660 lines
29 KiB
660 lines
29 KiB
// Call of Duty 4 - Config by RigorousSphinx
// Public Information
sets sv_hostname "^5$('*') ^2Hacked ^3/ ^1Modded ^5Rotation ^3Server" // ^5$('*') ^2Hacked ^3/ ^1Modded ^5Rotation ^3Server
sets _Admin "RigorousSphinx"
// sets _Email "admin AT yoursite DOT com"
// sets _Website "http://www.cod4boards.com"
sets _Location "North Carolina, US"
// sets _Vent ""
// sets _Irc ""
sets _Maps "CoD4 Stock"
set scr_motd "^3Welcome to $('*') Modded Server. Enjoy!!"
// Load Mods
// PeZBOT Mod
// set fs_game "mods/PeZBOT"
// sets _Mod "PeZBOT"
// sets _ModVer "006p"
// sets _ModUpdate "^3Right Now"
// set svr_pezbots "5"
// set svr_pezbots_team "autoassign"
// Init & Exec CFG Files
// wait
// exec test1.cfg
// wait
// exec test2.cfg
// Common Server Settings
// Log Settings
set g_logsync "2" // 0 = No Log, 1 = Buffered, 2 = Continuous, 3 = Append
set logfile "1" // 0 = No Log, 1 = Log File Enabled
set g_log "games_mp.log" // Name of log file, D: games_mp.log
set sv_log_damage "1"
// Network Options
// set net_ip "" // Set your servers IP address
// set net_port "28960" // Set your port number
set com_hunkMegs "512"
set net_noipx "1" // Allow ONLY tcp/ip protocol, player/server communications
// Server Network Mode
set dedicated "2" // 0 = Listen, 1 = LAN, 2 = Internet
// Master Servers
set sv_master1 "cod4master.activision.com"
set sv_master2 "cod4authorize.activision.com"
set sv_master3 "cod4master.infinityward.com"
set sv_master3 "cod4update.activision.com"
set sv_master4 "master.gamespy.com:28960"
set sv_master5 "master0.gamespy.com"
set sv_master6 "master1.gamespy.com"
set sv_master7 "clanservers.net"
set sv_gamespy "1"
// Password Settings
set rcon_password "aag" // RCON must supply pw to use
set sv_privatePassword "" // Private slots, non-public slots
set g_password ""
// Player Slots
set sv_maxclients "24" // MAX server player slots, this is TOTAL player slots, D: 32
set sv_privateclients "" // Number of private player slots, maxclients - privateclients = public slots
// Ping
set sv_minPing "0" // MIN player ping on CONNECT, D: 0
set sv_maxping "800" // MAX player ping on CONNECT, D: 350
// Client Download Settings, (0=off/1=on) Used for MODs and custom maps
// set sv_allowdownload "1"
// seta sv_wwwDownload "1"
// seta sv_wwwBaseURL "http://www.xxx.xxx.xx"
// seta sv_wwwDlDisconnected "1"
// Rate
set sv_maxRate "5000"
// FPS
// set sv_fps "20"
// Drop Inactive Players
set sv_timeout "300"
set sv_zombietime "1"
set g_inactivity "0"
set g_inactivityspectator "0"
// Anti Flooding Settings
set sv_floodProtect "1"
set sv_reconnectlimit "3"
// Anti Cheat Settings
set sv_disableClientConsole "0"
set cl_autocmd "0"
set sv_cheats "0"
set sv_pure "1"
set g_banIPs ""
set g_no_script_spam "1"
set sv_punkbuster "0"
// Anti Lag
set g_antilag "1"
set g_smoothClients "1"
// Temporary Ban Duration
set sv_kickBanTime "120" // D: 3600
// In-Game Voice Communication System
set sv_voice "0"
set sv_voiceQuality "1"
set voice_deadChat "0"
set voice_global "0"
set voice_localEcho "0"
set winvoice_mic_mute "1"
// Modded Settings
// set scr_xpscale "1"
// set scr_fog_disable "1"
// set jump_height "800"
// set g_gravity "100"
// set g_speed "350"
// set bg_fallDamageMaxHeight "9999"
// set bg_fallDamageMinHeight "9999"
// set r_fullbright "1"
// set player_sustainAmmo "1"
// set cg_laserForceOn "1"
// Misc Settings
set sv_allowAnonymous "0"
set g_compassShowEnemies "0"
set g_deadChat "0"
// set g_maxDroppedWeapons "16"
// set g_redCrosshairs "0"
// set scr_drawfriend "1"
set g_allowVote "1"
// set g_voteAbstainWeight "0.5"
// ui_maxclients 32
// ui_allowvote ""
// ui_allow_classchange ""
// ui_allow_controlschange ""
// ui_allow_teamchange ""
// ui_stat_headshots ""
// set scr_friendlyfire "1"
// set scr_freelook "0"
// set scr_killcam "0"
// set scr_spectateenemy "0"
// set scr_allow_vote "1"
set scr_enable_nightvision 1
set scr_enable_music 1
set scr_enable_hiticon 1
// Gameplay
set scr_game_allowkillcam 1
set scr_game_onlyheadshots 0
set scr_game_deathpointloss 0
set scr_game_suicidepointloss 0
set scr_team_teamkillpointloss 1
set scr_game_spectatetype 1
set scr_game_forceuav 0
// Hardpoints
set scr_game_hardpoints 1
set scr_hardpoint_allowuav 1
set scr_hardpoint_allowartillery 1
set scr_hardpoint_allowhelicopter 1
set scr_hardpoint_allowsupply 1
// Helicopter Settings
// set scr_heli_armor 500
// set scr_heli_armor_bulletdamage 0.3
// set scr_heli_attract_range 4096
// set scr_heli_attract_strength 1000
// set scr_heli_hardpoint_interval 180
// set scr_heli_health_degrade 0
// set scr_heli_loopmax 1
// set scr_heli_maxhealth 1100
// set scr_heli_missile_engage_dist 2000
// set scr_heli_missile_friendlycare 256
// set scr_heli_missile_max 3
// set scr_heli_missile_regen_time 10
// set scr_heli_missile_rof 5
// set scr_heli_missile_target_cone 0.3
// set scr_heli_rage_missile 5
// set scr_heli_target_recognition 0.5
// set scr_heli_target_spawnprotection 5
// set scr_heli_targeting_delay 0.5
// set scr_heli_turret_engage_dist 1000
// set scr_heli_turret_spinup_delay 0.75
// set scr_heli_turretClipSize 40
// set scr_heli_turretReloadTime 1.5
// set scr_heli_visual_range 3500
// Teams
set scr_team_fftype 0
set scr_team_teamkillspawndelay 20
set scr_team_kickteamkillers 0
// Player
set scr_player_maxhealth 100
set scr_player_suicidespawndelay 0
set scr_player_healthregentime 5
set scr_player_forcerespawn 1
set scr_player_sprinttime 4
// UI
set scr_hardcore 1
set scr_oldschool_mw 0
set ui_hud_obituaries 1
set ui_hud_showobjicons 1
// Perks
set scr_game_perks 1
set perk_allow_specialty_parabolic 1
set perk_allow_specialty_gpsjammer 1
set perk_allow_specialty_holdbreath 1
set perk_allow_specialty_quieter 1
set perk_allow_specialty_longersprint 1
set perk_allow_specialty_detectexplosive 1
set perk_allow_specialty_explosivedamage 1
set perk_allow_specialty_pistoldeath 1
set perk_allow_specialty_grenadepulldeath 1
set perk_allow_specialty_bulletdamage 1
set perk_allow_specialty_bulletpenetration 1
set perk_allow_specialty_bulletaccuracy 1
set perk_allow_specialty_rof 1
set perk_allow_specialty_fastreload 1
set perk_allow_specialty_extraammo 1
set perk_allow_specialty_armorvest 1
set perk_allow_specialty_fraggrenade 1
set perk_allow_specialty_specialgrenade 1
set perk_allow_c4_mp 1
set perk_allow_claymore_mp 1
set perk_allow_rpg_mp 1
// set perk_armorVest 75
// set perk_bulletDamage 40
// set perk_explosiveDamage 25
// Class Limits
set class_assault_limit 99
set class_specops_limit 99
set class_heavygunner_limit 99
set class_demolitions_limit 99
set class_sniper_limit 99
// Class Team Options
// set allies_allow_assault 1
// set axis_allow_assault 1
// set allies_allow_specops 1
// set axis_allow_specops 1
// set allies_allow_heavygunner 1
// set axis_allow_heavygunner 1
// set allies_allow_demolitions 1
// set axis_allow_demolitions 1
// set allies_allow_sniper 1
// set axis_allow_sniper 1
// Assault Class Default Loadout
set class_assault_primary m16
set class_assault_primary_attachment gl
set class_assault_secondary beretta
set class_assault_secondary_attachment none
set class_assault_perk1 specialty_null
set class_assault_perk2 specialty_bulletdamage
set class_assault_perk3 specialty_longersprint
set class_assault_grenade concussion_grenade
set class_assault_camo camo_none
set class_assault_frags 1
set class_assault_special 1
// Specops Class Default Loadout
set class_specops_primary mp5
set class_specops_primary_attachment none
set class_specops_secondary usp
set class_specops_secondary_attachment silencer
set class_specops_perk1 c4_mp
set class_specops_perk2 specialty_explosivedamage
set class_specops_perk3 specialty_bulletaccuracy
set class_specops_grenade flash_grenade
set class_specops_camo camo_none
set class_specops_frags 1
set class_specops_special 1
// Heavygunner Class Default Loadout
set class_heavygunner_primary saw
set class_heavygunner_primary_attachment none
set class_heavygunner_secondary usp
set class_heavygunner_secondary_attachment none
set class_heavygunner_perk1 specialty_specialgrenade
set class_heavygunner_perk2 specialty_armorvest
set class_heavygunner_perk3 specialty_bulletpenetration
set class_heavygunner_grenade concussion_grenade
set class_heavygunner_camo camo_none
set class_heavygunner_frags 1
set class_heavygunner_special 1
// Demolitions Class Default Loadout
set class_demolitions_primary winchester1200
set class_demolitions_primary_attachment none
set class_demolitions_secondary beretta
set class_demolitions_secondary_attachment none
set class_demolitions_perk1 rpg_mp
set class_demolitions_perk2 specialty_explosivedamage
set class_demolitions_perk3 specialty_longersprint
set class_demolitions_grenade smoke_grenade
set class_demolitions_camo camo_none
set class_demolitions_frags 1
set class_demolitions_special 1
// Sniper Class Default Loadout
set class_sniper_primary m40a3
set class_sniper_primary_attachment none
set class_sniper_secondary beretta
set class_sniper_secondary_attachment silencer
set class_sniper_perk1 specialty_specialgrenade
set class_sniper_perk2 specialty_bulletdamage
set class_sniper_perk3 specialty_bulletpenetration
set class_sniper_grenade flash_grenade
set class_sniper_camo camo_none
set class_sniper_frags 1
set class_sniper_special 1
// Move Speed
set class_assault_movespeed 0.95
set class_specops_movespeed 1.00
set class_heavygunner_movespeed 0.875
set class_demolitions_movespeed 1.00
set class_sniper_movespeed 1.00
// Enables Dropping of Specified Weapon Class
set class_assault_allowdrop 1
set class_specops_allowdrop 1
set class_heavygunner_allowdrop 1
set class_demolitions_allowdrop 1
set class_sniper_allowdrop 1
// Assault Rifles
set weap_allow_m16 1
set weap_allow_ak47 1
set weap_allow_m4 1
set weap_allow_g3 1
set weap_allow_g36c 1
set weap_allow_m14 1
set weap_allow_mp44 1
// Assault Attachments
set attach_allow_assault_none 1
set attach_allow_assault_gl 1
set attach_allow_assault_reflex 1
set attach_allow_assault_silencer 1
set attach_allow_assault_acog 1
// SMG
set weap_allow_mp5 1
set weap_allow_skorpion 1
set weap_allow_uzi 1
set weap_allow_ak74u 1
set weap_allow_p90 1
// SMG Attachments
set attach_allow_smg_none 1
set attach_allow_smg_reflex 1
set attach_allow_smg_silencer 1
set attach_allow_smg_acog 1
// Shotguns
set weap_allow_m1014 1
set weap_allow_winchester1200 1
// Shotgun Attachments
set attach_allow_shotgun_none 1
set attach_allow_shotgun_reflex 1
set attach_allow_shotgun_grip 1
// LMG
set weap_allow_saw 1
set weap_allow_rpd 1
set weap_allow_m60e4 1
// LMG Attachments
set attach_allow_lmg_none 1
set attach_allow_lmg_reflex 1
set attach_allow_lmg_grip 1
set attach_allow_lmg_acog 1
// Sniper Rifles
set weap_allow_dragunov 1
set weap_allow_m40a3 1
set weap_allow_barrett 1
set weap_allow_remington700 1
set weap_allow_m21 1
// Sniper Attachments
set attach_allow_sniper_none 1
set attach_allow_sniper_acog 1
// Pistols
set weap_allow_beretta 1
set weap_allow_colt45 1
set weap_allow_usp 1
set weap_allow_deserteagle 1
set weap_allow_deserteaglegold 1
// Pistol Attachments
set attach_allow_pistol_none 1
set attach_allow_pistol_silencer 1
// Grenades / Explosives
set weap_allow_frag_grenade 1
set weap_allow_concussion_grenade 1
set weap_allow_flash_grenade 1
set weap_allow_smoke_grenade 1
// set scr_weapon_allowc4 1
// set scr_weapon_allowclaymores 1
// set scr_weapon_allowflash 1
// set scr_weapon_allowfrags 1
// set scr_weapon_allowmines 1
// set scr_weapon_allowrpgs 1
// set scr_weapon_allowsmoke 1
// Game Type Settings
// Free For All Deathmatch:
// set scr_dm_scorelimit
// set scr_dm_timelimit
// set scr_dm_numlives
// set scr_dm_playerrespawndelay
// set scr_dm_roundlimit
// set scr_dm_waverespawndelay
// Domination:
// set scr_dom_scorelimit
// set scr_dom_timelimit
// set scr_dom_numlives
// set scr_dom_playerrespawndelay
// set scr_dom_roundlimit
// set scr_dom_waverespawndelay
// Headquarters:
// set scr_koth_scorelimit
// set scr_koth_timelimit
// set scr_koth_numlives
// set scr_koth_playerrespawndelay
// set scr_koth_roundlimit
// set scr_koth_roundswitch
// set scr_koth_waverespawndelay
// koth_autodestroytime
// koth_kothmode
// koth_spawntime
// Sabotage:
// set scr_sab_scorelimit
// set scr_sab_timelimit
// set scr_sab_numlives
// set scr_sab_bombtimer
// set scr_sab_defusetime
// set scr_sab_hotpotato
// set scr_sab_planttime
// set scr_sab_playerrespawndelay
// set scr_sab_roundlimit
// set scr_sab_roundswitch
// set scr_sab_waverespawndelay
// Search & Destroy
// set scr_sd_scrorelimit
// set scr_sd_timelimit
// set scr_sd_numlives
// set scr_sd_bombtimer
// set scr_sd_defusetime
// set scr_sd_multibomb
// set scr_sd_planttime
// set scr_sd_playerrespawndelay
// set scr_sd_roundlimit
// set scr_sd_roundswitch
// set scr_sd_waverespawndelay
// Team Deathmatch :
// set scr_war_scorelimit
// set scr_war_timelimit
// set scr_war_numlives
// set scr_war_playerrespawndelay
// set scr_war_roundlimit
// set scr_war_waverespawndelay
// Map Names
// ambush = mp_convoy
// backlot = mp_backlot
// bloc = mp_bloc
// bog = mp_bog
// countdown = mp_countdown
// crash = mp_crash
// crossfire = mp_crossfire
// district = mp_citystreets
// downpour = mp_farm
// overgrown = mp_overgrown
// pipeline = mp_pipeline
// shipment = mp_shipment
// showdown = mp_showdown
// strike = mp_strike
// vacant = mp_vacant
// wet work = mp_cargoship
// winter crash = mp_crash_snow
// broadcast = mp_broadcast
// creek = mp_creek
// chinatown = mp_carentan
// killhouse = mp_killhouse
// mp_backlot mp_bloc mp_bog mp_broadcast mp_carentan mp_cargoship mp_citystreets mp_convoy mp_countdown mp_crash mp_crash_snow mp_creek mp_crossfire mp_farm mp_killhouse mp_overgrown mp_pipeline mp_shipment mp_showdown mp_strike mp_vacant
// mp_broadcast mp_carentan mp_crash_snow mp_creek mp_killhouse
// Game Types
// "dm" - Free For All Deathmatch
// "dom" - Domination
// "koth" - Headquarters
// "sab" - Sabotage
// "sd" - Search & Destroy
// "war" - Team Deathmatch
set g_gametype "sd"
// Map Rotations
// set sv_mapRotation "gametype dm map mp_backlot gametype dm map mp_bloc gametype dm map mp_bog gametype dm map mp_cargoship gametype dm map mp_citystreets gametype dm map mp_convoy gametype dm map mp_countdown gametype dm map mp_crash gametype dm map mp_crossfire gametype dm map mp_farm gametype dm map mp_overgrown gametype dm map mp_pipeline gametype dm map mp_shipment gametype dm map mp_showdown gametype dm map mp_strike gametype dm map mp_vacant"
// set sv_mapRotation "gametype dm devmap mp_backlot gametype dm devmap mp_bloc gametype dm devmap mp_bog gametype dm devmap mp_cargoship gametype dm devmap mp_citystreets gametype dm devmap mp_convoy gametype dm devmap mp_countdown gametype dm devmap mp_crash gametype dm devmap mp_crossfire gametype dm devmap mp_farm gametype dm devmap mp_overgrown gametype dm devmap mp_pipeline gametype dm devmap mp_shipment gametype dm devmap mp_showdown gametype dm devmap mp_strike gametype dm devmap mp_vacant"
// set sv_mapRotation "gametype dom map mp_backlot gametype dom map mp_bloc gametype dom map mp_bog gametype dom map mp_cargoship gametype dom map mp_citystreets gametype dom map mp_convoy gametype dom map mp_countdown gametype dom map mp_crash gametype dom map mp_crossfire gametype dom map mp_farm gametype dom map mp_overgrown gametype dom map mp_pipeline gametype dom map mp_shipment gametype dom map mp_showdown gametype dom map mp_strike gametype dom map mp_vacant"
// set sv_mapRotation "gametype koth map mp_backlot gametype koth map mp_bloc gametype koth map mp_bog gametype koth map mp_cargoship gametype koth map mp_citystreets gametype koth map mp_convoy gametype koth map mp_countdown gametype koth map mp_crash gametype koth map mp_crossfire gametype koth map mp_farm gametype koth map mp_overgrown gametype koth map mp_pipeline gametype koth map mp_shipment gametype koth map mp_showdown gametype koth map mp_strike gametype koth map mp_vacant"
// set sv_mapRotation "gametype sab map mp_backlot gametype sab map mp_bloc gametype sab map mp_bog gametype sab map mp_cargoship gametype sab map mp_citystreets gametype sab map mp_convoy gametype sab map mp_countdown gametype sab map mp_crash gametype sab map mp_crossfire gametype sab map mp_farm gametype sab map mp_overgrown gametype sab map mp_pipeline gametype sab map mp_shipment gametype sab map mp_showdown gametype sab map mp_strike gametype sab map mp_vacant"
// set sv_mapRotation "gametype sd map mp_backlot gametype sd map mp_bloc gametype sd map mp_bog gametype sd map mp_cargoship gametype sd map mp_citystreets gametype sd map mp_convoy gametype sd map mp_countdown gametype sd map mp_crash gametype sd map mp_crossfire gametype sd map mp_farm gametype sd map mp_overgrown gametype sd map mp_pipeline gametype sd map mp_shipment gametype sd map mp_showdown gametype sd map mp_strike gametype sd map mp_vacant"
set sv_mapRotation "gametype sd devmap mp_backlot gametype sd devmap mp_bloc gametype sd devmap mp_bog gametype sd devmap mp_cargoship gametype sd devmap mp_citystreets gametype sd devmap mp_convoy gametype sd devmap mp_countdown gametype sd devmap mp_crash gametype sd devmap mp_crossfire gametype sd devmap mp_farm gametype sd devmap mp_overgrown gametype sd devmap mp_pipeline gametype sd devmap mp_shipment gametype sd devmap mp_showdown gametype sd devmap mp_strike gametype sd devmap mp_vacant"
// set sv_mapRotation "gametype war map mp_backlot gametype war map mp_bloc gametype war map mp_bog gametype war map mp_cargoship gametype war map mp_citystreets gametype war map mp_convoy gametype war map mp_countdown gametype war map mp_crash gametype war map mp_crossfire gametype war map mp_farm gametype war map mp_overgrown gametype war map mp_pipeline gametype war map mp_shipment gametype war map mp_showdown gametype war map mp_strike gametype war map mp_vacant"
// set sv_mapRotation "gametype dm map mp_broadcast gametype dom map mp_broadcast gametype koth map mp_broadcast gametype sab map mp_broadcast gametype sd map mp_broadcast gametype war map mp_broadcast"
// set sv_mapRotation "gametype dm devmap mp_broadcast gametype dom devmap mp_broadcast gametype koth devmap mp_broadcast gametype sab devmap mp_broadcast gametype sd devmap mp_broadcast gametype war devmap mp_broadcast"