecies.speciesId >= 2000 ? ` = ${pokemonSpecies.speciesId}` : ''},\n`;
pokemonSpeciesStr += ` new PokemonSpecies(Species.${speciesKey}, "${pokemonSpecies.name}", ${pokemonSpecies.generation}, ${pokemonSpecies.pseudoLegendary}, ${pokemonSpecies.legendary}, ${pokemonSpecies.mythical}, "${pokemonSpecies.species}", Type.${Type[pokemonSpecies.type1]}, ${pokemonSpecies.type2 ? `Type.${Type[pokemonSpecies.type2]}` : 'null'}, ${pokemonSpecies.height}, ${pokemonSpecies.weight}, Abilities.${Abilities[pokemonSpecies.ability1]}, Abilities.${Abilities[pokemonSpecies.ability2]}, Abilities.${Abilities[pokemonSpecies.abilityHidden]}, ${pokemonSpecies.baseTotal}, ${pokemonSpecies.baseStats[0]}, ${pokemonSpecies.baseStats[1]}, ${pokemonSpecies.baseStats[2]}, ${pokemonSpecies.baseStats[3]}, ${pokemonSpecies.baseStats[4]}, ${pokemonSpecies.baseStats[5]}, ${pokemonSpecies.catchRate}, ${pokemonSpecies.baseFriendship}, ${pokemonSpecies.baseExp}, GrowthRate.${GrowthRate[pokemonSpecies.growthRate]}, ${pokemonSpecies.malePercent}, ${pokemonSpecies.genderDiffs}`;
if (pokemonSpecies.forms.length > 1) {
pokemonSpeciesStr += `, ${pokemonSpecies.canChangeForm},`;
for (let form of pokemonSpecies.forms)
pokemonSpeciesStr += `\n new PokemonForm("${form.formName}", "${form.formName}", Type.${Type[form.type1]}, ${form.type2 ? `Type.${Type[form.type2]}` : 'null'}, ${form.height}, ${form.weight}, Abilities.${Abilities[form.ability1]}, Abilities.${Abilities[form.ability2]}, Abilities.${Abilities[form.abilityHidden]}, ${form.baseTotal}, ${form.baseStats[0]}, ${form.baseStats[1]}, ${form.baseStats[2]}, ${form.baseStats[3]}, ${form.baseStats[4]}, ${form.baseStats[5]}, ${form.catchRate}, ${form.baseFriendship}, ${form.baseExp}${form.genderDiffs ? ', true' : ''}),`;
pokemonSpeciesStr += '\n ';
pokemonSpeciesStr += `),\n`;
let speciesLevelMovesStr = `export const pokemonSpeciesLevelMoves: PokemonSpeciesLevelMoves = {\n`;
let speciesFormLevelMovesStr = `export const pokemonFormLevelMoves: PokemonSpeciesFormLevelMoves = {\n`;
let tmSpeciesStr = `export const tmSpecies: TmSpecies = {\n`;
for (let species of Object.keys(speciesLevelMoves)) {
speciesLevelMovesStr += ` [Species.${species}]: [\n`;
const orderedLevelMoves = speciesLevelMoves[species].sort((a: LevelMove, b: LevelMove) => {
if (a[0] !== b[0])
return a[0] < b[0] ? -1 : 1;
return a[1] < b[1] ? -1 : 1;
for (let lm of orderedLevelMoves)
speciesLevelMovesStr += ` [ ${lm[0]}, Moves.${Moves[lm[1]]} ],\n`;
speciesLevelMovesStr += ` ],\n`;
for (let species of Object.keys(speciesFormLevelMoves)) {
speciesFormLevelMovesStr += ` [Species.${species}]: {\n`;
for (let f of Object.keys(speciesFormLevelMoves[species])) {
speciesFormLevelMovesStr += ` ${f}: [\n`;
const orderedLevelMoves = speciesFormLevelMoves[species][f].sort((a: LevelMove, b: LevelMove) => {
if (a[0] !== b[0])
return a[0] < b[0] ? -1 : 1;
return a[1] < b[1] ? -1 : 1;
for (let lm of orderedLevelMoves)
speciesFormLevelMovesStr += ` [ ${lm[0]}, Moves.${Moves[lm[1]]} ],\n`;
speciesFormLevelMovesStr += ` ],\n`;
speciesFormLevelMovesStr += ` },\n`;
for (let moveId of Object.keys(moveTmSpecies)) {
tmSpeciesStr += ` [Moves.${Moves[parseInt(moveId)]}]: [\n`;
for (let species of moveTmSpecies[moveId]) {
if (typeof species === 'string')
tmSpeciesStr += ` Species.${species},\n`;
else {
const matchingExistingSpecies = allSpecies.find(s => Species[s.speciesId] === species[0]);
const forms = (species as string[]).slice(1);
if (matchingExistingSpecies && (!pokemonFormLevelMoves.hasOwnProperty(matchingExistingSpecies.speciesId) || matchingExistingSpecies.forms.length <= 1 || (matchingExistingSpecies.forms.length === 2 && matchingExistingSpecies.forms[1].formKey.indexOf(SpeciesFormKey.MEGA) > -1) || matchingExistingSpecies.forms.length === forms.length))
tmSpeciesStr += ` Species.${species[0]},\n`;
else {
tmSpeciesStr += ` [\n Species.${species[0]},\n`;
for (let form of forms)
tmSpeciesStr += ` '${form}',\n`;
tmSpeciesStr += ` ],\n`;
tmSpeciesStr += ` ],\n`;
enumStr += `\n};`;
pokemonSpeciesStr += ` );`;
speciesLevelMovesStr += `\n};`;
speciesFormLevelMovesStr += `\n};`;
tmSpeciesStr += `\n};`;
export async function printAbilities() {
const replaceText = true;
let abilityContent: string = await fs.readFile('./src/data/ability.ts');
const api = new MainClient();
let enumStr = `export enum Abilities {\n NONE,`;
let abilityStr = ' allAbilities.push(';
abilityContent = abilityContent.slice(abilityContent.indexOf(abilityStr));
let abilities: NamedAPIResource[] = [];
let offset = 0;
let abilitiesResponse = await api.pokemon.listAbilities(offset, 2000);
abilities = abilitiesResponse.results;
for (let a of abilities) {
const ability = await api.pokemon.getAbilityByName(a.name);
const abilityEnumName = ability.name.toUpperCase().replace(/\_/g, '').replace(/\-/g, '_');
enumStr += `\n ${abilityEnumName},`;
console.log(ability.name, ability);
const matchingLineIndex = abilityContent.search(new RegExp(`new Ability\\\(Abilities.${abilityEnumName},`));
let matchingLine = matchingLineIndex > -1 ? abilityContent.slice(matchingLineIndex) : null;
if (matchingLine)
matchingLine = matchingLine.slice(0, matchingLine.search(/,(?: \/\/.*?)?(?:\r)?\n[ \t]+(?:new|\);)/));
let abilityName = ability.names.find(ln => ln.language.name === 'en').name;
[ 'N', 'P' ].every(s => {
if (!matchingLine || matchingLine.indexOf(` (${s})`) > -1) {
abilityName += ` (${s})`;
return false;
return true;
let flavorText: string;
if (!matchingLine || replaceText) {
for (let version of versions) {
if ((flavorText = ability.flavor_text_entries.find(fte => fte.language.name === 'en' && fte.version_group.name === version)?.flavor_text) || '') {
if (flavorText.indexOf('forgotten') > -1)
} else if (matchingLine)
flavorText = allAbilities[ability.id].description;
abilityStr += `\n new Ability(Abilities.${abilityEnumName}, "${abilityName}", "${flavorText?.replace(/\n/g, '\\n').replace(/ /g, ' ').replace(/’/g, '\'') || ''}", ${generationMap[ability.generation.name]})`;
if (matchingLine && matchingLine.length > 1) {
const newLineIndex = matchingLine.indexOf('\n');
if (newLineIndex > -1)
abilityStr += matchingLine.slice(newLineIndex);
abilityStr += ',';
enumStr += `\n};`;
abilityStr += `\n);`;
export async function printMoves() {
const replaceText = true;
let moveContent: string = await fs.readFile('./src/data/move.ts');
const api = new MainClient();
let enumStr = `export enum Moves {\n NONE,`;
let moveStr = ' allMoves.push(';
moveContent = moveContent.slice(moveContent.indexOf(moveStr));
let moves: NamedAPIResource[] = [];
let offset = 0;
let movesResponse = await api.move.listMoves(offset, 2000);
moves = movesResponse.results;
for (let m of moves) {
const move = await api.move.getMoveByName(m.name);
const moveEnumName = move.name.toUpperCase().replace(/\_/g, '').replace(/\-/g, '_');
enumStr += `\n ${moveEnumName},`;
console.log(move.name, move);
const matchingLineIndex = moveContent.search(new RegExp(`new (?:Attack|(?:Self)?Status)Move\\\(Moves.${Moves[move.id]},`));
let matchingLine = matchingLineIndex > -1 ? moveContent.slice(matchingLineIndex) : null;
if (matchingLine)
matchingLine = matchingLine.slice(0, matchingLine.search(/,(?: \/\/.*?)?(?:\r)?\n[ \t]+(?:new|\);)/));
let moveName = move.names.find(ln => ln.language.name === 'en').name;
[ 'N', 'P' ].every(s => {
if (!matchingLine || matchingLine.indexOf(` (${s})`) > -1) {
moveName += ` (${s})`;
return false;
return true;
let flavorText: string;
if (!matchingLine || replaceText) {
for (let version of versions) {
if ((flavorText = move.flavor_text_entries.find(fte => fte.language.name === 'en' && fte.version_group.name === version)?.flavor_text) || '') {
if (flavorText.indexOf('forgotten') > -1)
} else if (matchingLine)
flavorText = allMoves[move.id].effect;
const moveTarget = targetMap[move.target.name];
moveStr += `\n new ${move.damage_class.name !== 'status' ? 'Attack' : (moveTarget === MoveTarget.USER ? 'Self' : '') + 'Status'}Move(Moves.${moveEnumName}, "${moveName}", Type.${move.type.name.toUpperCase()}${move.damage_class.name !== 'status' ? `, MoveCategory.${move.damage_class.name.toUpperCase()}` : ''}${move.damage_class.name !== 'status' ? `, ${move.power || -1}` : ''}, ${move.accuracy || -1}, ${move.pp}, "${flavorText?.replace(/\n/g, '\\n').replace(/ /g, ' ').replace(/’/g, '\'') || ''}", ${move.effect_chance || -1}, ${move.priority}, ${generationMap[move.generation.name]})`;
const expectedTarget = move.damage_class.name !== 'status' || moveTarget !== MoveTarget.USER ? MoveTarget.NEAR_OTHER : MoveTarget.USER;
if (matchingLine && matchingLine.length > 1) {
const newLineIndex = matchingLine.indexOf('\n');
if (newLineIndex > -1) {
console.log(matchingLine.slice(newLineIndex).replace(/(?:\r)?\n[ \t]+.target\(.*?\)/g, ''), newLineIndex)
moveStr += matchingLine.slice(newLineIndex).replace(/(?:\r)?\n[ \t]+.target\(.*?\)/g, '');
if (moveTarget !== expectedTarget)
moveStr += `\n .target(MoveTarget.${MoveTarget[moveTarget]})`;
moveStr += ',';
enumStr += `\n};`;
moveStr += `\n);`;
export async function printTmSpecies() {
const moveTmSpecies: TmSpecies = {};
const api = new MainClient();
const moveIds = Object.keys(tmSpecies).map(k => parseInt(k) as Moves);
for (let moveId of moveIds) {
const move = await api.move.getMoveById(moveId);
moveTmSpecies[moveId] = [];
for (let species of move.learned_by_pokemon) {
const dexIdMatch = /\/(\d+)\//.exec(species.url);
if (!dexIdMatch)
let dexId = parseInt(dexIdMatch[1]);
let matchingSpecies: PokemonSpecies;
let formKey = '';
if (dexId < 10000)
matchingSpecies = allSpecies[dexId - 1];
else {
const pokemon = await api.pokemon.getPokemonById(dexId);
const speciesDexIdMatch = /\/(\d+)\//.exec(pokemon.species.url);
if (!speciesDexIdMatch)
const speciesDexId = parseInt(speciesDexIdMatch[1]);
const speciesKey = Species[allSpecies[speciesDexId - 1].speciesId];
formKey = species.name.slice(speciesKey.length + 1);
const regionKey = regionalForms.find(r => formKey.indexOf(r) > -1);
if (regionKey) {
formKey = formKey.slice(regionKey.length + 1);
matchingSpecies = allSpecies.find(s => Species[s.speciesId] === `${regionKey.toUpperCase()}_${speciesKey}`);
} else
matchingSpecies = allSpecies[speciesDexId - 1];
if (!matchingSpecies) {
console.log('NO MATCH', species.name);
const speciesKey = Species[matchingSpecies.speciesId];
const matchingIndex = moveTmSpecies[moveId].findIndex(s => Array.isArray(s) ? s[0] === speciesKey : s === speciesKey);
if (matchingIndex === -1)
moveTmSpecies[moveId].push(!formKey ? speciesKey : [ speciesKey, formKey ]);
else {
if (!Array.isArray(moveTmSpecies[moveId][matchingIndex]))
moveTmSpecies[moveId][matchingIndex] = [ moveTmSpecies[moveId][matchingIndex] as string, '' ];
(moveTmSpecies[moveId][matchingIndex] as string[]).push(formKey);
let tmSpeciesStr = `export const tmSpecies: TmSpecies = {\n`;
for (let moveId of Object.keys(moveTmSpecies)) {
tmSpeciesStr += ` [Moves.${Moves[parseInt(moveId)]}]: [\n`;
for (let species of moveTmSpecies[moveId]) {
if (typeof species === 'string')
tmSpeciesStr += ` Species.${species},\n`;
else {
const matchingExistingSpecies = allSpecies.find(s => Species[s.speciesId] === species[0]);
const forms = (species as string[]).slice(1);
if (matchingExistingSpecies && (!pokemonFormLevelMoves.hasOwnProperty(matchingExistingSpecies.speciesId) || matchingExistingSpecies.forms.length <= 1 || (matchingExistingSpecies.forms.length === 2 && matchingExistingSpecies.forms[1].formKey.indexOf(SpeciesFormKey.MEGA) > -1) || matchingExistingSpecies.forms.length === forms.length))
tmSpeciesStr += ` Species.${species[0]},\n`;
else {
tmSpeciesStr += ` [\n Species.${species[0]},\n`;
for (let form of forms)
tmSpeciesStr += ` '${form}',\n`;
tmSpeciesStr += ` ],\n`;
tmSpeciesStr += ` ],\n`;
tmSpeciesStr += `\n};`;
} |