2023-04-20 12:46:05 -07:00
import { Abilities } from './ability' ;
import BattleScene from '../battle-scene' ;
2023-03-28 11:54:52 -07:00
import { GrowthRate } from './exp' ;
2023-04-21 22:09:35 -07:00
import { SpeciesWildEvolutionDelay , pokemonEvolutions , pokemonPrevolutions } from './pokemon-evolutions' ;
2023-03-28 11:54:52 -07:00
import { Species } from './species' ;
import { Type } from './type' ;
2023-04-20 12:46:05 -07:00
import * as Utils from '../utils' ;
2023-03-28 11:54:52 -07:00
export function getPokemonSpecies ( species : Species ) : PokemonSpecies {
if ( species >= Species . XERNEAS )
2023-04-26 13:07:29 -07:00
return allSpecies . find ( s = > s . speciesId === species ) ;
2023-03-28 11:54:52 -07:00
return allSpecies [ species - 1 ] ;
2023-04-17 19:44:41 -07:00
export abstract class PokemonSpeciesForm {
2023-03-28 11:54:52 -07:00
public speciesId : Species ;
2023-04-17 19:44:41 -07:00
public formIndex : integer ;
2023-03-28 11:54:52 -07:00
public generation : integer ;
2023-04-01 17:06:44 -07:00
public type1 : Type ;
public type2 : Type ;
2023-03-28 11:54:52 -07:00
public height : number ;
public weight : number ;
2023-04-17 19:44:41 -07:00
public ability1 : Abilities ;
public ability2 : Abilities ;
public abilityHidden : Abilities ;
2023-03-28 11:54:52 -07:00
public baseTotal : integer ;
public baseStats : integer [ ] ;
public catchRate : integer ;
public baseFriendship : integer ;
public baseExp : integer ;
2023-04-17 19:44:41 -07:00
public growthRate : GrowthRate ;
2023-03-28 11:54:52 -07:00
public eggType1 : string ;
public eggType2 : string ;
public malePercent : number ;
public eggCycles : integer ;
public genderDiffs : boolean ;
2023-04-17 19:44:41 -07:00
constructor ( type1 : Type , type2 : Type , height : number , weight : number , ability1 : Abilities , ability2 : Abilities , abilityHidden : Abilities ,
baseTotal : integer , baseHp : integer , baseAtk : integer , baseDef : integer , baseSpatk : integer , baseSpdef : integer , baseSpd : integer ,
catchRate : integer , baseFriendship : integer , baseExp : integer , growthRate : GrowthRate , eggType1 : string , eggType2 : string , malePercent : number ,
eggCycles : integer , genderDiffs : boolean ) {
this . type1 = type1 ;
this . type2 = type2 ;
this . height = height ;
this . weight = weight ;
this . ability1 = ability1 ;
this . ability2 = ability2 ;
this . abilityHidden = abilityHidden ;
this . baseTotal = baseTotal ;
this . baseStats = [ baseHp , baseAtk , baseDef , baseSpatk , baseSpdef , baseSpd ] ;
this . catchRate = catchRate ;
this . baseFriendship = baseFriendship ;
this . baseExp = baseExp ;
this . growthRate = growthRate ;
this . eggType1 = eggType1 ;
this . eggType2 = eggType2 ;
this . malePercent = malePercent ;
this . eggCycles = eggCycles ;
this . genderDiffs = genderDiffs ;
2023-04-26 09:50:21 -07:00
isOfType ( type : integer ) : boolean {
2023-04-17 19:44:41 -07:00
return this . type1 === type || ( this . type2 !== null && this . type2 === type ) ;
2023-04-26 09:50:21 -07:00
getAbilityCount ( ) : integer {
return this . ability2 ? this . abilityHidden ? 3 : 2 : this . abilityHidden ? 2 : 1 ;
getAbility ( abilityIndex : integer ) : Abilities {
return ! abilityIndex ? this . ability1 : abilityIndex === 1 && this . ability2 ? this . ability2 : this.abilityHidden
2023-04-26 13:07:29 -07:00
isObtainable() {
return this . generation <= 5 ;
2023-04-17 19:44:41 -07:00
getSpriteAtlasPath ( female : boolean , formIndex? : integer , shiny? : boolean ) : string {
return this . getSpriteId ( female , formIndex , shiny ) . replace ( /\_{2}/g , '/' ) ;
getSpriteId ( female : boolean , formIndex? : integer , shiny? : boolean ) : string {
if ( formIndex === undefined || this instanceof PokemonForm )
formIndex = this . formIndex ;
const formSpriteKey = this . getFormSpriteKey ( formIndex ) ;
return ` ${ shiny ? 'shiny__' : '' } ${ this . genderDiffs && female ? 'female__' : '' } ${ this . speciesId } ${ formSpriteKey ? ` - ${ formSpriteKey } ` : '' } ` ;
getSpriteKey ( female : boolean , formIndex? : integer , shiny? : boolean ) : string {
return ` pkmn__ ${ this . getSpriteId ( female , formIndex , shiny ) } ` ;
abstract getFormSpriteKey ( formIndex? : integer ) : string ;
getIconAtlasKey ( ) : string {
2023-04-26 13:07:29 -07:00
return ` pokemon_icons_ ${ Math . min ( this . generation , 6 ) } ` ;
2023-04-17 19:44:41 -07:00
getIconId ( female : boolean , formIndex? : integer ) : string {
if ( formIndex === undefined )
formIndex = this . formIndex ;
let ret = ` ${ Utils . padInt ( this . speciesId , 3 ) } ` ;
switch ( this . speciesId ) {
case Species . UNOWN :
case Species . BURMY :
case Species . WORMADAM :
case Species . SHELLOS :
case Species . GASTRODON :
case Species . GIRATINA :
case Species . SHAYMIN :
case Species . BASCULIN :
case Species . DEERLING :
case Species . SAWSBUCK :
case Species . TORNADUS :
case Species . THUNDURUS :
case Species . LANDORUS :
case Species . KELDEO :
case Species . MELOETTA :
ret += this . getFormSpriteKey ( formIndex ) . replace ( /-/g , '' ) ;
break ;
case Species . FRILLISH :
case Species . JELLICENT :
ret += ! female ? 'm' : 'f' ;
break ;
return ret ;
getIconKey ( female : boolean , formIndex? : integer ) : string {
return ` pkmn_icon__ ${ this . getIconId ( female , formIndex ) } ` ;
loadAssets ( scene : BattleScene , female : boolean , formIndex? : integer , shiny? : boolean , startLoad? : boolean ) : Promise < void > {
return new Promise ( resolve = > {
scene . load . audio ( this . speciesId . toString ( ) , ` audio/cry/ ${ this . speciesId } .mp3 ` ) ;
scene . loadAtlas ( this . getSpriteKey ( female , formIndex , shiny ) , 'pokemon' , this . getSpriteAtlasPath ( female , formIndex , shiny ) ) ;
scene . load . once ( Phaser . Loader . Events . COMPLETE , ( ) = > {
const originalWarn = console . warn ;
// Ignore warnings for missing frames, because there will be a lot
console . warn = ( ) = > { } ;
const frameNames = scene . anims . generateFrameNames ( this . getSpriteKey ( female , formIndex , shiny ) , { zeroPad : 4 , suffix : ".png" , start : 1 , end : 256 } ) ;
console . warn = originalWarn ;
scene . anims . create ( {
key : this.getSpriteKey ( female , formIndex , shiny ) ,
frames : frameNames ,
frameRate : 12 ,
repeat : - 1
} ) ;
resolve ( ) ;
} ) ;
if ( startLoad ) {
if ( ! scene . load . isLoading ( ) )
scene . load . start ( ) ;
} else
resolve ( ) ;
} ) ;
generateIconAnim ( scene : BattleScene , female : boolean , formIndex : integer ) : void {
const frameNames = scene . anims . generateFrameNames ( this . getIconAtlasKey ( ) , { prefix : ` ${ this . getIconId ( female , formIndex ) } _ ` , zeroPad : 2 , suffix : '.png' , start : 1 , end : 34 } ) ;
scene . anims . create ( {
key : this.getIconKey ( female , formIndex ) ,
frames : frameNames ,
frameRate : 128 ,
repeat : - 1
} ) ;
cry ( scene : BattleScene , soundConfig? : Phaser.Types.Sound.SoundConfig ) : integer {
scene . sound . play ( this . speciesId . toString ( ) , soundConfig ) ;
return scene . sound . get ( this . speciesId . toString ( ) ) . totalDuration * 1000 ;
export default class PokemonSpecies extends PokemonSpeciesForm {
public name : string ;
public pseudoLegendary : boolean ;
public legendary : boolean ;
public mythical : boolean ;
public species : string ;
public canChangeForm : boolean ;
public forms : PokemonForm [ ] ;
constructor ( id : Species , name : string , generation : integer , pseudoLegendary : boolean , legendary : boolean , mythical : boolean , species : string ,
type1 : Type , type2 : Type , height : number , weight : number , ability1 : Abilities , ability2 : Abilities , abilityHidden : Abilities ,
baseTotal : integer , baseHp : integer , baseAtk : integer , baseDef : integer , baseSpatk : integer , baseSpdef : integer , baseSpd : integer ,
catchRate : integer , baseFriendship : integer , baseExp : integer , growthRate : GrowthRate , eggType1 : string , eggType2 : string , malePercent : number ,
eggCycles : integer , genderDiffs : boolean , canChangeForm? : boolean , . . . forms : PokemonForm [ ] ) {
super ( type1 , type2 , height , weight , ability1 , ability2 , abilityHidden , baseTotal , baseHp , baseAtk , baseDef , baseSpatk , baseSpdef , baseSpd ,
catchRate , baseFriendship , baseExp , growthRate , eggType1 , eggType2 , malePercent , eggCycles , genderDiffs ) ;
2023-03-28 11:54:52 -07:00
this . speciesId = id ;
2023-04-17 19:44:41 -07:00
this . formIndex = 0 ;
2023-03-28 11:54:52 -07:00
this . name = name ;
this . generation = generation ;
2023-04-17 19:44:41 -07:00
this . pseudoLegendary = pseudoLegendary ;
this . legendary = legendary ;
this . mythical = mythical ;
2023-03-28 11:54:52 -07:00
this . species = species ;
2023-04-17 19:44:41 -07:00
this . canChangeForm = ! ! canChangeForm ;
this . forms = forms ;
2023-03-28 11:54:52 -07:00
2023-04-17 19:44:41 -07:00
forms . forEach ( ( form , f ) = > {
form . speciesId = id ;
form . formIndex = f ;
form . generation = generation ;
} ) ;
2023-03-28 11:54:52 -07:00
2023-03-28 21:31:25 -07:00
getSpeciesForLevel ( level : integer , allowEvolving? : boolean ) : Species {
2023-03-28 11:54:52 -07:00
const prevolutionLevels = this . getPrevolutionLevels ( ) ;
if ( prevolutionLevels . length ) {
for ( let pl = prevolutionLevels . length - 1 ; pl >= 0 ; pl -- ) {
const prevolutionLevel = prevolutionLevels [ pl ] ;
if ( level < prevolutionLevel [ 1 ] )
return prevolutionLevel [ 0 ] ;
2023-04-21 22:09:35 -07:00
if ( ! allowEvolving || ! pokemonEvolutions . hasOwnProperty ( this . speciesId ) )
2023-03-28 21:31:25 -07:00
return this . speciesId ;
2023-04-21 22:09:35 -07:00
const evolutions = pokemonEvolutions [ this . speciesId ] ;
const easeInFunc = Phaser . Tweens . Builders . GetEaseFunction ( 'Sine.easeIn' ) ;
const easeOutFunc = Phaser . Tweens . Builders . GetEaseFunction ( 'Sine.easeOut' ) ;
2023-05-04 17:47:41 -07:00
const evolutionPool : Map < number , Species > = new Map ( ) ;
let totalWeight = 0 ;
let noEvolutionChance = 1 ;
2023-04-21 22:09:35 -07:00
for ( let ev of evolutions ) {
if ( ev . level > level )
continue ;
2023-05-04 17:47:41 -07:00
let evolutionChance : number ;
2023-04-21 22:09:35 -07:00
2023-05-04 17:47:41 -07:00
if ( ev . wildDelay === SpeciesWildEvolutionDelay . NONE )
evolutionChance = Math . min ( 0.5 + easeInFunc ( ( level - ev . level ) / 40 ) / 2 , 1 ) ;
else {
let preferredMinLevel = ev . wildDelay * 10 ;
let evolutionLevel = ev . level > 1 ? ev.level : 0 ;
if ( ! evolutionLevel && pokemonPrevolutions . hasOwnProperty ( this . speciesId ) ) {
const prevolutionLevel = pokemonEvolutions [ pokemonPrevolutions [ this . speciesId ] ] . find ( ev = > ev . speciesId === this . speciesId ) . level ;
if ( prevolutionLevel > 1 )
evolutionLevel = prevolutionLevel ;
evolutionChance = Math . min ( 0.65 * easeInFunc ( ( Math . min ( Math . max ( level - evolutionLevel , 0 ) , preferredMinLevel ) / preferredMinLevel ) ) + 0.35 * easeOutFunc ( Math . min ( level - evolutionLevel , preferredMinLevel * 2.5 ) / ( preferredMinLevel * 2.5 ) ) , 1 ) ;
2023-03-28 11:54:52 -07:00
2023-05-04 17:47:41 -07:00
if ( evolutionChance > 0 ) {
totalWeight += evolutionChance ;
2023-04-21 22:09:35 -07:00
2023-05-04 17:47:41 -07:00
evolutionPool . set ( totalWeight , ev . speciesId ) ;
if ( ( 1 - evolutionChance ) < noEvolutionChance )
noEvolutionChance = 1 - evolutionChance ;
2023-03-28 11:54:52 -07:00
2023-05-04 17:47:41 -07:00
if ( noEvolutionChance === 1 || Math . random ( ) < noEvolutionChance )
return this . speciesId ;
2023-03-28 11:54:52 -07:00
2023-05-04 17:47:41 -07:00
if ( evolutionPool . size === 1 )
return evolutionPool . values ( ) [ 0 ] ;
2023-04-21 22:09:35 -07:00
2023-05-04 17:47:41 -07:00
const randValue = Math . random ( ) * totalWeight ;
2023-04-21 22:09:35 -07:00
2023-05-04 17:47:41 -07:00
for ( let weight of evolutionPool . keys ( ) ) {
if ( randValue < weight )
return evolutionPool . get ( weight ) ;
2023-03-28 11:54:52 -07:00
return this . speciesId ;
getEvolutionLevels() {
const evolutionLevels = [ ] ;
//console.log(Species[this.speciesId], pokemonEvolutions[this.speciesId])
if ( pokemonEvolutions . hasOwnProperty ( this . speciesId ) ) {
for ( let e of pokemonEvolutions [ this . speciesId ] ) {
2023-04-18 12:07:10 -07:00
const speciesId = e . speciesId ;
const level = e . level ;
evolutionLevels . push ( [ speciesId , level ] ) ;
//console.log(Species[speciesId], getPokemonSpecies(speciesId), getPokemonSpecies(speciesId).getEvolutionLevels());
const nextEvolutionLevels = getPokemonSpecies ( speciesId ) . getEvolutionLevels ( ) ;
for ( let npl of nextEvolutionLevels )
evolutionLevels . push ( npl ) ;
2023-03-28 11:54:52 -07:00
return evolutionLevels ;
2023-04-18 12:07:10 -07:00
getPrevolutionLevels() {
2023-03-28 11:54:52 -07:00
const prevolutionLevels = [ ] ;
const allEvolvingPokemon = Object . keys ( pokemonEvolutions ) ;
for ( let p of allEvolvingPokemon ) {
for ( let e of pokemonEvolutions [ p ] ) {
if ( e . speciesId === this . speciesId ) {
2023-04-18 12:07:10 -07:00
const speciesId = parseInt ( p ) as Species ;
let level = e . level ;
prevolutionLevels . push ( [ speciesId , level ] ) ;
const subPrevolutionLevels = getPokemonSpecies ( speciesId ) . getPrevolutionLevels ( ) ;
for ( let spl of subPrevolutionLevels )
prevolutionLevels . push ( spl ) ;
2023-03-28 11:54:52 -07:00
return prevolutionLevels ;
2023-04-09 16:15:21 -07:00
2023-04-17 19:44:41 -07:00
getFormSpriteKey ( formIndex? : integer ) {
return this . forms ? . length
? this . forms [ formIndex || 0 ] . formKey
: '' ;
2023-04-12 16:09:15 -07:00
2023-03-28 11:54:52 -07:00
2023-04-17 19:44:41 -07:00
class PokemonForm extends PokemonSpeciesForm {
2023-03-28 11:54:52 -07:00
public formName : string ;
2023-04-17 19:44:41 -07:00
public formKey : string ;
2023-03-28 11:54:52 -07:00
2023-04-17 19:44:41 -07:00
constructor ( formName : string , formKey : string , type1 : Type , type2 : Type , height : number , weight : number , ability1 : Abilities , ability2 : Abilities , abilityHidden : Abilities ,
baseTotal : integer , baseHp : integer , baseAtk : integer , baseDef : integer , baseSpatk : integer , baseSpdef : integer , baseSpd : integer ,
catchRate : integer , baseFriendship : integer , baseExp : integer , growthRate : GrowthRate , eggType1 : string , eggType2 : string , malePercent : number ,
eggCycles : integer , genderDiffs : boolean , canChangeForm? : boolean , . . . forms : PokemonForm [ ] ) {
super ( type1 , type2 , height , weight , ability1 , ability2 , abilityHidden , baseTotal , baseHp , baseAtk , baseDef , baseSpatk , baseSpdef , baseSpd ,
catchRate , baseFriendship , baseExp , growthRate , eggType1 , eggType2 , malePercent , eggCycles , genderDiffs ) ;
2023-03-28 11:54:52 -07:00
this . formName = formName ;
2023-04-17 19:44:41 -07:00
this . formKey = formKey ;
getFormSpriteKey ( _formIndex? : integer ) {
return this . formKey ;
2023-03-28 11:54:52 -07:00
2023-04-27 11:30:03 -07:00
export const allSpecies = [ ] ;
export function initSpecies() {
allSpecies . push (
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . BULBASAUR , "Bulbasaur" , 1 , false , false , false , "Seed Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , Type . POISON , 0.7 , 6.9 , Abilities . OVERGROW , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . CHLOROPHYLL , 318 , 45 , 49 , 49 , 65 , 65 , 45 , 45 , 70 , 64 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Grass" , "Monster" , 87.5 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . IVYSAUR , "Ivysaur" , 1 , false , false , false , "Seed Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , Type . POISON , 1 , 13 , Abilities . OVERGROW , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . CHLOROPHYLL , 405 , 60 , 62 , 63 , 80 , 80 , 60 , 45 , 70 , 142 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Grass" , "Monster" , 87.5 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . VENUSAUR , "Venusaur" , 1 , false , false , false , "Seed Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , Type . POISON , 2 , 100 , Abilities . OVERGROW , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . CHLOROPHYLL , 525 , 80 , 82 , 83 , 100 , 100 , 80 , 45 , 70 , 236 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Grass" , "Monster" , 87.5 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . CHARMANDER , "Charmander" , 1 , false , false , false , "Lizard Pokémon" , Type . FIRE , null , 0.6 , 8.5 , Abilities . BLAZE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . SOLAR_POWER , 309 , 39 , 52 , 43 , 60 , 50 , 65 , 45 , 70 , 62 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Dragon" , "Monster" , 87.5 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . CHARMELEON , "Charmeleon" , 1 , false , false , false , "Flame Pokémon" , Type . FIRE , null , 1.1 , 19 , Abilities . BLAZE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . SOLAR_POWER , 405 , 58 , 64 , 58 , 80 , 65 , 80 , 45 , 70 , 142 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Dragon" , "Monster" , 87.5 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . CHARIZARD , "Charizard" , 1 , false , false , false , "Flame Pokémon" , Type . FIRE , Type . FLYING , 1.7 , 90.5 , Abilities . BLAZE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . SOLAR_POWER , 534 , 78 , 84 , 78 , 109 , 85 , 100 , 45 , 70 , 240 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Dragon" , "Monster" , 87.5 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SQUIRTLE , "Squirtle" , 1 , false , false , false , "Tiny Turtle Pokémon" , Type . WATER , null , 0.5 , 9 , Abilities . TORRENT , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . RAIN_DISH , 314 , 44 , 48 , 65 , 50 , 64 , 43 , 45 , 70 , 63 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Monster" , "Water 1" , 87.5 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . WARTORTLE , "Wartortle" , 1 , false , false , false , "Turtle Pokémon" , Type . WATER , null , 1 , 22.5 , Abilities . TORRENT , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . RAIN_DISH , 405 , 59 , 63 , 80 , 65 , 80 , 58 , 45 , 70 , 142 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Monster" , "Water 1" , 87.5 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . BLASTOISE , "Blastoise" , 1 , false , false , false , "Shellfish Pokémon" , Type . WATER , null , 1.6 , 85.5 , Abilities . TORRENT , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . RAIN_DISH , 530 , 79 , 83 , 100 , 85 , 105 , 78 , 45 , 70 , 239 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Monster" , "Water 1" , 87.5 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . CATERPIE , "Caterpie" , 1 , false , false , false , "Worm Pokémon" , Type . BUG , null , 0.3 , 2.9 , Abilities . SHIELD_DUST , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . RUN_AWAY , 195 , 45 , 30 , 35 , 20 , 20 , 45 , 255 , 70 , 39 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Bug" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . METAPOD , "Metapod" , 1 , false , false , false , "Cocoon Pokémon" , Type . BUG , null , 0.7 , 9.9 , Abilities . SHED_SKIN , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 205 , 50 , 20 , 55 , 25 , 25 , 30 , 120 , 70 , 72 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Bug" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . BUTTERFREE , "Butterfree" , 1 , false , false , false , "Butterfly Pokémon" , Type . BUG , Type . FLYING , 1.1 , 32 , Abilities . COMPOUND_EYES , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . TINTED_LENS , 395 , 60 , 45 , 50 , 90 , 80 , 70 , 45 , 70 , 178 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Bug" , null , 50 , 15 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . WEEDLE , "Weedle" , 1 , false , false , false , "Hairy Bug Pokémon" , Type . BUG , Type . POISON , 0.3 , 3.2 , Abilities . SHIELD_DUST , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . RUN_AWAY , 195 , 40 , 35 , 30 , 20 , 20 , 50 , 255 , 70 , 39 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Bug" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . KAKUNA , "Kakuna" , 1 , false , false , false , "Cocoon Pokémon" , Type . BUG , Type . POISON , 0.6 , 10 , Abilities . SHED_SKIN , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 205 , 45 , 25 , 50 , 25 , 25 , 35 , 120 , 70 , 72 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Bug" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . BEEDRILL , "Beedrill" , 1 , false , false , false , "Poison Bee Pokémon" , Type . BUG , Type . POISON , 1 , 29.5 , Abilities . SWARM , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . SNIPER , 395 , 65 , 90 , 40 , 45 , 80 , 75 , 45 , 70 , 178 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Bug" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . PIDGEY , "Pidgey" , 1 , false , false , false , "Tiny Bird Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , Type . FLYING , 0.3 , 1.8 , Abilities . KEEN_EYE , Abilities . TANGLED_FEET , Abilities . BIG_PECKS , 251 , 40 , 45 , 40 , 35 , 35 , 56 , 255 , 70 , 50 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Flying" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . PIDGEOTTO , "Pidgeotto" , 1 , false , false , false , "Bird Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , Type . FLYING , 1.1 , 30 , Abilities . KEEN_EYE , Abilities . TANGLED_FEET , Abilities . BIG_PECKS , 349 , 63 , 60 , 55 , 50 , 50 , 71 , 120 , 70 , 122 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Flying" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . PIDGEOT , "Pidgeot" , 1 , false , false , false , "Bird Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , Type . FLYING , 1.5 , 39.5 , Abilities . KEEN_EYE , Abilities . TANGLED_FEET , Abilities . BIG_PECKS , 479 , 83 , 80 , 75 , 70 , 70 , 101 , 45 , 70 , 216 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Flying" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . RATTATA , "Rattata" , 1 , false , false , false , "Mouse Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 0.3 , 3.5 , Abilities . RUN_AWAY , Abilities . GUTS , Abilities . HUSTLE , 253 , 30 , 56 , 35 , 25 , 35 , 72 , 255 , 70 , 51 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 15 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . RATICATE , "Raticate" , 1 , false , false , false , "Mouse Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 0.7 , 18.5 , Abilities . RUN_AWAY , Abilities . GUTS , Abilities . HUSTLE , 413 , 55 , 81 , 60 , 50 , 70 , 97 , 127 , 70 , 145 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 15 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SPEAROW , "Spearow" , 1 , false , false , false , "Tiny Bird Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , Type . FLYING , 0.3 , 2 , Abilities . KEEN_EYE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . SNIPER , 262 , 40 , 60 , 30 , 31 , 31 , 70 , 255 , 70 , 52 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Flying" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . FEAROW , "Fearow" , 1 , false , false , false , "Beak Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , Type . FLYING , 1.2 , 38 , Abilities . KEEN_EYE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . SNIPER , 442 , 65 , 90 , 65 , 61 , 61 , 100 , 90 , 70 , 155 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Flying" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . EKANS , "Ekans" , 1 , false , false , false , "Snake Pokémon" , Type . POISON , null , 2 , 6.9 , Abilities . INTIMIDATE , Abilities . SHED_SKIN , Abilities . UNNERVE , 288 , 35 , 60 , 44 , 40 , 54 , 55 , 255 , 70 , 58 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Dragon" , "Field" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . ARBOK , "Arbok" , 1 , false , false , false , "Cobra Pokémon" , Type . POISON , null , 3.5 , 65 , Abilities . INTIMIDATE , Abilities . SHED_SKIN , Abilities . UNNERVE , 448 , 60 , 95 , 69 , 65 , 79 , 80 , 90 , 70 , 157 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Dragon" , "Field" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . PIKACHU , "Pikachu" , 1 , false , false , false , "Mouse Pokémon" , Type . ELECTRIC , null , 0.4 , 6 , Abilities . STATIC , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . LIGHTNING_ROD , 320 , 35 , 55 , 40 , 50 , 50 , 90 , 190 , 70 , 112 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Fairy" , "Field" , 50 , 10 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . RAICHU , "Raichu" , 1 , false , false , false , "Mouse Pokémon" , Type . ELECTRIC , null , 0.8 , 30 , Abilities . STATIC , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . LIGHTNING_ROD , 485 , 60 , 90 , 55 , 90 , 80 , 110 , 75 , 70 , 218 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Fairy" , "Field" , 50 , 10 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SANDSHREW , "Sandshrew" , 1 , false , false , false , "Mouse Pokémon" , Type . GROUND , null , 0.6 , 12 , Abilities . SAND_VEIL , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . SAND_RUSH , 300 , 50 , 75 , 85 , 20 , 30 , 40 , 255 , 70 , 60 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SANDSLASH , "Sandslash" , 1 , false , false , false , "Mouse Pokémon" , Type . GROUND , null , 1 , 29.5 , Abilities . SAND_VEIL , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . SAND_RUSH , 450 , 75 , 100 , 110 , 45 , 55 , 65 , 90 , 70 , 158 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . NIDORAN_F , "Nidoran♀" , 1 , false , false , false , "Poison Pin Pokémon" , Type . POISON , null , 0.4 , 7 , Abilities . POISON_POINT , Abilities . RIVALRY , Abilities . HUSTLE , 275 , 55 , 47 , 52 , 40 , 40 , 41 , 235 , 70 , 55 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , "Monster" , 0 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . NIDORINA , "Nidorina" , 1 , false , false , false , "Poison Pin Pokémon" , Type . POISON , null , 0.8 , 20 , Abilities . POISON_POINT , Abilities . RIVALRY , Abilities . HUSTLE , 365 , 70 , 62 , 67 , 55 , 55 , 56 , 120 , 70 , 128 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , 0 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . NIDOQUEEN , "Nidoqueen" , 1 , false , false , false , "Drill Pokémon" , Type . POISON , Type . GROUND , 1.3 , 60 , Abilities . POISON_POINT , Abilities . RIVALRY , Abilities . SHEER_FORCE , 505 , 90 , 92 , 87 , 75 , 85 , 76 , 45 , 70 , 227 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , 0 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . NIDORAN_M , "Nidoran♂" , 1 , false , false , false , "Poison Pin Pokémon" , Type . POISON , null , 0.5 , 9 , Abilities . POISON_POINT , Abilities . RIVALRY , Abilities . HUSTLE , 273 , 46 , 57 , 40 , 40 , 40 , 50 , 235 , 70 , 55 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , "Monster" , 100 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . NIDORINO , "Nidorino" , 1 , false , false , false , "Poison Pin Pokémon" , Type . POISON , null , 0.9 , 19.5 , Abilities . POISON_POINT , Abilities . RIVALRY , Abilities . HUSTLE , 365 , 61 , 72 , 57 , 55 , 55 , 65 , 120 , 70 , 128 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , "Monster" , 100 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . NIDOKING , "Nidoking" , 1 , false , false , false , "Drill Pokémon" , Type . POISON , Type . GROUND , 1.4 , 62 , Abilities . POISON_POINT , Abilities . RIVALRY , Abilities . SHEER_FORCE , 505 , 81 , 102 , 77 , 85 , 75 , 85 , 45 , 70 , 227 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , "Monster" , 100 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . CLEFAIRY , "Clefairy" , 1 , false , false , false , "Fairy Pokémon" , Type . FAIRY , null , 0.6 , 7.5 , Abilities . CUTE_CHARM , Abilities . MAGIC_GUARD , Abilities . FRIEND_GUARD , 323 , 70 , 45 , 48 , 60 , 65 , 35 , 150 , 140 , 113 , GrowthRate . FAST , "Fairy" , null , 25 , 10 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . CLEFABLE , "Clefable" , 1 , false , false , false , "Fairy Pokémon" , Type . FAIRY , null , 1.3 , 40 , Abilities . CUTE_CHARM , Abilities . MAGIC_GUARD , Abilities . UNAWARE , 483 , 95 , 70 , 73 , 95 , 90 , 60 , 25 , 140 , 217 , GrowthRate . FAST , "Fairy" , null , 25 , 10 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . VULPIX , "Vulpix" , 1 , false , false , false , "Fox Pokémon" , Type . FIRE , null , 0.6 , 9.9 , Abilities . FLASH_FIRE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . DROUGHT , 299 , 38 , 41 , 40 , 50 , 65 , 65 , 190 , 70 , 60 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 25 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . NINETALES , "Ninetales" , 1 , false , false , false , "Fox Pokémon" , Type . FIRE , null , 1.1 , 19.9 , Abilities . FLASH_FIRE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . DROUGHT , 505 , 73 , 76 , 75 , 81 , 100 , 100 , 75 , 70 , 177 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 25 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . JIGGLYPUFF , "Jigglypuff" , 1 , false , false , false , "Balloon Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , Type . FAIRY , 0.5 , 5.5 , Abilities . CUTE_CHARM , Abilities . COMPETITIVE , Abilities . FRIEND_GUARD , 270 , 115 , 45 , 20 , 45 , 25 , 20 , 170 , 70 , 95 , GrowthRate . FAST , "Fairy" , null , 25 , 10 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . WIGGLYTUFF , "Wigglytuff" , 1 , false , false , false , "Balloon Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , Type . FAIRY , 1 , 12 , Abilities . CUTE_CHARM , Abilities . COMPETITIVE , Abilities . FRISK , 435 , 140 , 70 , 45 , 85 , 50 , 45 , 50 , 70 , 196 , GrowthRate . FAST , "Fairy" , null , 25 , 10 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . ZUBAT , "Zubat" , 1 , false , false , false , "Bat Pokémon" , Type . POISON , Type . FLYING , 0.8 , 7.5 , Abilities . INNER_FOCUS , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . INFILTRATOR , 245 , 40 , 45 , 35 , 30 , 40 , 55 , 255 , 70 , 49 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Flying" , null , 50 , 15 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . GOLBAT , "Golbat" , 1 , false , false , false , "Bat Pokémon" , Type . POISON , Type . FLYING , 1.6 , 55 , Abilities . INNER_FOCUS , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . INFILTRATOR , 455 , 75 , 80 , 70 , 65 , 75 , 90 , 90 , 70 , 159 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Flying" , null , 50 , 15 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . ODDISH , "Oddish" , 1 , false , false , false , "Weed Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , Type . POISON , 0.5 , 5.4 , Abilities . CHLOROPHYLL , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . RUN_AWAY , 320 , 45 , 50 , 55 , 75 , 65 , 30 , 255 , 70 , 64 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Grass" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . GLOOM , "Gloom" , 1 , false , false , false , "Weed Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , Type . POISON , 0.8 , 8.6 , Abilities . CHLOROPHYLL , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . STENCH , 395 , 60 , 65 , 70 , 85 , 75 , 40 , 120 , 70 , 138 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Grass" , null , 50 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . VILEPLUME , "Vileplume" , 1 , false , false , false , "Flower Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , Type . POISON , 1.2 , 18.6 , Abilities . CHLOROPHYLL , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . EFFECT_SPORE , 490 , 75 , 80 , 85 , 110 , 90 , 50 , 45 , 70 , 221 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Grass" , null , 50 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . PARAS , "Paras" , 1 , false , false , false , "Mushroom Pokémon" , Type . BUG , Type . GRASS , 0.3 , 5.4 , Abilities . EFFECT_SPORE , Abilities . DRY_SKIN , Abilities . DAMP , 285 , 35 , 70 , 55 , 45 , 55 , 25 , 190 , 70 , 57 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Bug" , "Grass" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . PARASECT , "Parasect" , 1 , false , false , false , "Mushroom Pokémon" , Type . BUG , Type . GRASS , 1 , 29.5 , Abilities . EFFECT_SPORE , Abilities . DRY_SKIN , Abilities . DAMP , 405 , 60 , 95 , 80 , 60 , 80 , 30 , 75 , 70 , 142 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Bug" , "Grass" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . VENONAT , "Venonat" , 1 , false , false , false , "Insect Pokémon" , Type . BUG , Type . POISON , 1 , 30 , Abilities . COMPOUND_EYES , Abilities . TINTED_LENS , Abilities . RUN_AWAY , 305 , 60 , 55 , 50 , 40 , 55 , 45 , 190 , 70 , 61 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Bug" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . VENOMOTH , "Venomoth" , 1 , false , false , false , "Poison Moth Pokémon" , Type . BUG , Type . POISON , 1.5 , 12.5 , Abilities . SHIELD_DUST , Abilities . TINTED_LENS , Abilities . WONDER_SKIN , 450 , 70 , 65 , 60 , 90 , 75 , 90 , 75 , 70 , 158 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Bug" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . DIGLETT , "Diglett" , 1 , false , false , false , "Mole Pokémon" , Type . GROUND , null , 0.2 , 0.8 , Abilities . SAND_VEIL , Abilities . ARENA_TRAP , Abilities . SAND_FORCE , 265 , 10 , 55 , 25 , 35 , 45 , 95 , 255 , 70 , 53 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . DUGTRIO , "Dugtrio" , 1 , false , false , false , "Mole Pokémon" , Type . GROUND , null , 0.7 , 33.3 , Abilities . SAND_VEIL , Abilities . ARENA_TRAP , Abilities . SAND_FORCE , 425 , 35 , 100 , 50 , 50 , 70 , 120 , 50 , 70 , 149 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MEOWTH , "Meowth" , 1 , false , false , false , "Scratch Cat Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 0.4 , 4.2 , Abilities . PICKUP , Abilities . TECHNICIAN , Abilities . UNNERVE , 290 , 40 , 45 , 35 , 40 , 40 , 90 , 255 , 70 , 58 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . PERSIAN , "Persian" , 1 , false , false , false , "Classy Cat Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 1 , 32 , Abilities . LIMBER , Abilities . TECHNICIAN , Abilities . UNNERVE , 440 , 65 , 70 , 60 , 65 , 65 , 115 , 90 , 70 , 154 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . PSYDUCK , "Psyduck" , 1 , false , false , false , "Duck Pokémon" , Type . WATER , null , 0.8 , 19.6 , Abilities . DAMP , Abilities . CLOUD_NINE , Abilities . SWIFT_SWIM , 320 , 50 , 52 , 48 , 65 , 50 , 55 , 190 , 70 , 64 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , "Water 1" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . GOLDUCK , "Golduck" , 1 , false , false , false , "Duck Pokémon" , Type . WATER , null , 1.7 , 76.6 , Abilities . DAMP , Abilities . CLOUD_NINE , Abilities . SWIFT_SWIM , 500 , 80 , 82 , 78 , 95 , 80 , 85 , 75 , 70 , 175 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , "Water 1" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MANKEY , "Mankey" , 1 , false , false , false , "Pig Monkey Pokémon" , Type . FIGHTING , null , 0.5 , 28 , Abilities . VITAL_SPIRIT , Abilities . ANGER_POINT , Abilities . DEFIANT , 305 , 40 , 80 , 35 , 35 , 45 , 70 , 190 , 70 , 61 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . PRIMEAPE , "Primeape" , 1 , false , false , false , "Pig Monkey Pokémon" , Type . FIGHTING , null , 1 , 32 , Abilities . VITAL_SPIRIT , Abilities . ANGER_POINT , Abilities . DEFIANT , 455 , 65 , 105 , 60 , 60 , 70 , 95 , 75 , 70 , 159 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . GROWLITHE , "Growlithe" , 1 , false , false , false , "Puppy Pokémon" , Type . FIRE , null , 0.7 , 19 , Abilities . INTIMIDATE , Abilities . FLASH_FIRE , Abilities . JUSTIFIED , 350 , 55 , 70 , 45 , 70 , 50 , 60 , 190 , 70 , 70 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Field" , null , 75 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . ARCANINE , "Arcanine" , 1 , false , false , false , "Legendary Pokémon" , Type . FIRE , null , 1.9 , 155 , Abilities . INTIMIDATE , Abilities . FLASH_FIRE , Abilities . JUSTIFIED , 555 , 90 , 110 , 80 , 100 , 80 , 95 , 75 , 70 , 194 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Field" , null , 75 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . POLIWAG , "Poliwag" , 1 , false , false , false , "Tadpole Pokémon" , Type . WATER , null , 0.6 , 12.4 , Abilities . WATER_ABSORB , Abilities . DAMP , Abilities . SWIFT_SWIM , 300 , 40 , 50 , 40 , 40 , 40 , 90 , 255 , 70 , 60 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Water 1" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . POLIWHIRL , "Poliwhirl" , 1 , false , false , false , "Tadpole Pokémon" , Type . WATER , null , 1 , 20 , Abilities . WATER_ABSORB , Abilities . DAMP , Abilities . SWIFT_SWIM , 385 , 65 , 65 , 65 , 50 , 50 , 90 , 120 , 70 , 135 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Water 1" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . POLIWRATH , "Poliwrath" , 1 , false , false , false , "Tadpole Pokémon" , Type . WATER , Type . FIGHTING , 1.3 , 54 , Abilities . WATER_ABSORB , Abilities . DAMP , Abilities . SWIFT_SWIM , 510 , 90 , 95 , 95 , 70 , 90 , 70 , 45 , 70 , 230 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Water 1" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . ABRA , "Abra" , 1 , false , false , false , "Psi Pokémon" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 0.9 , 19.5 , Abilities . SYNCHRONIZE , Abilities . INNER_FOCUS , Abilities . MAGIC_GUARD , 310 , 25 , 20 , 15 , 105 , 55 , 90 , 200 , 70 , 62 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Human-Like" , null , 75 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . KADABRA , "Kadabra" , 1 , false , false , false , "Psi Pokémon" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 1.3 , 56.5 , Abilities . SYNCHRONIZE , Abilities . INNER_FOCUS , Abilities . MAGIC_GUARD , 400 , 40 , 35 , 30 , 120 , 70 , 105 , 100 , 70 , 140 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Human-Like" , null , 75 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . ALAKAZAM , "Alakazam" , 1 , false , false , false , "Psi Pokémon" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 1.5 , 48 , Abilities . SYNCHRONIZE , Abilities . INNER_FOCUS , Abilities . MAGIC_GUARD , 500 , 55 , 50 , 45 , 135 , 95 , 120 , 50 , 70 , 225 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Human-Like" , null , 75 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MACHOP , "Machop" , 1 , false , false , false , "Superpower Pokémon" , Type . FIGHTING , null , 0.8 , 19.5 , Abilities . GUTS , Abilities . NO_GUARD , Abilities . STEADFAST , 305 , 70 , 80 , 50 , 35 , 35 , 35 , 180 , 70 , 61 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Human-Like" , null , 75 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MACHOKE , "Machoke" , 1 , false , false , false , "Superpower Pokémon" , Type . FIGHTING , null , 1.5 , 70.5 , Abilities . GUTS , Abilities . NO_GUARD , Abilities . STEADFAST , 405 , 80 , 100 , 70 , 50 , 60 , 45 , 90 , 70 , 142 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Human-Like" , null , 75 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MACHAMP , "Machamp" , 1 , false , false , false , "Superpower Pokémon" , Type . FIGHTING , null , 1.6 , 130 , Abilities . GUTS , Abilities . NO_GUARD , Abilities . STEADFAST , 505 , 90 , 130 , 80 , 65 , 85 , 55 , 45 , 70 , 227 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Human-Like" , null , 75 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . BELLSPROUT , "Bellsprout" , 1 , false , false , false , "Flower Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , Type . POISON , 0.7 , 4 , Abilities . CHLOROPHYLL , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . GLUTTONY , 300 , 50 , 75 , 35 , 70 , 30 , 40 , 255 , 70 , 60 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Grass" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . WEEPINBELL , "Weepinbell" , 1 , false , false , false , "Flycatcher Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , Type . POISON , 1 , 6.4 , Abilities . CHLOROPHYLL , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . GLUTTONY , 390 , 65 , 90 , 50 , 85 , 45 , 55 , 120 , 70 , 137 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Grass" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . VICTREEBEL , "Victreebel" , 1 , false , false , false , "Flycatcher Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , Type . POISON , 1.7 , 15.5 , Abilities . CHLOROPHYLL , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . GLUTTONY , 490 , 80 , 105 , 65 , 100 , 70 , 70 , 45 , 70 , 221 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Grass" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . TENTACOOL , "Tentacool" , 1 , false , false , false , "Jellyfish Pokémon" , Type . WATER , Type . POISON , 0.9 , 45.5 , Abilities . CLEAR_BODY , Abilities . LIQUID_OOZE , Abilities . RAIN_DISH , 335 , 40 , 40 , 35 , 50 , 100 , 70 , 190 , 70 , 67 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Water 3" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . TENTACRUEL , "Tentacruel" , 1 , false , false , false , "Jellyfish Pokémon" , Type . WATER , Type . POISON , 1.6 , 55 , Abilities . CLEAR_BODY , Abilities . LIQUID_OOZE , Abilities . RAIN_DISH , 515 , 80 , 70 , 65 , 80 , 120 , 100 , 60 , 70 , 180 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Water 3" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . GEODUDE , "Geodude" , 1 , false , false , false , "Rock Pokémon" , Type . ROCK , Type . GROUND , 0.4 , 20 , Abilities . ROCK_HEAD , Abilities . STURDY , Abilities . SAND_VEIL , 300 , 40 , 80 , 100 , 30 , 30 , 20 , 255 , 70 , 60 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Mineral" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . GRAVELER , "Graveler" , 1 , false , false , false , "Rock Pokémon" , Type . ROCK , Type . GROUND , 1 , 105 , Abilities . ROCK_HEAD , Abilities . STURDY , Abilities . SAND_VEIL , 390 , 55 , 95 , 115 , 45 , 45 , 35 , 120 , 70 , 137 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Mineral" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . GOLEM , "Golem" , 1 , false , false , false , "Megaton Pokémon" , Type . ROCK , Type . GROUND , 1.4 , 300 , Abilities . ROCK_HEAD , Abilities . STURDY , Abilities . SAND_VEIL , 495 , 80 , 120 , 130 , 55 , 65 , 45 , 45 , 70 , 223 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Mineral" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . PONYTA , "Ponyta" , 1 , false , false , false , "Fire Horse Pokémon" , Type . FIRE , null , 1 , 30 , Abilities . RUN_AWAY , Abilities . FLASH_FIRE , Abilities . FLAME_BODY , 410 , 50 , 85 , 55 , 65 , 65 , 90 , 190 , 70 , 82 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . RAPIDASH , "Rapidash" , 1 , false , false , false , "Fire Horse Pokémon" , Type . FIRE , null , 1.7 , 95 , Abilities . RUN_AWAY , Abilities . FLASH_FIRE , Abilities . FLAME_BODY , 500 , 65 , 100 , 70 , 80 , 80 , 105 , 60 , 70 , 175 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SLOWPOKE , "Slowpoke" , 1 , false , false , false , "Dopey Pokémon" , Type . WATER , Type . PSYCHIC , 1.2 , 36 , Abilities . OBLIVIOUS , Abilities . OWN_TEMPO , Abilities . REGENERATOR , 315 , 90 , 65 , 65 , 40 , 40 , 15 , 190 , 70 , 63 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Monster" , "Water 1" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SLOWBRO , "Slowbro" , 1 , false , false , false , "Hermit Crab Pokémon" , Type . WATER , Type . PSYCHIC , 1.6 , 78.5 , Abilities . OBLIVIOUS , Abilities . OWN_TEMPO , Abilities . REGENERATOR , 490 , 95 , 75 , 110 , 100 , 80 , 30 , 75 , 70 , 172 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Monster" , "Water 1" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MAGNEMITE , "Magnemite" , 1 , false , false , false , "Magnet Pokémon" , Type . ELECTRIC , Type . STEEL , 0.3 , 6 , Abilities . MAGNET_PULL , Abilities . STURDY , Abilities . ANALYTIC , 325 , 25 , 35 , 70 , 95 , 55 , 45 , 190 , 70 , 65 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Mineral" , null , null , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MAGNETON , "Magneton" , 1 , false , false , false , "Magnet Pokémon" , Type . ELECTRIC , Type . STEEL , 1 , 60 , Abilities . MAGNET_PULL , Abilities . STURDY , Abilities . ANALYTIC , 465 , 50 , 60 , 95 , 120 , 70 , 70 , 60 , 70 , 163 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Mineral" , null , null , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . FARFETCHD , "Farfetch'd" , 1 , false , false , false , "Wild Duck Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , Type . FLYING , 0.8 , 15 , Abilities . KEEN_EYE , Abilities . INNER_FOCUS , Abilities . DEFIANT , 377 , 52 , 90 , 55 , 58 , 62 , 60 , 45 , 70 , 132 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , "Flying" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . DODUO , "Doduo" , 1 , false , false , false , "Twin Bird Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , Type . FLYING , 1.4 , 39.2 , Abilities . RUN_AWAY , Abilities . EARLY_BIRD , Abilities . TANGLED_FEET , 310 , 35 , 85 , 45 , 35 , 35 , 75 , 190 , 70 , 62 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Flying" , null , 50 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . DODRIO , "Dodrio" , 1 , false , false , false , "Triple Bird Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , Type . FLYING , 1.8 , 85.2 , Abilities . RUN_AWAY , Abilities . EARLY_BIRD , Abilities . TANGLED_FEET , 470 , 60 , 110 , 70 , 60 , 60 , 110 , 45 , 70 , 165 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Flying" , null , 50 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SEEL , "Seel" , 1 , false , false , false , "Sea Lion Pokémon" , Type . WATER , null , 1.1 , 90 , Abilities . THICK_FAT , Abilities . HYDRATION , Abilities . ICE_BODY , 325 , 65 , 45 , 55 , 45 , 70 , 45 , 190 , 70 , 65 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , "Water 1" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . DEWGONG , "Dewgong" , 1 , false , false , false , "Sea Lion Pokémon" , Type . WATER , Type . ICE , 1.7 , 120 , Abilities . THICK_FAT , Abilities . HYDRATION , Abilities . ICE_BODY , 475 , 90 , 70 , 80 , 70 , 95 , 70 , 75 , 70 , 166 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , "Water 1" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . GRIMER , "Grimer" , 1 , false , false , false , "Sludge Pokémon" , Type . POISON , null , 0.9 , 30 , Abilities . STENCH , Abilities . STICKY_HOLD , Abilities . POISON_TOUCH , 325 , 80 , 80 , 50 , 40 , 50 , 25 , 190 , 70 , 65 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Amorphous" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MUK , "Muk" , 1 , false , false , false , "Sludge Pokémon" , Type . POISON , null , 1.2 , 30 , Abilities . STENCH , Abilities . STICKY_HOLD , Abilities . POISON_TOUCH , 500 , 105 , 105 , 75 , 65 , 100 , 50 , 75 , 70 , 175 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Amorphous" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SHELLDER , "Shellder" , 1 , false , false , false , "Bivalve Pokémon" , Type . WATER , null , 0.3 , 4 , Abilities . SHELL_ARMOR , Abilities . SKILL_LINK , Abilities . OVERCOAT , 305 , 30 , 65 , 100 , 45 , 25 , 40 , 190 , 70 , 61 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Water 3" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . CLOYSTER , "Cloyster" , 1 , false , false , false , "Bivalve Pokémon" , Type . WATER , Type . ICE , 1.5 , 132.5 , Abilities . SHELL_ARMOR , Abilities . SKILL_LINK , Abilities . OVERCOAT , 525 , 50 , 95 , 180 , 85 , 45 , 70 , 60 , 70 , 184 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Water 3" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . GASTLY , "Gastly" , 1 , false , false , false , "Gas Pokémon" , Type . GHOST , Type . POISON , 1.3 , 0.1 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 310 , 30 , 35 , 30 , 100 , 35 , 80 , 190 , 70 , 62 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Amorphous" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . HAUNTER , "Haunter" , 1 , false , false , false , "Gas Pokémon" , Type . GHOST , Type . POISON , 1.6 , 0.1 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 405 , 45 , 50 , 45 , 115 , 55 , 95 , 90 , 70 , 142 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Amorphous" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . GENGAR , "Gengar" , 1 , false , false , false , "Shadow Pokémon" , Type . GHOST , Type . POISON , 1.5 , 40.5 , Abilities . CURSED_BODY , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 500 , 60 , 65 , 60 , 130 , 75 , 110 , 45 , 70 , 225 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Amorphous" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . ONIX , "Onix" , 1 , false , false , false , "Rock Snake Pokémon" , Type . ROCK , Type . GROUND , 8.8 , 210 , Abilities . ROCK_HEAD , Abilities . STURDY , Abilities . WEAK_ARMOR , 385 , 35 , 45 , 160 , 30 , 45 , 70 , 45 , 70 , 77 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Mineral" , null , 50 , 25 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . DROWZEE , "Drowzee" , 1 , false , false , false , "Hypnosis Pokémon" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 1 , 32.4 , Abilities . INSOMNIA , Abilities . FOREWARN , Abilities . INNER_FOCUS , 328 , 60 , 48 , 45 , 43 , 90 , 42 , 190 , 70 , 66 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Human-Like" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . HYPNO , "Hypno" , 1 , false , false , false , "Hypnosis Pokémon" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 1.6 , 75.6 , Abilities . INSOMNIA , Abilities . FOREWARN , Abilities . INNER_FOCUS , 483 , 85 , 73 , 70 , 73 , 115 , 67 , 75 , 70 , 169 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Human-Like" , null , 50 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . KRABBY , "Krabby" , 1 , false , false , false , "River Crab Pokémon" , Type . WATER , null , 0.4 , 6.5 , Abilities . HYPER_CUTTER , Abilities . SHELL_ARMOR , Abilities . SHEER_FORCE , 325 , 30 , 105 , 90 , 25 , 25 , 50 , 225 , 70 , 65 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Water 3" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . KINGLER , "Kingler" , 1 , false , false , false , "Pincer Pokémon" , Type . WATER , null , 1.3 , 60 , Abilities . HYPER_CUTTER , Abilities . SHELL_ARMOR , Abilities . SHEER_FORCE , 475 , 55 , 130 , 115 , 50 , 50 , 75 , 60 , 70 , 166 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Water 3" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . VOLTORB , "Voltorb" , 1 , false , false , false , "Ball Pokémon" , Type . ELECTRIC , null , 0.5 , 10.4 , Abilities . SOUNDPROOF , Abilities . STATIC , Abilities . AFTERMATH , 330 , 40 , 30 , 50 , 55 , 55 , 100 , 190 , 70 , 66 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Mineral" , null , null , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . ELECTRODE , "Electrode" , 1 , false , false , false , "Ball Pokémon" , Type . ELECTRIC , null , 1.2 , 66.6 , Abilities . SOUNDPROOF , Abilities . STATIC , Abilities . AFTERMATH , 490 , 60 , 50 , 70 , 80 , 80 , 150 , 60 , 70 , 172 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Mineral" , null , null , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . EXEGGCUTE , "Exeggcute" , 1 , false , false , false , "Egg Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , Type . PSYCHIC , 0.4 , 2.5 , Abilities . CHLOROPHYLL , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . HARVEST , 325 , 60 , 40 , 80 , 60 , 45 , 40 , 90 , 70 , 65 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Grass" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . EXEGGUTOR , "Exeggutor" , 1 , false , false , false , "Coconut Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , Type . PSYCHIC , 2 , 120 , Abilities . CHLOROPHYLL , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . HARVEST , 530 , 95 , 95 , 85 , 125 , 75 , 55 , 45 , 70 , 186 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Grass" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . CUBONE , "Cubone" , 1 , false , false , false , "Lonely Pokémon" , Type . GROUND , null , 0.4 , 6.5 , Abilities . ROCK_HEAD , Abilities . LIGHTNING_ROD , Abilities . BATTLE_ARMOR , 320 , 50 , 50 , 95 , 40 , 50 , 35 , 190 , 70 , 64 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Monster" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MAROWAK , "Marowak" , 1 , false , false , false , "Bone Keeper Pokémon" , Type . GROUND , null , 1 , 45 , Abilities . ROCK_HEAD , Abilities . LIGHTNING_ROD , Abilities . BATTLE_ARMOR , 425 , 60 , 80 , 110 , 50 , 80 , 45 , 75 , 70 , 149 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Monster" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . HITMONLEE , "Hitmonlee" , 1 , false , false , false , "Kicking Pokémon" , Type . FIGHTING , null , 1.5 , 49.8 , Abilities . LIMBER , Abilities . RECKLESS , Abilities . UNBURDEN , 455 , 50 , 120 , 53 , 35 , 110 , 87 , 45 , 70 , 159 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Human-Like" , null , 100 , 25 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . HITMONCHAN , "Hitmonchan" , 1 , false , false , false , "Punching Pokémon" , Type . FIGHTING , null , 1.4 , 50.2 , Abilities . KEEN_EYE , Abilities . IRON_FIST , Abilities . INNER_FOCUS , 455 , 50 , 105 , 79 , 35 , 110 , 76 , 45 , 70 , 159 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Human-Like" , null , 100 , 25 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . LICKITUNG , "Lickitung" , 1 , false , false , false , "Licking Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 1.2 , 65.5 , Abilities . OWN_TEMPO , Abilities . OBLIVIOUS , Abilities . CLOUD_NINE , 385 , 90 , 55 , 75 , 60 , 75 , 30 , 45 , 70 , 77 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Monster" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . KOFFING , "Koffing" , 1 , false , false , false , "Poison Gas Pokémon" , Type . POISON , null , 0.6 , 1 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NEUTRALIZING_GAS , Abilities . STENCH , 340 , 40 , 65 , 95 , 60 , 45 , 35 , 190 , 70 , 68 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Amorphous" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . WEEZING , "Weezing" , 1 , false , false , false , "Poison Gas Pokémon" , Type . POISON , null , 1.2 , 9.5 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NEUTRALIZING_GAS , Abilities . STENCH , 490 , 65 , 90 , 120 , 85 , 70 , 60 , 60 , 70 , 172 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Amorphous" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . RHYHORN , "Rhyhorn" , 1 , false , false , false , "Spikes Pokémon" , Type . GROUND , Type . ROCK , 1 , 115 , Abilities . LIGHTNING_ROD , Abilities . ROCK_HEAD , Abilities . RECKLESS , 345 , 80 , 85 , 95 , 30 , 30 , 25 , 120 , 70 , 69 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Field" , "Monster" , 50 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . RHYDON , "Rhydon" , 1 , false , false , false , "Drill Pokémon" , Type . GROUND , Type . ROCK , 1.9 , 120 , Abilities . LIGHTNING_ROD , Abilities . ROCK_HEAD , Abilities . RECKLESS , 485 , 105 , 130 , 120 , 45 , 45 , 40 , 60 , 70 , 170 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Field" , "Monster" , 50 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . CHANSEY , "Chansey" , 1 , false , false , false , "Egg Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 1.1 , 34.6 , Abilities . NATURAL_CURE , Abilities . SERENE_GRACE , Abilities . HEALER , 450 , 250 , 5 , 5 , 35 , 105 , 50 , 30 , 140 , 395 , GrowthRate . FAST , "Fairy" , null , 0 , 40 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . TANGELA , "Tangela" , 1 , false , false , false , "Vine Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , null , 1 , 35 , Abilities . CHLOROPHYLL , Abilities . LEAF_GUARD , Abilities . REGENERATOR , 435 , 65 , 55 , 115 , 100 , 40 , 60 , 45 , 70 , 87 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Grass" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . KANGASKHAN , "Kangaskhan" , 1 , false , false , false , "Parent Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 2.2 , 80 , Abilities . EARLY_BIRD , Abilities . SCRAPPY , Abilities . INNER_FOCUS , 490 , 105 , 95 , 80 , 40 , 80 , 90 , 45 , 70 , 172 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Monster" , null , 0 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . HORSEA , "Horsea" , 1 , false , false , false , "Dragon Pokémon" , Type . WATER , null , 0.4 , 8 , Abilities . SWIFT_SWIM , Abilities . SNIPER , Abilities . DAMP , 295 , 30 , 40 , 70 , 70 , 25 , 60 , 225 , 70 , 59 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Dragon" , "Water 1" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SEADRA , "Seadra" , 1 , false , false , false , "Dragon Pokémon" , Type . WATER , null , 1.2 , 25 , Abilities . POISON_POINT , Abilities . SNIPER , Abilities . DAMP , 440 , 55 , 65 , 95 , 95 , 45 , 85 , 75 , 70 , 154 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Dragon" , "Water 1" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . GOLDEEN , "Goldeen" , 1 , false , false , false , "Goldfish Pokémon" , Type . WATER , null , 0.6 , 15 , Abilities . SWIFT_SWIM , Abilities . WATER_VEIL , Abilities . LIGHTNING_ROD , 320 , 45 , 67 , 60 , 35 , 50 , 63 , 225 , 70 , 64 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Water 2" , null , 50 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SEAKING , "Seaking" , 1 , false , false , false , "Goldfish Pokémon" , Type . WATER , null , 1.3 , 39 , Abilities . SWIFT_SWIM , Abilities . WATER_VEIL , Abilities . LIGHTNING_ROD , 450 , 80 , 92 , 65 , 65 , 80 , 68 , 60 , 70 , 158 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Water 2" , null , 50 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . STARYU , "Staryu" , 1 , false , false , false , "Star Shape Pokémon" , Type . WATER , null , 0.8 , 34.5 , Abilities . ILLUMINATE , Abilities . NATURAL_CURE , Abilities . ANALYTIC , 340 , 30 , 45 , 55 , 70 , 55 , 85 , 225 , 70 , 68 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Water 3" , null , null , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . STARMIE , "Starmie" , 1 , false , false , false , "Mysterious Pokémon" , Type . WATER , Type . PSYCHIC , 1.1 , 80 , Abilities . ILLUMINATE , Abilities . NATURAL_CURE , Abilities . ANALYTIC , 520 , 60 , 75 , 85 , 100 , 85 , 115 , 60 , 70 , 182 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Water 3" , null , null , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MR_MIME , "Mr. Mime" , 1 , false , false , false , "Barrier Pokémon" , Type . PSYCHIC , Type . FAIRY , 1.3 , 54.5 , Abilities . SOUNDPROOF , Abilities . FILTER , Abilities . TECHNICIAN , 460 , 40 , 45 , 65 , 100 , 120 , 90 , 45 , 70 , 161 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Human-Like" , null , 50 , 25 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SCYTHER , "Scyther" , 1 , false , false , false , "Mantis Pokémon" , Type . BUG , Type . FLYING , 1.5 , 56 , Abilities . SWARM , Abilities . TECHNICIAN , Abilities . STEADFAST , 500 , 70 , 110 , 80 , 55 , 80 , 105 , 45 , 70 , 100 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Bug" , null , 50 , 25 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . JYNX , "Jynx" , 1 , false , false , false , "Human Shape Pokémon" , Type . ICE , Type . PSYCHIC , 1.4 , 40.6 , Abilities . OBLIVIOUS , Abilities . FOREWARN , Abilities . DRY_SKIN , 455 , 65 , 50 , 35 , 115 , 95 , 95 , 45 , 70 , 159 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Human-Like" , null , 0 , 25 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . ELECTABUZZ , "Electabuzz" , 1 , false , false , false , "Electric Pokémon" , Type . ELECTRIC , null , 1.1 , 30 , Abilities . STATIC , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . VITAL_SPIRIT , 490 , 65 , 83 , 57 , 95 , 85 , 105 , 45 , 70 , 172 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Human-Like" , null , 75 , 25 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MAGMAR , "Magmar" , 1 , false , false , false , "Spitfire Pokémon" , Type . FIRE , null , 1.3 , 44.5 , Abilities . FLAME_BODY , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . VITAL_SPIRIT , 495 , 65 , 95 , 57 , 100 , 85 , 93 , 45 , 70 , 173 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Human-Like" , null , 75 , 25 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . PINSIR , "Pinsir" , 1 , false , false , false , "Stag Beetle Pokémon" , Type . BUG , null , 1.5 , 55 , Abilities . HYPER_CUTTER , Abilities . MOLD_BREAKER , Abilities . MOXIE , 500 , 65 , 125 , 100 , 55 , 70 , 85 , 45 , 70 , 175 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Bug" , null , 50 , 25 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . TAUROS , "Tauros" , 1 , false , false , false , "Wild Bull Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 1.4 , 88.4 , Abilities . INTIMIDATE , Abilities . ANGER_POINT , Abilities . SHEER_FORCE , 490 , 75 , 100 , 95 , 40 , 70 , 110 , 45 , 70 , 172 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Field" , null , 100 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MAGIKARP , "Magikarp" , 1 , false , false , false , "Fish Pokémon" , Type . WATER , null , 0.9 , 10 , Abilities . SWIFT_SWIM , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . RATTLED , 200 , 20 , 10 , 55 , 15 , 20 , 80 , 255 , 70 , 40 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Dragon" , "Water 2" , 50 , 5 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . GYARADOS , "Gyarados" , 1 , false , false , false , "Atrocious Pokémon" , Type . WATER , Type . FLYING , 6.5 , 235 , Abilities . INTIMIDATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . MOXIE , 540 , 95 , 125 , 79 , 60 , 100 , 81 , 45 , 70 , 189 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Dragon" , "Water 2" , 50 , 5 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . LAPRAS , "Lapras" , 1 , false , false , false , "Transport Pokémon" , Type . WATER , Type . ICE , 2.5 , 220 , Abilities . WATER_ABSORB , Abilities . SHELL_ARMOR , Abilities . HYDRATION , 535 , 130 , 85 , 80 , 85 , 95 , 60 , 45 , 70 , 187 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Monster" , "Water 1" , 50 , 40 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . DITTO , "Ditto" , 1 , false , false , false , "Transform Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 0.3 , 4 , Abilities . LIMBER , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . IMPOSTER , 288 , 48 , 48 , 48 , 48 , 48 , 48 , 35 , 70 , 101 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Ditto" , null , null , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . EEVEE , "Eevee" , 1 , false , false , false , "Evolution Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 0.3 , 6.5 , Abilities . RUN_AWAY , Abilities . ADAPTABILITY , Abilities . ANTICIPATION , 325 , 55 , 55 , 50 , 45 , 65 , 55 , 45 , 70 , 65 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 87.5 , 35 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . VAPOREON , "Vaporeon" , 1 , false , false , false , "Bubble Jet Pokémon" , Type . WATER , null , 1 , 29 , Abilities . WATER_ABSORB , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . HYDRATION , 525 , 130 , 65 , 60 , 110 , 95 , 65 , 45 , 70 , 184 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 87.5 , 35 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . JOLTEON , "Jolteon" , 1 , false , false , false , "Lightning Pokémon" , Type . ELECTRIC , null , 0.8 , 24.5 , Abilities . VOLT_ABSORB , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . QUICK_FEET , 525 , 65 , 65 , 60 , 110 , 95 , 130 , 45 , 70 , 184 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 87.5 , 35 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . FLAREON , "Flareon" , 1 , false , false , false , "Flame Pokémon" , Type . FIRE , null , 0.9 , 25 , Abilities . FLASH_FIRE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . GUTS , 525 , 65 , 130 , 60 , 95 , 110 , 65 , 45 , 70 , 184 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 87.5 , 35 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . PORYGON , "Porygon" , 1 , false , false , false , "Virtual Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 0.8 , 36.5 , Abilities . TRACE , Abilities . DOWNLOAD , Abilities . ANALYTIC , 395 , 65 , 60 , 70 , 85 , 75 , 40 , 45 , 70 , 79 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Mineral" , null , null , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . OMANYTE , "Omanyte" , 1 , false , false , false , "Spiral Pokémon" , Type . ROCK , Type . WATER , 0.4 , 7.5 , Abilities . SWIFT_SWIM , Abilities . SHELL_ARMOR , Abilities . WEAK_ARMOR , 355 , 35 , 40 , 100 , 90 , 55 , 35 , 45 , 70 , 71 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Water 1" , "Water 3" , 87.5 , 30 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . OMASTAR , "Omastar" , 1 , false , false , false , "Spiral Pokémon" , Type . ROCK , Type . WATER , 1 , 35 , Abilities . SWIFT_SWIM , Abilities . SHELL_ARMOR , Abilities . WEAK_ARMOR , 495 , 70 , 60 , 125 , 115 , 70 , 55 , 45 , 70 , 173 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Water 1" , "Water 3" , 87.5 , 30 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . KABUTO , "Kabuto" , 1 , false , false , false , "Shellfish Pokémon" , Type . ROCK , Type . WATER , 0.5 , 11.5 , Abilities . SWIFT_SWIM , Abilities . BATTLE_ARMOR , Abilities . WEAK_ARMOR , 355 , 30 , 80 , 90 , 55 , 45 , 55 , 45 , 70 , 71 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Water 1" , "Water 3" , 87.5 , 30 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . KABUTOPS , "Kabutops" , 1 , false , false , false , "Shellfish Pokémon" , Type . ROCK , Type . WATER , 1.3 , 40.5 , Abilities . SWIFT_SWIM , Abilities . BATTLE_ARMOR , Abilities . WEAK_ARMOR , 495 , 60 , 115 , 105 , 65 , 70 , 80 , 45 , 70 , 173 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Water 1" , "Water 3" , 87.5 , 30 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . AERODACTYL , "Aerodactyl" , 1 , false , false , false , "Fossil Pokémon" , Type . ROCK , Type . FLYING , 1.8 , 59 , Abilities . ROCK_HEAD , Abilities . PRESSURE , Abilities . UNNERVE , 515 , 80 , 105 , 65 , 60 , 75 , 130 , 45 , 70 , 180 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Flying" , null , 87.5 , 35 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SNORLAX , "Snorlax" , 1 , false , false , false , "Sleeping Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 2.1 , 460 , Abilities . IMMUNITY , Abilities . THICK_FAT , Abilities . GLUTTONY , 540 , 160 , 110 , 65 , 65 , 110 , 30 , 25 , 70 , 189 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Monster" , null , 87.5 , 40 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . ARTICUNO , "Articuno" , 1 , true , false , false , "Freeze Pokémon" , Type . ICE , Type . FLYING , 1.7 , 55.4 , Abilities . PRESSURE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . SNOW_CLOAK , 580 , 90 , 85 , 100 , 95 , 125 , 85 , 3 , 35 , 261 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 80 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . ZAPDOS , "Zapdos" , 1 , true , false , false , "Electric Pokémon" , Type . ELECTRIC , Type . FLYING , 1.6 , 52.6 , Abilities . PRESSURE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . STATIC , 580 , 90 , 90 , 85 , 125 , 90 , 100 , 3 , 35 , 261 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 80 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MOLTRES , "Moltres" , 1 , true , false , false , "Flame Pokémon" , Type . FIRE , Type . FLYING , 2 , 60 , Abilities . PRESSURE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . FLAME_BODY , 580 , 90 , 100 , 90 , 125 , 85 , 90 , 3 , 35 , 261 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 80 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . DRATINI , "Dratini" , 1 , false , false , false , "Dragon Pokémon" , Type . DRAGON , null , 1.8 , 3.3 , Abilities . SHED_SKIN , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . MARVEL_SCALE , 300 , 41 , 64 , 45 , 50 , 50 , 50 , 45 , 35 , 60 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Dragon" , "Water 1" , 50 , 40 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . DRAGONAIR , "Dragonair" , 1 , false , false , false , "Dragon Pokémon" , Type . DRAGON , null , 4 , 16.5 , Abilities . SHED_SKIN , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . MARVEL_SCALE , 420 , 61 , 84 , 65 , 70 , 70 , 70 , 45 , 35 , 147 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Dragon" , "Water 1" , 50 , 40 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . DRAGONITE , "Dragonite" , 1 , false , false , false , "Dragon Pokémon" , Type . DRAGON , Type . FLYING , 2.2 , 210 , Abilities . INNER_FOCUS , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . MULTISCALE , 600 , 91 , 134 , 95 , 100 , 100 , 80 , 45 , 35 , 270 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Dragon" , "Water 1" , 50 , 40 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MEWTWO , "Mewtwo" , 1 , false , true , false , "Genetic Pokémon" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 2 , 122 , Abilities . PRESSURE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . UNNERVE , 680 , 106 , 110 , 90 , 154 , 90 , 130 , 3 , 0 , 306 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 120 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MEW , "Mew" , 1 , false , false , true , "New Species Pokémon" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 0.4 , 4 , Abilities . SYNCHRONIZE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 600 , 100 , 100 , 100 , 100 , 100 , 100 , 45 , 100 , 270 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 120 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . CHIKORITA , "Chikorita" , 2 , false , false , false , "Leaf Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , null , 0.9 , 6.4 , Abilities . OVERGROW , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . LEAF_GUARD , 318 , 45 , 49 , 65 , 49 , 65 , 45 , 45 , 70 , 64 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Grass" , "Monster" , 87.5 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . BAYLEEF , "Bayleef" , 2 , false , false , false , "Leaf Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , null , 1.2 , 15.8 , Abilities . OVERGROW , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . LEAF_GUARD , 405 , 60 , 62 , 80 , 63 , 80 , 60 , 45 , 70 , 142 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Grass" , "Monster" , 87.5 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MEGANIUM , "Meganium" , 2 , false , false , false , "Herb Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , null , 1.8 , 100.5 , Abilities . OVERGROW , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . LEAF_GUARD , 525 , 80 , 82 , 100 , 83 , 100 , 80 , 45 , 70 , 236 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Grass" , "Monster" , 87.5 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . CYNDAQUIL , "Cyndaquil" , 2 , false , false , false , "Fire Mouse Pokémon" , Type . FIRE , null , 0.5 , 7.9 , Abilities . BLAZE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . FLASH_FIRE , 309 , 39 , 52 , 43 , 60 , 50 , 65 , 45 , 70 , 62 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , null , 87.5 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . QUILAVA , "Quilava" , 2 , false , false , false , "Volcano Pokémon" , Type . FIRE , null , 0.9 , 19 , Abilities . BLAZE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . FLASH_FIRE , 405 , 58 , 64 , 58 , 80 , 65 , 80 , 45 , 70 , 142 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , null , 87.5 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . TYPHLOSION , "Typhlosion" , 2 , false , false , false , "Volcano Pokémon" , Type . FIRE , null , 1.7 , 79.5 , Abilities . BLAZE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . FLASH_FIRE , 534 , 78 , 84 , 78 , 109 , 85 , 100 , 45 , 70 , 240 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , null , 87.5 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . TOTODILE , "Totodile" , 2 , false , false , false , "Big Jaw Pokémon" , Type . WATER , null , 0.6 , 9.5 , Abilities . TORRENT , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . SHEER_FORCE , 314 , 50 , 65 , 64 , 44 , 48 , 43 , 45 , 70 , 63 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Monster" , "Water 1" , 87.5 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . CROCONAW , "Croconaw" , 2 , false , false , false , "Big Jaw Pokémon" , Type . WATER , null , 1.1 , 25 , Abilities . TORRENT , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . SHEER_FORCE , 405 , 65 , 80 , 80 , 59 , 63 , 58 , 45 , 70 , 142 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Monster" , "Water 1" , 87.5 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . FERALIGATR , "Feraligatr" , 2 , false , false , false , "Big Jaw Pokémon" , Type . WATER , null , 2.3 , 88.8 , Abilities . TORRENT , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . SHEER_FORCE , 530 , 85 , 105 , 100 , 79 , 83 , 78 , 45 , 70 , 239 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Monster" , "Water 1" , 87.5 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SENTRET , "Sentret" , 2 , false , false , false , "Scout Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 0.8 , 6 , Abilities . RUN_AWAY , Abilities . KEEN_EYE , Abilities . FRISK , 215 , 35 , 46 , 34 , 35 , 45 , 20 , 255 , 70 , 43 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . FURRET , "Furret" , 2 , false , false , false , "Long Body Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 1.8 , 32.5 , Abilities . RUN_AWAY , Abilities . KEEN_EYE , Abilities . FRISK , 415 , 85 , 76 , 64 , 45 , 55 , 90 , 90 , 70 , 145 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . HOOTHOOT , "Hoothoot" , 2 , false , false , false , "Owl Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , Type . FLYING , 0.7 , 21.2 , Abilities . INSOMNIA , Abilities . KEEN_EYE , Abilities . TINTED_LENS , 262 , 60 , 30 , 30 , 36 , 56 , 50 , 255 , 70 , 52 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Flying" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . NOCTOWL , "Noctowl" , 2 , false , false , false , "Owl Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , Type . FLYING , 1.6 , 40.8 , Abilities . INSOMNIA , Abilities . KEEN_EYE , Abilities . TINTED_LENS , 452 , 100 , 50 , 50 , 86 , 96 , 70 , 90 , 70 , 158 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Flying" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . LEDYBA , "Ledyba" , 2 , false , false , false , "Five Star Pokémon" , Type . BUG , Type . FLYING , 1 , 10.8 , Abilities . SWARM , Abilities . EARLY_BIRD , Abilities . RATTLED , 265 , 40 , 20 , 30 , 40 , 80 , 55 , 255 , 70 , 53 , GrowthRate . FAST , "Bug" , null , 50 , 15 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . LEDIAN , "Ledian" , 2 , false , false , false , "Five Star Pokémon" , Type . BUG , Type . FLYING , 1.4 , 35.6 , Abilities . SWARM , Abilities . EARLY_BIRD , Abilities . IRON_FIST , 390 , 55 , 35 , 50 , 55 , 110 , 85 , 90 , 70 , 137 , GrowthRate . FAST , "Bug" , null , 50 , 15 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SPINARAK , "Spinarak" , 2 , false , false , false , "String Spit Pokémon" , Type . BUG , Type . POISON , 0.5 , 8.5 , Abilities . SWARM , Abilities . INSOMNIA , Abilities . SNIPER , 250 , 40 , 60 , 40 , 40 , 40 , 30 , 255 , 70 , 50 , GrowthRate . FAST , "Bug" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . ARIADOS , "Ariados" , 2 , false , false , false , "Long Leg Pokémon" , Type . BUG , Type . POISON , 1.1 , 33.5 , Abilities . SWARM , Abilities . INSOMNIA , Abilities . SNIPER , 400 , 70 , 90 , 70 , 60 , 70 , 40 , 90 , 70 , 140 , GrowthRate . FAST , "Bug" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . CROBAT , "Crobat" , 2 , false , false , false , "Bat Pokémon" , Type . POISON , Type . FLYING , 1.8 , 75 , Abilities . INNER_FOCUS , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . INFILTRATOR , 535 , 85 , 90 , 80 , 70 , 80 , 130 , 90 , 70 , 241 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Flying" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . CHINCHOU , "Chinchou" , 2 , false , false , false , "Angler Pokémon" , Type . WATER , Type . ELECTRIC , 0.5 , 12 , Abilities . VOLT_ABSORB , Abilities . ILLUMINATE , Abilities . WATER_ABSORB , 330 , 75 , 38 , 38 , 56 , 56 , 67 , 190 , 70 , 66 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Water 2" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . LANTURN , "Lanturn" , 2 , false , false , false , "Light Pokémon" , Type . WATER , Type . ELECTRIC , 1.2 , 22.5 , Abilities . VOLT_ABSORB , Abilities . ILLUMINATE , Abilities . WATER_ABSORB , 460 , 125 , 58 , 58 , 76 , 76 , 67 , 75 , 70 , 161 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Water 2" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . PICHU , "Pichu" , 2 , false , false , false , "Tiny Mouse Pokémon" , Type . ELECTRIC , null , 0.3 , 2 , Abilities . STATIC , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . LIGHTNING_ROD , 205 , 20 , 40 , 15 , 35 , 35 , 60 , 190 , 70 , 41 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Undiscovered" , null , 50 , 10 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . CLEFFA , "Cleffa" , 2 , false , false , false , "Star Shape Pokémon" , Type . FAIRY , null , 0.3 , 3 , Abilities . CUTE_CHARM , Abilities . MAGIC_GUARD , Abilities . FRIEND_GUARD , 218 , 50 , 25 , 28 , 45 , 55 , 15 , 150 , 140 , 44 , GrowthRate . FAST , "Undiscovered" , null , 25 , 10 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . IGGLYBUFF , "Igglybuff" , 2 , false , false , false , "Balloon Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , Type . FAIRY , 0.3 , 1 , Abilities . CUTE_CHARM , Abilities . COMPETITIVE , Abilities . FRIEND_GUARD , 210 , 90 , 30 , 15 , 40 , 20 , 15 , 170 , 70 , 42 , GrowthRate . FAST , "Undiscovered" , null , 25 , 10 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . TOGEPI , "Togepi" , 2 , false , false , false , "Spike Ball Pokémon" , Type . FAIRY , null , 0.3 , 1.5 , Abilities . HUSTLE , Abilities . SERENE_GRACE , Abilities . SUPER_LUCK , 245 , 35 , 20 , 65 , 40 , 65 , 20 , 190 , 70 , 49 , GrowthRate . FAST , "Undiscovered" , null , 87.5 , 10 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . TOGETIC , "Togetic" , 2 , false , false , false , "Happiness Pokémon" , Type . FAIRY , Type . FLYING , 0.6 , 3.2 , Abilities . HUSTLE , Abilities . SERENE_GRACE , Abilities . SUPER_LUCK , 405 , 55 , 40 , 85 , 80 , 105 , 40 , 75 , 70 , 142 , GrowthRate . FAST , "Fairy" , "Flying" , 87.5 , 10 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . NATU , "Natu" , 2 , false , false , false , "Tiny Bird Pokémon" , Type . PSYCHIC , Type . FLYING , 0.2 , 2 , Abilities . SYNCHRONIZE , Abilities . EARLY_BIRD , Abilities . MAGIC_BOUNCE , 320 , 40 , 50 , 45 , 70 , 45 , 70 , 190 , 70 , 64 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Flying" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . XATU , "Xatu" , 2 , false , false , false , "Mystic Pokémon" , Type . PSYCHIC , Type . FLYING , 1.5 , 15 , Abilities . SYNCHRONIZE , Abilities . EARLY_BIRD , Abilities . MAGIC_BOUNCE , 470 , 65 , 75 , 70 , 95 , 70 , 95 , 75 , 70 , 165 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Flying" , null , 50 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MAREEP , "Mareep" , 2 , false , false , false , "Wool Pokémon" , Type . ELECTRIC , null , 0.6 , 7.8 , Abilities . STATIC , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . PLUS , 280 , 55 , 40 , 40 , 65 , 45 , 35 , 235 , 70 , 56 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , "Monster" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . FLAAFFY , "Flaaffy" , 2 , false , false , false , "Wool Pokémon" , Type . ELECTRIC , null , 0.8 , 13.3 , Abilities . STATIC , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . PLUS , 365 , 70 , 55 , 55 , 80 , 60 , 45 , 120 , 70 , 128 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , "Monster" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . AMPHAROS , "Ampharos" , 2 , false , false , false , "Light Pokémon" , Type . ELECTRIC , null , 1.4 , 61.5 , Abilities . STATIC , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . PLUS , 510 , 90 , 75 , 85 , 115 , 90 , 55 , 45 , 70 , 230 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , "Monster" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . BELLOSSOM , "Bellossom" , 2 , false , false , false , "Flower Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , null , 0.4 , 5.8 , Abilities . CHLOROPHYLL , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . HEALER , 490 , 75 , 80 , 95 , 90 , 100 , 50 , 45 , 70 , 221 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Grass" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MARILL , "Marill" , 2 , false , false , false , "Aqua Mouse Pokémon" , Type . WATER , Type . FAIRY , 0.4 , 8.5 , Abilities . THICK_FAT , Abilities . HUGE_POWER , Abilities . SAP_SIPPER , 250 , 70 , 20 , 50 , 20 , 50 , 40 , 190 , 70 , 88 , GrowthRate . FAST , "Fairy" , "Water 1" , 50 , 10 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . AZUMARILL , "Azumarill" , 2 , false , false , false , "Aqua Rabbit Pokémon" , Type . WATER , Type . FAIRY , 0.8 , 28.5 , Abilities . THICK_FAT , Abilities . HUGE_POWER , Abilities . SAP_SIPPER , 420 , 100 , 50 , 80 , 60 , 80 , 50 , 75 , 70 , 189 , GrowthRate . FAST , "Fairy" , "Water 1" , 50 , 10 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SUDOWOODO , "Sudowoodo" , 2 , false , false , false , "Imitation Pokémon" , Type . ROCK , null , 1.2 , 38 , Abilities . STURDY , Abilities . ROCK_HEAD , Abilities . RATTLED , 410 , 70 , 100 , 115 , 30 , 65 , 30 , 65 , 70 , 144 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Mineral" , null , 50 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . POLITOED , "Politoed" , 2 , false , false , false , "Frog Pokémon" , Type . WATER , null , 1.1 , 33.9 , Abilities . WATER_ABSORB , Abilities . DAMP , Abilities . DRIZZLE , 500 , 90 , 75 , 75 , 90 , 100 , 70 , 45 , 70 , 225 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Water 1" , null , 50 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . HOPPIP , "Hoppip" , 2 , false , false , false , "Cottonweed Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , Type . FLYING , 0.4 , 0.5 , Abilities . CHLOROPHYLL , Abilities . LEAF_GUARD , Abilities . INFILTRATOR , 250 , 35 , 35 , 40 , 35 , 55 , 50 , 255 , 70 , 50 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Fairy" , "Grass" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SKIPLOOM , "Skiploom" , 2 , false , false , false , "Cottonweed Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , Type . FLYING , 0.6 , 1 , Abilities . CHLOROPHYLL , Abilities . LEAF_GUARD , Abilities . INFILTRATOR , 340 , 55 , 45 , 50 , 45 , 65 , 80 , 120 , 70 , 119 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Fairy" , "Grass" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . JUMPLUFF , "Jumpluff" , 2 , false , false , false , "Cottonweed Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , Type . FLYING , 0.8 , 3 , Abilities . CHLOROPHYLL , Abilities . LEAF_GUARD , Abilities . INFILTRATOR , 460 , 75 , 55 , 70 , 55 , 95 , 110 , 45 , 70 , 207 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Fairy" , "Grass" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . AIPOM , "Aipom" , 2 , false , false , false , "Long Tail Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 0.8 , 11.5 , Abilities . RUN_AWAY , Abilities . PICKUP , Abilities . SKILL_LINK , 360 , 55 , 70 , 55 , 40 , 55 , 85 , 45 , 70 , 72 , GrowthRate . FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SUNKERN , "Sunkern" , 2 , false , false , false , "Seed Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , null , 0.3 , 1.8 , Abilities . CHLOROPHYLL , Abilities . SOLAR_POWER , Abilities . EARLY_BIRD , 180 , 30 , 30 , 30 , 30 , 30 , 30 , 235 , 70 , 36 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Grass" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SUNFLORA , "Sunflora" , 2 , false , false , false , "Sun Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , null , 0.8 , 8.5 , Abilities . CHLOROPHYLL , Abilities . SOLAR_POWER , Abilities . EARLY_BIRD , 425 , 75 , 75 , 55 , 105 , 85 , 30 , 120 , 70 , 149 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Grass" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . YANMA , "Yanma" , 2 , false , false , false , "Clear Wing Pokémon" , Type . BUG , Type . FLYING , 1.2 , 38 , Abilities . SPEED_BOOST , Abilities . COMPOUND_EYES , Abilities . FRISK , 390 , 65 , 65 , 45 , 75 , 45 , 95 , 75 , 70 , 78 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Bug" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . WOOPER , "Wooper" , 2 , false , false , false , "Water Fish Pokémon" , Type . WATER , Type . GROUND , 0.4 , 8.5 , Abilities . DAMP , Abilities . WATER_ABSORB , Abilities . UNAWARE , 210 , 55 , 45 , 45 , 25 , 25 , 15 , 255 , 70 , 42 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , "Water 1" , 50 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . QUAGSIRE , "Quagsire" , 2 , false , false , false , "Water Fish Pokémon" , Type . WATER , Type . GROUND , 1.4 , 75 , Abilities . DAMP , Abilities . WATER_ABSORB , Abilities . UNAWARE , 430 , 95 , 85 , 85 , 65 , 65 , 35 , 90 , 70 , 151 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , "Water 1" , 50 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . ESPEON , "Espeon" , 2 , false , false , false , "Sun Pokémon" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 0.9 , 26.5 , Abilities . SYNCHRONIZE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . MAGIC_BOUNCE , 525 , 65 , 65 , 60 , 130 , 95 , 110 , 45 , 70 , 184 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 87.5 , 35 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . UMBREON , "Umbreon" , 2 , false , false , false , "Moonlight Pokémon" , Type . DARK , null , 1 , 27 , Abilities . SYNCHRONIZE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . INNER_FOCUS , 525 , 95 , 65 , 110 , 60 , 130 , 65 , 45 , 35 , 184 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 87.5 , 35 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MURKROW , "Murkrow" , 2 , false , false , false , "Darkness Pokémon" , Type . DARK , Type . FLYING , 0.5 , 2.1 , Abilities . INSOMNIA , Abilities . SUPER_LUCK , Abilities . PRANKSTER , 405 , 60 , 85 , 42 , 85 , 32 , 91 , 30 , 35 , 81 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Flying" , null , 50 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SLOWKING , "Slowking" , 2 , false , false , false , "Royal Pokémon" , Type . WATER , Type . PSYCHIC , 2 , 79.5 , Abilities . OBLIVIOUS , Abilities . OWN_TEMPO , Abilities . REGENERATOR , 490 , 95 , 75 , 80 , 100 , 110 , 30 , 70 , 70 , 172 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Monster" , "Water 1" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MISDREAVUS , "Misdreavus" , 2 , false , false , false , "Screech Pokémon" , Type . GHOST , null , 0.7 , 1 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 435 , 60 , 60 , 60 , 85 , 85 , 85 , 45 , 35 , 87 , GrowthRate . FAST , "Amorphous" , null , 50 , 25 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . UNOWN , "Unown" , 2 , false , false , false , "Symbol Pokémon" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 0.5 , 5 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 336 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 48 , 225 , 70 , 118 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 40 , true , false ,
new PokemonForm ( "A" , "a" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 0.5 , 5 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 336 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 48 , 225 , 70 , 118 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 40 , true ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "B" , "b" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 0.5 , 5 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 336 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 48 , 225 , 70 , 118 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 40 , true ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "C" , "c" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 0.5 , 5 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 336 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 48 , 225 , 70 , 118 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 40 , true ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "D" , "d" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 0.5 , 5 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 336 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 48 , 225 , 70 , 118 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 40 , true ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "E" , "e" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 0.5 , 5 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 336 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 48 , 225 , 70 , 118 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 40 , true ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "F" , "f" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 0.5 , 5 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 336 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 48 , 225 , 70 , 118 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 40 , true ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "G" , "g" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 0.5 , 5 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 336 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 48 , 225 , 70 , 118 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 40 , true ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "H" , "h" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 0.5 , 5 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 336 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 48 , 225 , 70 , 118 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 40 , true ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "I" , "i" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 0.5 , 5 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 336 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 48 , 225 , 70 , 118 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 40 , true ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "J" , "j" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 0.5 , 5 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 336 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 48 , 225 , 70 , 118 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 40 , true ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "K" , "k" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 0.5 , 5 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 336 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 48 , 225 , 70 , 118 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 40 , true ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "L" , "l" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 0.5 , 5 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 336 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 48 , 225 , 70 , 118 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 40 , true ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "M" , "m" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 0.5 , 5 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 336 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 48 , 225 , 70 , 118 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 40 , true ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "N" , "n" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 0.5 , 5 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 336 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 48 , 225 , 70 , 118 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 40 , true ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "O" , "o" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 0.5 , 5 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 336 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 48 , 225 , 70 , 118 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 40 , true ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "P" , "p" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 0.5 , 5 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 336 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 48 , 225 , 70 , 118 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 40 , true ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "Q" , "q" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 0.5 , 5 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 336 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 48 , 225 , 70 , 118 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 40 , true ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "R" , "r" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 0.5 , 5 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 336 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 48 , 225 , 70 , 118 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 40 , true ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "S" , "s" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 0.5 , 5 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 336 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 48 , 225 , 70 , 118 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 40 , true ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "T" , "t" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 0.5 , 5 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 336 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 48 , 225 , 70 , 118 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 40 , true ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "U" , "u" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 0.5 , 5 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 336 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 48 , 225 , 70 , 118 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 40 , true ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "V" , "v" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 0.5 , 5 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 336 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 48 , 225 , 70 , 118 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 40 , true ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "W" , "w" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 0.5 , 5 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 336 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 48 , 225 , 70 , 118 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 40 , true ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "X" , "x" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 0.5 , 5 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 336 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 48 , 225 , 70 , 118 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 40 , true ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "Y" , "y" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 0.5 , 5 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 336 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 48 , 225 , 70 , 118 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 40 , true ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "Z" , "z" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 0.5 , 5 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 336 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 48 , 225 , 70 , 118 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 40 , true ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "Exclamation" , "exclamation" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 0.5 , 5 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 336 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 48 , 225 , 70 , 118 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 40 , true ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "Question" , "question" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 0.5 , 5 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 336 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 72 , 48 , 48 , 225 , 70 , 118 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 40 , true ) ,
) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . WOBBUFFET , "Wobbuffet" , 2 , false , false , false , "Patient Pokémon" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 1.3 , 28.5 , Abilities . SHADOW_TAG , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . TELEPATHY , 405 , 190 , 33 , 58 , 33 , 58 , 33 , 45 , 70 , 142 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Amorphous" , null , 50 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . GIRAFARIG , "Girafarig" , 2 , false , false , false , "Long Neck Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , Type . PSYCHIC , 1.5 , 41.5 , Abilities . INNER_FOCUS , Abilities . EARLY_BIRD , Abilities . SAP_SIPPER , 455 , 70 , 80 , 65 , 90 , 65 , 85 , 60 , 70 , 159 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . PINECO , "Pineco" , 2 , false , false , false , "Bagworm Pokémon" , Type . BUG , null , 0.6 , 7.2 , Abilities . STURDY , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . OVERCOAT , 290 , 50 , 65 , 90 , 35 , 35 , 15 , 190 , 70 , 58 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Bug" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . FORRETRESS , "Forretress" , 2 , false , false , false , "Bagworm Pokémon" , Type . BUG , Type . STEEL , 1.2 , 125.8 , Abilities . STURDY , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . OVERCOAT , 465 , 75 , 90 , 140 , 60 , 60 , 40 , 75 , 70 , 163 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Bug" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . DUNSPARCE , "Dunsparce" , 2 , false , false , false , "Land Snake Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 1.5 , 14 , Abilities . SERENE_GRACE , Abilities . RUN_AWAY , Abilities . RATTLED , 415 , 100 , 70 , 70 , 65 , 65 , 45 , 190 , 70 , 145 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . GLIGAR , "Gligar" , 2 , false , false , false , "FlyScorpion Pokémon" , Type . GROUND , Type . FLYING , 1.1 , 64.8 , Abilities . HYPER_CUTTER , Abilities . SAND_VEIL , Abilities . IMMUNITY , 430 , 65 , 75 , 105 , 35 , 65 , 85 , 60 , 70 , 86 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Bug" , null , 50 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . STEELIX , "Steelix" , 2 , false , false , false , "Iron Snake Pokémon" , Type . STEEL , Type . GROUND , 9.2 , 400 , Abilities . ROCK_HEAD , Abilities . STURDY , Abilities . SHEER_FORCE , 510 , 75 , 85 , 200 , 55 , 65 , 30 , 25 , 70 , 179 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Mineral" , null , 50 , 25 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SNUBBULL , "Snubbull" , 2 , false , false , false , "Fairy Pokémon" , Type . FAIRY , null , 0.6 , 7.8 , Abilities . INTIMIDATE , Abilities . RUN_AWAY , Abilities . RATTLED , 300 , 60 , 80 , 50 , 40 , 40 , 30 , 190 , 70 , 60 , GrowthRate . FAST , "Fairy" , "Field" , 25 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . GRANBULL , "Granbull" , 2 , false , false , false , "Fairy Pokémon" , Type . FAIRY , null , 1.4 , 48.7 , Abilities . INTIMIDATE , Abilities . QUICK_FEET , Abilities . RATTLED , 450 , 90 , 120 , 75 , 60 , 60 , 45 , 75 , 70 , 158 , GrowthRate . FAST , "Fairy" , "Field" , 25 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . QWILFISH , "Qwilfish" , 2 , false , false , false , "Balloon Pokémon" , Type . WATER , Type . POISON , 0.5 , 3.9 , Abilities . POISON_POINT , Abilities . SWIFT_SWIM , Abilities . INTIMIDATE , 440 , 65 , 95 , 85 , 55 , 55 , 85 , 45 , 70 , 88 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Water 2" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SCIZOR , "Scizor" , 2 , false , false , false , "Pincer Pokémon" , Type . BUG , Type . STEEL , 1.8 , 118 , Abilities . SWARM , Abilities . TECHNICIAN , Abilities . LIGHT_METAL , 500 , 70 , 130 , 100 , 55 , 80 , 65 , 25 , 70 , 175 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Bug" , null , 50 , 25 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SHUCKLE , "Shuckle" , 2 , false , false , false , "Mold Pokémon" , Type . BUG , Type . ROCK , 0.6 , 20.5 , Abilities . STURDY , Abilities . GLUTTONY , Abilities . CONTRARY , 505 , 20 , 10 , 230 , 10 , 230 , 5 , 190 , 70 , 177 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Bug" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . HERACROSS , "Heracross" , 2 , false , false , false , "Single Horn Pokémon" , Type . BUG , Type . FIGHTING , 1.5 , 54 , Abilities . SWARM , Abilities . GUTS , Abilities . MOXIE , 500 , 80 , 125 , 75 , 40 , 95 , 85 , 45 , 70 , 175 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Bug" , null , 50 , 25 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SNEASEL , "Sneasel" , 2 , false , false , false , "Sharp Claw Pokémon" , Type . DARK , Type . ICE , 0.9 , 28 , Abilities . INNER_FOCUS , Abilities . KEEN_EYE , Abilities . PICKPOCKET , 430 , 55 , 95 , 55 , 35 , 75 , 115 , 60 , 35 , 86 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . TEDDIURSA , "Teddiursa" , 2 , false , false , false , "Little Bear Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 0.6 , 8.8 , Abilities . PICKUP , Abilities . QUICK_FEET , Abilities . HONEY_GATHER , 330 , 60 , 80 , 50 , 50 , 50 , 40 , 120 , 70 , 66 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . URSARING , "Ursaring" , 2 , false , false , false , "Hibernator Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 1.8 , 125.8 , Abilities . GUTS , Abilities . QUICK_FEET , Abilities . UNNERVE , 500 , 90 , 130 , 75 , 75 , 75 , 55 , 60 , 70 , 175 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SLUGMA , "Slugma" , 2 , false , false , false , "Lava Pokémon" , Type . FIRE , null , 0.7 , 35 , Abilities . MAGMA_ARMOR , Abilities . FLAME_BODY , Abilities . WEAK_ARMOR , 250 , 40 , 40 , 40 , 70 , 40 , 20 , 190 , 70 , 50 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Amorphous" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MAGCARGO , "Magcargo" , 2 , false , false , false , "Lava Pokémon" , Type . FIRE , Type . ROCK , 0.8 , 55 , Abilities . MAGMA_ARMOR , Abilities . FLAME_BODY , Abilities . WEAK_ARMOR , 430 , 60 , 50 , 120 , 90 , 80 , 30 , 75 , 70 , 151 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Amorphous" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SWINUB , "Swinub" , 2 , false , false , false , "Pig Pokémon" , Type . ICE , Type . GROUND , 0.4 , 6.5 , Abilities . OBLIVIOUS , Abilities . SNOW_CLOAK , Abilities . THICK_FAT , 250 , 50 , 50 , 40 , 30 , 30 , 50 , 225 , 70 , 50 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . PILOSWINE , "Piloswine" , 2 , false , false , false , "Swine Pokémon" , Type . ICE , Type . GROUND , 1.1 , 55.8 , Abilities . OBLIVIOUS , Abilities . SNOW_CLOAK , Abilities . THICK_FAT , 450 , 100 , 100 , 80 , 60 , 60 , 50 , 75 , 70 , 158 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . CORSOLA , "Corsola" , 2 , false , false , false , "Coral Pokémon" , Type . WATER , Type . ROCK , 0.6 , 5 , Abilities . HUSTLE , Abilities . NATURAL_CURE , Abilities . REGENERATOR , 410 , 65 , 55 , 95 , 65 , 95 , 35 , 60 , 70 , 144 , GrowthRate . FAST , "Water 1" , "Water 3" , 25 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . REMORAID , "Remoraid" , 2 , false , false , false , "Jet Pokémon" , Type . WATER , null , 0.6 , 12 , Abilities . HUSTLE , Abilities . SNIPER , Abilities . MOODY , 300 , 35 , 65 , 35 , 65 , 35 , 65 , 190 , 70 , 60 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Water 1" , "Water 2" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . OCTILLERY , "Octillery" , 2 , false , false , false , "Jet Pokémon" , Type . WATER , null , 0.9 , 28.5 , Abilities . SUCTION_CUPS , Abilities . SNIPER , Abilities . MOODY , 480 , 75 , 105 , 75 , 105 , 75 , 45 , 75 , 70 , 168 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Water 1" , "Water 2" , 50 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . DELIBIRD , "Delibird" , 2 , false , false , false , "Delivery Pokémon" , Type . ICE , Type . FLYING , 0.9 , 16 , Abilities . VITAL_SPIRIT , Abilities . HUSTLE , Abilities . INSOMNIA , 330 , 45 , 55 , 45 , 65 , 45 , 75 , 45 , 70 , 116 , GrowthRate . FAST , "Field" , "Water 1" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MANTINE , "Mantine" , 2 , false , false , false , "Kite Pokémon" , Type . WATER , Type . FLYING , 2.1 , 220 , Abilities . SWIFT_SWIM , Abilities . WATER_ABSORB , Abilities . WATER_VEIL , 485 , 85 , 40 , 70 , 80 , 140 , 70 , 25 , 70 , 170 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Water 1" , null , 50 , 25 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SKARMORY , "Skarmory" , 2 , false , false , false , "Armor Bird Pokémon" , Type . STEEL , Type . FLYING , 1.7 , 50.5 , Abilities . KEEN_EYE , Abilities . STURDY , Abilities . WEAK_ARMOR , 465 , 65 , 80 , 140 , 40 , 70 , 70 , 25 , 70 , 163 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Flying" , null , 50 , 25 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . HOUNDOUR , "Houndour" , 2 , false , false , false , "Dark Pokémon" , Type . DARK , Type . FIRE , 0.6 , 10.8 , Abilities . EARLY_BIRD , Abilities . FLASH_FIRE , Abilities . UNNERVE , 330 , 45 , 60 , 30 , 80 , 50 , 65 , 120 , 35 , 66 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . HOUNDOOM , "Houndoom" , 2 , false , false , false , "Dark Pokémon" , Type . DARK , Type . FIRE , 1.4 , 35 , Abilities . EARLY_BIRD , Abilities . FLASH_FIRE , Abilities . UNNERVE , 500 , 75 , 90 , 50 , 110 , 80 , 95 , 45 , 35 , 175 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . KINGDRA , "Kingdra" , 2 , false , false , false , "Dragon Pokémon" , Type . WATER , Type . DRAGON , 1.8 , 152 , Abilities . SWIFT_SWIM , Abilities . SNIPER , Abilities . DAMP , 540 , 75 , 95 , 95 , 95 , 95 , 85 , 45 , 70 , 243 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Dragon" , "Water 1" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . PHANPY , "Phanpy" , 2 , false , false , false , "Long Nose Pokémon" , Type . GROUND , null , 0.5 , 33.5 , Abilities . PICKUP , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . SAND_VEIL , 330 , 90 , 60 , 60 , 40 , 40 , 40 , 120 , 70 , 66 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . DONPHAN , "Donphan" , 2 , false , false , false , "Armor Pokémon" , Type . GROUND , null , 1.1 , 120 , Abilities . STURDY , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . SAND_VEIL , 500 , 90 , 120 , 120 , 60 , 60 , 50 , 60 , 70 , 175 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . PORYGON2 , "Porygon2" , 2 , false , false , false , "Virtual Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 0.6 , 32.5 , Abilities . TRACE , Abilities . DOWNLOAD , Abilities . ANALYTIC , 515 , 85 , 80 , 90 , 105 , 95 , 60 , 45 , 70 , 180 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Mineral" , null , null , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . STANTLER , "Stantler" , 2 , false , false , false , "Big Horn Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 1.4 , 71.2 , Abilities . INTIMIDATE , Abilities . FRISK , Abilities . SAP_SIPPER , 465 , 73 , 95 , 62 , 85 , 65 , 85 , 45 , 70 , 163 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SMEARGLE , "Smeargle" , 2 , false , false , false , "Painter Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 1.2 , 58 , Abilities . OWN_TEMPO , Abilities . TECHNICIAN , Abilities . MOODY , 250 , 55 , 20 , 35 , 20 , 45 , 75 , 45 , 70 , 88 , GrowthRate . FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . TYROGUE , "Tyrogue" , 2 , false , false , false , "Scuffle Pokémon" , Type . FIGHTING , null , 0.7 , 21 , Abilities . GUTS , Abilities . STEADFAST , Abilities . VITAL_SPIRIT , 210 , 35 , 35 , 35 , 35 , 35 , 35 , 75 , 70 , 42 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Undiscovered" , null , 100 , 25 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . HITMONTOP , "Hitmontop" , 2 , false , false , false , "Handstand Pokémon" , Type . FIGHTING , null , 1.4 , 48 , Abilities . INTIMIDATE , Abilities . TECHNICIAN , Abilities . STEADFAST , 455 , 50 , 95 , 95 , 35 , 110 , 70 , 45 , 70 , 159 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Human-Like" , null , 100 , 25 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SMOOCHUM , "Smoochum" , 2 , false , false , false , "Kiss Pokémon" , Type . ICE , Type . PSYCHIC , 0.4 , 6 , Abilities . OBLIVIOUS , Abilities . FOREWARN , Abilities . HYDRATION , 305 , 45 , 30 , 15 , 85 , 65 , 65 , 45 , 70 , 61 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Undiscovered" , null , 0 , 25 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . ELEKID , "Elekid" , 2 , false , false , false , "Electric Pokémon" , Type . ELECTRIC , null , 0.6 , 23.5 , Abilities . STATIC , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . VITAL_SPIRIT , 360 , 45 , 63 , 37 , 65 , 55 , 95 , 45 , 70 , 72 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Undiscovered" , null , 75 , 25 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MAGBY , "Magby" , 2 , false , false , false , "Live Coal Pokémon" , Type . FIRE , null , 0.7 , 21.4 , Abilities . FLAME_BODY , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . VITAL_SPIRIT , 365 , 45 , 75 , 37 , 70 , 55 , 83 , 45 , 70 , 73 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Undiscovered" , null , 75 , 25 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MILTANK , "Miltank" , 2 , false , false , false , "Milk Cow Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 1.2 , 75.5 , Abilities . THICK_FAT , Abilities . SCRAPPY , Abilities . SAP_SIPPER , 490 , 95 , 80 , 105 , 40 , 70 , 100 , 45 , 70 , 172 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Field" , null , 0 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . BLISSEY , "Blissey" , 2 , false , false , false , "Happiness Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 1.5 , 46.8 , Abilities . NATURAL_CURE , Abilities . SERENE_GRACE , Abilities . HEALER , 540 , 255 , 10 , 10 , 75 , 135 , 55 , 30 , 140 , 608 , GrowthRate . FAST , "Fairy" , null , 0 , 40 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . RAIKOU , "Raikou" , 2 , true , false , false , "Thunder Pokémon" , Type . ELECTRIC , null , 1.9 , 178 , Abilities . PRESSURE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . INNER_FOCUS , 580 , 90 , 85 , 75 , 115 , 100 , 115 , 3 , 35 , 261 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 80 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . ENTEI , "Entei" , 2 , true , false , false , "Volcano Pokémon" , Type . FIRE , null , 2.1 , 198 , Abilities . PRESSURE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . INNER_FOCUS , 580 , 115 , 115 , 85 , 90 , 75 , 100 , 3 , 35 , 261 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 80 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SUICUNE , "Suicune" , 2 , true , false , false , "Aurora Pokémon" , Type . WATER , null , 2 , 187 , Abilities . PRESSURE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . INNER_FOCUS , 580 , 100 , 75 , 115 , 90 , 115 , 85 , 3 , 35 , 261 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 80 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . LARVITAR , "Larvitar" , 2 , false , false , false , "Rock Skin Pokémon" , Type . ROCK , Type . GROUND , 0.6 , 72 , Abilities . GUTS , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . SAND_VEIL , 300 , 50 , 64 , 50 , 45 , 50 , 41 , 45 , 35 , 60 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Monster" , null , 50 , 40 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . PUPITAR , "Pupitar" , 2 , false , false , false , "Hard Shell Pokémon" , Type . ROCK , Type . GROUND , 1.2 , 152 , Abilities . SHED_SKIN , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 410 , 70 , 84 , 70 , 65 , 70 , 51 , 45 , 35 , 144 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Monster" , null , 50 , 40 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . TYRANITAR , "Tyranitar" , 2 , false , false , false , "Armor Pokémon" , Type . ROCK , Type . DARK , 2 , 202 , Abilities . SAND_STREAM , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . UNNERVE , 600 , 100 , 134 , 110 , 95 , 100 , 61 , 45 , 35 , 270 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Monster" , null , 50 , 40 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . LUGIA , "Lugia" , 2 , false , true , false , "Diving Pokémon" , Type . PSYCHIC , Type . FLYING , 5.2 , 216 , Abilities . PRESSURE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . MULTISCALE , 680 , 106 , 90 , 130 , 90 , 154 , 110 , 3 , 0 , 306 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 120 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . HO_OH , "Ho-oh" , 2 , false , true , false , "Rainbow Pokémon" , Type . FIRE , Type . FLYING , 3.8 , 199 , Abilities . PRESSURE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . REGENERATOR , 680 , 106 , 130 , 90 , 110 , 154 , 90 , 3 , 0 , 306 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 120 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . CELEBI , "Celebi" , 2 , false , false , true , "Time Travel Pokémon" , Type . PSYCHIC , Type . GRASS , 0.6 , 5 , Abilities . NATURAL_CURE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 600 , 100 , 100 , 100 , 100 , 100 , 100 , 45 , 100 , 270 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 120 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . TREECKO , "Treecko" , 3 , false , false , false , "Wood Gecko Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , null , 0.5 , 5 , Abilities . OVERGROW , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . UNBURDEN , 310 , 40 , 45 , 35 , 65 , 55 , 70 , 45 , 70 , 62 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Dragon" , "Monster" , 87.5 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . GROVYLE , "Grovyle" , 3 , false , false , false , "Wood Gecko Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , null , 0.9 , 21.6 , Abilities . OVERGROW , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . UNBURDEN , 405 , 50 , 65 , 45 , 85 , 65 , 95 , 45 , 70 , 142 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Dragon" , "Monster" , 87.5 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SCEPTILE , "Sceptile" , 3 , false , false , false , "Forest Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , null , 1.7 , 52.2 , Abilities . OVERGROW , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . UNBURDEN , 530 , 70 , 85 , 65 , 105 , 85 , 120 , 45 , 70 , 239 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Dragon" , "Monster" , 87.5 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . TORCHIC , "Torchic" , 3 , false , false , false , "Chick Pokémon" , Type . FIRE , null , 0.4 , 2.5 , Abilities . BLAZE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . SPEED_BOOST , 310 , 45 , 60 , 40 , 70 , 50 , 45 , 45 , 70 , 62 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , null , 87.5 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . COMBUSKEN , "Combusken" , 3 , false , false , false , "Young Fowl Pokémon" , Type . FIRE , Type . FIGHTING , 0.9 , 19.5 , Abilities . BLAZE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . SPEED_BOOST , 405 , 60 , 85 , 60 , 85 , 60 , 55 , 45 , 70 , 142 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , null , 87.5 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . BLAZIKEN , "Blaziken" , 3 , false , false , false , "Blaze Pokémon" , Type . FIRE , Type . FIGHTING , 1.9 , 52 , Abilities . BLAZE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . SPEED_BOOST , 530 , 80 , 120 , 70 , 110 , 70 , 80 , 45 , 70 , 239 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , null , 87.5 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MUDKIP , "Mudkip" , 3 , false , false , false , "Mud Fish Pokémon" , Type . WATER , null , 0.4 , 7.6 , Abilities . TORRENT , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . DAMP , 310 , 50 , 70 , 50 , 50 , 50 , 40 , 45 , 70 , 62 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Monster" , "Water 1" , 87.5 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MARSHTOMP , "Marshtomp" , 3 , false , false , false , "Mud Fish Pokémon" , Type . WATER , Type . GROUND , 0.7 , 28 , Abilities . TORRENT , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . DAMP , 405 , 70 , 85 , 70 , 60 , 70 , 50 , 45 , 70 , 142 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Monster" , "Water 1" , 87.5 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SWAMPERT , "Swampert" , 3 , false , false , false , "Mud Fish Pokémon" , Type . WATER , Type . GROUND , 1.5 , 81.9 , Abilities . TORRENT , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . DAMP , 535 , 100 , 110 , 90 , 85 , 90 , 60 , 45 , 70 , 241 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Monster" , "Water 1" , 87.5 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . POOCHYENA , "Poochyena" , 3 , false , false , false , "Bite Pokémon" , Type . DARK , null , 0.5 , 13.6 , Abilities . RUN_AWAY , Abilities . QUICK_FEET , Abilities . RATTLED , 220 , 35 , 55 , 35 , 30 , 30 , 35 , 255 , 70 , 56 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MIGHTYENA , "Mightyena" , 3 , false , false , false , "Bite Pokémon" , Type . DARK , null , 1 , 37 , Abilities . INTIMIDATE , Abilities . QUICK_FEET , Abilities . MOXIE , 420 , 70 , 90 , 70 , 60 , 60 , 70 , 127 , 70 , 147 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . ZIGZAGOON , "Zigzagoon" , 3 , false , false , false , "TinyRaccoon Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 0.4 , 17.5 , Abilities . PICKUP , Abilities . GLUTTONY , Abilities . QUICK_FEET , 240 , 38 , 30 , 41 , 30 , 41 , 60 , 255 , 70 , 56 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . LINOONE , "Linoone" , 3 , false , false , false , "Rushing Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 0.5 , 32.5 , Abilities . PICKUP , Abilities . GLUTTONY , Abilities . QUICK_FEET , 420 , 78 , 70 , 61 , 50 , 61 , 100 , 90 , 70 , 147 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . WURMPLE , "Wurmple" , 3 , false , false , false , "Worm Pokémon" , Type . BUG , null , 0.3 , 3.6 , Abilities . SHIELD_DUST , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . RUN_AWAY , 195 , 45 , 45 , 35 , 20 , 30 , 20 , 255 , 70 , 56 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Bug" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SILCOON , "Silcoon" , 3 , false , false , false , "Cocoon Pokémon" , Type . BUG , null , 0.6 , 10 , Abilities . SHED_SKIN , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 205 , 50 , 35 , 55 , 25 , 25 , 15 , 120 , 70 , 72 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Bug" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . BEAUTIFLY , "Beautifly" , 3 , false , false , false , "Butterfly Pokémon" , Type . BUG , Type . FLYING , 1 , 28.4 , Abilities . SWARM , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . RIVALRY , 395 , 60 , 70 , 50 , 100 , 50 , 65 , 45 , 70 , 178 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Bug" , null , 50 , 15 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . CASCOON , "Cascoon" , 3 , false , false , false , "Cocoon Pokémon" , Type . BUG , null , 0.7 , 11.5 , Abilities . SHED_SKIN , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 205 , 50 , 35 , 55 , 25 , 25 , 15 , 120 , 70 , 72 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Bug" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . DUSTOX , "Dustox" , 3 , false , false , false , "Poison Moth Pokémon" , Type . BUG , Type . POISON , 1.2 , 31.6 , Abilities . SHIELD_DUST , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . COMPOUND_EYES , 385 , 60 , 50 , 70 , 50 , 90 , 65 , 45 , 70 , 173 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Bug" , null , 50 , 15 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . LOTAD , "Lotad" , 3 , false , false , false , "Water Weed Pokémon" , Type . WATER , Type . GRASS , 0.5 , 2.6 , Abilities . SWIFT_SWIM , Abilities . RAIN_DISH , Abilities . OWN_TEMPO , 220 , 40 , 30 , 30 , 40 , 50 , 30 , 255 , 70 , 44 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Grass" , "Water 1" , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . LOMBRE , "Lombre" , 3 , false , false , false , "Jolly Pokémon" , Type . WATER , Type . GRASS , 1.2 , 32.5 , Abilities . SWIFT_SWIM , Abilities . RAIN_DISH , Abilities . OWN_TEMPO , 340 , 60 , 50 , 50 , 60 , 70 , 50 , 120 , 70 , 119 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Grass" , "Water 1" , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . LUDICOLO , "Ludicolo" , 3 , false , false , false , "Carefree Pokémon" , Type . WATER , Type . GRASS , 1.5 , 55 , Abilities . SWIFT_SWIM , Abilities . RAIN_DISH , Abilities . OWN_TEMPO , 480 , 80 , 70 , 70 , 90 , 100 , 70 , 45 , 70 , 216 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Grass" , "Water 1" , 50 , 15 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SEEDOT , "Seedot" , 3 , false , false , false , "Acorn Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , null , 0.5 , 4 , Abilities . CHLOROPHYLL , Abilities . EARLY_BIRD , Abilities . PICKPOCKET , 220 , 40 , 40 , 50 , 30 , 30 , 30 , 255 , 70 , 44 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , "Grass" , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . NUZLEAF , "Nuzleaf" , 3 , false , false , false , "Wily Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , Type . DARK , 1 , 28 , Abilities . CHLOROPHYLL , Abilities . EARLY_BIRD , Abilities . PICKPOCKET , 340 , 70 , 70 , 40 , 60 , 40 , 60 , 120 , 70 , 119 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , "Grass" , 50 , 15 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SHIFTRY , "Shiftry" , 3 , false , false , false , "Wicked Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , Type . DARK , 1.3 , 59.6 , Abilities . CHLOROPHYLL , Abilities . EARLY_BIRD , Abilities . PICKPOCKET , 480 , 90 , 100 , 60 , 90 , 60 , 80 , 45 , 70 , 216 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , "Grass" , 50 , 15 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . TAILLOW , "Taillow" , 3 , false , false , false , "TinySwallow Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , Type . FLYING , 0.3 , 2.3 , Abilities . GUTS , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . SCRAPPY , 270 , 40 , 55 , 30 , 30 , 30 , 85 , 200 , 70 , 54 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Flying" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SWELLOW , "Swellow" , 3 , false , false , false , "Swallow Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , Type . FLYING , 0.7 , 19.8 , Abilities . GUTS , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . SCRAPPY , 455 , 60 , 85 , 60 , 75 , 50 , 125 , 45 , 70 , 159 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Flying" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . WINGULL , "Wingull" , 3 , false , false , false , "Seagull Pokémon" , Type . WATER , Type . FLYING , 0.6 , 9.5 , Abilities . KEEN_EYE , Abilities . HYDRATION , Abilities . RAIN_DISH , 270 , 40 , 30 , 30 , 55 , 30 , 85 , 190 , 70 , 54 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Flying" , "Water 1" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . PELIPPER , "Pelipper" , 3 , false , false , false , "Water Bird Pokémon" , Type . WATER , Type . FLYING , 1.2 , 28 , Abilities . KEEN_EYE , Abilities . DRIZZLE , Abilities . RAIN_DISH , 440 , 60 , 50 , 100 , 95 , 70 , 65 , 45 , 70 , 154 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Flying" , "Water 1" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . RALTS , "Ralts" , 3 , false , false , false , "Feeling Pokémon" , Type . PSYCHIC , Type . FAIRY , 0.4 , 6.6 , Abilities . SYNCHRONIZE , Abilities . TRACE , Abilities . TELEPATHY , 198 , 28 , 25 , 25 , 45 , 35 , 40 , 235 , 35 , 40 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Amorphous" , "Human-Like" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . KIRLIA , "Kirlia" , 3 , false , false , false , "Emotion Pokémon" , Type . PSYCHIC , Type . FAIRY , 0.8 , 20.2 , Abilities . SYNCHRONIZE , Abilities . TRACE , Abilities . TELEPATHY , 278 , 38 , 35 , 35 , 65 , 55 , 50 , 120 , 35 , 97 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Amorphous" , "Human-Like" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . GARDEVOIR , "Gardevoir" , 3 , false , false , false , "Embrace Pokémon" , Type . PSYCHIC , Type . FAIRY , 1.6 , 48.4 , Abilities . SYNCHRONIZE , Abilities . TRACE , Abilities . TELEPATHY , 518 , 68 , 65 , 65 , 125 , 115 , 80 , 45 , 35 , 233 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Amorphous" , "Human-Like" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SURSKIT , "Surskit" , 3 , false , false , false , "Pond Skater Pokémon" , Type . BUG , Type . WATER , 0.5 , 1.7 , Abilities . SWIFT_SWIM , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . RAIN_DISH , 269 , 40 , 30 , 32 , 50 , 52 , 65 , 200 , 70 , 54 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Bug" , "Water 1" , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MASQUERAIN , "Masquerain" , 3 , false , false , false , "Eyeball Pokémon" , Type . BUG , Type . FLYING , 0.8 , 3.6 , Abilities . INTIMIDATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . UNNERVE , 454 , 70 , 60 , 62 , 100 , 82 , 80 , 75 , 70 , 159 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Bug" , "Water 1" , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SHROOMISH , "Shroomish" , 3 , false , false , false , "Mushroom Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , null , 0.4 , 4.5 , Abilities . EFFECT_SPORE , Abilities . POISON_HEAL , Abilities . QUICK_FEET , 295 , 60 , 40 , 60 , 40 , 60 , 35 , 255 , 70 , 59 , GrowthRate . FLUCTUATING , "Fairy" , "Grass" , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . BRELOOM , "Breloom" , 3 , false , false , false , "Mushroom Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , Type . FIGHTING , 1.2 , 39.2 , Abilities . EFFECT_SPORE , Abilities . POISON_HEAL , Abilities . TECHNICIAN , 460 , 60 , 130 , 80 , 60 , 60 , 70 , 90 , 70 , 161 , GrowthRate . FLUCTUATING , "Fairy" , "Grass" , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SLAKOTH , "Slakoth" , 3 , false , false , false , "Slacker Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 0.8 , 24 , Abilities . TRUANT , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 280 , 60 , 60 , 60 , 35 , 35 , 30 , 255 , 70 , 56 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Field" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . VIGOROTH , "Vigoroth" , 3 , false , false , false , "Wild Monkey Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 1.4 , 46.5 , Abilities . VITAL_SPIRIT , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 440 , 80 , 80 , 80 , 55 , 55 , 90 , 120 , 70 , 154 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Field" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SLAKING , "Slaking" , 3 , false , false , false , "Lazy Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 2 , 130.5 , Abilities . TRUANT , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 670 , 150 , 160 , 100 , 95 , 65 , 100 , 45 , 70 , 252 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Field" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . NINCADA , "Nincada" , 3 , false , false , false , "Trainee Pokémon" , Type . BUG , Type . GROUND , 0.5 , 5.5 , Abilities . COMPOUND_EYES , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . RUN_AWAY , 266 , 31 , 45 , 90 , 30 , 30 , 40 , 255 , 70 , 53 , GrowthRate . ERRATIC , "Bug" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . NINJASK , "Ninjask" , 3 , false , false , false , "Ninja Pokémon" , Type . BUG , Type . FLYING , 0.8 , 12 , Abilities . SPEED_BOOST , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . INFILTRATOR , 456 , 61 , 90 , 45 , 50 , 50 , 160 , 120 , 70 , 160 , GrowthRate . ERRATIC , "Bug" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SHEDINJA , "Shedinja" , 3 , false , false , false , "Shed Pokémon" , Type . BUG , Type . GHOST , 0.8 , 1.2 , Abilities . WONDER_GUARD , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 236 , 1 , 90 , 45 , 30 , 30 , 40 , 45 , 70 , 83 , GrowthRate . ERRATIC , "Mineral" , null , null , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . WHISMUR , "Whismur" , 3 , false , false , false , "Whisper Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 0.6 , 16.3 , Abilities . SOUNDPROOF , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . RATTLED , 240 , 64 , 51 , 23 , 51 , 23 , 28 , 190 , 70 , 48 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , "Monster" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . LOUDRED , "Loudred" , 3 , false , false , false , "Big Voice Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 1 , 40.5 , Abilities . SOUNDPROOF , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . SCRAPPY , 360 , 84 , 71 , 43 , 71 , 43 , 48 , 120 , 70 , 126 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , "Monster" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . EXPLOUD , "Exploud" , 3 , false , false , false , "Loud Noise Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 1.5 , 84 , Abilities . SOUNDPROOF , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . SCRAPPY , 490 , 104 , 91 , 63 , 91 , 73 , 68 , 45 , 70 , 221 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , "Monster" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MAKUHITA , "Makuhita" , 3 , false , false , false , "Guts Pokémon" , Type . FIGHTING , null , 1 , 86.4 , Abilities . THICK_FAT , Abilities . GUTS , Abilities . SHEER_FORCE , 237 , 72 , 60 , 30 , 20 , 30 , 25 , 180 , 70 , 47 , GrowthRate . FLUCTUATING , "Human-Like" , null , 75 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . HARIYAMA , "Hariyama" , 3 , false , false , false , "Arm Thrust Pokémon" , Type . FIGHTING , null , 2.3 , 253.8 , Abilities . THICK_FAT , Abilities . GUTS , Abilities . SHEER_FORCE , 474 , 144 , 120 , 60 , 40 , 60 , 50 , 200 , 70 , 166 , GrowthRate . FLUCTUATING , "Human-Like" , null , 75 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . AZURILL , "Azurill" , 3 , false , false , false , "Polka Dot Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , Type . FAIRY , 0.2 , 2 , Abilities . THICK_FAT , Abilities . HUGE_POWER , Abilities . SAP_SIPPER , 190 , 50 , 20 , 40 , 20 , 40 , 20 , 150 , 70 , 38 , GrowthRate . FAST , "Undiscovered" , null , 25 , 10 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . NOSEPASS , "Nosepass" , 3 , false , false , false , "Compass Pokémon" , Type . ROCK , null , 1 , 97 , Abilities . STURDY , Abilities . MAGNET_PULL , Abilities . SAND_FORCE , 375 , 30 , 45 , 135 , 45 , 90 , 30 , 255 , 70 , 75 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Mineral" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SKITTY , "Skitty" , 3 , false , false , false , "Kitten Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 0.6 , 11 , Abilities . CUTE_CHARM , Abilities . NORMALIZE , Abilities . WONDER_SKIN , 260 , 50 , 45 , 45 , 35 , 35 , 50 , 255 , 70 , 52 , GrowthRate . FAST , "Fairy" , "Field" , 25 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . DELCATTY , "Delcatty" , 3 , false , false , false , "Prim Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 1.1 , 32.6 , Abilities . CUTE_CHARM , Abilities . NORMALIZE , Abilities . WONDER_SKIN , 400 , 70 , 65 , 65 , 55 , 55 , 90 , 60 , 70 , 140 , GrowthRate . FAST , "Fairy" , "Field" , 25 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SABLEYE , "Sableye" , 3 , false , false , false , "Darkness Pokémon" , Type . DARK , Type . GHOST , 0.5 , 11 , Abilities . KEEN_EYE , Abilities . STALL , Abilities . PRANKSTER , 380 , 50 , 75 , 75 , 65 , 65 , 50 , 45 , 35 , 133 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Human-Like" , null , 50 , 25 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MAWILE , "Mawile" , 3 , false , false , false , "Deceiver Pokémon" , Type . STEEL , Type . FAIRY , 0.6 , 11.5 , Abilities . HYPER_CUTTER , Abilities . INTIMIDATE , Abilities . SHEER_FORCE , 380 , 50 , 85 , 85 , 55 , 55 , 50 , 45 , 70 , 133 , GrowthRate . FAST , "Fairy" , "Field" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . ARON , "Aron" , 3 , false , false , false , "Iron Armor Pokémon" , Type . STEEL , Type . ROCK , 0.4 , 60 , Abilities . STURDY , Abilities . ROCK_HEAD , Abilities . HEAVY_METAL , 330 , 50 , 70 , 100 , 40 , 40 , 30 , 180 , 35 , 66 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Monster" , null , 50 , 35 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . LAIRON , "Lairon" , 3 , false , false , false , "Iron Armor Pokémon" , Type . STEEL , Type . ROCK , 0.9 , 120 , Abilities . STURDY , Abilities . ROCK_HEAD , Abilities . HEAVY_METAL , 430 , 60 , 90 , 140 , 50 , 50 , 40 , 90 , 35 , 151 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Monster" , null , 50 , 35 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . AGGRON , "Aggron" , 3 , false , false , false , "Iron Armor Pokémon" , Type . STEEL , Type . ROCK , 2.1 , 360 , Abilities . STURDY , Abilities . ROCK_HEAD , Abilities . HEAVY_METAL , 530 , 70 , 110 , 180 , 60 , 60 , 50 , 45 , 35 , 239 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Monster" , null , 50 , 35 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MEDITITE , "Meditite" , 3 , false , false , false , "Meditate Pokémon" , Type . FIGHTING , Type . PSYCHIC , 0.6 , 11.2 , Abilities . PURE_POWER , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . TELEPATHY , 280 , 30 , 40 , 55 , 40 , 55 , 60 , 180 , 70 , 56 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Human-Like" , null , 50 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MEDICHAM , "Medicham" , 3 , false , false , false , "Meditate Pokémon" , Type . FIGHTING , Type . PSYCHIC , 1.3 , 31.5 , Abilities . PURE_POWER , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . TELEPATHY , 410 , 60 , 60 , 75 , 60 , 75 , 80 , 90 , 70 , 144 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Human-Like" , null , 50 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . ELECTRIKE , "Electrike" , 3 , false , false , false , "Lightning Pokémon" , Type . ELECTRIC , null , 0.6 , 15.2 , Abilities . STATIC , Abilities . LIGHTNING_ROD , Abilities . MINUS , 295 , 40 , 45 , 40 , 65 , 40 , 65 , 120 , 70 , 59 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MANECTRIC , "Manectric" , 3 , false , false , false , "Discharge Pokémon" , Type . ELECTRIC , null , 1.5 , 40.2 , Abilities . STATIC , Abilities . LIGHTNING_ROD , Abilities . MINUS , 475 , 70 , 75 , 60 , 105 , 60 , 105 , 45 , 70 , 166 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . PLUSLE , "Plusle" , 3 , false , false , false , "Cheering Pokémon" , Type . ELECTRIC , null , 0.4 , 4.2 , Abilities . PLUS , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . LIGHTNING_ROD , 405 , 60 , 50 , 40 , 85 , 75 , 95 , 200 , 70 , 142 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Fairy" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MINUN , "Minun" , 3 , false , false , false , "Cheering Pokémon" , Type . ELECTRIC , null , 0.4 , 4.2 , Abilities . MINUS , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . VOLT_ABSORB , 405 , 60 , 40 , 50 , 75 , 85 , 95 , 200 , 70 , 142 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Fairy" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . VOLBEAT , "Volbeat" , 3 , false , false , false , "Firefly Pokémon" , Type . BUG , null , 0.7 , 17.7 , Abilities . ILLUMINATE , Abilities . SWARM , Abilities . PRANKSTER , 430 , 65 , 73 , 75 , 47 , 85 , 85 , 150 , 70 , 151 , GrowthRate . ERRATIC , "Bug" , "Human-Like" , 100 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . ILLUMISE , "Illumise" , 3 , false , false , false , "Firefly Pokémon" , Type . BUG , null , 0.6 , 17.7 , Abilities . OBLIVIOUS , Abilities . TINTED_LENS , Abilities . PRANKSTER , 430 , 65 , 47 , 75 , 73 , 85 , 85 , 150 , 70 , 151 , GrowthRate . FLUCTUATING , "Bug" , "Human-Like" , 0 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . ROSELIA , "Roselia" , 3 , false , false , false , "Thorn Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , Type . POISON , 0.3 , 2 , Abilities . NATURAL_CURE , Abilities . POISON_POINT , Abilities . LEAF_GUARD , 400 , 50 , 60 , 45 , 100 , 80 , 65 , 150 , 70 , 140 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Fairy" , "Grass" , 50 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . GULPIN , "Gulpin" , 3 , false , false , false , "Stomach Pokémon" , Type . POISON , null , 0.4 , 10.3 , Abilities . LIQUID_OOZE , Abilities . STICKY_HOLD , Abilities . GLUTTONY , 302 , 70 , 43 , 53 , 43 , 53 , 40 , 225 , 70 , 60 , GrowthRate . FLUCTUATING , "Amorphous" , null , 50 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SWALOT , "Swalot" , 3 , false , false , false , "Poison Bag Pokémon" , Type . POISON , null , 1.7 , 80 , Abilities . LIQUID_OOZE , Abilities . STICKY_HOLD , Abilities . GLUTTONY , 467 , 100 , 73 , 83 , 73 , 83 , 55 , 75 , 70 , 163 , GrowthRate . FLUCTUATING , "Amorphous" , null , 50 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . CARVANHA , "Carvanha" , 3 , false , false , false , "Savage Pokémon" , Type . WATER , Type . DARK , 0.8 , 20.8 , Abilities . ROUGH_SKIN , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . SPEED_BOOST , 305 , 45 , 90 , 20 , 65 , 20 , 65 , 225 , 35 , 61 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Water 2" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SHARPEDO , "Sharpedo" , 3 , false , false , false , "Brutal Pokémon" , Type . WATER , Type . DARK , 1.8 , 88.8 , Abilities . ROUGH_SKIN , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . SPEED_BOOST , 460 , 70 , 120 , 40 , 95 , 40 , 95 , 60 , 35 , 161 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Water 2" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . WAILMER , "Wailmer" , 3 , false , false , false , "Ball Whale Pokémon" , Type . WATER , null , 2 , 130 , Abilities . WATER_VEIL , Abilities . OBLIVIOUS , Abilities . PRESSURE , 400 , 130 , 70 , 35 , 70 , 35 , 60 , 125 , 70 , 80 , GrowthRate . FLUCTUATING , "Field" , "Water 2" , 50 , 40 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . WAILORD , "Wailord" , 3 , false , false , false , "Float Whale Pokémon" , Type . WATER , null , 14.5 , 398 , Abilities . WATER_VEIL , Abilities . OBLIVIOUS , Abilities . PRESSURE , 500 , 170 , 90 , 45 , 90 , 45 , 60 , 60 , 70 , 175 , GrowthRate . FLUCTUATING , "Field" , "Water 2" , 50 , 40 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . NUMEL , "Numel" , 3 , false , false , false , "Numb Pokémon" , Type . FIRE , Type . GROUND , 0.7 , 24 , Abilities . OBLIVIOUS , Abilities . SIMPLE , Abilities . OWN_TEMPO , 305 , 60 , 60 , 40 , 65 , 45 , 35 , 255 , 70 , 61 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . CAMERUPT , "Camerupt" , 3 , false , false , false , "Eruption Pokémon" , Type . FIRE , Type . GROUND , 1.9 , 220 , Abilities . MAGMA_ARMOR , Abilities . SOLID_ROCK , Abilities . ANGER_POINT , 460 , 70 , 100 , 70 , 105 , 75 , 40 , 150 , 70 , 161 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . TORKOAL , "Torkoal" , 3 , false , false , false , "Coal Pokémon" , Type . FIRE , null , 0.5 , 80.4 , Abilities . WHITE_SMOKE , Abilities . DROUGHT , Abilities . SHELL_ARMOR , 470 , 70 , 85 , 140 , 85 , 70 , 20 , 90 , 70 , 165 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SPOINK , "Spoink" , 3 , false , false , false , "Bounce Pokémon" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 0.7 , 30.6 , Abilities . THICK_FAT , Abilities . OWN_TEMPO , Abilities . GLUTTONY , 330 , 60 , 25 , 35 , 70 , 80 , 60 , 255 , 70 , 66 , GrowthRate . FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . GRUMPIG , "Grumpig" , 3 , false , false , false , "Manipulate Pokémon" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 0.9 , 71.5 , Abilities . THICK_FAT , Abilities . OWN_TEMPO , Abilities . GLUTTONY , 470 , 80 , 45 , 65 , 90 , 110 , 80 , 60 , 70 , 165 , GrowthRate . FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SPINDA , "Spinda" , 3 , false , false , false , "Spot Panda Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 1.1 , 5 , Abilities . OWN_TEMPO , Abilities . TANGLED_FEET , Abilities . CONTRARY , 360 , 60 , 60 , 60 , 60 , 60 , 60 , 255 , 70 , 126 , GrowthRate . FAST , "Field" , "Human-Like" , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . TRAPINCH , "Trapinch" , 3 , false , false , false , "Ant Pit Pokémon" , Type . GROUND , null , 0.7 , 15 , Abilities . HYPER_CUTTER , Abilities . ARENA_TRAP , Abilities . SHEER_FORCE , 290 , 45 , 100 , 45 , 45 , 45 , 10 , 255 , 70 , 58 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Bug" , "Dragon" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . VIBRAVA , "Vibrava" , 3 , false , false , false , "Vibration Pokémon" , Type . GROUND , Type . DRAGON , 1.1 , 15.3 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 340 , 50 , 70 , 50 , 50 , 50 , 70 , 120 , 70 , 119 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Bug" , "Dragon" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . FLYGON , "Flygon" , 3 , false , false , false , "Mystic Pokémon" , Type . GROUND , Type . DRAGON , 2 , 82 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 520 , 80 , 100 , 80 , 80 , 80 , 100 , 45 , 70 , 234 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Bug" , "Dragon" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . CACNEA , "Cacnea" , 3 , false , false , false , "Cactus Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , null , 0.4 , 51.3 , Abilities . SAND_VEIL , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . WATER_ABSORB , 335 , 50 , 85 , 40 , 85 , 40 , 35 , 190 , 35 , 67 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Grass" , "Human-Like" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . CACTURNE , "Cacturne" , 3 , false , false , false , "Scarecrow Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , Type . DARK , 1.3 , 77.4 , Abilities . SAND_VEIL , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . WATER_ABSORB , 475 , 70 , 115 , 60 , 115 , 60 , 55 , 60 , 35 , 166 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Grass" , "Human-Like" , 50 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SWABLU , "Swablu" , 3 , false , false , false , "Cotton Bird Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , Type . FLYING , 0.4 , 1.2 , Abilities . NATURAL_CURE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . CLOUD_NINE , 310 , 45 , 40 , 60 , 40 , 75 , 50 , 255 , 70 , 62 , GrowthRate . ERRATIC , "Dragon" , "Flying" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . ALTARIA , "Altaria" , 3 , false , false , false , "Humming Pokémon" , Type . DRAGON , Type . FLYING , 1.1 , 20.6 , Abilities . NATURAL_CURE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . CLOUD_NINE , 490 , 75 , 70 , 90 , 70 , 105 , 80 , 45 , 70 , 172 , GrowthRate . ERRATIC , "Dragon" , "Flying" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . ZANGOOSE , "Zangoose" , 3 , false , false , false , "Cat Ferret Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 1.3 , 40.3 , Abilities . IMMUNITY , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . TOXIC_BOOST , 458 , 73 , 115 , 60 , 60 , 60 , 90 , 90 , 70 , 160 , GrowthRate . ERRATIC , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SEVIPER , "Seviper" , 3 , false , false , false , "Fang Snake Pokémon" , Type . POISON , null , 2.7 , 52.5 , Abilities . SHED_SKIN , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . INFILTRATOR , 458 , 73 , 100 , 60 , 100 , 60 , 65 , 90 , 70 , 160 , GrowthRate . FLUCTUATING , "Dragon" , "Field" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . LUNATONE , "Lunatone" , 3 , false , false , false , "Meteorite Pokémon" , Type . ROCK , Type . PSYCHIC , 1 , 168 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 460 , 90 , 55 , 65 , 95 , 85 , 70 , 45 , 70 , 161 , GrowthRate . FAST , "Mineral" , null , null , 25 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SOLROCK , "Solrock" , 3 , false , false , false , "Meteorite Pokémon" , Type . ROCK , Type . PSYCHIC , 1.2 , 154 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 460 , 90 , 95 , 85 , 55 , 65 , 70 , 45 , 70 , 161 , GrowthRate . FAST , "Mineral" , null , null , 25 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . BARBOACH , "Barboach" , 3 , false , false , false , "Whiskers Pokémon" , Type . WATER , Type . GROUND , 0.4 , 1.9 , Abilities . OBLIVIOUS , Abilities . ANTICIPATION , Abilities . HYDRATION , 288 , 50 , 48 , 43 , 46 , 41 , 60 , 190 , 70 , 58 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Water 2" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . WHISCASH , "Whiscash" , 3 , false , false , false , "Whiskers Pokémon" , Type . WATER , Type . GROUND , 0.9 , 23.6 , Abilities . OBLIVIOUS , Abilities . ANTICIPATION , Abilities . HYDRATION , 468 , 110 , 78 , 73 , 76 , 71 , 60 , 75 , 70 , 164 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Water 2" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . CORPHISH , "Corphish" , 3 , false , false , false , "Ruffian Pokémon" , Type . WATER , null , 0.6 , 11.5 , Abilities . HYPER_CUTTER , Abilities . SHELL_ARMOR , Abilities . ADAPTABILITY , 308 , 43 , 80 , 65 , 50 , 35 , 35 , 205 , 70 , 62 , GrowthRate . FLUCTUATING , "Water 1" , "Water 3" , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . CRAWDAUNT , "Crawdaunt" , 3 , false , false , false , "Rogue Pokémon" , Type . WATER , Type . DARK , 1.1 , 32.8 , Abilities . HYPER_CUTTER , Abilities . SHELL_ARMOR , Abilities . ADAPTABILITY , 468 , 63 , 120 , 85 , 90 , 55 , 55 , 155 , 70 , 164 , GrowthRate . FLUCTUATING , "Water 1" , "Water 3" , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . BALTOY , "Baltoy" , 3 , false , false , false , "Clay Doll Pokémon" , Type . GROUND , Type . PSYCHIC , 0.5 , 21.5 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 300 , 40 , 40 , 55 , 40 , 70 , 55 , 255 , 70 , 60 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Mineral" , null , null , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . CLAYDOL , "Claydol" , 3 , false , false , false , "Clay Doll Pokémon" , Type . GROUND , Type . PSYCHIC , 1.5 , 108 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 500 , 60 , 70 , 105 , 70 , 120 , 75 , 90 , 70 , 175 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Mineral" , null , null , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . LILEEP , "Lileep" , 3 , false , false , false , "Sea Lily Pokémon" , Type . ROCK , Type . GRASS , 1 , 23.8 , Abilities . SUCTION_CUPS , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . STORM_DRAIN , 355 , 66 , 41 , 77 , 61 , 87 , 23 , 45 , 70 , 71 , GrowthRate . ERRATIC , "Water 3" , null , 87.5 , 30 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . CRADILY , "Cradily" , 3 , false , false , false , "Barnacle Pokémon" , Type . ROCK , Type . GRASS , 1.5 , 60.4 , Abilities . SUCTION_CUPS , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . STORM_DRAIN , 495 , 86 , 81 , 97 , 81 , 107 , 43 , 45 , 70 , 173 , GrowthRate . ERRATIC , "Water 3" , null , 87.5 , 30 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . ANORITH , "Anorith" , 3 , false , false , false , "Old Shrimp Pokémon" , Type . ROCK , Type . BUG , 0.7 , 12.5 , Abilities . BATTLE_ARMOR , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . SWIFT_SWIM , 355 , 45 , 95 , 50 , 40 , 50 , 75 , 45 , 70 , 71 , GrowthRate . ERRATIC , "Water 3" , null , 87.5 , 30 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . ARMALDO , "Armaldo" , 3 , false , false , false , "Plate Pokémon" , Type . ROCK , Type . BUG , 1.5 , 68.2 , Abilities . BATTLE_ARMOR , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . SWIFT_SWIM , 495 , 75 , 125 , 100 , 70 , 80 , 45 , 45 , 70 , 173 , GrowthRate . ERRATIC , "Water 3" , null , 87.5 , 30 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . FEEBAS , "Feebas" , 3 , false , false , false , "Fish Pokémon" , Type . WATER , null , 0.6 , 7.4 , Abilities . SWIFT_SWIM , Abilities . OBLIVIOUS , Abilities . ADAPTABILITY , 200 , 20 , 15 , 20 , 10 , 55 , 80 , 255 , 70 , 40 , GrowthRate . ERRATIC , "Dragon" , "Water 1" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MILOTIC , "Milotic" , 3 , false , false , false , "Tender Pokémon" , Type . WATER , null , 6.2 , 162 , Abilities . MARVEL_SCALE , Abilities . COMPETITIVE , Abilities . CUTE_CHARM , 540 , 95 , 60 , 79 , 100 , 125 , 81 , 60 , 70 , 189 , GrowthRate . ERRATIC , "Dragon" , "Water 1" , 50 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . CASTFORM , "Castform" , 3 , false , false , false , "Weather Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 0.3 , 0.8 , Abilities . FORECAST , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 420 , 70 , 70 , 70 , 70 , 70 , 70 , 45 , 70 , 147 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Amorphous" , "Fairy" , 50 , 25 , false , true ,
new PokemonForm ( "Normal Form" , "" , Type . NORMAL , null , 0.3 , 0.8 , Abilities . FORECAST , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 420 , 70 , 70 , 70 , 70 , 70 , 70 , 45 , 70 , 147 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Amorphous" , "Fairy" , 50 , 25 , false ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "Sunny Form" , "sunny" , Type . FIRE , null , 0.3 , 0.8 , Abilities . FORECAST , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 420 , 70 , 70 , 70 , 70 , 70 , 70 , 45 , 70 , 147 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Amorphous" , "Fairy" , 50 , 25 , false ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "Rainy Form" , "rainy" , Type . WATER , null , 0.3 , 0.8 , Abilities . FORECAST , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 420 , 70 , 70 , 70 , 70 , 70 , 70 , 45 , 70 , 147 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Amorphous" , "Fairy" , 50 , 25 , false ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "Snowy Form" , "snowy" , Type . ICE , null , 0.3 , 0.8 , Abilities . FORECAST , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 420 , 70 , 70 , 70 , 70 , 70 , 70 , 45 , 70 , 147 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Amorphous" , "Fairy" , 50 , 25 , false )
) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . KECLEON , "Kecleon" , 3 , false , false , false , "Color Swap Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 1 , 22 , Abilities . COLOR_CHANGE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . PROTEAN , 440 , 60 , 90 , 70 , 60 , 120 , 40 , 200 , 70 , 154 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SHUPPET , "Shuppet" , 3 , false , false , false , "Puppet Pokémon" , Type . GHOST , null , 0.6 , 2.3 , Abilities . INSOMNIA , Abilities . FRISK , Abilities . CURSED_BODY , 295 , 44 , 75 , 35 , 63 , 33 , 45 , 225 , 35 , 59 , GrowthRate . FAST , "Amorphous" , null , 50 , 25 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . BANETTE , "Banette" , 3 , false , false , false , "Marionette Pokémon" , Type . GHOST , null , 1.1 , 12.5 , Abilities . INSOMNIA , Abilities . FRISK , Abilities . CURSED_BODY , 455 , 64 , 115 , 65 , 83 , 63 , 65 , 45 , 35 , 159 , GrowthRate . FAST , "Amorphous" , null , 50 , 25 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . DUSKULL , "Duskull" , 3 , false , false , false , "Requiem Pokémon" , Type . GHOST , null , 0.8 , 15 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . FRISK , 295 , 20 , 40 , 90 , 30 , 90 , 25 , 190 , 35 , 59 , GrowthRate . FAST , "Amorphous" , null , 50 , 25 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . DUSCLOPS , "Dusclops" , 3 , false , false , false , "Beckon Pokémon" , Type . GHOST , null , 1.6 , 30.6 , Abilities . PRESSURE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . FRISK , 455 , 40 , 70 , 130 , 60 , 130 , 25 , 90 , 35 , 159 , GrowthRate . FAST , "Amorphous" , null , 50 , 25 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . TROPIUS , "Tropius" , 3 , false , false , false , "Fruit Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , Type . FLYING , 2 , 100 , Abilities . CHLOROPHYLL , Abilities . SOLAR_POWER , Abilities . HARVEST , 460 , 99 , 68 , 83 , 72 , 87 , 51 , 200 , 70 , 161 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Grass" , "Monster" , 50 , 25 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . CHIMECHO , "Chimecho" , 3 , false , false , false , "Wind Chime Pokémon" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 0.6 , 1 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 455 , 75 , 50 , 80 , 95 , 90 , 65 , 45 , 70 , 159 , GrowthRate . FAST , "Amorphous" , null , 50 , 25 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . ABSOL , "Absol" , 3 , false , false , false , "Disaster Pokémon" , Type . DARK , null , 1.2 , 47 , Abilities . PRESSURE , Abilities . SUPER_LUCK , Abilities . JUSTIFIED , 465 , 65 , 130 , 60 , 75 , 60 , 75 , 30 , 35 , 163 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , null , 50 , 25 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . WYNAUT , "Wynaut" , 3 , false , false , false , "Bright Pokémon" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 0.6 , 14 , Abilities . SHADOW_TAG , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . TELEPATHY , 260 , 95 , 23 , 48 , 23 , 48 , 23 , 125 , 70 , 52 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Undiscovered" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SNORUNT , "Snorunt" , 3 , false , false , false , "Snow Hat Pokémon" , Type . ICE , null , 0.7 , 16.8 , Abilities . INNER_FOCUS , Abilities . ICE_BODY , Abilities . MOODY , 300 , 50 , 50 , 50 , 50 , 50 , 50 , 190 , 70 , 60 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Fairy" , "Mineral" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . GLALIE , "Glalie" , 3 , false , false , false , "Face Pokémon" , Type . ICE , null , 1.5 , 256.5 , Abilities . INNER_FOCUS , Abilities . ICE_BODY , Abilities . MOODY , 480 , 80 , 80 , 80 , 80 , 80 , 80 , 75 , 70 , 168 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Fairy" , "Mineral" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SPHEAL , "Spheal" , 3 , false , false , false , "Clap Pokémon" , Type . ICE , Type . WATER , 0.8 , 39.5 , Abilities . THICK_FAT , Abilities . ICE_BODY , Abilities . OBLIVIOUS , 290 , 70 , 40 , 50 , 55 , 50 , 25 , 255 , 70 , 58 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , "Water 1" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SEALEO , "Sealeo" , 3 , false , false , false , "Ball Roll Pokémon" , Type . ICE , Type . WATER , 1.1 , 87.6 , Abilities . THICK_FAT , Abilities . ICE_BODY , Abilities . OBLIVIOUS , 410 , 90 , 60 , 70 , 75 , 70 , 45 , 120 , 70 , 144 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , "Water 1" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . WALREIN , "Walrein" , 3 , false , false , false , "Ice Break Pokémon" , Type . ICE , Type . WATER , 1.4 , 150.6 , Abilities . THICK_FAT , Abilities . ICE_BODY , Abilities . OBLIVIOUS , 530 , 110 , 80 , 90 , 95 , 90 , 65 , 45 , 70 , 239 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , "Water 1" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . CLAMPERL , "Clamperl" , 3 , false , false , false , "Bivalve Pokémon" , Type . WATER , null , 0.4 , 52.5 , Abilities . SHELL_ARMOR , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . RATTLED , 345 , 35 , 64 , 85 , 74 , 55 , 32 , 255 , 70 , 69 , GrowthRate . ERRATIC , "Water 1" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . HUNTAIL , "Huntail" , 3 , false , false , false , "Deep Sea Pokémon" , Type . WATER , null , 1.7 , 27 , Abilities . SWIFT_SWIM , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . WATER_VEIL , 485 , 55 , 104 , 105 , 94 , 75 , 52 , 60 , 70 , 170 , GrowthRate . ERRATIC , "Water 1" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . GOREBYSS , "Gorebyss" , 3 , false , false , false , "South Sea Pokémon" , Type . WATER , null , 1.8 , 22.6 , Abilities . SWIFT_SWIM , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . HYDRATION , 485 , 55 , 84 , 105 , 114 , 75 , 52 , 60 , 70 , 170 , GrowthRate . ERRATIC , "Water 1" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . RELICANTH , "Relicanth" , 3 , false , false , false , "Longevity Pokémon" , Type . WATER , Type . ROCK , 1 , 23.4 , Abilities . SWIFT_SWIM , Abilities . ROCK_HEAD , Abilities . STURDY , 485 , 100 , 90 , 130 , 45 , 65 , 55 , 25 , 70 , 170 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Water 1" , "Water 2" , 87.5 , 40 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . LUVDISC , "Luvdisc" , 3 , false , false , false , "Rendezvous Pokémon" , Type . WATER , null , 0.6 , 8.7 , Abilities . SWIFT_SWIM , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . HYDRATION , 330 , 43 , 30 , 55 , 40 , 65 , 97 , 225 , 70 , 116 , GrowthRate . FAST , "Water 2" , null , 25 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . BAGON , "Bagon" , 3 , false , false , false , "Rock Head Pokémon" , Type . DRAGON , null , 0.6 , 42.1 , Abilities . ROCK_HEAD , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . SHEER_FORCE , 300 , 45 , 75 , 60 , 40 , 30 , 50 , 45 , 35 , 60 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Dragon" , null , 50 , 40 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SHELGON , "Shelgon" , 3 , false , false , false , "Endurance Pokémon" , Type . DRAGON , null , 1.1 , 110.5 , Abilities . ROCK_HEAD , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . OVERCOAT , 420 , 65 , 95 , 100 , 60 , 50 , 50 , 45 , 35 , 147 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Dragon" , null , 50 , 40 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SALAMENCE , "Salamence" , 3 , false , false , false , "Dragon Pokémon" , Type . DRAGON , Type . FLYING , 1.5 , 102.6 , Abilities . INTIMIDATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . MOXIE , 600 , 95 , 135 , 80 , 110 , 80 , 100 , 45 , 35 , 270 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Dragon" , null , 50 , 40 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . BELDUM , "Beldum" , 3 , false , false , false , "Iron Ball Pokémon" , Type . STEEL , Type . PSYCHIC , 0.6 , 95.2 , Abilities . CLEAR_BODY , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . LIGHT_METAL , 300 , 40 , 55 , 80 , 35 , 60 , 30 , 3 , 35 , 60 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Mineral" , null , null , 40 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . METANG , "Metang" , 3 , false , false , false , "Iron Claw Pokémon" , Type . STEEL , Type . PSYCHIC , 1.2 , 202.5 , Abilities . CLEAR_BODY , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . LIGHT_METAL , 420 , 60 , 75 , 100 , 55 , 80 , 50 , 3 , 35 , 147 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Mineral" , null , null , 40 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . METAGROSS , "Metagross" , 3 , false , false , false , "Iron Leg Pokémon" , Type . STEEL , Type . PSYCHIC , 1.6 , 550 , Abilities . CLEAR_BODY , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . LIGHT_METAL , 600 , 80 , 135 , 130 , 95 , 90 , 70 , 3 , 35 , 270 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Mineral" , null , null , 40 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . REGIROCK , "Regirock" , 3 , true , false , false , "Rock Peak Pokémon" , Type . ROCK , null , 1.7 , 230 , Abilities . CLEAR_BODY , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . STURDY , 580 , 80 , 100 , 200 , 50 , 100 , 50 , 3 , 35 , 261 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 80 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . REGICE , "Regice" , 3 , true , false , false , "Iceberg Pokémon" , Type . ICE , null , 1.8 , 175 , Abilities . CLEAR_BODY , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . ICE_BODY , 580 , 80 , 50 , 100 , 100 , 200 , 50 , 3 , 35 , 261 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 80 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . REGISTEEL , "Registeel" , 3 , true , false , false , "Iron Pokémon" , Type . STEEL , null , 1.9 , 205 , Abilities . CLEAR_BODY , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . LIGHT_METAL , 580 , 80 , 75 , 150 , 75 , 150 , 50 , 3 , 35 , 261 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 80 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . LATIAS , "Latias" , 3 , true , false , false , "Eon Pokémon" , Type . DRAGON , Type . PSYCHIC , 1.4 , 40 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 600 , 80 , 80 , 90 , 110 , 130 , 110 , 3 , 90 , 270 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , 0 , 120 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . LATIOS , "Latios" , 3 , true , false , false , "Eon Pokémon" , Type . DRAGON , Type . PSYCHIC , 2 , 60 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 600 , 80 , 90 , 80 , 130 , 110 , 110 , 3 , 90 , 270 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , 100 , 120 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . KYOGRE , "Kyogre" , 3 , false , true , false , "Sea Basin Pokémon" , Type . WATER , null , 4.5 , 352 , Abilities . DRIZZLE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 670 , 100 , 100 , 90 , 150 , 140 , 90 , 3 , 0 , 302 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 120 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . GROUDON , "Groudon" , 3 , false , true , false , "Continent Pokémon" , Type . GROUND , null , 3.5 , 950 , Abilities . DROUGHT , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 670 , 100 , 150 , 140 , 100 , 90 , 90 , 3 , 0 , 302 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 120 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . RAYQUAZA , "Rayquaza" , 3 , false , true , false , "Sky High Pokémon" , Type . DRAGON , Type . FLYING , 7 , 206.5 , Abilities . AIR_LOCK , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 680 , 105 , 150 , 90 , 150 , 90 , 95 , 45 , 0 , 306 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 120 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . JIRACHI , "Jirachi" , 3 , false , false , true , "Wish Pokémon" , Type . STEEL , Type . PSYCHIC , 0.3 , 1.1 , Abilities . SERENE_GRACE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 600 , 100 , 100 , 100 , 100 , 100 , 100 , 3 , 100 , 270 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 120 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . DEOXYS , "Deoxys" , 3 , false , false , true , "DNA Pokémon" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 1.7 , 60.8 , Abilities . PRESSURE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 600 , 50 , 150 , 50 , 150 , 50 , 150 , 3 , 0 , 270 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 120 , false , true ,
new PokemonForm ( "Normal Forme" , "normal" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 1.7 , 60.8 , Abilities . PRESSURE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 600 , 50 , 150 , 50 , 150 , 50 , 150 , 3 , 0 , 270 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 120 , false ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "Attack Forme" , "attack" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 1.7 , 60.8 , Abilities . PRESSURE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 600 , 50 , 180 , 20 , 180 , 20 , 150 , 3 , 0 , 270 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 120 , false ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "Defense Forme" , "defense" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 1.7 , 60.8 , Abilities . PRESSURE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 600 , 50 , 70 , 160 , 70 , 160 , 90 , 3 , 0 , 270 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 120 , false ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "Speed Forme" , "speed" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 1.7 , 60.8 , Abilities . PRESSURE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 600 , 50 , 95 , 90 , 95 , 90 , 180 , 3 , 0 , 270 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 120 , false )
) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . TURTWIG , "Turtwig" , 4 , false , false , false , "Tiny Leaf Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , null , 0.4 , 10.2 , Abilities . OVERGROW , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . SHELL_ARMOR , 318 , 55 , 68 , 64 , 45 , 55 , 31 , 45 , 70 , 64 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Grass" , "Monster" , 87.5 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . GROTLE , "Grotle" , 4 , false , false , false , "Grove Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , null , 1.1 , 97 , Abilities . OVERGROW , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . SHELL_ARMOR , 405 , 75 , 89 , 85 , 55 , 65 , 36 , 45 , 70 , 142 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Grass" , "Monster" , 87.5 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . TORTERRA , "Torterra" , 4 , false , false , false , "Continent Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , Type . GROUND , 2.2 , 310 , Abilities . OVERGROW , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . SHELL_ARMOR , 525 , 95 , 109 , 105 , 75 , 85 , 56 , 45 , 70 , 236 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Grass" , "Monster" , 87.5 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . CHIMCHAR , "Chimchar" , 4 , false , false , false , "Chimp Pokémon" , Type . FIRE , null , 0.5 , 6.2 , Abilities . BLAZE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . IRON_FIST , 309 , 44 , 58 , 44 , 58 , 44 , 61 , 45 , 70 , 62 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , "Human-Like" , 87.5 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MONFERNO , "Monferno" , 4 , false , false , false , "Playful Pokémon" , Type . FIRE , Type . FIGHTING , 0.9 , 22 , Abilities . BLAZE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . IRON_FIST , 405 , 64 , 78 , 52 , 78 , 52 , 81 , 45 , 70 , 142 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , "Human-Like" , 87.5 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . INFERNAPE , "Infernape" , 4 , false , false , false , "Flame Pokémon" , Type . FIRE , Type . FIGHTING , 1.2 , 55 , Abilities . BLAZE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . IRON_FIST , 534 , 76 , 104 , 71 , 104 , 71 , 108 , 45 , 70 , 240 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , "Human-Like" , 87.5 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . PIPLUP , "Piplup" , 4 , false , false , false , "Penguin Pokémon" , Type . WATER , null , 0.4 , 5.2 , Abilities . TORRENT , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . DEFIANT , 314 , 53 , 51 , 53 , 61 , 56 , 40 , 45 , 70 , 63 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , "Water 1" , 87.5 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . PRINPLUP , "Prinplup" , 4 , false , false , false , "Penguin Pokémon" , Type . WATER , null , 0.8 , 23 , Abilities . TORRENT , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . DEFIANT , 405 , 64 , 66 , 68 , 81 , 76 , 50 , 45 , 70 , 142 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , "Water 1" , 87.5 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . EMPOLEON , "Empoleon" , 4 , false , false , false , "Emperor Pokémon" , Type . WATER , Type . STEEL , 1.7 , 84.5 , Abilities . TORRENT , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . DEFIANT , 530 , 84 , 86 , 88 , 111 , 101 , 60 , 45 , 70 , 239 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , "Water 1" , 87.5 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . STARLY , "Starly" , 4 , false , false , false , "Starling Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , Type . FLYING , 0.3 , 2 , Abilities . KEEN_EYE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . RECKLESS , 245 , 40 , 55 , 30 , 30 , 30 , 60 , 255 , 70 , 49 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Flying" , null , 50 , 15 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . STARAVIA , "Staravia" , 4 , false , false , false , "Starling Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , Type . FLYING , 0.6 , 15.5 , Abilities . INTIMIDATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . RECKLESS , 340 , 55 , 75 , 50 , 40 , 40 , 80 , 120 , 70 , 119 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Flying" , null , 50 , 15 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . STARAPTOR , "Staraptor" , 4 , false , false , false , "Predator Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , Type . FLYING , 1.2 , 24.9 , Abilities . INTIMIDATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . RECKLESS , 485 , 85 , 120 , 70 , 50 , 60 , 100 , 45 , 70 , 218 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Flying" , null , 50 , 15 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . BIDOOF , "Bidoof" , 4 , false , false , false , "Plump Mouse Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 0.5 , 20 , Abilities . SIMPLE , Abilities . UNAWARE , Abilities . MOODY , 250 , 59 , 45 , 40 , 35 , 40 , 31 , 255 , 70 , 50 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , "Water 1" , 50 , 15 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . BIBAREL , "Bibarel" , 4 , false , false , false , "Beaver Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , Type . WATER , 1 , 31.5 , Abilities . SIMPLE , Abilities . UNAWARE , Abilities . MOODY , 410 , 79 , 85 , 60 , 55 , 60 , 71 , 127 , 70 , 144 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , "Water 1" , 50 , 15 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . KRICKETOT , "Kricketot" , 4 , false , false , false , "Cricket Pokémon" , Type . BUG , null , 0.3 , 2.2 , Abilities . SHED_SKIN , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . RUN_AWAY , 194 , 37 , 25 , 41 , 25 , 41 , 25 , 255 , 70 , 39 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Bug" , null , 50 , 15 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . KRICKETUNE , "Kricketune" , 4 , false , false , false , "Cricket Pokémon" , Type . BUG , null , 1 , 25.5 , Abilities . SWARM , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . TECHNICIAN , 384 , 77 , 85 , 51 , 55 , 51 , 65 , 45 , 70 , 134 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Bug" , null , 50 , 15 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SHINX , "Shinx" , 4 , false , false , false , "Flash Pokémon" , Type . ELECTRIC , null , 0.5 , 9.5 , Abilities . RIVALRY , Abilities . INTIMIDATE , Abilities . GUTS , 263 , 45 , 65 , 34 , 40 , 34 , 45 , 235 , 70 , 53 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . LUXIO , "Luxio" , 4 , false , false , false , "Spark Pokémon" , Type . ELECTRIC , null , 0.9 , 30.5 , Abilities . RIVALRY , Abilities . INTIMIDATE , Abilities . GUTS , 363 , 60 , 85 , 49 , 60 , 49 , 60 , 120 , 100 , 127 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . LUXRAY , "Luxray" , 4 , false , false , false , "Gleam Eyes Pokémon" , Type . ELECTRIC , null , 1.4 , 42 , Abilities . RIVALRY , Abilities . INTIMIDATE , Abilities . GUTS , 523 , 80 , 120 , 79 , 95 , 79 , 70 , 45 , 70 , 235 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . BUDEW , "Budew" , 4 , false , false , false , "Bud Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , Type . POISON , 0.2 , 1.2 , Abilities . NATURAL_CURE , Abilities . POISON_POINT , Abilities . LEAF_GUARD , 280 , 40 , 30 , 35 , 50 , 70 , 55 , 255 , 70 , 56 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . ROSERADE , "Roserade" , 4 , false , false , false , "Bouquet Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , Type . POISON , 0.9 , 14.5 , Abilities . NATURAL_CURE , Abilities . POISON_POINT , Abilities . TECHNICIAN , 515 , 60 , 70 , 65 , 125 , 105 , 90 , 75 , 70 , 232 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Fairy" , "Grass" , 50 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . CRANIDOS , "Cranidos" , 4 , false , false , false , "Head Butt Pokémon" , Type . ROCK , null , 0.9 , 31.5 , Abilities . MOLD_BREAKER , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . SHEER_FORCE , 350 , 67 , 125 , 40 , 30 , 30 , 58 , 45 , 70 , 70 , GrowthRate . ERRATIC , "Monster" , null , 87.5 , 30 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . RAMPARDOS , "Rampardos" , 4 , false , false , false , "Head Butt Pokémon" , Type . ROCK , null , 1.6 , 102.5 , Abilities . MOLD_BREAKER , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . SHEER_FORCE , 495 , 97 , 165 , 60 , 65 , 50 , 58 , 45 , 70 , 173 , GrowthRate . ERRATIC , "Monster" , null , 87.5 , 30 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SHIELDON , "Shieldon" , 4 , false , false , false , "Shield Pokémon" , Type . ROCK , Type . STEEL , 0.5 , 57 , Abilities . STURDY , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . SOUNDPROOF , 350 , 30 , 42 , 118 , 42 , 88 , 30 , 45 , 70 , 70 , GrowthRate . ERRATIC , "Monster" , null , 87.5 , 30 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . BASTIODON , "Bastiodon" , 4 , false , false , false , "Shield Pokémon" , Type . ROCK , Type . STEEL , 1.3 , 149.5 , Abilities . STURDY , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . SOUNDPROOF , 495 , 60 , 52 , 168 , 47 , 138 , 30 , 45 , 70 , 173 , GrowthRate . ERRATIC , "Monster" , null , 87.5 , 30 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . BURMY , "Burmy" , 4 , false , false , false , "Bagworm Pokémon" , Type . BUG , null , 0.2 , 3.4 , Abilities . SHED_SKIN , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . OVERCOAT , 224 , 40 , 29 , 45 , 29 , 45 , 36 , 120 , 70 , 45 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Bug" , null , 50 , 15 , false , false ,
new PokemonForm ( "Plant Cloak" , "plant" , Type . BUG , null , 0.2 , 3.4 , Abilities . SHED_SKIN , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . OVERCOAT , 224 , 40 , 29 , 45 , 29 , 45 , 36 , 120 , 70 , 45 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Bug" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "Sandy Cloak" , "sandy" , Type . BUG , null , 0.2 , 3.4 , Abilities . SHED_SKIN , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . OVERCOAT , 224 , 40 , 29 , 45 , 29 , 45 , 36 , 120 , 70 , 45 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Bug" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "Trash Cloak" , "trash" , Type . BUG , null , 0.2 , 3.4 , Abilities . SHED_SKIN , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . OVERCOAT , 224 , 40 , 29 , 45 , 29 , 45 , 36 , 120 , 70 , 45 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Bug" , null , 50 , 15 , false )
) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . WORMADAM , "Wormadam" , 4 , false , false , false , "Bagworm Pokémon" , Type . BUG , Type . GRASS , 0.5 , 6.5 , Abilities . ANTICIPATION , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . OVERCOAT , 424 , 60 , 59 , 85 , 79 , 105 , 36 , 45 , 70 , 148 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Bug" , null , 0 , 15 , false , false ,
new PokemonForm ( "Plant Cloak" , "plant" , Type . BUG , Type . GRASS , 0.5 , 6.5 , Abilities . ANTICIPATION , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . OVERCOAT , 424 , 60 , 59 , 85 , 79 , 105 , 36 , 45 , 70 , 148 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Bug" , null , 0 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "Sandy Cloak" , "sandy" , Type . BUG , Type . GROUND , 0.5 , 6.5 , Abilities . ANTICIPATION , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . OVERCOAT , 424 , 60 , 79 , 105 , 59 , 85 , 36 , 45 , 70 , 148 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Bug" , null , 0 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "Trash Cloak" , "trash" , Type . BUG , Type . STEEL , 0.5 , 6.5 , Abilities . ANTICIPATION , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . OVERCOAT , 424 , 60 , 69 , 95 , 69 , 95 , 36 , 45 , 70 , 148 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Bug" , null , 0 , 15 , false )
) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MOTHIM , "Mothim" , 4 , false , false , false , "Moth Pokémon" , Type . BUG , Type . FLYING , 0.9 , 23.3 , Abilities . SWARM , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . TINTED_LENS , 424 , 70 , 94 , 50 , 94 , 50 , 66 , 45 , 70 , 148 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Bug" , null , 100 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . COMBEE , "Combee" , 4 , false , false , false , "Tiny Bee Pokémon" , Type . BUG , Type . FLYING , 0.3 , 5.5 , Abilities . HONEY_GATHER , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . HUSTLE , 244 , 30 , 30 , 42 , 30 , 42 , 70 , 120 , 70 , 49 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Bug" , null , 87.5 , 15 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . VESPIQUEN , "Vespiquen" , 4 , false , false , false , "Beehive Pokémon" , Type . BUG , Type . FLYING , 1.2 , 38.5 , Abilities . PRESSURE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . UNNERVE , 474 , 70 , 80 , 102 , 80 , 102 , 40 , 45 , 70 , 166 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Bug" , null , 0 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . PACHIRISU , "Pachirisu" , 4 , false , false , false , "EleSquirrel Pokémon" , Type . ELECTRIC , null , 0.4 , 3.9 , Abilities . RUN_AWAY , Abilities . PICKUP , Abilities . VOLT_ABSORB , 405 , 60 , 45 , 70 , 45 , 90 , 95 , 200 , 100 , 142 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Fairy" , "Field" , 50 , 10 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . BUIZEL , "Buizel" , 4 , false , false , false , "Sea Weasel Pokémon" , Type . WATER , null , 0.7 , 29.5 , Abilities . SWIFT_SWIM , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . WATER_VEIL , 330 , 55 , 65 , 35 , 60 , 30 , 85 , 190 , 70 , 66 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , "Water 1" , 50 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . FLOATZEL , "Floatzel" , 4 , false , false , false , "Sea Weasel Pokémon" , Type . WATER , null , 1.1 , 33.5 , Abilities . SWIFT_SWIM , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . WATER_VEIL , 495 , 85 , 105 , 55 , 85 , 50 , 115 , 75 , 70 , 173 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , "Water 1" , 50 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . CHERUBI , "Cherubi" , 4 , false , false , false , "Cherry Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , null , 0.4 , 3.3 , Abilities . CHLOROPHYLL , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 275 , 45 , 35 , 45 , 62 , 53 , 35 , 190 , 70 , 55 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Fairy" , "Grass" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . CHERRIM , "Cherrim" , 4 , false , false , false , "Blossom Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , null , 0.5 , 9.3 , Abilities . FLOWER_GIFT , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 450 , 70 , 60 , 70 , 87 , 78 , 85 , 75 , 70 , 158 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Fairy" , "Grass" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SHELLOS , "Shellos" , 4 , false , false , false , "Sea Slug Pokémon" , Type . WATER , null , 0.3 , 6.3 , Abilities . STICKY_HOLD , Abilities . STORM_DRAIN , Abilities . SAND_FORCE , 325 , 76 , 48 , 48 , 57 , 62 , 34 , 190 , 70 , 65 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Amorphous" , "Water 1" , 50 , 20 , false , false ,
new PokemonForm ( "East" , "east" , Type . WATER , null , 0.3 , 6.3 , Abilities . STICKY_HOLD , Abilities . STORM_DRAIN , Abilities . SAND_FORCE , 325 , 76 , 48 , 48 , 57 , 62 , 34 , 190 , 70 , 65 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Amorphous" , "Water 1" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "West" , "west" , Type . WATER , null , 0.3 , 6.3 , Abilities . STICKY_HOLD , Abilities . STORM_DRAIN , Abilities . SAND_FORCE , 325 , 76 , 48 , 48 , 57 , 62 , 34 , 190 , 70 , 65 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Amorphous" , "Water 1" , 50 , 20 , false )
) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . GASTRODON , "Gastrodon" , 4 , false , false , false , "Sea Slug Pokémon" , Type . WATER , Type . GROUND , 0.9 , 29.9 , Abilities . STICKY_HOLD , Abilities . STORM_DRAIN , Abilities . SAND_FORCE , 475 , 111 , 83 , 68 , 92 , 82 , 39 , 75 , 70 , 166 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Amorphous" , "Water 1" , 50 , 20 , false , false ,
new PokemonForm ( "East" , "east" , Type . WATER , Type . GROUND , 0.9 , 29.9 , Abilities . STICKY_HOLD , Abilities . STORM_DRAIN , Abilities . SAND_FORCE , 475 , 111 , 83 , 68 , 92 , 82 , 39 , 75 , 70 , 166 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Amorphous" , "Water 1" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "West" , "west" , Type . WATER , Type . GROUND , 0.9 , 29.9 , Abilities . STICKY_HOLD , Abilities . STORM_DRAIN , Abilities . SAND_FORCE , 475 , 111 , 83 , 68 , 92 , 82 , 39 , 75 , 70 , 166 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Amorphous" , "Water 1" , 50 , 20 , false )
) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . AMBIPOM , "Ambipom" , 4 , false , false , false , "Long Tail Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 1.2 , 20.3 , Abilities . TECHNICIAN , Abilities . PICKUP , Abilities . SKILL_LINK , 482 , 75 , 100 , 66 , 60 , 66 , 115 , 45 , 100 , 169 , GrowthRate . FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . DRIFLOON , "Drifloon" , 4 , false , false , false , "Balloon Pokémon" , Type . GHOST , Type . FLYING , 0.4 , 1.2 , Abilities . AFTERMATH , Abilities . UNBURDEN , Abilities . FLARE_BOOST , 348 , 90 , 50 , 34 , 60 , 44 , 70 , 125 , 70 , 70 , GrowthRate . FLUCTUATING , "Amorphous" , null , 50 , 30 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . DRIFBLIM , "Drifblim" , 4 , false , false , false , "Blimp Pokémon" , Type . GHOST , Type . FLYING , 1.2 , 15 , Abilities . AFTERMATH , Abilities . UNBURDEN , Abilities . FLARE_BOOST , 498 , 150 , 80 , 44 , 90 , 54 , 80 , 60 , 70 , 174 , GrowthRate . FLUCTUATING , "Amorphous" , null , 50 , 30 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . BUNEARY , "Buneary" , 4 , false , false , false , "Rabbit Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 0.4 , 5.5 , Abilities . RUN_AWAY , Abilities . KLUTZ , Abilities . LIMBER , 350 , 55 , 66 , 44 , 44 , 56 , 85 , 190 , 0 , 70 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , "Human-Like" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . LOPUNNY , "Lopunny" , 4 , false , false , false , "Rabbit Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 1.2 , 33.3 , Abilities . CUTE_CHARM , Abilities . KLUTZ , Abilities . LIMBER , 480 , 65 , 76 , 84 , 54 , 96 , 105 , 60 , 140 , 168 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , "Human-Like" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MISMAGIUS , "Mismagius" , 4 , false , false , false , "Magical Pokémon" , Type . GHOST , null , 0.9 , 4.4 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 495 , 60 , 60 , 60 , 105 , 105 , 105 , 45 , 35 , 173 , GrowthRate . FAST , "Amorphous" , null , 50 , 25 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . HONCHKROW , "Honchkrow" , 4 , false , false , false , "Big Boss Pokémon" , Type . DARK , Type . FLYING , 0.9 , 27.3 , Abilities . INSOMNIA , Abilities . SUPER_LUCK , Abilities . MOXIE , 505 , 100 , 125 , 52 , 105 , 52 , 71 , 30 , 35 , 177 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Flying" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . GLAMEOW , "Glameow" , 4 , false , false , false , "Catty Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 0.5 , 3.9 , Abilities . LIMBER , Abilities . OWN_TEMPO , Abilities . KEEN_EYE , 310 , 49 , 55 , 42 , 42 , 37 , 85 , 190 , 70 , 62 , GrowthRate . FAST , "Field" , null , 25 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . PURUGLY , "Purugly" , 4 , false , false , false , "Tiger Cat Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 1 , 43.8 , Abilities . THICK_FAT , Abilities . OWN_TEMPO , Abilities . DEFIANT , 452 , 71 , 82 , 64 , 64 , 59 , 112 , 75 , 70 , 158 , GrowthRate . FAST , "Field" , null , 25 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . CHINGLING , "Chingling" , 4 , false , false , false , "Bell Pokémon" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 0.2 , 0.6 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 285 , 45 , 30 , 50 , 65 , 50 , 45 , 120 , 70 , 57 , GrowthRate . FAST , "Undiscovered" , null , 50 , 25 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . STUNKY , "Stunky" , 4 , false , false , false , "Skunk Pokémon" , Type . POISON , Type . DARK , 0.4 , 19.2 , Abilities . STENCH , Abilities . AFTERMATH , Abilities . KEEN_EYE , 329 , 63 , 63 , 47 , 41 , 41 , 74 , 225 , 70 , 66 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SKUNTANK , "Skuntank" , 4 , false , false , false , "Skunk Pokémon" , Type . POISON , Type . DARK , 1 , 38 , Abilities . STENCH , Abilities . AFTERMATH , Abilities . KEEN_EYE , 479 , 103 , 93 , 67 , 71 , 61 , 84 , 60 , 70 , 168 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . BRONZOR , "Bronzor" , 4 , false , false , false , "Bronze Pokémon" , Type . STEEL , Type . PSYCHIC , 0.5 , 60.5 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . HEATPROOF , Abilities . HEAVY_METAL , 300 , 57 , 24 , 86 , 24 , 86 , 23 , 255 , 70 , 60 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Mineral" , null , null , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . BRONZONG , "Bronzong" , 4 , false , false , false , "Bronze Bell Pokémon" , Type . STEEL , Type . PSYCHIC , 1.3 , 187 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . HEATPROOF , Abilities . HEAVY_METAL , 500 , 67 , 89 , 116 , 79 , 116 , 33 , 90 , 70 , 175 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Mineral" , null , null , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . BONSLY , "Bonsly" , 4 , false , false , false , "Bonsai Pokémon" , Type . ROCK , null , 0.5 , 15 , Abilities . STURDY , Abilities . ROCK_HEAD , Abilities . RATTLED , 290 , 50 , 80 , 95 , 10 , 45 , 10 , 255 , 70 , 58 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Undiscovered" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MIME_JR , "Mime Jr." , 4 , false , false , false , "Mime Pokémon" , Type . PSYCHIC , Type . FAIRY , 0.6 , 13 , Abilities . SOUNDPROOF , Abilities . FILTER , Abilities . TECHNICIAN , 310 , 20 , 25 , 45 , 70 , 90 , 60 , 145 , 70 , 62 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Undiscovered" , null , 50 , 25 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . HAPPINY , "Happiny" , 4 , false , false , false , "Playhouse Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 0.6 , 24.4 , Abilities . NATURAL_CURE , Abilities . SERENE_GRACE , Abilities . FRIEND_GUARD , 220 , 100 , 5 , 5 , 15 , 65 , 30 , 130 , 140 , 110 , GrowthRate . FAST , "Undiscovered" , null , 0 , 40 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . CHATOT , "Chatot" , 4 , false , false , false , "Music Note Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , Type . FLYING , 0.5 , 1.9 , Abilities . KEEN_EYE , Abilities . TANGLED_FEET , Abilities . BIG_PECKS , 411 , 76 , 65 , 45 , 92 , 42 , 91 , 30 , 35 , 144 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Flying" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SPIRITOMB , "Spiritomb" , 4 , false , false , false , "Forbidden Pokémon" , Type . GHOST , Type . DARK , 1 , 108 , Abilities . PRESSURE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . INFILTRATOR , 485 , 50 , 92 , 108 , 92 , 108 , 35 , 100 , 70 , 170 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Amorphous" , null , 50 , 30 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . GIBLE , "Gible" , 4 , false , false , false , "Land Shark Pokémon" , Type . DRAGON , Type . GROUND , 0.7 , 20.5 , Abilities . SAND_VEIL , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . ROUGH_SKIN , 300 , 58 , 70 , 45 , 40 , 45 , 42 , 45 , 70 , 60 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Dragon" , "Monster" , 50 , 40 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . GABITE , "Gabite" , 4 , false , false , false , "Cave Pokémon" , Type . DRAGON , Type . GROUND , 1.4 , 56 , Abilities . SAND_VEIL , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . ROUGH_SKIN , 410 , 68 , 90 , 65 , 50 , 55 , 82 , 45 , 70 , 144 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Dragon" , "Monster" , 50 , 40 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . GARCHOMP , "Garchomp" , 4 , false , false , false , "Mach Pokémon" , Type . DRAGON , Type . GROUND , 1.9 , 95 , Abilities . SAND_VEIL , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . ROUGH_SKIN , 600 , 108 , 130 , 95 , 80 , 85 , 102 , 45 , 70 , 270 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Dragon" , "Monster" , 50 , 40 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MUNCHLAX , "Munchlax" , 4 , false , false , false , "Big Eater Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 0.6 , 105 , Abilities . PICKUP , Abilities . THICK_FAT , Abilities . GLUTTONY , 390 , 135 , 85 , 40 , 40 , 85 , 5 , 50 , 70 , 78 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , 87.5 , 40 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . RIOLU , "Riolu" , 4 , false , false , false , "Emanation Pokémon" , Type . FIGHTING , null , 0.7 , 20.2 , Abilities . STEADFAST , Abilities . INNER_FOCUS , Abilities . PRANKSTER , 285 , 40 , 70 , 40 , 35 , 40 , 60 , 75 , 70 , 57 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , 87.5 , 25 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . LUCARIO , "Lucario" , 4 , false , false , false , "Aura Pokémon" , Type . FIGHTING , Type . STEEL , 1.2 , 54 , Abilities . STEADFAST , Abilities . INNER_FOCUS , Abilities . JUSTIFIED , 525 , 70 , 110 , 70 , 115 , 70 , 90 , 45 , 70 , 184 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , "Human-Like" , 87.5 , 25 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . HIPPOPOTAS , "Hippopotas" , 4 , false , false , false , "Hippo Pokémon" , Type . GROUND , null , 0.8 , 49.5 , Abilities . SAND_STREAM , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . SAND_FORCE , 330 , 68 , 72 , 78 , 38 , 42 , 32 , 140 , 70 , 66 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Field" , null , 50 , 30 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . HIPPOWDON , "Hippowdon" , 4 , false , false , false , "Heavyweight Pokémon" , Type . GROUND , null , 2 , 300 , Abilities . SAND_STREAM , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . SAND_FORCE , 525 , 108 , 112 , 118 , 68 , 72 , 47 , 60 , 70 , 184 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Field" , null , 50 , 30 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SKORUPI , "Skorupi" , 4 , false , false , false , "Scorpion Pokémon" , Type . POISON , Type . BUG , 0.8 , 12 , Abilities . BATTLE_ARMOR , Abilities . SNIPER , Abilities . KEEN_EYE , 330 , 40 , 50 , 90 , 30 , 55 , 65 , 120 , 70 , 66 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Bug" , "Water 3" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . DRAPION , "Drapion" , 4 , false , false , false , "Ogre Scorp Pokémon" , Type . POISON , Type . DARK , 1.3 , 61.5 , Abilities . BATTLE_ARMOR , Abilities . SNIPER , Abilities . KEEN_EYE , 500 , 70 , 90 , 110 , 60 , 75 , 95 , 45 , 70 , 175 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Bug" , "Water 3" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . CROAGUNK , "Croagunk" , 4 , false , false , false , "Toxic Mouth Pokémon" , Type . POISON , Type . FIGHTING , 0.7 , 23 , Abilities . ANTICIPATION , Abilities . DRY_SKIN , Abilities . POISON_TOUCH , 300 , 48 , 61 , 40 , 61 , 40 , 50 , 140 , 100 , 60 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Human-Like" , null , 50 , 10 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . TOXICROAK , "Toxicroak" , 4 , false , false , false , "Toxic Mouth Pokémon" , Type . POISON , Type . FIGHTING , 1.3 , 44.4 , Abilities . ANTICIPATION , Abilities . DRY_SKIN , Abilities . POISON_TOUCH , 490 , 83 , 106 , 65 , 86 , 65 , 85 , 75 , 70 , 172 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Human-Like" , null , 50 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . CARNIVINE , "Carnivine" , 4 , false , false , false , "Bug Catcher Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , null , 1.4 , 27 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 454 , 74 , 100 , 72 , 90 , 72 , 46 , 200 , 70 , 159 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Grass" , null , 50 , 25 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . FINNEON , "Finneon" , 4 , false , false , false , "Wing Fish Pokémon" , Type . WATER , null , 0.4 , 7 , Abilities . SWIFT_SWIM , Abilities . STORM_DRAIN , Abilities . WATER_VEIL , 330 , 49 , 49 , 56 , 49 , 61 , 66 , 190 , 70 , 66 , GrowthRate . ERRATIC , "Water 2" , null , 50 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . LUMINEON , "Lumineon" , 4 , false , false , false , "Neon Pokémon" , Type . WATER , null , 1.2 , 24 , Abilities . SWIFT_SWIM , Abilities . STORM_DRAIN , Abilities . WATER_VEIL , 460 , 69 , 69 , 76 , 69 , 86 , 91 , 75 , 70 , 161 , GrowthRate . ERRATIC , "Water 2" , null , 50 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MANTYKE , "Mantyke" , 4 , false , false , false , "Kite Pokémon" , Type . WATER , Type . FLYING , 1 , 65 , Abilities . SWIFT_SWIM , Abilities . WATER_ABSORB , Abilities . WATER_VEIL , 345 , 45 , 20 , 50 , 60 , 120 , 50 , 25 , 70 , 69 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , 50 , 25 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SNOVER , "Snover" , 4 , false , false , false , "Frost Tree Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , Type . ICE , 1 , 50.5 , Abilities . SNOW_WARNING , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . SOUNDPROOF , 334 , 60 , 62 , 50 , 62 , 60 , 40 , 120 , 70 , 67 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Grass" , "Monster" , 50 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . ABOMASNOW , "Abomasnow" , 4 , false , false , false , "Frost Tree Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , Type . ICE , 2.2 , 135.5 , Abilities . SNOW_WARNING , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . SOUNDPROOF , 494 , 90 , 92 , 75 , 92 , 85 , 60 , 60 , 70 , 173 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Grass" , "Monster" , 50 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . WEAVILE , "Weavile" , 4 , false , false , false , "Sharp Claw Pokémon" , Type . DARK , Type . ICE , 1.1 , 34 , Abilities . PRESSURE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . PICKPOCKET , 510 , 70 , 120 , 65 , 45 , 85 , 125 , 45 , 35 , 179 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MAGNEZONE , "Magnezone" , 4 , false , false , false , "Magnet Area Pokémon" , Type . ELECTRIC , Type . STEEL , 1.2 , 180 , Abilities . MAGNET_PULL , Abilities . STURDY , Abilities . ANALYTIC , 535 , 70 , 70 , 115 , 130 , 90 , 60 , 30 , 70 , 241 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Mineral" , null , null , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . LICKILICKY , "Lickilicky" , 4 , false , false , false , "Licking Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 1.7 , 140 , Abilities . OWN_TEMPO , Abilities . OBLIVIOUS , Abilities . CLOUD_NINE , 515 , 110 , 85 , 95 , 80 , 95 , 50 , 30 , 70 , 180 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Monster" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . RHYPERIOR , "Rhyperior" , 4 , false , false , false , "Drill Pokémon" , Type . GROUND , Type . ROCK , 2.4 , 282.8 , Abilities . LIGHTNING_ROD , Abilities . SOLID_ROCK , Abilities . RECKLESS , 535 , 115 , 140 , 130 , 55 , 55 , 40 , 30 , 70 , 241 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Field" , "Monster" , 50 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . TANGROWTH , "Tangrowth" , 4 , false , false , false , "Vine Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , null , 2 , 128.6 , Abilities . CHLOROPHYLL , Abilities . LEAF_GUARD , Abilities . REGENERATOR , 535 , 100 , 100 , 125 , 110 , 50 , 50 , 30 , 70 , 187 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Grass" , null , 50 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . ELECTIVIRE , "Electivire" , 4 , false , false , false , "Thunderbolt Pokémon" , Type . ELECTRIC , null , 1.8 , 138.6 , Abilities . MOTOR_DRIVE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . VITAL_SPIRIT , 540 , 75 , 123 , 67 , 95 , 85 , 95 , 30 , 70 , 243 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Human-Like" , null , 75 , 25 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MAGMORTAR , "Magmortar" , 4 , false , false , false , "Blast Pokémon" , Type . FIRE , null , 1.6 , 68 , Abilities . FLAME_BODY , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . VITAL_SPIRIT , 540 , 75 , 95 , 67 , 125 , 95 , 83 , 30 , 70 , 243 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Human-Like" , null , 75 , 25 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . TOGEKISS , "Togekiss" , 4 , false , false , false , "Jubilee Pokémon" , Type . FAIRY , Type . FLYING , 1.5 , 38 , Abilities . HUSTLE , Abilities . SERENE_GRACE , Abilities . SUPER_LUCK , 545 , 85 , 50 , 95 , 120 , 115 , 80 , 30 , 70 , 245 , GrowthRate . FAST , "Fairy" , "Flying" , 87.5 , 10 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . YANMEGA , "Yanmega" , 4 , false , false , false , "Ogre Darner Pokémon" , Type . BUG , Type . FLYING , 1.9 , 51.5 , Abilities . SPEED_BOOST , Abilities . TINTED_LENS , Abilities . FRISK , 515 , 86 , 76 , 86 , 116 , 56 , 95 , 30 , 70 , 180 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Bug" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . LEAFEON , "Leafeon" , 4 , false , false , false , "Verdant Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , null , 1 , 25.5 , Abilities . LEAF_GUARD , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . CHLOROPHYLL , 525 , 65 , 110 , 130 , 60 , 65 , 95 , 45 , 35 , 184 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 87.5 , 35 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . GLACEON , "Glaceon" , 4 , false , false , false , "Fresh Snow Pokémon" , Type . ICE , null , 0.8 , 25.9 , Abilities . SNOW_CLOAK , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . ICE_BODY , 525 , 65 , 60 , 110 , 130 , 95 , 65 , 45 , 35 , 184 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 87.5 , 35 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . GLISCOR , "Gliscor" , 4 , false , false , false , "Fang Scorp Pokémon" , Type . GROUND , Type . FLYING , 2 , 42.5 , Abilities . HYPER_CUTTER , Abilities . SAND_VEIL , Abilities . POISON_HEAL , 510 , 75 , 95 , 125 , 45 , 75 , 95 , 30 , 70 , 179 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Bug" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MAMOSWINE , "Mamoswine" , 4 , false , false , false , "Twin Tusk Pokémon" , Type . ICE , Type . GROUND , 2.5 , 291 , Abilities . OBLIVIOUS , Abilities . SNOW_CLOAK , Abilities . THICK_FAT , 530 , 110 , 130 , 80 , 70 , 60 , 80 , 50 , 70 , 239 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . PORYGON_Z , "Porygon-Z" , 4 , false , false , false , "Virtual Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 0.9 , 34 , Abilities . ADAPTABILITY , Abilities . DOWNLOAD , Abilities . ANALYTIC , 535 , 85 , 80 , 70 , 135 , 75 , 90 , 30 , 70 , 241 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Mineral" , null , null , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . GALLADE , "Gallade" , 4 , false , false , false , "Blade Pokémon" , Type . PSYCHIC , Type . FIGHTING , 1.6 , 52 , Abilities . STEADFAST , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . JUSTIFIED , 518 , 68 , 125 , 65 , 65 , 115 , 80 , 45 , 35 , 233 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Amorphous" , "Human-Like" , 100 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . PROBOPASS , "Probopass" , 4 , false , false , false , "Compass Pokémon" , Type . ROCK , Type . STEEL , 1.4 , 340 , Abilities . STURDY , Abilities . MAGNET_PULL , Abilities . SAND_FORCE , 525 , 60 , 55 , 145 , 75 , 150 , 40 , 60 , 70 , 184 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Mineral" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . DUSKNOIR , "Dusknoir" , 4 , false , false , false , "Gripper Pokémon" , Type . GHOST , null , 2.2 , 106.6 , Abilities . PRESSURE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . FRISK , 525 , 45 , 100 , 135 , 65 , 135 , 45 , 45 , 35 , 236 , GrowthRate . FAST , "Amorphous" , null , 50 , 25 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . FROSLASS , "Froslass" , 4 , false , false , false , "Snow Land Pokémon" , Type . ICE , Type . GHOST , 1.3 , 26.6 , Abilities . SNOW_CLOAK , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . CURSED_BODY , 480 , 70 , 80 , 70 , 80 , 70 , 110 , 75 , 70 , 168 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Fairy" , "Mineral" , 0 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . ROTOM , "Rotom" , 4 , false , false , false , "Plasma Pokémon" , Type . ELECTRIC , Type . GHOST , 0.3 , 0.3 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 440 , 50 , 50 , 77 , 95 , 77 , 91 , 45 , 70 , 154 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Amorphous" , null , null , 20 , false , true ,
new PokemonForm ( "Normal" , "" , Type . ELECTRIC , Type . GHOST , 0.3 , 0.3 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 440 , 50 , 50 , 77 , 95 , 77 , 91 , 45 , 70 , 154 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Amorphous" , null , null , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "Heat" , "heat" , Type . ELECTRIC , Type . FIRE , 0.3 , 0.3 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 520 , 50 , 65 , 107 , 105 , 107 , 86 , 45 , 70 , 182 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Amorphous" , null , null , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "Wash" , "wash" , Type . ELECTRIC , Type . WATER , 0.3 , 0.3 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 520 , 50 , 65 , 107 , 105 , 107 , 86 , 45 , 70 , 182 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Amorphous" , null , null , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "Frost" , "frost" , Type . ELECTRIC , Type . ICE , 0.3 , 0.3 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 520 , 50 , 65 , 107 , 105 , 107 , 86 , 45 , 70 , 182 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Amorphous" , null , null , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "Fan" , "fan" , Type . ELECTRIC , Type . FLYING , 0.3 , 0.3 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 520 , 50 , 65 , 107 , 105 , 107 , 86 , 45 , 70 , 182 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Amorphous" , null , null , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "Mow" , "mow" , Type . ELECTRIC , Type . GRASS , 0.3 , 0.3 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 520 , 50 , 65 , 107 , 105 , 107 , 86 , 45 , 70 , 182 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Amorphous" , null , null , 20 , false )
) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . UXIE , "Uxie" , 4 , true , false , false , "Knowledge Pokémon" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 0.3 , 0.3 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 580 , 75 , 75 , 130 , 75 , 130 , 95 , 3 , 140 , 261 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 80 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MESPRIT , "Mesprit" , 4 , true , false , false , "Emotion Pokémon" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 0.3 , 0.3 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 580 , 80 , 105 , 105 , 105 , 105 , 80 , 3 , 140 , 261 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 80 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . AZELF , "Azelf" , 4 , true , false , false , "Willpower Pokémon" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 0.3 , 0.3 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 580 , 75 , 125 , 70 , 125 , 70 , 115 , 3 , 140 , 261 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 80 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . DIALGA , "Dialga" , 4 , false , true , false , "Temporal Pokémon" , Type . STEEL , Type . DRAGON , 5.4 , 683 , Abilities . PRESSURE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . TELEPATHY , 680 , 100 , 120 , 120 , 150 , 100 , 90 , 3 , 0 , 306 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 120 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . PALKIA , "Palkia" , 4 , false , true , false , "Spatial Pokémon" , Type . WATER , Type . DRAGON , 4.2 , 336 , Abilities . PRESSURE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . TELEPATHY , 680 , 90 , 120 , 100 , 150 , 120 , 100 , 3 , 0 , 306 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 120 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . HEATRAN , "Heatran" , 4 , true , false , false , "Lava Dome Pokémon" , Type . FIRE , Type . STEEL , 1.7 , 430 , Abilities . FLASH_FIRE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . FLAME_BODY , 600 , 91 , 90 , 106 , 130 , 106 , 77 , 3 , 100 , 270 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , 50 , 10 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . REGIGIGAS , "Regigigas" , 4 , true , false , false , "Colossal Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 3.7 , 420 , Abilities . SLOW_START , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 670 , 110 , 160 , 110 , 80 , 110 , 100 , 3 , 0 , 302 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 120 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . GIRATINA , "Giratina" , 4 , false , true , false , "Renegade Pokémon" , Type . GHOST , Type . DRAGON , 4.5 , 750 , Abilities . PRESSURE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . TELEPATHY , 680 , 150 , 100 , 120 , 100 , 120 , 90 , 3 , 0 , 306 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 120 , false , true ,
new PokemonForm ( "Altered Forme" , "altered" , Type . GHOST , Type . DRAGON , 4.5 , 750 , Abilities . PRESSURE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . TELEPATHY , 680 , 150 , 100 , 120 , 100 , 120 , 90 , 3 , 0 , 306 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 120 , false ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "Origin Forme" , "origin" , Type . GHOST , Type . DRAGON , 6.9 , 650 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 680 , 150 , 120 , 100 , 120 , 100 , 90 , 3 , 0 , 306 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 120 , false )
) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . CRESSELIA , "Cresselia" , 4 , true , false , false , "Lunar Pokémon" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 1.5 , 85.6 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 600 , 120 , 70 , 120 , 75 , 130 , 85 , 3 , 100 , 270 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , 0 , 120 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . PHIONE , "Phione" , 4 , false , false , true , "Sea Drifter Pokémon" , Type . WATER , null , 0.4 , 3.1 , Abilities . HYDRATION , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 480 , 80 , 80 , 80 , 80 , 80 , 80 , 30 , 70 , 216 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Fairy" , "Water 1" , null , 40 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MANAPHY , "Manaphy" , 4 , false , false , true , "Seafaring Pokémon" , Type . WATER , null , 0.3 , 1.4 , Abilities . HYDRATION , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 600 , 100 , 100 , 100 , 100 , 100 , 100 , 3 , 70 , 270 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Fairy" , "Water 1" , null , 10 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . DARKRAI , "Darkrai" , 4 , false , false , true , "Pitch-Black Pokémon" , Type . DARK , null , 1.5 , 50.5 , Abilities . BAD_DREAMS , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 600 , 70 , 90 , 90 , 135 , 90 , 125 , 3 , 0 , 270 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 120 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SHAYMIN , "Shaymin" , 4 , false , false , true , "Gratitude Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , null , 0.2 , 2.1 , Abilities . NATURAL_CURE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 600 , 100 , 100 , 100 , 100 , 100 , 100 , 45 , 100 , 270 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 120 , false , true ,
new PokemonForm ( "Land Forme" , "land" , Type . GRASS , null , 0.2 , 2.1 , Abilities . NATURAL_CURE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 600 , 100 , 100 , 100 , 100 , 100 , 100 , 45 , 100 , 270 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 120 , false ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "Sky Forme" , "sky" , Type . GRASS , Type . FLYING , 0.4 , 5.2 , Abilities . SERENE_GRACE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 600 , 100 , 103 , 75 , 120 , 75 , 127 , 45 , 100 , 270 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 120 , false )
) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . ARCEUS , "Arceus" , 4 , false , false , true , "Alpha Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 3.2 , 320 , Abilities . MULTITYPE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 720 , 120 , 120 , 120 , 120 , 120 , 120 , 3 , 0 , 324 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 120 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . VICTINI , "Victini" , 4 , false , false , true , "Victory Pokémon" , Type . PSYCHIC , Type . FIRE , 0.4 , 4 , Abilities . VICTORY_STAR , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 600 , 100 , 100 , 100 , 100 , 100 , 100 , 3 , 100 , 270 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 120 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SNIVY , "Snivy" , 5 , false , false , false , "Grass Snake Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , null , 0.6 , 8.1 , Abilities . OVERGROW , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . CONTRARY , 308 , 45 , 45 , 55 , 45 , 55 , 63 , 45 , 70 , 62 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , "Grass" , 87.5 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SERVINE , "Servine" , 5 , false , false , false , "Grass Snake Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , null , 0.8 , 16 , Abilities . OVERGROW , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . CONTRARY , 413 , 60 , 60 , 75 , 60 , 75 , 83 , 45 , 70 , 145 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , "Grass" , 87.5 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SERPERIOR , "Serperior" , 5 , false , false , false , "Regal Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , null , 3.3 , 63 , Abilities . OVERGROW , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . CONTRARY , 528 , 75 , 75 , 95 , 75 , 95 , 113 , 45 , 70 , 238 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , "Grass" , 87.5 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . TEPIG , "Tepig" , 5 , false , false , false , "Fire Pig Pokémon" , Type . FIRE , null , 0.5 , 9.9 , Abilities . BLAZE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . THICK_FAT , 308 , 65 , 63 , 45 , 45 , 45 , 45 , 45 , 70 , 62 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , null , 87.5 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . PIGNITE , "Pignite" , 5 , false , false , false , "Fire Pig Pokémon" , Type . FIRE , Type . FIGHTING , 1 , 55.5 , Abilities . BLAZE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . THICK_FAT , 418 , 90 , 93 , 55 , 70 , 55 , 55 , 45 , 70 , 146 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , null , 87.5 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . EMBOAR , "Emboar" , 5 , false , false , false , "Mega Fire Pig Pokémon" , Type . FIRE , Type . FIGHTING , 1.6 , 150 , Abilities . BLAZE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . RECKLESS , 528 , 110 , 123 , 65 , 100 , 65 , 65 , 45 , 70 , 238 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , null , 87.5 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . OSHAWOTT , "Oshawott" , 5 , false , false , false , "Sea Otter Pokémon" , Type . WATER , null , 0.5 , 5.9 , Abilities . TORRENT , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . SHELL_ARMOR , 308 , 55 , 55 , 45 , 63 , 45 , 45 , 45 , 70 , 62 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , null , 87.5 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . DEWOTT , "Dewott" , 5 , false , false , false , "Discipline Pokémon" , Type . WATER , null , 0.8 , 24.5 , Abilities . TORRENT , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . SHELL_ARMOR , 413 , 75 , 75 , 60 , 83 , 60 , 60 , 45 , 70 , 145 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , null , 87.5 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SAMUROTT , "Samurott" , 5 , false , false , false , "Formidable Pokémon" , Type . WATER , null , 1.5 , 94.6 , Abilities . TORRENT , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . SHELL_ARMOR , 528 , 95 , 100 , 85 , 108 , 70 , 70 , 45 , 70 , 238 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , null , 87.5 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . PATRAT , "Patrat" , 5 , false , false , false , "Scout Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 0.5 , 11.6 , Abilities . RUN_AWAY , Abilities . KEEN_EYE , Abilities . ANALYTIC , 255 , 45 , 55 , 39 , 35 , 39 , 42 , 255 , 70 , 51 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . WATCHOG , "Watchog" , 5 , false , false , false , "Lookout Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 1.1 , 27 , Abilities . ILLUMINATE , Abilities . KEEN_EYE , Abilities . ANALYTIC , 420 , 60 , 85 , 69 , 60 , 69 , 77 , 255 , 70 , 147 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . LILLIPUP , "Lillipup" , 5 , false , false , false , "Puppy Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 0.4 , 4.1 , Abilities . VITAL_SPIRIT , Abilities . PICKUP , Abilities . RUN_AWAY , 275 , 45 , 60 , 45 , 25 , 45 , 55 , 255 , 70 , 55 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . HERDIER , "Herdier" , 5 , false , false , false , "Loyal Dog Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 0.9 , 14.7 , Abilities . INTIMIDATE , Abilities . SAND_RUSH , Abilities . SCRAPPY , 370 , 65 , 80 , 65 , 35 , 65 , 60 , 120 , 70 , 130 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . STOUTLAND , "Stoutland" , 5 , false , false , false , "Big-Hearted Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 1.2 , 61 , Abilities . INTIMIDATE , Abilities . SAND_RUSH , Abilities . SCRAPPY , 500 , 85 , 110 , 90 , 45 , 90 , 80 , 45 , 70 , 225 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . PURRLOIN , "Purrloin" , 5 , false , false , false , "Devious Pokémon" , Type . DARK , null , 0.4 , 10.1 , Abilities . LIMBER , Abilities . UNBURDEN , Abilities . PRANKSTER , 281 , 41 , 50 , 37 , 50 , 37 , 66 , 255 , 70 , 56 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . LIEPARD , "Liepard" , 5 , false , false , false , "Cruel Pokémon" , Type . DARK , null , 1.1 , 37.5 , Abilities . LIMBER , Abilities . UNBURDEN , Abilities . PRANKSTER , 446 , 64 , 88 , 50 , 88 , 50 , 106 , 90 , 70 , 156 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . PANSAGE , "Pansage" , 5 , false , false , false , "Grass Monkey Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , null , 0.6 , 10.5 , Abilities . GLUTTONY , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . OVERGROW , 316 , 50 , 53 , 48 , 53 , 48 , 64 , 190 , 70 , 63 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 87.5 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SIMISAGE , "Simisage" , 5 , false , false , false , "Thorn Monkey Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , null , 1.1 , 30.5 , Abilities . GLUTTONY , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . OVERGROW , 498 , 75 , 98 , 63 , 98 , 63 , 101 , 75 , 70 , 174 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 87.5 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . PANSEAR , "Pansear" , 5 , false , false , false , "High Temp Pokémon" , Type . FIRE , null , 0.6 , 11 , Abilities . GLUTTONY , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . BLAZE , 316 , 50 , 53 , 48 , 53 , 48 , 64 , 190 , 70 , 63 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 87.5 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SIMISEAR , "Simisear" , 5 , false , false , false , "Ember Pokémon" , Type . FIRE , null , 1 , 28 , Abilities . GLUTTONY , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . BLAZE , 498 , 75 , 98 , 63 , 98 , 63 , 101 , 75 , 70 , 174 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 87.5 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . PANPOUR , "Panpour" , 5 , false , false , false , "Spray Pokémon" , Type . WATER , null , 0.6 , 13.5 , Abilities . GLUTTONY , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . TORRENT , 316 , 50 , 53 , 48 , 53 , 48 , 64 , 190 , 70 , 63 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 87.5 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SIMIPOUR , "Simipour" , 5 , false , false , false , "Geyser Pokémon" , Type . WATER , null , 1 , 29 , Abilities . GLUTTONY , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . TORRENT , 498 , 75 , 98 , 63 , 98 , 63 , 101 , 75 , 70 , 174 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 87.5 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MUNNA , "Munna" , 5 , false , false , false , "Dream Eater Pokémon" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 0.6 , 23.3 , Abilities . FOREWARN , Abilities . SYNCHRONIZE , Abilities . TELEPATHY , 292 , 76 , 25 , 45 , 67 , 55 , 24 , 190 , 70 , 58 , GrowthRate . FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 10 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MUSHARNA , "Musharna" , 5 , false , false , false , "Drowsing Pokémon" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 1.1 , 60.5 , Abilities . FOREWARN , Abilities . SYNCHRONIZE , Abilities . TELEPATHY , 487 , 116 , 55 , 85 , 107 , 95 , 29 , 75 , 70 , 170 , GrowthRate . FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 10 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . PIDOVE , "Pidove" , 5 , false , false , false , "Tiny Pigeon Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , Type . FLYING , 0.3 , 2.1 , Abilities . BIG_PECKS , Abilities . SUPER_LUCK , Abilities . RIVALRY , 264 , 50 , 55 , 50 , 36 , 30 , 43 , 255 , 70 , 53 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Flying" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . TRANQUILL , "Tranquill" , 5 , false , false , false , "Wild Pigeon Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , Type . FLYING , 0.6 , 15 , Abilities . BIG_PECKS , Abilities . SUPER_LUCK , Abilities . RIVALRY , 358 , 62 , 77 , 62 , 50 , 42 , 65 , 120 , 70 , 125 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Flying" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . UNFEZANT , "Unfezant" , 5 , false , false , false , "Proud Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , Type . FLYING , 1.2 , 29 , Abilities . BIG_PECKS , Abilities . SUPER_LUCK , Abilities . RIVALRY , 488 , 80 , 115 , 80 , 65 , 55 , 93 , 45 , 70 , 220 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Flying" , null , 50 , 15 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . BLITZLE , "Blitzle" , 5 , false , false , false , "Electrified Pokémon" , Type . ELECTRIC , null , 0.8 , 29.8 , Abilities . LIGHTNING_ROD , Abilities . MOTOR_DRIVE , Abilities . SAP_SIPPER , 295 , 45 , 60 , 32 , 50 , 32 , 76 , 190 , 70 , 59 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . ZEBSTRIKA , "Zebstrika" , 5 , false , false , false , "Thunderbolt Pokémon" , Type . ELECTRIC , null , 1.6 , 79.5 , Abilities . LIGHTNING_ROD , Abilities . MOTOR_DRIVE , Abilities . SAP_SIPPER , 497 , 75 , 100 , 63 , 80 , 63 , 116 , 75 , 70 , 174 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . ROGGENROLA , "Roggenrola" , 5 , false , false , false , "Mantle Pokémon" , Type . ROCK , null , 0.4 , 18 , Abilities . STURDY , Abilities . WEAK_ARMOR , Abilities . SAND_FORCE , 280 , 55 , 75 , 85 , 25 , 25 , 15 , 255 , 70 , 56 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Mineral" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . BOLDORE , "Boldore" , 5 , false , false , false , "Ore Pokémon" , Type . ROCK , null , 0.9 , 102 , Abilities . STURDY , Abilities . WEAK_ARMOR , Abilities . SAND_FORCE , 390 , 70 , 105 , 105 , 50 , 40 , 20 , 120 , 70 , 137 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Mineral" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . GIGALITH , "Gigalith" , 5 , false , false , false , "Compressed Pokémon" , Type . ROCK , null , 1.7 , 260 , Abilities . STURDY , Abilities . SAND_STREAM , Abilities . SAND_FORCE , 515 , 85 , 135 , 130 , 60 , 80 , 25 , 45 , 70 , 232 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Mineral" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . WOOBAT , "Woobat" , 5 , false , false , false , "Bat Pokémon" , Type . PSYCHIC , Type . FLYING , 0.4 , 2.1 , Abilities . UNAWARE , Abilities . KLUTZ , Abilities . SIMPLE , 323 , 65 , 45 , 43 , 55 , 43 , 72 , 190 , 70 , 65 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , "Flying" , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SWOOBAT , "Swoobat" , 5 , false , false , false , "Courting Pokémon" , Type . PSYCHIC , Type . FLYING , 0.9 , 10.5 , Abilities . UNAWARE , Abilities . KLUTZ , Abilities . SIMPLE , 425 , 67 , 57 , 55 , 77 , 55 , 114 , 45 , 70 , 149 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , "Flying" , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . DRILBUR , "Drilbur" , 5 , false , false , false , "Mole Pokémon" , Type . GROUND , null , 0.3 , 8.5 , Abilities . SAND_RUSH , Abilities . SAND_FORCE , Abilities . MOLD_BREAKER , 328 , 60 , 85 , 40 , 30 , 45 , 68 , 120 , 70 , 66 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . EXCADRILL , "Excadrill" , 5 , false , false , false , "Subterrene Pokémon" , Type . GROUND , Type . STEEL , 0.7 , 40.4 , Abilities . SAND_RUSH , Abilities . SAND_FORCE , Abilities . MOLD_BREAKER , 508 , 110 , 135 , 60 , 50 , 65 , 88 , 60 , 70 , 178 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . AUDINO , "Audino" , 5 , false , false , false , "Hearing Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 1.1 , 31 , Abilities . HEALER , Abilities . REGENERATOR , Abilities . KLUTZ , 445 , 103 , 60 , 86 , 60 , 86 , 50 , 255 , 70 , 390 , GrowthRate . FAST , "Fairy" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . TIMBURR , "Timburr" , 5 , false , false , false , "Muscular Pokémon" , Type . FIGHTING , null , 0.6 , 12.5 , Abilities . GUTS , Abilities . SHEER_FORCE , Abilities . IRON_FIST , 305 , 75 , 80 , 55 , 25 , 35 , 35 , 180 , 70 , 61 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Human-Like" , null , 75 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . GURDURR , "Gurdurr" , 5 , false , false , false , "Muscular Pokémon" , Type . FIGHTING , null , 1.2 , 40 , Abilities . GUTS , Abilities . SHEER_FORCE , Abilities . IRON_FIST , 405 , 85 , 105 , 85 , 40 , 50 , 40 , 90 , 70 , 142 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Human-Like" , null , 75 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . CONKELDURR , "Conkeldurr" , 5 , false , false , false , "Muscular Pokémon" , Type . FIGHTING , null , 1.4 , 87 , Abilities . GUTS , Abilities . SHEER_FORCE , Abilities . IRON_FIST , 505 , 105 , 140 , 95 , 55 , 65 , 45 , 45 , 70 , 227 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Human-Like" , null , 75 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . TYMPOLE , "Tympole" , 5 , false , false , false , "Tadpole Pokémon" , Type . WATER , null , 0.5 , 4.5 , Abilities . SWIFT_SWIM , Abilities . HYDRATION , Abilities . WATER_ABSORB , 294 , 50 , 50 , 40 , 50 , 40 , 64 , 255 , 70 , 59 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Water 1" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . PALPITOAD , "Palpitoad" , 5 , false , false , false , "Vibration Pokémon" , Type . WATER , Type . GROUND , 0.8 , 17 , Abilities . SWIFT_SWIM , Abilities . HYDRATION , Abilities . WATER_ABSORB , 384 , 75 , 65 , 55 , 65 , 55 , 69 , 120 , 70 , 134 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Water 1" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SEISMITOAD , "Seismitoad" , 5 , false , false , false , "Vibration Pokémon" , Type . WATER , Type . GROUND , 1.5 , 62 , Abilities . SWIFT_SWIM , Abilities . POISON_TOUCH , Abilities . WATER_ABSORB , 509 , 105 , 95 , 75 , 85 , 75 , 74 , 45 , 70 , 229 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Water 1" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . THROH , "Throh" , 5 , false , false , false , "Judo Pokémon" , Type . FIGHTING , null , 1.3 , 55.5 , Abilities . GUTS , Abilities . INNER_FOCUS , Abilities . MOLD_BREAKER , 465 , 120 , 100 , 85 , 30 , 85 , 45 , 45 , 70 , 163 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Human-Like" , null , 100 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SAWK , "Sawk" , 5 , false , false , false , "Karate Pokémon" , Type . FIGHTING , null , 1.4 , 51 , Abilities . STURDY , Abilities . INNER_FOCUS , Abilities . MOLD_BREAKER , 465 , 75 , 125 , 75 , 30 , 75 , 85 , 45 , 70 , 163 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Human-Like" , null , 100 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SEWADDLE , "Sewaddle" , 5 , false , false , false , "Sewing Pokémon" , Type . BUG , Type . GRASS , 0.3 , 2.5 , Abilities . SWARM , Abilities . CHLOROPHYLL , Abilities . OVERCOAT , 310 , 45 , 53 , 70 , 40 , 60 , 42 , 255 , 70 , 62 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Bug" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SWADLOON , "Swadloon" , 5 , false , false , false , "Leaf-Wrapped Pokémon" , Type . BUG , Type . GRASS , 0.5 , 7.3 , Abilities . LEAF_GUARD , Abilities . CHLOROPHYLL , Abilities . OVERCOAT , 380 , 55 , 63 , 90 , 50 , 80 , 42 , 120 , 70 , 133 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Bug" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . LEAVANNY , "Leavanny" , 5 , false , false , false , "Nurturing Pokémon" , Type . BUG , Type . GRASS , 1.2 , 20.5 , Abilities . SWARM , Abilities . CHLOROPHYLL , Abilities . OVERCOAT , 500 , 75 , 103 , 80 , 70 , 80 , 92 , 45 , 70 , 225 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Bug" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . VENIPEDE , "Venipede" , 5 , false , false , false , "Centipede Pokémon" , Type . BUG , Type . POISON , 0.4 , 5.3 , Abilities . POISON_POINT , Abilities . SWARM , Abilities . SPEED_BOOST , 260 , 30 , 45 , 59 , 30 , 39 , 57 , 255 , 70 , 52 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Bug" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . WHIRLIPEDE , "Whirlipede" , 5 , false , false , false , "Curlipede Pokémon" , Type . BUG , Type . POISON , 1.2 , 58.5 , Abilities . POISON_POINT , Abilities . SWARM , Abilities . SPEED_BOOST , 360 , 40 , 55 , 99 , 40 , 79 , 47 , 120 , 70 , 126 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Bug" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SCOLIPEDE , "Scolipede" , 5 , false , false , false , "Megapede Pokémon" , Type . BUG , Type . POISON , 2.5 , 200.5 , Abilities . POISON_POINT , Abilities . SWARM , Abilities . SPEED_BOOST , 485 , 60 , 100 , 89 , 55 , 69 , 112 , 45 , 70 , 218 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Bug" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . COTTONEE , "Cottonee" , 5 , false , false , false , "Cotton Puff Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , Type . FAIRY , 0.3 , 0.6 , Abilities . PRANKSTER , Abilities . INFILTRATOR , Abilities . CHLOROPHYLL , 280 , 40 , 27 , 60 , 37 , 50 , 66 , 190 , 70 , 56 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Fairy" , "Grass" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . WHIMSICOTT , "Whimsicott" , 5 , false , false , false , "Windveiled Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , Type . FAIRY , 0.7 , 6.6 , Abilities . PRANKSTER , Abilities . INFILTRATOR , Abilities . CHLOROPHYLL , 480 , 60 , 67 , 85 , 77 , 75 , 116 , 75 , 70 , 168 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Fairy" , "Grass" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . PETILIL , "Petilil" , 5 , false , false , false , "Bulb Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , null , 0.5 , 6.6 , Abilities . CHLOROPHYLL , Abilities . OWN_TEMPO , Abilities . LEAF_GUARD , 280 , 45 , 35 , 50 , 70 , 50 , 30 , 190 , 70 , 56 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Grass" , null , 0 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . LILLIGANT , "Lilligant" , 5 , false , false , false , "Flowering Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , null , 1.1 , 16.3 , Abilities . CHLOROPHYLL , Abilities . OWN_TEMPO , Abilities . LEAF_GUARD , 480 , 70 , 60 , 75 , 110 , 75 , 90 , 75 , 70 , 168 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Grass" , null , 0 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . BASCULIN , "Basculin" , 5 , false , false , false , "Hostile Pokémon" , Type . WATER , null , 1 , 18 , Abilities . RECKLESS , Abilities . ADAPTABILITY , Abilities . MOLD_BREAKER , 460 , 70 , 92 , 65 , 80 , 55 , 98 , 25 , 70 , 161 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Water 2" , null , 50 , 40 , false , false ,
new PokemonForm ( "Red-Striped Form" , "red-striped" , Type . WATER , null , 1 , 18 , Abilities . RECKLESS , Abilities . ADAPTABILITY , Abilities . MOLD_BREAKER , 460 , 70 , 92 , 65 , 80 , 55 , 98 , 25 , 70 , 161 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Water 2" , null , 50 , 40 , false ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "Blue-Striped Form" , "blue-striped" , Type . WATER , null , 1 , 18 , Abilities . ROCK_HEAD , Abilities . ADAPTABILITY , Abilities . MOLD_BREAKER , 460 , 70 , 92 , 65 , 80 , 55 , 98 , 25 , 70 , 161 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Water 2" , null , 50 , 40 , false )
) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SANDILE , "Sandile" , 5 , false , false , false , "Desert Croc Pokémon" , Type . GROUND , Type . DARK , 0.7 , 15.2 , Abilities . INTIMIDATE , Abilities . MOXIE , Abilities . ANGER_POINT , 292 , 50 , 72 , 35 , 35 , 35 , 65 , 180 , 70 , 58 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . KROKOROK , "Krokorok" , 5 , false , false , false , "Desert Croc Pokémon" , Type . GROUND , Type . DARK , 1 , 33.4 , Abilities . INTIMIDATE , Abilities . MOXIE , Abilities . ANGER_POINT , 351 , 60 , 82 , 45 , 45 , 45 , 74 , 90 , 70 , 123 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . KROOKODILE , "Krookodile" , 5 , false , false , false , "Intimidation Pokémon" , Type . GROUND , Type . DARK , 1.5 , 96.3 , Abilities . INTIMIDATE , Abilities . MOXIE , Abilities . ANGER_POINT , 519 , 95 , 117 , 80 , 65 , 70 , 92 , 45 , 70 , 234 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . DARUMAKA , "Darumaka" , 5 , false , false , false , "Zen Charm Pokémon" , Type . FIRE , null , 0.6 , 37.5 , Abilities . HUSTLE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . INNER_FOCUS , 315 , 70 , 90 , 45 , 15 , 45 , 50 , 120 , 70 , 63 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . DARMANITAN , "Darmanitan" , 5 , false , false , false , "Blazing Pokémon" , Type . FIRE , null , 1.3 , 92.9 , Abilities . SHEER_FORCE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . ZEN_MODE , 480 , 105 , 140 , 55 , 30 , 55 , 95 , 60 , 70 , 168 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false , true ,
new PokemonForm ( "Standard Mode" , "" , Type . FIRE , null , 1.3 , 92.9 , Abilities . SHEER_FORCE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . ZEN_MODE , 480 , 105 , 140 , 55 , 30 , 55 , 95 , 60 , 70 , 168 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "Zen Mode" , "zen" , Type . FIRE , Type . PSYCHIC , 1.3 , 92.9 , Abilities . SHEER_FORCE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . ZEN_MODE , 540 , 105 , 30 , 105 , 140 , 105 , 55 , 60 , 70 , 189 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false )
) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MARACTUS , "Maractus" , 5 , false , false , false , "Cactus Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , null , 1 , 28 , Abilities . WATER_ABSORB , Abilities . CHLOROPHYLL , Abilities . STORM_DRAIN , 461 , 75 , 86 , 67 , 106 , 67 , 60 , 255 , 70 , 161 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Grass" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . DWEBBLE , "Dwebble" , 5 , false , false , false , "Rock Inn Pokémon" , Type . BUG , Type . ROCK , 0.3 , 14.5 , Abilities . STURDY , Abilities . SHELL_ARMOR , Abilities . WEAK_ARMOR , 325 , 50 , 65 , 85 , 35 , 35 , 55 , 190 , 70 , 65 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Bug" , "Mineral" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . CRUSTLE , "Crustle" , 5 , false , false , false , "Stone Home Pokémon" , Type . BUG , Type . ROCK , 1.4 , 200 , Abilities . STURDY , Abilities . SHELL_ARMOR , Abilities . WEAK_ARMOR , 485 , 70 , 105 , 125 , 65 , 75 , 45 , 75 , 70 , 170 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Bug" , "Mineral" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SCRAGGY , "Scraggy" , 5 , false , false , false , "Shedding Pokémon" , Type . DARK , Type . FIGHTING , 0.6 , 11.8 , Abilities . SHED_SKIN , Abilities . MOXIE , Abilities . INTIMIDATE , 348 , 50 , 75 , 70 , 35 , 70 , 48 , 180 , 35 , 70 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Dragon" , "Field" , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SCRAFTY , "Scrafty" , 5 , false , false , false , "Hoodlum Pokémon" , Type . DARK , Type . FIGHTING , 1.1 , 30 , Abilities . SHED_SKIN , Abilities . MOXIE , Abilities . INTIMIDATE , 488 , 65 , 90 , 115 , 45 , 115 , 58 , 90 , 70 , 171 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Dragon" , "Field" , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SIGILYPH , "Sigilyph" , 5 , false , false , false , "Avianoid Pokémon" , Type . PSYCHIC , Type . FLYING , 1.4 , 14 , Abilities . WONDER_SKIN , Abilities . MAGIC_GUARD , Abilities . TINTED_LENS , 490 , 72 , 58 , 80 , 103 , 80 , 97 , 45 , 70 , 172 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Flying" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . YAMASK , "Yamask" , 5 , false , false , false , "Spirit Pokémon" , Type . GHOST , null , 0.5 , 1.5 , Abilities . MUMMY , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 303 , 38 , 30 , 85 , 55 , 65 , 30 , 190 , 70 , 61 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Amorphous" , "Mineral" , 50 , 25 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . COFAGRIGUS , "Cofagrigus" , 5 , false , false , false , "Coffin Pokémon" , Type . GHOST , null , 1.7 , 76.5 , Abilities . MUMMY , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 483 , 58 , 50 , 145 , 95 , 105 , 30 , 90 , 70 , 169 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Amorphous" , "Mineral" , 50 , 25 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . TIRTOUGA , "Tirtouga" , 5 , false , false , false , "Prototurtle Pokémon" , Type . WATER , Type . ROCK , 0.7 , 16.5 , Abilities . SOLID_ROCK , Abilities . STURDY , Abilities . SWIFT_SWIM , 355 , 54 , 78 , 103 , 53 , 45 , 22 , 45 , 70 , 71 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Water 1" , "Water 3" , 87.5 , 30 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . CARRACOSTA , "Carracosta" , 5 , false , false , false , "Prototurtle Pokémon" , Type . WATER , Type . ROCK , 1.2 , 81 , Abilities . SOLID_ROCK , Abilities . STURDY , Abilities . SWIFT_SWIM , 495 , 74 , 108 , 133 , 83 , 65 , 32 , 45 , 70 , 173 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Water 1" , "Water 3" , 87.5 , 30 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . ARCHEN , "Archen" , 5 , false , false , false , "First Bird Pokémon" , Type . ROCK , Type . FLYING , 0.5 , 9.5 , Abilities . DEFEATIST , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 401 , 55 , 112 , 45 , 74 , 45 , 70 , 45 , 70 , 71 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Flying" , "Water 3" , 87.5 , 30 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . ARCHEOPS , "Archeops" , 5 , false , false , false , "First Bird Pokémon" , Type . ROCK , Type . FLYING , 1.4 , 32 , Abilities . DEFEATIST , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 567 , 75 , 140 , 65 , 112 , 65 , 110 , 45 , 70 , 177 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Flying" , "Water 3" , 87.5 , 30 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . TRUBBISH , "Trubbish" , 5 , false , false , false , "Trash Bag Pokémon" , Type . POISON , null , 0.6 , 31 , Abilities . STENCH , Abilities . STICKY_HOLD , Abilities . AFTERMATH , 329 , 50 , 50 , 62 , 40 , 62 , 65 , 190 , 70 , 66 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Mineral" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . GARBODOR , "Garbodor" , 5 , false , false , false , "Trash Heap Pokémon" , Type . POISON , null , 1.9 , 107.3 , Abilities . STENCH , Abilities . WEAK_ARMOR , Abilities . AFTERMATH , 474 , 80 , 95 , 82 , 60 , 82 , 75 , 60 , 70 , 166 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Mineral" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . ZORUA , "Zorua" , 5 , false , false , false , "Tricky Fox Pokémon" , Type . DARK , null , 0.7 , 12.5 , Abilities . ILLUSION , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 330 , 40 , 65 , 40 , 80 , 40 , 65 , 75 , 70 , 66 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , null , 87.5 , 25 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . ZOROARK , "Zoroark" , 5 , false , false , false , "Illusion Fox Pokémon" , Type . DARK , null , 1.6 , 81.1 , Abilities . ILLUSION , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 510 , 60 , 105 , 60 , 120 , 60 , 105 , 45 , 70 , 179 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , null , 87.5 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MINCCINO , "Minccino" , 5 , false , false , false , "Chinchilla Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 0.4 , 5.8 , Abilities . CUTE_CHARM , Abilities . TECHNICIAN , Abilities . SKILL_LINK , 300 , 55 , 50 , 40 , 40 , 40 , 75 , 255 , 70 , 60 , GrowthRate . FAST , "Field" , null , 25 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . CINCCINO , "Cinccino" , 5 , false , false , false , "Scarf Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 0.5 , 7.5 , Abilities . CUTE_CHARM , Abilities . TECHNICIAN , Abilities . SKILL_LINK , 470 , 75 , 95 , 60 , 65 , 60 , 115 , 60 , 70 , 165 , GrowthRate . FAST , "Field" , null , 25 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . GOTHITA , "Gothita" , 5 , false , false , false , "Fixation Pokémon" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 0.4 , 5.8 , Abilities . FRISK , Abilities . COMPETITIVE , Abilities . SHADOW_TAG , 290 , 45 , 30 , 50 , 55 , 65 , 45 , 200 , 70 , 58 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Human-Like" , null , 25 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . GOTHORITA , "Gothorita" , 5 , false , false , false , "Manipulate Pokémon" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 0.7 , 18 , Abilities . FRISK , Abilities . COMPETITIVE , Abilities . SHADOW_TAG , 390 , 60 , 45 , 70 , 75 , 85 , 55 , 100 , 70 , 137 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Human-Like" , null , 25 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . GOTHITELLE , "Gothitelle" , 5 , false , false , false , "Astral Body Pokémon" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 1.5 , 44 , Abilities . FRISK , Abilities . COMPETITIVE , Abilities . SHADOW_TAG , 490 , 70 , 55 , 95 , 95 , 110 , 65 , 50 , 70 , 221 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Human-Like" , null , 25 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SOLOSIS , "Solosis" , 5 , false , false , false , "Cell Pokémon" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 0.3 , 1 , Abilities . OVERCOAT , Abilities . MAGIC_GUARD , Abilities . REGENERATOR , 290 , 45 , 30 , 40 , 105 , 50 , 20 , 200 , 70 , 58 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Amorphous" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . DUOSION , "Duosion" , 5 , false , false , false , "Mitosis Pokémon" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 0.6 , 8 , Abilities . OVERCOAT , Abilities . MAGIC_GUARD , Abilities . REGENERATOR , 370 , 65 , 40 , 50 , 125 , 60 , 30 , 100 , 70 , 130 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Amorphous" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . REUNICLUS , "Reuniclus" , 5 , false , false , false , "Multiplying Pokémon" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 1 , 20.1 , Abilities . OVERCOAT , Abilities . MAGIC_GUARD , Abilities . REGENERATOR , 490 , 110 , 65 , 75 , 125 , 85 , 30 , 50 , 70 , 221 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Amorphous" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . DUCKLETT , "Ducklett" , 5 , false , false , false , "Water Bird Pokémon" , Type . WATER , Type . FLYING , 0.5 , 5.5 , Abilities . KEEN_EYE , Abilities . BIG_PECKS , Abilities . HYDRATION , 305 , 62 , 44 , 50 , 44 , 50 , 55 , 190 , 70 , 61 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Flying" , "Water 1" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SWANNA , "Swanna" , 5 , false , false , false , "White Bird Pokémon" , Type . WATER , Type . FLYING , 1.3 , 24.2 , Abilities . KEEN_EYE , Abilities . BIG_PECKS , Abilities . HYDRATION , 473 , 75 , 87 , 63 , 87 , 63 , 98 , 45 , 70 , 166 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Flying" , "Water 1" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . VANILLITE , "Vanillite" , 5 , false , false , false , "Fresh Snow Pokémon" , Type . ICE , null , 0.4 , 5.7 , Abilities . ICE_BODY , Abilities . SNOW_CLOAK , Abilities . WEAK_ARMOR , 305 , 36 , 50 , 50 , 65 , 60 , 44 , 255 , 70 , 61 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Mineral" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . VANILLISH , "Vanillish" , 5 , false , false , false , "Icy Snow Pokémon" , Type . ICE , null , 1.1 , 41 , Abilities . ICE_BODY , Abilities . SNOW_CLOAK , Abilities . WEAK_ARMOR , 395 , 51 , 65 , 65 , 80 , 75 , 59 , 120 , 70 , 138 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Mineral" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . VANILLUXE , "Vanilluxe" , 5 , false , false , false , "Snowstorm Pokémon" , Type . ICE , null , 1.3 , 57.5 , Abilities . ICE_BODY , Abilities . SNOW_WARNING , Abilities . WEAK_ARMOR , 535 , 71 , 95 , 85 , 110 , 95 , 79 , 45 , 70 , 241 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Mineral" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . DEERLING , "Deerling" , 5 , false , false , false , "Season Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , Type . GRASS , 0.6 , 19.5 , Abilities . CHLOROPHYLL , Abilities . SAP_SIPPER , Abilities . SERENE_GRACE , 335 , 60 , 60 , 50 , 40 , 50 , 75 , 190 , 70 , 67 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false , true ,
new PokemonForm ( "Spring" , "spring" , Type . NORMAL , Type . GRASS , 0.6 , 19.5 , Abilities . CHLOROPHYLL , Abilities . SAP_SIPPER , Abilities . SERENE_GRACE , 335 , 60 , 60 , 50 , 40 , 50 , 75 , 190 , 70 , 67 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "Summer" , "summer" , Type . NORMAL , Type . GRASS , 0.6 , 19.5 , Abilities . CHLOROPHYLL , Abilities . SAP_SIPPER , Abilities . SERENE_GRACE , 335 , 60 , 60 , 50 , 40 , 50 , 75 , 190 , 70 , 67 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "Autumn" , "autumn" , Type . NORMAL , Type . GRASS , 0.6 , 19.5 , Abilities . CHLOROPHYLL , Abilities . SAP_SIPPER , Abilities . SERENE_GRACE , 335 , 60 , 60 , 50 , 40 , 50 , 75 , 190 , 70 , 67 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "Winter" , "winter" , Type . NORMAL , Type . GRASS , 0.6 , 19.5 , Abilities . CHLOROPHYLL , Abilities . SAP_SIPPER , Abilities . SERENE_GRACE , 335 , 60 , 60 , 50 , 40 , 50 , 75 , 190 , 70 , 67 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false )
) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SAWSBUCK , "Sawsbuck" , 5 , false , false , false , "Season Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , Type . GRASS , 1.9 , 92.5 , Abilities . CHLOROPHYLL , Abilities . SAP_SIPPER , Abilities . SERENE_GRACE , 475 , 80 , 100 , 70 , 60 , 70 , 95 , 75 , 70 , 166 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false , true ,
new PokemonForm ( "Spring" , "spring" , Type . NORMAL , Type . GRASS , 1.9 , 92.5 , Abilities . CHLOROPHYLL , Abilities . SAP_SIPPER , Abilities . SERENE_GRACE , 475 , 80 , 100 , 70 , 60 , 70 , 95 , 75 , 70 , 166 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "Summer" , "summer" , Type . NORMAL , Type . GRASS , 1.9 , 92.5 , Abilities . CHLOROPHYLL , Abilities . SAP_SIPPER , Abilities . SERENE_GRACE , 475 , 80 , 100 , 70 , 60 , 70 , 95 , 75 , 70 , 166 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "Autumn" , "autumn" , Type . NORMAL , Type . GRASS , 1.9 , 92.5 , Abilities . CHLOROPHYLL , Abilities . SAP_SIPPER , Abilities . SERENE_GRACE , 475 , 80 , 100 , 70 , 60 , 70 , 95 , 75 , 70 , 166 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "Winter" , "winter" , Type . NORMAL , Type . GRASS , 1.9 , 92.5 , Abilities . CHLOROPHYLL , Abilities . SAP_SIPPER , Abilities . SERENE_GRACE , 475 , 80 , 100 , 70 , 60 , 70 , 95 , 75 , 70 , 166 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false )
) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . EMOLGA , "Emolga" , 5 , false , false , false , "Sky Squirrel Pokémon" , Type . ELECTRIC , Type . FLYING , 0.4 , 5 , Abilities . STATIC , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . MOTOR_DRIVE , 428 , 55 , 75 , 60 , 75 , 60 , 103 , 200 , 70 , 150 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . KARRABLAST , "Karrablast" , 5 , false , false , false , "Clamping Pokémon" , Type . BUG , null , 0.5 , 5.9 , Abilities . SWARM , Abilities . SHED_SKIN , Abilities . NO_GUARD , 315 , 50 , 75 , 45 , 40 , 45 , 60 , 200 , 70 , 63 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Bug" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . ESCAVALIER , "Escavalier" , 5 , false , false , false , "Cavalry Pokémon" , Type . BUG , Type . STEEL , 1 , 33 , Abilities . SWARM , Abilities . SHELL_ARMOR , Abilities . OVERCOAT , 495 , 70 , 135 , 105 , 60 , 105 , 20 , 75 , 70 , 173 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Bug" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . FOONGUS , "Foongus" , 5 , false , false , false , "Mushroom Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , Type . POISON , 0.2 , 1 , Abilities . EFFECT_SPORE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . REGENERATOR , 294 , 69 , 55 , 45 , 55 , 55 , 15 , 190 , 70 , 59 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Grass" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . AMOONGUSS , "Amoonguss" , 5 , false , false , false , "Mushroom Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , Type . POISON , 0.6 , 10.5 , Abilities . EFFECT_SPORE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . REGENERATOR , 464 , 114 , 85 , 70 , 85 , 80 , 30 , 75 , 70 , 162 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Grass" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . FRILLISH , "Frillish" , 5 , false , false , false , "Floating Pokémon" , Type . WATER , Type . GHOST , 1.2 , 33 , Abilities . WATER_ABSORB , Abilities . CURSED_BODY , Abilities . DAMP , 335 , 55 , 40 , 50 , 65 , 85 , 40 , 190 , 70 , 67 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Amorphous" , null , 50 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . JELLICENT , "Jellicent" , 5 , false , false , false , "Floating Pokémon" , Type . WATER , Type . GHOST , 2.2 , 135 , Abilities . WATER_ABSORB , Abilities . CURSED_BODY , Abilities . DAMP , 480 , 100 , 60 , 70 , 85 , 105 , 60 , 60 , 70 , 168 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Amorphous" , null , 50 , 20 , true ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . ALOMOMOLA , "Alomomola" , 5 , false , false , false , "Caring Pokémon" , Type . WATER , null , 1.2 , 31.6 , Abilities . HEALER , Abilities . HYDRATION , Abilities . REGENERATOR , 470 , 165 , 75 , 80 , 40 , 45 , 65 , 75 , 70 , 165 , GrowthRate . FAST , "Water 1" , "Water 2" , 50 , 40 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . JOLTIK , "Joltik" , 5 , false , false , false , "Attaching Pokémon" , Type . BUG , Type . ELECTRIC , 0.1 , 0.6 , Abilities . COMPOUND_EYES , Abilities . UNNERVE , Abilities . SWARM , 319 , 50 , 47 , 50 , 57 , 50 , 65 , 190 , 70 , 64 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Bug" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . GALVANTULA , "Galvantula" , 5 , false , false , false , "EleSpider Pokémon" , Type . BUG , Type . ELECTRIC , 0.8 , 14.3 , Abilities . COMPOUND_EYES , Abilities . UNNERVE , Abilities . SWARM , 472 , 70 , 77 , 60 , 97 , 60 , 108 , 75 , 70 , 165 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Bug" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . FERROSEED , "Ferroseed" , 5 , false , false , false , "Thorn Seed Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , Type . STEEL , 0.6 , 18.8 , Abilities . IRON_BARBS , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . ANTICIPATION , 305 , 44 , 50 , 91 , 24 , 86 , 10 , 255 , 70 , 61 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Grass" , "Mineral" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . FERROTHORN , "Ferrothorn" , 5 , false , false , false , "Thorn Pod Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , Type . STEEL , 1 , 110 , Abilities . IRON_BARBS , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . ANTICIPATION , 489 , 74 , 94 , 131 , 54 , 116 , 20 , 90 , 70 , 171 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Grass" , "Mineral" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . KLINK , "Klink" , 5 , false , false , false , "Gear Pokémon" , Type . STEEL , null , 0.3 , 21 , Abilities . PLUS , Abilities . MINUS , Abilities . CLEAR_BODY , 300 , 40 , 55 , 70 , 45 , 60 , 30 , 130 , 70 , 60 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Mineral" , null , null , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . KLANG , "Klang" , 5 , false , false , false , "Gear Pokémon" , Type . STEEL , null , 0.6 , 51 , Abilities . PLUS , Abilities . MINUS , Abilities . CLEAR_BODY , 440 , 60 , 80 , 95 , 70 , 85 , 50 , 60 , 70 , 154 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Mineral" , null , null , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . KLINKLANG , "Klinklang" , 5 , false , false , false , "Gear Pokémon" , Type . STEEL , null , 0.6 , 81 , Abilities . PLUS , Abilities . MINUS , Abilities . CLEAR_BODY , 520 , 60 , 100 , 115 , 70 , 85 , 90 , 30 , 70 , 234 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Mineral" , null , null , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . TYNAMO , "Tynamo" , 5 , false , false , false , "EleFish Pokémon" , Type . ELECTRIC , null , 0.2 , 0.3 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 275 , 35 , 55 , 40 , 45 , 40 , 60 , 190 , 70 , 55 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Amorphous" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . EELEKTRIK , "Eelektrik" , 5 , false , false , false , "EleFish Pokémon" , Type . ELECTRIC , null , 1.2 , 22 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 405 , 65 , 85 , 70 , 75 , 70 , 40 , 60 , 70 , 142 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Amorphous" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . EELEKTROSS , "Eelektross" , 5 , false , false , false , "EleFish Pokémon" , Type . ELECTRIC , null , 2.1 , 80.5 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 515 , 85 , 115 , 80 , 105 , 80 , 50 , 30 , 70 , 232 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Amorphous" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . ELGYEM , "Elgyem" , 5 , false , false , false , "Cerebral Pokémon" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 0.5 , 9 , Abilities . TELEPATHY , Abilities . SYNCHRONIZE , Abilities . ANALYTIC , 335 , 55 , 55 , 55 , 85 , 55 , 30 , 255 , 70 , 67 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Human-Like" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . BEHEEYEM , "Beheeyem" , 5 , false , false , false , "Cerebral Pokémon" , Type . PSYCHIC , null , 1 , 34.5 , Abilities . TELEPATHY , Abilities . SYNCHRONIZE , Abilities . ANALYTIC , 485 , 75 , 75 , 75 , 125 , 95 , 40 , 90 , 70 , 170 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Human-Like" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . LITWICK , "Litwick" , 5 , false , false , false , "Candle Pokémon" , Type . GHOST , Type . FIRE , 0.3 , 3.1 , Abilities . FLASH_FIRE , Abilities . FLAME_BODY , Abilities . INFILTRATOR , 275 , 50 , 30 , 55 , 65 , 55 , 20 , 190 , 70 , 55 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Amorphous" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . LAMPENT , "Lampent" , 5 , false , false , false , "Lamp Pokémon" , Type . GHOST , Type . FIRE , 0.6 , 13 , Abilities . FLASH_FIRE , Abilities . FLAME_BODY , Abilities . INFILTRATOR , 370 , 60 , 40 , 60 , 95 , 60 , 55 , 90 , 70 , 130 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Amorphous" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . CHANDELURE , "Chandelure" , 5 , false , false , false , "Luring Pokémon" , Type . GHOST , Type . FIRE , 1 , 34.3 , Abilities . FLASH_FIRE , Abilities . FLAME_BODY , Abilities . INFILTRATOR , 520 , 60 , 55 , 90 , 145 , 90 , 80 , 45 , 70 , 234 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Amorphous" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . AXEW , "Axew" , 5 , false , false , false , "Tusk Pokémon" , Type . DRAGON , null , 0.6 , 18 , Abilities . RIVALRY , Abilities . MOLD_BREAKER , Abilities . UNNERVE , 320 , 46 , 87 , 60 , 30 , 40 , 57 , 75 , 35 , 64 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Dragon" , "Monster" , 50 , 40 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . FRAXURE , "Fraxure" , 5 , false , false , false , "Axe Jaw Pokémon" , Type . DRAGON , null , 1 , 36 , Abilities . RIVALRY , Abilities . MOLD_BREAKER , Abilities . UNNERVE , 410 , 66 , 117 , 70 , 40 , 50 , 67 , 60 , 35 , 144 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Dragon" , "Monster" , 50 , 40 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . HAXORUS , "Haxorus" , 5 , false , false , false , "Axe Jaw Pokémon" , Type . DRAGON , null , 1.8 , 105.5 , Abilities . RIVALRY , Abilities . MOLD_BREAKER , Abilities . UNNERVE , 540 , 76 , 147 , 90 , 60 , 70 , 97 , 45 , 35 , 243 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Dragon" , "Monster" , 50 , 40 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . CUBCHOO , "Cubchoo" , 5 , false , false , false , "Chill Pokémon" , Type . ICE , null , 0.5 , 8.5 , Abilities . SNOW_CLOAK , Abilities . SLUSH_RUSH , Abilities . RATTLED , 305 , 55 , 70 , 40 , 60 , 40 , 40 , 120 , 70 , 61 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . BEARTIC , "Beartic" , 5 , false , false , false , "Freezing Pokémon" , Type . ICE , null , 2.6 , 260 , Abilities . SNOW_CLOAK , Abilities . SLUSH_RUSH , Abilities . SWIFT_SWIM , 505 , 95 , 130 , 80 , 70 , 80 , 50 , 60 , 70 , 177 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . CRYOGONAL , "Cryogonal" , 5 , false , false , false , "Crystallizing Pokémon" , Type . ICE , null , 1.1 , 148 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 515 , 80 , 50 , 50 , 95 , 135 , 105 , 25 , 70 , 180 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Mineral" , null , null , 25 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . SHELMET , "Shelmet" , 5 , false , false , false , "Snail Pokémon" , Type . BUG , null , 0.4 , 7.7 , Abilities . HYDRATION , Abilities . SHELL_ARMOR , Abilities . OVERCOAT , 305 , 50 , 40 , 85 , 40 , 65 , 25 , 200 , 70 , 61 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Bug" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . ACCELGOR , "Accelgor" , 5 , false , false , false , "Shell Out Pokémon" , Type . BUG , null , 0.8 , 25.3 , Abilities . HYDRATION , Abilities . STICKY_HOLD , Abilities . UNBURDEN , 495 , 80 , 70 , 40 , 100 , 60 , 145 , 75 , 70 , 173 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Bug" , null , 50 , 15 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . STUNFISK , "Stunfisk" , 5 , false , false , false , "Trap Pokémon" , Type . GROUND , Type . ELECTRIC , 0.7 , 11 , Abilities . STATIC , Abilities . LIMBER , Abilities . SAND_VEIL , 471 , 109 , 66 , 84 , 81 , 99 , 32 , 75 , 70 , 165 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Amorphous" , "Water 1" , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MIENFOO , "Mienfoo" , 5 , false , false , false , "Martial Arts Pokémon" , Type . FIGHTING , null , 0.9 , 20 , Abilities . INNER_FOCUS , Abilities . REGENERATOR , Abilities . RECKLESS , 350 , 45 , 85 , 50 , 55 , 50 , 65 , 180 , 70 , 70 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , "Human-Like" , 50 , 25 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MIENSHAO , "Mienshao" , 5 , false , false , false , "Martial Arts Pokémon" , Type . FIGHTING , null , 1.4 , 35.5 , Abilities . INNER_FOCUS , Abilities . REGENERATOR , Abilities . RECKLESS , 510 , 65 , 125 , 60 , 95 , 60 , 105 , 45 , 70 , 179 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_SLOW , "Field" , "Human-Like" , 50 , 25 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . DRUDDIGON , "Druddigon" , 5 , false , false , false , "Cave Pokémon" , Type . DRAGON , null , 1.6 , 139 , Abilities . ROUGH_SKIN , Abilities . SHEER_FORCE , Abilities . MOLD_BREAKER , 485 , 77 , 120 , 90 , 60 , 90 , 48 , 45 , 70 , 170 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Dragon" , "Monster" , 50 , 30 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . GOLETT , "Golett" , 5 , false , false , false , "Automaton Pokémon" , Type . GROUND , Type . GHOST , 1 , 92 , Abilities . IRON_FIST , Abilities . KLUTZ , Abilities . NO_GUARD , 303 , 59 , 74 , 50 , 35 , 50 , 35 , 190 , 70 , 61 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Mineral" , null , null , 25 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . GOLURK , "Golurk" , 5 , false , false , false , "Automaton Pokémon" , Type . GROUND , Type . GHOST , 2.8 , 330 , Abilities . IRON_FIST , Abilities . KLUTZ , Abilities . NO_GUARD , 483 , 89 , 124 , 80 , 55 , 80 , 55 , 90 , 70 , 169 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Mineral" , null , null , 25 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . PAWNIARD , "Pawniard" , 5 , false , false , false , "Sharp Blade Pokémon" , Type . DARK , Type . STEEL , 0.5 , 10.2 , Abilities . DEFIANT , Abilities . INNER_FOCUS , Abilities . PRESSURE , 340 , 45 , 85 , 70 , 40 , 40 , 60 , 120 , 35 , 68 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Human-Like" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . BISHARP , "Bisharp" , 5 , false , false , false , "Sword Blade Pokémon" , Type . DARK , Type . STEEL , 1.6 , 70 , Abilities . DEFIANT , Abilities . INNER_FOCUS , Abilities . PRESSURE , 490 , 65 , 125 , 100 , 60 , 70 , 70 , 45 , 35 , 172 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Human-Like" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . BOUFFALANT , "Bouffalant" , 5 , false , false , false , "Bash Buffalo Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , null , 1.6 , 94.6 , Abilities . RECKLESS , Abilities . SAP_SIPPER , Abilities . SOUNDPROOF , 490 , 95 , 110 , 95 , 40 , 95 , 55 , 45 , 70 , 172 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . RUFFLET , "Rufflet" , 5 , false , false , false , "Eaglet Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , Type . FLYING , 0.5 , 10.5 , Abilities . KEEN_EYE , Abilities . SHEER_FORCE , Abilities . HUSTLE , 350 , 70 , 83 , 50 , 37 , 50 , 60 , 190 , 70 , 70 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Flying" , null , 100 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . BRAVIARY , "Braviary" , 5 , false , false , false , "Valiant Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , Type . FLYING , 1.5 , 41 , Abilities . KEEN_EYE , Abilities . SHEER_FORCE , Abilities . DEFIANT , 510 , 100 , 123 , 75 , 57 , 75 , 80 , 60 , 70 , 179 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Flying" , null , 100 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . VULLABY , "Vullaby" , 5 , false , false , false , "Diapered Pokémon" , Type . DARK , Type . FLYING , 0.5 , 9 , Abilities . BIG_PECKS , Abilities . OVERCOAT , Abilities . WEAK_ARMOR , 370 , 70 , 55 , 75 , 45 , 65 , 60 , 190 , 35 , 74 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Flying" , null , 0 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MANDIBUZZ , "Mandibuzz" , 5 , false , false , false , "Bone Vulture Pokémon" , Type . DARK , Type . FLYING , 1.2 , 39.5 , Abilities . BIG_PECKS , Abilities . OVERCOAT , Abilities . WEAK_ARMOR , 510 , 110 , 65 , 105 , 55 , 95 , 80 , 60 , 35 , 179 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Flying" , null , 0 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . HEATMOR , "Heatmor" , 5 , false , false , false , "Anteater Pokémon" , Type . FIRE , null , 1.4 , 58 , Abilities . GLUTTONY , Abilities . FLASH_FIRE , Abilities . WHITE_SMOKE , 484 , 85 , 97 , 66 , 105 , 66 , 65 , 90 , 70 , 169 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Field" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . DURANT , "Durant" , 5 , false , false , false , "Iron Ant Pokémon" , Type . BUG , Type . STEEL , 0.3 , 33 , Abilities . SWARM , Abilities . HUSTLE , Abilities . TRUANT , 484 , 58 , 109 , 112 , 48 , 48 , 109 , 90 , 70 , 169 , GrowthRate . MEDIUM_FAST , "Bug" , null , 50 , 20 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . DEINO , "Deino" , 5 , false , false , false , "Irate Pokémon" , Type . DARK , Type . DRAGON , 0.8 , 17.3 , Abilities . HUSTLE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 300 , 52 , 65 , 50 , 45 , 50 , 38 , 45 , 35 , 60 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Dragon" , null , 50 , 40 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . ZWEILOUS , "Zweilous" , 5 , false , false , false , "Hostile Pokémon" , Type . DARK , Type . DRAGON , 1.4 , 50 , Abilities . HUSTLE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 420 , 72 , 85 , 70 , 65 , 70 , 58 , 45 , 35 , 147 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Dragon" , null , 50 , 40 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . HYDREIGON , "Hydreigon" , 5 , false , false , false , "Brutal Pokémon" , Type . DARK , Type . DRAGON , 1.8 , 160 , Abilities . LEVITATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 600 , 92 , 105 , 90 , 125 , 90 , 98 , 45 , 35 , 270 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Dragon" , null , 50 , 40 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . LARVESTA , "Larvesta" , 5 , false , false , false , "Torch Pokémon" , Type . BUG , Type . FIRE , 1.1 , 28.8 , Abilities . FLAME_BODY , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . SWARM , 360 , 55 , 85 , 55 , 50 , 55 , 60 , 45 , 70 , 72 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Bug" , null , 50 , 40 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . VOLCARONA , "Volcarona" , 5 , false , false , false , "Sun Pokémon" , Type . BUG , Type . FIRE , 1.6 , 46 , Abilities . FLAME_BODY , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . SWARM , 550 , 85 , 60 , 65 , 135 , 105 , 100 , 15 , 70 , 248 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Bug" , null , 50 , 40 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . COBALION , "Cobalion" , 5 , true , false , false , "Iron Will Pokémon" , Type . STEEL , Type . FIGHTING , 2.1 , 250 , Abilities . JUSTIFIED , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 580 , 91 , 90 , 129 , 90 , 72 , 108 , 3 , 35 , 261 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 80 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . TERRAKION , "Terrakion" , 5 , true , false , false , "Cavern Pokémon" , Type . ROCK , Type . FIGHTING , 1.9 , 260 , Abilities . JUSTIFIED , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 580 , 91 , 129 , 90 , 72 , 90 , 108 , 3 , 35 , 261 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 80 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . VIRIZION , "Virizion" , 5 , true , false , false , "Grassland Pokémon" , Type . GRASS , Type . FIGHTING , 2 , 200 , Abilities . JUSTIFIED , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 580 , 91 , 90 , 72 , 90 , 129 , 108 , 3 , 35 , 261 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 80 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . TORNADUS , "Tornadus" , 5 , true , false , false , "Cyclone Pokémon" , Type . FLYING , null , 1.5 , 63 , Abilities . PRANKSTER , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . DEFIANT , 580 , 79 , 115 , 70 , 125 , 80 , 111 , 3 , 90 , 261 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , 100 , 120 , false , true ,
new PokemonForm ( "Incarnate Forme" , "incarnate" , Type . FLYING , null , 1.5 , 63 , Abilities . PRANKSTER , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . DEFIANT , 580 , 79 , 115 , 70 , 125 , 80 , 111 , 3 , 90 , 261 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , 100 , 120 , false ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "Therian Forme" , "therian" , Type . FLYING , null , 1.4 , 63 , Abilities . REGENERATOR , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 580 , 79 , 100 , 80 , 110 , 90 , 121 , 3 , 90 , 261 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , 100 , 120 , false )
) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . THUNDURUS , "Thundurus" , 5 , true , false , false , "Bolt Strike Pokémon" , Type . ELECTRIC , Type . FLYING , 1.5 , 61 , Abilities . PRANKSTER , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . DEFIANT , 580 , 79 , 115 , 70 , 125 , 80 , 111 , 3 , 90 , 261 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , 100 , 120 , false , true ,
new PokemonForm ( "Incarnate Forme" , "incarnate" , Type . ELECTRIC , Type . FLYING , 1.5 , 61 , Abilities . PRANKSTER , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . DEFIANT , 580 , 79 , 115 , 70 , 125 , 80 , 111 , 3 , 90 , 261 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , 100 , 120 , false ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "Therian Forme" , "therian" , Type . ELECTRIC , Type . FLYING , 3 , 61 , Abilities . VOLT_ABSORB , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 580 , 79 , 105 , 70 , 145 , 80 , 101 , 3 , 90 , 261 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , 100 , 120 , false )
) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . RESHIRAM , "Reshiram" , 5 , false , true , false , "Vast White Pokémon" , Type . DRAGON , Type . FIRE , 3.2 , 330 , Abilities . TURBOBLAZE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 680 , 100 , 120 , 100 , 150 , 120 , 90 , 3 , 0 , 306 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 120 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . ZEKROM , "Zekrom" , 5 , false , true , false , "Deep Black Pokémon" , Type . DRAGON , Type . ELECTRIC , 2.9 , 345 , Abilities . TERAVOLT , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 680 , 100 , 150 , 120 , 120 , 100 , 90 , 3 , 0 , 306 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 120 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . LANDORUS , "Landorus" , 5 , true , false , false , "Abundance Pokémon" , Type . GROUND , Type . FLYING , 1.5 , 68 , Abilities . SAND_FORCE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . SHEER_FORCE , 600 , 89 , 125 , 90 , 115 , 80 , 101 , 3 , 90 , 270 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , 100 , 120 , false , true ,
new PokemonForm ( "Incarnate Forme" , "incarnate" , Type . GROUND , Type . FLYING , 1.5 , 68 , Abilities . SAND_FORCE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . SHEER_FORCE , 600 , 89 , 125 , 90 , 115 , 80 , 101 , 3 , 90 , 270 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , 100 , 120 , false ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "Therian Forme" , "therian" , Type . GROUND , Type . FLYING , 1.3 , 68 , Abilities . INTIMIDATE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 600 , 89 , 145 , 90 , 105 , 80 , 91 , 3 , 90 , 270 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , 100 , 120 , false )
) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . KYUREM , "Kyurem" , 5 , false , true , false , "Boundary Pokémon" , Type . DRAGON , Type . ICE , 3 , 325 , Abilities . PRESSURE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 660 , 125 , 130 , 90 , 130 , 90 , 95 , 3 , 0 , 297 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 120 , false , true ,
new PokemonForm ( "Normal" , "" , Type . DRAGON , Type . ICE , 3 , 325 , Abilities . PRESSURE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 660 , 125 , 130 , 90 , 130 , 90 , 95 , 3 , 0 , 297 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 120 , false ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "Black" , "black" , Type . DRAGON , Type . ICE , 3.3 , 325 , Abilities . TERAVOLT , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 700 , 125 , 170 , 100 , 120 , 90 , 95 , 3 , 0 , 315 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 120 , false ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "White" , "white" , Type . DRAGON , Type . ICE , 3.6 , 325 , Abilities . TURBOBLAZE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 700 , 125 , 120 , 90 , 170 , 100 , 95 , 3 , 0 , 315 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 120 , false )
) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . KELDEO , "Keldeo" , 5 , false , false , true , "Colt Pokémon" , Type . WATER , Type . FIGHTING , 1.4 , 48.5 , Abilities . JUSTIFIED , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 580 , 91 , 72 , 90 , 129 , 90 , 108 , 3 , 35 , 261 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 80 , false , true ,
new PokemonForm ( "Ordinary Forme" , "ordinary" , Type . WATER , Type . FIGHTING , 1.4 , 48.5 , Abilities . JUSTIFIED , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 580 , 91 , 72 , 90 , 129 , 90 , 108 , 3 , 35 , 261 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 80 , false ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "Resolute Forme" , "resolute" , Type . WATER , Type . FIGHTING , 1.4 , 48.5 , Abilities . JUSTIFIED , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 580 , 91 , 72 , 90 , 129 , 90 , 108 , 3 , 35 , 261 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 80 , false )
) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . MELOETTA , "Meloetta" , 5 , false , false , true , "Melody Pokémon" , Type . NORMAL , Type . PSYCHIC , 0.6 , 6.5 , Abilities . SERENE_GRACE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 600 , 100 , 77 , 77 , 128 , 128 , 90 , 3 , 100 , 270 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 120 , false , true ,
new PokemonForm ( "Aria Forme" , "aria" , Type . NORMAL , Type . PSYCHIC , 0.6 , 6.5 , Abilities . SERENE_GRACE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 600 , 100 , 77 , 77 , 128 , 128 , 90 , 3 , 100 , 270 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 120 , false ) ,
new PokemonForm ( "Pirouette Forme" , "pirouette" , Type . NORMAL , Type . FIGHTING , 0.6 , 6.5 , Abilities . SERENE_GRACE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 600 , 100 , 128 , 90 , 77 , 77 , 128 , 3 , 100 , 270 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 120 , false )
) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . GENESECT , "Genesect" , 5 , false , false , true , "Paleozoic Pokémon" , Type . BUG , Type . STEEL , 1.5 , 82.5 , Abilities . DOWNLOAD , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 600 , 71 , 120 , 95 , 120 , 95 , 99 , 3 , 0 , 270 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 120 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . XERNEAS , "Xerneas" , 6 , false , true , false , "Life Pokémon" , Type . FAIRY , null , 3 , 215 , Abilities . FAIRY_AURA , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 680 , 126 , 131 , 95 , 131 , 98 , 99 , 45 , 0 , 306 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 120 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . YVELTAL , "Yveltal" , 6 , false , true , false , "Destruction Pokémon" , Type . DARK , Type . FLYING , 5.8 , 203 , Abilities . DARK_AURA , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 680 , 126 , 131 , 95 , 131 , 98 , 99 , 45 , 0 , 306 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 120 , false ) ,
new PokemonSpecies ( Species . ETERNATUS , 'Eternatus' , 8 , false , true , false , 'Gigantic Pokemon' , Type . POISON , Type . DRAGON , 20 , 950 , Abilities . PRESSURE , Abilities . NONE , Abilities . NONE , 690 , 140 , 85 , 95 , 145 , 95 , 130 , 255 , 0 , 345 , GrowthRate . SLOW , "Undiscovered" , null , null , 120 , false , false )
) ;