671 lines
16 KiB
671 lines
16 KiB
#include maps\mp\_utility;
#include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util;
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\mp\gametypes\_killstreaks;
KILLSTREAK_STRING_TABLE = "mp/killstreakTable.csv";
// Load custom killstreak mod
thread streakInit();
// &&1 Kill Streak!
precacheString( &"MP_KILLSTREAK_N" );
precacheString( &"MP_NUKE_ALREADY_INBOUND" );
precacheString( &"MP_UNAVILABLE_IN_LASTSTAND" );
precacheString( &"MP_UNAVAILABLE_WHEN_EMP" );
precacheString( &"MP_UNAVAILABLE_WHEN_INCAP" );
precacheString( &"MP_HELI_IN_QUEUE" );
level.killstreakFuncs = [];
level.killstreakSetupFuncs = [];
level.killstreakWeapons = [];
level.killStreakMod = 0;
thread maps\mp\killstreaks\_ac130::init();
thread maps\mp\killstreaks\_remotemissile::init();
thread maps\mp\killstreaks\_uav::init();
thread maps\mp\killstreaks\_airstrike::init();
thread maps\mp\killstreaks\_airdrop::init();
thread maps\mp\killstreaks\_helicopter::init();
thread maps\mp\killstreaks\_autosentry::init();
thread maps\mp\killstreaks\_tank::init();
thread maps\mp\killstreaks\_emp::init();
thread maps\mp\killstreaks\_nuke::init();
level.killstreakRoundDelay = getIntProperty( "scr_game_killstreakdelay", 8 );
level thread onPlayerConnect();
for ( i = 1; true; i++ )
retVal = tableLookup( KILLSTREAK_STRING_TABLE, 0, i, 1 );
if ( !isDefined( retVal ) || retVal == "" )
streakRef = tableLookup( KILLSTREAK_STRING_TABLE, 0, i, 1 );
assert( streakRef != "" );
streakUseHint = tableLookupIString( KILLSTREAK_STRING_TABLE, 0, i, 6 );
assert( streakUseHint != &"" );
precacheString( streakUseHint );
streakEarnDialog = tableLookup( KILLSTREAK_STRING_TABLE, 0, i, 8 );
assert( streakEarnDialog != "" );
game[ "dialog" ][ streakRef ] = streakEarnDialog;
streakAlliesUseDialog = tableLookup( KILLSTREAK_STRING_TABLE, 0, i, 9 );
assert( streakAlliesUseDialog != "" );
game[ "dialog" ][ "allies_friendly_" + streakRef + "_inbound" ] = "use_" + streakAlliesUseDialog;
game[ "dialog" ][ "allies_enemy_" + streakRef + "_inbound" ] = "enemy_" + streakAlliesUseDialog;
streakAxisUseDialog = tableLookup( KILLSTREAK_STRING_TABLE, 0, i, 10 );
assert( streakAxisUseDialog != "" );
game[ "dialog" ][ "axis_friendly_" + streakRef + "_inbound" ] = "use_" + streakAxisUseDialog;
game[ "dialog" ][ "axis_enemy_" + streakRef + "_inbound" ] = "enemy_" + streakAxisUseDialog;
streakWeapon = tableLookup( KILLSTREAK_STRING_TABLE, 0, i, 12 );
precacheItem( streakWeapon );
streakPoints = int( tableLookup( KILLSTREAK_STRING_TABLE, 0, i, 13 ) );
assert( streakPoints != 0 );
maps\mp\gametypes\_rank::registerScoreInfo( "killstreak_" + streakRef, streakPoints );
streakShader = tableLookup( KILLSTREAK_STRING_TABLE, 0, i, 14 );
precacheShader( streakShader );
streakShader = tableLookup( KILLSTREAK_STRING_TABLE, 0, i, 15 );
if ( streakShader != "" )
precacheShader( streakShader );
for ( ;; )
level waittill( "connected", player );
if( !isDefined ( player.pers[ "killstreaks" ] ) )
player.pers[ "killstreaks" ] = [];
player.lifeId = 0;
if ( isDefined( player.pers["deaths"] ) )
player.lifeId = player.pers["deaths"];
player VisionSetMissilecamForPlayer( game["thermal_vision"] );
player thread onPlayerSpawned();
player thread onPlayerChangeKit();
self endon( "disconnect" );
for ( ;; )
self waittill( "spawned_player" );
self thread killstreakUseWaiter();
self thread waitForChangeTeam();
self giveOwnedKillstreakItem( true );
self endon( "disconnect" );
for ( ;; )
self waittill( "changed_kit" );
self giveOwnedKillstreakItem();
self endon ( "disconnect" );
self notify ( "waitForChangeTeam" );
self endon ( "waitForChangeTeam" );
for ( ;; )
self waittill ( "joined_team" );
isRideKillstreak( streakName )
switch( streakName )
case "helicopter_minigun":
case "helicopter_mk19":
case "ac130":
case "predator_missile":
return true;
return false;
isCarryKillstreak( streakName )
switch( streakName )
case "sentry":
case "sentry_gl":
return true;
return false;
deadlyKillstreak( streakName )
switch ( streakName )
case "predator_missile":
case "precision_airstrike":
case "harrier_airstrike":
//case "helicopter":
//case "helicopter_flares":
case "stealth_airstrike":
//case "helicopter_minigun":
case "ac130":
return true;
return false;
streakName = self.pers["killstreaks"][0].streakName;
lifeId = self.pers["killstreaks"][0].lifeId;
isEarned = self.pers["killstreaks"][0].earned;
awardXp = self.pers["killstreaks"][0].awardXp;
assert( isDefined( streakName ) );
assert( isDefined( level.killstreakFuncs[ streakName ] ) );
if ( !self isOnGround() && ( isRideKillstreak( streakName ) || isCarryKillstreak( streakName ) ) )
return ( false );
if ( self isUsingRemote() )
return ( false );
if ( isDefined( self.selectingLocation ) )
return ( false );
if ( deadlyKillstreak( streakName ) && level.killstreakRoundDelay && getGametypeNumLives() )
if ( level.gracePeriod - level.inGracePeriod < level.killstreakRoundDelay )
self iPrintLnBold( &"MP_UNAVAILABLE_FOR_N", (level.killstreakRoundDelay - (level.gracePeriod - level.inGracePeriod)) );
return ( false );
if ( (level.teamBased && level.teamEMPed[self.team]) || (!level.teamBased && isDefined( level.empPlayer ) && level.empPlayer != self) )
self iPrintLnBold( &"MP_UNAVAILABLE_WHEN_EMP" );
return ( false );
if ( self IsUsingTurret() && ( isRideKillstreak( streakName ) || isCarryKillstreak( streakName ) ) )
return ( false );
if ( isDefined( self.lastStand ) && isRideKillstreak( streakName ) )
return ( false );
if ( !self isWeaponEnabled() )
return ( false );
if ( !self [[ level.killstreakFuncs[ streakName ] ]]( lifeId ) )
return ( false );
self usedKillstreak( streakName, awardXp );
self shuffleKillStreaksFILO( streakName );
self giveOwnedKillstreakItem();
return ( true );
//this overwrites killstreak at index 0 and decrements all other killstreaks (FCLS style)
shuffleKillStreaksFILO( streakName )
self _setActionSlot( 4, "" );
arraySize = self.pers["killstreaks"].size;
streakIndex = -1;
for ( i = 0; i < arraySize; i++ )
if ( self.pers["killstreaks"][i].streakName != streakName )
streakIndex = i;
assert( streakIndex >= 0 );
self.pers["killstreaks"][streakIndex] = undefined;
for( i = streakIndex + 1; i < arraySize; i++ )
if ( i == arraySize - 1 )
self.pers["killstreaks"][i-1] = self.pers["killstreaks"][i];
self.pers["killstreaks"][i] = undefined;
self.pers["killstreaks"][i-1] = self.pers["killstreaks"][i];
usedKillstreak( streakName, awardXp )
self playLocalSound( "weap_c4detpack_trigger_plr" );
if ( awardXp )
self thread [[ level.onXPEvent ]]( "killstreak_" + streakName );
self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_missions::useHardpoint( streakName );
awardref = maps\mp\_awards::getKillstreakAwardRef( streakName );
if ( isDefined( awardref ) )
self thread incPlayerStat( awardref, 1 );
team = self.team;
if ( level.teamBased )
thread leaderDialog( team + "_friendly_" + streakName + "_inbound", team );
if ( getKillstreakInformEnemy( streakName ) )
thread leaderDialog( team + "_enemy_" + streakName + "_inbound", level.otherTeam[ team ] );
self thread leaderDialogOnPlayer( team + "_friendly_" + streakName + "_inbound" );
if ( getKillstreakInformEnemy( streakName ) )
excludeList[0] = self;
thread leaderDialog( team + "_enemy_" + streakName + "_inbound", undefined, undefined, excludeList );
foreach ( index, streakStruct in self.pers["killstreaks"] )
self.pers["killstreaks"][index] = undefined;
self endon( "disconnect" );
self endon( "finish_death" );
level endon( "game_ended" );
self.lastKillStreak = 0;
if ( !isDefined( self.pers["lastEarnedStreak"] ) )
self.pers["lastEarnedStreak"] = undefined;
self thread finishDeathWaiter();
for ( ;; )
self waittill ( "weapon_change", newWeapon );
if ( !isAlive( self ) )
if ( !isDefined( self.pers["killstreaks"][0] ) )
if ( newWeapon != getKillstreakWeapon( self.pers["killstreaks"][0].streakName ) )
streakName = self.pers["killstreaks"][0].streakName;
result = self killstreakUsePressed();
//no force switching weapon for ridable killstreaks
if ( !isRideKillstreak( streakName ) || !result )
self switchToWeapon( self getLastWeapon() );
// give time to switch to the near weapon; when the weapon is none (such as during a "disableWeapon()" period
// re-enabling the weapon immediately does a "weapon_change" to the killstreak weapon we just used. In the case that
// we have two of that killstreak, it immediately uses the second one
if ( self getCurrentWeapon() == "none" )
while ( self getCurrentWeapon() == "none" )
wait ( 0.05 );
self endon ( "disconnect" );
self waittill ( "death" );
wait ( 0.05 );
self notify ( "finish_death" );
self.pers["lastEarnedStreak"] = undefined;
checkKillstreakReward( streakCount )
self notify( "got_killstreak", streakCount );
maxVal = 0;
killStreaks = [];
foreach ( streakVal, streakName in self.killStreaks )
killStreaks[streakName] = streakVal;
if ( streakVal > maxVal )
maxVal = streakVal;
foreach ( streakVal, streakName in self.killStreaks )
actualVal = streakVal + level.killStreakMod;
if ( actualVal > streakCount )
if ( isDefined( self.pers["lastEarnedStreak"] ) && killStreaks[streakName] <= killStreaks[self.pers["lastEarnedStreak"]] )
if ( isSubStr( streakName, "-rollover" ) )
if ( game["defcon"] > 2 )
self.pers["lastEarnedStreak"] = streakName;
useStreakName = strTok( streakName, "-" )[0];
useStreakName = streakName;
if ( self tryGiveKillstreak( useStreakName, int(max( actualVal, streakCount )) ) )
self thread killstreakEarned( useStreakName );
self.pers["lastEarnedStreak"] = streakName;
killstreakEarned( streakName )
if ( self getPlayerData( "killstreaks", 0 ) == streakName )
self.firstKillstreakEarned = getTime();
else if ( self getPlayerData( "killstreaks", 2 ) == streakName && isDefined( self.firstKillstreakEarned ) )
if ( getTime() - self.firstKillstreakEarned < 20000 )
self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_missions::genericChallenge( "wargasm" );
rewardNotify( streakName, streakVal )
self endon( "disconnect" );
self maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::killstreakSplashNotify( streakName, streakVal );
tryGiveKillstreak( streakName, streakVal )
level notify ( "gave_killstreak", streakName );
if ( !level.gameEnded )
self thread rewardNotify( streakName, streakVal );
self giveKillstreak( streakName, streakVal, true );
return true;
giveKillstreak( streakName, isEarned, awardXp, owner )
self endon ( "disconnect" );
weapon = getKillstreakWeapon( streakName );
self giveKillstreakWeapon( weapon );
// shuffle existing killstreaks up a notch
for( i = self.pers["killstreaks"].size; i >= 0; i-- )
self.pers["killstreaks"][i + 1] = self.pers["killstreaks"][i];
self.pers["killstreaks"][0] = spawnStruct();
self.pers["killstreaks"][0].streakName = streakName;
self.pers["killstreaks"][0].earned = isDefined( isEarned ) && isEarned;
self.pers["killstreaks"][0].awardxp = isDefined( awardXp ) && awardXp;
self.pers["killstreaks"][0].owner = owner;
if ( !self.pers["killstreaks"][0].earned )
self.pers["killstreaks"][0].lifeId = -1;
self.pers["killstreaks"][0].lifeId = self.pers["deaths"];
// probably obsolete unless we bring back the autoshotty
if ( isdefined( level.killstreakSetupFuncs[ streakName ] ) )
self [[ level.killstreakSetupFuncs[ streakName ] ]]();
if ( isDefined( isEarned ) && isEarned && isDefined( awardXp ) && awardXp )
self notify( "received_earned_killstreak" );
giveKillstreakWeapon( weapon )
weaponList = self getWeaponsListItems();
foreach ( item in weaponList )
if ( !isSubStr( item, "killstreak" ) )
if ( self getCurrentWeapon() == item )
self takeWeapon( item );
self _giveWeapon( weapon, 0 );
self _setActionSlot( 4, "weapon", weapon );
getStreakCost( streakName )
return int( tableLookup( KILLSTREAK_STRING_TABLE, 1, streakName, 4 ) );
getKillstreakHint( streakName )
return tableLookupIString( KILLSTREAK_STRING_TABLE, 1, streakName, 6 );
getKillstreakInformEnemy( streakName )
return int( tableLookup( KILLSTREAK_STRING_TABLE, 1, streakName, 11 ) );
getKillstreakSound( streakName )
return tableLookup( KILLSTREAK_STRING_TABLE, 1, streakName, 7 );
getKillstreakDialog( streakName )
return tableLookup( KILLSTREAK_STRING_TABLE, 1, streakName, 8 );
getKillstreakWeapon( streakName )
return tableLookup( KILLSTREAK_STRING_TABLE, 1, streakName, 12 );
getKillstreakIcon( streakName )
return tableLookup( KILLSTREAK_STRING_TABLE, 1, streakName, 14 );
getKillstreakCrateIcon( streakName )
return tableLookup( KILLSTREAK_STRING_TABLE, 1, streakName, 15 );
giveOwnedKillstreakItem( skipDialog )
if ( !isDefined( self.pers["killstreaks"][0] ) )
streakName = self.pers["killstreaks"][0].streakName;
weapon = getKillstreakWeapon( streakName );
self giveKillstreakWeapon( weapon );
if ( !isDefined( skipDialog ) && !level.inGracePeriod )
self leaderDialogOnPlayer( streakName, "killstreak_earned" );
self _disableUsability();
result = self initRideKillstreak_internal();
if ( isDefined( self ) )
self _enableUsability();
return result;
laptopWait = self waittill_any_timeout( 1.0, "disconnect", "death", "weapon_switch_started" );
if ( laptopWait == "weapon_switch_started" )
return ( "fail" );
if ( !isAlive( self ) )
return "fail";
if ( laptopWait == "disconnect" || laptopWait == "death" )
if ( laptopWait == "disconnect" )
return ( "disconnect" );
if ( self.team == "spectator" )
return "fail";
return ( "success" );
if ( self isEMPed() || self isNuked() )
return ( "fail" );
self VisionSetNakedForPlayer( "black_bw", 0.75 );
blackOutWait = self waittill_any_timeout( 0.80, "disconnect", "death" );
if ( blackOutWait != "disconnect" )
self thread clearRideIntro( 1.0 );
if ( self.team == "spectator" )
return "fail";
if ( !isAlive( self ) )
return "fail";
if ( self isEMPed() || self isNuked() )
return "fail";
if ( blackOutWait == "disconnect" )
return ( "disconnect" );
return ( "success" );
clearRideIntro( delay )
self endon( "disconnect" );
if ( isDefined( delay ) )
wait( delay );
//self freezeControlsWrapper( false );
if ( !isDefined( level.nukeVisionInProgress ) )
self VisionSetNakedForPlayer( getDvar( "mapname" ), 0 );